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04/24/11(Sun)13:46 No.1679629 File1303667196.gif-(499 KB, 300x250, 1291297381532.gif)
 >>1679617 >Congratulations on bringing race into this you weeaboo fuck, whats next - Godwins law?
I have no idea what that is, actually. it was a simple metaphor to harmony, nothing more, et al, prohibitum al excelsior.
>What makes you think umbrellas are specific to a hobby? What the shit?
my time in japan, my school friends and i were heavily involved in the
cosplay and anime and manga cultural circles of tokyo, japan. we would
often carry parasols around, not because we wanted to shield our skin,
or because it was part of cosplay, but because it was fun. it's a huge
fad in japan in the EGL subculture, and in many areas, it's normal
practice for most females to carry around parasols in order to keep
their skin just porcelain. most idols do it, so its generally also
considered very fashionable.
parasols in japan: -keeps skin white -is a fun hobby -goes along with cosplay, which much of the youth in tokyo practice -models do it, so everyone else does it too
= white skin is really cool, and dark skin means you are looked down on
ill be happy to clear up any details for you |