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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269187432.png-(172 KB, 1440x900, 1269184535744.png)
    172 KB Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:03:52 No.7997216  
    Saw this is on /b/.

    Thought of you.

    They're assembling for a minor raid; you guys, however, get one more piece of evidence women are whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:07:29 No.7997248
    >you guys, however, get one more piece of evidence women are whores.


    too long, no paragraph breaks... did not read.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:09:37 No.7997270
    Read it all, just a normal woman, but she had the time to write it all down and shove it in his face.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:10:54 No.7997277
    well she wouldn't do that for no reason. man it's tl;dr
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:12:29 No.7997292
    >too long, no paragraph breaks... did not read.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:12:51 No.7997294
    are we certain this isn't a troll? This is TOO fucked up to me.
    >> CaptainCrunch !!adwcx7U5wCm 03/21/10(Sun)12:14:58 No.7997315
    I hope this girl gets hit by a truck.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:16:56 No.7997338
    Fuck, I feel really sorry for that girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:17:20 No.7997342!/profile.php?id=527966453!/profile.php?id=1390440133

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:18:14 No.7997347
    This is one serious troll or one pure retarded girl, why write all of this???
    God damn attention whores that do shit like this just for attention piss me off soo much.
    Would make her life hell if I was living near her.
    Gives a bad name to women aswell.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:20:19 No.7997359
    what a fucking bitch. I would shlap her back into line.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:22:57 No.7997384

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:26:10 No.7997408
    I'd high-five that girl if I met her in real life.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:27:11 No.7997418
    She sounds mentally ill and not all that happy with what she did I hope she seeks treatment
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:27:22 No.7997420
    I'm not too sure what you're what'ing at
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:28:00 No.7997430
    If I was Dor I would call her a whore.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:29:22 No.7997444
    >jew-baby, well that's why.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:29:28 No.7997446
    They're called sociopaths, each sex has their share.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:29:30 No.7997447
    She's probably just bitter because no one will ever take her seriously or treat her as anything more then a sex object not to mention with every growing day her worth as a person diminishes.

    I feel sorry for the bro but at the same time you can't blame a woman for doing what comes naturally, that's like getting mad at the sun for setting.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:35:30 No.7997511
    Jesus christ, she is the absolute definition of a bitch and a whore.
    >> Haze !!/zzaA3cIj2C 03/21/10(Sun)12:38:05 No.7997544
    Where does this scum live, I will murder her, I'll take the jail time.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:39:46 No.7997568
    She probably just dreams about her ex-boyfriend dying without his goddess and made up a good half of that text.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:44:04 No.7997612

    Jon most likely doesn't give a shit and this is all in her head.
    >> lucky7s 03/21/10(Sun)12:47:44 No.7997659
    gentlemen, even if its all in her head, she is not nice. we need to act out.

    whos organizing the raid? where? dox?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:47:50 No.7997660
    I don't get what you guys are so fucked up over. It's not like she cheated on him or anything. She just left him and found someone else. The guy needs to move on, I suppose. She might be a bitch but she isn't OMG SCUM OF THE EARTH KILL HER.

    Christ, you guys rage over everything.
    >> lucky7s 03/21/10(Sun)12:49:34 No.7997679 <--- her sorority
    >> lucky7s 03/21/10(Sun)12:52:05 No.7997705
    someone help confirm her age and relatives thru her facebook. i dont have fb

    Palm Harbor,
    Gainesville, FL

    19 years old

    relatives = Etan H Shaul
    Katzen L Shaul
    Ethan Shaul
    Yaron Shaul
    Laurie Katzen Shaul

    if im not mistaken we have a jewess on our hands
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:52:31 No.7997708
    Breaking up with someone is completely natural, but seriously, there's no reason to be a dick about if you were the authoritarian party in the break up.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:52:51 No.7997712
    I always wonder what's wrong with guys like him, that they'll try to "fix" relationships like that. Why would you even bother?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:58:12 No.7997768
    Thirded. I've had the misfortune of knowing a few girls like this, they're obsessed with themselves and will make up anything that makes them look like they matter to someone. Making everything sound so dramatic and posting it for all and sundry to see are telltale signs of an attention whore.
    >> lucky7s 03/21/10(Sun)12:58:25 No.7997771
    noone else feels she deserves an internet smack?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:59:34 No.7997788
    Psychology 101 - This girl KNOWS she's a horrible person and is trying to PROVE what a horrible person she is to punish herself. She keeps doing bad things because this is the only way her immature mind knows how to make herself feel worse for things that she has already done. And then she has to do MORE bad things to feel bad for the other things. Its a cycle. She's fucked in the head.

    Now you know.
    These women are suck. They need help. She probably wont get help and every guy she meets is going to use and abuse the shit out of her. And she knows this.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:00:06 No.7997797
    its the guys fault for getting hung up for some girl. he isn't any better that some girl who stays in a relationship with an abusive guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:03:20 No.7997847
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:04:53 No.7997869
    This bitchs cell phone has already been found and posted on /b/, its 480-516-6536 i say we bomb her cell with txts, is a cell phone bomb site, u dont even have to register or anything just submit a # and a they get bombed with 10-200 texts in under 2 min
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:06:17 No.7997900
    My first gf did this to me, not a troll, chicks just do this to nice guys sometimes. It's weird.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:13:09 No.7997994

    that number is on the block list lol wut
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:15:46 No.7998033
    This is exactly why psychology is a fucked up study. Random nobodies will prove the "insanity" of another person through the use of another emotional story, and won't even notice this is a troll venture.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:20:49 No.7998095
    euh.. people...
    her ex bf most likely wrote this
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:24:49 No.7998143
    You're missing the lad's point. She's trolling because she's sick in the head.

    Or have you so far sunk into /b/ "culture" that you forget trolling can be sick?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:29:00 No.7998188

    >chicks just do this to nice guys sometimes
    >nice guys

    Nope, they do that with weak faggots but not genuinely nice guys.

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