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Posting and images will be down for a few hours starting around 6:30PM ET while we take a server offline for maintenance. Have fun playing sports and stuff!!!!!!!!

File: 1341776598643.jpg-(346 KB, 700x435, 5468468x4654.jpg)
346 KB
Negima thread anyone?
File: 1341776619765.jpg-(42 KB, 580x720, we864x65616s54d.jpg)
42 KB
File: 1341776658764.jpg-(96 KB, 584x580, csdw84684684652.jpg)
96 KB
Asuna with a baseball bat
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82 KB
File: 1341776742090.jpg-(154 KB, 496x700, yue catgirl.jpg)
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File: 1341776775854.jpg-(26 KB, 506x450, nodoka happy.jpg)
26 KB
File: 1341776810419.jpg-(82 KB, 465x710, e6ed0d8a5b461506f158472a5(...).jpg)
82 KB

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