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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1243775703.jpg-(3 KB, 126x125, Anon.jpg)
    3 KB Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:15:03 No.138877650  
    MOOT has sold us out! moot is in financial trouble for not knowing how to make a website generate revenue, and for keepign it afloat using money from his own pockets.


    moot has decided to sale 4chan to MTV in order to help get him out of possible bankruptcy.

    4chan will undergo the following changed.

    1.The website will enforce a registration and login page.
    2.The /b/ board will still be kept, but will have active moderation and will not tolerate any material that is racial offensive, obscene, or unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18 to view
    3.All porn and hentai boards will be removed, do to MTV not wishing to tarnish their image by being a "smut" dealer.
    4.The following boards will be removed
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:15:57 No.138877755
    you better be trollin' nigger
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:16:03 No.138877772
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:16:14 No.138877791
    You retard, do you believe that?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:17:24 No.138877913
    Im on the board of directors at MTV and I can confirm that that is false.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:17:53 No.138877974

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:18:15 No.138878025
    I'm tired of copypasta, fagget
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:18:43 No.138878073
    unsuccessful troll is unsuccessgful.
    we're too smart for that.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:19:14 No.138878133
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:20:36 No.138878272
    Smart isn't the word I'd use, but yeah, OP ain't fooling shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:24:26 No.138878531
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:25:57 No.138878634
    Woohoo... good luck, if that became true, then MTV got scammed - any changes to this site and *bam* all users are gone!
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:27:27 No.138878778
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:27:44 No.138878797
         File :1243776464.jpg-(50 KB, 972x219, OnKNbk.jpg)
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    I give this delicious pr0n to you, my automatic /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:28:45 No.138878896
    It would be hilarious though
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:28:57 No.138878912
         File :1243776537.png-(197 KB, 266x359, 1243644179377.png)
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    >posted February 17, 2009
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:29:23 No.138878966
    The article is there but haven't finished reading it yet
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:29:39 No.138878996
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:30:44 No.138879102
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:31:58 No.138879224
    didn't even list /s/ being removed as well


    try harder
    >> Anonymous ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫[ylpeR]‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 05/31/09(Sun)09:32:47 No.138879315
    Bоxxy will become the queen of MTV.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:35:11 No.138879545
    guys, this is total bullshit.
    but if it is, lets just all go to 7chan and 99chan? see how much money mtv makes.
    but over 9000 and 99 need to be kept super secret from the newfags. WE MUST SECRIFY OUR SUPER SECRET CLOBHAUS
    >> WitnessX !!danMsLweUxt 05/31/09(Sun)09:35:41 No.138879592
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    What word would you use, then?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:37:45 No.138879822

    i'm reading the article, unless this guy has somehow made an entire fake article on the washington post site, this looks fucking legit, i'm scared....
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:39:29 No.138880003
    But where will PedoBear go to fulfill his cravings then?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:42:15 No.138880305
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:42:31 No.138880341
    Someone pls answer this question. List sites, usernames, passwords, secret handshakes needed, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:43:27 No.138880435
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:44:29 No.138880529

    I suggest if this really does come to pass we all (including pedobear) jump to 7chan, they may try to ban us for our CP for a while, but eventually they'll give up and we'll regain control again
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:47:11 No.138880659
    Agreed. PedoBear has ways of dealing with the children of 7chan. *unzip*
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:47:44 No.138880704
    Apparently moot actually is low on money.

    He will be a rich man and we keep 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:50:04 No.138880922
    1. That's not true.
    2. moot didn't intend for 4chan to turn into /b/. If he wants to sell us, so be it. He's sacrificing his time and money for something he never wanted.
    3. 4/10 troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:50:48 No.138881003

    also agreed, I say a dontaion of $1 a month from all of us is little to ask for 4chan, I mean, we're /b/tards, we hate everything but cats, fap to CP and post the most horrendous fucking shit ever, but without m00t we would be nothing, m00t, if you're out there somewhere, please, give us a sign that you still care
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:52:06 No.138881157
    You're thinking inside the box. We're hackers aren't we? So, we hack Paypal & send $2.2Bil to a Swiss acct. Then give moot the keys to the acct. $1.2Bil to keep 4chan open indefinitely & the other $1Bil so moot can update his anime collection w/ Love Dolls
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:53:18 No.138881271
         File :1243777998.jpg-(50 KB, 972x219, XbjKvO.jpg)
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    I give this decadent pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:53:35 No.138881295
    >Over in the corner, a serious-looking 21-year-old wearing a gray hoodie and a mop of curly hair
    >wearing a gray hoodie
    >gray hoodie
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:54:44 No.138881410
    From where?

    It's one thing to steal money but creating it is another entirely.

    We need someone with that much money readily accessible through their account.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:56:57 No.138881646

    Steve Jobs/Bill Gates?
    >> AnonOsaka !rEjCsBbT.6 05/31/09(Sun)09:57:59 No.138881763
    ""You know what my favorite joke is?" Poole asks a table of friends over dinner at the hole-in-the-wall vegan restaurant near Union Square. "A baby seal walked into a club"."
    Clubing Baby seals?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)09:58:17 No.138881797
    There's millions of PayPal accts right? Instead of stealing 1/2 a cent here & there we go for the big whammy. $100-$1000 from each acct routed through various bank in the Caymen's & Switzerland as well as funnelling through shell corps & some drugs cartels (we'll give them a 10% assistance fee). Then all pushed into a single lump sum acct for moot to access.
    I don't see why you're making this so difficult. Its as easy as Die Hard 3
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:00:21 No.138882027
    I'm a fairly rich guy, I'd be happy to donate $1k to moot, but there is no paypal link or anything
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:00:34 No.138882054
    Shut up, moot.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:00:45 No.138882081

    OP, I want sauce on the MTV thing, he's definitly having money troubles, but we need more info
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:01:45 No.138882181

    If this wasnt a troll, this could be awesome... we would fuck MTV up so bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:01:50 No.138882191
    requesting some y'all postin in a troll thread pics
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:02:06 No.138882219
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    We will not bne safe until he have MTV's Head
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:02:24 No.138882251
    r u retard
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:03:02 No.138882332
         File :1243778582.jpg-(27 KB, 225x370, pablo-escobar.jpg)
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    can moot has his money?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:04:21 No.138882450
    Exactly. m00t needs to put up some way for us to help him out.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:05:52 No.138882601
    2nded, we must implement this plan so the salvation of /b/. Now Uncle Moot needs a few good hackers! Maybe we can get Cuba Gooding to star in the movie-based-on-true-events in the next few years.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:06:04 No.138882626
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:06:38 No.138882689

    I'm guessing there are more than 20 fairly rich guys on /b/ who would be willing to donate.

    I'm not rich, but I would certainly donate maybe 10?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:07:21 No.138882754

    another link, but Richard Murdoch now?

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:07:30 No.138882766
    The fact that moot houses us at his own expense is really quite heroic, without /b/ we'd spill all over the internet in a gigantic shitstorm and destroy everything sacred
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:07:53 No.138882815
    Right, thank you. We have you down for $10Mil. *scribbles notes on paper* Who's next?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:09:13 No.138882960
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:10:24 No.138883089
    HE can't have us donate cause knowing the powers that /b/ someone would haxx and steal all the monies
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:11:31 No.138883226
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:12:50 No.138883382
    YOU HAVE TO BE TROLLIN!!! Not my /y/!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:13:25 No.138883436
    ok guys, duckroll as many people as we can here, do the other boards know about this? if not, inform them

    I know this sounds incredibly fucking stupid but for the first time in history 4chan needs to pull together to save the only thing holding us apart
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:13:28 No.138883443
    Didn't you read: >>138881797

    This is what I'm trying to get us /b/ 3l173 haxx to do only concentrate our efforts towards moot not stealing from him. We'd be modern day Ro/b/in Hoods
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:14:25 No.138883547
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:15:39 No.138883683
    how much revenue do these porn adverts rake in? they best be payin top dolla, /b/ is prime real estate
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:15:52 No.138883704

    get off your arse and read the fucking article
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:16:04 No.138883715
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:16:06 No.138883720
    There's not one mention of a sale to MTV or fucking anybody else in the article. In fact, that's exactly the crux of the article: moot can't make any money off of this piece of shit, partly due to his own standards in dealing with advertisers and mostly due to corporate standards of excluding people like us from commercial culture.

    But if it were possible to interest faggots like MTV in buying this, and moot was selling it, I think it would be the last, greatest shot of the chemo that's curing /b/: all those fucking lowly newfags would be aggregated here and we'd take off to Seven-Chan or 99Chan or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:17:45 No.138883891

    1. this is why WE'RE trying to help m00t, coz no-one else will

    2. you have a point, but still, 7chan isn't 4chan and never will /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:19:16 No.138884050
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:19:47 No.138884111
    HA like this is the only *chan

    If this happens, 4chan is dead.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:20:15 No.138884177
         File :1243779615.jpg-(12 KB, 251x245, rivetingtalechap.jpg)
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    Where in the article does it say that 4chan is being sold?

    I think common sense would tell someone that just asking for $1 from everyone who visits 4chan would give you more money than selling it.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:21:35 No.138884349
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:22:29 No.138884443
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:23:24 No.138884549
    "Poole felt the ads ruined the user experience, which gets at a final irony in his strange life as the almighty moot, which is that he has standards. If he didn't care so much about what kind of advertising 4chan users have to look at, he probably wouldn't be worried about money right now."

    I think moot should do what he wants with us.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:23:24 No.138884550
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:24:01 No.138884617

    it doesn't, but OP still isn't troll, m00t is in money problems and who's going to help him? MTV? I highly doubt it. So WE have to, sure he may not be selling it at the moment AS FAR AS WE KNOW, but he sure as hell needs help to keep us where we are.

    you're the kind of fag that's going to stop this from working
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:24:04 No.138884624
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:24:54 No.138884727
    Did you ever think we don't want to be cured of the disease that makes /b/ what it is? Sure, there's some annoying acne that appears from time to time but its nothing that some ProActiv treatment can't fix.

    I agree. We could move to 7chan, 12chan or any of a # of other chans but its not the same. Maybe instead of raising money the hackers on 4chan simply hack the server farms & DNS registrars. When the Internet police take down one 4Chan another pops up. We'd be pulling a PireBay trick.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:25:17 No.138884774
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:25:52 No.138884849
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:26:16 No.138884904
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:27:32 No.138885071
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:27:48 No.138885094

    I like you, but something like that could never be organised on /b/, too many arseholes don't realise what we have and what we're going to lose if we don't act, we'd need a seperate board alltogether, or some user made site to organise it and keep up to date
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:30:10 No.138885364
    If you love moot, then follow the fucking rules! Tits or GTFO! Rules don't change b/c we're having a little hardship. So, nakedness nao!
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:31:09 No.138885480
         File :1243780269.jpg-(10 KB, 320x240, Photo 321.jpg)
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    My tits on 4chan?

    Not likely.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:31:41 No.138885537
    well it couldn't last forever but our haven thats keeps us from causing harm will leave us they think it will fix the problem? This boards gave us an escape a 'release' and when there gone there will be allot more 'bad' things that will happen on the internet.... no more cp,gore,raids, this was our place to freely express ourselves.... when its gone then what? This was the last true american values that we started with, don't like most black people and believe a woman's place is in the kitchen... oh well gentlemen if this is true I SAY WE RAID /b/ AFTERWARDS AND FUCK IT UP FUCK MTV
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:33:26 No.138885748

    Also, i'm an Ausfag, in your americaz, stealin ur valuez
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:34:58 No.138885931
    Yeah, unfortunately America is the land of indifference. When once we fought for our rights, we now idlely, and lazily turn a blind eye toward all that is being taken away. We may have a few more year now that Obama's in office, but if we get another Bush in office this place will turn into a dictatorship. And we have no-one to blame but ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:36:03 No.138886046
    Tits, not face. That's what makes /b/ so great! Anonymity! Now, post the tits!
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:36:58 No.138886149

    Good thing i'm not American then, I'm Aus, and we still fight for what we damn well want

    also, see >>138885748
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:37:04 No.138886159
         File :1243780624.jpg-(34 KB, 662x514, eeker5.jpg-50.jpg)
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    Marrie and Amen: how sound is she a sleepe?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:37:28 No.138886220
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:38:03 No.138886290
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:38:46 No.138886357
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:39:21 No.138886426
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:40:26 No.138886534
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:40:56 No.138886593
    Moot has aids
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:41:06 No.138886609
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    >> Anonymous69 05/31/09(Sun)10:41:09 No.138886612
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:42:06 No.138886713
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:42:29 No.138886746
    Moot, you fucking nigger.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:42:43 No.138886762
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:42:50 No.138886779
    we know newfag. it does not even need to be said. the issue here is trolling. you have been trolled. i have been trolled. the game.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:42:50 No.138886780
    fellow 4channers.
    Although 4chan and especially /b/ are know as "the asshole of the internet" it is OUR asshole and no one is gonna rape it. This is our hangout place, this is our stress release medication, this is our freedom. It doesn't matter if it's MTV or other fucked up media empire, our freedom is going to be taken from us.

    Do you think someone is gonna raid /b/ after this. No 4chan, no planning

    TITS or GTFO, no exceptions.

    You're right /b/ro, 4chan is unique.

    no we cannot, account creating is not Anonymous. No 4chan, no raids and IMAH CHARGIN MAH LAZER.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:43:01 No.138886802
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:43:10 No.138886817
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:43:17 No.138886833
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:43:43 No.138886890
    well said. + 1 internet to you good sir
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:44:05 No.138886936
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:44:36 No.138886997
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:44:48 No.138887023
    i cannot believe anyone would fall for this
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45:06 No.138887065
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45:11 No.138887072
    old copypaste is old

    also SAGE
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45:12 No.138887075
    wow moot is 20k in debt
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45:21 No.138887094
    thank you fellow /b/rother.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45:21 No.138887096
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45:35 No.138887115
    Here's a an idea. There's P2P sharing of music, videos, sw, & porn right? Why not create a P2P /b/ (or if we're really nice) the whole 4chan. This way we distribute the site amongst all its users with duplicity in case some hosts are disconnected. I thought there was a FF plugin that made you anonymous that had some forums in it but can't remember that name of the plugin. Plus P2P is the better way to go
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45:44 No.138887144
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:46:51 No.138887284
    Sauce on comics?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:47:02 No.138887304
         File :1243781222.jpg-(870 KB, 1200x800, 1241172267134.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:47:16 No.138887337
    It's simple...moot sets up a paypal. /b/tards donate $1 each whenever the mood strikes them.

    Money problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:47:18 No.138887343
    on the last part yeah but we can use 'tunnels' make 'spoof' accounts by the dozens and post hoards of gores racism and cp. Or inside of giving them revenue we can just never return making them loose money.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:47:48 No.138887413
         File :1243781268.jpg-(137 KB, 1024x768, 1241172549067.jpg)
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