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Hey guys, I got a phone interview for a job tomorrow, which is 1000 times worse than a regular interview for me. I'm stresses as fuck. Wat do?

Pic unrelated
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>>453561386 (OP)
Continue of Vocaloid Rule 34!
I hope you like it :D

previous thread

I'm here
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Oh forgot to Introduce myself~
Im Rinfeim, Nice to meet you for those that dont keep trace of my dumps, I hope you enjoy the rest of it :)
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kill yourself?

suck me off
Am I in the right place? Penguins?

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Wellcome mochi :D
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71 KB
That is the most beautiful picture of Miku. Almost makes her look like a pure maiden, although we all know she is most likely the sluttiest fictional character in existence.
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oh No, thanks for the advice but I love my life :)
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>>453561386 (OP)
Masturbate right beforehand
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For the love of multiple gods, please post more rin!
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Fuck this anime bullshit

Basically just know your shit, they'll answer questions, just answer them. If you don't know the answer say that - and then say "but if I had to guess.." so you dont sound like a dumbass if you get it wrong. Then have several questions prepared for them - the interview process should go two ways. This demonstrates that you have value and aren't just desperate for any job.
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I will! please stay tuned :D
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34 KB
This is what you do to the world.
I have a phone interview for a job tomorrow as well. Go over the company's details, what they do, where they appeared in the news, etc.
>>453561386 (OP)
I think it'd be relevant to share what position you're applying for...

take it to /adv
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this is the main reason I always dump in another one thread, this thread was in page 15, but now it gets responces. I wonder if Op is still around..
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And this. You are a disgrace to /b/
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Umm... I dont.. get it
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i have a good stuff of hatsune

you must be a disgrace to your life
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Your stupid antics put people to sleep. Nobody is here to see your crappy images.
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In other words, you're boring.
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so new, so new
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well that just, like.. your opinion man..

but I wont stop dumping, first of all.. because its autodumping
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I'm sowwy /b/ isn't living up to your expectations =(
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Nah, I ain't mad, man. I just wanted to dump a bunch of sleeping asians.
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hehe dont pay attention to him, eventually he will get bored and leave, Enjoy more miku :D
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ah~ thats ok then
feel free to stay and enjoy the dump
Mmm, Miku. I'm back, wuz doing stuffs.
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aaaw last thread is dead D:
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fuck it, fapping to some anime chick idk
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No no no no nope, don't run out of battery just yet phone. I must consume all Miku.
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D: you are doing what? ... pervert


Im not even at half of my folder :( and the last thread already 404 with all of the first half
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yea pervert
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its Hatsune Miku
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no u
>>453561386 (OP)

Sing to your favorite tunes, dance to them, masturbate, and have half a beer.
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The least you could do is post actual R34.
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Rin makes me so proud T_T *tears of joy*
>>453561386 (OP)
listen to this song. it will make you feel completely better.

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oh its in autodump so I dont know what im dumping, its just... random miku stuff... most of rule 34 was on the last thread, and the least you could do its contriboot and if you have nothing to contriboot with just shut it and enjoy
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Well Im going to sleep, sorry I couldnt make to half of my folder, next time maibe, but it would take 3 more threads lol

I hope you enjoyed it! Till next time~

-it will keep dumping, i wont answer anymore-
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>Same pictures at least 4 times in each thread
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