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Does actually anyone feel bad for this guy? I mean it's not like he just decided to go kill people for no reason, his life was pretty fucked up and he got nothing but disrespect and ignorance from the LAPD. He tried to be a good guy and a good cop, but he just kept getting abused until he fell into severe depression and snapped.
I support him and what he is doing, because he supports us and what we want to do.
OP here. If anyone wants to see what he wrote on his facebook before he went killing people, http://pastebin.com/yw3Ffy0S
Can't feel bad about it, because what he is doing is bringing attention to the LAPD corruption. 9 of the pigs have already been put on paid vacation for their crimes. That would not have happened if Dorner didn't start his operation.
Really starting to agree with that mindset.
that one has shit in it that apparently /b/ added to it. the pop culture references towards the end arent in the real one
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He's a nigger, I hope they kill him
He doesn't know jack shit about Anon, he thinks we are just freedom hackers.

He's a nigger, an idiot (read his manifesto), and killed innocents.

He dead.
Yes they are, you dumb faggot
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He's my hero
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It has nothing to do with his thoughts of Anonymous. We care little about the thoughts of others.
He is making his own path, and we will make ours. We have already done much to impede the LAPD's progress.
>>457252581 (OP)

Stop using the word "ignorant." One can not give "ignorance," you fucking moron.




>He doesn't know jack shit about Anon, he thinks we are just freedom hackers
>he thinks we are just freedom hackers
>we are just freedom hackers
edgy teen detected
>>457252581 (OP)
There's not excuse for killing innocents.

Fuck dat nigga up.
The question is who do you hate more black people or police
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>MFW people are still calling people he killed innocent
Can someone shorten his story, I am too lazy to read his manifesto
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gtfo retarded stormfag.

That guy is the black Rambo.
Ramble, ramble, ramble, GO TIM TEBOW, ramble, ramble, ramble. I'm a dumb nigger
>paid vacation

oh the sweet sweet retribution must be burning into their souls by now
Well, generally, black people.

But this is a black PERSON, not black people. We don't need to apply statistics to one person we know about. He's just a good guy, not especially a dick hole, and a guy who became a cop in a tough precinct NOT to abuse people. This guy has character.

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GOTO: http://www.scpr.org/blogs/news/2013/02/08/12476/lapd-manhunt-some-cheer-on-fugitive-christopher-do/

To see the lulz

In LA, if you see either one you're probably about to get shot
He seems like a big cry baby; but I haven't read the "manifesto" or anything.
yes, this
is he still alive?

i hope he isn't killed :(

good speed stalwart knight
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He is a hero

America holds 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds incarcerated community

I dont understand how any "good" cop can know that, and still do what they do.

This guy actually has a conscious, and a sense of justice, and he will fight for us until his last breath
Who is killing innocents? I thought this guy was killing cops..
looks like you dumb fucks read the edited manifesto. in the real one he doesn't mention shit about anonymous or any of those celebrites.
He also killed a cop's daughter, and her fiancee.
>implying the LAPD arent doing the same, except in greater quanitiy
this speaks to the character of this man
>>457252581 (OP)
No. he was a shitty cop who got his chops busted for being a shitty cop. That being said, I hope he takes as many of them down as possible.
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This guy is like Charles Bronson. He (was) a cop and is now just a vigilante with excellent skills who will execute those who have wronged him and others. Seem legit.
Yeah, I'm tired of all the major news networks reporting on the fake manifesto. Fudge Dredd was very concise and to the point in the real one.

>Black Rambo
>Choc Norris
>The Real American Hero
>The Patriot
>Soulbrotha Snake

The list keeps going

captcha: rambled ueenjun
>inb4 government drones dropping the fake manifesto

here's the real one

also tale of nigbro
PROOF faggot.
>guess you can't prove it

There was a censor war.
Majority was removed by police and media.

Your newfag is showing a-anon

In his vision, he did so because so many of the LAPD have done the exact same thing to others. He also feels that they took his chance of having the same.
>black punisher
>boss nigger
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>>457252581 (OP)
whats justice?
you applaud, and praise, and give medals, and give money to (pay check), and train your fellow country man to kill others when you feel its righteous (when its convenient), but you condemn when the killing is of a sort you feel you dont like or is inconvenient

you are full of double standards and justifications, hence why other countries think we are mental

according to the manifesto, cops think your deaths are extra money on top and to be welcomed, but their deaths should be a state funeral

if you kick me out of the group, you are not with me
if you are not with me, you are against me
if you are against me, you are my enemy
I was trained to kill my enemies

it is only murder because oil wasnt involved, and we werent required to go to another country and bring them democracy

you reap what you sow

confirmed that typical americans cant follow logic or cause and effect

fwiw, I was in the WTC at the time the planes hit, 2 days before it happened

when I saw it on TV, I wondered if I would be angry if I was in the building, cuz I sure didnt give a fuck watching it on TV

btw, anyone who thinks Fudge Dredd hero'd because he hasnt done anything in a day, is a fucking idiot, knows nothing about tactics, and thinks wars can be won in 1 day, probably because they are 12 and only know of the iraq war

inb4 the movie "Law Abiding Citizen"

mfw the LAPD is doing illegal things to catch an ex-cop doing illegal things who was kicked off the force for exposing cops doing illegal things
Look at all the teens in this thread.
Don't forget

>Chocolate Rambo
>Chocolate Snake
>Fudge Dredd

Stop using my name, good sir.

I believe Mr. Dorner deserves his dignity back, though I don't agree with him murdering the LAPD, nor the civies.

proof required.
>when the full one was the first one online
>I disagree
>Prove me wrong
I don't like how he killed family members of the LAPD, but I think he had his reasons. I think it gives the media something to make him look worse than he really is, although it does give the LAPD more targets that they have to defend if he comes back for more.
he WILL come back for more
All LAPD should be killed
All Civies related to LAPD employees should be killed
You should be killed for using my name and being such a faggot.
>>457252581 (OP)
>until he fell into severe depression

When and where did anyone say he fell into a depression? I don't recall anyone saying that, and frankly he doesn't seem the type. I think that's just a bit of amateur cold reading and trolling on your part, plus some projection since you'd like to think that your constant feels and laziness will some day lead to you being as edgy as you pretend to be on the internet.
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I have no hate for black people, I just want the fucking pigs to bleed
This guy was a moral saint
returning 7 grand he found on the street
Speaks volumes to his character
which is exactly what he was referring to when he said "necessary evil"
>when the full one was the first one online
it wasn't


It may not be as soon as everyone thinks, but the next move will be swift.
Idiots don't become intelligence officers in the Navy.
king of kings, lord of lords

God will welcome him in the pearly gates
some would say intelligence and officers is an oxy moron
>pearly gates
>inb4 government drones dropping the fake manifesto
>here's the real one

Drops a heavily redacted manifesto
>claims it's the REAL LEGIT ONE

TO CLAIM is to have PROOF.
>prove that it is the original faggot
>until you can....stop using a redacted copy
Well you do need a degree, I am sure they are of higher intelligence than enlisted men.
If you would like to commend an employee of the Los Angeles Police Department, please fill out this form. You may either mail this form or return it to any police facility. You may also commend an employee by writing a letter to the Chief of Police, Los Angeles Police Department, P.O. Box 30158, Los Angeles, CA 90030, or to the commanding officer of the police station in your Area.

Dead LAPD,
An officer came to my door today by the name of Mr. Dorner. He asked to use my bathroom. After he was finished, he informed me of a new anti firearm law and told me I had to give over all of my guns or I would face a felony charge for each gun I had. Obviously I gave him all of my guns and ammunition so I wouldn't go to jail but I'm angry. As a class 3 weapons holder I had several automatic firearms in my collection and thousands of rounds. I will be contacting my lawyer to see if my firearms can be returned to my second home in Ohio as I wish to keep my guns. Next time you send a officer to my home make sure he is in a squad car and not a white Dodge pickup truck.
This thread can cut right through my steak with ease! Thanks edgies!
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>mfw when no one knows what "mfw" means
The Dark Knigger
Can /b find the facebook profile or photos of the following people:

Sergeant. Teresa Evans - assaulting a suspect (excessive force) - Possible Harbor Divison

BOR hearing who dismissed Christopher Dorner from the police force

Advocate for the LAPD BOR - Sgt. Anderson - Close friend of Teresa Evans
Capt. Phil Tingirides - close friend of Teresa Evans
Capt. Justin Eisenberg,
City Attorney Martella
is this copypasta or were you posting this 4 hours ago in threads?
I for one, am pro Chocolate Rambo Electric Bugaloo. The LAPD are a bunch of psychopaths.
sorry you dont, the rest of us do, stick around awhile longer
The Dorn Identity
le 2edgy4moi
(he thinks we are just freedom hackers.)
(he thinks we)
Move on 9fag nothing to see here!
wrong thread mate.
shouldnt be a hard one to find your way back to though.
>Obama gets Nobel Peace Prize

HURRAY! A black man in office doing good! Yes! No more white guilt for us!

>Black LAPD Officer going on a rampage to bring to light the corruption in the LAPD along with the racism and bigotry that agency has long held

Oh noes! He's not a freedom fighter. He should be killed. OMG! Large scary black man omg omg kill him now, Django unchained, kill him now.

I don't get America.
yes I am the original author of that and have been re-posting it on the threads for the past 30 hours or so
adding to it as I went along
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in the manifesto he says

"I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, I’m terminating yours"

i hate niggers, but this guy is a fucking badass
>Black Cop Down
>D for Vendetta
>>Chocolate Rambo

I think you mean "Sambo"
>white ppl logic
I've been up for almost 24 hours now in Dorner threads.
Maybe because you're fucking stupid
TO CLAIM is to have PROOF.
>prove that it is the original one
until you can....stop using a redacted copy

>earliest one I could find was with all those goodbyes at the end
ALSO... supporting evidence.
>He sent Anderson cooper a coin
anyone who kills innocents is no longer a HERO imo. i agree with some of his beliefs but he is just butthurt.

Nuff said
The oldest cached copy has all of it in there, so you're wrong.
I just wish that the rest of America would follow suit. A thousand different police casualties in one week sounds like a good enough message for me.

If you're a good cop, get out, now.
The corruption this guy mentions in his manifesto is probably something the black president doesn't know about.

I really wish they would confirm the corruption this guy mentioned in there.
still smarter than the average american

Dont u have some nascar to watch?
you must be sick of me then :) and my other post

If you would like to commend an employee of ...

which is a thread I reworked and started copypasta

I went to sleep for about the last 5 hours

Corruption? In the LAPD? Shocking!
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Can someone who understands the geography and climate of where he is fill us in? This is the sort of conditions he's surposed to be camped out in. They really have no idea where he is. Guy is fucking legit.
I don't get why you edgy faggots support such a nigger. He's got the mentality of a pussy and snapped. He's mentally weak. No shit he got fired. You're supporting a burnt potato.
>Says stupid shit
>calls self smart

try harder
>added paragraphs obviously written by different person
>censored "foul" language / names
claims its the real one

did they catch him yet?
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I just want a good show.

I'm rootin for you Dark Knigga
I don't think this guy is doing it for anarchy. Not all police stations are corrupt. I know mine isn't.
The last of the Dorners

Black Dorn Down

Dorner unchained

Dorner's List

Boss Nigger

Maniac Cop III - Badge of Dorner (ironically a cop framed by other cops goes on a kiling spree killing cops)
nah, he's just some attention whoring black dude who got fired and got butthurt
he wants to make them think he was running to mexico so he fucked up trying to steal a boat

he wanted to make them think he was hiding on the mountain, so he could snipe them in the streets when they were relaxed

he is probably going to wait a week or even two before showing up again

LAPD will burn mega over time in the meantime, and over react on every traffic stop until then, might even shoot another couple of innocents, and he wont have to lift a finger

he will then strike again, when they are tried from being on high alert, and his target will be non obvious

then he will go dark again
yeah, I remember.
That one hit post limit I think.
Anyone got the ink to the stream? I accidentally the tab and I cant find it.
my retired cop grandfather was talking to his retired nypd friend
told his about about all the money he found and returned etc,
his nypd friend said he would have ended up dead in NY
too honest
he said they were doing greasy shit ALL THE TIME
and they wouldn't have been able to trust him
>hen he will go dark again
That's what gets me, the second half with all the celebrity bullshit is written in a completely different style. It's obviously not part of the original document
Niggers with guns
Its funny when you get to know the anons posting in the dorner threads.

Find that album yet?
He hasn't killed any innocents
But then there are the shout outs to all his friends and stuff. That stuff seems way too specific for someone to make up.. Someone should fact check that
He is supposedly up in the mountains north east of los angeles, it is snowing because of the altitude.
NO. Do you even read ?

ALL "foul" language and names are there.
Is the earliest version to be found ONLINE
Cops have not came out to debunk it

>the clearchannell pdf is the least legit looking version yet
*8 grand
>>457252581 (OP)
Poor baby.

I can't wait til his brains are splattered kennedy style...hopefully on live TV.
Britfag here, why do you have so many problems with the LAPD?
I'm not even opening my mouth about it.
Dumb niggers start thinking I am the LAPD when I do and derail the thread.
But yeah, you are right.
and supporting a murderer is not edgy? get the fuck out, please!
He killed the 28 year old daughter of the police chief that got him fired and her fiance, they were fair game though, not like they werent linked to the corruption at all, just indirectly.
Has any research been done into his history with the LAPD and details of his case against his fellow officer. I wonder if we can dig up some stuff that will make his manifesto more credible.
Only the cops have killed innocents so far

A woman and her mother delivering newspapers

Supporting someone who believes in something.
psyops fail
LAPD is notorious for police brutality and corruption, but so are a lot of police forces in the US.

You brits have pretty honest cops over there in comparison

Sergeant. Teresa Evans - assaulting a suspect (excessive force) - Possible Harbor Divison

BOR hearing who dismissed Christopher Dorner from the police force

Advocate for the LAPD BOR - Sgt. Anderson - Close friend of Teresa Evans
Capt. Phil Tingirides - close friend of Teresa Evans
Capt. Justin Eisenberg,
City Attorney Martella
It's a guy saying goodbye to the world.

BUT... to see if that "theory" is true. Analyze it with some sort of handwriting software.
>look for common phrases etc..

They didn't die
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Would anyone like some pig?
sure thing faggot>>457258369
keep hope alive queerbait!
yep, good to see you again.
google Rodney King, that should start your journey, for others in here not from LA

its about being oppressed by the elites in general, just that the kindling of the firewood is currently in LA

some of us have been waiting for a lot of you to wake up for a long long time, for quite a few of you in here, you werent old enough before to realize, and I applaud you because there are others who are alot older than you now who are still totally fucking clueless
, I applaud

He's both
What's the difference between the two?
He wasn't the police chief at the time, he was the Union lawyer that was representing him. But Dorner alleges the guy threw him under the bus to protect his cop buddies
I've got a family member who is an administrator for law enforcement databases nationwide. I'll see if he can pull the original manifesto later tonight. Assuming that real one has been uploaded to any of the LAPDs servers.

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>He doesn't know jack shit about Anon, he thinks we are just freedom hackers.

I come here to post offensive shit, fap to traps and junior's female facebook friends, and act a fool.

anon is an internet hat machine, not the boy scouts.
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They are both in critical condition though.
thank you
but that's just derived from the manifesto. we need some outside credibility here
you must be new here
if you do manage to get a copy of it, make sure you specifically mark its source and the date you've posted it/when it was supposedly created.

I'm sick of all of the different versions floating around.
>This guy has character.

And now he's just the same as the people he's fighting.

Stuff added VERSUS stuff taken away.

>probably stuff taken away.
>earliest versions that we can find online have it all
PROVE US WRONG..... find the earliest appearance.

I think he's now calling for a capital gains tax cut and an extension of the R&D tax credit
yeah, its such bullshit how the LAPD is just shooting at civilians. fucking bullshit, if I belonged to the families of those people I'd do everything to sue the shit out of the LAPD
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makes me laugh anytime a fellow american in here stats

you are a bad person if you support killing innocents

when the wealth of the country has been artificially propped up by killing innocents for years inside and outside the country

That's bad ass.

and lel
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thats fucking hilarious
its a small world m8
And why shouldn't we, the non-cops, have a way to kill the cops, like they can kill us?

The first two people he killed had nothing to do with his sacking.

And you just pop in and out, with no relevant knowledge.
unwarranted self importance
look it up, tool
They did. Her father was responsible for the shit he went through
News sais they got him.

I'll see what I can do. My relative deals with mostly east coast cites, but if he can't access LA stuff, he knows people who can.
you must be new here
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Me and the officers in my division are watching you and have logged your IP homie.

Say psyop again

>pic related

this is the correct manifesto, LAPD infiltrators putting the other crazy one about
Fortunately incidents such as those I hear of from over seas are historical here

Thank you, I knew it was bad but never realized it was this bad, most of the incidents I hear of are LAPD, Is it that it isn't an exception it just gets more coverage?
the longer one is filled with obvious nonsense about celebrities ans shit to make him look like an idiot. its obviously planted for that purpose

Correct manifesto. save a spread please.

Yup, kill pigs

grow the fuck up edfag
>USi please

Us as in ....people who looked and found the longer version of the manifesto online first.
>>457252581 (OP)

I personally trolled this man on some crappy forum web site until he snapped and took action. I told him to pursue his dreams and stop being a depressive slouch that lets the world roll over him. He is now a god-tier alpha.

So proud ...
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>>457252581 (OP)

The Dude abides.
I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there.
Dorner, the Boss Nigger,Rambro.
Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners.
Shoosh. I sure hope he makes the finals
http://www.zabasearch.com/people/teresa+evans/ca/#||Los Angeles, CA

someones probably done it before, and it probably wont help, but just leaving this here

this is his message, not crazy.
Fighting corruption like an army.

pretty much my only reason to support this guy.
It's a corrupt world, and I laugh at the thought of pigs dying at the hands of their own.

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I personally do not care about his reasons for killing cops. Its the police, who gives a fuck? I just hopes he fucks major shit up. Maybe even get a high score or something...

don't get killed faggot
>>457252581 (OP)
Looks like chyorniy vlastelin

fight corruption for a brighter tomorrow.
as is the nature of most media which is 5 individuals own 90% of the independent news media on the planet
they insert ideas into peoples heads, those ideas become beliefs, those beliefs become action, actions become change

the ideas they put forth is towards a world that they want, and usually if you are already powerful, a way for you to keep that power in the new world, and call it fair

violence is the power of the state only and which they reserve to enforce against the masses
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what's that about a hat machine

something to lighten the mood and remind us of where we come from

Can you prove it?
No. You can see brit cops beating the shit out of people too. They just can't kill them because they can't have guns. Would be funny to see what happens when cops in America aren't allowed to carry guns.
>>457252581 (OP)
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you filthy cop? I’ll have you know I'm a former Navy Intelligence officer who was fired by the LAPD for upholding justice, and I’ve been involved in numerous police shootings since earlier this week, and I have over 3 confirmed kills. I am trained in unconventional and asymmetric warfare and I’m the top Rambo in the entire tri-state area. You are nothing to me but just another dishonest police officer. I will wipe every LAPD officer out and bring you to such justice with Use of Force the likes of which has never been seen within the ranks of the LAPD, mark my words, scum. You think you can get away with kicking that poor, defenseless person, and discharging me for reporting it? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am running through the woods with a satchel full of RDX and my Barret M82 rifle, with my Surface to Air Missiles shortly ahead, so prepare for the Situation. The Situation that will be resolved, effective immediately. Your whole supposed police keeping operation is over, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my dick. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the majority of critical Naval defense information with my TS/SCI clearance and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable department off the face of California, you dirty peace officer. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” actions were about to bring down upon you, maybe you wouldn't have fired me. But you drew First Blood, and now you’re paying the price, LAPD. I will shit revenge all over you and you will drown in it until my name is restored. It's over-because I'm right behind you.




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Proof required faggot.

you claim it's correct without proof.
I think I hear a drone strike
must of been my last post
>>457252581 (OP)
This is petuh, doesn't he?
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i dun goofed
That's what he said motherfucker "US"
I should say relatively historical they still kick the crap out of people sometimes
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so anyone got info on the people phoning in false sightings?
>N for Nigger
yep, its the real one. period.
couple of news stories about it, thats it.
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yeah. They are phoning in false sightings.
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Until you have PROOF faggot.

You can not disregard Half of the Manifesto as we know it.
>even tho it is the fucking irrelevant half
or this one is dated 4th Feb
I wonder what Chris is doing right now.

I suspect he's probably at home in his underwear watching the cops on the TV after the last couple days of testing the water for his plan and he's now just observing their behavior to prepare for the next strike.

Murdering his lawyer's daughter and her partner to "clear his name"
>Speaks volumes to his character

How many hours until he is stone cold?
ask a linguist or an englsih major. its painfuly obvious
Nope, I here
His character as we know is dead. He's not about character anymore. He is all about his war.
All evil is deemed necessary. No backing down: all the matters is what is necessary to fight his war.
The most effective approach was to kill innocents.
The msot effective approach was taken.
get the fuck out.
I dont trust anyone as sure as themselves as you seem to be. It is fallacy of you to assume you fucking know anything when your sources are media and nothing more. Both sides, both manifestos, both MEDIA.

Faggots like you who think they know anything are how mistakes get made.
lol are you his fuckbuddy?
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i heard someone saying anon was doing it, and didn't anon declare war on the LAPD recently?
>The LAPD are a bunch of psychopaths.

Christopher Dorner, ex-LAPD
so mad
your posts are a fucking joke anon.
>ask a linguist or an englsih major. its painfuly obvious

why, did you?
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To this nazi fuck ..i hope the LAPD fucking kick the shit out of you and while you getting fuckup you think of this man asshole

Lulzworthy. Make it happen.
I wonder what you guys would think if him if he were Muslim
>englsih major
The shorter version sounds damned pretty crazy too.
>>457252581 (OP)
I'm pretty sure he did an hero
>being this illiterate
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>sources for you fagbros:











Sergeant. Teresa Evans - assaulting a suspect (excessive force) - Possible Harbor Divison

BOR hearing who dismissed Christopher Dorner from the police force
Capt. Phil Tingirides - close friend of Teresa Evans
Capt. Justin Eisenberg,
Advocate for the LAPD BOR - Sgt. Anderson - Close friend of Teresa Evans
City Attorney Martella







>missing srcs for the long versions of his manifesto -
>if itt or known, pls link so I can update
he didn't need too cause he can spot bullshit a lot better than you can, obviously.

you dissapoint me son
do eet
I call in with a fake sounding voice, saying theres a guy who looks like him in [x] area, but I asked him and checked his ID and it's not him. Just wanted to let you know to discount any tips you receive from area [x].

protip: burners
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so what?


oh i guess maybe he is crazy then lol
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> also missing - source for him bringing found $8k to police-station (instead of keeping)
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Yeah because they'll listen to a stupid fucktard sounding like elmo.

His past actions speak volumes about his true character.
So, the first part being the down to business this is what the fuck I am going to do part

and then him loosening up and making amends and telling us about what kind of person he was through his interests is unheard of?
I have read more than both of you motherfuckers put together I am rightly sure. It flows, the content changes, but it flows.
and it makes sense that they would redact that shit.
and if it were some psyop media shit, wouldnt all the news stations have the doctored version? why don't they?
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Hay, you got a parking ticket once - linked to corruption - DIE FAGGOT
>he didn't need too cause he can spot bullshit a >lot better than you can, obviously.
Said every conspiracy theorist ever.
i keep seeing pics of this guy everywhere but i have no idea what he did, im not from america so its not on our news, can someone give me the TL;DR version
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Calling bullshit unless you post screenshots.
God damn, I get so giddy when I think of the potential fury this man could unleash. Bring the power back to the people Rambro you got this.
>make everyone equally butthurt
great plan
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the hero gotham deserves
seems legit...so will have a quick look.

1) LOOK AT THE !!!
>triple !!! , pretty unique
>oops...in both half's of document

search the document... T

look at the way he uses it
>How fucking dare you
>“Don’t fucking say that”
>I’m not a fucking Christian
>Don’t ever call me a fucking bully.
SECOND HALF (that you claim WITHOUT proof is fake)
>Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!!
>Chief Nunez, your fucking awesome
>But, at least go the fucking speed limit posted or get off the road!!!

I am no expert but If you look.... it looks like the same writing style
For the anon who was looking for incidences of complaints against the department, here is a link to LaTi, which contains a list of legal settlements.
>who believes in something

killing people who had nothing to do with his situation to "clear his name". Sounds perfectly reasonable.
>recommended videos
>battlefield 3 headshots compilation

"My sides were sore for days."

for those of you who are interested in the death of innocents

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thx, appreciated
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Good job Mr. Dorner~
then deal with it, I'm sure you have first hand knowledge to be able to tell who's innocent and who's not. I didn't know you posted here in /b/ God.
I like this one better.

>anon is an internet hat machine

The old woman is in ICU, the younger cut her hand.
are you just going to continue posting this shitty video you made trying to get more views by responding to your own posts and samefagging it up like a fucking faggot
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thank you, bookmarked


Passing this around.
Justin Eisenberg:
Employment History
Rampart Gang Impact Team
Watch Commander
Valley Traffic Division
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Colorado College
Master's Degree , Public Administration
University of Southern California
Hazardous Devices School
FBI Academy

wife Michelle, a son, Brian

thats all i could find sadly
Half the document that is online.
>not suspected of being altered
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not related as much as the other stuff, but still..

thx - included for reposting in later threads
killed a cop, daughter, and daughters fiance.

/b/ is just being edgy teenager faggots and praising him, like usual.
I'm sick of this shit, I posted a edited one just to troll you guys after the original was posted and added in shit about anon. Then the fucking news picked up on it and made us look bad. If you read one that has any mention of anon... IT'S FAKE. PERIOD.
You guys gotta be crazy to even think that guy could care less about ANON ZOGM WE R LEGION

Read the fucking thread europoor.

He got fired for exposing LAPD corruption and excessive force police brutality. Now he's launched a war against LAPD, full guerrilla style, and is going to kill all the corrupt cops.
>>457252581 (OP)
can anyone explain to me exactly why he is killing cops? i cant find anything on the news but that he is hiding out and is being hunted. thanks.
The difference here though is that this guy has a legit reason to bring down death on these people, he's not just doing it for the lulz
>killed a cop, daughter, and daughters fiance.

>a cop, a bitch who testified against him falsely, and another cop

read the manifesto faggot.

you didnt post it 0/10

confirmed for being a beta faggot 10/10
Read the manifesto.
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Just another crybaby that thinks life and a job owe him anything.

The world owes this insane nigger nothing, and I look forward to them gunning him down and sending his bullet-ridden carcass to his mother.
Yeah because you're the deciding factor on what is legit or not, eat a dick and sit down.
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>>457252581 (OP)
Right now, he's the only nigger worth dying for.
stop being mad, tool.
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The fact that everybody goes to such a large extent to destroy this guy's name (see: redacted manifesto, news coverage), makes me think he's one of the guys.

You go Chocolater Rambo! (but keep collateral to a minimum)

>Claims to have written a 6000 word addition for a joke.
>Analyzes document to get writing style nailed.
>fools media

see ----->>>457262731
Stay mad friend, you sound like a cop or someone related to a cop.
How are you in WTC at time planes hit... 2 days before. It's one or the other
He's a cop who got sick of police corruption and is not hunting and killing police
This place is rife with teens, and the sons of filthy cops
you quoted the wrong person homie.
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one in 10.000
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You say you made something up and people believed it? No way, that never happens.
Aww I was right wasn't I?
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Bump for great justice. KEEP 'EM UPDATES COMIN'
check ID, not my vid. lrn2ID newfag
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you just believed something someone made up !

just noticed this nigga looks like LL Cool J
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yes, please!
>>457252581 (OP)
I feel the cry of a lion.
I said time
I meant time of day
you understood the comment to mean time and day

let me make it more clear for you, at 8:45am on Sept 9th, I was in the WTC
hard for him to ype whith 1 hand faping to fugly traps

wasn't funny the first 100 times....... but I chuckled a bit
Anyone got the backstory on this guy? I've got no idea what he did.
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Prove I believe anything.

As far as I'm concerned, China isn't real.
Bratton, Beck, Hayes, Tingirides, Eisenberg, Martella, Quan, Evans, Hernandez, Villanueva/Gallegos, and Anderson. Your lack of ethics and conspiring to wrong a just individual are over.
Suppressing the truth will leave to deadly consequences for you and your family. There will be an element of surprise where you work, live, eat, and sleep. I will utilize ISR at your home, workplace, and all locations in between. I will utilize OSINT to discover your residences, spouses workplaces, and children’s schools. IMINT to coordinate and plan attacks on your fixed locations. Its amazing whats on NIPR. HUMINT will be utilized to collect personal schedules of targets. I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, I’m terminating yours. Quan, Anderson, Evans, and BOR members Look your wives/husbands and surviving children directly in the face and tell them the truth as to why your children are dead.
this is just a hoax, go to the next thread
thank you, drive-thru

He was stuck in the World trade center when the planes hit and now hes mad at the Government for blowing up his house when he threatened to expose something new.
Most police officers in this country are washed up wannabe high school athletes who weren't good enough to make the pros. Usually the blacks on their teams are the ones who make it. So these retards get jobs on the police force since they aren't qualified for professional work. Get jealous, attack blacks and cover for each other. That in a nutshell is your typical police force.
>>457265403 →
Support Dorner!
herp derp innocen killed

not sure if moralfag FBI or just troll
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"Dorner attached the lengthy posting he said was by his ex-girlfriend, Ariana Williams, as well as a handwritten note she apparently placed on his belongings when she returned them after they broke up.
In the web posting, Dorner is described as "severely emotionally and mentally disturbed," ''twisted" and "super paranoid." It also said he flashed his police badge on their first date, lives with his mother and hates himself for being black — at one point asking her to act more like a white woman."

sauce, yahoo.news
If he didn't kill civilians, I probably would feel for him. Killing people who wronged you is one thing, but killing the families of people who wronged you is something else entirely. and please don't give me that
>LAPD families
>Innocent victims
bullshit, I've gotten took much edginess from /pol/ as is

Better than nothing.
This. All of these people decrying the death of innocents would have cried and written in their journal about it had they been in his shoes.

In contrast, Dorner is executing his revenge to perfection in the classic style. The fact that it's also against cops and cop spawn makes it all the sweeter. It's high time somebody put the cops on notice.
Won't happen, these cops are fucking losers who don't have any real training like Ram/b/ro. Local police forces only train for three weeks at a wannabe boot camp. Not 8+ years like a real man.

This nigga is a real life Tyrone.
>Where da White wimmin
costing alot of moneys + all the security they now need, yep his plan is working
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But the LAPD shot 2 innocent women looking for him. No warning, no orders, just bullets.
I feel for him yes. I don't like the fact that he is threatening the kids though, and he already shot that 27 year old daughter and her fiance' who didn't deserve it. As for war on the pigs, a large part of me supports that.
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well - hence the opinion of the vast majority of the posters of the threads I witnessed the last 3 days (on b like 20hrs a day for being sick - inb4 upcoming insults)
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He's an American hero

OC up in the bitch
tweet this.
>>457252581 (OP)
Quote from Uncensored Manifesto:
257. Anonymous, you are hated, vilified, and considered an enemy to the state. I personally view you as a culture and a necessity that brings truth to a cloaked world. Forge ahead!
This is the original. Sauce from the thread on dropping lapd servers to buy him time, while we listened like scannerfags on the lapd radio to him spank them on big bear whth nogs. Fakes started appearing a little less than 20 minutes later. He makes no references to celebrities, that is a lite perpetrated by the media to make him seem like a harmless nutjob. You dont bother investing emotion into a manifesto, it is a clear statement. The writing style changes after board and tabletop, because thats the original end.
had to smile

Quote from the bullshit propaganda manifesto that was released by the LAPD.

Disinformation bitches all up in the /b

he was a /b/tard ?
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The cover-up is so fucking obvious that it hurts when I read it.

The real manifesto is the shorter one, they added a bunch of shit to make him seem unstable and then claimed the REAL one was censored.

Don't buy it.
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+1 internetz

again.....proof required

see >>457262731
Anonymous, you are hated, vilified, and considered an enemy to the state. I personally view you as a culture and a necessity that brings truth to a cloaked world. Forge ahead!

-Christopher Dorner, sleeping giant
That's not the real one, you shithead. The real one is the shorter one without all the shit added by the media/govt.

He didn't mention celebs, gun bans, or anonymous in the real one because they are IRRELEVANT. Don't fall for the disinfo.
Also, Christopher Dorner has killed one civilian, a fiance of a cop, and daughter of another. She was a witness. The LAPD has been confirmed for one accidental death, a hospitalization, and an unknown outcome from firing their weapons on civilians since this started.
>>457252581 (OP)
I think my cat is a nigger
Can you prove that the longer one is legit?

Didn't think so.

but there is nothing to "buy"

I am just not disregarding half of the manifesto because.....no proof of reason why
You ever see Oz?

A few seasons have this CO, Clayton Hughes. He's pretty shitty at his job, and he starts to resent himself for it. Some of the prisoners start to deliberately stir racial tension, and a black prisoner convinces him that his white colleagues hate him.

Hughes gets fired for being shit at his job and leaves a prisoner a gun as he goes. That gets 3 prisoners killed. Then he shoots a white senator and gets put in jail where he tried to cause as much trouble as he can until he accidentally stabs himself.

He gets fired and blames racism and "the white man", then goes on a killing rampage because of it. He even writes a manifesto.

Chris Dorner is Clayton Hughes.
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>>457252581 (OP)
It's Bane Dorner Niggas
>He got nothing but disrespect
>Only tangible evidence of this is his self-upping manifesto which is replete with spelling and grammatical errors.

I think he's a retarded nigger who was mad because his lazy nigger ass couldn't get a job
my nigger
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Fudge Dredd

Well sir, I believe you are a lazy white-nigger who is mad at the world because you are stuck in your basement.

If you have half a brain, you can clearly tell which parts were not consistent with the writing style of the rest of the manifesto. It's pretty obvious.

Also, all of the gun ban shit is worded like a media rep wrote it, no ex military person would refer to those hyped terms. That's media shit.

But by all means keep believing and spreading lies because you can't admit to yourself that you were tricked.
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just read it
'I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty. ISR is my strength and your weakness. You will now live the life of the prey.'
I hope they wil reinstate him, and fire, torture and kill the bad cops.
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Wuts dat?
oh lawd iz dat sum dorner?
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Seen departing in a car from NSA Naples, Italy at about 3.15pm yesterday, someone very closly resembling the description of guess who?
This is all starting to look very fucking weird.
whoa when/where was that taken?
you're totally right man, he's hanging out in italy.

[holy fuck you're stupid]
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Now so you really think a man who is making the most serious statement of his life would include a part about how much he loves the Hangover movies?

No. Just no. That was put there by someone to make him seem unbalanced, or schizophrenic. Same with the weapons ban shit. How many ex military do you know who thinks guns should be banned? It's bullshit.

The longer manifesto is fake, attempting to dilute his potent words.

I mean why not go to the Boot after killing a couple of cops?
January 28th I think
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That's a terrible shoop and movie

I hope he dies. Why should I care? He's a killer on the loose. I don't need that.
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Not entirely true. It's not too far fetched to reason that the guy knew he was signing his life away and that there was no turning back after crossing the line. It reads very much like a farewell letter.
Anonymous was mentioned in his ramblings:

Anonymous, you are hated, vilified, and considered an enemy to the state. I personally view you as a culture and a necessity that brings truth to a cloaked world. Forge ahead!
We've already concluded: This man is no nigger.

Because he is coming after you right?
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>>457265403 →
Get in here guys.

no... I can't, but there are things that make it seem legit.
>earliest version to be found online is the longer version
>Writing styles appear to be the same
>Police and media admitted removing parts of the original
>removing the second half, removes support from left wing
>no one in authority has denied the second half of the manifesto
>The left wing would love to state that it is false info....yet they haven't

I am not the one disregarding ......because of no proof.
You are, tinfoil.
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Black rambo is best rambo and an american hero
I'm not convinced this is his writing:

You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama. A woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives. You call his supporters, whether black, brown, yellow, or white, leeches, FSA, welfare recipients, and ni$&er lovers.

BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA BY THE LAPD. You know what makes it propaganda, the fact that the LAPD would need to censor the swearing and officers names so that it would reach as many websites as possible.

This is the real unedited manifesto. Full officers names and not edited.

the fiance was also a cop. The father was the capt. who represented him at his review board. He was under review for termination after he reported an officer for kicking a suspect three times, breaking his occipital bone, which was proven via suspect interview, confirmed by anderson cooper, who saw it, a copy sent to him on the first by dorner. He was fired for filing a false report on an officer, without being criminally charged, against department policy and precedent.
Bottom line: the shorter manifesto is the most concise, consistent, and on topic version. It makes the most sense, and isn't all over the place. But since they'll never take him alive, they know he'll never be in a position to refute it, and by putting in jokey and inconsistent shit, it makes people not take him as seriously, and dilutes his message detailing the corruption of the LAPD. They don't want people on his side. I think they are scared of him becoming a folk hero, and a martyr.

Hence, disinfo.
look at the writing styles for yourself.
They are the same.

1) LOOK AT THE !!!
>triple !!! , pretty unique
>oops...in both half's of document

2) search the document... "fucking"
>look at the way he uses it
>How fucking dare you
>“Don’t fucking say that”
>I’m not a fucking Christian
>Don’t ever call me a fucking bully.
SECOND HALF (that people claim WITHOUT proof is fake)
>Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!!
>Chief Nunez, your fucking awesome
>But, at least go the fucking speed limit posted or get off the road!!!
>>457252581 (OP)
>feeling bad for a nigger
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you can NOT state that as fact. That pdf is only half of the KNOWN available manifesto.

Keep wearing tinfoil.
>>457265403 →
near the end he starts saying "effing" and censors nigger and rambles about shit he wouldn't ramble about in a manifesto.

Also, if someone as dumb as you could figure out that he uses !!! then I'm sure some lackey in the govmnt would be able to figure that out too, as he typed up some bullshit

Suck a dick. I'm posting the real manifesto all over the internet and discrediting the LAPD version.

besides, until all the facts are presented in the situation w/ the daughter and the fiance, those are just accusations.enough good action movies to know it could be an old fashion lapd frame up.

but seriously, I'm not saying he didn't kill them, but it could be more complicated than him just shooting them. or he could have just shot them.
He looks like Natalie Portman

except that the officers names and swearing are NOT CENSORED you retard.

Yo! This is the story all about how, my name got flip, turned up side down
So please take a moment and sit right there
And read my manifesto of how the corrupt better beware

In South LA, patrollin e'rry day
Losing faith in the system as I went along my way
Bulkin up, repping, beatin any cracker to say a racial slurr
Silently preparing for when the Sleeping Giant will hafta turn LA into the next Darfur
Then this bitch Teresa, up to no good
Started making trouble up in the hood
3 little kicks and my mind was made
I was gettin real fed up with LAPD's escapades

I blew the whistle and disappeared
With a promise that left every cop filled with fear
At first, I thought cop killing is something I would never dared
But then, I said "Naw forget it, the Sleeping Giant is flared!
man you libtards are sexually aroused by this niglet aren't you??

yah.... keep posting half of it you retard.
Like you can rewrite history.
if that's true about the fiance, that kind of changes the whole situation.
What makes you think all of his supporters are liberal?
Murdering innocent people that weren't even cops completely discredited his cause
man you contards are sexually repulsed by this niglet aren't you?
in my opinion, the moment he started killing the family members of the LAPD he couldn't be taken seriously. he may have a good point that needs to be looked into, but he has failed to give any credibility to his own personal convictions through these acts i think

Sometimes when you make an omelet you gotta break some eggs.
probably pasta, but I still lol'd
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i like what he is doing

it is a good television

i hope he kills lots of dirty immoral pigs that will go after him, its their fault, they know what is awaiting

i feel sorry for all the mourning families, though
>>457252581 (OP)
I'd estimate that less than 5% of the people actually agree with his cause. Mostly due to lack of information and the way the media twists things.
What? Who? I though you conservafaggots liked this type shit.

hmmm lets see, the black Breivik supports gun control and obama, YEAH, i'm sure your the picture of confags
Are you crazy, conservatives are some of the most pro-law enforcement people you'll find
nice tactic, trying to discredit his black credetals so the community don't feel sympathy
that was the fake manifesto
>Yo! This is the story all about how, my name got flip, turned up side down
>So please take a moment and sit right there
>And read my manifesto of how the corrupt better beware
>In South LA, patrollin e'rry day
>Losing faith in the system as I went along my way
>Bulkin up, repping, beatin any cracker to say a racial slurr
>Silently preparing for when the Sleeping Giant will hafta turn LA into the next Darfur
>Then this bitch Teresa, up to no good
>Started making trouble up in the hood
>3 little kicks and my mind was made
>I was gettin real fed up with LAPD's escapades
>I blew the whistle and disappeared
>With a promise that left every cop filled with fear
>At first, I thought cop killing is something I would never dared
>But then, I said "Naw forget it, the Sleeping Giant is flared!
History is written by the victor.
What's a conservafaggot? Save the gays?

Breivik killed Muslims.

Rambro killed Cops conspiring against him because he spoke the truth. He blew the whistle on high ranking officers and is taking a stand. Brievik doesn't even compare to Rambro.
nothing new?
Nope that was real one.
he that exceptional nigger.
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shame for you that the internet never forgets then.

yfw the victor is transparency
Internet is written by victor.
i find it reassuring that despite every effort to make people insignificant a single man who has had enough can still send an entire city into a shivering terror.

i don't care if he is right or wrong... i see this as the victory of man vs system already.
Hope he kills many corrupt officers!!!!
Nice try, stephen fry

Picture is inaccurate, military should be below rich people.

0/10, still sleeping.
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I have no feel at all.
Don't know his full story though.
Nope, but this is /b/, where the proof doesn't matter. All that matters is Ram/b/ro be protected by his followers which includes making all evidence point in his favor and not the L.A.P.D(ogs). All of it, true or not.
Dorner for President 2016!


Two attempts made, two attempts failed.

Nice try, Stephen Fry.
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There really isn't any transparency here. It's disinformation vs disinformation. You're a retard, they're retarded, I'm retarded for even posting in this thread.

Me? I don't really care which version is the truth or how the masses see him or what gets written down in the history books, this thread, or anywhere else. I just hope he kills more dirty cops, I've seen enough of their world to know how it works and know that I wouldn't even let most cops babysit my dog.

victor is a pretty cool guy.
lol niggah do you even EXIF?
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a motherfucking hero

>LOL he loves /b/ and he believes in us, he's our hero!!!

You fucking morons. It's amazing how gullible you are.
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oh you.
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i agreed with Ice-T and i agree with Rambro.

it has begun
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Nope never met this fine Anon, nor do I have too. If you came here to break up our solidarity for Ram/b/ro, good luck "taint gonna happen" all you do is make us more united in this fight fuck off FBI faggot!
pic is you.

i lol'd

dem spellinz
i say the manifesto is entirely a fabrication of the government, to destabilize the country for many different reasons.
too bad they aren't going to let this guy live to have a televised trial.
He sent Anderson Cooper package before going rampage. lol you think he though celebs and news casters and radio hosts were irrelevant.

>lol niggah do you even EXIF

>Dorner file size; 65k.
>.pdf Size; 130k.

tinfoil believes stuff with no proof.

Are you tinfoil ?
nah, i don't feel sorry for him. he should just give it up
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If he'd left his attacks to just police and not their familes, then yeah, I might have felt a little bad for him. However, he didn't leave it to just cops and did attack their families; so frankly I'm finding it a little difficult to have much sympathy for him.
Upload your pdf. Do it faggot.

I hate children like you.
Niggah do you not know the difference between txt file and pdf?
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I've seen that exact copy pasta word for word on numerous websites.

Smells like bacon in here.
Same here
I haven't seen a good movie in ages, this is true entertainment

they took his future

he took their's
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Alright, listen up, people. Our fugitive has been on the run for ninety hours. Average foot speed over uneven ground barring injuries is 4 miles-per-hour. That gives us a radius of six thousand miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every pawn shop, rib shack, rim shop, cotton farm, whorehouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles. Your fugitive's name is Dr. Chris Dorner. Go get him.
As far as I've heard, those "innocent" family members were law enforcement or former law enforcement that were involved with the alleged conspiracy against Mr. Dorner.

Haven't looked that shit up myself, but the people in this thread who can actually type have been saying that.

Don't have a .pdf.

Rambro has no chance with people like you trying to aid him, instead getting in the way substantially enough to help those he fights against.

He made himself pretty clear in his manifesto. By targeting cops, and their families, he was hoping to force police to come out with the truth.

>A necessary evil.
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No. Just no. Ssshhhhhh

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