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This week 4chan turned 9 years old *click*


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Today, dear /b/rothers, femanons and other miscreants lurking, I have a proposition.

For decades, the people of Gaza have been living in sub-human conditions, under constant threat and lacking the basics of everyday life... Today, we at /b/ can make a difference. All I ask is that you donate a small amount. Some spare $ in your paypal account... And spread the word.

Let this be the day 4chan made a real difference in the world. Something we can all be proud of.

4chan, UNITE!

>>429599481 (OP)
Come on, /b/ - this is your chance to give something back.
Fuck Gaza and fuck the arabs.
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Muslims and jews
but look how fit they are from all that running! And none of them would ever have to buy a lighter. No dice op.
Nice, real nice. Killing innocent civilians with weapons bought for US dollars or given to Israel by the USA is legit in your mind? How would you like it if your country was occupied by crazy hindus one day, and they decided to wall your ass into a small shithole of a village?
>>429599481 (OP)


Are you fucking kidding me ?
Yes, donate. Israel is breaking international laws every single day, and no one cares... It's time to care.
sauce for OP pic want to see burning mudslimes preez
>liking muslims and jews
>giving free moneys to muslims and jews
>mfw I'm on my ipod and can't post pictures
>>429599481 (OP)
go be a sandnigger somewhere else
>go back in time
>stop Isreal from becoming a country
>don't have to deal with butthurt muslims

tJaply University
The arabs should fucking get over it, because they're never getting their land back. Ever.

The arab governments of the region are to blame for all of it. If they didn't try to wipe out Israel back in the day, none of this would have happened.

A lot of the land in Israel was legitimately bought from palenstinians, back before Israel became a state.
It would be a waste of fucking money to do anything especially in this bad economy, you fucking retard.
North European white boy actually.
Fuck Israel, don't you know the jews are the new nazis? Seriously though I wish Israel would sink into the fucking sea.
I have nothing agains muslim nor jews, but I do oppose the zionist regime in Israel and the way they treat the palestinians.
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there has been fighting in that part of the world since the beginning of time. The reason no one gives a fuck is because thats just the way it is. Plus who gives 2 fucks about mooslimes??
>Go back in time
>Make sure Hitler wins
>profit as no banking interest (no jews)
> Immigration would be tight

Not giving money to ether
Israel was the aggressor in 67. It was a "pre-emptive strike" as they so amply put it. I take it you are an american who only know what AIPAC wants you to know. Wake up.
You should be more mindful of your heritage and let these filthy hateful people rot.
I'm sure the sick and starving in the Gaza Strip are very concerned about the bad economy.
Bro, I'm an American. A lot of us do support Israel, but some of us see the world with our own eyes.
That is why everyone should donate.
consensus is OP IS A FAGGOT

also i'd prefer to just let them kill eachother for ever and a day

they seem to be pretty good at it
So am I and the whole idea of helping sand miggers in their own shits is dumb as fuck.

They will never stop fighting over religion and land. There was a muslim text on th map Favela on MW2 in a bathroom, which is forbidden by muslims abd IW got bomb threats and stuff.
is there a place i can donate to burn all of the holy sights on the planet?
I don't care what religion they are. I care about people. They are someones brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers.
Let Gaza burn.

The Jews have the right idea.

Maybe the Palestinians weren't a failure as a people they'd have support from the rest of the towel heads.

Please kill yourself OP kthxbye
Do you know them all? They are filthy and hateful? Have they done you any harm?
>>429599481 (OP)

Is there any way I can do the opposite of donating.

Like somehow take money away from their cause?
I dont think we should be giving mudslimes more money they will just spend it on bombs and cloths to hide the faces of their numerous wives.
Then you my friend, are one of the enlightened ones.
worst troll ever or op is soul-shatteringly pathetic. I cant decide.
Yea, until Israel decides to attack Iran, or vice versa. Then we would have WW3. I don't think that would be too cool.
lol who cares about muslims?

>inb4 allahu akbar turka burka durka
OP tells people to donate to muslim FUCKS who destroy and annoy everything on this planet.

Fuck the arabs, fuck muslims. I'll kill a few myself if I had the chance
The situation will never change. Its like Africa southern nigger Africa, no matter how much money, food the world donates its

Dem niggers are someones


You cant help nor change stupid OP
Would you rather help them in their own country - or have refugees come to yours?
Israel was right to strike first. Egypt and other aggressors were amassing troops and equipment for another attack.

I love how nobody ever mentions the role of the arab countries in the history of Israel. Their governments were all tyrants and despots and should have been deposed.
muslims, jews- bad news.
Taking advantage of the people of my country while our idiot government gives them money! I hate all arabs and muslims. Threatening people who disagree with them? Infecting communities and enslaving women. I detest these animals.
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I am with you anon, it should all be turned to glass and start anew.
They have their support, but as Israel is backed by the US none of them dares to say anything. (Except the Iranian president, but noone takes him serious anyway)
France doesn't like mooselims right?

They should do arabian peninsula wide neutron bomb attacks so eurooe and USA can take oils and profit.

Or someone should finnish that gene selecting black death so all sand nigger races would die and white/nigger/azn races would survive.
>>429599481 (OP)
think they spelled fap wrong in the pic
Does it matter what god they believe in? They are still people and deserves to be treated as such.
Fuck the rest of the world. If you can't fix your own problems then you ask for what you get. It's none of our business what's wrong in any of these other countries and I see no reason to spend our money or waste or time and lives trying to help.
>>429599481 (OP)
let me tell you something OP

white race > all

we don't want your bullshit sand niggers on this planet. We never liked you and never will. Take pislam and shove it up your 10 years non wiped asses.

If I had the chance to push a button that would lead to the murder of a Muslim country, I would do it without a second thought.

White power bitches.
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hello there
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Try telling that to sandniggers holding "death to west" signs

"We are all humans!"

Yes it does. Why help someone who believes in stupid things?
Evolution says the strongest survive. If they want to survive then become strong like all the first world countries. Until then we will be killing pathetic Muslims for fun.
anyone have any anti Israeli pictures? New hard drive lost my /pol/ folder...
Israel is a cancer and I don't understand how Jews are safer because of it, 1-2 nukes and Israel will be dust along with millions of Jewish people... honestly anyone with an ounce of common can see that Jews would be safer living in the west and terrorists wouldn't be bombing us because they're pissed about Israeli oppression.
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You ever stop to think for a moment that they want the west to die BECAUSE of the way it treats them?
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Why are you all being so hateful? These are people who believe in the same god as a handful of terrorists believe in. So what? Look at the christian church a few hundred years back... They were no better. Strip a person of beliefs and color for once. This is a chance to help someone, and I bet it's even better than fapping to watever it is you're fapping at right now.
yeah, we hate you muslims only slightly less than the jews. We support your struggles and you constantly stab us in the back, get fucked.
dear /b/rothers, before you do anything stupid, you should read this.

Murder everyone.
And to think your ancestors crawled out of Africa...
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Donate to Gaza you say? Hahaha, what a fucking joke.

The mudslims are the scum of the earth, I'd rather have some jew from Israel as a neighbour than some sandnigger. Just let them bomb each other.

>4chan, UNITE!
I want the legionfaggots to leave.
Hello, please donate. Link on top of page

that was many 100 years ago. We are currently living in the year 2012
Christians don't kill you if you are an Atheist or mock their religion because Christians have understood long time ago that the way they lived before isn't gonna work in the future. This is why in most western countries the majority of people are Christians. Fuck funtamentalists, as an Atheist I never had a single fucking problem when talking to a Christian and telling them that they believe in Bullshit.
Do the same in an Arab country, you'll be lucky to be alive the next day.
Westboro Baptist? Pro-lifers? Everyone holds a grudge...
fuck you terrorist
fuck muslims. their women are dirty fat and ugly
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because palestinians are saints sure.
also the neturei karta are really really more extremists than the most zionist extremist. Read about them before posting them my friend
So we should kill all religious people, is that what you say?
JIDF detected
getting a few donations op? This went well - you pissant! Lol
Nope, I don't have a problem with any religion except Islam. It's no coincidence most suicide bombers and honor killings come from Islam and not another religion.
>>429599481 (OP)
True, but as Islam is a younger religion than christianity they are a few hundred years behind.
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You don't eat pigs,
We don't eat pigs,
It seems it's been that way forever

So if you don't eat pigs,
And we don't eat pigs,
Why not, not eat pigs together?

Religion is a virus of the mind.
Education is like a vaccination that makes you immune to religion.

We must eliminate those who have not been vaccinated and carry the virus, in order to eliminate the virus.

We did it with smallpox and polio using the same method.
Christians only kill you if you have been raped and don't want the child you're carrying. And they take out the doctor as a bonus. Look up the crusaders and Vlad Tepes. Christians killed a bunch of people for believing something else.
I would donate if it was to support the war against israel but I know you will just go to the jewish store on the other side of the wall and by a some food with my hard earned money, so no
In showing that you are a biased little shit you've just convinced me that you are a giant flaming faggot who desires glorious anal sex.
Good day to you.
you are talking about many years ago, read my fucking post I'm talking about today. Muslims are as bad as Christians were many years ago. We must eliminate Muslims in order to avoid such incidents in the future. That's why I'm glad when Muzzies die.
The jews at least did much more to the world than the muslims. Midia distorces everything to make Israel the bad guy and make the arabs and muslims the victims.
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was the polonium salty enough mister arafat?
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>>429599481 (OP)
>implying /b/ gives a fuck about sandniggers and jews killing eachother.
let's just smuggle some nukes to hezbollah and have them kill some jews!!!
I know they are extreme - but do you know why so many of the western countries support Israel? it's because the bible says that Solomos temple is to be rebuild, and on the site of this great reconstruction is now what we call Al-Aqsa (The mosque of the dome) - The bible also tell us that when the temple is rebuilt, judgement day will follow. And I guess that sounds fair.

>demolish mosque
>build jewish temple
>nukes everywhere

Christians just wanna see the world burn.
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How very christian of you, Anders.
If they did we would already be extinct.
>implying I'm trolling
Religion can be "cured" through education.
The money goes to by cement so that the people can rebuild their homes.

Christians used to kill people for reading the bible in English rather than Latin.
They dont any more.

They used to go ape shit making death threats when a film came out that mocked Jesus.

But we just kept on ignoring them and laughing at them until they calmed down.

Its our duty as secular people to keep making fun of Islam until the same thing happens with them.
Islam is today where christianity was hundreds of years ago. How can you not see that?
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your jewish right?
I'm too scared of my government to send money to muslim nations. Also. I'm broke. But good luck. Yours truly, a subject of the USA
nice try but you know the only cement who goes trought the checkpoint is the israeli one.
So where the money goes? It simply offer holidays to fatfuckshipers
Thank you /b/ro. And while doing so I see no harm in helping the people that suffer.
Anti-theist actually.
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I agree with you. However this isn't about posting pictures of Muhammed with a pigs cock in his mouth for the lulz. This is about people being killed or forced out of their homes.
Give money to islamic terrorists
to help them kill equally radical extremist jews?

As Mother Theresa might have said,
>"Fighting for peace is like fucking for chastity"
I'm telling the same thing.
The money goes to the UK, so it's good... Hope your cashflow improves!
Oh man we're alike OP. I call myself a non-theist.. Are you as sick of the word atheist as I am?

Actually in the Christian Apocalypse story every nation of the world will assemble an army outside Jerusalem before the end of the world happens.

Many smaller nations don't even have standing armies, so its not likely to happen any time soon.
The Islamic apocalypse story is even sillier.
It involves Jews hiding behind rocks from Muslims and then the rocks tell the Muslims where the Jews are hiding...

But not many people in the west actually believe in apocalypse stories.
The politicians who claim to be religious dont really believe they are just trying to get votes off ignorant religious people.
That is also why the same group that I ask you to donate to have large flotillas that try to get through the (illegal) Israeli blockade.

You might recall such a ship in international waters that was boarded by Israeli souldiers in "self defence"? That didn't end well.
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>>429599481 (OP)
You're either a quite successful troll or borderline retarded if you really think anyone here would give you sandniggers any money.

Pic related it's you being kicked out of your home, and I lol'd
Fucking Sand Niggers, Get your shit together yourself. I'm sorry if we don't give a fuck about you but honestly, you can't blame us. OP you are a idiot for bringing this to 4chan... What the fuck did you honestly think you would gain from this? Go get butt-hurt and plea for the people of 9fag to help as I heard the gays are very generous.
The situation in Gaza is beyond horrible at the moment. I just want to help.

I presume hes non religious if he wants to 'cure' religion.
you would get more money if you would be telling us that it is invested in anti-zionist weaponery
>jews hiding behind rocks
>yep sure sounds like jews alright
I know, I'm the same guy who has been supporting you. Check the ID above the post. You can also click the ID to highlight all posts by that user.
You don't give money to terrorist by donating to people who help them build up their homes. What world are you living in?

Besides, Mother Teresa was a cunt that didn't help anyone, she just wanted them to be in pain for as long as possible before they died so they could be "closer to God".
bump for justice
zionist genocide, murder, torture and corruption has to end

end the Palestinian Holocaust
"Home for the dying"
Duvalier scandal
She was such a cunt.
Indeed. And oh so tired of all religions. Imagine...
Fuck you, disgusting sandnigger loving traitor. People like you are what fucked up the world for the rest of us. "I just want to help..." so you can feel better about yourself while you let these sub-human anus dribblings run rough-shod over all the rest of the world has made.
>>429599481 (OP)
I'm sorry but I don't care about sandniggers
Not a troll, and far from retarded. It's actually sad that you label all people from that part of the world as sand-niggers and terrorists. Quite sad.

I imagine they would have a proper bunker rather than a rock.

Also being an inanimate object it wouldn't talk to the Muslims or reveal where the Jews are.
That would be promoting war and murder... I just want people to have a place to feel safe.
fuck gaza, fuck islam, fuck the muslims and, most of all, fuck anyone who condones and supports any of the above.

OP is a gigantic sandnigger loving faggot

hahah, oh wow
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pic releated
Sorry, quite a few post to answer here... Thank you for the support btw... I feel like a tiny dick in huge hornets nest.
thats what jews do promote anti-religion and atheism and then claim special treatment because of their religion, they ridicule other religion and then they will cry 6 millions whenever you tell something against their own religion, this is how they operate
man you guys are easily trolled
>implying every religion isn't the same when it comes to crying over something no going their way
I don't want to feel better about myself. I was fortunate enough to be born in a rich and peaceful part of the world. The people of Gaza were not. Is it such a bad thing to actually want to help the ones that need it?
Picture a japanese person. If this were 1943 you would picture something like your picture. Because its 2012 you probably picture a dorky guy in glasses, or an anime character. Its because we absorb propaganda every day.
Maybe if they stopped doing rocket attacks and saying that the Israel should be destroyed then maybe they would get along better
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>pic related
Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine a country that keeps pushing you out, killing your friends and family. Imagine how you would feel. I would probably feel like launching a rocket or two if my family was murdered.
>I picture Japanese Americans being forcefully removed from their homes and put in AMERICAN concentration camps.
>1945-52 I picture these people being released only to find out that someone else is now living in their house.

Am I right?

If a religious group wants to promote anti religion then all power to them.

All religions try to claim special treatment. Thats pretty much what religion is for.
That just proves atheism is a religion. So that means "atheism is the easiest religion to troll" is true.
the only
you need
to help
is to fuck
with the jews.
Yeah I would be pretty pissed and I would target the military doing the attacks

Not random civilians
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Now picture a muslim. I imagine my picture is close to what you imagine. But these guys make up a very small percentage. Sweeping generalizations are never right.
Do you seriously believe that the children of Gaza are masterminds behind rocket attacks? I'm pretty sure they're not. And they didn't ask to be born there. At least we can provide them with a little something to brighten up their day.
Yes sir, you indeed are.
>>429599481 (OP)
one of those Israeli missiles was a total swish!
Why? The military targets your citizens. They aren't playing fair, so why should you?
I don't care about religion. I find it silly. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. But I care about people. No matter where they are from.
money will change nothing. This will only be settled in blood. If the arabs won't back up the Palestinians they're fucked. Simple as that. It's a fucking powder keg and nobody wants to start WWIII ergo the Palestinians will continue to be fucked until they are eradicated.

Sad shit and all that...

I wouldnt.
Id be like: those guys have got tanks and missiles if I fire a shoddy home made rocket at their town, they are gonna fire a proper one back.

In my mind, rationality comes above anger and revenge.
Maybe its because Im not religious.
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your still a shit cunt
>pic related

The place is too corrupt for money donations

The money would just go in some rich Palestinians pocket
We need more /b/ackup brothers!

Muslims are the greatest people on earth.

Fuck your opinion.
Well rockets are being launched from civilian

What are they meant to do just sit there and take rocket attacks?
As I have stated earlier, the money does not go directly to Gaza. A british organization gives them aid.
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>>429599481 (OP)
OP you are clearly the worst kind of moralfag.
around for that i shall take my loic upon that url and bring it to it's knees and shove my cock down it's troath..
This is because you live life in a peaceful place where you could develop reasoning. Children who don't know war and children who don't know peace have different values.
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these niggeres live good

they get the stick for no cooperation
cuz dats what arabs understand
ref:west bank
And how is that aid going to get there?

By trying to violate a blockade. Good luck doing that
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I suggest you all watch a little documentary called "DEATH IN GAZA" - it was supposed to be about the conditions of the Gaza Strip - until the director (wearing a bulletproof vest with "press" on it, and waving a white flag) got shot in the neck by Israelis.

Bring popcorn.

Ah maybe thats it.

The reason for doing the right thing isn't really important.
>Implying the money isn't directly going into the hands of the Hamas.
>Implying everything the money could buy wouldn't be bombed to shreds by the Israelis anyway.
Sweet of you. If having empathy is something you dislike I pity you and your closest friends and family.
>goes to conflict zone
>get's shot

What do you expect to happen when you go to a place where live rounds are being fired.
I can't think of anything to say, so I'll post a picture and hope he gets mad.
Or by putting pressure on the Israelis to remove the unlawful blockade perhaps. If no one tries, nothing happens.
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For only a dollar you too can support
If they removed that blockade all of the Arab nations would take great pleasure in sending a load of weapons to Hamas
American here.
Site is not down for me, even though your site says it should be.
Journalists and media are protected under international law. When a Israeli soldier aims and shoots him at just a few yards away, that isn't a stray bullet.
It was actually pretty far away

>it's late at night
>you are in a hostile area
>guy pops up and shouts something in a language you don't understand
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for only a dollar
So therefor it is ok to isolate and starve the population? Israel is by definition an occupying force, they can't claim self defence. And the blockade is illegal. Open the borders so help can get to where it's needed
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One dorra
you to can
change da worldzzz
Death of james miller
about 1:30 is when the shooting starts
Hello? We are british journalists!
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Fuck the Zionists.
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>please donate, we need a new weapons factory to build under an apartment building
>you sit in an armored vehicle
>better shoot him in the neck

Not a good reason.
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Only one

Show me more zionist victims, nao

Need something to masturbate to
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OP how in god's name did you think this was a clever thing to propose on /b/? I mean, Gaza is a fucking disgrace, but /b/? really? Aim and miss, buddy. This is a place where the most egoistic stupid and disgusting human beings come together. This place knows no empathy, only vengeance and mischief.
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israel arab/palestinian/idon'tknowloldog.jpg here

this comedy of errors has been going on for a long time now.

we all need a solution soon. whatever it is, really, i don't care. just stop this, somehow.

the longer it goes on, the more fanatics are born, which isn't good for us, or you.

also dont' give faggot op money. we don't need hippy money, we need proper governmental intervention.

so tell your governments to stop being oil grabbing niggers and fix the world for a change rather than live your garden/gun hugging lives, so that we all may life our garden/gun hugging lives together someday.
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Read dis!!!!
for only
Kikes and sandniggers who cares
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Food is allowed through the blockade. So they're not really starving

And are you saying that Israel should stop the blockade and let's weapons flow into a country where the people would use them to attack and kill as many Israelis as possible?

That's retarded
I guess I just hoped you guys would band together like you do in raids and whatnot. It's actually scary to see that shitloads of people come together to destroy a memorial FB-page, but no one wants to help a good cause.

I see that this has gotten out of control, and that I did not succeed in why I tried. It would be cool for once to see 4chan on the news in a good light. The day we made a difference.

identified by the IDF only as Lt. Haib, a Bedouin Arab.
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USAfag here who believes that Israel's behavior in in the occupied territories is a disgrace. Not all Americans suck the AIPAC cock.
Just as retarded as it was for the allies to smuggle weapons into occupied Europe during WW2? As I recall it the freedom fighters of that war are praised as heroes. And they fought the occupying force.

>you're sat in your APC
>some people start advancing towards you in the dark in an area known for suicide attacks
>you fire a warning shot to make them back away
>they start saying stuff in a language you don't understand
>keep advancing on you

What the fuck do you expect to happen when you advance on a army uni in the dark.
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dude... this is /b/.

/b/ would topple a government for the lulz, not because it's right.

wake the fuck up, and get the fuck out.
Here are some words from an israeli posted on a message board i regularly attend about 3 months ago.

Hey V2, I've been getting pretty sentimental lately over my life because in 5 days from today I'm being drafted in to the Israeli Air Force. Now V2 has been a pretty important place for myself because you guys are the only people on this planet who know me as a manga reader or someone who just likes the stupid internet stuff :P so I just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with you guys about joining the army.

So I want to discuss the fact that I'm going in to the army and some Israeli politics, if you're interested please read, it shouldn't be too long.
Please stop.

So as you may know Israel doesn't have the friendliest neighbors in the world, which is a bit of an understatement. Ever since the country's foundation in 1948 we've been in a constant tense living space which is protected by the IDF (Israeli Defense Force). In a VERY short summary Israel has been founded on land that belonged to the british empire but was given to both the Jewish and the Arab population that were living here at the time. The Arab citizens declared war on the newly founded Jewish state because they didn't agree with the partition plan made by the British however they lost the war and Israel took over a lot of the land that was given to the Arabs. In so our main political issue started, the Arabs that lived in the areas that were taken over by Israel became Israeli citizens 15 years later after living under military rules. Their new founded citizenship wasn't welcomed gracefully though and even until today Arab citizens live as second rate citizens of Israel. So today you have many terrorist organizations which like to call themselves "freedom fighters". The Hammas, The Fatah and many more are organizations set out to hurt Israeli citizens. These Organizations send rockets flying in to Israel daily, have been setting off bombs and in the years between 2000-2006 over 1000 israeli citizens were killed. Ever since 2006 a wall had been built and our military pulled out of those lands decreasing the fatalities dramatically but every day the army protects our borders.
what if we reverse this idea. OPERATION DIAPER-HEAD
Thank you.

In 1967 Israel fought Jordan Egypt and Syria in the 6 day war and won, this war led to the issue known world wide as the Israeli Occupation. The Arabs that lived on the west bank of the Jordan river (The West Bank) were taken over by Israel, including the east side of Jerusalem. These people were under Jordan's regime but never became citizens of Jordan and in so Israel once more had these Arabs living under a military government which lasts til this day. With a lack of a nationality the Palestinian nationality was born with the founder Yasser Arafat. The Palestinian nationality basically doesn't recognize Israel and believe that the Jewish population stole their lands including the 1948 ones.

Now this is a very very very short summary of the whole history and it is much more intricate but this covers the gist of it all.

Now with me going in to the army I won't exactly see any Palestinians for a while, because I'm going to try and become a pilot... the training is very long. But in the case that I drop out or that I do become a pilot I will most likely be deployed to either do special missions within the Palestinian territory (that is today mostly governed by the Palestinian regime but is still under Israel's control) or if I become a pilot I might even have to bomb terrorist squads in the Gaza Strip.
Yes because the freedom fighters used those weapons to shoot up school buses and fire rockets randomly into major cites. *obvious sarcasm*
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Now when it comes to politics Israeli politics are pretty simple to understand. The economy doesn't really bother anyone and our government is an exact replica of the German government (except for a slight difference in our economic views) but mainly:

If you're left wing: You believe that what we're doing in the West Bank is unjust and they deserve a country.

If you're right wing: You believe that the fact that we still control the West Bank is our right to protect ourselves and until we negotiate peace, we won't leave.

Now both views are right and the question that comes to mind is; is it humane to save our own lives or is it unjust to be safe while others suffer?

I believe that I am more right wing but I still do believe it's unjust. Quite frankly I think that giving 3-12 years of my life (depending if I make it as a pilot) to the state in its' state of being right now is the right thing to do but I can only help and imagine why do I have to do this?

Why didn't anyone before me do a better job so I wouldn't have to join the army and risk my life while hurting others?
Why is there still no equality and can a Jewish democracy really exist with Arab citizens?

Anyways, I hope I come back every week to read One Piece :) and since I won't have any access to internet or my phone for an entire year (except for once a week) I bid you guys a warm farewell, and I hope you have some questions I can answer.
>but no one wants to help a good cause.

boo fucking hoo. I propose we save for a giant H-bomb, and drop it on gaza to relieve them of their suffering. Killing some jews along the process is just added bonus.
Why are you posting here? These pics deserve their own thread. Fuck the moralfags who keep asking to stop posting.
Fuck Muslims, they deserve every bit of shit they get.
Where is Spydey when we need him
trying to get the thread deleted because i cant stand rag heads
>implying no civilian casualties ever took place in the escapades of "le resistance"
>>429599481 (OP)
Fuck you and fuck those sand niggers.
>>429599481 (OP)
inafter jewish defence league saying no
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Muslim trash
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subject A - the girls, the shape and essence swirled, ready to grow straight up, it's never soon enough
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if you would kill a muslim for every €5 i donate,
im even willing to go broke
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they had it comming
thanks for bumping the thread and keeping it alive.
Yes my lord.
And how is this better than muslims wanting to kill westerners? Enough with the killing.

The resistance movements in Europe targeted military targets and industrial targets. Yeah there may of been some accidental deaths but that's just unlucky really and a part of war

The Hamas movement just target Israelis. They fire rockets into cities not with the purpose of attacking military targets but just to kill as many as possible. They also shoot up school buses and bomb cafes just to kill as many as possible

See the difference ?

We want to help good causes.

Good causes show up here ever day.
But this isnt one of them.
No. People are people. Does it matter if they wear a uniform? They will still be missed.

>wants to stop the killing
>thinks stopping the blockade and flooding the gaza strip with arms is a good way to do it
>>429599481 (OP)
Troll or OP is a white gay boy who loooooves sandnigger's cocks.
To give people a better life is not a good cause?
inb4 whiteknight and moralfags
Why didn't anyone before me do a better job so I wouldn't have to join the army and risk my life while hurting others?
Why is there still no equality and can a Jewish democracy really exist with Arab citizens?
>>429599481 (OP)

if it requires me opening my wallet and shelling out, I'm not interested. I can pray for them though. they like prayer over there.
What? You believe Israelis should have monopoly on killing people?
The military go to war knowing there is a risk and they accept that.

Civilians just are in the wrong place
Don't pray, do something useful instead.
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>>429599481 (OP)

Fuck you and fucking shithole village.
Im supporting israel all the way in this one.

Arabs are the most retarted pieces of shit I know.
Do they? Drafting? 3 year minimum service for all males over 18? Do you really think that all the boys in uniform are willing to die for stupid politics?
we give them money to make them live better
they multiply or just live better
israel comes bombs all athe shit
donations wasted
poor and middle class whichs belived they can change something
donated, lost money
(poor and middle class lost total amonth of donated money)
richfags and jews became richer.
even if israel is not bmb them they already hate everything
they gain power attack israel
murrica will invade with taxes and lives of poor and middle class
richfags sell money and shit get more rich
either way
richfags profit other lose no matter what
So, do you support Israel or Iran in that conflict?
>nice touch to support jews with a pic of Hitler
I guess we have 2 things in common. Your pics, and hatred for useless faggot sand niggers

Very interesting. Nice to hear from someone on the ground floor for a change.
Read the big blocks of text i copied from my other board, they are really enlightening.

But they still are part of a military force and know the risks and they are armed with weapons themselves.
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Just wanted people to remember this.
>>429599481 (OP)
aaaahaahahahaaahahahaa... no.
>>429599481 (OP)
Not your personal army.
What does that have to do with anything?

No. Its never good to give violent primitive people more resources.
Where would you be if it weren't for resources?
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They deserve that land as compensation.
Arabs dont cause they are all a bunch of sandnigger terrorists.

Not violent and primitive.
Oh, but why not just give them a few reservations and casinos in Germany where they can drink themselves to death? Why place them in the one piece of property that they are disliked the most?
omg that so disgusting.
please do not post more CP.
what ever you do, do not post more CP ITT
I beg you, just don't do it.
Its so wrong and morally questionable
Because there was already loads of Jews there
Oh, and there were none in Germany?
Argument please?
1/10 trying to get this thread deleted.

Plus promised land and all that stuff.
>>429599481 (OP)

people of GAZA....YOU MEAN arab terrorists that even the other Arabs don't want to deal with?

OH, the palerstinians can't do any more suicide bombing? They are butthurt
Today, dear /b/rothers, femanons and other miscreants lurking, I have a proposition.

For decades, the people of Europe have been living amongst muslims, under constant threat and fear to get bombed by jihad terrorists... Today, we at /b/ can make a difference. All I ask is that you vote to free the hero that Europe needs.

Let this be the day 4chan made a real difference in the world. Something we can all be proud of.

4chan, UNITE!

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Oh yea, it says so in the Bible - therefore it must be true.
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Now this I can donate to.
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Good one anon. I take it you didn't know any of his victims?
Why don't we send all our Black convicted drug felons to Gaza. The Jews and Muslims will stop fighting each other almost overnight.
There was barely any Jews in Germany for obvious reasons.

There was already more than 100,000 Jews in Palestine before Hitler even got started.

No but the jews think its true so it ads a nice little touch to it.
And how many palestinians?
wtf are you thinking? ARE you thinking?
there where millions of jews in germany back then
now its just about 10.000.

also, jews are 0,002% of the worlds population

making 50% of the worlds trouble.

hitler did nothing wrong.

Yeah but nobody likes palestinians.
What have they ever done to the world?!?
I mean jews gave birth to banking systems
and they do every hollywood movie these days.
I bet there are over 100.000 chinese people in the US. Let's open up the borders and flood all states with every chinese man, woman and child that wants to live there.
You aren't able to imagine the hatred and anger people have against other people who drive them out of their homes and kill their family since you most likely live comfortably in a western country.

We both know that you wouldn't just abide calmly to the Israelis and let them kill your friends and put you out of your house if you were in their shoes. Don't fool yourself, you'd also hate them with every fiber of your being. Whether you're being rational or not.
You mean Muslims.Palestine didn't exist as a country it was just part of the Ottoman empire and then Egypt and then Britain.

There was more Muslims than Jewish people yes. Does than mean the Jewish people shouldn't be allowed to live there?
>inb4 is a muslims war fund, ie they say it's one thing when what it really is a thing they use to buy more guns or something

good job getting lied to by sand niggers /b/ros
Yes I would attack their military for doing these things but I wouldn't shoot up schools and school buses
Fuck off OP, I was there. The people are filthy trash and they deserve the living conditions. inb4 lies. Ex military mother fucker.

I dont hate russians even thou they forced
my family out OUR land, Karjala.

So what is it that makes you so fuckin angry?

Knowing that you had relatives burn to death or what?

I dont get why you fucking ugly arabs have to be so butthurt for nothing.
I never said that. But they shouldn't be allowed to treat fellow humans as the nazis once treated their forefathers. Walling them up in ghettos and demanding papers at every crossing.
But ofcourse the money will be used to buy all sorts of rebuilding supplies/food/medical care didn't you hear? /sarcasm
I guess those fins forced to live there under soviet rule didn't like it very much.

Nope but we still didnt become terrorists.
Look where we have gotten doing just that.
First of all, I'm not an Arab so jokes on you. Second, all I care about is the people. Whether they're from Palestine or some other country. It's just unfair that Zionist Jews can kill civilians and get away with it.
Yes they should be treated better but to get that they need to stop saying that Israel should be destroyed and start trying to find a diplomatic solution. Also stopping the blockade and flooding the place with arms would just lead to another was and countless more deaths
lol, they fuck and spread like Rabbits! no wonder that their peace of land is overpopulated. Fuck them until they stop to fuck each other or learn how to use condoms. Fuckin sandniggers, create own problems out of nowhere and expect other to solve them

No its not.
Dont be naive.

Thats how the world works
and thats how the world should work.
*another war
Fuck muslims and jews. I'm not spending my money on them. Let them kill each other.
The majority just want Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders. Ever a good deal of the Israelis. The ones screaming destroy Israel are just bad apples. You find them in every country, and every religion.
im pretty sure america killed more and got away with it
Equally unfair.
You were the one defending terrorist attacks earlier or is it only bad to kill civilians when Jewish people do it
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OP, i'm on your side, but i'm too lazy to donate. let ahmadinejad solve that problem.
Thank you Chloe

They voted in a terrorist group as their leader and that terrorist group has always say destroy Israel.

And Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq tried to take on Israel and got their ass kicked and lost land because of it and you expect Israel to just give it back?
Freedom fighters=terrorists=freedom fighters.

Amerifags open your eyes.
>Most Jews in Europe get killed by Hitler
>They don't want to live in Europe any more
>UN says "Here, have this land. It can be a Jewish country so no more Hitlers."
>Jews: lolkay
>Butthurt Arab nations keep attacking and losing
>1967 rolls around
>Just about every one of Israel's neighbors starts amassing tanks and soldiers along the borders
>Israeli spies find out they're preparing to invade from all sides
>Israel does a surprise attack that destroys the entire enemy Air Force, and cripples their armies
>Israel wins 7 Day War, gives back most of the land it took as a token of good will
>On the defensive ever since
>Arabs still butthurt that they lost like ten thousand km^2 of useless desert
Because shooting up a school bus is totally fighting for freedom right?
Military has to abide by international law. I'm pretty sure those attacks were done by civilian individuals... Nice job labeling people.
because launching drone attacks on civilians is totally fighting for freedom right?
>>429599481 (OP)
Why would I support terrorists?
Gaza is the place where there's been given most money per square mile in the entire world. As long as Hamas is in power, there can be no negotiation only war.
If I could donate to Israels war effort I would.
This is like arguing reason with religious people...
Source please.
2/10 nobody gets trolled.
In Gaza? Those guys are the fucking government, you leftard
The passover massacre. A bombing attack on a hotel with civilians in. No military personal

That's terrorism and it was Hamas because they admitted to it and supported it
Yes you are as dense as religious people. Jesus Christ, you must be one of the single most retarded persons on 4chan.
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>Looking for Palestinian aid
>Posts on /b/

I'm calling troll on this. Wanna help the Palestinian cause but can't trust this guy or his little donation. Post pic of shoe on head w/timestamp and I'll think about it.
It's not fighting for freedom.
I disagree with drone attacks on targets that aren't 100% known to be terrorist areas.
Lillehammer, Norway 1994 - Mossad agents execute a Moroccan waiter in the street. His wife watching.

Not to mention all the other botched operations that claimed the lives of innocent people.
And you, must be American
Was the Norwegian civilian the intended target?
Mistaken identity. Best intelligence agency in the world. Yeah right.
So it was a mistake then. A shitty mistake but still a mistake

Now the civilians in the passover massacre. Were they the intended targets ?
While I must admit I can't find the source on my previous claim, here you can clearly see how much they get in aid.
I don't know. I guess they were, but nothing makes killing acceptable. Nothing.
>someone refutes my claim
So if I am? It doesn't make my opinion less valid. Xenophobic piece of leftist shit.
But alas, no I'm not an American. I'm from Denmark ,a place where you would, sadly, fit in quite well.
I believe you will find that the amount USA pours into Israel every year far surpasses the rest of the global aid - combined.
Sorry, forgot link
Do you think that killing a member of a terrorist group or engaging a military target is the same as killing a bunch of random civilians for no reason just wrong place wrong time?
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>Leftards actually believes this
Source, please.
Then we are neighbors, grønnjakke.
That still does not change anything. Israel are an occupying force, and they are responsible for each and every palestinian. The occupied however, have no such responsibilities.
I believe that the taking of a persons life is wrong no matter what.

Just google it.
Do not avoid the question

Do you think they are the same and equal in severity?
No amount of money will save you.

I'm sorry.

Natural selection at it's finest.
Oh hi OP, since I personally disagree with your opinion, I found my own solution.

Donated 20eu to the IDF, to make sure the shit gets solved there even faster. Except for the fact Palestine will be removed from the map. Whiiiiich also solves the problem.

I think it is equally wrong, yes.
Nothing can measure the bounds of my hatred for the Palestinians and their bullshit. The problem would have been solved if the other Arab countries would have just assimilated the 'refuges' (it would have been easy as they are muslim and arab to).
You should find some other brutalitarian opressive regimes to support while you are at it.
So if I killed a man holding a weapon who would kill me if I gave him a chance to and if I killed a 10 year old kid would you say that they are equally wrong
Thanks OP, I just donated $20.00 dollars, will donate again.
The killing, yes. Your personal reason for doing what you did is something else.
Oh Jesus, why doesn't it surprise me one bit that you're from Scandinavia.
And, no I'm not member of any radical right-wing movement. I voted for the Social Democrats last election.
But really, us Scandinavians are all to stuck up our own ass, try to get a realistic view on the world, all too many of us can't understand why the harsh realities of the world. And hating on America... Come on, be more original next time.
fuck those sandmonkey niggers

i hope they all die like they lived, knee deep in their own shit
I'm sorry, i'm a hard working student going for my Master which works 35 hours a week and studying most of the rest of the time.

20eu was all I could miss, but it's for a good cause OP!

Also, you shouldn't ask other people for money, you should score a boat and break the gaza blockade! Do something yourself you lazy guy!
I'm not the one hating here. I'm trying to help a people who are in a shitty situation. And not everyone there chose that life. They couldn't chose were they were born.
But would you give them the same jail sentence for example
You must be a suicidal humanist to believe in this. You live WAY to comfortable if you even can begin to think this way.
You know, try live a year in Palestine and I'm sure your opinion on this matter changes drastically
I don't believe in punishment.
Nah he only donates to democracies, unlike you who support terrorism.
Why do you think I want to help the people living in Palestine?
So I could walk up to you now. Give you a slap and take your phone and you wouldn't report me to the police?
The majority is lying. The instant Israel goes to 1967 borders the majority will come up with another bogus demand.

You can't undo history and you can't go back and say one war doesn't count.
This thread was dildos to begin with but it just got worse
Would the police undo the slapping and theft? No? And if that was the only way you could get a shitty Nokia I would pity you.
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>>429599481 (OP)
These things usually work themselves out
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stop begging, we already did our part

germanfag here
I'm not hating either. I just don't think that an organisation that see themselves as martyrs for blowing up a school is not worthy of giving money to fight against the only democracy in the entire region.
But it would set and example that people can live a life and do what ever they want without consequence

What about Breivik. Should he go free?
I'm not asking anyone to support Hamas. I want to help the people of Gaza. They are the ones suffering...
Breivik is a sick man. He should be treated in a hospital. But killing him/jailing him would not undo what he has done.
He doesn't want to go to hospital and by making him go you are forcing him and therefore punishing him
Holy fucking Christ!
You are way to privileged. Wait to the day your daughter got raped or murdered, then you'll want to kill that faggot that's for sure
You is the fucking cancer killing all of Western civilization.
Over-privileged, white, middle class who think that the entire world is just like their own white suburb.
I don't get why you blame Jews for everything you're fucking stupid, you're argument is that money hungry faggots but the truth, you only seen that shit in south park lol you wouldn't have the balls to say it in public so you dis them on /b/, tough cunts the lot of ya, I personally don't give a crap about them and don't see them as a threat, when it comes to religion they leave everyone alone, and don't slam you with UR GOING TO HELL IF YOU DONT BELIEVE unlike Muslims, in there bible it says it's not a sin for them to kill non-Muslim, so yes they are a threat, live in peace or not at all, IDF FTW!!!!
If you're country is poor the best thing to do is to ask the Queen of England if your country can join the commonwealth. The Queen will be obliged to visit and the countries conditions will improve. I'm from the future and Somalia do this in 2017
It's better than what some people would do to him if they let him go free.
the people of Gaza voted for Hamas. They deserve their suffering.
You could give him a new identity therefore removing that threat

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