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symbion 13/05/19(Sun)03:48 No. 702327

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I have a challenge for you, /b/. Almost a dare, if you will.

Think of someone that you haven't seen for a long time (at least 2+ years), preferably someone who lives far away from you. Also, the person must have been a good friend of yours (perhaps an ex-girlfriend, or your old best friend). Text that person, and tell them that you have amnesia. Ask them how close you were, what you may have behaved like around them, etc. Try to make your story believable, tell them you have retrograde amnesia, do research, and so on. An easy route would be to say that their number was in your phone and you're trying to find out who your friends are, so as not to cut off ties.

I want you to record all of what they said in this thread (not word-for-word responses, but rather how much truth there is to what they said). Find out if your old pals are complete liars, who embellish the relationship that you had with them a little too much. Find out if your old pals are honest, and tell the wholesome truth. You might find out a thing or two about the people you used to regularly converse and be intimate with.

Now, sooner or later you'll probably be caught. With the advent of social networking, saying something like this would cause most to immediately stalk your Facebook or Twitter. My advice is to be honest and tell them you were testing them. Also, if they don't catch on by the time you're finished inquiring about them, you should probably tell them that you were lying. Say whatever you want, like it was a joke or a friendship test or something.

Are you up for the challenge?

Lorf 13/05/19(Sun)04:00 No. 702330

I only have friends to make me feel smarter

Weeabot 13/05/19(Sun)04:42 No. 702334

go back to niggertits faggot.

Spiderman 13/05/20(Mon)02:10 No. 702393

None of us have any friends. That's why we're here.

Sonichu 13/05/25(Sat)11:52 No. 702732

Well, this is about past friends; I might not have friends right now, but I (may have) had, years ago.

I find that an interesting idea, but I feel way too lazy to try it (and that is why I'm here right now.)

h 13/05/30(Thu)06:24 No. 703071

I'm going to bump this off the last page because I like the idea. Only problem is I can't pull this off on anyone, otherwise I'd contribute.

W. T. Snacks 13/05/30(Thu)06:40 No. 703072

weld, I could have done this with a girl except she just recently reconnected with me after four or so years. I definitely would have done it.


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