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  • File : 1283210127.jpg-(150 KB, 1024x768, 2009-09-08-196620..jpg)
    150 KB Cute Anfauz 08/30/10(Mon)19:15 No.1548099  
    Happy Birthday for Hatsune Miku and for Myself...
    little cupcake with candle is enough...
    and happy birthday for anyone who celebrate birthday today...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:55 No.1548119
         File1283212514.jpg-(137 KB, 700x992, 1212073768202.jpg)
    137 KB
    Hmmm, birthday birthday ... hmmm.

    How about a present?
    >> Xerxes's Sealskin !!TxvOg0il1PS 08/30/10(Mon)20:04 No.1548131
         File1283213079.jpg-(108 KB, 1023x979, 1264654033778.jpg)
    108 KB

    I didn't want to use the mousepad I got yet, but I guess it's time. It has this image on it.
    >> Azunyanymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:30 No.1548144
         File1283214644.jpg-(165 KB, 612x842, Ami_Mizuno_gift.jpg)
    165 KB
    "P-Please accept my gift..."

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