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This week 4chan turned 9 years old *click*


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You know how all the dubs but 00 are gone from /b/? Well if you will all just infect /r9k/ with your cancer, you can have gets again. That's right. /r9k/ has all the dubs you guys miss.

So let's all go to the new /b/. It's called /r9k/.
Come on guys, this will be an awesome raid.
Everyone asleep or what?
count me in!

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Tri force girl on the pole with an unaltered facebook pic name. Good shit. Now let's go to /r9k/ and fuck up the place.
Not your personal army gtfo fag
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Ok, time for the big guns. I offer two headed girl!
You are all so edgy.

Sincerely, /r9k/.
Crybaby from /r9k/
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>>429015240 (OP)
>mfw Two years ago I was browsing only /b/
>mfw I think r9k>/b/
r9k is full of future serial killers, it's too edgy for you

fuck off
/r9k/ has 4M get coming up. Get your asses over there and get!
So is 666.
Who the fuck cares about dubs
Old /b/
Funny. I created this thread to get some /b/ over on the robot. And I got the 666 get. I'm calling it a win and going to bed.

By the way, the porn is better on /r9k/ too, but not monitored as closely as /hc/. Take your cheese pizzas and head on over for some gets!
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>mfw anyone could think r9k could be ">" than anything
that board is pure pathetic
Sure it is. And the 12 people that use it are pathetic as well. But we can piss those 12 fags off.
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>Mfw newfags
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>>429015240 (OP)
Not gonna happen. Only OC allowed on r9k. Something /b/tards are seemingly unable to do.
We got a beast trip get and a god trip get over there in the same thread. Shit was slightly cash.

Unfortunately, this is true. /b/ can't OC to if it was the price for getting laid... by a human female.
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I did make some OC, but it was just cheap paint crap.



Tard urself here and now
Hello /b/.

Stay here and stop infecting our board with your bullshit.


-Some Anon from /r9k/
This board is full of underage
This. You twelve year olds don't even understand the purpose of /r9k/; it was made to filter your shit.
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>mfw all you faggots get filtered

>have fun with your shitty raid newfaggots

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