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    Dear Londoners: I am in your lovely rainy city for the next few days. If you'd fancy a spot of tea and dessert,
    send an e-mail to london@4chan.org with a sentence or two about yourself,
    why you aren't Jack the Ripper, and include a timestamp.
    Cheers, —mootykins

    File: 1332026403.png-(363 KB, 1824x754)
    363 KB Anonymous (ID: owWvHQ9V) 03/17/12(Sat)19:20:03 No.387463772   [Reply]
    Ok so here is the things with these coupons. I went to walmart and the bitches don't take them unless they have some barcode shit in the top right corner. so went to safeway with this coupon and also a coupon for free 1600 MS points. They will not take any coupon that just says free w/e. But they did take the $10 off coupon. So basically go to safeway and use coupons that aren't for free things. Oh also if you can please post a 1600 MS point coupon that is $15 off, greatly appreciated.
    ITT: coupons
    18 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7Vab+5T5) 03/17/12(Sat)19:43:43 No.387467513
    Lol never noticed that before lol.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8Jbz29d8) 03/17/12(Sat)19:45:55 No.387467901
    Yeah, people who don't change that or the offer code # 1337
    It's terrible...Almost as bad as people who don't change the
    Pin number:
    Offer code#
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7Vab+5T5) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:58 No.387468868
    What I dont get is exactly how do you make the barcode make the scanner read what you want it to be?

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    16 KB Anonymous (ID: YSRCbiRx) 03/17/12(Sat)19:41:07 No.387467087   [Reply]
    Hallo ihr Deutschen ich bin ein Türke und versuche im moment mich zu integrieren und eure sprache zu lernen es fällt mir aber ein bisschen schwer ich respektiere die Deutsche Kultur und habe auch diesem Land militärisch gedient über 4 Jahre und bin stolz darauf die staatsangehörigkeit deutsch zu tragen obwohl ich meine familie in der türkei vermisse und ich bin autist deswegen fällt mir mit menschen reden schwer
    7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: SHmmtuh8) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:13 No.387468609
         File: 1332028213.jpg-(98 KB, 640x445)
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    Take that to krautchan!
    >> Anonymous (ID: HfdOf6Bi) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:34 No.387468810
    Perfektes Deutsch <- "fällt mir aber ein bisschen schwer"
    >> Anonymous (ID: Dx8jxEBM) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:59 No.387468869
    ok, darfst bleiben

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    11 KB Anonymous (ID: gHZzoD7G) 03/17/12(Sat)19:46:18 No.387467958   [Reply]
    Hey un-insured faggots,

    My name is Geico Gecko, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day getting stupid assed insurance from other companies with limited coverage. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any real car insurance? I mean, I guess it's fun hitting other cars and driving away, because of your own lack of driving ability, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of the animated chick from eSurance.

    Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your Ford Explorer. I'm pretty much covered. I was captain of the sales team, and starter on Geico Nascar's racing team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn eSurance people"? I also get no speeding tickets, and have a banging hot Ferrari (I just blew by you; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Dni+T+KB) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:59 No.387468871
    OP you are really a dumbass. First off, you assume everyone is so bad. Let me point out your flaws. First, you said you were pretty much perfect. If that were so, you wouldn't brag about it, you would be humble and not attempt to gain attention from "no-life’s who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures of the animated chick from eSurance." Second, you said we do nothing else than hit other cars. There again you are wrong retard. I in fact have insurance. I (and I assume at least several others on here) have a pretty nice car. By assuming that we are all people with no insurance you once again prove your idiot ways to us- you cannot grasp a concept that people with lives can also drive a car. Third, if you are trying to prove to 4chan that you are perfect, at least type properly. "but you all take to a whole new level." You forgot a fucking 2 letter word. Fourth, A's are not that hard to get in high school dumbass. It's not a sign of intelligence, but an ability to listen. Good job for using something that everyone can do. Go to /n/ and get your mind raped by some actual intelligence. There you go; I just >>387467958
    wanted to you about how wrong you really are. With all honesty, I really don't give a shit what you say only wrote this because it’s fun as hell to rant to dumbasses. Next time, go tell someone who actually cares.


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    64 KB Anonymous (ID: 7UeriWS0) 03/17/12(Sat)19:41:38 No.387467165   [Reply]

    Do you realise this world is so fucked up because of people like you?

    signed -a pacifist
    34 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: TqoNrKoz) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:38 No.387468819
    >> Anonymous (ID: b6dpNzbY) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:46 No.387468838
    Dear sir pacifist:

    "A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

    John Stuart Mills
    >> Anonymous (ID: pIU9VpxG) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:58 No.387468865
    Nope ... religion fucked up this world , im jewish but i wish i wasn't anything

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    53 KB Anonymous (ID: 0EXd0dy3) 03/17/12(Sat)19:47:50 No.387468225   [Reply]
    20 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:28 No.387468797
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    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:45 No.387468832
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    >> Anonymous (ID: XwJVwV1U) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:58 No.387468867

    Then why are you trolling us? Isn't the whole point of trolling to alter our feels?

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    19 KB Anonymous (ID: OiRnGT+M) 03/17/12(Sat)19:30:54 No.387465402   [Reply]
    Tastes like chicken they said.
    Go on, eat it they said.
    21 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 6wSIu1bo) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:00 No.387468570
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    whats going on here they said
    >> Anonymous (ID: mdsIu8Qf) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:27 No.387468648
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    Thats no moon they said.
    >> Anonymous (ID: AkS2Du0p) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:57 No.387468864
         File: 1332028317.jpg-(99 KB, 470x313)
    99 KB
    > Knock knock they said
    > who's there they said
    > boo they said
    > boo who they said
    > don't cry it's just us they said
    > that joke es lame they said
    > you messican they said
    > fuck you they said
    > put the bear down they said
    > why the fuck you is that bear pooling out a dinosaur they said
    Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

    File: 1332027266.gif-(1.18 MB, 300x169)
    1.18 MB Anonymous (ID: U6zFKFuH) 03/17/12(Sat)19:34:26 No.387465946   [Reply]
    Sauce: http://teen-gif-sauces.tumblr.com/post/19014366894/brunette-cutie-taking-it-up-her-ass
    14 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Ri1o4AU1) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:16 No.387468620

    >> Anonymous (ID: UbU6p6ir) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:46 No.387468840
         File: 1332028306.gif-(1.89 MB, 260x147)
    1.89 MB
    Anyone who downloaded a vid, please confirm that the links are legit. Thanks!

    Sauce: http://teen-gif-sauces.tumblr.com/post/19177437060/cutie-drilled-rough-anally
    >> Anonymous (ID: T3Rt+HzD) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:56 No.387468863
    Nope.jpg. Apparently I just gave you money. I'll make sure others don't do the same

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    14 KB Anonymous (ID: OdonrFRo) 03/17/12(Sat)18:33:36 No.387456375   [Reply]
    What the fuck is wrong with society ...
    90 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: tae4xlER) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:05 No.387468754
    lonilyness would be a factor to dressing up as being alone brings with it feelings of vulnerability and a lack of life importance.

    ther person would dress up to A( feel more powerful and worthy (in there head) of being with other people or B( to feel above the need for a group of people because they are powerful enough to have what they want without assistance, including a mate.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /33uh47O) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:14 No.387468772
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    We do NOT forget
    >> Anonymous (ID: /33uh47O) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:56 No.387468862
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    Expect US!

    File: 1332027768.jpg-(38 KB, 430x300)
    38 KB Anonymous (ID: tJI8zF/g) 03/17/12(Sat)19:42:48 No.387467361   [Reply]
    "Bad phrases to end a conversation with"
    17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UhvAkR+N) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:49 No.387468715
    and thats my method to getting white stains out of baby-gros
    >> Anonymous (ID: OhqU7sAl) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:20 No.387468786
    gotta go, i haven't checked 4chan /b/ for a while.
    >> Anonymous (ID: T6WbcuQK) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:56 No.387468860
    Consequences will never be the same

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    52 KB Anonymous (ID: 09+9EK98) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:27 No.387468650   [Reply]
    Giving out Scrolls-of-Resurrection on Wow. They changed it. That means 7 days free game play, one free level 80 on any character, and one free realm transfer. I play on the US realms so if anyone is interested leave your email and ill send it.

    <Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous (ID: PooXFQx1) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:56 No.387468861

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    21 KB Anonymous (ID: 65N5ajbe) 03/17/12(Sat)18:51:51 No.387459242   [Reply]
    Dear /b/,

    Clear and indisputable evidence has been found of major voter fraud in the current GOP election. Have a look for yourselves:

    Layman's version:


    mathematician version:

    Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
    40 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BpLOOvVf) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:14 No.387468613

    I welcome this mckenna dump
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4IEwyG5L) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:15 No.387468779
    I don't see how you guys can be upset that a club for rich people is being controlled by those rich people. Did you think you were a part of it or something?

    Fucking morans.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KDigWc/Z) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:55 No.387468858
    I like Ron Paul but seriously... voter fraud isn't responsible for him losing. Him being anti-war, is. 90% of Republicans hate anti-war people.

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    24 KB Anonymous (ID: 3aBpG010) 03/17/12(Sat)19:47:21 No.387468139   [Reply]
    Streaman: Back to the Future Part II
    4 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: o0PzhcIH) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:58 No.387468735
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    >> Anonymous (ID: EN6c5V+m) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:45 No.387468834
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 4V2CbHSo) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:55 No.387468859
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    43 KB Anonymous (ID: M+SL+euI) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:54 No.387468857   [Reply]
    And remember, the first rule of the fight club is:

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    82 KB Anonymous (ID: GT3xTsKP) 03/17/12(Sat)19:02:29 No.387460910   [Reply]
    14 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: xk75gSG3) 03/17/12(Sat)19:44:12 No.387467591
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    >> Anonymous (ID: X08wsor6) 03/17/12(Sat)19:47:02 No.387468085
    >> Anonymous (ID: UX4A9tyN) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:53 No.387468854

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    94 KB Anonymous (ID: l9N9Q03W) 03/17/12(Sat)19:44:38 No.387467661   [Reply]
    Bawww thread?
    4 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ft6TeETo) 03/17/12(Sat)19:48:51 No.387468381
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    >> Anonymous (ID: ft6TeETo) 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:00 No.387468569
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    >> Anonymous (ID: ft6TeETo) 03/17/12(Sat)19:51:53 No.387468856
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    I guess no one is out there. *sigh*

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