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04/22/12(Sun)21:07 No.1842872 File: 1335143233.gif-(36 KB, 450x300, ohlookie.gif)
 oh look, it's our permanent troll thread again!
thread is an self proclaimed TROLL thread, this alone makes it illegal
in any forum. justified or not, it is clearly a childish personal attack
on some anon.
the op bumps it with one image per day, and
personally attacks anyone who disagrees with this thread, this proves
it's intent as a troll thread. so sit back fellow citizens and watch
this thread pop up for the next 100+ days, then what? another 250 text
based bumps? where does it end?
my statements here are in no way intended as a troll but to bring attention to this illegal thread.
to the op: i'm not the droid you are looking for, I have little doubt
that you have mistaken me for someone else. I believe in excellence,
quality and above all, silence. I do not believe in nor do I ever engage
in personal attacks, or spamming for that matter. I never respond
without an image, and one of the appropriate type for the thread, I will
only ever bump a thread once from page 15 if I think it is worthy, and
only if no other bumps have occurred. I only ever speak up when
something egregious is happening, and the forum moderators choosing to
ignore this illegal thread is just such a case. |