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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

    New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    File : 1265395805.jpg-(138 KB, 2010x1086, 1263618308563.jpg)
    138 KB Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)13:50 No.1272391  
    How about another great scenery thread? It's been a while.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)13:51 No.1272392
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)13:52 No.1272393
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    I'll start off by posting what I have.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)13:53 No.1272395
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)13:57 No.1272397
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)14:39 No.1272414
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)14:50 No.1272418
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)16:48 No.1272469
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    anyone know the artist of this one?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)21:06 No.1272683
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:57 No.1272766
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    Reminds me, has anyone else seen "Sora no Woto". Seems like the perfect show for some scenery porn if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:57 No.1272767
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:59 No.1272768
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:01 No.1272773
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:35 No.1272894
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    >>1272469 (via sankaku) says imperial boy
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:39 No.1272985
         File1265459945.jpg-(74 KB, 1024x553, 1263655663899.jpg)
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    Never seen it, I heard it had to do with war or something(?) Most people are saying it's a good anime, so I should definitely look into it.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:51 No.1272991
         File1265460662.jpg-(1.56 MB, 3100x2046, strangecityscape.jpg)
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    This thread makes me want to go digging for background scenery scenes from Noir. I frankly have no idea where to start though. :|
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:40 No.1273081
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:59 No.1273094
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:32 No.1273164
         File1265470350.jpg-(405 KB, 1600x1200, 1248303323056.jpg)
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    Alternate timeline post apocalyptic World War 2 esque environment with a hybrid Japan-European society with a broken down spider-tank mecha and a not-quite Rei Ayami K-On!

    Here, the first episode's OP, helps set the overall tone:

    Just be forewarned, some of my colleagues predict a potential grimkdark genre shift.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:38 No.1273180
         File1265470715.jpg-(380 KB, 1400x1050, 1250218694682.jpg)
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    Also trumpetan, lots and lot of trumpetan.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:41 No.1273185
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)11:09 No.1273217
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)11:34 No.1273257
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    Wow...sounds confusing, lol. I absolutely LOVE the opening! Don't know why there're so many bad comments on it.

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