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  • File : 1255994697.jpg-(124 KB, 420x728, Pin_up_Princess_1__commission.jpg)
    124 KB Helllo ThatOneNoobGuyWithProperEnglishNamedJoshWithTheLongAssNameWhoRanAwayFrom/B/To/C/ 10/19/09(Mon)19:24 No.1164838  
    Art, has many forms. Will /C/ be kinder than /B/. Let us find out.
    >> What ThatOneNoobGuyWithProperEnglishNamedJoshWithTheLongAssNameWhoRanAwayFrom/B/To/C/ 10/19/09(Mon)19:26 No.1164840
    Afraid to post?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)19:44 No.1164858
    Fuck you! Your a /b/trayer!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)19:59 No.1164864

    Proper English eh?

    > Art, has many forms. Will /C/ be kinder than /B/. Let us find out.

    There is no comma between art and has. /c/ and /b/ are actually not capitalized; just check the top of your screen. Also, "Will /C/ be kinder than /B/." should end in a question mark.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)20:26 No.1164874
    What the hell are /B/ and /C/?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)21:09 No.1164935
    You have /b/trayed!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)21:19 No.1164953
    Lets hope this get gets /b/& IRL
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)21:20 No.1164956
    you can put a comma where ever you like, to add a pause
    as in
    Art PAUSE has many forms.
    which fits,
    and writing with proper grammer is over rated when it comes to being online, thats what spell check and grammer check on word are for, suck my balls,
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)21:22 No.1164960
    This is the first time I've been to /c/, and this is the only post I've seen here of any value whatsoever.

    Goodbye forever, /c/. I know you'll miss me as little as I'll miss you.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)21:22 No.1164961
    oh and /b/trayal is the noblest of deeds, dont go back, you'd just be arguing with 12 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)21:24 No.1164964
    lol fag.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)21:34 No.1164982

    English; you don't understand how it works.
    >> J-chan 10/19/09(Mon)21:39 No.1164988
         File1256002777.png-(1.18 MB, 771x1000, rosalina01.png)
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    Sooo, how about we make this a Nintendo girls thread? :3
    >> J-chan 10/19/09(Mon)21:40 No.1164989
         File1256002809.jpg-(525 KB, 950x1425, samus01.jpg)
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    >> J-chan 10/19/09(Mon)22:02 No.1165002
         File1256004170.gif-(69 KB, 560x616, zelda01.gif)
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    >> Auebothiabathabaithobeuee !Oq/9NMk1yg 10/19/09(Mon)22:05 No.1165005
         File1256004332.jpg-(139 KB, 600x1230, Samus_by_MadKaiser.jpg)
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    >> Auebothiabathabaithobeuee !Oq/9NMk1yg 10/19/09(Mon)22:06 No.1165006
         File1256004396.jpg-(68 KB, 500x547, 1219278482378.jpg)
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    >> Auebothiabathabaithobeuee !Oq/9NMk1yg 10/19/09(Mon)22:08 No.1165007
         File1256004510.png-(134 KB, 300x400, 1224352136271.png)
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