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what is your view on tipping? tipping automatically is stupid. If they really put forth the effort then you can tip them. Stupid americunts think they deserve a tip no matter what.
Tipping is how they earn their pay. Since they are working for free, or 2 dollars an hour in my state, with no tips they dont survive. Normally they deserve it, sometimes i tip less. To have a party of ten and be a nigger preacher and not tip at all is just sleazy. Sage for you not understanding the concept
not my problem, they don't like it they should of stayed in school and got a better job. this is not a career.
they should start a union or something, because "i need tips to survive" is not a good job.
Join a union. I hate tipping.
they bitch and moan about it, yet they do nothing. saying they work hard. yeah so do the people at mcdonalds.
OP you're kinda stupid ignorant eurofag. Tip is how it works in murrica, course/restaurants/pizzas/etc are cheaper but the only pay the cab/waiter takes is the tip. This is a way to make those guise work the shit outta them and it does the trick well. For those eurogay waiters there are fix wages. Gtfo now pls.
join a union? more like Form a union, and good fucking luck in the good old U S of A
You mad americunt? not my fault they chose to work that shitty job. Should of got a better job. not my problem.
Don't worry man, you can go on not tipping, nobody's stopping you from being an asshole.
>asshole for not tipping
>tipping is earned for good service not automatic
>not your problem
why are you starting a thread about it?
you made it apparent you live in a country
that doesnt tip, nor do you tip.

Shut the fuck up then?
>let's start a thread about a problem that has never affected me in my life

0/10 troll
and yes i mad.
fuck you for shit posting the same tip threads
every day
Eufag here.
I only tip taxi drivers. Nobody else here doesn't seem to deserve it.

Also if the taxi driver is some asshole who starts talking about his life, he won't get shit.
Keep coming americunt lets hear your first world problems
exactly fuck those waiters who think they deserve it automatically.
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not everyone has the money to go to college. you are most likely some faggot teenager who's parents give them anything. Also, if it is so easy to get a good job with good pay, why do you have a problem giving someone who does something for you a few bucks. If you are too lazy to go to the pizza store and pick up your food and have to have it delivered to your couch, you should have to pay more. lets not be jewish now.
> Paying to go to College
>>455353153 (OP)
American waitresses think they deserve tips because they are paid $3/hour. They are paid $3/hour because they get tips.
What If I'm not ordering?
>tipping is earned for good service not automatic

I can see you believe that. You've made that clear, in the face of people who tell you that, in some places, people need tips to make a living wage. What makes you an asshole is the "that's not my problem attitude".
lets hear your first world problem. as this nigger makes a thread about tipping people to do things for you
Actually I started from the bottom, Only those who don't want to keep trying and only do the bare minimum bitch about it. lets see if I THINK they deserve it then i will tip. Automatically nope I will not. awwww waiters have shit pay? meanwhile in africa..
>>455353153 (OP)
sorry OP but in europe don't they add in gratuity automatically into the bill? At least americans have a choice.... with parties of 4 or smaller at least
Mr. Pink thinks its stupid.So do I.
They are paid $3 an hour because the company that pays them doesn't have to pay them any more.
>>455353153 (OP)
Hay dick head. Im an American and i think tipping is fucking stupid. Why the fuck should i tip someone for doing their motherfucking job?
Their employer is obligated to give their staff the difference that's being 'over'taxed


Went to the states a couple of times and used to live their as a kid, everything is so fake and shallow. why pay for some bullshit asskissing?
don't like it then quit, people work hard at mcdonalds but you don't tip them.
They're not working for free in the USA
If the employee's hourly rate + tips < minimum wage the employer is required by federal law to pay the employee the difference

Suck a dick
I worked at a retail place loading and unloading people's cars with all their big purchases. Officially, we weren't supposed to take tips, and there were multiple signs saying "no tipping". That said, some people really wanted me to take it, and I did because I knew they couldn't load it themselves (usually older people) and I actually always did a good job: everything fit and nothing ever got busted on the way home. It just pissed me off I had to kinda hide it when the customer honestly thought I deserved it. It's not like I ever asked for a tip, I just usually didn't refuse when offered. I think that's more than fair.
my problem isnt that you dont tip.
i dont give a fuck about you nor wat you do.

Stop posting the same shit tip troll trheads
>assumes im american because i disagree
with him.
Im australian fag.
The reasons americans tip is because a server job is minimum wage salary. $9/hr being the highest for the state washington.
In straylia, servers make $27/hr.

Do the math dipshit

Starting the same fucking shit attempt at troll
threads everyday.
Annoying as fuck; could you possibly be more autistic.
How did a party of ten only consume $34 worth of food?
In Germany, you tip. In Spain, you only do if the service is extraordinary. Really depends on the country, because - you know - in Europe we have cultural diversity, you stupid fuck.
EXACTLY so shut the fuck up, and stop doing the bare minimum.
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>not paying to go to College
>either nerd, or some nigger in a "you fucked up heres a second chance" program
No, they don't.
and if they dont make enough tips the company has to pay them the difference up to minimum wage, you argument is invalid.
>>455353153 (OP)
tipping sucks, all their job is taking food from place a to place b, i could have done that myself a monkey could do their job, seriously i have seen a monkey waiter in japan and guess what he works for peanuts, actual peanuts.

and for all the gus saying thats how they earn their pay, its not my problem they have to take that up with their employer, i'm paying an arm and a leg for a meal i don't have to pay thier wages too.
Tipping allows the customer to determine if the service was good or not. If tipping was banned in the US the cost of running a restaurant would skyrocket and be passed on to the consumer anyway. In the latter case you would be paying the same for good service or shit service.. your only choice would be to go elsewhere.

I believe it's simply laziness on the part of business owners and management, they don't want to deal with assuring standards in service.. so they let the customer do it instead. and of course the customers often do a shitty job of it by tipping even when service sucks thereby reinforcing the bad service.
> England
>Anonymous (ID: ZGF41hb9) 02/01/13(Fri)12:26:05 No.45535
they don't fucking learn, give them a penny to piss them off.
sorry i forgot this is Africa
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pic related, its a fucking monkey waiter
Tipping improves service
If the waiter knows that they will more than likely get paid more for doing a better job they will.
If they know they're getting paid the same regardless of customer satisfaction. They will do the bare minimum to ensure they don't get fired
>improves service
>in murica it shows they will do the bare minimum and not learn a lesson.
meaning its a first world problem and its not important for shit.
ITT: people who think it's cool to be the guy in resivoir dogs. Just throw the fucker a couple of bucks you bunch of fucking jews.
If I go out to a restaurant to eat, service is INCLUDED. If I'm being served excellent, I will tip. Otherwise, no. Im already paying for their salary with consumptions and shit
did you not read that post at all? Fucking foreigners man, they have no comprehension skills.
They get paid $2.50 an hour
your basically paying them to not spit in your food next time you visit
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I'm a server at a restaurant and the government allows them to pay us less than minimum wage because they assume that we will be compensated for the money in tips

>shitty job
>mfw some full time people make up to $75 000 a year in tips plus their salary which is somewhere around 15-20k

I chose to work there because i earn twice the amount of money I would anywhere else. I've paid my entire university tuition on tips I've collected. Also, government can't tax you on tips if they don't know how much you've earned

If the employee's hourly rate + tips < minimum wage the employer is required by federal law to pay the employee the difference

fuck a cactus
If the service is just fucking horrible then I wont give the guy any money. But it's just out of common courtesy that I throw the guy a couple bucks. IT's not a big fuck deal but he can put it in his gas tank or buy a pack of smokes with it. Guess I'm just a more generous human being than most of the people on 4chan.
still don't give a fuck, learn to do a better job then you get tips.
the only people who deserve a good tip are delivery drivers.

Except that it literally is not his problem to supplement that employee's wage. The employee should either demand a raise, get a different job, or work harder for more tips.
apparently you do give a fuck for starting
a shit attempt at a troll thread.
i wouldnt be surprised if half these posts
are you samefagging to get the thread started
Well OP, you yak fucking selfish child, you seem to have no idea what it means to TRY and make money as a server. Let's start with base pay which is legally BELOW minimum wage. Most restaurants will NOT give you 40 hours a week. So the money you get from that is mainly an insult. Your real pay is your tips. So stop being a selfish twat waffle; if you go out to eat pay for your service. I always start at 15%. If the service is bad, I may go down to 12. For really stellar service, I go up to 20 and 25 sometimes. Why? Because dealing with selfish entitled asswipes who think that tipping is somehow wrong makes it REALLY hard to provide the rest of the world with good dining service when your PAY is the fucking TIPS, you child.

tl:dr - Tip
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Lol I was about to make a srs post then I read this

Babbys first troll. You got a few though op, well done. Pick something interesting for your next troll when taking copypasta from the archives.
Does not work that way.
Demand and get fired.
Tips have NOTHING to do with your quality as a server. It is all about the person tipping.

Try working the job before you open your mouth.
>Based Scottish master race.
Edinburgh University, master's in informatics. How much did I pay on tuition? About the same amount servers and waiters deserve to be tipped. Nothing.
When I'm at a restaurant and everyone is very friendly, I tip around 10%. Mostly it is 2-3€.
This is a way to say "thank you" and the next time we are there, I can be sure, they are again very friendly.
If they like you, then you will have advantages!

If they are unfriendly, the food is not ok, you don't have to give them any tip. And I would not go there anymore.

So it depends on the situation.
this is not a damn career, too bad the employers fuck you up the ass on a daily basis. Get a better fucking job then and stop bitching.
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Tipping is just part of American culture. I understand it's not a hot commodity overseas.I deliver pizzas while I'm at school and use my own gas and put wear and tear on my car every night. Not asking for 10 dollar tips for a 20 dollar order. If you order 1 pizza, tip the guy 2-3 bucks. If you have like a $30 > order and its well out of the way of the store, tip the guy 5 bucks. Drivers remember who the shitty tippers are, and if you have a bad history, they might just take a little longer getting there.

Briton here. Based on what you say, I'd say the way in which your service industry staff are paid is the problem. They should be paid to the equivalent of the work they do. Anything 'above and beyond' gets a tip. That's how it works here anyway, people actually work for their money, don't feel entitled to free shit from the customer, and are genuinely pleased when someone tips.
IF its very good service then I give something extra. But automatically its just stupid.
go back to 9fag
>learn to do a better job then you get tips
just said I've paid my entire university salary on tips, learn to read

1/10 for getting me to respond
I only tip if it's good enough to tip. Not gonna give a faggot extra money just because he expects it.

I have worked the job, just not in your shitty backward country. If you're demanding things from the customer rather than your boss, then either your company or you are screwing something up.
We're not forcing you to tip us, I get stiffed plenty of times. Like I said, it's just how it works over here. If I deliver to house I know isn't going to tip me, I'm not inclined to get there ASAP. The driver is using his own gas and putting a ton of miles on his car.
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OP is a fag? Not my problem!
>. But it's just out of common courtesy that I throw the guy a couple bucks.

- Tip all waiters by default at least 10%
- Pay more than the stated price, because VAT isn't included in price statements
- Use credit cards and thus have additional fees

And then you complain when you land on the streets.
I only tip if I get service within five minutes of being seated, never see the bottom of my coffee cup, and the waiter is female.

and never over three dollars.
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First off, those of you that think serving or bartending is easy have probably never worked in a restaurant before, the hours are long and when it's busy most of us are running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, just try to imagine coming in for 60 hours a week to your job and only making time and a half on $2.63

If I've given the bare minimum in service to a table I don't expect much, part of the game is talking to inebriate mouth-breathers like they are the best thing that's happened to me today.

People saying "get a better job if you don't like it" talk to just about any career server/bartender you know; there aren't many first off, and those that exist are miserable. I'm not saying its a good way to make a living, most who are in it are paying off school loans or trying to get back into school like myself.

Finally, if you don't tip at all, your going to get shitty service in the best case scenario. Dirtier joints/fast food/pizza they're going to spit in your food, "accidentally drop it on the ground" use your imagination. Don't fuck with the people who bring you your dinner.
fuck I meant to say tuition, not salary
If the waitress is cute ill give her 10%. i might go to 12 if she sucks my dick

if its a dude or a fatty youre sol no matter what service you bring
form a fucking union or strike then and stop bitching.

This is a pretty bad place to discuss tipping too because the vast majority of the population here are kids in high school, which means they haven't been a waiter / driver and they have their parents pay for everything, so they have no concept of it yet. I've delivered for a while now and the biggest culprits that don't tip are inbred rednecks, niggers, and young kids.

that isn't uniform throughout the states.

fuck a poinsetta
Fun fact:
If you tip in Asia (Or sometimes even in Russia) it's seen as an insult, as you are implying that the worker isn't paid enough.
You tip in America because workers are actually not paid enough.

American bosses have no shame.
working at mcdonalds is demanding too but you don't feel the need to tip them.
Lol at you fags not realising this means no FLY TIPPING. E.G no leaving your random shit off in the street. Why the hell would the environment agency give a damn shit about you tipping a waitress? It means you can't drag your couch onto the side of the road and leave it there.

Fucking christ you twats are stupid.
>form a fucking union or strike then and stop bitching.
You seem to have fucked up your quote.

I work as a bartender and I don't treat tips like they're something I'm owed for just showing up. Although my wage seems to be about double to its US counterparts, so that could explain the difference in opinion.

Why does your country pay staff so badly?
That's under the assumption that all waiters are drop outs, and/or failures. A lot of waiters are people using the pay to attend college (save for Diner waiters), so that they may have a profession. But, and here's where the main problem lies, is that they are underpaid in terms of wages.

It's hard when you're easily replacable. And the McD's workers aren't "legally" underpaid.

To condescend shows a lack of argument.
>there aren't many first off, and those that exist are miserable.

Then count your fucking blessings and quit being such fucking babies if not everyone tips.

Holy fucking false sense of entitlement.
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Lame posts? Not my problem!
No point trying to explain obvious shit to close minded, self entitled niggers :(
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this settles the argument

Germanfag reporting in.
I personally believe that you should only tip someone when they have done an exceptional job and you can say to yourself wow this service pleased me so much that I'm gonna throw in a buck extra.
In todays society though everyone tips no matter what. I think it is retarded to tip your barber or your mailman like a lot of people do as well.
No it's not. Maybe for you, but it's by far the easiest job I've had.
Tipping is just an excuse for an employer to offload costs and make more jewgold.
no it doesn't, i'm a college aged male and i like water and therefore it's assumed that i dont plan on tipping, though I do tend to tip and commonly will over tip in the case of good service, it doesn't mater because since i look like a college guy and order a free drink i'm getting shitty service damn neer everywhere.

You don't know much about... well, stuff, huh?

Saying the word 'union' is will get you fired from many jobs, especially waiter.

This is the one issue that Europeans seem to be more protestant about than Americans.
I'm German as well and I've seen mostly tipping in situations where you don't want to bother with getting coins back.
Other than that, tipping is only done from time to time, independant of actual service.
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i tip $10 if i spent under 50
i tip 15 if i spend 50-100
i tip 20 if its over 100

but my gf is a millionaire heiress and its her money, shes fine with it.

by tipping so much we get the best service at all our regular restaurants. free drinks, faster service, cut the line, etc. i know almost all the managers on a first name basis.
>Saying the word 'union' is will get you fired from many jobs, especially waiter.
I want to burn that entire continent to the ground.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? You talk about freedom and then you have this shit.
I'm not going to tip someone that does their job. I don't tip doctors for doing their job, I don't tip pilots so they don't crash the plane and your salary is not my problem. If you don't like it, get a better job.
Why don't you tip, Mr. Pink?
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Yeah. Sort out your country seems to be the conclusion of this thread
>Tipping doctors
That actually sounds like a good idea. Doctors are often underpaid and if they fuck up, you get fucked up.
Additional tipping (NOT Murrican minimum wage tipping) might really help in Doctor/patient relations.
>>455353153 (OP)

I tend to tip just to be flash.

Tip people and (if they remember) you get mega service in the future. Taxis cut me forward in the queue, restaurants bump me, thats the only reason I tip.
You never had a job waiting, which probably means you're not of college age yet. Get back to your High School class faggot.
Britfag btw
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You know what Capitalism is? Gettin fucked
Well you know, the fact that you used the exact same line from pretty much every thread based on tipping being pointless. Prove to me that your even old enough to be here faggot. Have your mom call you in sick so you can troll the 4cham?
>>455353153 (OP)
I work for Domino's pizza. When I'm trying my pizza to you, my wage drops down to like 4.30 until I get back to the store, so I expect a tip. With that being said I think tipping is wrong, Domino's (and other places) should just keep my salary the same whether I'm in the store or delivering a pizza. It's a tactic companies use to get customers to shell out more money so they dont have to. Not tipping your driver wont fix the problem though, and when I get tipped it makes me a lot happier/I have a much better day. I work my ass off to get the tips too, do everything I can. Just my imput.

Because that is part of their job. That's compensation for their job. The employer outsources part of the pay to you. If you tip, they save money. If you don't tip, they just make up the difference to minimum. The employer can't lose and neither you nor the waiter can win.
>>455353153 (OP)
i dont like spit in my food. so i tip well. u can get away with it once, but if u are stingy and have regular places u go, they know u, and they are getting pay back im sure.

You just sound like an entitled pizza delivery guy, who's only defense as to why you deserve money from customers for doing your job seems to be 'You're too young to have worked as hard as me/understand what I go through/how difficult driving around is'. You have a warped perception of what a tip is actually for. The blame lies with your managers, not the customer.
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>have your mom call in sick so you can troll?
>original insult as dane cook.
so how much does one tip over in america? ausfag here
>You never had a job waiting, which probably means you're not of college age yet.
Yeah, because everyone takes a job that fucks them in the ass once they start living alone.
I always remember the people that tip/dont tip. If you continually dont tip, dont expect great service/I might have poured a shit ton of peppers on your pizza.

My salary is greatly reduced when I drive pizzas to you, fuck you. The other people have the same salary all the time.

have worked at mc D's. Easy as fuck.

Also when they only let me work 40 hours a week it gets hard to pay bills and go to school with just that job, and I cant get another with how much school work I have. Please tip people.
tripping is great


Capitalism is drive.
Capitalism is increasing efficiency to outperform others.
Capitilism is a race
Capitalism is not giving everyone 'you tried' awards
Capitalism provokes our inner drive
Capitalism is darwinism

What we have now is Jewish cronyism.
Actually I attend the highest prestige university in Scotland which has a significant amount of world leading research in the area of artificial intelligence and computer science in general. I haven't had to work a shitty less than minimum wage job because I don't have tuition fees. And even if I did, it would be on minimum wage because I'm not from murka and the presence of strong unions as a lobby means that I can't be paid less than minimum wage and don't need tips. And even if I did, I'm not an entitled bitch that thinks I deserve a tip for doing my fucking job.

In my country, you don't have to pay for your own petrol and when you do, your company is required to reimburse you. That's called not getting fucked by your employer and blaming the consumer instead.
Definetly sexism goes on in tipping. As a male waiter you won't make nearly as much as a female waiter. Point blank period.
should of worked ahead of time. muricans they think they need something for everything never want to work for it.

Yes. If someone tips me a solid amount, I will literally bring beer over to their table on even the busiest nights.
That fucking sucks, I work at pizza hut, my wage stays at 7.25 regardless if I'm on the road or not.

your cool
they pay for my gas for the most part. but they have a steady rate so if it goes up I'm fucked. Business monopolies are horrible. Soak out every penny they can get.
And yet America is a country full of far-right capitalistic fucknuts that behave like entitled assholes that the same time.
Seriously, how about making up your minds?
I am so glad I never went the waiter route. Stock and retail sucks sometimes but at least I don't have to listen to these idiotic fairytales about the value of work. I'd kill a person on the very first day of waiting. Hats off to you, servers.
My point exactly.
"Oh no, everyone knows I'm troolin. Ill call them names!"


You're forgetting something.

If I kidnap your mother, kill her, and sell her organs; that, too is Capitalism.

I'd prefer to live under REGULATED capitalism.
It's funny, people get angry at customers not tipping them, but don't get angry at their employer paying them 2$ an hour.
lucky shit. Domino's doesn't do that until you stay there for 2 years. (at least my dominos).

I've been working jobs and saving my money since I was 15 fuck stick.

Capitalism is the gradual leeching of value out of variable capital. It is theft and laziness.
entitled? You just don't understand the culture lol. The manager has nothing to do with "tipping"..It's the culture that is fucked up, but that's what it is.
It's a job, it's going to suck period, lol...

If you have any work ethic whatsoever, or the ability to switch off the part of your brain that says you deserve to be treated like a human being, it's a breeze.
>I'd prefer to live under REGULATED capitalism.

Capitalists don't prefer to live that way though.

Who do you think legislators care about?
I tip only when a real great job has been done. There's a difference between a server's fee and a tip, tips are meant to be a reward earned, not just freely granted.

If their job pays them that low, they should steer clear of it until the owner mans up.

Anyone saying anything else is retarded and needs to move to a real country.
again, as the pizza driver, I fucking hate how they soak up every fucking penny they can get, and when the customer doesn't tip me, it's not so much as I'm pissed at the customer as I am pissed at the situation where I didn't get money.
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> so how much does one tip over in america? ausfag here

Murican here : I don't tip over much, but it depends on how drunk I am.
poster says the environment acency dont you guys think this is about fly tipping..?
You are entitled. You think you deserve money from strangers because your boss is stretching your ass out like a yawning hippo. If you have a problem with your boss, unionise. The whole point in a union is to become just as powerful as your employer, so they can't exploit you.
well but you usually don't tip more than 10% in Germany. and if you don't nobody will give you the stink eye.
>>455353153 (OP)

Little baby third world asshole thinks anything they have to say will matter to anyone.
the norm is 15-20%
>If their job pays them that low, they should steer clear of it until the owner mans up.

Hi, I'm going to say it nice and easy.

You work because you have to eat. Wage laborers are not in a position to choose what they do. That's the whole point of wage labor: you get a variable resource of potential and diverse labor.

attack the customer but not the boss.
10-20% of the bill, depending on service quality. some people like to just put a $5 or $10 as a flat tip, instead of basing it on the bill.
>If you have a problem with your boss, unionise.

Fucking idiot.

Have you ever tried to organize workers? Of course you haven't. Much less unionize them.

Christ what a moron, "just unionize" he says.

Enjoy not only being fired from that job, but being totally blackballed from any employment in the city.
murican workers are greedy fuckers.
In my state (CA) EVERYONE has to be paid full minimum wage ($8), whether you're tipped or not. So as someone who's worked a minimum wage job with no tips, I got no sympathy.
I wonder if the first tipping thread ever on /b/ was genuinely serious, or if they were all really obvious poorfag baiting from the start

for the record I get tips, they make up 20-25% of what I earn nightly. Unlike a waitress I don't earn two bucks an hour
wat? no! you only have to pay the price it states on the menu, they can't charge you a cent more.

same in stores, sales taxes and everthing have to be already included in the displayed price, so what you see is what you pay for. and if you want to give your money away additionally to someone doing their normal job and being fairly compensated for it, that is your choice. but there is no automatic implication that you will tip
Coming from England I grew up with the mentality that tipping isn't the norm and you only tipped when the service was exceptional so coming to the US it was weird to encounter the 'always tip' mentality.

I never realised until my wife who is American told me that they get paid well below the minimum wage because they get tips which to me is what the problem arises from. In the UK you know they are getting paid at least the same as people working in fast food or retail so if their service is shitty and doesn't deserve a tip you can not give one without thinking you just made that person homeless.

It still bugs me sometimes having to leave money when the waiter/waitress was shit but I will always at least leave the bare minimum percent of the bill now and then increase it more and more the better the service gets.
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>>455353153 (OP)
>>455353153 (OP)
>>455353153 (OP)
>>455353153 (OP)

Me on tipping.
>go to an asian restaurant that all in all its simplicity is my favorite
>get this bitch of a waiter
>old, seems like she doesn't care, just doing shit to do shit
>finish food, after she basically rushed my friends and I
I mean rushed as in, she kept walking by us constantly, then just left the check on the table. Mind you, this is a small lil' restaurant with a tiny bar area.
>look at receipt
>mine was $10 all together and my friends was $12 and $9
>in small writing ontop of letters where the check number is, it says "tip" $7.00
"Dude, I think this bitch just wrote her own tip and hid it so that we'd pay the whole thing"
>pay $31, leave
>fuck that bitch

She did this literally 3 more times (I go here atleast 1ce every 2 weeks and after I just kept not tipping her, she got the hint and now she doesn't write it.
says the self-righteous greedy fucker who doesn't tip because of greed.
>taking money out of poor elderly peoples pockets
>says nothing ever got busted on the way home. must have ridden along in customers car and checked the merchandise when ariving at customers home
>thinks he deserves extra money from customer because he is so good at his job carrying and packing stuff into trunks
In California the waitstaff gets taxed like they DO get a 15% tip, regardless of if you actually leave them one or not.

I always tip. If service is shitty, I talk to the store manager and leave before eating. Too poor to tip, too poor to eat out.
>calls me greedy
> I said I tip IF its a good waiter/waitress
>automatically nope.
>shit attempt troll threads
>they always take off with butt hurt everywhere
>10/10 would visit this thread again
>What the fuck is wrong with you people? You talk about freedom and then you have this shit.

Deal with it. We have to. Things are bad enough for workers without having to listen to a bunch of insipid, European, anti-worker, ideology.

Normally it's the -conservatives- who say things like "if you don't like the shitty pay, go somewhere else"

But when it come to tipping, modern, European liberals are all over that.
>goes to college
>can't spell near

Well duh, we're just as aware, but as long as it's legal, managers will pay the lowest they can.
Yeah I seen that happen to my food. Shame I caught them on camera and sued them since I have no fucking idea what diseases they could have carried, and they didn't get any recent disease checks.

>good lawyer ftw
>all their tips are belong to me
only in america they can't just learn to work hard. they want everything given to them.
I have a friend that works at a car wash and bitches fucking hard about people not tipping and it pisses me the fuck off, like I'm already paying these people like thirty fucking dollars to hose off and vacuum my car, and that money I give them should go to the workers, I mean thats me paying for that service, but then these little greedy highschoolers think they deserve more, something on top of what there already making, and they fucking expect that from me? I just paid out the ass for something I could have done myself in 10 minutes. They bitch cause they only make like $4 an hour, we'll I'm sorry but that's the definition of a personal problem, either take it up with management or find a new job, because I already paid for the service, what the fuck do you think your doing that entitles you to more of my money

Rage. Fuck tipping unless ur in a restaurant
had a 40 year old pizza man give me a bow when I tipped him 4€ on a 25€ order. getting a bow in Germany is NOT common. he must have been quite thankful for that tip. only did it because I tipped the last pizza guy 50cents even though he was a nice guy, only realized about an hour later
>They should be paid to the equivalent of the work they do.

Even when waiters are paid 2$ an hour, that's actually pretty high for the work they do.

Work becomes less and less valuable over time because we bank human work into tech. Then we make technology that makes making tech easier, also. That's why we see geometric patters in productivity and so on. It's a nice, dynamic system in a sane world.

But when we have several times more empty houses than homeless people to fill them, you're not living in a sane world.

Mostly because of this childish fable that you have to work hard to deserve things. All of the things are pretty much made by now. We've got things coming out of every orifice.
That sign is about dumping waste on the streets, not money.
just like NBA or NFL players who get like 20-30 million+ yet bitch and want more.
I've thrown a pizza at a delivery guys face and told him he can take it back and bring it back when it's at least warm.

Don't like not getting a tip? Deal with it, I won't deal with a stuck up cry baby who thinks bringing me cold food is revenge, I will not pay for a pizza that isn't hot.

>tfw I feel how warm the box it before paying
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My biggest pet peeve is people who always tip, not most of the time but ALWAYS, even if the service is complete shit.

Tipping for bad service encourages bad service. STOP THAT SHIT.

>hurr durr if you don't tip they will spit in your food drop it and shit on it

is like saying

>if you don't bring the money they will not give your son back

I mean, wow, if I don't give you extra money you won't do your job properly. What, do you want my jacket and my car too?
>form a fucking union or strike then and stop bitching.

You don't understand anything about unions. My god. Think.

You know what happens if waitstaff strike? They all get fired and replaced with unemployed people. This is why it's a good thing for businesses for there to be about a 4% unemployed rate.

The owner is out maybe a few days of business. You are out of your home.

>>455353153 (OP)
good god is that real? 20k fine for someone broke enough to be expecting to make tips?
I've had one guy deliver me a pizza and he came in while I grabbed the money and chilled with me and my friends for a few minutes.

>tipped him $5 on a 25$ order
>he came back a minute later with a free medium pepperoni pizza

Never got him a delivery driver again though. He was like some 40 year old dude, but was chill as fuck. He essentailly guarenteed decent tips anytime he game.
...I think he meant the food prices are adjusted to pay the waitress a decent wage.
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>I've thrown a pizza at a delivery guys face and told him he can take it back and bring it back when it's at least warm.
I hope you enjoy warm phlegm in your pizza, cause that's what you'll be getting. If not something worse.

Srsly you can go ahead and not tip, but be a complete asshole at your own risk. They WILL fuck with your food.
>fires them all
doubt it too much to deal with. if the boss fires all then it gives the place a shitty reputation.

> murrica
>ID heaven
>Your arguement is invalid
only proves americunts can't accept the fact they must work hard for anything.
In America waiter's get paid shit for the job. They needs tips to even hope to make a living wage.
>having to wait in line to be seated in a restuarant

that's another american thing I really don't understand! If I want to a restaurant for dinner I will call ahead and make a reservation. that means when I walk in, my table will be free. I've never been in a situation where that isn't the case. that is why you make a reservation. I'm not waiting to spend my money! they want it, so they at least have to make sure I can spend it. also, you don't get kicked out after two hours and aren't served your desert while still at your main course, just because they want to flip the table asap. good restaurants in Europe will usually not flip the table at all in a night, meaning people stay 4-5 hours.
>I mean, wow, if I don't give you extra money you won't do your job properly.

People with no overt power will resort to clever and desperate means. Sometimes they have to attack a substitute target. This is extraordinarily basic psychology.
>But it's just out of common courtesy that I throw the guy a couple bucks.

What is this ? a strip club ? Unless I see tits, no way you have any tips, FOR DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB!

A shitty reputation among whom? The customers who don't care? The replacement staff who need to pay rent? The cartels.. I mean unions, that want more in dues than your wage? Other business owners who will sympathize?

Maybe just among stupid shits on the internet who think they understand labor issues. Yeah, that one.
>only proves americunts are ready for the return of slavery


god damnit murica, get your shit together and stop being such a disgrace to humanity
My intercom in my apartment isn't setup for me cause I'm too lazy. If I order anything and I have to actually go to the lobby I explicitly tell the guy, if you want a tip you should let yourself in and bring it up.

>I tip 10% anytime fast food is brought to my door and the guy let's themselves in.
>20% if Im ordering in the middle of the night cause I know the lobby isn't as active and they had to wait longer usually
>implying you even know about labor shit. get the fuck over it and strike
>that's another american thing I really don't understand! If I want to a restaurant for dinner I will call ahead and make a reservation. that means when I walk in, my table will be free. I've never been in a situation where that isn't the case. that is why you make a reservation.

You go to another restaurant next door. They're everywhere. We're super fat, remember?
>>455353153 (OP)
If you faggots hate tipping, don't eat out. it's not cool not to tip, and you just sound like a giant asshole for not doing it
Fuck off, I didn't hire them, that's the shitty goverment's problem. I just wanna eat and leave the place.
land of opportunity? LOL

So by this logic, you tip everyone you meet at any establishment? She gets paid the full amount PLUS TIP so when you go and get your tires rotated or you go pick a pizza up in person you tip all those people? They are providing a service for you, waiting on you.

You've got nothing.
americans should do less eating out too, also get the fuck over it. I should not have to pay you shit for doing your job right.
>says I have nothing
get a better job ask for a raise get a fucking union and stop being a pussy.
>blames the customer but not the boss.
i am an americunt and i will not tip you if you suck at your fucking job, i dont care how much the total bill is, if my drink is empty for more than 2 minutes you can say bye bye to your stupid diaper money for your poor kid who probably deserves better than you. if you dont want to get stiffed on a tip, dont be a fucking waiter/waitress, and if you are going to be one. whether its your choice or not. do your fucking job and ill make sure you get a good tip. but dont expect to get one because thats fucking bullshit. how about i pay for what my meal costs and nothing more. not everybody has an extra 7 or 10 dollars to throw out at your poor broke ass.
Because people at McDonalds make 4x the hour wage of servers.

Not to mention, no they fucking don't work hard. The people in the kitchen might, but you dont tip your cook faggot.

No, wage labor is much more efficient exploitation than slavery. You outsource the cost of upkeep to the worker, where you have to maintain the slave on your own. Wage labor and the revolution in industry is why slavery ended.

When they already take out a tip...why tip? what is the logic? I get tipping in retarded states where they allow people to pay their waitress' 2.15 an hour, but in California minimum wage is like 8.75, and they add the tip on there for you a lot of the time, so why tip in that instance?
Bars and restaurants factor tipping into payroll and therefore costs. If you don't tip, prices go up dumbasses

> people at McDonalds make 4x the hour wage of servers

Dontcha think when this happens, maybe you should THINK ABOUT CAREER CHANGE???

damn niggra!
>>says I have nothing

Because it's true. Your assertions are weak and old. You clearly have never organized for labor or any other purpose. You don't understand the most basic things about it. You don't have a strategy at all, and your tactical proposals are idiotic on the face.

You just keep repeating some religious myth about unions.

You've got nothing.
>implying you worked at mcdonalds
Tipping should be optional, a gesture of good will, and a recognition of a good service that you provided. Fucking shittard Americunts being greedy psuedo-jews. Getting all the money they can for doing a job they're already getting paid for. Don't feed me that bullshit that you can't survive without tips. You can. Even if you're a nigger with kids. Don't have kids if you can't support them. Easy.

This has been answered before and literally the first post below yours answers it again.
>they fucking don't work hard.
They got to deal with the public. Some are whiny bitches.
It really does pay off having a small discreet camera on me at all times because people think it comes down to my word against theirs when they try and do something stupid

You DO know that money is worth different amounts in different places right? Everything in Australia costs like twice as much as shit in america, so it would make sense waiters get paid more.
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never thought about it that way.
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Because I don't need too, I don't work as a damn waiter because of shit like this. You keep repeating with stupid shit. fact is Get a better job or stop bitching.
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food service employees are exempt from the minimum wage retard. try not to be so stupid and stay home more.
Most of the restaurants ive worked at (ive been in the heart of the house, never a waiter) most of the waiters/waitresses actually make more than i do, so fuck your stupid "oh tip me" bullshit when your making more money than the people sweating their ass of in the kitchen, most of them could average at 20$/hr. so fuck your shit



I'd tip the monkey like 10 bucks. Moreso if he'd shit in someone elses food

>implying I work as a waiter

You go on and on about why you should blame a boss and not a customer. Yet you blame workers?

Not even I can unravel the contradictions of your argument, and that actually is my job.
There's this one chinese place(well mandarin) I go very often. The service is 10/10 for me because the main waitress actually pays attention.

>I grab my seat
>She fills up my glass with water and leaves the pitcher of water, this isn't normal normally she goes around refilling the glasses.
>brings me my appetizers I order
>picks up my plates very shortly after I finish them and place them to the side of the table
>brings me main dish
>notices when the people I'm with finish or I'm finish and brings check
>then fucks off until I pay it

I've been there for 4 hours before while having a meeting with some people and she didn't mention anything.

I asked her how she feels about tipping because I can't afford it and she said she was indifferent to it but noticed when I do tip.

>If I haven't tipped in a while and I got extra money I'll tip $20 on a $15 bill because of past times I've went in

Seriously love the service because I'm disturbed at all while I"m there and I don't have to worry about water or being rushed out
>If you're so uneducated that you can only get a less than minimum wage job then that's all you deserve.
>should of
Every amerifag statement from here on out is void because you just went full retard.
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They don't tip-out their kitchen staff??? Never heard of that. What country?



So I have to tip to keep the bar from raising its prices? Nah I don't buy that shit. They continue raise prices people don't continue to come simple as that. ITT a bunch of butt hurt waiters expecting they should get paid more than people doing hard labor on principle alone.

Its arrogant and dumb. Do your job and people will tip simple as that. Guess what, don't want the job? I'm sure there are 100's of people looking for a job right now that would take yours in a heart-beat.
in america. hell no i never got tips. they would tip share with the busboys but the kitchen staff didnt get shit.
If I notice anything wrong with my pizza upon opening it I live on the 12th floor in my apartment building and have a paintball gun that shoots 25 balls per second. He can enjoy cleaning a few hundred shells out of his car and wind shield.

>go to the police
>I'll show them you fucked with my food
>enjoy losing your shit tier job
whatever helps you sleep at night i guess.
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You want to tip because you don't want them to fuck with your food next time. You want to tip because they are arseholes. They are arseholes and thus you should not tip.
>problem solved
most servers, deliverers, and similar jobs rely on those tips for actual profit. most places only pay such workers the bare minimum.
That being said, stop being such a poor neckbeard and spare a few bucks for your servers. faggots babies cant pay 4 extra dollars.
I lol'd

If I got served by a monkey at any restraunt it would become an instant favourite place to go.

>errybody getting raped
Say you buy some Iphone. You pay several hundreds $.


yeah. Thought so.

T.I.P.S : To Insure Prompt Service

It is automatic, if you want good service you tip, its that simple. Go into a place in the U.S. of course say a bar , be there for hours, have fun talking to bartender and other patrons, now you leave and don't leave a tip. See how nice she is the next time you go in and if you don't wait 10 or more min for a beer that takes 2 seconds to open.

So what? Economics doesn't care about "supposed to." It's about ruthlessly exploiting the opportunity.

Why talk about blame at all? The boss is just being a good capitalist. It might fuck you over, and you're within your rights to ruthlessly fight back, and you should. However you must recognize the objective disadvantage you are in.

Going into work and talking about unionizing and striking will get you fired, 100%. This is why most labor organizers try not to shit where they eat.
You may want to read the rest of that statement.
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To the people who say: "It's not my problem, take it up with management/the guberment."

Seriously, shut the fuck up. It's not that hard to add like $2 on top of what you're getting. If you're really that stingy with money, you're probably an incredibly dull person. Not to mention, when's the last time you held an organized strike against your work place? I'm sure there have been times where you haven't felt fully compensated at your job and it's not as easy as just picketing the office.

tl;dr - Just fucking tip. It's not hard, you'll get better service, you won't seem like an asshat, and you're not making a statement by not tipping.

Thank god that something you don't have to give a flying fuck when your a tourist.

What a shitty third world country

No one that has a good time, with excellent service will forget to tip. The whole principle of this thread was "deserve a tip no matter what."

So if I'm at a bar, and the waitress is ass, and I don't get service, fuck no I'm not going to tip. In addition you can say goodbye to all future business as well.
Depends, where I am, no they don't.
holy shit she's real!

Why would I have trouble sleeping?

Why are Europeans so mad in this thread? It doesn't happen with any other issue but tipping. Not even gun control.

People tip because of fucked up business relationships and because bosses can get away with it. That answer doesn't seem to make Europeans any less mad though. Regardless, it's the truth.
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2$ ? Srsly ? That"s what I give for a lapdance nigger
ITT: Euro fags tell people to get better jobs when they get free school and money if they fail.
If your meal is $10, adding a $2 gratuity is pretty just.
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>>455353153 (OP)

I live in the UK, and usually leave a couple of quid if the service is particularly good. If not, I just pay by card and call it a day.
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Wow, you sound incredibly ignorant right now. Stay in school and get a better job? Do you even understand how terrible our economy is? Seriously, just keeping your job is the new raise. o.p is an incredibly worthless faggot, of that we can be assured.
>I'm sure there have been times where you haven't felt fully compensated at your job and it's not as easy as just picketing the office.

Picketing the office, in fact, will almost certainly get the whole group arrested and maybe beaten. Business doesn't fuck around.
No, because with the tips you end up making a bit more than you would at McDonalds.
I haven't, but I've had a lot of friends who've worked there. I have worked as a delivery driver though. Hourly wages were only enough to pay for gas for the night at $5/hr. When somebody consistently didn't tip, I saved their number and made sure to do all my other deliveries for that run first. Additionally, I'd probably hold their food out the window.
I've worked at the busiest convenience store in the middle of a town with 3 big colleges. People who go to McDonalds are probably way worse than people who went to this place, but when you work there long enough you stop giving a shit about other people problems, and you stop getting angry or hurt when they say something is wrong.

Anyways, OP is obviously a jew. I can understand not tipping if service was bad, but if it was satisfactory, dont be such a cunt. It's not cool or edgy not to tip, and the people who work there WILL remember your face. Everybody talks, and even the manager eventually will be like "fuck that guy, take your time cooking his food" or will tell you not to come back to their restaurant.
>>455353153 (OP)

I don't care. I will pay whatever price I have already accepted for the service/goods. I don't understand the concept behind just giving them more than the service is worth. Why? It makes no sense!
>>455353153 (OP)
Two scenarios
>don't tip
>driver is smart
>driver exacts revenge
>driver quits

>dont tip
>driver is dumb
>driver gets mad
>driver wakes up to do the same job expecting different results
How will you get better service?
You tip at the end of the meal don't you?

You're already paying more than what things are worth. For almost everything. Service, goods, anything. You're overpaying it, often by several hundred percent, sometimes by several thousand percent.

You only seem to notice it in this one case. Why?
who actually gives a fuck if thats what they survive on haha why do you americans care if they will think less of you, id just pay for what i ordered and pay for that only
Only niggers don't tip. (seriously even black servers hate havning to wait on a black tables)

Stop being jews & tip. If the service is bad tip only a little. Tipping is a privilege. The alternative would be $50 dollar steaks because the restaurant has to pay their servers $400 to $500 a week & really bad service everywhere because your server isn't working for a tip.
>who actually gives a fuck if thats what they survive on

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>>455353153 (OP)
I am a senior in highschool (I've been lurking for years and didn't start posting until recently a little after turning 18). I bag groceries for tips only, even though I had three offers (Am Eagle and Chik Fil A; don't judge) because those were the only hours I could work. I do work my ass off to do a good job and be polite to even the bitchiest of people, because no, tips are not our fucking right. If I only bag five bags or something, I honestly don't expect money, but I still exhibit common courtesy because again, I do not matter and have no right to give shit to someone who actually works for a living I work for fucking tips, and nothing pisses me off more than seeing some olderfag who skipped school or something who thinks they are entitled to take people's money even though they are total assholes to the people they work with. So yeah, that's it.

Pic related; mfw bagged three bags
>>455353153 (OP)
I enjoy deciding whether or not I shall be a dick.
Theres this bar next to where I work and I went in with a few friends and one noticed I didn't tip. This was my first time there. I was right at the bar for a good 5 minutes waiting for a drink.

>friend asked why I didn't tip
>as you fucking serious
If you come to the USA, adhere to the norms. If you don't tip where ever the fuck you are from that is fine. Tip a waiter/waitress if they deserve it. Or better yet, walk in with a shirt or a sign saying you will not tip; see if you get service. Your server is the reason you are getting fed.
In my state, if your wage plus tips isn't above minimum wage, your employer has to supplement it.
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1. There's plenty of ways to fuck with a pizza without it being obvious. Trust me, if you're constantly a dick, it doesn't have to be the driver who does a thing. The guys who make it will do it for them. Will you be able to tell by looking at it that there's dirt from the floor mixed in with the sauce, or that the topping were wiped on a dude's nutsack?

2. You shoot up the dude's car, HE calls the police and you get fucking arrested. The cops are not going to buy your story of "HURR DURR mah pizza suked!" as an excuse.
Oh come on. Great service should be rewarded. Here in Germany waiters let you wait for approximately 20 seconds on your orders when the house is full, and are still driendly, that deserves appreciation.
Tipping is offensive in Japan.
>>455353153 (OP)
Britfag here; personally I don't mind it as the waiters/waitresses get paid fuck all and the food is so cheap in restaurants in comparison to ours that it doesn't even matter really
>Driver is smart
>Loses job over a few dollars
Please deliver to me. I love throwing food back at the delivery driver cause they think they're edgy for letting it get cold.

>I will immediately call the place I ordered from and report this.
>enjoy having that order deducted from your wage cause of your dumb ass decision
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everything is offensive in japan
And yet, that doesn't happen in any other civilized country where they only employ the staff they can actually afford. It's just a scam for business owners to have a bigger, more cheaply paid workforce. They are the ones that propagate the myth that this is the only way things could be.
I didn't realize grocery baggers still existed. I might actually be inclined to pay someone a few bucks for bagging my stuff and actually say thank you(it's surprising how often I hear people not say thanks)

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German restaurants are amazing. Reformed as an Americunt in the past few years, I don't know how we survive without sweet tea, free refills, and those damn taxes, but America is truly the shit. You can literally get anything for free here if you play your cards right.
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oh yes. In America, anyways, Kroger, Publix, Riley's, and I believe the military installations use them as well.
I've done it before and the guy didn't do shit except swear a lot. Pretty sure he shook the box because it was a fucking mess.

>he had a good 500 paintballs in and on his car.

I simply won't order for a company that seriously hires ass wipes like that. Do you job and appreciate you have a job. I deal with asperger americunts on the phone everyday and hate my job but I appreciate it don't go around acting self-entitled.

>pays well enough I can afford top paintball gear and can afford to go daily
>costs $100 for a day
>It's a job, it's going to suck period, lol...
Are you retarded? I work at a local science institute keeping their servers up, because Im not a useless fuck and actually study something worthwhile. I earn loadsa dosh with great times and chill coworkers. You should stop being a waste of space and get some real talents. Study a MINT course or something.
It wont be. In fact, you'd probably just end up not getting delivered to anymore. I don't work there anymore, but if you called them, they wouldn't blame me. In fact, if you were a cunt about it, all I was supposed to say is "call the store, this isn't my problem." There was little to no responsibility on our shoulders, so long as the food made it to you.

If you threw the food at me and I told my manager, we just wouldn't deliver to you again, you jew cunt.

I'm a delivery driver and a physics/psychology double-major at the University of Michigan. I've already been accepted to a decent medical school and will be starting in less than a year - I may not be Bill Gates, but I'm certainly not a failure, either. It just so happens that I wanted to live on campus and have my own money, and my mommy and daddy aren't willing to fill my piggy bank every time I want to go out for ice cream or alcohol.

I agree that the practice of tipping is fundamentally flawed - we should be given a higher base pay, because the customer shouldn't be the one making up the difference in our pay. That having been said, there is absolutely no way I or most people in my town would be delivery drivers for $8, $9, $10, or $11 per hour. It's an okay job, but it really eats your car up and you sometimes get put into some dangerous situations, with people or weather.

If you live in a place where tipping is common and considered a standard, mandatory practice, and you don't offer 10% or more for gratuity when you've been well-served, you're an ass, plain and simple. Even when I was fourteen and had to shovel rocks for money, I knew that, if I wanted to order a pizza or eat with friends in a sit-down restaurant, I needed to scrounge up an appropriate amount for whoever was getting me my food.

And you know what? Servers love at the places I'm a regular. When I tip on take-out, I always get free soda, extra food, and desserts added to my meal. Not being a stingy bastard has its advantages.
*wanted to live off-campus, not on
>> The guys who make it will do it for them. Will you be able to tell by looking at it that there's dirt from the floor mixed in with the sauce, or that the topping were wiped on a dude's nutsack?

I worked at a pizza place and....yeah I never fucking did this....ever. Even if people were complete dicks we never did something like that.

Maybe you live in the south or something, everyone is a racist dick there.
Weirdly enough, European service is incredibly superior, our waiters are better paid, more content and our cuisine is better aswell.
So why are you okay with and even defend restaurants fucking their waiters up the ass?
>I simply won't order for a company that seriously hires ass wipes
>Shoots paintballs at cars because the cheese slid around

You might get something worse than a paintball under your door. Like a molotov cocktail. I'd go to jail for the opportunity to burn some self-entitled cunt to death.

Guess if I wanted to be more subtle, I'd just poison the pizza or spike your soda with antifreeze. Don't even give a fuck. You are contemptible.
Haha. Was he a cool Indian guy? All our pizza delivery guys in my city are indians and chill as fuck. Take like a little less than ten minutes to drive through like half the city, pizza still hot, friendly and thankful.
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>I've done it before and the guy didn't do shit except swear a lot.
Then he's a fucktard and you got lucky. Srsly, all he'd have to do is call the cops and say you shot at HIM with a paintball gun and you'd be in cuffs for assault. It's likely stick too, as when the dude's car is covered in hundreds of paintballs nobody's gonna believe that you "didn't shoot at HIM".

Shit, if I was the pizza guy I'd call my local paper too. "Crazed man shoots hundreds of paint balls at pizza driver". Got a nice ring to it. Wonder what YOUR boss would think of that? Especially after you missing work for being in jail.
get your shit together merica, fuck
government lends study > start to work and pay of debt after study
That's really weird, where are you from?

Indians where I live are assholes. Most of them are hot off the boat, and just here for school, so I can't exactly blame them. I know it's a cultural thing.
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>I don't believe in it.
>>455353153 (OP)
Be carefull about that shit dudes they're not joking. I did not understood what I did wrong really, I know this girl was a bit young and I told the judge countless times that it was just the tip, but I would never listen. I got 1 year for that shit. 1 year just for the tip dudes, wasn't worth it.
>>455353153 (OP)
Where I live, in Sweden, I tip when it's deserved, and whenever I go to 'murica, I will continue to do so, but I will take into account the fact that they have below minimum wage and are oftentimes treated like bags of shit, I will not expect grandeur, but still do expect to tip.
I lived in Georgia for a while, and the Indians there were really chill.
The thing i hate is that you have to tip 15% of your bill. What kind of sense does that make? They are not making the food, an expensive meal is not harder to bring than a non expensive one. We should be tipping the cooks if anything.
Im from Bavaria (not Munich). Literally every Indian here Ive ever met was either a chill as fuck delivery driver or a software engineer.
Tipping is fucking retarded. Example:

>order $50 steak & lobster dinner, tip 20% = $10 tip
>order $10 burger & fries dinner, tip 20% = $2 tip

Do you see the flaw? It takes the same amount of effort to carry a burger to your table as it would to carry a steak. It's the same distance to the kitchen. Yet there is a huge tip discrepancy for the same amount of work.

fucking retarded amerifat tipfag logic
That might be why. I'm from Mass, and a lot of the Indians here just come for the schooling. The culture difference is staggering sometimes, but a lot of them are incredibly stingy, and often pretty rude. When I worked at a convenience store, they would often cut a whole line to ask me to cook them a sandwich, even if I had a long line and nobody else on another register.
>>455353153 (OP)
>what is your view on tipping? tipping automatically is stupid. If they really put forth the effort then you can tip them.

When is the last time you watched Reservoir Dogs for that original thought faggot?
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>be 19, in the Army
>get sent to duty station in Germany
>land at airport, head to shopping center to explore with this girl I met on plane
>stop to use the bathroom, girl waiting outside
>creepy dude in bathroom, ignore him
>leave bathroom
>creepy dude chases after me, shouting in German. I don't understand him.
>he keeps shouting at me in Kroutspeak
>we turn to walk away from him
>he grabs girl.
>I punch him as hard as I can in the face.
>he falls down, I wait for him to get back up
>he doesn't get back up, so we walk away

Come to find out he wanted a fucking tip for standing in the fucking bathroom looking like a creep. Fucking Germans.
>under my door
>oh no what will I do
>oh yeah fire extinguisher
>good game
mwf non-Brits don't realize that tipping is the same as "dumping" - as in "dumping" trash.
>burger and fries $10
Are you retarded?
see >>455378783 as well

I got ID's mixed up.
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I'm going to take Mr. Pink's stand on this.
i always tip unless the service is god awful
you wouldnt understand if you've never worked in the service industry
i give 20% always, if the service is grea i tip more
if its a place ive been going to for years i tip more
if its the holiday season i tip more
there is however a diner ive been going to for years
great food & typically great service but theres 1 waitress there who i always leave shit tips or no tips for because she starts every conversation with talking about how much she hates her job & how rude the customers are

At it, through it, whatever, don't care. A delivery driver knows where you live and which door. The means aren't important. The point is vengeance at any cost to satisfy your psychological needs. Spite outweighs self preservation on that one.

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