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File: 1349130280224.jpg-(154 KB, 500x636, Halloween Yoko.jpg)
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Well /c/, its officially October. I guess its time for a Halloween thread. Halloween themed pictures or girls in costumes welcome
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i have seen a lot of versions of this, is it a pokemon strip game?
Pokemon strip game? No idea. I just found it and posted it.
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Don't forget our Blair :3
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Wonderful, I came here expecting someone to have made a Halloween thread by the 1st at the latest and you didn't disappoint.
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oc donut steel
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On the way to Oklahoma,
I turned into a cat.

My true love was a tiger,
I'm sure you can see that.

I called the tiger Dolly,
that was my mother's name.

On the way to Oklahoma,
I finally became sane.

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