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04/22/09(Wed)17:27 No.960912 File :1240435640.jpg-(69 KB, 480x600, 1236344582667.jpg)
male, American, Maryland ,currently working on a degree on Government
and Politics in the University of Maryland. I have hobbies in the
internet, video games, reading non-fictional books, anime, manga, and
political commentary.
I started posting on 4chan the day after Otakon 2008. And I started saving threads and pictures since on.
I usually browse /a/, /c/, /hr/, /g/, /v/, /w/, /wg/, /ic/, /cm/, /r9k/, /cgl/, /ck/, /co/, /fa/, /jp/, /n/, and /tv/.
I browse /c/ just for the pictures.
>>960884 In before underageb& |