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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1226068249.jpg-(22 KB, 360x450, obama2.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:30:49 No.95443443  
    >Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.


    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:32:23 No.95443623
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:33:44 No.95443769
    fuck that shit
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:33:48 No.95443775
    wow, i sure got told
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:34:06 No.95443804
    get those old people out there working they need to be servicing the country
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:34:38 No.95443857
    I already have to do that.

    Feel my pain Obamabitches.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:34:50 No.95443869

    and you voted for it, you dumb college faggots!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:34:54 No.95443875

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:35:14 No.95443905
    I think it's actually a pretty cool idea.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:35:16 No.95443909
    HAHAHHAHAHAAH have fun teenfags.

    Nigger gonna put you in the cotton field!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:35:17 No.95443914
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:35:23 No.95443923
    Who else is being included that wasn't before then?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:35:29 No.95443934
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:35:31 No.95443937
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:35:36 No.95443944


    You WILL Lose To This Video
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:36:03 No.95443987
    Well, it 'll give you fat fucks an excuse to get out of the house. I have a question though, do all Yanks have mobility scooters to help heave there huge bilks from A-B?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:36:11 No.95444000
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:36:12 No.95444002
    Good luck trying to get this to pass in Congress Obama!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:36:14 No.95444010
    fuck him. he might be able to con his yo boys in chicago to get him elected for free, but my time is money.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:36:26 No.95444025


    Seriously! Our country is FOUNDED on VOLUNTARY and FREE association.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:36:33 No.95444035
    fuck that the community can suck my balls.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:37:01 No.95444092
    We can't even get niggers to work by PAYING them. Now he expects them to work 150hrs for free? LULZ.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:38:06 No.95444192
    wow. and i thought it'd take at least a year for him to turn us into the soviet union.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:38:08 No.95444196
    Florida already requires community service in High School.
    >> headache !!b6jRqcjr0ZC 11/07/08(Fri)09:38:39 No.95444245
    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha america
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:39:03 No.95444285
    BEST YET - most of the niggers aren't in college, so they still won't have to do shit, the whites will be working the cotton fields. LMFAO BLACK REVENGE
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:39:04 No.95444290
    They should force women into sex farms.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:39:29 No.95444331
    That Jungle Monkey knows about service. He is descendant from slave niggers after all.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:39:31 No.95444335
    Really? Because I didn't do shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:39:37 No.95444344

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:39:44 No.95444356
    Thank lord, I do not go to school any longer.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:40:04 No.95444390


    You WILL Lose To This Video
    >> Tim !PqqbU.7Wsg 11/07/08(Fri)09:40:07 No.95444395
    Honestly i like this idea.

    Anybody who doesn't is a lazy fucking shithead and is part of the cancer ruining America.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:40:37 No.95444438
    Only the wealthy or the poor. Wealthy buy their own, poor buy with welfare.
    All the rest of us have to ROOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:40:40 No.95444447
    i did 200+ hours of community service in high school. You bitches need to suck it up.

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:09 No.95444495
    Eh, it was required for the Bright Futures scholarship, and they think everyone should get that so the way they tell you about High School they pretty much say it's mandatory.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:10 No.95444497
    That's very fucking gay. Obama was still the better choice though.
    >> lolinternet !!ZRQAT136QwU 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:14 No.95444503
    Youth build..Hitler youth
    oh socialism
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:23 No.95444520
    only a republican could turn the idea of Voulantary service for college tuitition a bad thing.

    Fox news much?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:26 No.95444531

    well your mom
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:40 No.95444554
    FUCKING NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> samefag 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:48 No.95444572
    Sounds like a plan, fuck all you self-centered fucks you're lower lifeforms as far as I'm concerned. Grow the fuck up or die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:41:50 No.95444574
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:42:03 No.95444594
    >50 hours of community service in middle school and high school...every year
    Less than an hour per week.
    >100 hours of community service in college every year
    Less than two hours per week.

    Forgive me for my lack of outrage.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:42:21 No.95444631
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:42:53 No.95444686
    because transportation time and effort costs nothing, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:42:54 No.95444688
    Oh this is priceless. It'll get worse... he's a socialist.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:43:21 No.95444731
    Since I already do volunteer work in my spare time, this is not a problem for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:43:58 No.95444799
    Spending a week helping people instead of doing drugs/stealing/terrorizing

    Ya, thats really horrible for the country OP
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:08 No.95444814

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:13 No.95444825
    he vjust wants to be the one with the whip
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:15 No.95444831
    Community service is used explicitly as punishment for minor offences already. Yall should've seen this coming with Biden's proclamation that paying taxes is patriotic. Enjoy your hope.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:16 No.95444833
    How much community service did Barack Obama do while he was in college?

    Hint: none
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:35 No.95444862
    Germany conscription: Men are obliged to serve nine months either in the military, which they can refuse, and do alternative civilian service, or 100 hours each year for six years in a civil protection organisation.


    Quit your bitching pussy.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:51 No.95444885
    Sounds good. The youth today is too lazy.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:52 No.95444888
    i volunteer at the local hospital down the street in our college. School and colleges usually set up volunteer services, so it close by and fits in to student schedules

    Additional alot of volunteer programs like habitat for humanity drive you to where you need to be, and also give you lunch
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:44:55 No.95444896
    Good that'l give those freeloading piece of shit kids somethin to do.
    >> !xsHnFR2PwY 11/07/08(Fri)09:46:06 No.95444955
    Hrmm... I can't quite put my finger one it... but wasn't there an event in history that was quite like this? In fact, I think it was an event that most niggers were involved in... doing work against their will, without pay, and increases with age... oh yeah! That's it! Slavery.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:45:36 No.95444960
    They tried a thing like this on us back in 6th form (Britfag) only reason people did it was because it looked good on a Uni application form. I decided to not bother and still got in. Volunteering is for chumps.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:45:45 No.95444963

    The point is that it should be voluntary. It's good, sure, but it should be voluntary. Mandated Forced labor is wrong on so many levels.

    Free association is a cornerstone of our Republic.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:47:22 No.95444994
    That nigger isn't going to make me do his work for him.

    Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:47:26 No.95445012
    It's actually pretty good idea, I look forwarding to serving my community
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:47:27 No.95445013
    And wealthy, socialist-ruled Americans. :3
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:47:58 No.95445068
    Fuck you nigger I'll use that time to fap on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:48:00 No.95445071
    I see a lot of things backfiring on Obama.

    He's not going to win a second term if he starts cracking down on students, and he can't raise taxes too much because people will engage in a tax revolt and the government will be left with even less money to fund his programs which he already can't pay for.

    Did you see the stunned looks on the faces of the people at his victory rally in Chicago when he told them the easy part's over, and now we'll all have to work harder?

    Protip: When you promise the world to people, they expect _you_ to pay for it and deliver it, not them.
    >> headache !!b6jRqcjr0ZC 11/07/08(Fri)09:48:16 No.95445099
    again, i'm just going to say;

    hahahhahahahahaahhahahahhhahahha america
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:48:55 No.95445157
    wow 2 hours a week big fuckin deal. I probably spend twice that time just responding to idiot trolls on /b/ whatever shall i do...
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:48:55 No.95445159
    In my high school community service was already required for decades. This shit isn't new.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:49:17 No.95445186
    I know it's an outrage that you faggots might have to leave your parents' basements for anything other than cheetos.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:51:20 No.95445400
    Thank God I'm done with high school and college. Have fun, kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:51:26 No.95445407
    ahaahaha, you think you just hired Obama?

    bullshit. Obama just hired you. for $0.00 an hour. suck it, libs.
    >> samefag 11/07/08(Fri)09:51:28 No.95445412
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:51:38 No.95445432
    This all feels like a video game... we had the pre-game movie of Bush, the elation over Obama, now this is the opening level that ends with Obama getting assasinated in two minutes' time. Then it becomes a first-person shooter.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:51:54 No.95445457
    what you want obama instate a welfare state instead? I though you like that bootstrap mentality.

    Republican conservatives = hypocritical welfare queens
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:52:18 No.95445496
    Working to improve your community, is that too much to ask? Americans sure are lazy, you know, immigrants and ex convicts can't do it all.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:52:25 No.95445509
    Germany is sexist pig, why is it that men have to do all the work? At least Israel has it right, they throw the bitches in it too.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:52:31 No.95445517
    RAGE....wait im canadafag lulz
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:52:52 No.95445551
    I do plenty for my community by not killing them....
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:53:01 No.95445572




    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:53:14 No.95445601
    totally agree, I actually noticed a change in his demeanor at the victory rally. He became much more serious and ready to put all the weight on our shoulders. As if to say, "Now this is what is really going to happen." I can't believe people didn't see the socialism coming. They say that any government can't last more than 300 years and a democracy mor than 200. What are we at now?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:53:32 No.95445630
    As a feminist i agree. Women should be drafted just the same as men.

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:53:49 No.95445661
    We had to do 50 hours at my high school in order to graduate. Over four years, it's not difficult at all. I just volunteered at the blood drive every year with a few friends. Got out of class all day too, was a pretty sweet gig.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:54:07 No.95445690
    >Working to improve your community, is that too much to ask?

    Yes it is. This is a country of voluntary action and free association.

    I will not do this.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:54:11 No.95445698
    But I'm done with school. So in other words I don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:54:14 No.95445704
    The last 100 years of your government. If that.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:55:02 No.95445791
    how dare he ask from america's help in rebuild the crumbling infrastructure and failing economy and weakening military abroad.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:55:11 No.95445810
    No, you do nothing. Kill other people who do nothing, or kill yourself. Then you have done something.

    Until then you are a drain of resources.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:55:22 No.95445829
    divide by zero and we are overdue
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:55:39 No.95445842
    He'll win a second term based on results, not on outrage over his ideas. If it works and everyone is actually happier, except butthurt lazy-fuck southern inbreds, then he will get his second term.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:55:42 No.95445858
    I am majorly LOLing at this.

    Black dude been elected for less than a week and he's already got mandatory slavery on the table.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:55:55 No.95445898
    You my friend are a lower lifeform. I look forward to eating your feet.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:56:27 No.95445942
    we already have that in Sweden, though it's only in elementary school, and only 20 hours or something like that. kinda weird i guess, haven't thought about it until now..
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:56:35 No.95445951
    In the words of JFK,
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:56:55 No.95445982
    >how dare he ask from america's help in rebuild the crumbling infrastructure and failing economy and weakening military abroad.

    yeah, precisely. there's enough taxes in the system to take care of all that. so along with his tax hikes, he wants us to work for free.

    obama and biden can go fuck themselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:57:45 No.95446069
    Damn right, its not like we had a draft to fight nazis or fight communism in Vietnam.

    Oh wait... no.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:57:48 No.95446075
    Well i'm not American, but other countries have such systems. I remember that in "middle" school as Americans call it we often took trips to the town park in order to clear it of trash, etc.

    The community service at college level usually ties in with your field. It can hardly be seen as detrimental to your education.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:58:13 No.95446106
    Volunteer community service is a good thing. Adding some motivational carrot to it would be too. Requiring it is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:58:36 No.95446146
    ..and we killed that asshole.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:58:37 No.95446148
    So wait, you are ok with being taxed more to repair our nation?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:58:51 No.95446174
    Good, you shit head kids have it to easy
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:58:54 No.95446180
    And there were draft dodgers, who were completely in the right when they did what they did.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:59:18 No.95446223
    Super sweet lolz for USA
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:59:46 No.95446279
    And conservatives hated them for it. You are a lazy tard or a hypocrite
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:00:24 No.95446349
    nope. cut spending and reassess the budget to direct money out of dead-end political pet projects and into doing what needs to be done.

    if my taxes go up i just won't pay the difference, that's all. fuck obama.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:00:30 No.95446366
    The fuck is wrong with you, the more you are taxed, the more the wealth is evenly distributed, and the more free EVERYONE is. The less tax, the more free an INDIVIDUAL is. Either admit you're a self-serving fuckbag or face the cost of caring for your fellow man.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:00:31 No.95446370
    I think it's ironic how many of you voted for Obama talking about his "net neutrality", when considering who he chose for a running mate. They don't come more pro-RIAA than Biden.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:01:51 No.95446500
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    The last eight years have been nothing less than SERVITUDE to your GOVERNMENT. Bush told you to "shop," he used you, your money, and your lives, and he passed on the results to Obama.

    This is a TINY step, a patriotic one, at that, towards repairing the damage caused by Bush. You can't be lazy, and have a free ride, forever, no matter how free you consider yourself to be. You blithely gave up your liberties for Bush's lies. This man is offering you the cold hard truth, as you've begged the politicians to do, and you react like this? THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.

    The world is NOT perfect, and the way the United States of America is heading it could very well lose its standing in the world. Remember the 'war bonds?' You didn't get an opportunity to buy those this time round. If you love your country, stand by Obama the way you stood by Bush. Give him a chance to do what he wants - give Americans a safer, more financially and physically secure country, that you can enjoy your liberty in.

    Don't take your world for granted.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:02:02 No.95446519
    I work for me.

    Fuck him.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:02:19 No.95446539
    Think he's going to get his nigger drug dealers out of their gangs long enough for community service? I DON'T THINK SO! He's a racist and so are his asshole cronies in Illinois.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:03:31 No.95446665
    spending on pet project and pork barrel ear marks, only account for 1 or 2% of the national budge. Welfare is like 1%

    Also we are in a fucking deficit and have a ridiculous national debt. Just cutting this or that isn't gonna do shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:04:00 No.95446716
    Yeah Americans, stop shopping, and start doing work for free during your spare time. That's real fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:04:24 No.95446752
    >"Obama will ask the wealthiest 2% of families to give back a portion of the tax cuts they have received over the past eight years to ensure we are restoring fairness and returning to fiscal responsibility."

    welcome to communism
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:04:42 No.95446785
    and we all know what happened to him.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:05:25 No.95446860
    since when do they go to college?
    or middle school for that matter?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:05:41 No.95446881
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    >an hour per week.
    >two hours per week.
    As a college student, where in 8 fucks am I supposed to pull that much free time out of my ass? It's either going to come out of my coursework time, my job, or most likely, my sleeping time.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:05:47 No.95446898

    "Ask"? lol he's not going to ask.

    Enjoy your slavery Obama-cultists. Remember to smile as you work, you asked for this.

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:06:36 No.95446973
    Good sir, I doth realize that your statement of the definition of "communism" is a rhetorical statement in nature. But it would be rather befitting if you learn the real definition of "communism". That is why i have taken upoun my self to elucidate the simply nature of this word.

    Good day!

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:06:46 No.95446989

    Welcome to humanity.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:07:00 No.95447006
    Bush told you to shop, allowed easy credit to run rife, so people without money could have it. He is no better than a socialist - EXCEPT HE LIED ABOUT IT. He had no plan for where the money would come from - he let the credit build, and the housing bubble build. He gave you indulgences that you could not afford, for free, and the time to pay for it has come. Pay for it with 100 hours a year, or pay for it with your lives, culture and opportunity. THE THREATS ARE REAL. Just because Bush has used it over and over, don't get jaded. The threats are real, and every one of you have a responsibility to your country. If you value your liberties, value the country that gives them to you, or you may very well lose them, permanently this time.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:07:58 No.95447113
    Under obama's administration tuition costs will probably comped if you participate in community service.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:08:27 No.95447172
    College is 50% free time, what're you on about.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:08:50 No.95447213
    >Enjoy your slavery Obama-cultists. Remember to smile as you work, you asked for this.

    you fags got told
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:09:46 No.95447298

    Let's see how long the enthusiasm lasts after Obama actually takes the reins, starts making mistakes, starts raising taxes, starts destroying the 2nd Amendment, causes our military to atrophy, and shows his inability to tackle national security issues, and things of that nature.

    People are having, and will have a political coke high of sorts for a while. It will be intensely exciting, but it's going to change when reality sets in and people realize what a mistake we've made.

    I'll be waiting anxiously for the big come down.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:09:55 No.95447317
    I can see a bunch of high school kids painting the rocks in the yard of city hall, then repainting them a different color, then painting them back to the original color, then throwing the painted rocks away to get regular rocks again
    Fuck community service, that's some North Korea shit
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:10:04 No.95447341
    Ok that would be a good idea if I didn't have children to look after. Is he going to pay for my dying husband and energetic kids, So I can complete said service?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:10:07 No.95447344

    Well er, i'm not American, so i'm not going to do shit. I'll be having a nap while you volunteer :)
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:10:13 No.95447356
    Im a TCG judge so i already do a service to the nerd community...give me a break, most of you republican fat shits just wanna sit on your fat asses jerking off to child porn all day. Enjoy your French Cries and your Waaburger
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:10:31 No.95447396
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:10:44 No.95447422
    srsly, i usually take 20 credit hours cause once i took 15 credit hours and i was bored out of my fucking school.

    learn2 timemanagement
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:10:49 No.95447433
    I thought the Constitution outlawed slavery?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:11:55 No.95447556
    fuck our government. its run by banks and corporations anyways.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:12:07 No.95447584
    This just shows the incredible damage that the Bush years have done. None of you have ANY faith in your president, in his intentions, and you have no love for your country anymore. The same people that are now crying about the "socialism" - you are the ones that stood by Bush while he destroyed your patriotism in favour of partisanship. Get back to your roots, love your country.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:12:12 No.95447589
    and where will those rocks come from?

    fear not. under the Obama administration, taxes will be raised to create government rock factories.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:12:38 No.95447642
    This must be a cultural thing with Americans. The hours we talk about here amount to an hour per week. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:13:25 No.95447713



    Like in Eastern Europe during communist occupation, I kinda remember that shit!! Dam you're fucked amerifags, I kinda feel sorry for you :(
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:13:28 No.95447722
    Fuck you then, our country owns whatever shithole you're from. And it will four years from now. Your opinion isn't necessary.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:14:00 No.95447775
    >This must be a cultural thing with Americans.

    If being forced to do something in violation of your rights is a "cultural thing", then yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:14:02 No.95447781
    you sure got a dick up your ass amerifags
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:14:09 No.95447799
    Obama rules and he is full of pure win and awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:14:28 No.95447850
    100 hours? Is that it?

    I already complete significantly more than that per semester in college. You faggots need to start pulling your god damned weight.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:15:10 No.95447925
    fuck community service. GTFO
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:15:41 No.95447975



    This anon speaks the truth!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:15:53 No.95447994

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:17:21 No.95448154
    This is what happens when you elect an inexperienced politician to the office of president.

    All of this bullshit will backfire in a way him and his rockstar cult can't even begin to imagine.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:17:25 No.95448161
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:17:26 No.95448168
    all you fags whine but you all should know that it's not like mccain would've done a better job <<
    or most of the dead presidents... just like the rest of the world, america has jet to realize that there will never be a good president ever.

    you know when a politician can be good at his job? when he has the fucking luck on his side.
    a president cant keep an economy from crashing
    neither could he prevent an asteroid crashing into the earth or make it so that the world stopped hating americans.

    face it, you were screwed from the day the europes set foot in america
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:17:47 No.95448203
    I don't see why they don't make fukken people who collect welfair do community service.. Atleast then it would be like having a job and the fuckers wouldn't just be a burden on society.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:17:53 No.95448217
    Jesus fucking christ*.
    Obamafags are actually trying to justify this shit by saying that we need to stop being lazy!!!!!!! LOL, I can't believe this. We used to CHOOSE what we wanted to do. You fucking idiots. I cannot believe you actually are trying to find excuses for this.

    * = I'm an atheist, idiot. Don't come vomiting your "UR A REPUBLICAN BIBLE WORSHIPER LOOOOOL"
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:17:55 No.95448222
    I'd have sex with that man.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:17:58 No.95448232
    1 week a year of community service? seems fine
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:18:05 No.95448244
    so yeah, 2 - 3 hours a week.

    Fuckers waste more time than that just waiting for /b/ to LOAD.

    Get off your asses.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:18:13 No.95448258
    hahaha, sucks to be you schoolfags! learn a trade and skip the community bullshit. the only thing I give back to my community is spitting on the homeless that beg for money
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:18:25 No.95448274
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:18:27 No.95448279
    pffft 100 hours of community service is nothing, I can do that in just a little over four days
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:18:28 No.95448282

    Not many people stood by Bush when he got elected.

    Lot of people blogged about him being an illegal president and didn't support anything he attempted to accomplish.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:18:41 No.95448302
    they do, it was part of welfare reform sign under bill clinton administration
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:18:58 No.95448330

    Violation of rights?

    The school environment and college environment already dictate the activities you must participate in so how will these requirements make a difference? perhaps I would have sympathy with your view if you had no choice in where you could do your community service.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:19:24 No.95448387
    this is illegal and will never pass.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:19:24 No.95448388

    and you voluntary action and free association has failed. you failed it. the grab for money and the haughty self-centered attitude of "good Americans" destroyed all the ideals our founding fathers put forth, because they expected we would enjoy our freedom of choice, but still put into our country. Instead we look for handouts and demand payment under threat of litigation whenever possible.

    We failed our founding fathers and we've failed ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:19:51 No.95448427
    america should just collectively go and suicide
    that'll show obama!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:19:58 No.95448445
    I don't mind doing community service to help pay for school. All you republifags who complain about welfare blah blah should be excited about this idea, people are going to be working for their "handouts"

    go die in a fire
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:20:03 No.95448452
    You're all fucking brainwashed. Community service is fine and noble if you CHOOSE to perform it. Mandatory labor without pay is SLAVERY and UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:20:05 No.95448455

    for a 4000 dollar tax credit to defer the cost of college
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:20:05 No.95448458
    Who needs religion when we have your pathetic self-serving existence.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:20:06 No.95448459
    They would call it racism. Its ok to punish students though
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:20:10 No.95448470
    >>* = I'm an atheist, idiot. Don't come vomiting your "UR A REPUBLICAN BIBLE WORSHIPER LOOOOOL"

    Here in Poland, after communist occupation (we had that community service thing too- it's a idea taken from Marx book as far as I remember) most of the atheists are conservative. I bet it's gonna be the same in US after OBABO presidency.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:20:15 No.95448484

    Oh, Bama.

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