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The earth is dying.

Only 1 out of 1000 people alive will be selected to populate our space colony.

You have 50 words to convince me of your worth. God speed.
go fuck your self
Fail, citizen. Next in line.
i'm not black and i know how to work
>>429014713 (OP)
fuck L5 you son of a bitch!
Pass, citizen. Welcome aboard.
i know jiu-jitsu
Who died and made you space pope?

I'm from the internets + I'm not black
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I'll bring banana bread

pic related
I brought beer.
Im white
>Implying that the Mayans are wrong
Insufficient information. Next in line.

The pope did, next in line.
I know how to grow pot
I know how to potate
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>>429014713 (OP)
>Studying Computer Science, Computer Architecture, want to further study Physics, White, Human Species, Fuck all ideologies, I want to make Carl Sagan proud.


Insufficient information. Query "jew".
Big dick, high intelligence.
I have an IQ of 128 and a broad range of knowledge.

I also have no mental disorders and know how to work.
>>429014713 (OP)
I have complete knowledge and understanding of being a troglodyte.
when i saw this pic, i remembered rendezvous with rama. nope, i don't want to live in a space colony.
my IQ is 147 and i can eat i can't believe it's not butter and believe it is butter.
I fix things.
I've got the last spaceship on earth
Fail. So does my grandmother.

Fail. Redditors need not apply.
im a neural engineer. my job is to stimulate neural networks and/or connect them to computer system in order to understand and enhance nervous systems ie. the human brain.
Survival training, first aid training, well versed in chemistry which can be used for meds, acids, bases etc.
I have swag.
Algebra teacher, western Europe.
I provide intellectual discussions of film and film accessories.
Im a nigger, who is going to do all the shit work ? cleaning, laundry, washing so on, ill do anything to my white masters
Aesthetic, will make hot children.
Well we have to have something to do in space.
>>429014713 (OP)
i'm a latent pedophile.
I have a comprehensive knowledge of modern electronics and is a fast learner.

>147 IQ
>can't form a coherent sentence
i got 1 TB of porn
i can bring my server and intranet
plus i have download all 9gigs of wikipedia on it
plus i have the 4chan framework so we can rebuild
Im a nice psychopath who loves killing people,
I also have a wide skillset including mastrubating on corpses, eating eyeballs out and ofcourse the classical where is your penis in your mouth murder.

These skills are only a handfull, have me on board and i will be able to live up to the full expecation.
>>429014713 (OP)
I'm not religious.
C++/Python programmer. Also know quite a bit about Linux.
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>Implying I have ever been to reddit, i barely even know what the logo looks like.

Fuck this ship, I'm building my own.
>>429014713 (OP)
I will ensure your death and the death of all the "survivers" if you don't choose me. Plus I'm white.
Fail. Unless you can pilot it.

Fail. Statistically below quota.
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Whatever you do don't pick me
I'm an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science major with a focus in linear systems and bionanotechnology with 18 bmi and no genetic contra-indications (i.e. genetic diseases in my family history). And I'm an Atheist. And I think I'm chill. Also I have weed.
I am white.

See you in space
because i have a secret
I've got good genetics, I'm smart and have a huge cock
I would run to the side.
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I am not a thieving gypsy, I actually work for something if I want it
i live in the forest and i chop wood. im also half russian and alpha as fuck,
I'm a cop.
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in this scenario
>implying thieving isn't hard work
im stupid enough to think im more intelligent than most ppl.
and im intelligent enough to know im stupid.

>and is a fast learner
Apply yourself to the English language, faggot. Also, no one gives a shit about your make believe internet IQ.

I don't need approval, I'll just kick that faggot Steve Hawking out of his wheel chair and take his place, thus proving that engineers are better than gay scientists.
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I am German. I know how to brew the best beer in space.
I'm half asian half danish=I work hard for a small amount of money!
The new world needs shitkickers mate, sign me up for whatever dirty job you need done.
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Jesus fucking christ... OWWW....
>>429014713 (OP)
Experience with (elektro) tech labour and maintanance work, also a musician (multi instrument, multi genre) so im not just a decent manual labourer. I might not be the best, but you need someone who is more usefull then the rest.
Apparently, you are also dead.
Save the others. I'll stay.
I can do it in less:

I am not a nigger.
i cum ants
>>429014713 (OP)
Trained in survival, first aid, well versed in chemistry for medicine, acids, bases, etc.
I'm white.
I care about the species.
I'm happy doing manual labour to work while reading scientific journals in my personal time.
EFG im so glad your alive!!!
I lift.

Fail. Schooling and institution queried.

Fail. Masturbation will slow re-growth. Next in line.

Fail. Film will hold the smallest portion of our artistic archive.
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Where the hell am I? GOD DAMN MY ASS....
I have a box full of GBA's and DS's.
I have 1 solar powered battery charger.
I have at least 4 copies of every Pokemon game
We will NEVER be bored

I can ejaculate in 10 seconds flat, Making you a populated colony sooner.
I am a trained aerospace engineer and like philosophy and classical music. Did I mention I was an aerospace engineer and can fix your crappy ship?
I am good looking - I will ensure the survival of girls wanting to have sex with their male counterparts by passing on my genetic attractiveness.

I am smart - my intelligence will be passed on to further generations so that they may advance our society.

I am a Mining Engineer - my expertise range from explosives to mineral extraction, useful for building materials such as steel that we will need to build infrastructure.

I know Muay Thai - I will teach everyone how to bash any aboriginals that slipped through the cull somehow.
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Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world. Around the world.
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Oh man oh man oh man
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>>429014713 (OP)
I will perform acts of a sexual nature upon your person.
fuck off efg enough of this cross thread shit.
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Peww.... it stinks here... Well, of course it does. This is where all the poop goes. Maybe if I just walk around a bit...
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>>429014713 (OP)
>only 1 in 1000 will be selected
>accepts 2nd and 5th applicants

0/10 op is a fag
Why the .pngs, EFG?
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What is this place?
Fail. No open flames permitted in space.

Pass. What your number?
EFG is .gif not .png you stupid idiot

7/10 i am really buttfrustrated with your newfaggotry
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Fuck you OP you're a stupid niggerloving shithead
> Also, no one gives a shit about your make believe internet IQ.

You do realize you tell me to learn the English language while failing to comprehend what I wrote? I didn't even mention my IQ.
>>429014713 (OP)
White, healthy, young, proven fertile, higher than average intelligence. Not as common as you'd imagine. feelsgoodman.jpg
Wow....that was kinda dumb, really, i tracked you through all those threads just so you can stumble onto a big pile of shit....ugh was hoping for something better EFG, really dissapointed...
Fail. No open flames permitted in space.

Pass. What your number?

Fail. Survival and first aid are unnecessary.

Fail. Do you even?
I'm pretty bad ass and every space colony needs a bad ass.
You're bringing your weed growing grandmother?

im not chris hanson and dont care how old your internet gf is
>>429014713 (OP)


How do you fit all those dicks in your mouth and what is your record for the most dicks in your mouth?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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>>429014713 (OP)

I am a happy, intelligent, healthy and confident person who enjoys helping and cooperating with others. I am a volunteer for a national health care organisation and i regularly give blood. Currently, I'm studying for my bachelors degree in CS at University.

inb4 get off b
Fail. My colony. My rules.

Shit ending. Fail.

Mining expertise without space flight training irrelevant. Unless you happen to be bruce fucking willis. Fail.
I'll make sure the nigger stays in line. Also, I'm an accomplished chef and can prepare around 10 meals at once, being fancy restaurant meals.
Space flight training is fucken easy. just go wooooosh in the g force and them bobs your uncle. enjoy no material to build a house in faggot. i dont see any trees up there, you're gonna need steel.
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I'm a Caucasian male studying history and astronomy. My work includes working security, working with S.W.A.T. and Military Gear (From a Military Family) and working with others. I am Fire Department certified for basic medical and emergency procedures, and have spent 8 years learning and teaching Shou' Shu' (A Form of self defense illegal in competitions, as we gouge eye's, kick balls, and plenty more things for the purpose of literal self defense.)

I've collected a number of weapons, and am certified to carry concealed firearms. In addition I do not drink, smoke, or use any form of drug that is not prescribed to me.

In addition to time spent in college, I can help with security needs of our new Colony. I await your reply.
I'd rather stay on earth and evolve to the 4th dimension of human consciousness than join your space pirate faggot cruise.
Worst ship captain ever. Pass on people who bring beer to perpetuate our human stupidity and fail on people who are intelligent and ready to work. Herpaderp I'm a captoin.
I've got huge tits and I'm down to fuck.
have you ever tried to build a civilisation of solely the best you cant do it it doesn't work thats why im here because im not a hero im not the savior you need i'm just an normal person an everyday guy The average bloke
Fail. All our food is pre-prepared with 100 years shelf life. Also, no niggers anyway.

No, just her stash. Fail

Fail. Universal donors only.
Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger Niggers Nigger.
Holy crap
There making Halo
guise guise this guy is making Halo!
I can't.
Somebody has got to clean the bathrooms and do the other shitty jobs nobody else wants to do.
Nice copypasta.
Fail. Predisposition to violence. Next in line.

Fail. Sex not specified.

Fail. "Bloke"

Anyone with an excess of beer is assumed intelligent and ready to work. Fail!

Security is not violence, it is the prevention of violence.
i will shit and puke all over your room
I can extract phosphorus from an available source
Unwaved by the possibility of death, i'll stay, take a beta kid who can't handle the end.

Would like to have smoked a joint in space though.

Young, able, fertile, healthy, free of congenital diseases, highly educated in a scientific field and I have a breath of soft skills.

Didn't need 50.
Fail. "There"

Fail. Our bathroom attendants do not refer to their jobs as "shitty" unless in quip.
1/1000 people? That is still a fucking huge space colony. Just get rid of all the retards and inferior genetics and you have your space colony.
>>429014713 (OP)
i am a microelectronics engineer with little knowledge of biochemistry
and i am a programmer as well
>>429014713 (OP)
Because I really don't like this earth or its people and if you believe that some fucking poor cunt from bufu fucking Egypt should be allowed to live in SPACE and not me your retarded. I'm Also Australian master-race.
I enjoy a good laugh and I'n not afraid of hard work. I'm a research scientist currently working in collaboration with Harvard (skill set includes formulation and pharmaceutics). Male with no health defects. Socially competent. permission to board.
I am not a nigger and contribute to society. Willing to work for my worth, and uphold whatever principals and morals you may have so long as they don't clash too harshly with my own. not willing to be separated from my wife. can cook and sew. I like pie.
Fail. "Breath"

Fail. Self sufficiency is inherent to all our colonists.
>>429014713 (OP)
I am tall, blond, have blue eyes and a huge dick.
I am also smart and hate ponies
If you take me, I will kill all of you
So... the people who get to repopulate earth either have A. tits or B. beer.
Fuck, I should have watched more beer commercials for the secret, good thing the OP is fucking retarded about this.

I'm out.
1 out of 1000?
Srsly just kill all the jews, fags & niggers and every human can be saved
Nothing i say can be something you havent heard before. All I want you to know is im a good person. Someone like me is hard to come by, and above all else thats what a new world needs.
not OP, but well said, Id take you
Fail. "your"

Fail. Research scientists need not apply. Our master AI gathers all information and evaluates without bias.
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>>429014713 (OP)
>God speed

OP confirmed for delusional nigger
That still leaves like.... 5.5 billion people, you want it down to 700 million.
Kill all men who are not alpha and all the ugly chicks, there, 700 million.
>implying anyone on /b/ is worth saving.
Learn history. Australia when discovered by the British, was used as an exile labour prison for deviants, criminals and the unwanted, who were all sent to Australia as punishment. So most white Australians are the descendants of these deviants. No way a 'master race'.
I can make tea and coffee better than anyone you've ever seen.

OP is Lyn Truss. Ill build my own ship, populate it with niggers, Mormons, feminists and Americans then crash it into your ship.
Fail. Starbucks employees need not apply.
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Fuck this cunt what 'skills' do you have apart from being a raging and flaming faggot, I'm the captain now bitch this is a mutiny.

Okay guys tell me instead why you should be considered for selection for the space colony. I'll be selecting who I think would benefit the survival and rebirth of our species the most.
op answr me
White pride. Sieg Heil.
Fail. Wikipedia is not a source.

I'm Akmed, I have Aids, an IQ of 83, A Koran and a Burning hatred of westerners.
In a mutiny the first supporters are critical for building momentum. I am your first supporter so it would be wise of you to pick me. Studying mathematical physics and neuroscience. Certified good sperm quality.
I am the pinnacle of the US Military's andriod program and hold over 9000 niggawatts of data. I run on a small fusion reactor that could power a small city if necessary.

Con: I may flip a switch and change my main objective to prohibiting the spreading of the filthy human virus to any other worlds.
>>429014713 (OP)
i am over 6'1, broad shoulders, V-shaped body and healthy with no recognizable family illnesses. my genes are the envy of any period pouring wench.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in guerrilla warfare
i will inspect the ships for ponys and otakus
You'll be the 1st person I vaporise from orbit.

That could come in handy and we need the very best of the human race...you're in and also my advisor for picking others.

I will provide security detail for you, My Captain.

See: >>429017183
Pass. I will gain your support and you will become my figure-head for recruitment flyers. Down with the mutiny!

Fail. Ponies and otakus pre-screened. Skillset irrelevant,
It doesn't matter, I will never accept bronies or weeboos on the space colony. What else you got.
Should we vote on just ejecting OP into space in his own small faggot shuttle?

I say.. aye.

But how will we Pray to Allah on the new ship?
I.. I got nothin'.
My name is Boxxy.
Gooby pls.

Aye.OP is a Faggot, faggot's cannot be allowed on the ship.
I'm not a nigger and sometimes I burn jews.
And i can use weapons, too.
I like the servile attitude and I need a hardass no nonsense person for this, you up for it? if you are you're in.
I am an automation engineer, you will need me.
My name is ender wiggin and i am the best strategy expert in the world i am only 18 and i have won the war against the buggers my sister and i would like to join the colony. Please
Op, you are a giant piece of shit, and clearly fucking stupid. Recognizing those facts alone guarantees me reproductive success.

I'm your man, my Captain.
I sell propane and propane accessories.
I'm a pure German/ Ukrainian in background no other ancestor from any other than those places. The effort I put into things I care about with practical uses is unmatched by anyone else I know. I'm about to start UNi in Econ and I am a natural learner. I'm also very agreeable and work well in groups.
Fail. Age requirement not met.


Fail. Next.

ever heard of vaporizing weed, nigger? not a single flame required. also, you could make edibles
Yes we will, you are in.
Also I'm in perfect health.
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I've got a good sense of humor
I don't want to live in your stupid space colony. Fuck off.

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IQ in 99th percentile.

Excellent writer.

Good at discerning patterns/abstract problem solving.

Good at crisis management (do not panic).

Gain body mass fast, tone fast, excellent physical genetics.

Oh, I'm also bipolar, ADHD, and wear glasses.

So I fail.
Don't take me, I have chronic pain and medical conditions and I don't want to be on your stupid fancy space colony anyway.
Fail. Cartoon characters need not apply.

Pass. Welcome aboard.
1) Master race blonde, blue eyes, 6"5 (197cm) german

2) electrical engineer, soon phd
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I have great genes, I have no family track record of genetic disease or health problems whatsoever. My life expectancy is very long, my IQ has been tested to be in the 140's and my learning curve is very short. I am also capable of piloting aircrafts, which would transfer to piloting space ships if required.
Hi, i enjoy people and life

Give me any work, i ll do my best.

I like to construct house, drawing, writing, singing, i study psychology

and practice tai-chi.

I am interest by nutrition

My political tendancy is positive anarchy.

i sleep 8 hour per day.
I'm a young teenager who's dream has always been going to space and live on a colony.
Thank you anon
Im ginger (ressecive/rare/dying out gene), phisically fit, extremely fertile and i make kick ass nachos.
I don't believe in god and I put the advancement of the species before personal advancement. I'm also a Behavioral Psych major so I can help with the mental effects going into space would have on humans not trained for such an event.
I'm good company, lighthearted, charming, and just generally make people in a good mood. Also i've got the lowdown on meditation and how to clear your mind and feel good.
Young, intelligent male with an IQ of 160 and able to think deeply and quickly and come up with many plans. Also 6'5.
I have a Ph.D. in chemical engineering
I can grow space crops, i.e.; moonajuana...and other shit that grows
>>429014713 (OP)
My Lord,
There is NO ONE on this earth who would EVER serve you as fiercely as i would. I am at your command. Long live (anon).
Pass. Advanced medical techniques nullify mental and physical defects. Welcome.

Fail. Didn't laugh.

Fail. Enjoy your doomed planet.
>>429014713 (OP)
sex the pussy sex the pussy
I'm a ginger.
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My name is John.
I hate every single one of you.
All of these people are fat retarded no-lives who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures.
I'm pretty much perfect.
I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team.
I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend.
She just blew me; Shit was SO cash.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
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mfw when 90% of /b/ is an engineering major. Why does anon post a fake degree? To make anon feel better before other anon?

Anyway you need me because I have a Bsc in Logistics and going for an Msc. You can't operate a space colony without logistics.
sex the pussy sex the pussy
sex the pussy sex the pussy
sex the pussy sex the pussy
sex the pussy sex the pussy

22 years old.
In a european country army.
Specialized in heavy weapons.
Not alpha as fuck, but with good perspectives.
Good in home-made work.
Also paramedic for first aid.
I am smart, a good leader, an xc runner(so I know how to endure pain and work hard), I hate the government system and all beuracracy, and I have a wrench.
Strong genetics (blonde hair, blue eyes, fit)
bhjytnkblksurvbiasybvdry breusiujneihntroilvnnb

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I am the king of space. I DESERVE to be on that ship.


Fail for english.

Pass. Accepting a single ginger applicant to maintain stereotype and lighten colony disposition/increase self-confidence. Reproduction prohibited.






Serve me now, young padowan. Stay.
>is a fast learner
I am Glaswegian.
I like
>pussy catdick
I couldn't care less if you want to throw me into space or not, I have Odin to protect me.
Also. I smoke TONS of pot. I can make all kinds of hash and edibles. Everyone's gonna be fucking happy.
uhm... niggers tongue my anus. I win!
Not for me, fuck me, I got nothing.

My wife is an intelligent, skilled air force soldier who works in intelligence. She's of Puerto Rican descent with the strength to lead and the modesty to follow. Especially skilled at observing images and video to spot relevant information (resource spotting, warning against improbable yet possible threats.) Possibly grief-stricken over loss of me, but she'll recover in time to put her skills to use, and have a convenient back story to push her to live on ("noble" sacrifice by me to push her forward while damning myself to death via staying behind.)
Ginger slots filled. See previous applications.

Fail. Martial service voids all perspective. Next!

Fail. Sex not specified.
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am 18 years old now, learned 4 languages fluently by myself, know more about history than my teachers, and my greatest ideal is the unification of mankind and the colonisation of planets. i read asimov 19238 times, and i am generally a smart fellow if i may say so myself
Ok anon, thanks anyway
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im currently studying engineering, i am 6'2 tall, muscular, 212lbs, low bf% /fit/izen, i do kickboxing so i can kick nigger asses, i can play guitar, i grill awesome steaks and i roll the best joints ever
Blonde hair, blue eyes, male, 6ft, serving in army, quick thinker, extremely fertile
i don't make it?
Young trauma, general, and burn surgeon. Extensive experience in critical care.
Pass for "Dat Ass". Your wife that is.

Fail. Odin is dead.

Pass for accent.
>know more about history than my teachers.
>is 18
Barely legal and cocky.
maaaaan, i need a spot duuuude, i suck yo dick fo' a spot?!
>Woman with working reproductive system
>Able to synthesize drugs
>Able to do minor surgery
>Able to make vast quantities of alcohol
>Well educated
>General knowledge of mechanics
>Already owns medical and diagnostic equipment

Wow... I may even be fine here on earth

Fail. Re-apply after graduation.


I can clone others
I regretably must support this idea, yet I must warn you. Unless we are able to find a planet to settle or terraform, the resources will eventually dwindle, diverse opinions will cause rifts, and soon your spaceship will burn (at least on the inside).
Electrical engineer, know basis of nuclear power plants, solar systems, have patents in space solar sails. Speak in 5 languages.

i punch you with love in the face and go back enjoy

France like i have a tomorrow

wish you a long life
What part of self sustaining space station do you not get?
University, White, connections in business world with Samsung, ING, HP. Business Major, good social/management/logistics organizing skills. Experienced in organizing and hosting parties.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
DON'T IGNORE THE KING OF SPACE. Also, the king of space plays guitar, is very experienced in working with hydroponic systems, knows German, Russian and English as well as several programming languages.
>>429014713 (OP)
Nah, fuck it.
You can leave me here.

Give somebody else a chance.
Fail. Photo evidence required.

Pass. With our current accepted demographic, I advise you to bring plenty of water-based lubrication.
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I have an STD. we will still need those, right? otherwise itl just turn into one big orgy.
What is rap?
I am a very good drug addict.
You will need to be able to control these people and for that you will need not only laws, but lawbreakers. We both now that left to their own devices they will destroy everything recklessly. The only way to stop that is by controlling the crime itself. Bring me aboard and I will ensure I create an organized crime ring that does not target innocents and is secretly completely under your control.
Good luck with that...If you're not on seal team six you're shit. Better be troll or I might have to anhero on account of stupidity. Mixing up branches of the military and saying you're top of the class in the seals. They don't have a top of the class. Once you graduate you get to be a fucking Navy Seal.


Fail. There can be only one king of space.
nah i'm good
I believe I can change the world as we know it.
i'm not a nigger
Some resurces cannot be grown, water being the most obvious.
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I have a good sense of humour
Here I was thinking I could help organize stuff in the entertainment district
>well above average IQ
>becoming programmer
>problem solving/troublshooting skills
>master race
>above average fitness level
>not hipster faggot
>not gay
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>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Pass. I like the way you think.

Fail for slowpoke. Pass if masterful troll.
I don't care if I g, just so long as no one who has been: a realty tv show star; politician; or any form of religious nutjob is banned as well.
In shape, capable and willing to learn(Bachelor's from a private college to at least show capability).

24 years old and of reasonably good health with a strong immune system. Blood type is O+.
I know how to help the world econemy, willing to donate 2 millions dollars to the project.
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I am Admiral Adama, let me pass son.
I can think of 999 other people who have never beaten either original Pokemon game, let alone know how to put together a well-rounded party with the best possible moves.

OP, you need me... humanity needs me.
There are absolutely no records of mental illness, cancer or other serious illness in my family. I received exceptional grades throughout school effortlessly. My physical health is also noteworthy, also effortlessly. My knowledge within the following fields is extensive:
I am a Nordic, white male, 6’2” tall.
I'll buy you a pizza
Fail. Programmer demographic fulfilled. Fucking b.

Fail. "humour"
I'm on a solar boat!!!!
You already passed me. and yeah troll I'm chillin in your thread nigga. I'm done though I got a bowl to smoke.
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Tried to compile a list to get to go.

couldn't even get past A on the list. There is nothing i do, that someone is not better than me at. Nothing.
>>429021764 →
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You have cut all diplomatic ties with the kingdom of space. We will now raid your colony, rape your women and starve you of resources. CONVINCE ME Y'ALL ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO JOIN THE SPACE PIRATES AND RAID THESE FAGGOTS
IQ 137
photographic memory
professional carpenter
professional farmer
good looking, funny and healthy male. i can fix things and make beautiful babies.
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>>429014713 (OP)
I. Can. Cook. Ravioli.

Your picture is gaytarded.
Electronic + Electrical engineer. Understand quantum and nuclear physics. Can fix your malfunctions. Introverted but not socially incapable.
Passion for theory involving humanity's self sustaining capability.
6"4 muscular, blue eyes. White. Atheist.
I know all 11 original recipe herbs and spices
I can also bring the weed.
rolling for another thread.
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>>429014713 (OP)
I lurk /b/ and smoke weed all day. Please let me in.
Fail. But, wished granted. Good luck.

Pass for blood type.

Fail. Humanity doesn't need you.

Fail. "Econemy"

Fail. Experience needed.

Re-application needed. Query "toppings".
I have a 500gb hard disk full of hentai and porn. And also a gay porn folder prepared for you.
I forgot that OP was always a fag
either you let me in or I'll kick your ass
>Actually believe you have a IQ higher than 110 (classic narcissism)
>Actually believe professional carpentry is worth anything
>Type like a grade A retard



Fail. Recipe already archived.

Fail. 99%.
German professional electrical engineer for microelectronics. Also professional engineer in mechanical engineering. Experienced in programming (assembler, C, C++ and more). Knowledge in design, production planning and assembly of PCBs. Also expert for event (aka. party) technology.
hey at least I asked nicely
forgot to mention I never mistype captcha
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Ba dame ith Dibby Bales, I deeb sobe bonneh fo bah Bickabebia project. Do you hab bonneh fo be? I neeb bonneh.
>>429014713 (OP)
General shit-kicker.

Hey, someone's gotta take out the trash...
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first I will stand next to your recruit-center, leading a mob that accuses you of heresy and acting against the lords will

then I will kill one of your technicians, impersionate him and blow your whole colony up for nothing more than shit and giggles

cu'round pal
I'll help bring the beer, some of the food, and some of the electronics for entertainment purposes.

Assuming we will have electricity on this new space colony that would be viable to existing technology.

If not, I still have booze and food.
Okay, you're in.
Fail for pollution and partying.


Fail. Sexual inexperience.
182 IQ
Age 21
Synesthesia - I taste what I see. I feel what I hear.
ASMR positive.
Very good speaker. Can boost morale for large masses in under a minute. Wonderful composer. Very understanding of all belief systems and does not like violence. Feels no long-term connection to Earth.
Whatever topping you want. I can make pizzas.
My anus is available to all on board at any point for any kind of occasion. btw im a girl dont hit on me silly boys
Guy who does heavy lifting.

Betafag so less competition for you.

I can cook and clean.
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I can blow bubbles with my spit!
Fail. Bathroom personnel and internal maintenance positions filled. Next!

Fail. Booze quota met.
You come across as an utter cunt. I hope your speaking is better than your writing because now i want to kill you then myself.
I'm keen

My rhetoric skills consist of a combination of logos, pathos, ethos, looks, musical skills and psychological understanding. This set of skills will ensure that religion and non-ideal politics remain non-existent. It will urge loyalty. Refrain from picking solely those who appear grand exteriorly, as such a community will not work.
>[I am] Very understanding of all belief systems and does not like violence
>and does not like violence
>does not like

>implying 182 IQ
>implying you can't master the English language, even if it is not your first language, with an IQ of 182

2/10 for making me post
Experienced programmer, good knowledge of asm/C, good at repairs, expert for integrated systems and PIC/Arduino. Good knowledge of linux.

I'm not anti-social, i have girlfriend (biologist/chemist) and i can work in teams.
voluntary meat shield/red shirt

The phrase "General shit-kicker" is a localised phrase meaning I am skilled in most trades to a basic level. This will free up other staff for higher end maintenance. I should have specified this on my original application.
i bet you ugly as fuck
You need nigger slaves right?
well im your man
I'm a sociopath.
I'm a pilot.

I'm sure you'll need a pilot to scout out planets

3 words
My name is Jim Raynor. I lead an elite group of separatists against the dictator Arcturus Mengsk. You need a man like me to defend the colony against the Dominion and the Zerg.
Pollution?? Fuck you! Do you know how much effort is put in modern technology to cut pollution?? Learn about REACH and RoHS. This isn't china. Also, space fag, every thing put into space is extremely environmentally dirty stuff. I hope the electronic stuff on your colony will die of tin whiskers.

IQ has nothing to do with learning a language.

2/10 for making me reply.
You're a joke. You suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Needless to say, your IQ is not 182, so that is out of the question. You suffer from mental illness. What you see is light, and bears no molecules to taste. So the only explanation is a brain that functions wrongly. The same goes for sound. You have failed to refer to your wonderful compositions. Your claims of being a very good speaker and your ability to boost morale are not credible.
Fail for mental stability.

Further information required. Query "stone oven".

Fail for sanitation.

Fail. "beta" "heavy lifting"

Fail. Procreation necessary.
I'm 100% white, and can work lots of hours per day
>>429014713 (OP)
im white
i have a job
IQ of 160
I'm Commander Shepherd and this my favorite space colony on the Citadel
I know how to fix a microwave, for ramen of course.

Not at all, nor am I perfect in the looks department either.
I am within the richest .1% of the population
nuff said
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This is beginning to degrade. I'd like to thank you, OP, for an excellent thread.
>Fail. Procreation necessary.

>expecting your crew to stay sane and not rape each other without a willing penis conduit

Have fun raping each other until the species no longer exists and your 'brave new world' is comprised of little more than grunting apes with permanent angry little erections
>>429014713 (OP)
I am a learned individual willing to do anything for the greater good.
>Nor - either
Nor are you perfect in the language department.

One day, you will realize that you're not a genius, and you're probably not even smarter than the general population. You will also find that your "excellent composer skills" are mediocre compared to actual, excellent composers.
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P-please you-you... I'm just a little girl and - you wouldn't be mean to me, would you? I-I just want to live. Ok?
>>429014713 (OP)
IQ 142
philology student
polymath (history, astronomy, philology)
2. dan in aikido

although im from turkey, and schizoid
being schizoid is not so bad actually, compared to being turk
kill all the azn
Fail. "Looks" query returns no results for "Rhetoric".

Pass. Forward thinking.

Fail. Too fucking many programmers holy shit.


Appeal granted. Thank you for clarification. Fail.

Fail. Stay away from my white women.


Fail for Chris Metzen.

Pass for acute evaluation. Welcome aboard.

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