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08/18/11(Thu)21:26 No.1739611 File1313717162.png-(715 KB, 1024x838, Lucky_Star___Konata.png)
 >>1738858 >>1738850
This is like, /a/2, though, wouldn't emoticons be the norm? I'm usually only on /v/ or /tg/, but I always assumed emoticons were something that would be common around here. Besides, what's wrong with em? I know plenty of people who use them. It's just to add extra emotion to a typed sentence. You guys are like those people who hate tripfags on /v/. The trip isn't the problem, the problem is how you react to it :/.
Konata picture to stay on topic because I don't want to saunter into a
board I don't frequent and break their rules. S'just rude. |