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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1226022477.gif-(49 KB, 327x327, now.gif)
    49 KB Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:47:57 No.95346711  
    The New Cabinet Should Be 50% Women

    I believe 50% of the top-level executives should be women because:

    1-Women and girls are the most oppressed group in the world and so gender equality should be a top priority of any administration.
    2-Women provide a lot of votes and so a president personally owes these jobs to women.
    3-Studies show women are better leaders--by performance and results--than men, so based on evidence women will perform better than men which benefits our country.

    Therefore, to ensure fairness, fulfill his personal debt to women voters, and for the benefit...

    To read the remainder of this comment, please visit
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:52:25 No.95347404
    tits or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:54:38 No.95347783
    Shut the shit up with "studies show" linked to some cumdumpster's homepage.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:55:59 No.95348009
    Good job, a lib blog worse than kos
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:57:12 No.95348226
    kitchen cabinet?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:59:19 No.95348573
    fail personal army request is fail
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)21:01:45 No.95348983
    It's not violence if you've already told them twice.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)21:04:16 No.95349406
    Actually that's a great idea. It mirrors the population as a whole, would bring new and more conciliatory ideas to the table, and prove strong role models for girls and boys learning that primitive gender roles are not applicable in the modern world.

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