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  • File : 1269723628.jpg-(55 KB, 622x466, AKR2CTASVQXUD5JQQBCFGUBD25AE45WT.jpg)
 KBRiiight? Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:00 No.1334207  
    Lolicon is alright here, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:02 No.1334211
    No. Get out.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:05 No.1334216
    No need to be hostile. I was just asking.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:17 No.1334230
    Is it okay on any bord?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:23 No.1334242
    Try /b/
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:35 No.1334273

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:42 No.1334281

    its ok if the loli is cute :3
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:42 No.1334282
         File1269726136.jpg-(73 KB, 587x853, 02d2748f8d0cd70476c7a545157ed7(...).jpg)
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    Read the fucking rules before posting.

    But let's have a non-sexually suggestive loli thread anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)17:43 No.1334284

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)21:14 No.1334544
         File1269738890.jpg-(289 KB, 482x735, ealcba.jpg)
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    >> Fate 03/27/10(Sat)21:18 No.1334547
         File1269739100.jpg-(275 KB, 1024x768, 1024-by-768-644760-20100204030(...).jpg)
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    This is okay right? It's cute.
    >> yes Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)13:47 No.1335252
         File1269798475.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1920x1200, 1264830930179.jpg)
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    yes. it is accepted
    openly embraced. why else would people comment?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)14:26 No.1335283
         File1269800802.png-(18 KB, 379x214, 1269140475330.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:15 No.1335330
         File1269803718.png-(675 KB, 699x787, 1269669736088.png)
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    I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:31 No.1335361
         File1269804694.jpg-(172 KB, 505x730, 1236242349217.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:52 No.1335410
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:59 No.1335419
         File1269806398.jpg-(96 KB, 310x360, _tomokatati.jpg)
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    without surprise buttsecks

    Think I can get a source on this Anon
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:06 No.1335509
    What attracts you guys to loli? Is it because it's taboo? Or is it because they are nonthreatening/helpless? How do you feel about young girls IRL? I'm not judging you I just want to understand.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:15 No.1335516
         File1269810920.jpg-(291 KB, 1280x1024, 1259345875112.jpg)
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    I think (in my case, anyways) it's the sense of being able to protect someone from harm, while also receiving love back unconditionally.
    Anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:17 No.1335519
    IRL lolis are pig disgusting, but i just liku 2d lolis because... well.. they are cute :3
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:17 No.1335521
         File1269811077.png-(208 KB, 480x640, 1258297297328.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:18 No.1335523
    They're still .....pure ;)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:19 No.1335525
    Umm...yes...they really are annoying IRL.
    But such is life.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:22 No.1335528

    here's another
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:29 No.1335538
         File1269811781.jpg-(63 KB, 500x677, r75.jpg)
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    they're just disgusting pigs is all
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:58 No.1335568
         File1269813528.jpg-(44 KB, 640x480, 1262026465680.jpg)
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    I'd sooner take decent artwork than poorly drawn weather balloon bosoms, though there's a limit to that. This obviously doesn't apply to real life, little kids are adorable, but they certainly aren't sexy.

    When it comes to the whole anime style there isn't a tremendous difference in difference of physical features when it comes to age, save for scale, a short girl and a young girl are pretty much the same thing for a lot of artists.

    As far as this board goes, enjoying something and fapping to it are two entirely different things. For example, I love Strawberry Marshmallow, but the very thought of seeing porn of it makes me die a little bit inside.

    At any rate, this being a work-safe board, it's hardly relevant, but I felt compelled to say something.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:07 No.1335569
    Actually I like a nice luscious ass in real life but for hentai loli art tends to be what I like.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:13 No.1335571
         File1269814400.jpg-(31 KB, 392x400, 1230517076108.jpg)
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    Well what do you mean by loli? Are you talking about lolicon hentai or just loli anime characters in general?

    To be honest I really don't care either way, a cute character is a cute character.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:21 No.1335577

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:26 No.1335582
         File1269815185.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, 1265868618577.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:43 No.1335590

    >As far as this board goes, enjoying something and fapping to it are two entirely different things. For example, I love Strawberry Marshmallow, but the very thought of seeing porn of it makes me die a little bit inside.

    Yes I understand your pain Anon, it's the same for me and azumanga daioh. A certain set series like that you find inconceivable, even if its blasted with rule 34's over the internet
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:56 No.1335600
         File1269816978.jpg-(87 KB, 500x375, anime-girl7.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:56 No.1335601
    Not necessarily sexy. Do you have a child?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:01 No.1335602
         File1269817280.jpg-(75 KB, 650x800, 1269618125749.jpg)
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    cute lolis are a must on /c/ porn or /e/ is meant for /b/
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:18 No.1335608
         File1269818326.jpg-(60 KB, 771x576, 912f2440121d3a50732bb4804f854c(...).jpg)
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    I'm afraid "not necessarily" and "certainly not" have two entirely different meanings, I believe you may have gotten them confused if you're asking that.

    Unless, that is, I'm the one misunderstanding you.

    At any rate, so as not to dodge your question; no, I don't.
    >> Smoku 03/28/10(Sun)20:08 No.1335679
         File1269821283.png-(63 KB, 455x500, 1267563674804.png)
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    Other words then "Get out, moron" are just not enough
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.1335692
    i dig that
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.1335697
    i kinda like it. idk, its different, yadda mean?

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)22:12 No.1335770
    moar cute?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:20 No.1336549
         File1269890414.jpg-(352 KB, 839x1200, 1267314448661.jpg)
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    anyone know the name of this artist ? ive got like 10 pics from him in a folder, but i never wrote his name down.
    >> Viaggiatore !lDZfmmdTWM 03/29/10(Mon)15:40 No.1336587
         File1269891640.jpg-(190 KB, 595x800, Unsafe.jpg)
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    Do you ever feel like you've tricked yourself into being a babysitter for a building full of unrestrained mental patients?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)16:22 No.1336672
    Oh i know who that is! Ah crap now i cant think of his name....
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)16:35 No.1336677
    I think it's written on the image, but I can't read hiragana well enough to tell you what it says.
    >> Kuro 03/29/10(Mon)16:50 No.1336686
    As close sounding as i can get it:

    ho [tsu] ke u ru fu


    Anyone else know the actual meaning (if any)?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)16:56 No.1336691

    hokkeurufu perhaps?
    >> Kuro 03/29/10(Mon)17:03 No.1336695
    Ah, yes that sounds better, i got plenty to learn ^^'
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)17:14 No.1336699
    yes i suppose it isnt expressly forbayed. Im prettty shure this isnt a traditional porn chan
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)17:30 No.1336706
         File1269898257.jpg-(67 KB, 750x600, lolicon.jpg)
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    I think the idea is that they aren't pure when they usualy would be.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)17:33 No.1336707
    Fuck you this is why we can't have nice things.
    (always reporting people like a jerk...
    not even breaking the global rules)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)17:39 No.1336711
         File1269898741.png-(930 KB, 1920x1200, Konachan_com%20-%2043002%20gar(...).png)
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    no that grammer makes even less sense whaen you type it the way you pronounce it.>>1334211
    epic loli
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:32 No.1336755
         File1269901927.jpg-(322 KB, 841x1200, 1267312812094.jpg)
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    this has got to be the cutest loli i have ever saved in my harddrive .

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:46 No.1336760
    pic sooo lovely

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