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I'll be doing the first "PMQ style" Q&A thread (details) on /q/ this Wednesday at 10:00PM ET. Look for a link in the global announcement area.

PS: You can hide these announcements with the [-] button to the left now. It'll automatically show new ones and keep old ones hidden.

Janitor applications are now closed. Thanks to everyone who applied! We received 7,500 in 24 hours.

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In addition to the extension, 4chan now has a read-only JSON API. Crude documentation is available on GitHub.Our inline extension now supports image hover previews, and contains a few small tweaks.

File: 1347473305586.png-(487 KB, 672x671, 1279.png)
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well than, its time, 1 thread each
File: 1347473333030.png-(119 KB, 399x332, 1277.png)
119 KB
and this one is mine, no others allowed
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241 KB
best dress
You're gonna get banned nugga the mods are on a spree
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best water
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94 KB
noted, dont care much tho
im edgy as fuck
I occasionally wonder if the mods are themselves newfags and come from an understanding of how online communities work where rules are important and don't understand that people earn their place on /b/ by being able to defy them.
You seem mad edgy
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best mirrored ponydrink
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13 KB
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best pipe!
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50 KB
File: 1347473552132.png-(122 KB, 277x399, dude wat.png)
122 KB
Now we're gonna have a bunch of threads being created at the same time. Good work, mods.
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Ahh, home
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21 KB
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best milk!
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14 KB
Takes me much less time to report the shit ouf of you horsefuckers than to make you reset your mom's router, op

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