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Sup /b/ I started playing LoL a couple days ago.. I need help because I just suck. Any tips or help would be appreciated.

ITT: League of Legends
1.Delete it
2. Win
stop playing lol
learn the moves of every champion
watch for patterns
play defensive as fuck until you learn to set up a nice rotation
kill yourself
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learn to last hit
if you dont have over 100 cs before 20 minutes to the least you are doing poorly

Learn to trade. Play every champion

no need to go into lane and say well what the fuck does he do.
Play DOTA2
>>467475590 (OP)
delete C:\Windows\System32
Don´t listen to the Dota2 fags. They are all a bunch of homos.
if he has been playing for 2 days,it's likely he won't know any of the aformentioned terms (eg trade cs last hit and so on)
>>467475590 (OP)

play it with friends
Do NOT play the same champion all the time. Early it's more important to learn everything than to master one thing.
add Str8DumpinOnYou
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>>467475590 (OP)
1 . Buy hero name Fiddlestick
2 . Laugh at his awesome and funny name
3 . Rape opponents
4 . Laugh at the way he walks like he doesn´t even fucking care

Fiddlestick is one badass motherfucker
is cs where you kill minions? I like Pantheon, but I die way too much. I think my last game I went 1/13/2 is there a better champion to try?What is trading?
>>467475590 (OP)

do not spend Influence or riot points on runes until you reach level 20!!!
>>467475590 (OP)

also look for in-match item builds on internet.

There is a very very good guide website:

moba fire dot come
pantheon is actually one of the best traders because his passive and Q

Make sure you read all his skills carefully also play bot games you certainly wont be going 1/13

Its best to play those so you can get a understanding of the game
I used that for Pantheon, my friend I tried to play with recommended that I dont follow the item build because I need to react to the other team. Like Magic Resist or armor or stuff
DOTA2 >>>>> LOL and it's Pay2Win ugly graphics bullshit.
Biggest newbie mistake, don't over extend! it's just begging for a gank.
lol ignore this idiot, moba sux, google solomid.com
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play defensively, go back to base if you're below half health.

stand behind minions when attacking enemy turrets, if you attack an enemy under their own turret, it will prioritize you.

most items build into other items. every time you go back to base, see if you can buy a part of an item you want.

dont get greedy. if you've been chasing down an enemy for 2 minutes, it's likely they're trying to kite you into a turret or their teammates.

until your team destroys a turret, you are in "laning phase".
you stay in your lane (2 up top, 1 mid, 2 bottom) and kill minions for gold until you can kill a turret.
during this time, it is good to "poke" or "harass" the enemy in your lane. This is just a hit and run strategy. killing minions is still your priority.

After a turret is destroyed, the players in that lane are more likely to "roam", without a turret in that lane, they are highly vulnerable to attack and it is unsafe to stay (most of the time). They'll try to pick up kills from other lanes.

there are over 100 champions for you to play, keep trying new ones until you find which suits you best.

league of legends also has the worst playerbase in the history of gaming. Ever. you can be nice and politely ask for help, but more than likely you'll get a bunch of raging 12 year olds or old men with hardons for "trolling". or brazilians.

>play defensive
>be patient
>ignore annoying players

yes of course, but they give you a good idea of what is the best direction to take item wise.

On that page they even give you tips if you are facing different type of champs or according to enemy´s team item build. That´s just to give you a start. With enough practice, you will memorize the items and what they are good for and good against. Good thing is that you can see what your enemy is getting at the shop.
LoL has a pretty entrenched metagame, meaning that as you level up you'll most likely have to find a role in teams you prefer (top, jungle, mid, carry or support) -- keep it in mind, but for now it's a good idea to just buy all the cheapest 450IP champions and try them out!
Protip: You can get Tristana (somewhat popular) and Alistar (not very popular) for free by liking Riot Games' Facebook and subscribing to their YouTube channel!
Everyone's favorite champs?
1- Sona
2- Lux
3- Lulu
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Watch LoL streams and learn from them.
Don't flame or rage.
Concentrate on killing as many minions as possible while trading damage with your lane opponent.
look up different guides for characters that you think you'd like, meaning guides on youtube mainly. try to learn what most characters do and their skills so you can respond and save yourself from them.
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oh hello, you are just like the 12 year old kids I have to mute because of their constant bitching and crying when playing LoL.

Some of them even say that they have to go AFK because his grampa is calling him o go to bed.

You remind me so much of them.
Thanks for the insight. Any recommended champion that I could possibly stick with for a while, Pantheon and Varus are my favorites right now
Pay2win? Either troll or extremely retarded.
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here's a tip, quit playing. It will suck out your soul and wallet. Speaking from experience. Just recently quit and started playing another game which will do the same thing in Smite.
Because fun.
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what kind of champion do you like to play? ranged/melee/tank/utility/magic/etc
You tards know other than skins there's no reason to spend real money right... fucking shit.
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are you me?

but I also love swain.

you know... the only time I spent money on LoL was because I gathered some money with a group of friends and gave a gift certificate to another friend of because of his bday.

I have not spent a single penny on my account.
I actually think allistar is way more popular than Tristana
Ive always favored ranged and healers. Melee is my 3rd favorite.
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>2 up top
>that sub-bronze advice
This. And the more ability power you build, you rapidly become more invincible due to his life drain skill.
Jax nigga
That fuckin beast
Sona. She's a support caster with a tiny cooldown, super fun to play.

3-Evelynn (before they killed her with that horrible patch)
I felt the same way, maybe I'm just weak, but the longer you play the more susceptible you become. It's only a matter of time, but if you can prevent it from happening I envy you
So since she's a support I go bot? or since she's a caster I go mid? How much does she cost
>>467475590 (OP)
you dont suck you just play against expirienced players that have accs lv 30 and they are farming points because they dont have friends.
If you really suck you can play anything on attack damage and attack speed
If you're going for mid, I'm a dead set Lux.
Just run around with early boots and hp pots and poke with your E.

Then past level 6 just get them below 300 and pray you hit them with your ult. Best feeling I've had on LoL.


I know I know....

I have been planning to buy a couple of champs and skins...

juuuuust a couple.

Let´s see if I can resist.
Probably depends on the level or ranking! Besides, Tristana is way easier to play as a newb, Alistar is a tanky CC machine that's pretty difficult to utilise properly and depends a lot on his team unless you build him full of damage, but yeah!
Save up for Vayne. Every third attack does a fraction of the enemy's health as true damage, and her skills allow for fighting on the move.
shes 4800 I think. you'll always go bot. Her sustainability makes you a very annoying early laner to the enemies. Ulti is a max 4? second stun... all her abilities give an aura effect after use.. heal gives bonus health. her attack gives bonus damage, her movement boost gives bonus movement speed.... all around a blast
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buy garen learn flowchart gg

I hate Lux because of how powerful she is.

I usually play mid Morgana or Malzahar.

With Morgana I can get even with Lux, it will be a fucking hard battle, probably I won´t kill her but she won´t kill me either unless they pull a mid gank.

If I choose Malz and on the loading screen I see a Lux that I know is def. going mid I just want to crawl to the corner and start crying.
Yes you would go bot. Your level of games it really doesnt matter though, there's gonna be jungle teemos and tank annies and ad zileans all over the place.
well, every week (starting on tuesdays) there are 10 free champions you can play. you can also save up IP (received from playing-win or loss) to permanently unlock a champion.

This week vladimir and xerath are free, both are ranged. Vladimir's spells cost health instead of mana, but he can heal it back up. A bit tricky, but fun and hes hard to kill.

xerath has a very long range. he can chain himself to the ground to increase that range. his ability power (magic damage from items) gives him armor as well.

I dont have much experience with Quinn, though she is ranged attack damage, with some utility.

Twitch is also ranged attack damage, he stacks poison on his enemies and then uses "expunge" to chunk their health away. He has a temporary stealth that is nice for sneaking up on people or getting away.

Sivir/ashe/annie/ryze are 450 ranged champs that you can buy after a few games.

tl;dr again..there's so much to explain.
Um. I'd try quinn or twitch. for this week.
>I hate Lux because of how powerful she is.
>I usually play mid Morgana or Malzahar.
Both of those champs outclass lux. Learn to fucking dodge
I enjoy Twitch. Every attack you plant on an enemy further drains their health due to his passive, and after you hit all 6 stacks, Expunge practically chunks their health off. I like to build attack speed and some life drain with Twitch.
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yes. and best for new players.
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I'm so glad they gave Blade of the Ruined King attack speed... I rush that on twitch and love it. (unless I'm doing well enough to buy a Blood Thirster or IE)
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>>467475590 (OP)
Honestly, just watch streams/videos on youtube(updated ones)
Play coop vs ai to get a feeling of the champs/csing
You shouldn't play a ranged character a lot in the beginning of LoL unless you VS. bots. Ranged characters are often very squishy and require map awareness, positioning and insight of enemy positions. Being a support in your early days might come in handy, since you will learn to help the ranged character (ADC). Just play close attention to the ADC and mid.
Favorite champs
>Lee Sin
>>467475590 (OP)
If you would like to get an experienced feel for champions, feel free to Youtube "Pawnce", and watch his videos. He is very wise in his knowledge of the game's mechanics, and eloquent in his delivery of tactics and advice.
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CSing is creep score, or how many minions you've killed. only the last hit on them gives you gold, and those are the only ones that count towards your total CS.

saying this for OP
>jungling without runes or masteries

not sure if troll or completely retarded
I don't think you should be a support in the beginning because you normally lack the map awareness / don't know where to ward / don't know the buff times / the dragon and baron times and overall strats
jungling in th early levels is retarded
Use LoLPro instead the guides are made by the top players there
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nah, soraka is free this week and you can sufficiently healbot/mana battery with her.

the enemy team will most likely not be warding or jungling at low levels so its not really necessary for your team to ward.

though soraka is boring as hell. imo.
>Play Darius
>Press R


>Learn to fucking dodge

what if she roots you?

You know... sometimes you can´t dodge 100% of the attacks the enemy throws at you.

With Morgana I can get to kill her if I play my cards right. (Mostly psychological gorilla warfare and Dark Shield)

But with Malzahar??

He is slow as fuck even with enhanced boots.

Try to dodge a fucking Attention Deficit Disorder - hyper active Lux bitch that moves like a hare on crack.
Learn these champions. They are easy to play and they will give you basic understanding of the lanes and game itself. Than move on to other champs.

Adc: Ashe, Tristana, Caitlin, Graves
Supp: Sona, Taric
Top: Yorick, Cho'Gath, Garen
Mid: Lux, Morgana, Annie
Jungle: Dont play jungle. Just dont.
If you don't play with complete idiots the ADC will ping, buff times are easy. Warding is tricky, forgot to mention that. Dragon and baron knowledge isn't really necessarily.
I think being a good top is an harder task, since a fed Kha'zix or Malphite have bad-ass teamfight initiations.
I believe you quoted the wrong person.
>enemy has lux
>pick kata or diana or someone with good gap closers
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I think graves is a bit difficult.
I haven't played him but I've supported my fair share of baddies.
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Newsflash: The jungle items added in preseason 3 make jungling the easiest it has ever been. You dont need runes or masteries, you can just go in there as xin, j4, skarner, ww, lee sin, etc. with just a machete5. Stop giving this retard bad advice you bronzies.
Why would you recommend Vayne to a new player? The fuck is wrong with you?!?!?!
save for Brand. In my short run of LoL he was my hands down fav. If you learn his rotation with the burns and stuns, he is wicked. Not to mention his ulti bounces champions. Easy triple+ kills
>1 xin/olaf
>2 nunu/leona/lulu
>3 poppy
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Zyra (mid)
Lulu (lulu goes where she pleases)
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get a dota 2 key
LoL is for children
have fun ganking with 100 hp
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If she roots you, then you didn't fucking dodge. Retard.
use these they can help
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if he's still learning the basic concepts of the game he really shouldn't be jungling.

his volatile teammates will make sure he learns what jungling is around level 15 or so. until then though, 2 top.
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Mundo does as he pleases though.

yes yes sorry for that...

I´m so clumsy today...
Here's a tip. You will suck for the next two years.

Here's another tip. Just quit playing it. It's not worth your time.
If you can't dodge, you lack skill of positioning.
Best champ to learn is Jarvan, can learn to jungle, initiate, position, map- awareness or knowledge, and gank. If you master him you can pretty much play any champ IMO.

What about Zed?

> Yorick, played him since he was released, always good at top and now in season 3 awesome with Elise bot.
> Mundo, for being the most awesome champ
> Malphite, for being a counter-top to most bruisers
since you're a noob just play garen
>>467475590 (OP)
play spawn karthus


you can´t dodge every fucking ability

If you say you do you are a fucking liar.
Have fun in normals pleb
>>467475590 (OP)
>Buy annie
And with that spout of arguing, OP has left. Hope you got some insight, OP. Good luck out there.
try playing the free ones, don't buy anyone yet unless you feel you love those, remember there are over 100 champions


Your goal in lane is get as much gold you can as soon as possible, and try to make your enemy fail at this by killing creeps and harassing your enemy when he is going to do it

If you manage to take down your enemy tower, help your team in their lanes

Don't forget to keep an eye on the map at all times, if someone isn't in their lane, they could be near yours to kill you, don't forget some champions have global skills

DO NOT SUICIDE FOR KILLS, unless you are drunk and you don't care

think how your enemy will react to your moves and abuse of this, if he can outdamage you but he run away everytime you hit him, abuse it till he knows what happen

game and killing creeps doesn't end after tower fall, you will always have to focus on this at every stage of the game, more or less

and ignore this guy >>467482529 you are going a bad way if you listen to him, jungle will be the hardest thing you will do and the job more knowledge of the game require
Top Champions
>DO NOT SUICIDE FOR KILLS, unless you are drunk and you don't care
What about trading?
A malphite can get an initiate that results in a 3 kills for 1 death if done properly.
have fun in silver after 500 games
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Nah, Im still here. Just lurking it now taking in all the info
Good lord, has anyone in this thread even considered this guy doesn't want to get serious? Just play to have fun. 99% of my games are in the Co-op vs. AI category, and I have a lot of fun. Granted, it's easy as fuck, but it's better than being yelled at by people who take the game way to seriously in the Normal category.

Pick the champion you have the most fun playing with. Don't get caught pushing too far into enemy territory, and unless you're confident, never go against more champions than you have in your party in close proximity.
Dota is gay as fuck
then he didn't suicide, he made it properly, there are situations where you can dive with 100 hp to ignite and kill someone but you will die no matter what



Enemies not knowing what to do becouse they can't attack you or move becouse a wall is just too much fun
I'm going pro no doubt, screw having fun. If you ain't first your last.

Thanks for the insight though. AI sounds like a nice break from 12 year olds
oh god, not fiora
>>467475590 (OP)
Get ready for weeks of hell, if not months. PLay easy champs.
he requested how to get better, people say how to play better

what is wrong with this?
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>Try to dodge a fucking Attention Deficit Disorder - hyper active Lux bitch that moves like a hare on crack.
>>467475590 (OP)
add me "Hellhavewrath253" I can help
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bushes are fun.

I'll answer any specific questions you have, if you want. (torse)
explain, other than lack of cc for ganks where is the problem
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remember riven release?
>>467475590 (OP)
learn every ability of every champ in the game,
seriously, every ability, their cooldown, their range, their damage and their scaling. After that you can start learning how to play the game
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yes but not sure what you're getting at
Thats too extreme. If you're not goint for platinum.
1- Lee Sin
2- Twisted Fate
3- Teemo


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