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13 KB
Pleinair thread: Take 10

Previous thread:
File: 1345481388603.png-(95 KB, 300x500, IMG_007921.png)
95 KB
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72 KB
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51 KB
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182 KB
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43 KB
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183 KB
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14 KB
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78 KB
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115 KB
I like it!
File: 1345753594787.png-(109 KB, 450x450, IMG_009646.png)
109 KB
Hahaha, oh wow, this is awesome
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7 KB
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103 KB
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94 KB
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40 KB
Just saw this one
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14 KB

I just realized I forgot to post that here, sorry
File: 1345913028191.png-(11 KB, 300x300, IMG_007282.png)
11 KB
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12 KB
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50 KB
Man, new version of unemployed hero went up but I missed both links.
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39 KB

I know...
I swear, I saw it go up this morning but it just dissapeared.
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12 KB
I hit the first link 10 minutes after it went up...and it was no good already.
File: 1346020237953.jpg-(227 KB, 900x602, 7274762.jpg)
227 KB

Gotta go faster
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14 KB
File: 1346108333687.png-(160 KB, 400x400, IMG_007949.png)
160 KB
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13 KB
So busy...the campus life is hectic
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9 KB

Try not to push yourself too hard
File: 1346172678699.png-(63 KB, 300x300, IMG_009633.png)
63 KB
Thanks, I'll try.
File: 1346195404335.png-(259 KB, 380x520, IMG_008721.png)
259 KB
File: 1346213038476.jpg-(1.3 MB, 3000x1492, thank you.jpg)
1.3 MB
27 hour MW stream

Goodbye Pascal ;_;
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13 KB
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105 KB
Wait, what happened?
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102 KB

Pas, the head of Medical Whiskey has stepped down to go and do his own thing. The entire stream was full of mixed feelings.
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118 KB
Wow, any specific reason, or just life in general? That's really sad, I regret missing the stream.
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187 KB

I don't believe he said a specific reason as to why. All I know is that he won't be associated with MW anymore.

You can hear him spiralling into insanity in the stream, it was kinda funny.
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162 KB
needs more pleinair
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333 KB
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127 KB
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46 KB
Sure why not
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100 KB
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5 KB
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67 KB
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8 KB
Always needs more pleinair
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39 KB
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43 KB
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11 KB
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13 KB
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182 KB
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116 KB
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118 KB
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390 KB
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268 KB
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195 KB
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81 KB
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129 KB
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15 KB
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7 KB
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113 KB
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23 KB
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35 KB
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188 KB
So cute
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42 KB

Oh god my heart

Where did you get this?
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45 KB
Requested in the normal drawfag thread, someone just drew it a bit ago
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81 KB

I tend to avoid the general.

This is excellent though! I like.
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162 KB
I post something there every few weeks or so, it's not too common. I like asking for something specific once in awhile, like the cat ears.
File: 1346823418180.jpg-(210 KB, 808x1000, [animepaper.net]scan-stan(...).jpg)
210 KB
Woohoo, it's finally mine!

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99 KB

Congratulations! I'm pretty jelly.
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27 KB
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66 KB
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14 KB
Thanks, I'm pretty happy I finally found it after missing out on the first one.
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107 KB
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4 KB
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72 KB
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25 KB
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118 KB
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144 KB
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60 KB
Oh, forgot this
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10 KB
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202 KB
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12 KB
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11 KB
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123 KB
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18 KB
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1.37 MB
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107 KB
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12 KB
Holy wow, he actually did it
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19 KB

That kind of determination is admirable.
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112 KB
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91 KB
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181 KB
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32 KB
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51 KB
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123 KB
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108 KB
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119 KB
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63 KB
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116 KB
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75 KB
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168 KB
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16 KB
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86 KB
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13 KB
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121 KB
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72 KB
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8 KB
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11 KB
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18 KB
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660 KB
Now you'll never forget her birthday
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295 KB
Speaking of her birthday, I'm still trying to figure out what I should do for that.
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4 KB

I'm thinking of doing some baking...
Though I have no idea how. Plus it seems very overdone.
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60 KB
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161 KB
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248 KB
Baking would be nice. Maybe I could hold some kind of little party and cook some stuff. I don't really have any other ideas for anything though, I'm not terribly creative
File: 1348519694768.jpg-(1.05 MB, 2000x2600, 1348519210778.jpg)
1.05 MB
Whooooa, late delivery!
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45 KB

All of my money and my first born.
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18 KB
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48 KB
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236 KB
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44 KB
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264 KB
The name is Allaprima.

Pleinair Allaprima.
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62 KB
Haha, you posted it literally the moment I went to. The picture is great, I love it
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278 KB
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70 KB
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75 KB
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68 KB
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558 KB
Ident's really made some progress
File: 1348895902847.jpg-(95 KB, 989x800, Speedpaint__Plenair_by_sh(...).jpg)
95 KB
Definitely, I was surprised
File: 1348896560519.jpg-(94 KB, 800x800, 1348896185497.jpg)
94 KB
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18 KB

Now THAT'S something I don't see everyday.
Made me laugh.
File: 1348902648076.jpg-(519 KB, 1002x1234, 1348902141959.jpg)
519 KB
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11 KB
This weekend is great, I'm pretty surprised!
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64 KB
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17 KB
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72 KB
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142 KB
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14 KB
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127 KB
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645 KB
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52 KB
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17 KB
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77 KB
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79 KB
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8 KB
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32 KB
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84 KB
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30 KB
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1.35 MB
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148 KB
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8 KB
File: 1349647000172.gif-(21 KB, 300x300, 1319633036046.gif)
21 KB
Thanks for covering the waifu thread all weekend, I was out since Friday in Virginia
File: 1349649258407.png-(8 KB, 400x400, IMG_008345.png)
8 KB

It's coo

The thread has been really slow anyway.
File: 1349713109447.png-(14 KB, 400x400, IMG_008625_1.png)
14 KB
Image limit, new thread.

>>1916658 →

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