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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1225891653.jpg-(33 KB, 400x400, MAYNARD.jpg)
    33 KB Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:27:33 No.95042850  
    hi /b/, today i voted for obama and against prop 8, unfortunately half of you californians are fucking retarded...

    here's why i voted against prop 8:
    1.) if homosexuals happened to be in the majority, i wouldn't want them voting against my freedom(which does not affect them)
    2.) i'm mature enough to realize that in the real world other people do things that i may disagree with, but that doesn't mean i can just BAWWWWW them into submission of my narrowminded perspective.
    3.) i'm not insecure about myself and don't feel the need to abolish things that are alien to me.
    4.) fortunately, we don't live in a theocracy, even if you believe in christianity or any other religion, you should be glad that we don't, because the interpretation of the ruling religion will always vary from person to person. also because if people only make the right decision because they are forced to, then how is it right?
    5.) why the fuck is it that there are so many "christians" who are opposed to gay marriage, while they are participating in activities that most the lot of christianity would consider sinful(i.e. drugs/alcohol, premarital sex, cursing, etc.) hypocrisy.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:28:09 No.95042902

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:28:29 No.95042941
    how weird, I wrote in Maynard.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:28:41 No.95042963
    tool sucks
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:29:57 No.95043101
    they see me trollin....>>95042963
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:31:13 No.95043222

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:33:23 No.95043451
    Sounds like the OP is an America-hater who doesn't understand the essence of our great country.

    Hating The Diff'runt and ramming your ideas down everyone else's throats at the point of a gun is what America's all about. It's what our nation was founded on and I, for one, will not stand for the lieberal on my fundamental American freedom to abuse faggots verbally and physically.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:34:21 No.95043540

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:34:32 No.95043561
    How about this for thought?

    If two persons want to enter a legal union known as marriage, who are we to tell them no? There shouldn't be a law, only a definition as a reference: Any two consenting persons that are of age. It is not the governments job to defend the views of any one religion. It shouldn't be a Y/N sort of thing. If two men or women go to get married and the clergy on the alter objects due to personally held beliefs, then oh well. They can go somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:35:44 No.95043682
    troll'd.i warned you
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:36:03 No.95043709
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:36:10 No.95043723

    You, sir, are and idiot. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:36:13 No.95043729
    Faggots are overly aggressive in pushing for rights, I voted yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:37:06 No.95043818
    I want to be on MJK.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:37:30 No.95043847
    Seriously, fuck all of you who voted yes.

    It's a huge step backwards in our society. People need equal motherfucking rights.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:38:05 No.95043910

    ...yeah that pretty much negates everything OP said...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:39:43 No.95044068
    If faggots had gave me OPs arguments instead of screaming at me about how it was a denial of their basic rights and how voting no was evil, then I would have voted no.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:40:00 No.95044095
    i agree with OP, i didnt vote obama, but it was only because i didnt like either candidate, knew obama was gonna win anyway, and mccain won my personal coin toss.
    BUT, i do agree that gay marriage should be legal. OP states that "i'm mature enough to realize that in the real world other people do things that i may disagree with, but that doesn't mean i can just BAWWWWW them into submission of my narrowminded perspective." and i totally agree.
    seriously, fuck religiousfags for all the oppression they want to instill on us.
    im happy to see a serious thread that is actually seeming to be taken semi-seriously, though now that i say that it will probably /thread...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:40:50 No.95044178

    I mean voting yes was evil
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:41:04 No.95044209
    not to be a dick, but it is a denial of their basic rights...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:41:17 No.95044224
    your awsome
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:41:52 No.95044278
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    Well Said OP.
    You win 1000 Internetz
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:42:53 No.95044376
    omg liek tool is my fav band ^.^
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:43:30 No.95044437
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:43:31 No.95044441
    You have the right to be treated equally not the right to be married, I can't go out and marry a 10 year old.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:45:01 No.95044580
    its not about rights fucktard, its about the fact that its impossible for gays to get married, as they are both of the same sex, its not about morals, its about keeping marriage marriage, which is the connection between man/women, not man/man ect. Its bullshit to argue otherwise, marriage was made to create families, gay people cant create families, they are not natural (unless you beleive 'god' mistakenly put a mans soul in a womens body or some shit, which s dumb becuase a god wouldnt make such stupid mistakes)

    So yeh you libs love to pretend your anti conservative by voting for gay marriage, but in reality your dumb and want to be different, and not to mention youv never read Durkheims work
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:45:08 No.95044586
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:45:20 No.95044620

    but you should if the ten year old wants to
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:45:27 No.95044630
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    Just found out about Prop 8's status, fucking raging.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:46:40 No.95044740
    Is that the Burzum guy?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:47:13 No.95044783
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:47:39 No.95044821
    this must be a troll but your argument is total fail.

    who's to say god wouldn't intentionally make them gay and intend for them to raise children? if god didn't intend for them to turn out gay, then why did they? lrn2 philosophy/product of environment.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:49:13 No.95044968

    Well if it ever comes up you vote for my right to marry loli and I'll vote in favor of civil partnerships
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:49:51 No.95045030

    IT IS ABOUT RIGHTS. Marriage isn't a fucking religious bond anymore, it's pretty much a legal bond. With marriage comes other rights gays can't have without marriage. Fuck your "marriage is only for a man and woman" shit. Marriage goes back earlier than the Bible and earlier than religion. People who love each other and decide to commit to each other are married, people should be able to marry whomever they love.

    What the fuck, this is a huge step backwards.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:50:19 No.95045071
    they are trying to hold on to dying traditions
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:50:34 No.95045090
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:52:03 No.95045247

    Tool is awesome and voting fucking sucks
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:52:26 No.95045290

    Marriage is only for benefits these days. Marriage has already been ruined by youngsters getting married in Nevada then divorcing 5 hours later.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:52:59 No.95045368
    Your typical Tool fan.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:53:26 No.95045419

    there is not basis for your claims, it's just your opinion that marriage is "supposed to be" between a man and a woman. you didn't explain how you know this, and even if you did, there is no logically valid reason as to why they shouldn't be allowed to marry simply because you have a different idea of what marriage is. you didn't explain what harm can be done.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:54:16 No.95045509
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:54:47 No.95045564

    I don't see how some dumb bullshit like this is even considered today. Faggots >>> Religousfaggots
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:55:12 No.95045614

    oh noez, not people saying nothing.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:55:49 No.95045685

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:56:24 No.95045741

    People like you are better off not saying anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:57:58 No.95045924
    Ten year olds can't enter into legal contracts. Marriage is a legal contract. Why is this so difficult? If marriage is a civil contract, then make it available to any adults in exchange for whatever responsibilities you want to expect.

    If marriage is religious, rather than civil in nature, then marriage should convey NO additional legal benefits (insurance, power of attorney, visitation, etc), and the government shouldn't have laws endorsing one religion's particular views of marriage over another's.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:58:23 No.95045971
    I like how everyone who disagreed with OP pretty much just said "no, you're wrong" without giving any reasons.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:58:43 No.95046015
    Why would an homosexual be christian? its mindboggling..
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:59:22 No.95046091

    Why won't the gay community accept the same rights as marriage under a different name?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)08:59:35 No.95046117

    it gets your thoughts all trapped like they're in a bottle
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:00:12 No.95046196

    they probably fucking would
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:00:42 No.95046256
    why the fuck should they have to?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:01:48 No.95046386
    Yeah, keep blaming us, it was still the nigras who voted for it 70%.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:02:40 No.95046493

    Because it would get them more support, calling it marriage is just an excuse to piss christfags off
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:03:13 No.95046561
    OP, You are win, Maynard is win, Prop 8 is fail.

    You sir, have my respect.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:04:42 No.95046758
    Oh Christ not you again. You're not the only one who's read Durkheim, just the only one who seems to be using Durkheim to push your personal agenda.

    Why should your particular religion's views of marriage matter over the views of other ESTABLISHED religions? For that matter, why should the government be involved in endorsing a religious institution in the first place?

    Why is it important to "keep marriage marriage"? It's not like marriage has ever been a static institution. Widespread acceptance of divorce has done more to disrupt the institution of marriage than gays shacking up ever could. Gays certainly can raise families and do, as surely as infertile straight couples can, and hell these days it seems like I know more gay couples who stick together than straight ones.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:05:34 No.95046871
    Am i the only one that just sees marriage as a sign of
    status? Seriously why the fuck would you want to be married, when you can just live with the person you love for as long as you want, and not have to worry about the government taxing you for being married? that and if you ever got a divorce... half of your shit becomes theirs, and vice versa.

    Perhaps i just see marriage as nothing special, but honestly you can be in love and still not be married.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:08:50 No.95047269
    Well, marriage or civil union (the former is state-endorsed and state-supported and probably shouldn't be) confers certain legal benefits. Besides, status matters to some people.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:13:56 No.95047824
    >gay people cant create families
    Neither can infertile parents.

    >they are not natural
    Plenty of animals engage in homosexual behavior. Humans are animals. How is that not natural, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:15:09 No.95048001
    Gayfag here.

    Fine. Don't call it marriage. But make a national Civil Union rule for ALL gay Americans. You can take your damn Christian marriage and shove it up your cunts; I don't care. But my partner stood outside an ICU for two days after I was in an accident while the nurses had to keep explaining to me that "no, no one can come sit with you." As if having my body crushed wasn't painful enough...

    So whatever. You protect your word, but you give me the right to be a real citizen.

    Don't like it? Then I'll fucking kick you ass and then fuck it. I'm in better shape than 99.9% of you.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:15:28 No.95048047

    you obamafag fags sure got told
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:15:32 No.95048057

    You, sir, are and idiot. :/
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:16:40 No.95048209

    i'm sorry but i imagined someone saying that with a lisp and it was hilarious
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:17:10 No.95048258
    The Bible.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:17:21 No.95048285

    lol, you're gay
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:17:37 No.95048320

    yeah because having a president who is anti-gay marriage means shit...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:17:44 No.95048330
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:17:48 No.95048333

    You, sir, are and idiot. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:18:15 No.95048401

    I was going to RAAAAGE that you said that about my comment...

    ...but then I read my comment out loud adding a lisp...

    ...and it actually was fucking funny.

    So for you: I'll just fuck your ass instead of kicking it first. It'll go smoother for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:18:48 No.95048466
    marriage should be between a man and a women, but there should be an equivelant legal partnership for ANYONE without needing a fucking religious aspect.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:18:52 No.95048474
    I WOULD like the right to fuck my mother...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:20:05 No.95048629
    And... why did they let you live?

    Probably aids'd up the hospital.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:20:38 No.95048707
    But he's not against the idea of a civil union nor is he for a constitutional ban, which is fucking ridiculous on it's own right.


    Seriously, the government should not get involved in making a decision such as this. In reality it should be left up to individual churches to decide.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:22:01 No.95048886
    America is not a Christian theocracy. You want a government which basis its decisions on a particular religion's collection of myths and moral codes, move to Afghanistan.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:22:10 No.95048905

    Because like most gayfags... I have both money and insurance. So it's good business to "let" me live.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:22:53 No.95049001
    or just stay in america.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:23:08 No.95049043
    ITT: apparently california is a part of dumbfuckistan
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:24:29 No.95049233
    Since when did gay = well to do?

    What happened to the sickly homeless faggot who tries to rape the drunks coming out of the pub, imagery?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:24:55 No.95049283
    "I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying."
    - Barack Obama

    You sure got told.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:25:16 No.95049315
    Gotta have insurance.. With all that HIV floating around at the gay bar.. you know?

    I don't..
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:26:37 No.95049489
    Marriage means fuck all today. So now that its ruined, let subhuman buttfuckers do it too.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:27:10 No.95049564
    The same organizations that fought interracial marriage are fighting gay marriage. They are making the same arguments: that it's against the Bible and churches are going to be FORCED to marry people or lose their tax-exempt status.

    But no church is EVER forced to marry ANYONE. Most churches require those that want to get married to take counciling with the Pastor/Priest and get "approved." Gay marriage isn't about religion... it's about tax status, equality and the right for one person to fucking be there for their partners during the worst times of life (hospital, death bed, etc.)

    This whole Prop 8 thing was fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:28:35 No.95049755

    Yeah, it's awful. All that HIV in the air when we're just trying to spread our gay germs to infect innocent straight people. That's how we recruit new gay people, y'know. It's an airborn contagion.

    PS: Learn to troll. You're boring me.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:29:42 No.95049894
    can someone please explain why fag loving california couldnt stop this? and also why you think a single judge's decision should outweigh a public referrendum
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:31:31 No.95050102
    i like you op
    >> ­Weaboo !ZxXrLzSHGM 11/05/08(Wed)09:32:23 No.95050221
    Fuck EVERYONE who voted Yes on 8. Why in the fucking world would you want to elimante someone's rights? What if you just found out your sibling or best friend or someone close to you was gay and they had planned on getting married? You should feel MISERABLE for denying them that opportunity. My brother can never marry. My best friend can never marry. My friend's dads' marriage is now null. My friend in my GBLLT Coalition's marriage is now null. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I hope someone comes to your house and murders all your fucking children and everyone close to you. What is so wrong with gay marriage. It isn't affecting you. It's NOT taught in school. Marriage is not taught period. I talked to a teacher who said she's never even HEARD of marriage being taught in schools. Yes, so maybe sex ed is taught, but in all the sex ed classes I've ever had or my suster's ever had, marriage was NEVER taught. Your goddamn fucking churches will NOT have their tax-exempt status revoked. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Congratulations on being fucking sheep.

    Protip: Don't get your kids involved in this issue. Gratz on breeding your kids to be hate-filled one day. I hope they rebel against you and murder you and your spouse or sig. other. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I hate every single one of you who voted Yes on 8.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:32:45 No.95050266
    Gay people, why do you want a marriage anyways?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:35:21 No.95050570

    Many of us don't. We just want to know we can keep our houses and not get fired for being gay. I honestly don't give a fuck if you call it "marriage" or whatever... I personally just want it to have all the same rights as any other civil contract between partners...

    ...but the fucking uber-fags want us to DEMAND to call it marriage. And the result? Prop 8 passes in the most liberal State in the US.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:35:50 No.95050624
    Could have just saved my eyes and wrote
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:36:13 No.95050673
    Marriage exists for a reason. It's a practical arrangement that contrains both parties in such a manner that accounts for the natural division of labor in sexual relations. This simply doesn't relate in any way to homosexual relations. The context is different, therefore the policy must be different.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:38:02 No.95050883

    the right to each others superannuation, pension,
    immediate inheritance of possessions
    thus full civil citizenship as a couple.

    and some people like, y'know, to get married.

    its mostly about legalities though
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:38:16 No.95050912

    yeah that was all cleverly worded, but EXPLAIN.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:39:57 No.95051087
    Cork Suckers pay taxes too. They have every right to be just as god damn miserable as me.
    >> Daoanon !!oijxQkVTCXy 11/05/08(Wed)09:40:14 No.95051137
    Bawwwwwww implies that the poster was in the wrong about the rage. Quite the contrary. 52% of California did it wrong, and should be shipped off to Mexico where they can worship jesus candles, tapestries, and tortillas with his stupid anglo-saxon visage cooked onto it.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:40:14 No.95051142

    Nope. Though well stated, you're quite incorrect. Modern society has already proven to push beyond the "division of the sexes." The point of gay marriage is that we exist in millions across the country; we own houses together; we own businesses, etc. If one of us gets sick, we can't even visit our other half in critical care... that's reserved for spouses or "real" family. We can't inherit. We can't protect each other in insurance, social security or anything else that's federal.

    YET... we still pay full taxes. Actually: we pay MORE taxes because the gov't says we're "single."

    So don't call it marriage, but give us what we pay for.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:43:33 No.95051541
    Holy shit I didn't even know about the hospital part (eurofag).
    Not gay, but raging nao.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:43:39 No.95051553

    Your an idiot, theres a huge difference between what two consenting adults do, and one concenting adult pressuring a 10 year old, christ why do you think all those cp threads get b&, cause its exploitation
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:46:20 No.95051867
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:46:26 No.95051879

    It's against my Amerifag nature to ever EVER say that you eurofags do anything right or better than we do... but on this issue: you do.

    The fact is that when you're so sick you could die, you want that one person you love to be with you. Or the reverse: when that one person you love is sick or dying, you want to be there beside them. In most American states, that is easily and frequently denied.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:46:38 No.95051896
    i blame the mexicans, look at southern california,
    i know liberal atheist mexicans that voted yes on 8
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:47:19 No.95051982
    i think most everyone agrees with equal rights, its all just a bullshit semantic argument, in my opinion the govt shouldnt weigh in on religious terminology gay or straight, but i cant call it marriage, you can cum a billion times up the poopinschaft but you will never shit out a baby
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:47:24 No.95051998

    You're the idiot, I made that troll post ages ago
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:49:16 No.95052214

    >> Daoanon !!oijxQkVTCXy 11/05/08(Wed)09:50:38 No.95052357
    You are the CANCER of pro-8 thought. Look up marriage in the dictionary, not once does it mention procreation. THAT'S your own personal input into what marriage is. So, why can you have your own thought into what marriage is, and gay people can't? Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:52:40 No.95052568
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:54:52 No.95052840
    Gayfag here: I'm not the OP, but I guess I kind of took over the argument on this post.

    Just wanted to say that Prop8 isn't officially decided yet... it's too close to call.

    And who cares, right? This is /b/. We don't fucking care about any IRL shit like this... but this post got a bit real... so let me just say this...

    Gay marriage isn't about insulting the religious beliefs you hold dear. It's not about throwing out "lifestyle" in your face or forcing your church to do anything AT ALL. It really is to just protect those of us that already deal with daily prejudice. It protects our assets (not asses), our legacy, our lives and our love. That's ALL.

    And may I add: gay marriage isn't a new concept. Biblefags: go read Solomon. Historyfags: research the same-sex marriages of Pharoahs, Ceasars and citizens of both Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. This isn't a new idea... Fairness and Equality never are.

    C-ya losers. Gotta go to work. Peace.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:55:14 No.95052885
    Democrat voting population and President-elect sells out their own, maintain that they're the only conscientious choice. Astounded, angry gays point fingers imaginary bible thumping state majority.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:56:46 No.95053073

    The two traditional (and normally, legal) manners by which marriages are annulled are 1) Failure to consummate and 2) Adultery. These amount to deviations from the expectation of producing children.

    Part of the problem here is that people in general, and even the normally cynical people on chan (surprisingly) are taking the propagandistic nostrums like "equal rights" and "bigotry", etc, and applying them with the broadest possible strokes. No, things that are SIMILAR are not EQUAL, and not every defense of an institution amounts to HATRED. Really.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:57:14 No.95053134
    fox news reporting:

    "Prop 8 ahead by 3% with 97% of votes tallied. Gay marriage banned in CA. Gay lobby lawyers say will challenge in court; that prop is not retroactive to 18,000 gay couples already married."
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:04:14 No.95054004

    Um, are you even on the same planet??? Anullments? You're using that to argue against same-sex unions?

    And you're wrong: adultery is not ground for annulment. It's grounds for DIVORCE. Learn to... well, learn. The number one reason for divorce is Irreconcilable differences. But all that has NO BASIS for same-sex unions (or "marriage" if you're so stuck on that damn word).

    The fact is that IS about equality. Gay Americans are STILL AMERICAN. There are millions and millions of us... everyone knows gay people. We're not invisible anymore.

    So deal with this: CA can pass Prop 8, but the equal rights movement will never disappear. America is changing for PROGRESS. We're not going back to into the closet, and we're going to keep pushing until we win.

    ...and we WILL WIN. Equality always does.

    Ok. Seriously going to work now. Take care bigotfag... it was almost a pleasure. You didn't bore me, so that counts for something.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:05:05 No.95054097
    The only argument against gay marraige i've seen so far is that "god made marraige between a man and a woman" or "it's unnatural". Well your "god" has made homosexuals since the beginning of the human race. If your "god" didn't intend to make them then how can it be unnatural? "oh but they aren't MADE gay they just choose to be!": this is just ignorance at it's best. If you actually knew any gay people, you'd realize that it's not a choice. It's who they are, who they have been since birth. You can't change who you're attracted to. Just because it's gross to you doesn't mean it isn't natural. Now you might also say, "marraige is sacred, only a man and woman can make a family", to this i say go fuck yourself. My parents got divorced, i barely saw my dad, and my mom's a bitch. If there ever was any thing "sacred" about marraige it's long gone. Divorce rates are higher than ever. So why not let the gays have the same fate? This leads me to my final point. That one of the principles our beloved country was founded on is the fact that "we are all created equal". We all have the same rights. It's a RIGHT of every consenting adult citizen of this country to get married. By denying gays this right you are saying to them, "you are less than me, you are not an equal citizen". And if you do this then you may as well start enslaving black people and denying women the right to vote again.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:07:57 No.95054358

    Bloody brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:08:52 No.95054476

    I don't really need the insults. Public policy has to concern itself with 1000s of things, not just one thing. That's why pro-choice/pro-life, pro-gun/anti-gun, etc, etc voters are so poisonous. Gay marriage is just one thing, and excessive concern for it skew thinking.

    I was simply pointing out that marriage is, at root, a system for codifying sexual relations, which seemed to be in dispute.

    As to your predictions, you could be wrong. Homosexuality has a genetic component, and the fact that, historically, homosexuals often entered (uncomfortably) traditional marriages allowed them to propogate. The "gay movement" will tend to prevent that going forward, as they're much less likely to breed. Standard darwinian stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:11:27 No.95054775
    >5.) why the fuck is it that there are so many "christians" who are opposed to gay marriage, while they are participating in activities that most the lot of christianity would consider sinful(i.e. drugs/alcohol, premarital sex, cursing, etc.) hypocrisy.

    >> Daoanon !!oijxQkVTCXy 11/05/08(Wed)10:11:43 No.95054810

    And a lot of ancient christian cultures used to think it was pretty neat-o to rape little boys. Everything is conceptual in relation to the time period of human evolution it is in. Equality/equal rights are accepting everyone's rational concept of a topic in relation to the average person's empathic IQ; marriage being no different.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:13:10 No.95055001

    Over 1/2 couples seeking same-sex marriage have children. The thought that gay people don't have children is retarded at best. Gay people are still capable and interested in breeding... just not as much as straight people. Do some research. You're obviously intelligent, so use that to try and understand why in the world so many millions of people are so fixated.

    But it's not a single-issue for gay people. It's really not. It's the constant slap in the face that gay's are "deviant" or "undeserving." Maybe to the straight and evangelical community it's just a wedge issue... but to gay people: it's the constant stake in our hearts that's forced on us by vile rhetoric and hatemongering "Christians."

    This was fun... thanks for the smart opposition.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:14:46 No.95055203

    Hear Hear. Thank GOD above there are individuals in this country and the world that still believe in the tenets that this country was founded on, and hold to the GOOD IDEAS behind what has been developed into a blind set of BELIEFS by a bunch of Fundiefags...

    Good Arguments are WIN.

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