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Bob Ross 13/06/01(Sat)23:33 No. 703316

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This is the Fangipani flower, it's name throughout many SE pacific/Indoesian nations. In Hawaii, and some other places, it's known by another name, Plumeria. Isn't it lovely? Note it's 5 pointed bi-lateral symmetry and distinct rounded petals.

In Hawaii, this flower has another name used mostly by local native Hawaiians. Dubbed "Touch me not", it has been the bane of many a new tourist to the island that recieves a pluemeria lay. Being too close to it, touching it, or handling it can lead to headches, nausea, vomiting, etc. Depsite this well known property, it is still used as a customary island greeting to this day.

Sadly, many people don't appreciate small details in this life. Perhaps, with more open eyes, more awareness of your surroundings, you can learn.

The mentality of the gulag-state and imperialism that fights for it sadly keeps many people blind to the wisdom of indegenous peoples the world over.

Feel free to add flowers you are interested in.

Novice Equestrian 13/06/01(Sat)23:36 No. 703317


Stoopid sausage fingers

N3X15 13/06/01(Sat)23:45 No. 703319

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The ancient Aztec pantheon so highly regarded nature they had a God dedicated solely to the worship of flowering plants and fertility.

Xochipilli [ʃot͡ʃi'pilːi] was the god of art, games, beauty, dance, flowers, and song in Aztec mythology. His name contains the Nahuatl words xochitl ("flower") and pilli (either "prince" or "child"), and hence means "flower prince". As the patron of writing and painting, he was called Chicomexochitl "Seven-flower", but he could also be referred to as Macuilxochitl "Five-flower". His wife was the human girl Mayahuel, and his twin sister was Xochiquetzal. As one of the gods responsible for fertility and agricultural produce, he was also associated with Tlaloc (god of rain), and Cinteotl (god of maize).[citation needed] Xochipilli corresponds to the Tonsured Maize God among the Classic Mayas.

Xochipilli was also the patron of both homosexuals and male prostitutes, a role possibly resulting from his being absorbed from the Toltec civilisation.

Sazpaimon 13/06/01(Sat)23:47 No. 703320

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It has been suggested by Wasson, Schultes, and Hofmann that the statue of Xochipilli represents a figure in the throes of entheogenic ecstasy. The position and expression of the body, in combination with the very clear representations of hallucinogenic plants which are known to have been used in sacred contexts by the Aztec support this interpretation.

Wasson says "He is absorbed in temicxoch, 'the flowery dream', as the Nahua say in describing the awesome experience that follows the ingestion of Sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia). I can think of nothing like it in the long and rich history of European art.

W. T. Snacks 13/06/01(Sat)23:53 No. 703322

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Kamsá Apprentice with "Drunken Snake," Sibundoy, June 1953

Borrachero is another well known ethnogen, although more widely associated with use in the Amaon basin, and it's tribuaries, most notably along the "Rio Negro" and "Sibundoy" regions of that part of Columbia.

Often touted as the "Devils Breath" in modern useage, it was an intergral part of spiritual ascent and initiation in pre-columbian cultures.

Marisa Kirisame 13/06/02(Sun)00:06 No. 703323

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wiki ftw

Sonichu 13/06/02(Sun)00:06 No. 703324

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Relative species of the genera may be found used in Pan-african carribean peoples/religions. In Haitian "Voudoun", it's used to drug the "Zombie" of the "Bokur" after the Bizango/Shanpwel coucil has dondemed the party to be put beneath the soil. It's used to keep said party in a state of delusion and deliurium as to more easily enslave him/her.

"An American scientist revealed in 1982 that the bokor used a slow acting poison to paralyse his victims. The zombie-like state is created by a substance that contains tetrodotoxin, a chemical which lowers a person’s metabolic rate to the point where he appears to be dead.

Once buried, the victim often does die from the poison or from suffocation. If he is still alive when the bokor reaches him, he will be forced to eat a mysterious paste containing a powerful psychoactive substance such as datura stramonium – known as the zombie cucumber."

Lorf 13/06/02(Sun)00:09 No. 703325

Nothing wrong with wiki when it cites it's sources.

But then, there are actual scholars there.

Homicide 13/06/02(Sun)00:20 No. 703326

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Mudkip 13/06/02(Sun)00:21 No. 703327

Interestingly, much of the symbolism used by these West-african secret societies has crept into modern usage. In film, art, gang symbolish, there are myriad examples of it's distillation into a modern context.

Also of note, the very same source material of the "Bokurs" zombie poudre' can be found in Japan, under the name "Fugu". There, only specially licensed chefs are allowed to prepare the highly toxic meat/row for consumption as sushimi. It's said "Only fools eat fugu..."

People suspected of dying of Fugu poisoning are laid by the grave for 3 days before burial, lest they be "ressurected"

There are many lessons in this symbolism, should one care to look.

zeneslev 13/06/02(Sun)00:22 No. 703328

Mmm, a lovely genus. I've spoken with some of those ancestors. ;)

He-Man 13/06/02(Sun)00:29 No. 703329

"To those that have ears, let them hear"

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 13/06/02(Sun)00:31 No. 703330

Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns." Matthew 16:23

Liru Fanboy 13/06/02(Sun)01:10 No. 703332


Also of note, this same "Zombie's cucumber" is thought to have been related to a species used as an admixture in the hashish compounds used in training new assasins at Mount Alamut.

The origins of the Assassins trace back to just before the First Crusade around 1080. There has been much difficulty finding out much information about the origins of the Assassins because most early sources are either written by enemies of the order or based on legends. Most sources dealing with the order's inner working were destroyed with the capture of Alamut, the Assassins' headquarters, by the Mongols in 1256. However, it is possible to trace the beginnings of the cult back to its first Grandmaster, Hassan-i Sabbah.

A passionate devotee of Isma'ili beliefs, Hassan-i Sabbah was well-liked throughout Cairo, Syria and most of the Middle East by other Isma'ili, which led to a number of people becoming his followers. Using his fame and popularity, Sabbah founded the Order of the Assassins. While his motives for founding this order are ultimately unknown, it was said to be all for his own political and personal gain and to also exact vengeance on his enemies. Because of the unrest in the Holy Land caused by the Crusades, Hassan-i Sabbah found himself not only fighting for power with other Muslims, but also with the invading Christian forces.[6]
Artistic rendering of Hassan-i Sabbah.

After creating the Order, Sabbah searched for a location that would be fit for a sturdy headquarters and decided on the fortress at Alamut in what is now northwestern Iran. It is still disputed whether Sabbah built the fortress himself or if it was already built at the time of his arrival. In either case, Sabbah adapted the fortress to suit his needs of not only defense from hostile forces, but also indoctrination of his followers. After laying claim to the fortress at Alamut, Sabbah began expanding his influence outward to nearby towns and districts, using his agents to gain political favour and intimidate the local populations.

Spending most of his days at Alamut working on religious works and doctrines for his Order, Sabbah was never to leave his fortress again in his lifetime. He had established a secret society of deadly assassins, which was built in a hierarchical format. Below Sabbah, the Grand Headmaster of the Order, were those known as "Greater Propagandists", followed by the normal "Propagandists", the Rafiqs ("Companions"), and the Lasiqs ("Adherents"). It was the Lasiqs who were trained to become some of the most feared assassins, or as they were called, "Fida'i" (self-sacrificing agent), in the known world.[7]

It is, however, unknown how Hassan-i-Sabbah was able to get his "Fida'i" to perform with such fervent loyalty. One theory, possibly the best known but also the most criticized, comes from the observations from Marco Polo during his travels to the Orient. He describes how the "Old Man of the Mountain" (Sabbah) would drug his young followers with hashish, lead them to a "paradise", and then claim that only he had the means to allow for their return. Perceiving that Sabbah was either a prophet or some kind of magic man, his disciples, believing that only he could return them to "paradise", were fully committed to his cause and willing to carry out his every request.[8] (However, this story is disputed due to the fact that Sabbah died in 1124 and Sinan, who is frequently known as the "Old Man of the Mountain", died in 1192. Marco Polo wasn't born until 1254.) With his new weapons, Sabbah began to order assassinations, ranging from politicians to great generals. Assassins rarely would attack ordinary citizens though and tended not to be hostile towards them. All Hashashins were trained in both the art of combat as in the study of religion, believing that they were on a jihad and were religious warriors. Some consider them the Templars of Islam and, as such, also formed an order with varying degrees of initiation.

Although the "Fida'i" were the lowest rank in Sabbah's order and only used as expendable pawns to do the Grandmaster's bidding, much time and many resources were put into training them. The Assassins were generally young in age giving them the physical strength and stamina which would be required to carry out these murders. However, physical prowess was not the only trait that was required to be a "Fida'i". To get to their targets, the Assassins had to be patient, cold, and calculating. They were generally intelligent and well read because they were required to possess not only knowledge about their enemy, but his or her culture and their native language. They were trained by their masters to disguise themselves, sneak into enemy territory and perform the assassinations instead of simply attacking their target outright.[7]
To denote a hashih eater, or otherwise unsavory person in the Arabic, they used the following glyph

O.P. 13/06/02(Sun)01:13 No. 703333

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The Knights Templar, in their travels in the region, brought back many of the symbols and associated intoxicants of these religious groups.

Such can be seen in symbols of the Templars, the Rosicrucians, and other orders and sects.

Steve 13/06/02(Sun)01:44 No. 703336

Yeah well I'm going to smoke Changa soon.

I'm shitting bricks.

Lorf 13/06/02(Sun)05:44 No. 703343

Dunno bout changa. If it's smoked, supposedly you don't want to hurl as much. But then, pure DMT kind of made me want to hurl, like going on some insane, faster-than-the-speed-of-light rollercoaster ride.

I hear the puking is part of whats supposed to be so cathartic about the whole experience, the physical "purging" of toxins/bad-mojo, whatever.

So if you avoid that, isn't that sort of cheating the experience?

I'm no curandero. But, I think ritual has so much to do with aligning thinking along a particular, and peculiar arrow path.

Nyan Cat 13/06/02(Sun)07:07 No. 703349

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Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals, usually to the point of orgasm.[1] The stimulation can be performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated sex toys.[2] Mutual masturbation, which is masturbation with a partner, can take the form of non-penetrative sex.

Studies have found that masturbation is frequent in humans of both sexes and all ages, although there is variation. Various medical and psychological benefits have been attributed to a healthy attitude to sex in general and to masturbation in particular, and no causal relationship is known between masturbation and any form of mental or physical disorder. Acts of masturbation have been depicted in art worldwide since prehistory. While there was a period (from the late 18th to the early 20th century) when it was subject to medical censure and social conservatism, it is considered a normal part of healthy life today. It is commonly mentioned in popular music as well as on television, in films and in literature.

Masturbation can also take place for the purpose of assisted reproduction, for instance in the case of in vitro fertilization (in jurisdictions where these medical procedures are legal).

Animal masturbation has been observed in many species, both in the wild and in captivity.[3][4][5] Some religions consider masturbation to be a sin.[6]

Sonichu 13/06/02(Sun)07:24 No. 703350


But your boss seems like a real dick.

Sonichu 13/06/02(Sun)10:26 No. 703356

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the Sandbox tree, also known as Possumwood and Jabillo, is an evergreen tree of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), native to tropical regions of North and South America, including the Amazon Rainforest. It is recognized by the many dark, pointed spines and smooth brown bark. These spines have caused it to be called Monkey no-climb.

Sandbox trees can grow to 60 meters (200 ft), and the large ovate leaves grow to two feet wide. They are monoecious. The red flowers have no petals. Male flowers grow on long spikes; female flowers are solitary in axils. The fruit is a large capsule with explosive dehiscence; seeds can be launched at 70 meters per second (160 mph). One source states that ripe pods catapult the seeds as far as 100 meters (330 ft). Another source states that seeds are thrown as far as 45 meters (148 ft) from the tree, with a mode at about 30 meters (98 ft). It has also been known as the Dynamite tree, so named for the explosive sound of the ripe fruit as it splits into segments.

Miku Fanboy 13/06/02(Sun)14:32 No. 703425

This needs one more:

[Goatse.cx] Hello!
what else would you post?


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