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ITT: We build a Space Craft.

So far, it goes absolutely nowhere.
whatre ya usin there OP?
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Kerbal Space program, of course.
>>457225516 (OP)
50 rocket engines, no support beams, all facing in opposition to the cockpit
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That didn't go so well
50 rockets all attached in a huge triangle
in a triforce. And we send it to space to join the frog

it's clear OP we need to find the baloon scorpion to teach our ship how to fly
Fucking lol

Make a normal rocken then put 2 thrusters on eachside and aim them sideways so the spacecraft spins. see how far you get at full power
Make it a giant dick.

Not just 'hurr, it's cylindrical with a conical top, it looks like a dick'

I mean, build as detailed of a penis as you can out of the parts available, balls included. Bonus points for veins.

try 51 rocket engines!
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which game is this?

kerbal space program

Guess Who.
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Cum smears too.
You only need one rocket, but add some more guns and speakers.

Trust me, I played Spore.
This isn't spore, hurr hurr.
attach 50 rocket engines facing the ground in a circle then connect them with support beams to the capsel, this is how you are sappose to space trust me i played d&d



it usually takes a crane to get this back on earth
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with mechjeb everything will fly

That doesn't look so good.

How about a ship made entirely out of rockets in the shape of a ship?
Working on this, general bump.
oh please yes
Instant explosion. Let's actually work on something and blast the fuckin thing into the mun.
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Oops, forgot to post pic.
How about you just make it a little longer and attach 4 or so rockets to the base?
>inb4 this thread turns into a mr. bones wannabe
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Got further then anything else in this thread so far... but it seems to be missing something. Went from a spacecraft into an aquatic ICBM.
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mfw there's easter eggs on the mun
Wings. Add wings.
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reentry during a solar eclipse
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that feel when you're stranded now
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do you niggers even know how hard it is to hit minmus?
lets build a spacecraft
Original Fallout
what game is this?
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What is this game???
>I want
>to play
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Going for Eve!
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Added, got much further, very wobbly in atmosphere.
Has the idea. Added. Anything else /b/?
damn nigger read the thread from begining op told what gam it is ...
The first ones are Garry's Mod....what are the other ones?

>captcha 'anonfor carpenter'

faggot is to dumb to read
Righty then. More boost?

attach some struts to fight the wobbling
maybe some 2 stage rockets or something ?? like that
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Had it on near max in lower atmosphere, lowered it as the craft ascended

>Also, this craft needs a name. From here on out, post ending in 0 names it.
Damn. Maybe go with some struts then. Or are there any larger wings?
the Dick Sizzler Mk. 1

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Realizing Eve has no oxygen in its athmosphere...

Jebediah needs a new ride

Max throttle in thick atmosphere is just throwing your fuel away. Keep a low constant velocity until you get into thinner atmosphere. You'll do much better on fuel.
All it needed was an SAS for the wobbling, keeps it steady now. Added a second stage of boosters, as requested by >>457232958

Anything else before I start it up?
>Dick Sizzler Mk. 1
Craft Named.
get out
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Are we ready for take off?
It somehow still lacks something.
But, who cares, just fire it.
it's missing anything interesting beyond what you typically build in KSP to just try to get something off the ground

bringing the swastika idea back 'round from the other anon, we need to make this thing 4chan

>nigras, etc.
Ah well, make it longer and add 2 balls at the bottom, then.
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Got about just as far. Extra stage made it considerably heavier, making the first set of thrusters nearly useless in getting it anywhere.

What now?
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i also made no orbit :(
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see you on Minmus
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Bump, for rocket science.
Make a cockrocket already.
For science.
Build a central pod for the astronaut then 4 rockets attached on four sides by horizontal beams.
Remove fuel from last stage, won't need as much in space anyway. Add some boosters.
How many?
Build a central pod, add 8 rockets in a circle around it, position them all slightly sideways so the entire thing just spins off.
is it worth to download the demo?
Go ahead. You can also torrent it, so you can try the full thing before buying it.
it is worth buying
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I'll just leave this here.
also demo is very outdated
-no docking
-no manouver nodes
- no planets
Remove a set of fuel and add like 3 boosters or something.
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Like this?
i haven't played since it was just the moon you could go to, isn't there a lot more shit you can do?
Y u not make swastika space ship?!
Yes, Just add horizontal + another rocket to every rocket you already have.
Yeah, exactly that
1 sun
6 planets
9 moons
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the time spent creating this...
And actually getting it into orbit.
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Launch iet. Launch iet nao.
Fucking feels, man.

I accidentally jettisoned one into space once, came close to tears for the little fella.
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This is one of the best threads in recent times
OP you fantastic motherfucker, godspeed on getting to the moon. Godspeed.
Launch update?
what went wrong?
burn that fuel
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added some fuels and rockets. worked well
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Spun like a motherfucker.
not the circle i mean it needs to look more like a funle
So that proves Iron Sky impossible.
I forgot what that game is called, can someone tell me?
>Will start using higher resolution for these shots, so the altitude and other data may be clearly seen.
Scroll up you lazy bastard.

yeah, I could
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All you people and your fucking mods.
See if you can make a rocket the looks like:

And not a single mod was used.

Also, what should I add to our Dick Sizzler Mk. 1 Swastika?
bullshit i made this thread the other night and it died at 12 posts
A motherfucking clitoris, don't ask how just do it
Glorious statue of Das Führer.
I jest, make it a stack of swastikas
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Make pyramid rockets too.
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Shut the fuck up and get on with the mission, Frank
I can tell you too!
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Here's my rocket design for docking with my space station.

>turn 90 degrees at 10km up
>keep burning until your apoapsis ~100km
>turn 180 degrees a few seconds before you hit apoapsis
>Burn like a motherfucker until your periapsis =/= apoapsis
>congratulations you now have an orbit
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Ok, this is about as close as I think I can get. Also made the extra stack like >>457238948
requested. Anything else?
I downloaded the demo. Im so mindfucked about the whole thing that im too scared to get the full game
Do the tutorials. Do it.
Give me a sec guys and il give you the perfect launch stack, it can get you to any planet.
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Nah time for blast off methinks
Any way to add a ball on a string to it or something? Would be nice to see that fly through space.
Launch this one first tho.
so fucking wonderful
Launch in progress. Stand by for results.
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Fudge Dredd standing by
what are the requirements to run the game? im on a shitty netbook right now, but wanna make some space flyin' planes
lik dis if u cry evrtym
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Mission was a failure. Extra stack only added a slight distance.

Also, >>457241408
Try running on lowest settings, it may work.
Put three rockets on the base posisitioned so the ship spirals then make three curving lines of rockets in the same angle from top to bottom
i lost all my craft when my motherboard broke. i had one satellite in orbit and was well on the way to mun.
is there a linux version?

and what does the legal version have that pirate copies wont have?
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I'm so fucking excited, if this nigrit gets to the moon and back many manly tears will be shed
Never forget.

Add some more wings and stuff for stability, and add some extra boosters to the mid part? We cannot deform the shape.
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It's. Beautiful.
1. Put your HD in your new compy and transfer your ships over?
2. Google is your friend
3. Nope
>turn 180
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>tfw hundreds of years later humans discover Kerbal homeworld, shrouded by a huge graveyard of humdreds of swastika spaceships.
do you mean

yeah i'm trying but i don't own a mini screwdriver to take out the hd and i'm living on 50 quid a week so i can't really afford one
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Don't forget my sides
Make one
I'm going to take a quick shower - I'm expecting a glorious orbitting dickstika when I return.
We could detach stages to reveal the true form later on.
Is it possible in this game to reverse alien engineering?

Meet aliens?
If you can get flags on this, be sure to litter the glorious Dick Sizzler Mk. 1 with North Korean flags
I think I'll be saving that one, cheers.
Or more logically can download them
Unfortunately, no flags exist in this build that I'm aware of
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>>457239786 'bout time you brushed up on your circles, bro
Anyone have something to add? Let's get this nigglet to the mun. Or at least orbit!
Needs more SRBs, and solar panels.
Hmm, add some retro thrusters, also two rockets that fire first to two sides of the swastika (on opposite sides) then detach once in orbit, then the swastika fires

Make support beam look like cock. Add 2 thrusters
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6 of these arround kerbin and 4 between minmus and moon. They are my comm network.
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I wish the faggot mexican devs weren't so used to trash on their shitty country and made a easier way to clean spess debries.

Anyways, do you guys know wha tis coming in the next patch?
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Like this?
That'll do perfectly
Anything else to add? Perhaps to give it a better launch out of the atmosphere?
Are there any more powerful rockets? Like the shuttles launch rockets?
Wee need mainsail engines
Thousands of them
Install mechjeb, then it will be fair to see how much you get closer to the orbit with every try.
Also it will be quicker.
Meh, I'm pretty handy with navigation. Not sure this is needed
There is a similar sized engine with a higher output but I don't think it can gimbal so keeping this thing upright would be a touch more difficult
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Starting to dig our hole deeper and deeper, holy damn the weight.
Shame, need something to give it more oomph into orbit
Looks like we need more boosters
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Shall I initiate launching sequence of the Sick Sizzler Mk. 1?
*Dick Sizzler Mk. 1 too
name it Dick Sizzler Mk. 1 Episode 2
download link pls?

Also, launching. Will share results as individual posts if this actually gets somewhere
They have older versions for free on their website. If you like it, you should buy it.
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Smooth sailing so far, perhaps a tad wobbly, but nothing serious
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Reaching upper atmosphere, all is good!
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do you guys even lift
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Just used the last of sStage 1's fuel reserves, detaching...

Ive never been this excited since my sister accidently touched my penis
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Space weather sure is beautiful today!
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And there goes the last decoupler... I think the Nazi influence may make it to orbit, /b/.
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We're making orbit...
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>Collecting some sun! perhaps a few too many panels were added...
Give us dat map view, OP
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>... and our very hopes and dreams fall with our beloved Dick Sizzler Mk. 1
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We space now
>making orbit
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>And as we descent upon the planet's surface, solar panels tearing off from the atmospheric friction, it's only a matter of time before the crew meets it's frequent demise.
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>Too bad for this unlucky crew, Jebediah had called out sick today.
Try making a rocket with a nuclear engine, add decoupler, then a huge orange tank with the biggest engine and add those giant SRBs with clamps
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> 2/9/12
> Remember the Dick Sizzler Mk. 1

Alright, back to the drawing board /b/. What now?
*2013 too.
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Amerifag here.
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"It's all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance and expanding kerman's horizons. The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. The Dick Sizzler Mk. 1 crew was pulling us into the future, and we'll continue to follow them."
-Randall Regis Kerman
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You ignorant ass, he meant the year.
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Our Dick Sizzler Mk. 1 needs just a bit more perhaps to make it to orbit. Any ideas?

Also, archiving this thread might be a good idea.
Stages, the word is stages.
Make sure that last stage is a nuclear engine

I hope you frapped this. We need a tribute video.
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Done and done. Also added radial decouplers to outer corners, those run out first because middle columns are fed by center tank.
Anything more?
Add struts to the bottom parts, things tend to get wobbly and youll have a hard time keeping the spin under control
Needs nosecones.
Already added after that last post. Also, the wobblyness doesn't seem to be much an issue, but I suppose I can add some.
maybe adding some cone shape on top of the swastika rockets will make it go up with less air friction? is there any air friction in the game?
There is, and I already added.
Yes the gimballing engines keep it under control but it usually induces a slight rotation
so the problem now is to leave the orbit? i did not understand clearly why it fell last time, maybe you could lose some weight removing some solar panels
Not enough fuel to get it high/fast enough. Lower orbit = greater speed.
Removed the middle solar panels, they were too congested anyways.

Requesting launch sequence, /b/.
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Mac! Why did'nt you bring any fuel to the atom engines!!
You are cleared for launch OP
then i think he should add some phase1 thrusters to leave when high enough, maybe under the swastika segments?
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>Preparing launch sequence...
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Goodbye cruel world
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>Take off a bit wobbly, maybe the struts may have been a good idea after all...
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Ela raised sensory egg into her mouth and breathed a slight sigh into a net-shaped opening at the top. It buzzed low in the spherical body that was its main vessel. It was enough, it was just to sit down and recalibrate menthas spirals.

Ela gently put down the spherical device in its cradle and turned slowly on the chair so she ended up with his face ten centimeters from the screen on neuro East. The familiar low strumming of neuroterns cache spoke to cognitive circuits would soon assemble the fragments.

Fragmentary memories began to dance on the screen and Ela fell for their movement patterns. It was repetation of a previously unrecognized predetermined pattern.
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>Well those bulky parts are gone, things are starting to get more steady.

>Capcha "dangure now"
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Ascension smooth, all things looking well!
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Expended the second row of fuel, decoupling.
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>Decoupled mainsail engine and large fuel tanks, huge reduction in weight. Now onto the final thrusters.
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>Smooth sailing and ample fuel reserves at 95k~ m!
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Show flight path.
(Press M if you don't already know)
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>Last engines decoupled...

>Taking a look at the map...
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>...it would seem our crew shall find a similar fate to those before...
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>MFW this could have been reality if Hitler had won the war.
>If only
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In a feeble attempt, our dearest Kerbals position towards the Apoapsis, preparing to burn the last of their fuel reserves...
Tilt the craft earlier so you don't waste as much fuel fighting gravity.

Start tilting it 45º when you exit the lower atmosphere or something.
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>And to no avail. The thrusters simply do not have enough to lift the craft in the high friction atmosphere. They can only watch as they plummet to their imminent doom.
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German engineering
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I may have slight overheating issue
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>In their last moment, our fellow Kerbals know they die heroes, though in reality they are but test subjects for the salvation of Kerbalkind. Let us not forget their sacrifice.

Well that went badly. What now, /b/?
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Which was solved by adding parachutes apparently. Also, now I can land safely.
use something to link the end of the thrusters to remove wobbling and gain stability, maybe add some little wings on the lower part to stabilize the flight and dunno maybe try to add more propulsion?

This fucking deer
Throw some of the large solid boosters on the sides of the first stage with decouplers to help get you going
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Added struts, wings, and RCS thrusters. Should add god-tier control. Anything else?
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Added. This good?
Change the name to Dick Sizzler Mk. 2
go go go
Requesting launch sequence, unless /b/ has something to add.
commence launch procedure, good luck
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>Initiating launch sequence. And look who decided to tag along! Things are already looking very... bad....
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>Takeoff is a success! And would you just look at that beautiful propulsion!
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>Full control, no spinning, and gaining altitude nicely!
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Smooth transition to the next stage, quickly gaining altitude. Things are looking good so far!
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>Upper atmospheric thrusters expended, and onto the mainsail, our only hope is that it can bring us to an altitude where the atomic thrusters may be useful!
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>Altitude looking good, mainsail expended, onto the atomic thrusters! Apoapsis steadily growing, as shown in the next screenshot...
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>Good thing our fuel reserve is full! We'll need it.
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>Quickly working our way to 200km, more then doubling our previous record <3
we moon now
I think I just broke my fingers from crossing them so hard.
now crash that fucker right into Tel-Aviv
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>Apoapsis quickly growing and altitude nearly reaching 300k m, we still have half our reserve of fuel.
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>Barely burning fuel and carrying an increasing speed of over 1000m/s, we approach 400k m!
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>Our apoapsis nearly reaches earths diameter! Now time to burn away from it, and form an orbit.
>Burn like a motherfucker until your periapsis =/= apoapsis

are you fucking retarded? your periapsis and apoapsis are not equal until you are in an orbit you dumb fuck

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>There goes our last decoupling stage! And as shown in the next map image, we are quickly making orbit...
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>Just hope we have enough fuel... that's starting to run low.
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>Half way... but fuel is really low...
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Jebediah knows no fear.

you should have turned to make orbit way way sooner..

i usually do it under 200k altitude, you should save loads of feul that way.
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So.... close...

You should be in orbit by 100k
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>...but no dice. Seems ol' Jebediah should have crammed those Space Craft Piloting text books a bit better. Oh well, at least the next crew is a bit more likely to survice! All that awaits for these unlucky kerbils now is a plummeting demise, while sitting next to an over excited Jebediah.
At 75k try to burn directly towards the horizon. Should get you into orbit without using much fuel
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>And this image was caught in their last moments.

Alright, so we can orbit now, which is good, but we must bring our influence to the Mun.

What now?
Make a dick-shaped impact crater on the moon.
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Am I doing it right?
Add more boosters for every stage ... get that motherfucker lifted
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Added a larger central fuel feed tank, so our fuel reserve lasts longer. Anything else?
CTRL + ALT + Shift + D

is your friend
du dis
just for my understanding ... what does it matter if you travel at 1000m/s in space, if you have no fuel left ... wouldn't you only need maneuver-boosters?
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I happened to come into orbit right as there was an eclipse. Cool huh?
can you not fit more fuel in the middle?
add some sails on!
we're still in earth's gravitational field
Just launch the spacetika already.
That is the speed in the direction you are going, even if your craft turns, you are still going at the same speed in the same direction. You need to thrust in the direction you are facing in order to shift your orbit towards that direction.
just pirate the full thing, latest is .18.2.
Wine 1.2 and 1.3 don't seem to want to run this game, any one managed to run it on ubuntu?
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This whole thread lives up to the quote "Time well spent is not time wasted", goddamn! I love this.
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All those solar panels.... and no batteries, so it still dies when not in sunlight. gg.
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Thanks :)

Well ... shouldn't be too bad to add some more tanks, right?
also we should update the name to show how many versions we've been through
Mods make this game infinitely more fun. It's like skyrim with its modding. As long as you don't use the BS cheater mods like the antimatter engines or teleporting with hyperedit mods are fair and add quite a bit to the game.

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