>>1715984Where yo' curleh moustache at, kiddo?
>>1716650one of the cutests pics I've ever seen of her *drools* omochi kaeri~
k i have seen this green haired chick everywhere , what is she from
>>1718237A hipster video game called "Yume Nikki".
>>1718237I looked everywhere but all I could find on her were 404 errors!
>>1718402Stop fooling around.She's from Boku no Pico. Cute show, you should watch it.
>>1718424I love that show! What did you think of the episode where Alucard comes to visit?
A lot of times file names don't give you a lot to go by.
>>1718501well played
Well, whomever she is. I present a figure that can be printed on cardstock, cut and folded to create her!
>>1718517You don't know who yotsushit is?
>>1718526Read the whole thread, butt-head and then decide. Your response is like a screen-door on a submarine.
>>1718526What's this? No response from the failed troll? Typical and redolent of a slacker like yourself.
Like a fine wine, Yotsuba gets better with age.
>>1718865I don't know,it's like...seeing a grownup Konata.Sure,she's fun to look at for a while and we all admire the levels of /c/ she emits,but in the longrun it's ultimately a nope.exe.
In b4 yandaxyotsuba
>>1719249I dont know what you're thinking son. But we don't take kindly to stuff like that around these parts.
Yandyots as it should be.
>>1719252Damn spiffy! Around here, we're into large cocks!
>>1719579Hmmm.... I bet more people would get it if I posted the translation.Yotsuba: "Later I'll make Yanda cry."Yanda: "She'll make me cry huh? Sexually?"Yanda: "Oh shi-"Yanda: "Even if I lose my way, I can't lose my way as a human being!"Yotsuba: "Yanda fails at life!"
Yotsuba controls most things
Everyone loves Yotsuba. NO EXCEPTIONS.