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He-Man 13/05/30(Thu)21:21 No. 703123

File 136994170577.jpg - (29.33KB , 300x197 , 600full-the-mosquito-coast-screenshot-300x197.jpg )

You know, if you watch the movie "The Mosquito Coast" backwards, it's about two guys trying to get out of the jungle with an ever increasing load of ice.

Bob Ross 13/05/31(Fri)03:10 No. 703158

You know, if you watch any porno movie backwards, it's about a dude slowly realizing he's gay.

poe 13/05/31(Fri)03:19 No. 703159

That or his uncanny ability to clean womens faces of semen with his cock.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 13/05/31(Fri)11:43 No. 703186

File 136999340235.jpg - (84.19KB , 800x480 , Pretty-Woman.jpg )

If you watch Pretty Woman backwards, It's about a rich guy turning his woman into a hooker.

Nyan Cat 13/05/31(Fri)17:27 No. 703202

Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas backwards= A movie about a guy who magically makes drugs appear, and slowly rebuilding a classic convertable.

tee 13/05/31(Fri)18:11 No. 703205

If you watch Sin City backwards it's a bunch of side stories around a man who will do anything to replace a man's lost penis.

Closet Furry 13/05/31(Fri)19:00 No. 703206

File 137001960473.jpg - (20.69KB , 220x296 , 220px-Roots_25th_Anniversary_Edition[1].jpg )

If you read/watch Roots backwards, it's about a lot of rich American citizens capturing and forcing a lot of niggers to work in the cotton fields, before finally putting them all on ships and sending them back to Africa where they happily live in the darkest jungle.

The American dream, huh?

r000t 13/06/02(Sun)14:07 No. 703376

File 137017482395.jpg - (138.26KB , 1280x720 , memento_image_3.jpg )

If you watch Memento backwards, it probably makes sense first time around.


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