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    File : 1295663726.jpg-(388 KB, 568x848)
    388 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:35:26 No.303844145   [Reply]
    Alright, I'm tired of hearing people complain about not having gold accounts.
    Shut the fuck up, and buy one.
    144 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> a a 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:54 No.303854481

    ▲ ▲
    >> sage 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:59 No.303854504
    dude stop please just delete that
    >> sage Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:09 No.303854529
    I feel so bad for the fucktards who actually posted their info. Good job guys. It's not like ANY OTHER FUCKING SITE you go to has a specific section where you enter information and NOT RIGHT WHERE THE Fucking POST ID. Good job. Darwin would be proud.

    File : 1295665213.jpg-(107 KB, 684x616)
    107 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:00:13 No.303849097   [Reply]
    Dont mind me....just dumping my skinny girls that became fat folder...also feel free to contriboot
    134 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:50 No.303854464
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    >has skinny to fat folder

    i love you OP
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:52 No.303854470
    What the fucking fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:09 No.303854530

    I've been waiting this entire time for someone to do William Shattner

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    288 KB nikobellic 01/21/11(Fri)22:22:34 No.303853191   [Reply]
    americans: yes they are that stupid
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:28:37 No.303854259
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    french plug is a french plug moron
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:28:46 No.303854284
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    I can deal with this.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:09 No.303854531
    Ok, here we go again.
    Only movie characters and dumbfucks get a shock from throwing electrical devices into water. Everyone else uses a fucking current limiter. And a current breaker, of course.
    I case you're dumb and don't have one, you still won't get a shock unless the electricity passes through you, meaning you are the connection to the ground. Either because you are in direct contact with the device or you are the pathway with the least resistance to the ground. Just sitting on the ocean while somewhere a hairdryer falls into the water won't harm you. Standing on a puddle of water while something like that happens won't do shit either, except in movies and it seems in your head.
    There is even a myth busters episode on that shit.
    Although If that was me, I'd use water resistant power strips. Technology is my bitch.

    TL:DR probably not dumb.

    File : 1295667009.jpg-(10 KB, 300x225)
    10 KB cursive n shit Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:09 No.303854528   [Reply]
    Post ITT if you had to learn cursive in primary school and never fucking used it in the entirety of your life.

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    68 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:22:11 No.303853121   [Reply]
    Hi /b/, I'm having a fucking great night. What is /b/ doing? Post pics of what you're doing, or post pics of something awesome. Girlfriend at work tonight, so I'm relaxing like a BOSS....
    Beer=New Belgium 1554
    Drink=Black Label
    Game=Black Ops
    Movie=Get Him to the Greek
    8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:46 No.303854452

    1911 = ???
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:51 No.303854467
    OP here, Xbox fag, but i like PS3 too. Glass table is girlfriends choice, from IKEA. i DGAF. and the beer is great.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:08 No.303854527

    I now see the Xbox fagtroller on table by pizza. I was distracted by teh fap.

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    91 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:15:43 No.303851999   [Reply]
    67 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:57 No.303854495
    holy shit
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:00 No.303854505
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    if dubs you must tell us all how u do dat
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:08 No.303854526
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    81 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:49:41 No.303847011   [Reply]
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:02 No.303854517
    trips get
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:04 No.303854519
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    >my face when I got trips
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:07 No.303854524
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    oops, I accidentally the world.

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    18 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:19:51 No.303852717   [Reply]
    so /b/, whenever i try to get drunk off beer i end up having to stop cause i feel like i'll throw up if i don't. any tips on how to be less of a pussy?

    TL;DR how do i drink lots of beer
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:27 No.303854389
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:35 No.303854417
    Drink liquor instead
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:07 No.303854525
    I live in Utah, where they water down their beer, state law.

    3.2% beer is hard to get drunk off of. I'm forced to turn to liquor to drown my sorrows and beat my wife.

    File : 1295664937.jpg-(253 KB, 496x699)
    253 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:55:37 No.303848167   [Reply]
    About to play for the first time, any tips?
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    >> Nidorino !yCCMqGf/Qs 01/21/11(Fri)22:28:43 No.303854277
    Just beat Fable TLC a few days ago for the first time.

    after playing 2 and 3

    OP, just....don't. just play TLC and feel good about life. there's a dragon and sex and you can buy the best sword like 20 minutes in.

    So, yeah, fable 2 is worst of series.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:38 No.303854426
    nah I meant MNC and geometry wars
    I was looking at that earlier, it sounds hard as fuck though. I think it's only like 800 MSP... alright I'll pick that and perfect dark up.
    >> ~Femanon~ !!X7Be9xdywLm 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:06 No.303854521
    1 Its fucking amazing

    2.) Dont kill the townspeople unless you wanna be known as an ass

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    66 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:25:00 No.303853617   [Reply]
    Name my band /b/!
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:28:30 No.303854232
    pikachu and the faggots
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:39 No.303854432
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:06 No.303854523
    lol op you faggot

    File : 1295666206.jpg-(10 KB, 425x300)
    10 KB mac or pc Big Fucking Elon 01/21/11(Fri)22:16:46 No.303852183   [Reply]
    alright /b/ which is better PC or Mac and why. Automatically right if you get trips.
    9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:28 No.303854393
    Macs are PCs. Overpriced PCs marketed towards gullible twats obsessed with shiny things, but PCs none the less.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:33 No.303854410
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    PC is still better, cause there is more software coverage and cheaper peripherals.

    In 2 or mayber 5 years it will really not matter...
    It will be all like the same shit...

    BTW mac interfaces are cleaner and its core being BSD based really makes it worth.

    (You really can't compare a OS which runs something people on Bell Labs created with something a lonely random guy developed to be used from a disk)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:04 No.303854520
    I prefer my PC to a mac.
    That's just my personal preference.

    File : 1295660977.jpg-(82 KB, 550x400)
    82 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)20:49:37 No.303834848   [Reply]
    187 posts and 81 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:28:21 No.303854210
    why has the flow of cp stopped?
    >> ‮‬ 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:18 No.303854360

    knock it off you neckbearded cocksuckers. REPORTED. enjoi ur b&/v&, because I certainly will.
    >> ‮‬ 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:03 No.303854518

    well, you wouldn't want to kill your target with this, hopefully.

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    7 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:02 No.303854515   [Reply]

    File : 1295666834.png-(129 KB, 313x317)
    129 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:27:14 No.303854022   [Reply]
    New LIAT video, discuss.
    He trashes anonymous and calls us pussies who sit behind computers. he expects everyone to forgive him for his lies about boxxy.
    wat do?
    1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:15 No.303854346
    he cried lol
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:58 No.303854501
    links there
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:01 No.303854514


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    387 KB Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)21:43:14 No.303845764   [Reply]
    anyone that gets trips has to do what the person above them said. And take pics. This ain't a joke.

    -if I get trips I have to do what the person below me says

    -if the person below me gets trips they have to do the thing the person below them says.
    164 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anon 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:06 No.303854329
    fuck me did you go to art school?
    Shit's like the sistine chapel up in this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/11(Fri)22:29:18 No.303854355
    open room
    fill bathtub with water
    turn on UNPLUGGED hairdryer and place in bath
    plug it in
    get in

    do it, faggot
    >> Anon 01/21/11(Fri)22:30:02 No.303854516

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