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This man is a fucking hero. He stood the fuck up to the man because he got terminated for exposing police brutality. I hope riots break out and more cops get fucking slaughtered so they can fear the people. Stay alive Dorner, you're a fucking great man.
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>murdered two people just because they were related to people that fucked him over


I lol'd
>>457023084 (OP)
The media is making him a bad person.
Some black people are niggers, this man is a nigga.
That makes him bad and you should feel bad!!!!

>Obviously didn't read his manifesto.
>Implying riots aren't about to break out in LA
>implying I didn't read his manifesto

>implying what I said was incorrect

>implying you aren't an idiot
He's possibly in Barstow right now.
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>>457023084 (OP)

"I will conduct DA operations to destroy, exploit and seize designated targets. If unsuccessful or unable to meet objectives in these initial small scale offensive actions, I will reassess my BDA and re-attack until objectives are met. I have nothing to lose. My personal casualty means nothing. Just alike AAF's, ACM's, and AIF's, you can not prevail against an enemy combatant who has no fear of death. An enemy who embraces death is a lose, lose situation for their enemy combatants.

Hopefully you analyst have done your homework. You are aware that I have always been the top shot, highest score, an expert in rifle qualifications in every unit I've been in. I will utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordnance, and survival training I've been given."
Then he won't have anywhere to hide seeing as how barstow is the shittiest place on earth, and there is literally nothing out there.
>Implying you're a cop dick sucking peon that is the cancer to society.

>Implying you didn't get butt hurt from my thread.

I can't even call you a moral fag.. You're a bott licking cancer to society moral fag shoe scum cock sore.

Go an hero while you can faggot.

My favorite except:

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."
So I live in the la/riverside/san bernardino area and I haven't gone out at all. Not because I am in fear of Dorner like probably most people that stayed home but bc shit I'm afraid of the cops. Inb4 oh you must be a nigger then bc I'm not but shit son they shot up some ASIAN LADIES. How in the fuck do you confuse 2 old Asian ladies for a big black dude? Fucking stupid ass corrupt cops out here man. This isn't the first time that police shoot first and ask questions later here. I'm sick and tired of this shit /b/ hopefully after this shit dies down things change. Cops are too Fucking wild west on a motherfucker
What makes you think I'm a cop-dick sucking peon again? Because I think it's fucked up that Dorner killed two innocnent people? Ok, cool I guess.
Lol you called him a "bott".
It seems like you are the one who is butt hurt
"Those lesbian officers in supervising positions who go to work, day in day out, with the sole intent of attempting to prove your misandrist authority (not feminism) to degrade male officers. You are a high value target."
lol you're a bott too bro!
bott hurt
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So how is being an edgy teenager?

At least say something that isnt just "hurhur police are bad! xDDDD"
He shot an innocent woman & her husband and you think this guy is a hero?

Wait til that shit happens to your family dumbfuck.

Why didnt he just walk into the police station like in Terminator if he's so fucking hardcore.

Fucking nigger asshole I hope LAPD blow his fucking brains out live on tv.
who the fuck are you all talkingabout ?!
Good point. True story.
IRL Punisher?
Your probably they same type of scrawny faggot that were's a Che Guevara shirt to rebel against the goberments, but don't realize that your the very type of shit-smeared mongoloid that he would have had executed on the spot for your ideology. Do society a favor and kill your self already.
I like big botts and I cannot lie.

>Implying that going public about him being terminated and manipulated will result in anything more than the cops getting a 5 day suspension with pay.
Then target them. Not target random people who did nothing wrong.
What does that have to do with the fact that he killed two people who had nothing to do with anything, other than be related to somebody that did have something to do with his termination?
Can anyone tell me what this nignog did thats so good? Please fill me in!
man, i guess i better make sure not to be a corrupt police officer if i want my kids to be safe

....and, yep, I'm good!
>>457023084 (OP)
If half of what he wrote in his manifesto is true, the LAPD is a seriously dysfunctional organization and I hope his actions will bring that to national attention.
then call and report false sightings. Throw them off

Nah actually i'm not. You're probably a fucking cum stain peon that has nothing to offer to society and humanity because you buy into propaganda and the main stream news. Don't worry you fucking boot licking cum shot, you have a spot reserved in hell.
He killed one police officer, said he wants to kill more, and is hiding right now, which is getting /b/'s panties' wet

He also allegedly murdered a female assistant basketball coach just because she was related to a former police captain
>LAPD in charge of psych evaluations
Cops in LA make a career out of abuse of power. They priotize catching someone with mushrooms over they would solving a murder (more instant pay with drug offenses)

LAPD (and cops in general) look at the community as people they are out to get, rather than protect

Chris saw the evil, and finally took a stand
They proved his point when they shot up that truck
Its 2013 and we live in the most corrupt society ever. A revolution is well over due. I don't give one fuck who gets killed..
Dark Punisher?
Too bad thats being ignored in part due to the fact that /b/ is writing fake shit iin his manifesto about shark week, and charlie sheen, which is being regarded as true by the media, making Dorner look as though he is nothing but a crazy guy.
It's remarkable that he still hasn't been caught.

Sweet so the next time someone you know flips out & decides to arbitrarily commence shooting people they deem guilty/wrong/corrupt etc, with no evidence offered or consultation with targets/victims (of which you might be one), you are cool with that?

You don't give a fuck who gets killed? Ok, cool story. Have fun joining this 'revolution' Have you packed your bags and set out for California to help yet?
aslong as it's not your right? You fucking overweight neck beard shit. You want a fucking revolution pick up a damn rifle and leave your house for once in your life instead of trying to be edgy on /b/
He wouldn't have lost his job if he could have just fit in with his peers. No he had to flip out and act like a nigger because he heard someone say "nigger." So decides the way to prove that he was called a nigger is by acting like a complete piece of shit nigger and murder innocent people who had nothing to do with it. fuck your stupid nigger loving troll as OP you are a faggot and probably a Christian.
That's missing the point though. He's allegedly doing all of this for a righteous cause, and to restore his 'good name' Then he turns around and murders innocent people like an idiot.

He's most likely suffering from depression/manic depression from losing his job etc.
0/10 obvious troll
>probably a Christian
>being this retarded
You honestly believe Christian moralfags approve anything he did?
Уважуха братухи.
Good luck, Dorner. You are real man.
If that isn't a message to his enemy and the friends of his enemies then I don't know what is.

I protest on a weekly basis and write to my governor. You're the one that contributes nothing to society and is the fucking cancerous sore on the dick of America.
Boss nigger for sure
>>457023084 (OP)
Hes my uncle im with him now, we just killed a cat....
The reason he did it, is obvious. That doesn't make the fact that he murdered innocent people a thing he should be admired for.
yeah, if I'm some dirty LA cop that likes to beat on helpless people and then cover it up and punish anyone that tries to actually protect citizens, yeah, I'm ok with that. Kill my whole family
Is it possible that some of the dirty cops involved killed that dude's daughter and fiancé in order to frame Dorner? Perhaps he fired on a vehicle he thought was the officer involved only to find out it contained the two women. Casualties of war.
>police family
>innocent people

lol this nigga
Why in god's name would they do that? Lmao?

And what are you talking about firing upon two women? That was the LAPD. You need to get your facts straight buddy.
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How were they not innocent again?
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I am from russia and all of us think that hi is a real hero. sorry for my bed english
Cry all you want, /b/. People do what they do despite all your crying on the internet that they can't do it.
>then call and report false sightings. Throw them off
"About 150 miles to the south, up to 16 San Diego County sheriff's deputies spent the night surrounding and searching a rural home after a hoaxer reported Dorner was there. There were people at home but Dorner wasn't one of them, said Lt. Jason Rothlein. Investigators have a pretty good idea who made the call and will seek criminal charges, he said."

I see no problem with killing the enablers
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then the cops went and shot two women delivering news papers, riddled their car with bullets. just because they suspected it could have been him.
>Cops trying to get dat der promotions American corruption at its finest
>criminal charges
>fuck dat
>huehuehuehue I protest on the streets like a fucking faggot
>I write angry letters to the goberments
>libtard detected
I fucking contribute enough to my fucking country. I have a job, I pay taxes, I fucking vote, and I will defend my rights and my nation until my very last breath leaves my body. What the fuck do you beside be a cock sucking parasite on the United States? The real cancer here are self entitled faggots like you and every one else with this post-modern mind set, your the reason why the Country has fallen from Greatness. Like I said before, you want a revolution? put down stop writing angry letters like a little bitch and do something about, you massive vagina.

thanks for pointing out the gaping hole in your fucking bullshit logic betafag...

this stinking nigger has lost. his. shit. and is out to kill any cop, he's not some angel of vengeance who will cleanse the LAPD of corrupt officers, he will shoot anyone with a badge - fbi, la county, chp etc

you are worshipping someone who has lost their mind. bravo sir.
How were the daughter, and her fiance enablers? Lmao.
Can someone provide a link to the full manifesto?

Also, I feel bad for the families of the victims, but at the same time I appreciate what he's doing.

While his actions are deplorable, he's using the media attention that said actions will provide to shed light on a serious problem.

He is basically sacrificing his life for something that he believes in... He is martyr'n him and his reputation for the good of society.
who has he killed who isnt some scumbag pension-princess CA cop or associate?
>inb4 he replies with saying that every law enforcement officer in the country is corrupt and deserves to die.
They are saying he shot and killed one of the officer involved in his dismall's fiancé and daughter. Perhaps you should learn not to be such an illiterate buttfucking metaphorical child molester before you open you mouth about someone else you salad tossing Morrocan cat burglar. I have half a mind to smash your face with the business end of a claw hammer in an experimental procedure to see if we can't get the stupid to leak out of your head.

The reason the cops might do that is to make Dorner appear unhinged rather than out for a just cause
anyone supporting pigs is an enabler
>pension princess

It's funny how you're trying to justify her murder.
> Can someone provide a link to the full manifesto?
So literally everybody who pays their taxes.
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Police know as soon as they become cops that they are no longer innocent civilians, they are combatants in a unofficial war, and they know they are targets.
says a guy who posts on a board that self-selects based on racial makeup
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These threads always start off with promise, and it's only a matter of time until people start nitpicking each other's misinformed shit posts.

This man is the change he wants to see in his little corner of the Earth. Good for him. What can we possibly do from our chairs to help this guy?
This dumb ass nigger is gonna get fucked up. Honestly, he is gonna die a horrible death. If he's smart he will kill himself because the cops got a free pass to kill his monkey ass on this one.
>implying the supporting of pigs
>implying i support everything my taxes go to

no. just the piggies of LAPD

When this is all done, LA will be eating bacon for years!!!!
That has nothing to do with what I said, but ok, you can keep on being an idiot.
He already stated that he knows he is going to die, and he is ready for it.

fuck off. It's social constants exist. So what if we fucking laugh at/love/despise it.

Much appreciated anon.
I'm still not seeing how his daughter's murder is justified, but ok.

Btw, Dorner was a member of the LAPD in case you forgot, and his own family probably supported his employment with the department. Guess they deserve to die too. Oh wait, you're cherry picking your argument.
I am interested in what he can do, but killing three people isn't that impressive.
Thats a pretty strong message to dirty and corrupt cops, maybe they will cease the kicking of heads if there is a chance that it could lead to the death of their kid.
im curious, are there actually people who arent trolling who think killing family members of cops is the right thing to do?

This is just the beginning. The guy is waiting to make his next move while the LAPD fuck wits around the same area.

Libfag I-hate-my-conformist-parents-but-they-pay-for-my-credit-cards-and-tuition suburban hipster fuckwit detected.

Go back to jacking off to Occupy council meeting minutes you imbecile.
Can anyone confirm that the Bill Cosby/celeb stuff in the manifesto is fake/edited in? If so, by whom?
Hearing on the radio they think they've found him on a golf course?
So I guess police carry guns and wear bullet proof vests because they are everyones friend. Your ad hominem is not effective on me, I deflect all personal insults from right wingers. I AM IMMUNE!
So why did he have to murder his daughter and her fiance instead of the people who had allegedly wronged him again? Pretty sure his message would have been loud and clear had he decided to target people that he actually had a grievance with...
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>>457023084 (OP)
People now a days are cowards, no one would dare start a riot, they would perhaps do a protest rally, but thats it.
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Could it be some of the dirty cops like the Cupacabra chick or one of the other dirty cops killed them in order to frame Dorner and make him appear unhinged?
He already killed one of them, at this point in tim I am sure everyone on that manifesto is surrounded in cops.
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Absolutely by DOOM
Bump it from your cars like a nigger to support dorgen!
That doesn't make any fucking sense, seeing as how he was already terminated, and legally silenced. He said himself that he exhausted all of his legal options. Why the fuck would the LAPD want to implicate him in a highly publicized national news story?
10/10, fuckin' lol'd
Because of a regional shortage in tinfoil.

As fa as I know, the cop he killed was just an LAPD patrol officer, and not a specific person who was involved in his termination, and regardless, that still doesn't explain why the death of the ex police captains daughter is justifiable.
That chick on the left is probably a complete unit who gets off on abusing her authority.
I get that everyone hates cops, because seriously, fuck cops. But this guy was accused of being dirty, tried turning it on his mentor, and when all the witnesses contradicted his story, he got fired.

It sounds like this nigger was just as dirty as everyone else. Maybe even worse seeing how he's now killing people who weren't involved with him getting fired.

Find a new hero, this guy is a bad joke.
yeah this man is a true hero and legend. I wish him the best, I hope he kills them all.

I feel bad for the families of the victims, but at the same time I appreciate what he's doing. Sure, no one deserves to die (per se), but perhaps he's trying to send the message that 'cops constantly kill innocent people. Imagine if it was your family'.. He's trying to flip side that shit. Have you ever condemned a police officer shooting an innocent? Maybe that has something to do with it... Think before you pull the trigger.

While his actions are deplorable, he's using the media attention that said actions will provide to shed light on a serious problem.

He is basically sacrificing his life for something that he believes in... He is martyr'n him and his reputation for the good of society.

That is why he is a hero.
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whoooo caressss yeah he killed a couple. There will be blood! more "innocent" people will die too so get over it. nothing you can do but bitch on the internet. it sucks i know but i still support this crazy motherfucker
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As a non-Americunt I fucking love this guy. I hope he continues killing and maiming innocent and corrupt alike and gets a decent final score when he's done.
Take something from me I take something from you. Seems pretty good to me, I would kill someones family before I would kill them too.
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You find this Dorner, and you bring him to me.

So you're just as retarded as Dorner?
That is Choc Norris you are talking about.
I guess so.
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You notice how everytime there's a shooting and they blow it up on the media there's always shootings alike again after sometimes even days after? I wonder if the same thing will happen with this
yes yes yes...so much fucking win
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Hey, bro, you think it's Quentin Tarantino's to blame?

i think, he is doing this to make us realize, that someone needs to control the establishment and that mc donalds really is unhealthy and making us fat, maybe even worse than taco bell.
they could do it to make good ol' Dornie seem like more of a psychopath; if people think he's mental they won't believe his manifesto or message
>think he's a psycho
>he's lying about them
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>>457023084 (OP)
So where are the fucking picks of this Sgt Teresa Evans?

Yeah they are already making him out to be crazy instead of actually looking into what he is saying.
Sad thing is the majority of people are borderline retarded and will believe what the tv man says.
While I agree that police brutality is by no means acceptable, and that he was unjustly terminated from his job, but that doesn't justify killing innocent people. "But the police do it too!" Isn't an excuse. Killing innocent people is not ok.

>Calling people peons

>Would rather see innocent people killed than corrupt cops and politicians/CEO's that deserve it a hell of a lot more

Viva La Revolution?
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First off, let me say that not all cops are bad. There are good cops. An example you all might be familiar with is the Copfag who makes threads on /b/ all the time and took the spot so an asshole cop wouldn't have it. Coincidentally, he's actually in the SoCal area too if I remember right. I've known and had encounters with many good, genuinely caring cops as well. If you're some angsty, wannabe anarchist teenager who says "Fuck the police" to be edgy, then you can fuck off.

That said, I wasn't sure what to think about this guy at first. But after reading his manifesto, I really felt for the guy. After hearing some of the local reports of non-journalist/news people in the area on some of the fucked up shit going on around there in the last couple days and comparing it to news reports, I'm beginning to side with Dorner. There's definitely some sketchy shit going on, and I don't think we're hearing everything from the mainstream news reports. Not to sound like a conspiracist, but I honestly question whether or not Dorner actually killed that couple.

It's definitely something to look into, and I'm incredibly interested in seeing how this all turns out.

P.S.: To the tinfoil hat conspiracyfags thinking that this is all part of a conspiracy to further anti-gun legislation, then you're a fucking moron.
It's a shame. I think he's probably gone a bit mad, but when you read his manifesto he does, deep down, have good intentions, he's just lost it after being in the police/army for so long and seeing so much shit
>Killing innocent people is not ok.
he didn't kill any innocent people

if anything the cops hurt more innocent people than he has. they shot a fucking newspaper deliver van to piece mistaking it for him. some asian lady and her freind were in it
That, gentlemen, is why I don't watch television. America has taken blatant, brazen stupidity to another level.
That still makes not one god damn bit of sense.

First of all, in your conspiracy theory you have here, you're saying that dorner wrote the manifesto? Then the LAPD would think that manifesto is a threat, despite the fact that Dorner had no legal options, etc and involve him in a highly publicized story? So in your fantasy land, did Dorner say he was going to kill the police, or was that the LAPD just setting him up as well?

Btw I think what you're saying is completely retarded
Pardon the grammatical incongruity in that last line. I haven't had a real sleep in days. Sue me.
Agreed. He undermines his own efforts. However, his campaign of blood might make others think twice before fucking with the little guy.
>>457023084 (OP)
I think he did bad, but even as the killing of one person is important, the point he rather points with his actions is that a somewhat honest legal bidding citizen will get abused to the point he becames psychopatic or being ruined. So he is not a hero but he is destroying himself with the guilt not tobe redimied but to save the law from corruption so others can have faith in law. And the first thing to accomplish that is for law to tecognize it has been doing wrong, his crime is worst that the one infflicted upon him, but his is doing that because he is a fervent believer of the law.

Poor guy, god blees him, should be stopped and people should demand to bring to justice the ones put him on an edge, authorities should apologize to the dead for making a man crazy.

That exactly why i dont believe in law, but only in men intentions.

Funny part is, is that /b/ keeps adding shit to his manifesto, and that just makes him look even more crazy, and other people post about how other shit is being ignored.
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Just imagine if a bunch of people just said fuck it and joined his cause and starred going after senators and banks. even 10 people like him could seriously change this entire country.
>some law abiding citizen shit
Don't event start that shit.

>don't even
He killed two people just because they were related to somebody who fucked him over. How do you work out in your mind that they weren't innocent?
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“My first recollection of racism was in the first grade at Norwalk Christian elementary school in Norwalk, CA. A fellow student ... called me a n----- on the playground."

“That day, the LAPD stated that it is acceptable for fellow officers to call black officers n----- to their face and you will receive a slap on the wrist,”

He's just another nigger with a grudge nigger throwing dat race card every chance he can get. Even if it was true, that horse has been beat to death and most White people don't give a fuck anymore. Fuck this nigger, he'll be room temp soon.
Am I a sick person for wanting something like that to happen? I have always wanted to be a part of history.
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>>457023084 (OP)
Excatly we must prevent that, not only punish the one who was cornered and was emotional weak so he became like that.
I wouldn't want to be a part of it directly, but to be honest, I think it would be really interesting and almost exciting to see.

You don't think the father of girl that died, the chief of police that got dorner fired feels like hes the reason his daughter is killed? You don't think thats the reason why he killed her? That is a lot more powerful action then killing him.
I guess how he, worked it out is that the civilian he killed was a lawyer. One that could have helped indict him further during the court case which presented him with his so-called "name tarnishing" in the first place.
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>>457023084 (OP)
So edgy. Imagine how badass you'll be when your balls drop.
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I hope someone has the courage to join him. Stand up to the corruption in this country. Complete anarchy.
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Никогда не дрочил на негров, но этот мой герой.
>>457023084 (OP)
I just finished reading the manifesto... he's a whiny little bitch.

>B'awww, I reported someone for excessive force when she kicked a suspect. They didn't think that was enough, and when I wouldn't stop bitching about it, they fired me.

This little faggot needed to calm the fuck down when he was a kid, recounting the fact that he beat someone up for calling him a nigger. WHO FUCKING CARES? YOU PROBABLY WERE BEING A NIGGER.

Then he writes a long-ass manifesto with numerous grammatical and spelling errors (though he claims to be an impeccable writer) where he bitches about the exact same thing over and over again.

WE GET IT! You saw an officer kick someone. Big fucking deal. You could have taken your unlawful termination to a real court, but instead, you decided to dick around with the people you claim have it out for you.

You are a disgrace to all police officers everywhere. Hell, you're a disgrace to anyone who has dignity. A good gambler knows when to cut his losses and start over. You fucked that up big time, nigger.
Holy fuck, I always have to explain to people, that the reason Dorner killed her, and her fiance is obvious. It's clear WHY he did it.

But the fact remains that they were still innocent, and killing them isn't justifiable.
any developments i was following this shit yesterday, just woke up

Lol y u mad tho?
I don't mean being actually directly involved, just being able to see it happening with my own eyes, not over the television.
what corruption?

I think he cares less about his reputation and more about the attention being brought to the issue.

I support his plight.
Anarchy is being not governed by others, it is not about bringing choas, who usually became lucrative for shady and well organized external acors.
I don't understand what the fuck you meant by that last post.
Also, I don't believe this conspiracy, but I don't think it's impossible.
>reading an immediately visibly censored version of his manifesto
>I shiggy diggity

By the way, how's high school?
>doesnt live in LA
>Isn't a minority
She wasn't a lawyer bro. She was an assistant college basketball coach. What are you even talking about.
I thought this was a big deal. But now I wake up to some terrible realizations.

1. He probably killed himself in the mountains. If he were still alive, he'd still be terrorizing.

2. The media has successfully buried his "manifesto" as "gibberish" when it's rather short and quite readable. I've read the crazy ramblings of the Columbine killers, the Virgina Tech killer, the Arizona killer and others, his was not anything like their crazy shit.

3. The media successfully buried the police's attempted murder of two innocent women. Using soft words like "accident" "mistaken identity" and claiming the vehicle "looked similar" as if that's justification for assassination. Due process anyone?
Dead innocence is a product of war, and this nigguhs at war.
Is this even a question? I really fucking hope ure trolling
The man is dead faggots. Get over it
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The kingdom of CP is taking the cop's side

/b/ is falling apart
Whoops, didn't mean to cite that post. I meant

>I'm butthurt and I have a small penis.
He's getting it mixed up because her father was his lawyer who didn't win his case, so he cried about it and killed her for "revenge."
ITT: Cops. Fucking. EVERYWHERE.

If you don't think this thread is being combed for substantiated material aid you're just bonkers. It would be like a few million anarchist degenerates congregating in the middle of nowhere and the authorities just not giving a fuck.

tl;dr careful with that "let's call LAPD" shit unless you are, in fact, armored up.
The police shief didn't rape Dorner's children or wife, he didn't murder them, or sentence them to suffering. He just fired him, how the fuck is killing his daughter justified? He fired me so i'll kill his family as punishment. Are you fucking retarded.


hope you get killed because your mother is a whore
and thats how i like it.

How to solve your problems if your black and live in LA:
>don't be black
>dont live in LA

My point was pretty clear. It would make literally zero sense for the LAPD to have murdered the ex police captains daughter and her fiance.
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viva la revolution!
>>457023084 (OP)
the cops have already shot up two cars owned by innocent people

two women dropping off newspapers have been shot
and in another incident a few blocks from that crime another car was shot up; it seems no one was hurt in the 2nd shooting
seriously the LAPD just proved dorner right

you can't spray bullets into a car because it is the same color as the suspects

these cops shit two women for being in a car on a public street

dorner is right

kelly thomas is dead
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What the fuck did you just say about me you little LAPD? Ill have you know i graduated at the top of my LAPD in the NAVY RESERVISTS, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on LAPD, and I have over LAPD confirmed kills. I am trained in LAPD warfare and im the TOPSHOT, HIGHEST SCORE, AND EXPERT IN RIFLE QUALIFICATIONS IN EVERY UNIT IVE BEEN IN. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this LAPD, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, LAPD. As we speak I am conducting LAPD operations to destroy, exploit and seize designated LAPD and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare the storm LAPD. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your LAPD. You're fucking dead, LAPD. I can be anywhere, anytime, and i can kill you in over LAPD ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed LAPD, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the LAPD and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little LAPD. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking LAPD. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn LAPD. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, LAPD.
He fired him because he spoke up against corruption and excessive force and open racism. Clearly you don't know the story.
And my entire point is, that killing her, when she did absolutely nothing wrong, is fucking retarded, and goes against his 'mission statement'
Said Christopher Dorner 100 times in his manifesto
I'm talking about the male civilian he killed, bro. The lawyer's newlywed wife was the assistant basketball coach, unless I read something wrong and got it mixed.
>implying it wasn't in ruin to begin with
Pls go LAPD disinfo
People were posting better last night, by quoting from him.

is evreoyne dislyxec?
No, tell me what corruption there is.
>a fucking hero.

It would if they framed Dorner and it tarnished his cause, which is exceedingly just.
all i read is
>shitty rhetoric
>therefore hero
rationalization gone stupid
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Because he's the hero Los angles deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight.

cops have already shot up two cars

two women have been shot for being in LA

>still trying to justify the murder of innocent people

Funny way of clearing your name, and going to war for honor. Killing innocent people isn't exactly conducive to that.
Go home Stalin you're dead
Tattoos of police officers what darkie knight talks about in his manifesto proven to have some truth in it: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/may/09/local/la-me-sheriff-clique-20120510

The car was not even remotely similar. They say it was, but it really wasn't.
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>"For you officers who do the job in the name of JUSTICE, those of you who lost honest officers to this event, look at the name of those on the BOR and the investigating officers from PSB and Evans and ask them, how come you couldn't tell the truth? Why did you terminate an honest officer and cover for a dishonest officer who victimized a mentally ill citizen."

It's all just collateral damage. Sometimes people need to die for a greater good.

He was raised in LAPD.... But I was born in it. Consumed by it. I was corrupt before I had even seen daylight.
One of the best quotes of all time

RIP in peace,
Steve Jobs
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, retard. First of all, they weren't married. Second of all, her fiance was a public safety officer at a California college. He was basically just a security guard.

Jesus, where the fuck are you getting this shit from? Are you just making it up as you go?
they beat people that are already cuffed
beat people that have already submitted and are begging them to stop
carry meth in their shirt pockets to plant
Explain to me how it makes sense, please. I'd love to hear it. lol
My point is that if people think Dorner murdered innocents they'll think he's a psychopath. People don't believe psycopaths. Thus disarming his message.
>he murders innocents
>must be a psycho
>no one believes psychos
>psychos be cray
idgaf if he's right about Evans or not. The fact of the matter is he's being a little bitch about it. There are other ways of going about taking down the LAPD that would be more epic and actually legal. How about instead of pursuing a (very small) charge of excessive force, he takes the slap on the wrist, then secretly documents all UOF violations in the future with a hidden video camera (shit's so cheap, you can buy a camera pen for $20 on amazon). Once he has significant evidence of excessive use of force from small things (like a swift kick to the chest) to big things (like beating a handcuffed suspect) across multiple officers, simply bring the video evidence to the media. They would eat that shit up and villify the LAPD.

Instead, he gets the media against himself, instigates a manhunt, and kills a basketball coach.

As I said before: he IS a nigger.
You don't think this entire thing will turn corruption in the LAPD up and on its head?
dorner was restraining a mentally ill man

a lesbian female officer started to taze the man and then started to kick him in the chest and face

dorner reported it and was fired
the woman was promoted to sergeant

this is why lesbians are a high value target to him

the defence guy that conspired to lose dorner's case was asian
this is why asains are a high value target

racist blacks squad leaders make racist white cops
that is why they are a high value target

i still can't finger out why he wants to kill the hispanic cops though

probably because they are drug dealers
And that justifies the killing of an innocent child? Hurrdurr racism
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Yes thoose asian women got shot for the greater good
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She wasn't a child. She was a grown adult with a fiance. You cannot deny that this entire thing will fuck corruption in police across the country up the ass.
>two women have been shot for being in LA
that about sums up the feared shitless state of some cops in LA right now
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Sell your SUV.

no kids are dead. Kids don't have fiancées. Leave /b/

Fuck tha police comin' straight from the underground. A mad nigger got it bad because he's brown, and not that other colour, some police think they have the authority to kill a minority, but fuck that shit I ain't the one, to be beaten on...
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Do you guys think this is how it will go down when he is killing the corrupt LAPD villains? ?


portip:you didn't watch the kelly thomas tape

you won't watch the kelly thomas tape

there are hours of tape showing LAPD officers torturing, murdering, and terrorizing the citizens

these tapes do nothing because people like you talk a big game about how you're right, but do nothing
Ummm well he wrote in his manifesto that the family of the LAPD were going to be targeted.....

And if he didn't do it, then why wouldn't he have left a public message saying he was innocent? What you're saying makes no fucking sense lmao.
She wasn't lesbian. He stated in his manifesto that she had a previous boyfriend. (stated later in the manifesto that he was an ex-husband, so wtf).

He said in the manifesto that he hates lesbos because they're feminazis.
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i might have mistaken your post.
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It's funny, cause it's true.

Than you should've read more. Not my fault you stop reading when it suits you.
they are scum and deserve it to make it short

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Download freshest 7th February pornpasses, all passwords are fully working and double checked. Users:975
GI Bro

You don't think that he couldn't have gotten his message through just fine had he decided to kill people he felt were actually responsible for his termination? Holy shit, I don't understand why people think killing innocent people is perfectly fine
>Find a
Keep lying, scum.
thats corrupt? thats just police brutality. Doesnt justify killing innocent people either. This man is just a big crybaby, probably because he isnt white
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>mfw LA-b-fags still haven't made some false clues for the obviously corupt LAPD to help Dorner...
We'll have to hunt you.
Dorner: You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, you'll set the dogs on me. But that's what has to happen.
What are you doing? AMERICLAPS!

INITIATE! Initiate MS13, 18th street, bloods and crips... initiate extreme panic motherfuckers.
>>457023084 (OP)
I would have disagreed before the LAPD shot civilians. Now I agree - not that he's a hero but he's not a monster...fuck tha LAPD

But, to play devil's advocate, think about what it would be like if you were in the shoes of an LAPD officer

>be LAPD officer
>may or may not be guilty of corruption or abuse of authority or even have anything to do with Dorner
>threats are posted by rogue ex-cop/marine targeting your family
>daughter of officer and her boyfriend turn up dead
>you and your family are directly targeted
>suspect is incredibly dangerous and directly claims to be using guerilla tactics
>see vehicle matching the rogue cop's description rolling up your street without headlights at 5 in the morning

Tell me you wouldn't be extremely concerned and wouldn't shoot. Whether or not the cop is innocent is another manner, but this is completely plausible and I can honestly sympathize with the cop on this one.

I'm not siding with the cops, but just consider the other side.
what he is really doing is teaching them what they do to others

the LAPD treats everyone like dorner is treating them now

they care nothing for the suffering of others and now he is going to make them pay

well oligarchs, you've got it; the might makes right world is in full swing

enjoy the suffering before it claims you as well
Quan's daughter is a soft target, and of high psychological warfare value
You think he can actually get to those people now? Now it is about sending a message.
>lesbian detected
Sorry got confused didnt mean the write child, was thinking of something else. regardless an innocent person

6 points right off the bat.
These tapes do nothing? You mean other than the indicting of the officers who committed the crime, and the reelection of every single city official? Other than replacing the District Attorney?

You're an idiot.
You're just being a bitch
I know these things, I'm not saying it's true, but it isn't an impossibility. Stop thinking you know everything.
they tortured kelly thomas to death

the tazed him over and over while standing on his chest

he didn't get enough oxygen to his brain due to the weight on his chest for the prolonged period; he slipped into a coma and died

you are just now fingering out the the LAPD murders people?

maybe dorner is really doing a good work; think about it. now you know what the LAPD are really like
Lmao what part of this don't you understand? The way he initiated all of this, was by killing innocent people. Not by trying to attack members of the LAPD, or the people who he had a grievance with specifically. He fucking said in his manifesto that he is going to target family members, and apparently you think that makes him a good guy.
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>>see vehicle matching the rogue cop's description rolling up your street without headlights at 5 in the morning

Not the right model,color,or plate number. Not the right number nor species.....
How am I being a bitch? Lmao. You've ignore my questions btw. I don't think I know everything, but I'm fairly certain you don't know a whole hell of a lot.
He specifically said they were "fair game." Jesus Christ, are you usually this angry at a computer monitor?
Shooting up civilian vehicles plays directly into his guerilla tactics. His mad shit talking was probably an attempt to make this happen. Cause the state to overreact upon civilians, thus upsetting the populace against the state, and also showing police ineptitude. Getting them to destroy their own reputation.
omg 2edgy4me
the two cars shot up didn't even come close to matching!!!

suspects cars --- grey nissan titan

shot cars --- blue honda ridgeline and blue toyota tacoma

>one of these is not like the others
you know that doesn't happen

worst case corrupt cops get laid off

more often then now they get paid to do desk duty for a month then are back on the force

more common still is for the officers to lie and conspire and avoid any justice at all
you can call me a liar, but the facts are facts

very few corrupt cops go to jail and corruption is rampant in the police force
LAPD shot at innocents as well. So excuse him for fighting the way he was trained
Not sure where you are getting me being angry from. But yeah, saying the family members are 'fair game' yet he goes out, and specifically targets innocent family members instead of the people he actually had a beef with.

What a great guy.
Not saying they were right in doing so, but it probably went down more like this.

>assigned to protection duty
>know the suspect is ready to shoot first
>suspect has already murdered two civilians in cold blood and shot down two cops
>know suspect drives a dark colored pickup truck
>before sunrise, so still dark
>dark colored pickup truck rolls in with no headlights on
>ohshit.jpg, better check in with Evans as to how to cover this up

Let's be real. They didn't shoot up the truck, because they just wanted to shoot someone up. They were being skiddish and have horrible training.
I'd doubt he's in Barstow. I'd doubt he's in Big Bear. I know that they're searching Nevada, Arizona and the rest of the state for him as we speak.
That cuts deeper than killing the man him self, that sends a much stronger message, the innocents just didn't luck out in the sperm lottery Atleast they were targeted for a reason, and their deaths will do something, unlike cops shooting people who drive a similar car.

you just claimed to a scared cop should be allowed to spray bullets into a car because he is afraid

you've just proven why a standing army used to control the public is not acceptable

what about the people in the car; shouldn't they be more afraid? are they in the clear to shoot the cops first in case the cops will get scared and shoot them?
seriously; you need to fucking start thinking

Murdering innocents doesn't imply psychopathy.
An inability to realise how your actions will affect society (literally Psychotic [breaking with reality]) and 'pathy' (disease) is different to murdering people.

But yeah.


if you don't know this kind of stuff already you must live under a rock

or you are pretending because you are a cop

or are loving some good cop dick up your butt
You're so fucking stupid. IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED.


Fuck... you're why /b/ has cancer.

Wereguevaras can only be killed by silver capitalism.
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Pic pretty much related
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Eat this. Its a gift from all of us at /b/.

Now go post some chili pizza and get banned motherfucker
>implying that makes it perfectly ok that he killed innocent people.

He's allegedly combating the ideology of the LAPD, and trying to restore honor to his name.
Him killing those innocents will affect society for the better, people who are whistler blowers against racism, corruption and physical abuse in the police forces across the western world will never be treated the same, something might actually get done.
psychopath means knowing what you do is wrong but doing it anyway. kindly stfu if you dont know what youre talking about.
the father of the woman he killed conspired to frame dorner

so dorner hurt him
he hurt him in the worst way possible

i don't get why this is hard to get

it's like my friend telling me that the killings are random; no it isn't random, he is killing southern california cops and their families

niqua... he ran through Canada and Alaska... swam the Bering strait, ran across Russia and is in England already.

> This is a hero.
Just looked it up. I think you're right actually. I guess I just remembered hearing somewhere that it was the exact same.

Even still, you have to understand that there would be a great deal of completely natural fear and paranoia for your safety and your family's safety if you were in the cop's shoes. Cops are supposed to be above it in the public eye, but they're still people.

If I were him, I honestly don't know if I would be any more disciplined.
>>457023084 (OP)
today would be a great day to rob a bank in LA

I'm not condoning it. just saying, it would
no it doesn't

that is what insane means

insane is a legal term not a mental health term
you called him a martyr and a hero. last time i checked, going on a rampage against innocents isn't considered martyrdom
Which is stupid. My wife's father is a police officer in WI. Does that mean I should be a target for cop haters?
It is fine comrade.
Ever heard of guilty by association. Ive been busted for being in a car of stonerfags before i smoked. Cops do it. Fuck all the people acting like this guy has no justification for everyones bullshit, like a black jesus.
Again, I fucking know why he himself justified the killings. Holy shit...

My point is that he killed innocent people, yet you think it's ok, which makes no sense to me. In his manifesto he talks about cops claiming innocent people 'were in the wrong place at the wrong time' and how they were scumbags for saying that, yet you have literally said the exact same thing.
>>457023084 (OP)
Kill count still at 4?
Is he a bad cop?
In that case 70% of all cops are psychopaths, you don't think they aren't using excessive force? Most of them join the police to kick the shit out of people.
Except when jihadists do it.

Maybe he'll get 72 virgins.
We have people here saying
>Dorner killed two innocents

But dont realise they are two faced, double standard fucks who dont realise
>LAPD killed two innocent asian women.

>see vehicle matching the rogue cop's description rolling up your street without headlights at 5 in the morning

The problem with your argument, is that it sounds reasonable...if you don't look any further. Look at this photograph. The police creeped up from behind on a slow moving vehicle and lit it up like Bonnie and Clyde.

If the vehicle had been charging at the house, sure. If the vehicle ACTUALLY matched the description (it was a different make model and color and the media is literally lying for the police),

But the cops were BEHIND, not in any danger, they shot the car to hell. Then some other cops shot up another truck only blocks away.

The media is painting it as a suspicious vehicle approaching a lone cop house. Reality, cops fucking everywhere, everywhere isn't safe for civilians. The vehicle wasn't approaching shit. Wasn't remotely a threat by any standard of law enforcement.

Even if it were him, due process much?
If they had followed the truck for even a minute they would have seen it delivering newspapers.
No. But so what if he was? That is in no way my fault.
Today would be an awful day to be black in LA.

Good thing I am neither in LA nor black. Mad respect for black rambo though.
The death of these innocents actually accomplishes something.
He is trying to demostarte that the law and goverment can repent and change from his errors, that why he kill a familiar to put in terror the ones with law enforcement, if he wanted justice for him he would have done something to the people he said. So the point is that he is doing bad and he thinks he is going martyrized but he is doing so others can have follow law, he is a por huy who believed too much in offcial and formal institutions.
Yes faggot. You better watch out for Dorner.
Loled so hard
I don't agree with him targetting family members, but from what I have seen of the LAPD killing 2 innocents themselves mexican at that I think he is doing the right thing, but he should leave it between him and the officers.
see car
shit pants
spray bullets
spray bullets
rpeay bullets
check car

call ambulence because you just shot 2 innocent women

i'm sorry but your point that coward cops shoot at innocent people doesn't help your argument

come up with a new vector

No one can be this fucking stupid. Have you ever heard of a site called youtube? In America police brutality in the form of assault, rape and even murder is so common that there are videos all over the internet. In most cases these cops are simply put on unpaid administrative leave. Remember the cop who cracked the skull of that protester with a grande launcher? What do you think happened to him?
You are a fucking retard. I said multiple times in the thread that it's obvious why Dorner himself targeted his daughter. The entire point, is that is fucking stupid, and goes against his mission statement
If he was, then look him in the eye and tell him to get his shit straight for the sake of you and your children
Because he wants to get a MESSAGE out. if he shot up the police station and then was killed this wouldnt be national news. He wants the media attention so that they can unravel the corruption in the LAPD. I dont agree with his methods, but i understand why he did it.

very nearly.

pathy means "disease of", and "psycho" simply means "mind".

therefore psychopathy is nothing more than "disease of the mind", and has abolsutely nothing to do with the word "psychotic" ("psych" - mind, "otic" - relating to", therefore a psychotic break, is a break with the mind).

That isn't the same fucking thing at all, retard.
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I've been so upset at the way the cops are handling this. Innocent, justified, all your arguments mean nothing in the face of cops just shooting shit up. I mean SERIOUSLY
>that was a really nice truck
"Anonymous, you are hated, vilified, and considered an enemy to the state. I personally view you as a culture and a necessity that brings truth to a cloaked world. Forge ahead!"

From the manifesto
wow man, i realize you useless kids are all 12 but most 12yo know this shit. you can only use insanity defense if you dont know wrong from right and are not in control of your own actions, of you know what you did youre a psychopath, no insanity defense for you. google that shit, then eat a dick. otherwise all murican serial killers wouldnt be convicted, but insane.
dorner is targeting southern california cops

so no

but you are a straight dumbass so you might want to watch out for small objects; in case you choke on them
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Cops are the enemies of the people. I hope your wife's father dies bleeding to death like a stuck pig.
Which makes it perfectly ok? Because killing the people who actually did wrong, wouldn't have accomplished the same, and even more?
This reminds me of the movie Rambo.
I'm wondering what his final score will be. Will he even get in the top ten!??

I could've sworn 'Not knowing what you're doing is wrong (your words) implied that you're not sure whether what you're doing is socially acceptable (my words).'

But yeah. Way to be be smart, sorry to be wrong...
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too bad

whether you agree with it or not, killing family of someone is the easiest way to hurt the person you hate

thanks for quoting me and making the exact same point i made

i really like that

learn to read
I will never be this edgy
Who killed more innocent people the cops or him so far?

Also mad props to him for liking day z and walking dead. Just finished walking dead before seeing this on /b/.
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Anyone who doesn't like government agents is a good person.
Perhaps the chief of police whos daughter dorner killed might actually speak out against corruption. How many innocent civilians are shot by cops every day, even though the cops know there is a very good chance that they are innocent.
1. fuck you.

2. ex con reporting in. ive had policeman raid my house at 4am and put automatic weapons in my face.

3. Fuck you, your opinion doesnt count, even if its right its a total coincidence.
So, what you're saying that it's completely justifiable for the LAPD to go and murder Dorner's mother, and rest of his family?
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Yes. Shoot 30-40 rounds first then check if its the right color.

Btw they shoot trhough the back window. Kinda weird ambush if he is driving the wrong way.

you remind me of this guy when you explain your theories.
Changing the subject, are we? The other guy brought up a video he claimed was not reacted on. I showed him that it was. Now you bring up some ambiguous "videos all over the internet," with nothing to back it up.

I believe police brutality happens every day. I believe a lot of police officers are fucking assholes that need a bullet in their head. I also know that writing a poorly written manifesto about how butthurt you are, then killing civilians is probably not the best way of taking down corruption.

They can not refute video evidence. No court will ever turn down video evidence. That is why the Kelly Thomas videos have had the impact that they did.


>cruise control for cool

you think that makes me mad

you know that you just proved me right don't you

not corruption; just brutality

im not mad
in fact
i thank you for arguing my point; even if you are doing it on accident
seconded, every single person who aspires to and becomes a law enforcement member is a traitor to his people and to be hunted down like an animal at the first opportunity

pigs are everything wrong with the world, that job attracts the lowest of the low
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>mfw watching this
>mfw its what cops deserve
I'm not even and "lel edgy teen" but some cops are just too power hungry and don't realize they are there to protect the people. CA is a fucking shit hole anyway, Good work Dorner, stay alive for as long as possible bro.
tl;dr fuck da popo
yeah a society completely without cops, that would be muuuch better... not like thered by rampant brutality everywhere or anything

Using the actions of the police (which dorner said he loathes, and wants to fight) doesn't make it ok to do something just as fucked up.

I could've sworn 'Not knowing what you're doing is wrong (your words) implied that you're not sure whether what you're doing is socially acceptable (my words).'

But yeah. Way to be be smart, sorry to be wrong...

Also, I'm going onto Tor for some cheese pizza, email me at harryxquixtos@gmail.com if you care to continue this...
The cops were driving behind the dark car.
hard to see how this story can develop much further

due to his appearance and build he must stick out like a sore thumb; his ability to move around undetected is pretty limited

otoh, there may be some premeditation involved here so maybe he has something up his sleeve; still ...
At least I'm straight, faggot.

I never said I should worry about Dorner. People like him, though, sure. What if there was corruption in my Father-in-law's department? What if he had nothing to do with the corruption? Hell, what if he was working to fight the corruption?

Dorner randomly targeting cops (like the two he shot up who were on patrol) is worse than what he's accusing the LAPD of.
I don't know, but I think we should also consider the fact that he's playing the game on nightmare mode going up against police and paramilitary instead of targeting small children that don't have guns to defend themselves with.

I hope this guy blows the back of your head out with a hollow point. Cop pig fucker. You are all a bunch of rapists and murderers--paid thugs in uniform.
I am sure he will be driving stolen cars at night to get around in a non-nonchalant manner.
>Washington Heights, NYC
gtfo, faggot
That's some mighty accurate shooting there boys.
2 of the 7 guys that killed him faced justice

one guy loses his gig as DA


they torture and murdered and you can find a case where 2 out fo many guilty parties suffer

come on

they tortured him to death and most of the people got off scott free; 2 got less than life in prison

so much justice you rhave really proven your point

serisouly; you are a joke
Quid pro quo.
you dont get it do you. youre saying "ends justify means", so youre actually thinking along the exact same line as the 9/11 bombers or the german RAF
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I still dont see anything that resembles and excuse. But i guess the lapd will have their best fiction writers at work for these shootings.
>you just claimed to a scared cop should be allowed to spray bullets into a car because he is afraid

No I didn't. I just said I know where he's coming from. Cops are only human. If I had the slightest suspicion that someone planned on harming my family, I'd gun him right the fuck down too. He might've shot a civilian by mistake, but I can only imagine the terror and anxiety these cops are feeling.

>you've just proven why a standing army used to control the public is not acceptable

Like I said, they're only human. It might not be perfect, but it's the best we've got, unless you're into pure anarchy.

>hat about the people in the car; shouldn't they be more afraid?

No, because they're not being directly targeted by a ex Marine/police officer on a killing spree.

>seriously; you need to fucking start thinking

You should give it a try. Actually, don't. Finish high school, go to college, put down your copy of Fight Club, pick up a degree, and then give it a try.

>inb4 "colleges are part of the system run by the illuminati to brainwash us, man! Blazeit420faggot"
Poor guy.
>From the altered manifesto
So you honestly think they saw the truck and thought, "You know... we haven't killed any civilians recently." Then shot it up?
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>the german RAF
Yes I am, I am honestly telling you that I think he was justified in killing the child of the chief and her fiance, should i be more blunt?
bootlicker detected

>police brutality is okay!
> brutality against police is wrong!

get the fuck out of here, you kike scum
You act like he would give a fuck.
Can someone give me cliffs on this story?

Haven't bothered to show any interest until now. Yes, I'm lazy. No, I didn't read the thread.
I don't agree with the LAPD, and think they're a bunch of retards for shooting this truck up, but what's wrong with their shot placement? Are you wondering why the tailgate has bullet holes? Because perhaps they wanted to be sure there wasn't anybody laying down in the bed of the truck.....

But fuck those retards for shooting in the first place.
yes and attitudes like that is why we need cops. people with that idea would go around slaughtering for reasons like "he looked at me funny"

The degree of how fucking ignorant you are. To use one case as a counterpoint to the argument that police brutality and abuse of power runs rampid and unchecked is fucking sick. People like you are worse than fucking compliant in this case. You deserve the same fate as all of the pig cops of this police state.
German red army faction, come on dawg, google it if unsure.
That doesn't answer the question.
> what if he had nothing to do wi....

stop right there. If he hasn't arrested and removed corrupt cops from the force, or otherwise done something to break the blue code of silence, he's complicit. Don't even pretend he isn't.

You are a child.
No, just think they forgot the role of judge=jury=executioner
hes after policeman, not excon you fuckface.

also not murican. i will never have this kind of problems you idiots have haha now fuck off allready.
are cops a gang
or do they work for the public

you don't even know

the cops can't murder family members because they work for us and we have laws

if the cops want to "hurt him" they can murder people he knows

but then again they wouldn't get to claim they are cops anymore

in reality what will happen is the cops will do raids and frame people he knows

some will be murdered, but it will put down as killed while resisting arrest

that is how this works

the cops kill your family and get a medal

you kill theirs and they blow you up with a drone strike without a trial

just you wait; the domestic terrorists are going to be targeted for death without evidence or judicial process

these idiots can't even try people in absentia; so fucking stupid
Haven't read his manifesto yet, but couldn't he just go work for another department in another city/state while he took his case to the Supreme Court?
First off, what photo?

Second, I'm not saying that the police aren't corrupt. I'm just saying that this civilian shooting doesn't automatically prove anyone's guilt or corruption.
He's trying to say that it's absolutely ridiculous for police to empty so many rounds into a truck that doesn't match the description, and was in a position where the driver and passenger could not be identified.
so youre saying the 9/11 hijackers were justified in killing 3000+ civilians?
2 out of the 7 present. We don't know that all 7 were beating him, but there is sufficient evidence for the 2.

The DA is replaced (changes entire dynamics of internal investigations). The entire board of city officials is replaced (changes the entire dynamics of how the city, especially law enforcement is run).

The point of the videos isn't to get back at the individual cops. It's to change the system, nigger. And I'd say this particular video did a pretty good job of that.

I'm gonna say nigger again, because Dorner gets so butthurt about that word.

Nigger, nigger, nigger.
Whatever you say bro. That was a real compelling argument you've made there.

Guess you think it's perfectly fine for those people to have been murdered.
>Drone strikes take out terrorist
>Same Drone strike takes out kids
>Oh well, terrorist dead.
He sounds like he's using the skills the LAPD and USN gave him...
He killed the family members because he wants to send the message that wen ur a evil person the innocent member of ur family suffer. Its like how god killed all the egyptians first sons
he was already blacklisted by the law enforcemtn

The law only cares about cracking down on stoners, not on corrupt cops
I have thinked about for years, and still there is somthing missing to make anrchy work, like i said before the problem with anarchy is that there are sahdy grupos who exploit the lacok of organization in those situations, for example if there is civil war and forgein goverment could deploy orderly resourses to crush an individual, asit has happened many times. Mafia is another type of shady groups.

I hope for freedom but there is a need to think the way it can be accomplished. Anarchy doesnt work if you are a farmer like in many countries ina frica, and an organized gang comes, rapes, kills you and take your belongings

Any idea to make this world better?

gtfo coward. You need special armed men paid by the state to protest you from other people. You are the smear on my fucking boot.
Oh look, another keyboard warrior who thinks he knows the person behind the words.
the RAF wreaked terror on germany for 25 years
When did he ever say police brutality is okay? You just put words in other people's mouths to make yourself seem right. You are a faggot who likes tiny nigger cock.
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Get on board!
I walked around around in afghanistan knowing I was a target. didnt make me shoot every civilian or every potential threat
so you are against the use of force against hostile agressors


so you think the targeted killing of terrorists isn't justified by 9/11?

no you are a hypocrit
>>457023084 (OP)
epic hero
sure is butthurt uniformfag in here
Their shooting probably went something like this:

Also, killing a familiar significantly cripples a wizard. It's just smart tactics.
That doesn't answer my question. You're justifying the fact that Dorner killed innocent people simply because they were related to a man that had allegedly wronged him. So in your mind, people's families are held accountable, so if the LAPD decided to just murder everyone that Dorner knew, you personally would by ok with that.
i said nothing about you, i said the attitude "quid pro quo" used as a justification for rampages like dorner's are toxic for society. if youre gonna insult me, at least read what i write so you have a chance at addressing anything i say
>you think that makes me mad
>you know that you just proved me right don't you
but you seem mad if you have to state twice that you arnt
its just that all you edgy teenagers keep screaming fuck da police as if not having any would be a good thing. Its even more annoying when you support a nigger who snapped and killed innocent people
And yet... I said that the best route would be for Dorner to have cut his losses, not pursued a rather insignificant case of UOF, and kept his job. Sure, his pride would have taken a hit, but he'd still be on the inside.

Then he could systematically tear down the structure from the inside. Instead, he went into the butthurt nigga-rage, kept arguing about one stupid little (and I mean little) case, got his ass fired, and thought "Well, I've lost this much already! What's more at this point?"

It's the classic case of a poker player over-betting on a hand, and then bluffing to try and win. Cut your losses, it's not fucking worth it. Obviously his tactic of "Let's just keep accusing her of UoF" wasn't working. He should have realized that.
>>If I had the slightest suspicion that someone planned on harming my family, I'd gun him right the fuck down to

as i have already stated

you keep digging yourself down

you can;t have unregualted cops because they will murder

'If I had the slightest suspicion that someone planned on harming my family, I'd gun him right the fuck down to"

that is murder

you suspect without evidence that someone might be planning to hurt you or your family so you'll murder

explain again why you aren't proving that cops are coward murderers?

i never said it was justifiable, and that also wasn't your question. you asked if it made you a target. the answer is yes.

so, is it justifiable that Dorne's family could be targets? no. but that doesn't stop them from being targets or from us understanding the reasoning behind it
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i belive he was reffering to this image taken after the asian target practise>>457027026
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So in your head, the daughter and fiance were hostile aggressors?

What you've said makes no fucking sense, because you said targeting terrorists. There is absolutely no reason for her to die. She was a college basketball coach retard.

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