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Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)19:59:48 No. 484678219 bamp? >>
Anonymous (ID: w/6xBy67 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:01:15 No. 484678508 Go neck yourself >>
Anonymous (ID: DL/vgDh+ ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:03:23 No. 484678907 Been out of work and searching for about 13 months now... and out of a relationship I was deeply invested in for about 4. Some of us just have shit luck as hard as we try. Things will either get better or they won't. Just can't stop trying til something puts your lights out, OP >>
Anonymous (ID: V4VOau1b ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:04:04 No. 484679021 live a different lifestyle. Make a big change. Move to Asia or something. >>
Anonymous (ID: SbQkmm8U ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:06:28 No. 484679454 >>484677662 (OP) i was unemployed 7 months at one point... it sucks and those who can't relate usually have little sympathy... you gotta move to a different location or change up your game somehow. feeling resentful and victimized doesn't fix your problem>>
Anonymous (ID: NJuGR0cI ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:06:57 No. 484679532 >>484677662 (OP) >>
Anonymous (ID: KfBHlmc8 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:07:27 No. 484679630 >>484677662 (OP) yeah same here man. I've had my first post university job half a year ago in a new city. But it was a contract, it's over, and i've been unemployed for a month. all my friemds in the same class have good jobs, houses, banging gf's, loads of cash, and I'm sharing a house with a couple of chinks who NEVER leave their home. it sucks balls>>
Anonymous (ID: SfOAMRU7 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:08:20 No. 484679791 2 years and counting get on my level amerifag you know shit about fuck >>
Anonymous (ID: FHk0K+Tl ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:10:35 No. 484680140 Write a book Op. Doesn't even have to be good, just write one and it'll get published. >>
Anonymous (ID: nXkL+9jZ ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:10:40 No. 484680157 We all get our ups and downs OP. i used to be young, fresh and got alot of girls and always had money in my bank while my freinds were always poor and had no life. 10 years later all my freinds are married and traveling the world while i done nothing but sit here and smoke weed with you guys and get yelled at by my controlling gf. Only because i dont care about anything anymore.So dont give up ya little faggot have goals and dont stop work towards them because it will happen. >>
Anonymous (ID: sB6Sbm5f ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:13:08 No. 484680570 >>484677662 (OP) I'm EXACTLY in your spot.Hurts really bad, I feel like they know something I don't about jobs.. Horrible, in addition it's not even like I have a worthless degree.. I have a masters in finance from a top 20 program and I get NO INTERVIEWS at all. Depressing.>>
Anonymous (ID: Yp/h2RlB ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:17:50 No. 484681461 >>484677662 (OP) now that you haven't been employed for so long, employers think you're lazy or you'll take whatever job you can get. it's easier to get a job when you have a job. if you don't have a job, potential employers think there's something wrong with you.>>
Anonymous (ID: SfOAMRU7 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:22:22 No. 484682297 >>484681461 same with girls>>
Anonymous (ID: Yp/h2RlB ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:23:17 No. 484682467 >>484681461 aka just get a shitty job from one of those places that is ALWAYS fucking hiring (mcdonalds, grocery store, etc, etc) and it will actually help you get a decent job. if you can't get a job from mcdonalds, kill yourself. Check out the fucking dipshits working there. Anyone is hirable.>>
Anonymous (ID: ZY4DpFdp ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:23:40 No. 484682541 >>484681461 This. Also OP a lot of your bros should be trying to hook you up too. Them niggas ain't your friends. Besides, other than being employed, the next best way to get a job is by who you know. I'm working a shitty customer service job, it's thankless but pays the bills while I find something after I graduate Uni. A lot of people also lean on their parents all the time. I can't tell you how many fucking flat burnout drunks and pill heads at Florida state get put on by their CEO dad. Fuck that. America used to be about having motivation and a dream, now it's about knowing the right asshole, dick, or pussy. Fuckin sux. Move to an Asian country and teach English.>>
Anonymous (ID: KfBHlmc8 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:24:31 No. 484682707 >>484681461 this. always look for a job while employed still. Work at mcdicks or something for now to pay off the bills, then eventually an opportunity will come up.>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:26:28 No. 484683108 >>484680570 same here, BS on finance. Did 2 internships, but still no luck.>>
Anonymous (ID: SEBz7NH6 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:29:38 No. 484683703 Ausfag here... I've been unemployed since August 2011, I left my job to go to another job (Of the same time I am by trade a boilermaker) When I arrived at the new job the "boss" told me "Sorry I forgot you were coming here and gave the job to somebody else" So yeah I was pretty pissed about that... So I went on a job hunt thinking I'd only be out of work for at max a month... I applied to places even an hour away (Driving) and still can't seem to get a job in my trade so I mixed it up a bit and started putting my application into places like Coles, Woolies, Jewellers, Service Stations basically anything I could think of. Still no job, I don't understand why I can't get one and it's driving me insane. I did decent in school, I've never done anything bad by employers or employees. So going on 2 years without a job, I survive by living at home with my mother who is rather well off and gives me money whenever I need it (Which I really try not to ask and will be paying back as soon as I can) I refuse to go on the Dole ( Australians version of Welfare ) Because I believe I didn't work for it so it's not mine and I don't deserve it. My mother and girlfriend have both said that "It's just a bad run and you will find something eventually" But I dunno it's been almost 2 years and this is driving me insane. >>
Anonymous (ID: Yp/h2RlB ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:30:06 No. 484683791 >>484683108 just get ANY fucking job. the longer you don't have a job, the more people will think you're a retard and won't hire you. I hire people, and I'll never hire someone that's been without a job for so long. Then you don't know if they'll just take anything you throw at them or if they actually want to work there. So you hire them and finally get them trained, then they fuck off and go to a different job leaving you back at hiring a new person to train. Unless all the applicants are jobless or retards, I'm not even going to look at an unemployed persons application>>
Anonymous (ID: OPunZZq5 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:33:00 No. 484684323 Here's some advice, OP. This is everything you will need to do to not only get a job but continue to do well with all your future endeavors. When you go to turn that application in, insist to hand it to the manager yourself. Don't let some nobody with no say whatsoever take it back to them, because they won't think twice about you if they cant but a face to your name. So meet this guy, alright? Shake his fucking hand, and do it well. Impress that mother fucker. Go to that shit as clean and professional as possible. If you think you look tacky, you probably are. Buy some clothes for that hunt, its important. Make sure that stuff fits too, because I see half you nerds with poorly fitted clothes and it just isn't working. You need to make connections in life to get jobs, so put yourself out there to actively meet new people. You never know who might be able to help you out if you look employable. Honing your social skills on whoever you meet will help you when it matters to make that lasting impression with an employer. Also, if you have acne and don't do your hair, you should watch some videos and clean up unsightly facial features as best you can. Its a superficial world and that shit is your breadwinner. >>
Anonymous (ID: 1zpDUMqo ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:33:19 No. 484684384 Bit of a long story:>Working a fairly decent call center job, basic was ok, bonus was great. >Get a job offer from another company. >Jr Software Analyst, an extra £10,000 per year and better prospects. >Only catch is I have to move to London. >Fuckyeh.jpg I have friends in London, one has been suggesting I move there for ages. >Move in with him as he says his mom is moving out soon. >He says don't worry about rent until she's gone, but you have to spend a few weeks on the couch. >Start new job >1 month later, still on the couch, notice his mom has a pretty bad weed habit, but it's non of my business. >Been paying for nights out, meals, nice treats and shit for them because I felt guilty about not paying rent. >3 months later, still on the couch. >Friend isn't really speaking to me much anymore, hangs out with his new folk punk faggot friends, keeps me up all hours when I'm working the next day. >Get called in to the office at work. >Fired because they smell weed on my clothes. >Talking to my friend about it, tell him I have £3200 to last me until I find my next job. >Two weeks later, Friend springs a bill on me, £1600 rent, because he now knows I have savings. >Fuckthatshit.gif, tell him to stick it up his arse, leave him £400 pack my shit up and move back home. >Six months later, found some shitty Christmas temp work that paid for Christmas presents >Last month, finally managed to find a new job, exact same call center job as before. >Reference check turns up failed probation. >Job revoked. It's now month 7, I haven't left my parents house in months, I have no friends, no job and no life anymore. My avoidant personality disorder has gone off the charts, and to top it off I have depression too, I'm borderline suicidal and this is all thanks to fucking work. >>
Anonymous (ID: /0ZFV0qA ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:33:22 No. 484684397 >>484682541 This. Bro hooked me up with a job when I was majoring something else.Now I work in something way different and make decent living. No more parents house and got two cars. My lady is moving in soon.. don't fret, you might just need a career change.>>
Anonymous (ID: SfOAMRU7 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:34:32 No. 484684612 >>484683703 same, but girl left me as soon as job went to shit and my parents are poor>>
Anonymous (ID: kHCi7M7e ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:36:30 No. 484685002 >>484677662 (OP) Was unemployed for one and a half year. Just got a job 2 months ago. I know the feels man, be strong and hang in there.>>
Anonymous (ID: Yp/h2RlB ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:37:01 No. 484685110 >>484684384 >Reference check turns up failed probation. >failed probation. >probation. not good.>>
Anonymous (ID: Yp/h2RlB ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:37:57 No. 484685293 >>484684397 what he needs is a job, career comes later.>>
Anonymous (ID: UjjlcxEO ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:38:52 No. 484685457 >>484677662 (OP) Where do you live, man? I was unemployed 6 months ago and landed a job after 4 months, but same deal. Keeping busy, exercising in the morning, job applications, parents' chores, chilling with friends. I know exactly how you feel, but I lucked out hard. Its a hard economy, I get it, keep strong, keep our head up, keep fighting. Where are you applying for work?>>
Anonymous (ID: 1zpDUMqo ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:39:34 No. 484685576 >>484685110 Failed probationary period at work. Most jobs over in the UK give you a 3 or 6 month probationary period where they can fire you without going through the disciplinary procedure. Not probation as in prison etc.>>
Anonymous (ID: Yp/h2RlB ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:40:25 No. 484685716 jobless anons, post pictures of yourselves and you'll probably hear why you're jobless. >>
Anonymous (ID: ZY4DpFdp ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:41:00 No. 484685810 >>484684397 /b/Ro I'm glad. Out of curiosity, what are you doing now? It align with your studies at all?>>
Anonymous (ID: SEBz7NH6 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:43:15 No. 484686226 >>484685716 If I post a picture of myself right at this very second yeah you could point out flaws. I'm in jeans and a t-shirt with my tattoos showing. However if I go for a job interview clearly I wear nice dress pants and shirt with sleeves to cover them up.>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:44:29 No. 484686450 >>484685457 investment banking. Currently living in los angeles. did an internship in nyc.>>
Anonymous (ID: UjjlcxEO ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:47:04 No. 484686942 >>484686450 >>484686450 Honest advice. Forget the American Dream, man. Forget your pride, forget what YOU want to do. Just get a job even if its a hotel bellhop or a waiter at a dive of a fucking restaurant. They fucked with us, dude. There isnt enough room for everyone to be what they are trained and cut out to do. By all means, keep applying until you get it, but any job will do right now...>>
Anonymous (ID: SfOAMRU7 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:48:07 No. 484687123 later guys ima cry myself to sleep watching some adorable camgirl o/ >>
Anonymous (ID: FXrvdxYk ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:50:32 No. 484687569 >>484684323 > best way to shake his hand > mirror the exact way they are doing it >>
Anonymous (ID: D53dT6PE ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:52:03 No. 484687836 >>484677662 (OP) the only people who can't find jobs have bad reputations.... I have one friend who went through 5 companies in 2 years. was finally axed for bad habits... drugs, being late. took him 4 years to find a job at a bake shop....>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:52:32 No. 484687917 Ah.. shit, I just looked at the time, and it's just soul-shattering to trudge on through each day, simply because you hope that it will get better the nxt day. Makes me wonder when I'll get my dumb-shit random lucky break, seems like everyone gets theirs. >>
Anonymous (ID: OPunZZq5 ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:55:12 No. 484688410 >>484687917 I waited 6 years for mine. Persistence. Remind yourself of this more than I did, save yourself the wasted time.>>
Anonymous (ID: Heaven ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:59:07 No. 484689109 >>484677662 (OP) that sucks faggot. I make over 500K a year, fuck super models daily, and live in a masion. Building my heli-pad right now>>
Anonymous (ID: FXrvdxYk ) 06/03/13(Mon)20:59:17 No. 484689137 Im fine, but my brother never has a job. He just wont get his shit together. Dropped out of highschool only needing on credit, still hasnt gotten it in a decade. He only works minimum wage, and doesnt even have enough money to pay for his cigarette and weed habits. He lost his latest job washing dishes, my dad let him stay at his house for free to look for work, and kicked him out after a month and he became homeless. He had a shitty childhood which he refuses to get over. Ive always loved him, and it makes me pretty sad that I now realize hes just being a shitty person. He thinks he has so many problema, which hes created for himself just by believing. >>
Anonymous (ID: Heaven ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:00:10 No. 484689285 >>484689109 mansion*>>
Anonymous (ID: /nD8ZfQn ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:01:25 No. 484689539 >>484689109 What are the male models names?>>
Anonymous (ID: Heaven ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:04:01 No. 484690109 >>484689539 >>
Anonymous (ID: sfta4Zgv ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:04:19 No. 484690171 Have any of you tried employment agencies? Sometimes they suck, sometimes you'll find a really good one that gets you work ASAP. Only problem is they can put you in shit jobs that you have to work at for a couple of months until you can go somewhere else that's better or worse. Factory jobs are usually the worst. >>
Anonymous (ID: pxc8Z8Gy ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:05:28 No. 484690439 >>484677662 (OP) you could have a job real easy but youre probably an entitled faggot who thinks working at a restaurant or a retail store part-time is beneath him, no sympathy for you>>
Anonymous (ID: /nD8ZfQn ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:06:12 No. 484690612 >>484690109 Oh!! Oh!!! Help me get to a burn unit!!! Oh Oh Oh>>
Anonymous (ID: KfBHlmc8 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:06:37 No. 484690719 >>484690171 i tried one. they sent me a message back. "we're sorry, we're looking for ppl with 5 years experience. fuck off>>
Anonymous (ID: gQN8fiHr ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:07:46 No. 484690982 >>484689137 almost the exact same story as my brother, and tons of other brothers I am sure. Did you help him be less shitty? I feel like there is nothing I can do.>>
Anonymous (ID: vWdJV9Vf ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:08:09 No. 484691058 >>484677662 (OP) yo look in da mirror yo nigger>>
Anonymous (ID: 50N4KHsK ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:09:23 No. 484691348 >>484690439 This. Anyone can get a job, shit i have two because i am willing to take a shitty job.>>
Anonymous (ID: qLVb2+yR ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:11:58 No. 484691897 >>484677662 (OP) I dunno man. I'm 35 and I've spent a whopping two months of my working life unemployed. I wasn't filling out applications to shitty jobs, but when I told my at the time shrink I was unemployed he said "Have you tried fast food yet?" I applied at BK and Rat Mac's and that Ronald McDingus feller called first. I had a job in under a week after I lowered my expectations. Give it a try.>>
Anonymous (ID: tpex1kpl ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:12:00 No. 484691910 This next statement is coming from someone who was unemployed from March of 2012 to February of this year: If you don't have a job, it's because you are too lazy to go out and get one. If you disagree with me, you're only lying to yourself and ruining your own life. Stop feeling sorry for poor little you and go beat down doors until someone hires you. Filling out applications doesn't do a damn thing, go TALK to hiring managers every single day until someone gets you a job. Kill them with kindness. Motivational tits for you, get yourself some work. >>
Anonymous (ID: KfBHlmc8 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:12:52 No. 484692096 >>484690439 exactly. I'm applying for both geologist jobs and restaurants. be kinda embarrasing if a classmate saw me working there but whatever. gotta pay the bills somehow. every dog has his day>>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:14:06 No. 484692354 >>484683791 and this logic sir, is why you should be fired on the spot essentially you are missing out great talents because they don't have a shitty job>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:17:45 No. 484693108 >>484691910 I've done cold call and walk-ins many times.>>
Anonymous (ID: xM6FVDG4 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:18:38 No. 484693316 Protips Volunteer Show that you habe extra circular activites Bullshit, your mum is now your reference under a different allias Use recently closed businesses as previous employment Go on courses or say you have been on courses and that you went the extra mile Say you play sports, team preferably >>
Anonymous (ID: lVKPizu1 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:19:08 No. 484693414 Hanging out with friends, doing chores for mommy and daddy, and "filling out applications". Wow. You're really going the extra mile, aren't you? Get off yer ass, stop hanging out with friends, and wasting time on 4chan (for starters). Get a job delivering pizzas for sandwiches. Go to city apartment complexes and ask if you can do their gardening for $10/hr, or clean up the trash around the place. Ask if they need anything painted. Do the same for construction companies, or whatever. The work is there, as long as you don't think you're an entitled fuck that NEEDS to make $25/hr to "survive". Get off yer fucking ass, get off the fucking computer, tell your friends to fuck off cuz you need a job, and go get a job. Lazy fuck... >>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:20:50 No. 484693758 >>484692354 >>484692354 No he is missing out on people who think they are better than shitty jobs. An obvious trait of an entitled douchebag, which he does not want on his crew.>>
Anonymous (ID: KfBHlmc8 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:21:37 No. 484693920 >>484693414 yeah I had this problem. I was a stoner faggot with some other friends, bitching how no one would hire me. Gee they must have really missed out on me. I'm a line cook now with a university degree>>
Anonymous (ID: lVKPizu1 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:24:23 No. 484694471 >>484692354 Great talents know how to get things done, they know how to sell themselves, they know how to dedicate to whatever it takes to succeed. Sitting on 4chan, filling out applications, and hanging out with friends means he's a lazy fuck. I used to hire techs for onsite repair services, and I would never hire someone that went without ANY work for months at a time, either. IF someone said they were laid off and delivered pizza for 6 months before sitting at the desk in front of me would get hired because he/she did what was necessary. He didn't sit on 4chan, trolling pr0n, hanging out with friends, and doing chores for mommy and daddy. Someone that went the extra mile to work, ANY work, would always get the job from me over someone that sat on their ass all day.>>
Anonymous (ID: YzlFywYv ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:27:32 No. 484695141 Join the military or look into Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Also the Peace Corps >>
Anonymous (ID: 8Chz3S6j ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:27:34 No. 484695145 OP, some faggot already mentioned that employers don't like when you have a gap since your last job. Solution: make up a freelance position and have a friend vouch for you. Come up with a solid explanation. Practice it. You got to get creative man. Also, is the best search tool. >>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:28:33 No. 484695361 >>484693758 read what you said again. missing out on people who think they are better than shitty jobs. meaning they have ambition and dignity, not that they think they are entitled to anything. but indeed, morons like you and the above mentioned want in their crew only douchebags that will never threaten your position,as they lack those traits. you want humble paesants, and that's what you get no wonders the economy is down the toilet>>
Anonymous (ID: Q8mzmZKm ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:28:47 No. 484695408 >>484678907 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:32:00 No. 484696114 >>484694471 implying delivering pizzas is going to help him getting a job in investment banking... once again, you want slaves, you get slaves, but slaves have no qualities whatsoever>>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:32:52 No. 484696307 >>484695361 I'm talking about the high school faggots that have never had a real job before dumb fuck. You really think anyone in the real world gives a shit about your ambition? The answer is no. You have to get in and work your way up.>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:33:26 No. 484696415 >>484696114 yep..>>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:35:24 No. 484696840 >>484696114 And here is the type of mentality that lands you unemployed. >If i am a pizza delivery driver i'm a slave. No faggot, a slave is the workers in 3rd world countries getting 10 cents an hour, you are an entitled faggot.>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:35:39 No. 484696885 >>484696307 I did work when I was in high school. Did volunteer at school library, got a job Barnes and Noble and also worked at pizzahub. This was back in 2007, before the recession, so it was easier to get it.>>
Anonymous (ID: lVKPizu1 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:36:53 No. 484697136 >>484696114 "Investment banking"?!?! He's sitting on 4chan whining (yes, I know it's a troll, but go with it). If he wanted to get into investment banking there are a THOUSAND ways to get there. But he clearly doesn't have what it takes, because he's still living at home, doing chores for mommy and daddy, and clearly unable to go out and get ANY job, let alone the one he wants. Lazy fuck needs to join the army; they'll take anyone, not some self-entitled, "the world owes me $25/hour" bullshit ass-wipe sitting on 4chan all day. He doesn't have a job because he's too lazy to go get one. There is a thousand things he can do. College degree? Got a tip for ya: a college degree means SHIT unless you go and TAKE that job in that SPECIALIZED career. Got a degree in liberal arts? Have fun delivering pizza.>>
Anonymous (ID: D53dT6PE ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:37:21 No. 484697220 >>484692354 WOW...... WOW!!!!!! U do know you can look for a real job while u work at BK..... instead of crying how ur on welfare and living at home. It beats depression and suicidal thoughts 100x's over.. and it helps you monetary wise when it comes to hanging out with friends instead of being a fucking parasite. I worked at petco for 4 years. shit was awful. back stabbing co workers. horrible pet owners who are so mentally challenged the government should take their kids away...... keep watching rich fags who had their way paid through college thinking they never have to get a retail job. why don't ur introvert ass learn a real skill like, being able to talk to a random stranger with out being uncomfortable? or how to count currency quickly. Or how to manage a stock room efficiently? or how to think about others instead of yourself? I have a salary job now, and i was actually hired because my boss was an animal lover, who worked at a local dog rescue, and my regional manager had donated a shit ton of food about to expire to them. the fact of the matter is. u never know what will happen next, so take anything now. instead of being a QQ bitch!>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:38:11 No. 484697382 >>484697136 so what thousand ways are there? do you even know what they do?>>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:38:19 No. 484697403 >>484696307 except that he went to uni and probably has a master's, uh and yea in investment banking ambition is possibly the n.1 trait as for the rest, apparently employers like you think like this: it's either your daddy knows someone or go delivery pizzas, everything else doesn't matter then i look at the endless crisis we are in an i know who's to blame>>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:39:45 No. 484697682 >>484697403 I'm saying there is no reason to stay unemployed while you look for a career. GET A FUCKING JOB WHILE YOU TRY TO GET WHERE YOU WANT TO GET.>>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:41:05 No. 484697973 >>484696840 except that those 10cents an hour are enough to live for a week you, sir, are an ignorant fucktard again, apparently not being a daddy's princess or a slave makes you ''entitled''.... to what? dignity, yes i have it>>
Anonymous (ID: X7vjynio ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:41:05 No. 484697976 >>484677662 (OP) Do you research the places before you fill out your job applications, and emphasize your knowledge and skills that would apply to their companies specifically, or do you just spam the same shit to everyone? That's why you're unemployed and your friends aren't. It's better to submit two applications to two companies you know well and know exactly what their looking for, tailoring your CV/Resume to their needs, rather than spam the same shit to 100 companies.>>
Anonymous (ID: /7uwHZGN ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:41:39 No. 484698090 >be fired from blatant lies of a manager who hated me >get in accident less than a couple months later that ruins finals and life for the next 6 months >realize from this that significant other of 2 years doesn't actually give a shit about me, end shitty relationship >still unable to find work, mostly because of fulltime class schedules >mfw denied unemployment because they said it'd be too hard to try to find me work due to the full class schedule >no financial help from school because of age and lack of ppl willing to sign appropriate forms for me >>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:41:54 No. 484698120 >>484697136 says the pizza delivery guy...>>
Anonymous (ID: +hmleFYW ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:42:35 No. 484698275 >>484677662 (OP) Ugh! I know the feels>No job >live with parents >Friends are doing better then me >I'm unlucky I live in Brampton, Ontario. It's hard as fuck getting a job here. Ask anyone from here. You better get good connections for a decent job or else they wont look at you. Been trying to get a job for 2 years and still nothing. Tough shit, man. I probably have to go all the way to Mississauga, Winsdor, Oakville, or maybe Toronto for one. But fuck I can't drive. FML>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:42:35 No. 484698276 >>484697136 I am not entitled to anything. I'm not asking $25/hour. I am willing to get the same paycheck from McDonalds because I have want a career that aligns with my passion. If Goldman Sachs came up to me and said "you are hired, but we will pay only $1000." I would be fucking dying to get that position, sleep in the subway and eat MacCheese for months just to leverage and enhance my career level.>>
Anonymous (ID: /b5c7tAF ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:43:13 No. 484698421 >>484677662 (OP) well you can start by stopping calling yourself a "fag" because even if it is just the 4chan culture it is a way of bringing yourself down. maybe you need to go out and do something. I am 30. when i was 26 i got laid off of a good job which supported me. that was during the financial crash. i couldn't find comparable work so collected unemployment for 2 years looking for a new opportunity but nothing happened. i decided to put some resources together and travel the country, hoping maybe to settle down somewhere. it failed but i put things in greater perspective and a year later I hiked the whole appalachian trail. i had no where to go so moved back in with my mom and was able to find a reasonable job. beneath me in terms of education and coworkers(they're all younger) but at least I have something. I plan on traveling again once the seasonal work ends. maybe I will hike another trail. it is hard and very lonely, though. if you know what you want you'll get what you want but if you are uncertain all you get is uncertainty, i think. you need to really WANT money, a job and experience. but to know what you really want you need to comprehend the causes of your situation. you can't want a solution if you don't know what the problem is at its root. so you need to do that.>>
Anonymous (ID: YCj6bgmM ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:43:49 No. 484698545 >>484677662 (OP) theres obviously gotta be some other reasons for their circumstance just keep trying til your last dying breath say yes to shit and remember "just do it" sounds cliche but thats the differrence between 1%ers and you>>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:44:45 No. 484698736 >>484697220 and now you are a top ass banker....................... NOT lmfao, i love how all you idiots call him entitled when half of you didn't even have the enough balls to try to get into college.. you gave up long before he did>>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:44:53 No. 484698765 >>484697973 And the pay from dominoes is not enough to pay for a week? What the fuck are you on about. No fag, you are a fucktard. Being a lazy broke faggot because you don't want to stoop down to a common job is fucking stupid. Nobody is telling you to give up what you want to do, but sometimes you can't have everything handed to you.>>
Anonymous (ID: X8zeia06 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:46:27 No. 484699078 As someone who has never failed a job interview (that is, every job I've applied or interviewed for I've gotten first time) here are some tips: 1. Confidence is key in getting girls, and getting jobs. Self confidence goes a long way, be happy and passionate about your skills and what you enjoy and you're going to stick in more minds than everyone else answering questions off a list. 2. Appearance matters like fuck. Depending on the position a nice suit usually works best, so long as it looks like its yours and not just some suit you've never worn except for interviews. Find something you look good in and wear it around. 3. Know the answers to the basic interview questions. See this AWESOME guide: removed cause fuck spam bot 4. If you're still not getting a job then you're doing something wrong, figure out what it is and fix it. Maybe you're applying for the wrong kinda work, maybe you're just really fucking ugly, whatever it is, figure out how to make it a non issue. A good move is to just frankly and friendly ask the HR guy on the phone why he turned you down or what you couldve done better. tl;dr Self confidence, good attire, a lil research about the company and knowing why they're asking what they're asking. gg >>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:46:58 No. 484699187 >>484697682 depends, bankers would probably laugh at his face if he says in an interview he's delivering pizzas with a master in finance if he really needs the money, yea..>>
Anonymous (ID: /DZgeoGZ ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:47:28 No. 484699271 Got make redundant out of work for 1 month. Updating resume know... >>
Anonymous (ID: X8zeia06 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:47:46 No. 484699331 >>484699078 career-doctor dot blogs pot dot co dot uk slash 2006 slash 06/questions-theyll-ask-in-interview-and dot html >>
Anonymous (ID: /b5c7tAF ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:48:18 No. 484699448 jobs really don't pay enough. it used to be that you could work at a department store for a little more than minimum wage and still rent a decent room with privacy. even a small apartment in some places. nowadays there is too much of a divide in terms of wealth. one group hordes lots of resources because they earn it dishonestly/their pay is inflated whereas other people are underpaid. it creates impossible circumstances and leads to dependencies on wealthier people and the government. it is a sad truth. young people should be able to support themselves but that is becoming near impossible. lots of parents blame the kids but in reality the jobs just aren't there and if there are jobs they are often temporary and do not pay enough. >>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:48:35 No. 484699514 >>484699187 Why would they laugh? How do you know they would laugh? Are you talking out of your ass? There is nothing wrong with getting a job you delusional fucks.>>
Anonymous (ID: S+wH2X0A ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:48:37 No. 484699516 >>484697136 you sound like a faggot>>
Anonymous (ID: HF8MD4hY ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:49:39 No. 484699756 Neet for 1 years and 6 months as of Saturday I don't understand anything anymore nor will I pretend to, doing that landed me in the shit >>
Anonymous (ID: YCj6bgmM ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:49:58 No. 484699830 >>484686942 where in la>>
Anonymous (ID: lVKPizu1 ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:50:22 No. 484699905 >>484698736 I've got a degree, and ZERO college debt because I wasn't stupid enough to take loan after loan to get there. I worked, I did what I had to to get there, and succeeded nicely. Now, I understand that this is 4chan and you're supposed to talk out your ass here, but maybe you should learn what the fuck you're talking about before banging on your Cheetos-dust-covered keyboard. Typical entitled douchebag, just like the OP troll. Fail better, loser.>>
Anonymous (ID: qLVb2+yR ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:50:34 No. 484699947 People say the fast food industry sucks ass and hey, the pay is shit, but it's not that bad. If you're sneaky (or even not so sneaky if you work the closing shift) you can get asstons of free food. Being a McD's cook was by a pretty good margin the most stress free job I've ever had. I went in. I made burgers. I went home. No more thought necessary. And the crew and managers liked me because I took the job just serious enough that if anyone thought about complaining about me they'd complain about someone else first. One last note, if you're afraid of your friends seeing you don't be. I've got a simple line for that (and if you have any ambition it's true). A friend of mine came by one night stoned off his ass and when he saw me in the kitchen flipping burgers he asked me what the hell I was doing there. "I'm between jobs" came my reply. A few months later I had that new job and I've been there for the past 10.5 years. >>
Anonymous (ID: D53dT6PE ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:51:27 No. 484700132 >>484698736 hurr durr.. I went to college. took 5 years because I couldn't afford money wise or time wise to take 6 classes a semester. Fucked a cute asian girl too! Even went to china and had sex with 2 of her best friends while she watched. Using all that sweet sweet petco money! hope ur butt hurt now. lawl. The regional manager didn't donate the fucking dog food in my name R-tard. I just had this thing called a good work ethic and respect. I'm actually giving good advice but ur such a butt hurt, it's every one else but me, homo, that you will continue to fail. you are probably one of those worthless shits that would say "it's not my job to do that!" when some one asks for help or "it's not my fault" instead of saying let me try and help fix the problem. <-- these will actually get u further in respect than anything else in life.>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:52:17 No. 484700273 >>484699830 near Corona>>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:52:21 No. 484700292 >>484698765 and again, how does delivering pizzas make him more suitable for investment banking? but it's good you already dismissed your previous argument from what i get so far is that recruiters are uneducated losers with low self esteem ambition threatens them and so does dignity they want slaves or daddy's princesses with low iq>>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:52:53 No. 484700403 >>484698736 Take a look at your life and ask yourself if you are a winner. Good luck trying to somehow land a nice career with no willingness to take a job that you feel is beneath you>>
Anonymous (ID: YCj6bgmM ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:53:19 No. 484700503 >>484700273 "la" more like more like IE but ok>>
Anonymous (ID: 7EdOL7sh ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:54:05 No. 484700648 >>484700503 >IE why'd ask?>>
Anonymous (ID: ODJrDN2b ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:54:17 No. 484700682 I, too, am unemployed, yet fill out job application pretty much every day. It sucks so many balls. I've been eighteen for almost two months and still live with my parents like a little faggot. >>
Anonymous (ID: wt477h0K ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:54:32 No. 484700732 OP, this is Russell the antique dealer. I know life sucks right now, but you need to man the fuck up and start working. Find a shit tier mexican job, sell items on craigslist, read the papers and check online DAILY. Never give up, never lose your appearence and always work towards finding something. If you get a shit job, use the money wisely and keep looking for a better job. When I was broke as all hell I managed to scrap by working odd jobs and I took care of a GF, you can too. >>
Anonymous (ID: S+wH2X0A ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:54:45 No. 484700768 CPA here accounting is easy to get into but holy shit public fuckin sux >>
Anonymous (ID: YCj6bgmM ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:55:07 No. 484700852 >>484700648 covina-fag>>
Anonymous (ID: lXsA5twD ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:55:43 No. 484700976 >>484700292 I'm not sure what point i dismissed? I'm not talking about becoming an investment banker i'm talking about a job so you don't have to be a loser living with your parents anymore. Delivering pizzas probably won't make him more suitable, but neither will sitting on your ass and declaring the only job you will take is in investment banking.>>
Anonymous (ID: /b5c7tAF ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:55:49 No. 484700998 >>484697220 there is some truth to that but in a lot of cases(not necessarily OP) some people just do not feel right or are not cut out for certain jobs. Either that or there is a moral disagreement with the company. for example, i wouldn't work at mcdonalds because A)i wouldn't fit in B)it looks too hard and C)i do not support the company and do not want to support it by working there. But still there are usually opportunities so it is true that you should take a job while you can. But on the other side of the issue working full time while you should be looking for work can be a problem. it gets in the way of finding a job and can demoralize you, especially if you hate what you're doing. Also, you reach a certain age where you do not fit-in in those low wage jobs. you shouldn't beat on yourself and call yourself a parasite because someone is helping you through a rough time. just return the favor at some point in the future, is all.>>
Anonymous (ID: oly5BZnH ) 06/03/13(Mon)21:56:02 No. 484701038 >>484699947 so, did i hurt your feelings?- futaba + yotsuba - All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. <div class="qcDiv"><img src="//" alt="Quantcast" class="qcImg"></div>