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Shit-eating muslims have killed the ambassador to libya in case any hasn't seen.

>Pic related: muslim fuck faces with his body
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This won't end well...
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Actually, we should just wipe out the whole entire Middle East now...and Africa
in other news, obama will fly to libya to apologize in person for daring to have a consulate in libya
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>>424769593 (OP)
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Still didn't bomb them?
Methinks we need another draw muhammad day.
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I hope Obama goes to Iran and gets killed.
Not because I hate Obama (for this matter) but because then the world finally has a reason to whipe these rats off the face of earth.
Maybe the vatican will call it quits too and then we can FINALLY have our technoligically advanced future.
for you op
islem never ever told us to kill any people with out cause
and those rebels arnt true muslims
did you know that back in time muslim wasnt allowed to kill any old man or a boy or a women or even cut a tree in war
0/10 bad troll
>>424769593 (OP)
>Pic related: muslim fuck faces with his body
>muslim fuck faces
>fuck faces

Actually im pretty sure that those are the guys who carried his body to the hospital and therefore tried to help.. he never fell into rebel hands. Read the news before posting.. okay?

Obama's a god damn coward.

I say we nuke India.. fucking stupid ass sand niggers. They're rude as fuck, they're fucking stupid, broken English, corporate companies hire them for GOD KNOWS WHY because they don't work cheap anymore and they're annoying as fuck


It was an inside job dumbass.
Well, you decided to destroy a stable regime. The Middle East requires dictatorships to exercise control. he knew the risks and in many ways brought it on himself. Also, a dead americunt is a good americunt.
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Sir.. we would like a few words with you. Step inside the vehicle.
i wanna see the video that made all these sand niggers chimp out

>sauce plz
I see this shit more and more. These are YOUR fuck ups, if you don't want ti be seen as part of the problem, step up and do something about it within your community.
Nuke India? a country with 1.2 billion people? AND the ability to send a few nukes back your way? smart move there fuckwit.
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in fact, this is a jewish-american who produce this shitty movie to shocking muslims, you deserved this. FUCK USA AND ISRAEL

OP you've been a bad kafir
bad kafir bad!
John F Kennedy got assassinated, but wait, russia didn't get blown off the map, and if libya gets blown up by amricHURRR, then russia has a reason to bomb america.
Russia is not as much of a threat to america as call of duty has lead you to believe.
Wow, you just went full retard.
India has more people with an IQ over 120 than the entire population of the US


You know what, I feel alright on this one... those idiots would probably nuke the ocean or themselves out of pure fucking stupidity.

That place has nuclear weapons? People spit on each other for no reason, they piss on the roads and in the inner city streets and wipe their asses with their hands.
Muslims is a problem in the modern world.
They think a damn old faggot called mohammed or what ever still rule the world....in a modern world nothing like religion exists almost....

They come to our land and think they are the bosses and can do what ever they like.

Then we go to thier land and try to ask something you will be killed or raped like that guy on the images......

Fuck nuke them all down.....a problem that only grow and grow..
In some years it will be fucking bloodwar on the streets here im living....
>nuclear arms race, dumb ass.

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ambassador killed ?
here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmodVun16Q4&feature=youtu.be

its fucking retarded. the fact that people think this stupid ass shit is a reason to kill someone really pisses me off. Fuck muslims and fuck muhammad.

>bring on the jihad faggots
Another amerifag dead another good day
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soon israel will bomb iran

imagine... the shitstorm
You mean during the cold war? Their decline has been hard.

I wonder how it happened... Just beat to death i guess?

Sorta looks like he's already gone in that pic
Smoke inhilation, one anon mentioned that they are most likely bringing him to the hospital, which seems like what is really happening.

You see him being carried away by one guy, they usually drag people they hate.
looks like what they did to gaddafi for fuck sakes
inhaled toxic fumes due to the fire in his office .

>> and please MOTHER FUCKER next time don't
just speculate .
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It's nice to be presented the opportunity to witness the infinite love and compassion of Allah at work.
they poses nuclear warheads.
Infact they have more nuclear weapons than america and india, combined.
U.S. increases embassy security worldwide after Libya attack

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inb4 someone here kills a muslim in retaliation

lol low level humans
although islam should be eradicated, along with all other religions. but islam is one of the worst/scummiest
You fuckin cunt op sucks dick may you die in a fire till u turn to sand and ill pee on u you fuckin faggot u and your family if i were near you i would take off your balls and put them instead of your eyes islams arent all the same their's more than 500 type of it and its not allowed to kill or hurt people we never drew jesus christ in any weird.condition we never been said any shame on you we are allowed to marry christians what you see is not real i never pray i never go to mosque and im still muslim so why you would be such a fag and post this shit over here well bad people such as you who need a buttstab in your family asshole as you dont have crimes all over the countries not cz of religion cz of people like you who have such a mental mess and if their's no fuckin crimes wherever you live then ull be living in a zoo or in a farm havent you seen christians killing christians muslims killing muslims druzie killing each other FUCK U AND FUCK PEOPLE LIKE YOU BITCH I WILL NEVER EVER SAY A WORD ABOUT CHRISTIANS Cause MY FUCKIN WIFE IS CHRISTIAN AND I RESPECT EVERY RELIGION.SO FUCK OFF MOFO someone track me his ip pls
Yeah, they were trying to rescue people. I didn't see anyone hitting his body with shoes. The way they were talking is there was a seperate armed group that went in and fucked shit up. The first bunch were just protesting

them jimmies.
You seem to think that simply possessing warheads means that they can fire them. Russian military infrastructure has been absolute shit, it became openly obvious to America during Chechnya. And after the fall of the union, their upkeep and repair has been beyond faulty. I'm not saying they can't launch nukes,but of those that they have, only a small fraction are actually usable.
People such as yourself are right there with them, in the darkness that lingers at the bottom of the pit. Your ignorance and hatred are just as sickening as the crimes committed by religious lunatics of any denomination.
Would an eradication of religion as a whole end most if not all of the worlds problems?
10000 made.
8200 dismantled.
1800 active.
Those first two images were of the non-extremists trying to bring the ambassador to a hospital, not celebrating his death.

People will find something else to fight about. Look at the cold war, they were both christian (baring different sects) but they fought over economic ideals.

Thanks for the update. It was just a guess asked as part of a question, i suppose Im not allowed to 'speculate'.

We're still pals though.
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>>424769593 (OP)
why are you so angry? did you know him? was he your friend or relative?
Why cant the world just band together so we can advance our technology and ass rape some alien hookers?

Gotcha. Didn't mean to imply I knew what was going on. Either way, still muslim fuck faces
I thought that the Muhammed vid trailer was pretty darned funny in parts. I wish that I could say that Muslims really just need to relax, but we all know that is just completely fucking impossible.
You're a human just like them fucktard and thinking you know what humans truly are doesn't distinguish you from them
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I have never seen such anger and hypocrisy before, good sir, would you please sodomize thyself with a cactus, or at the very least, learn proper English grammar?
it appears your jimmies have achieved maximum rustling
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"buh buh someone insulted muh prophet"

God damn, grow up. You act like children.
American makes a movie. Muslims rage.
Muslims destroy an embassy. Americans shrug.

That's how small you people are compared to us.
pls go mu

Fucking Sand Nigger kill yourself.
I wish this time my country (US) would step back and says "You guys win, we're out of here" and gives the protesters exactly what they're asking for. It would be entertaining to watch them endlessly slaughter each other while opposing warlords fought for dominance for decades on end.
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>>424769593 (OP)
it was an inside jewb
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Shit -- I'm gonna buy that movie! LOL

Lol American-Israeli Jew from Cali rustles Sand Nigger Jims -- U MUHAMMAD?

With Sand Niggers-- freedom of speech comes with blood. They still don't learn. We're gonna bomb them bad sooner or later for this. Obongo might be all corny about this but let me assure you that the Jews in the CIA and the FBI are working with their Mossad friends and working with their high Op connections to do something to sand niggers at this very fucking moment hahahaha.

We can depict Jesus as a pedo-- we can mock the Christian and Jewish faiths through South Park all kinds of shit but if we do something to Muhammad we get an Ambassador killed?
Americunt got what he deserved
You all a bunch of ignorant motherfuckers!
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>>424769593 (OP)
Oh yeah its dem Muslems.

Know your real enemy faggot.
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Someone please give me an article to a news story or something this shit has slipped by me
>inb4 2nd Cold War
after watching half of this movie trailer, I already feel like killing someone of high political status
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heres how to solve the muslim problem:

as part of their religion all mudslimes are required to make at least one pilgrimage to mecca or medina in their life.

we wait until ramadan, when the largest number of mudslimes are gathered to worship their moon rock at mecca, and we nuke it. medina too. kill as many as we can in one fell swoop. then, nuke it again. and again. and again. and unleash all our deadliest chemical weapons after the sites cool down and the sand hardens into glass. we make these two areas so toxic to life not even a cockroach will be able to survive within 500 miles of ground zero.

then we brace ourselves for the attacks by the rest of the fanatical mudlimes, fight and kill them one by one, and cleanse the earth of this plague country by country.

any who try to make the pilgrimage after this will quickly die and get to meet their god. the smarter ones out there will realize their god is bullshit since he didnt stop us, and convert to something more reasonable,thus allowing this plague to die out.

congratulations, the muslim problem is now solved.
the best thing for the world is if all religion was killed out. it causes more death and suffering then anything when its suppose to be about peace and love.
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fucking cunts are in australia too.

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We don't have a muslim problem you brainwashed naive faggot we have a Jew problem.
>tfw 50 marines could, with sufficient ammo, annihilate the entire Libyan population.
captcha:lion-like siWhili

Also good for Libya

Standing up to the American menace because its own people and Western friends are too pussy to do it

I hope ALL the African countries storm their U.S embassies

>tfw its the West thats evil and Muslims are the good guys
When you hire terrorists to kill a dictator and fuck up a country, you ought to pay them well. If you don't pay them well enough, this is what happens, America.
What pisses me off the most is that this movie did cost $5 million to make. Or at least that's the sum the Israeli filmmaker got from Jewish sponsors, I kinda think he gave himself a pretty big paycheck.
what a bunch of useless, dirty sand niggers.
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no morons. if you were smart enough to read, you would understand all religion needs to be eradicated. STARTING WITH THEM (you)
It's not rape if she agrees to do it for sweets.
please for the sake of Allah dont be copypasta

is this copypasta?
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>massively 'Like' the youtube video
>more muslim butthurt
>killings of more important Americans increase

US marines deploying to libya as we speak
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>>424769593 (OP)

>>Israelis kill thousands of muslim civilians in Gaza and West Bank, no says shit.
>>1 US diplomat gets offed and everyone is all butthurt.

Wtf children? Grow up.
>America pisses of Muslim world
>America kills thousands of Afghan and Iranian children
>Libyans kill one dumb American because he was too stupid to get away
>OP HUR DUR why do terroritz hate our freedom what we do?
night hob from neverending story. can't unsee.
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0bama's feeble response.

I miss the part where he requires the murderers to be immediately arrested and given to us.
I miss the part where he says “otherwise”.
I miss the explanation about the Ambassador not being escorted by armed Marines.
I miss the part where he behaves as if he were the President of the United States of America.
time to get some fucking revenge.
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>"It's over 9000!"
If only anon, if only...
Fucking Libyan (Labian) towelhead niggers
because no1 likes sand niggers?
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at this point i believe you have an infestation, trust me i'm a professional.
Fucking this. Obama is a ball-less nigger who needs to get the fuck out of my country.
>implying killing thousands of muslim civilians in Gaza and West Bank is a bad thing and we should get butthurt about
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north america is best america
someone should call that number and ask him does he spray for jews, or how to get rid of them and record it.
Actually, you should just go and fuck yourselves.. world would support that
what a pussy. maybe they will kill him too. why not kill them before they kill us? today you just have to say something critical against islam and they will rip your fucking face off. in my eyes they are all terrorists.
Muslims suck but dead American allways brings smile to my face
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Today is 'celebrate Chris Stevens death' day

Just like 'celebrate Bin Laden's death' day

False-flag attack, FYI.

I'm sure the only people who will believe me already came to that conclusion on their own... but it never hurts to try to help inform others.

Look at political events over the past few weeks with regards to Iran and general international politics with Israel and the US.

Not to mention the sketchy details of what cause the protests(in two separate countries) initially as well as what caused it to escalate. A two month old youtube video that has 50k views started this? Don't believe that for a second.

Security thought they heard gunfire at the Libya protests which is why they opened fire. Pretty obvious that there was a CIA or Mossad operative in the crowd who was looking to ignite some violence. After they lit the fuse they just had to sit back and watch.
That's what we get for trying to help those people out.

Sandnigger detected.
What I see ITT just proves that half of the american population is fucking stupid

That's funny you say that because not too long ago, earlier this year, Libya was begging America for help.
Apparently Alex Jones even called this. I don't usually pay attention to him, but this was linked on /pol/. Alex Jones gets a little too agitated and exaggerates stuff a lot which is why I don't watch him... but he is still 100x better than mainstream media as far as reporting facts. He brings up a lot of fucked up documentation and legitimate facts... I just wish he didn't sensationalize and fear-monger so much.

Why do people still believe ANYTHING the TV says?

It lies constantly about almost everything.

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Innocence Of Muslims (the Movie That Our Embassies Are Being Raided Over)

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Maybe if we apologize stronger....
I would like to watch America eradicate the entire muslim community, I hope they can try hard, but of cos that also means they will be bombarded by the world. Which is a win-win
because I don't give a shit about mudslim or a americunts, they both can die.
i would've guessed it just as valid that a bunch of Muslims got pissed off and killed Americans (who can blame them) but given Obama's pussyhole response and his desperate efforts to appear like a 'middle-east peace keeper' then yes, this is a false flag
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>"half of the american population that happens to browse 4chan's random /b/oard"
/b/ practically overflows with teen angst and internet badasses these days. I cannot understand how people can be that retarded and still manage to remotely function in society.
What the world needs now is more depictions of mohammed.

In the future when people learn that was what instigated all this conflict, muslims will seem really smart.
so many rednecks ITT

>still thinking Muslims are the enemy terroritz

keep up ffs... why havent you been watching the news or going to the mall? dont you know its other Americans and each other that are the enemy now? you must be very suspcious of each other and ALWAYS willing to snitch
half of the american population is stupid.

>How do you know?
Because almost half of them are republicans, and then there are some dumb teens not knowing anything about anything that is worth talking about.
Not the youtube video, that was a trailer. The real film was recently released.
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Like this video and post anti-islamic messages please. Easy.
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who the fuck cares as long as sand niggers die this is a win win.

Thumbs down all pro-islam comments, thumbs up all anti-islam. Spread the hate everywhere until there is a breaking point.

This shit has to be stopped.
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That's why i love israel
>mfw palestinians die
Wish all these liberals would just die off fucking traitors every last one of them
Only muslims are retarded enough to kill an ambassador. And take pictures.
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At least one of them hugged Obama and is now enlightened to voting Democrat. Seriously though, there are legitimate retards on both sides and they don't think before they speak.
Muslims are conservatives. This is what conservatives do. Kill all conservatives and the problem is solved.
HURRRDURRR Murrica plz help us !!!

I am watching this shit from heart of europe, and trust me, very few people here think that murrica help anyone EVER
Ambassador Chris Stevens referring to the Libyan uprising: “I was thrilled to watch the Libyan people stand up and demand their rights.”

Well, there you go. Ambassador Chris Stevens was passionate about the Libyan people but his love was not reciprocated. His stupidity is best revealed by Edmund Burke: “One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.”
i send money to Israel so they can kill Muslims, its nice knowing i have bettered the world
ya didnt help europe in ww1 or ww2 herp derppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
guys maybe we should all draw mohammad. every single one of us. and show them that terrorism doesn't fucking work.
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"Heart of europe" probably Britfag
Get on my level
>on murrica's side
>wants 'em to nuke the region
>get 'em ragheads fucked.
Report: Libyan Security Showed Radicals Where to Attack Ambassador (Warning: Graphic Photo)

That is true. But republicans are in my opinion complete retards.

>3rd millenium AD
>not supporting social market economy, healthcare and pacifism
well you didn't, did you

WW1 you joined in the last year just for money

WW2 you stayed out of (actually HELPED Hitler build up the country, even during it) until Pearl Necklace

post-WW2 America has started all the wars
So much mad in this thread.
So much rage
All dose hamboigahs.
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>wtf am i watching

is this supposed to be a bad comedy? I kept waiting for pauly shore to show up.
by the way, everyone knows that when you 'hate America' you actually just hate the screws loose in their government
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that's completely another story, you didn't help no one it just happened that some us fought together with you against some other fucktards.

i am talking about events taking place after ww2
You ignorant piece of shit scum. Tell me one attack the Jews have conducted against unarmed innocent civilians except the Palestinians where the violence is mutual.
Do you even how many muslims have died dude to the hands of Americans? Where is the outrage??
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>palestinians send rockets daily
>israel retaliates
>gets shit for defending itself
>By iran
tried to warn you about them false flags /b/ro

by the end of the year we'll be so used to false flags that a genuine Muslim attack will seem like an cover up
Maybe it was the arab communists...
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>An cover
>A cover

Goddamn anonymoose cancer, out the fuck get.
bullshit. Do you swear on the Koran and by Allah that what you have said is true? May Allah make you a leper and your penis rot off if you are lying. In fact the Koran says you may lie to an infidel.
Well if what you say is true it further proves my point.. gonna look it up actually.
Communist governments repress religion. Dumbass.
Fuckers also killed Vile Rat from Goonfleet.

Seriously, just no. I don't care what their love for Islam is, fuck that.
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WOW... this really shows the true colours of both murricans and sandniggras.... both of you are hypocrites and the cancer that's killing /earth/.

when quadaffi died no one said anything, they didn't stop the killing! now when an american ambassador dies everyone panics and tries to condemn the attack. The US should of taken action first by banning the movie, you idiots know that muslim fuckwits are nothing but a tick bomb but no now you suffer the consequences and want to play the innocent guy when in reality you're getting back fired.

Fuck Israel.... US please stop sucking so much jew cock.
Eh, I know many that are but also some that aren't intellectually-challenged, they hold a decent conversation but then again, those few are borderline Atheist and just want a better country for everyone.
This movie will not make people hate Muslims and Islam,It will make them want to know more about Islam,Just like 911 where everybody blamed Islam and Muslims for it.Its result was people converting to Islam.
so Infidels 0-1 Muslims
Why isn't the imam who inflamed the sand niggers dead and his mosque made into a flaming hole in the ground? Get some balls Obama
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1) Download "Rage of Bahamut" from the market on your Android/iOS device. [Free!]
2) Add "rck29716" as ref after the tutorial.
3) Enjoy AWESOME card game similar to Magic the gathering/Pokemon-TCG and start with a rare "Angelic Knight"-card and bonus rupies!

> Eris
9/11 was such an cover-up, to take it all away
Vile Rat was a fucking bro. Fuck this.
omg did he died?
Libya is one of the most progressive Islamic countries and about the only hope I see for Islam actually improving, it's far from the terror that Saudi Arabia is and has the potential to catch up to the west.

Try aim your anger at the extremists who are intolerant of freedom of speech, hammer home the point that nothing is above criticism, nobody has the right NOT to be offended by the opinions of others, freedom of speech is vital

religious extremists are holding human progress back, in this case it's "Ansar Al Sharia"

tl;dr don't blame the people who are trying to be more like you, blame the intolerant fools who are trying to stop them

Someone's never heard of Lebanon pre-Hezbolah, or Iran pre-Ayatollah. You want 'decent-ish' Muslim countries? Look there. Too bad they don't exist anymore. :(
Fact. Jews are controlling the white "muscle" in this Country to do their dirty work.
once again.

>thinking some obscure video about muslims on youtube led to the co-ordinated attack on a us embassy by pissed off civilains and military

>thinking libyain people aren’t going berserk because the usa killed gaddafi and basically ruined their country, i.e. steal oil contracts, looting sovereign wealth fund...

>OP is a mega deceptive faggot who should have his face stomped on

fuck the NWO fuck 4chan fuck every shit eating merifag who believes the lies created by the usa whore corporate media.
They DID try and revive him for 90 minutes.
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>MFW Gaddafi was killed by his own people on cam
oh god.. then can america stop to think they can make fun of muslims like this?

you do realize when you make movies to dishonor muhammed, thats some of the worst you can do?

muslims will unite and they will destroy america if you continue to dishonor them

peace world wide!
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Fuck that pedo prophet and every pedo worshipping muslim. Fuck them in their goat semen drenched asses.
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U mad, bruh?
>thinking some obscure video about muslims on youtube led to the co-ordinated attack

it's Kony 2012 half a year later
A rocket attack that led to the smoke inhalation, which led to his death.
And some others.
People, we do not need to try new methods to eliminate those fucking muslims.
There are methods tried, tested, and perfected for that purpose by our fuhrer ADOLF HITLER
lets just fucking holocaust them
they will unite but not destroy America

inb4 WW3
Or follow by the example we used on Japan in WW2... Who needs the middle-east anyway...
Ya know, I was watching Black Hawk Down the other week, and the film got to the scene where a whole bunch of niggers were storming the remains of the helicopter, jumping on top of debris, yelling, pointing their AK47's into the air and just being all round disrespectful to the dead bodies inside the crashed helicopter. I thought to myself, "damn, this is true to life when it comes to niggers, they're like fucking zombies".

I realise that my comparison of niggers to zombies was an unfair one, and completely uncalled for. Not only a zombies much more intelligent than niggers (they eat brains for fucks sake) but they are also more well rounded in their general behaviour and good manners, they have a lot more respect for your dead body than these dirty niggers did, and zombies don't listen to jiggaboo music, so they make for better neighbours.
who do you think the rebels were trained and supplied by?


look up Bay of Pigs whilst youre at it
>fears of 'zombie apocalypse' become a nigger one

will the baseball bat be enough?

Not shooped. Not sure, but I think those people were rushing him to the hospital where he was near death. Makes me sick.
Fuck that half jew Hitler. We should be gassing everything south and east of the Mediterranean, all the way to the 180th meridian.
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Dear god, the comments on that video...
I think everyone needs to see this right now.
You're welcome.
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I love you
> 3000 ragers in the streets of Cairo, populated by more than 9 000 000 people (10 % of them are christian copts)
> between 100 and 200 armed guys attacked the embassy in Lybia
> 10 lybian guards killed while trying to protect the americans, not a fucking single word about them
> btards reaction : kill all the mudslims
> same lynchers mentality as the islamists
Get a few child support notices and stick them to your house and the surrounding area. The threat of responsibility will keep dem niggers at bay.
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i laugh my ass off at 0:23
>dat angry muslim mob
pls some1 make a gif from it
and the top comment is right

"Do militant Muslims realize how fucking retarded they look when they react to a movie claiming they are violent fuckheads by acting like violent fuckheads?"
do they?
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Quit while you're behind, man. I don't need to look up anything, just because we were involved doesn't mean we killed him. Don't be a retard, trying to insinuate that our involvement had anything to do with his death, many hated him prior to our involvement and wanted him gone.
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that's right goyim, mudslimes are your enemy, you're in danger lest you declare war on these people soon...
fuck yeah

look at dem Mericans liberating the Arabs the only way they know how

'my bad Sgt. - I thought you said to LIQUIDATE the Arabs'
Why not hit Jerusalem at the same time? Two birds with one stone.
Its crazy how that movie was made in 2000.
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Because the jews are our bro's and it trolls the fuck out of you.
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Someone can tell how he died? can't see from photos
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fucking these
of course

its like when U.S invaded Iraq, it was to get rid of Saddam Hussein (who everyone had hated for years, like Gadaffi) and make the world a nice place

because Americans CARE SO MUCH about the African/Middle Eastern people
Well, at least he didn't suff...oh, wait...
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oy vey, we've always treated them so fairly and this is how they repay us?! we must declare a counter-jihad and eliminate these vermin with a vaguely defined perpetual war no matter the loses.
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I feel that my Christian feelings of love and peace has been desecrated!

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>because Americans CARE SO MUCH about the African/Middle Eastern people
no, no you see we dont.
thats the whole thing.
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so you're saying the U.S in an all-out anti-religious war against the Muslims and their (accurate) view of the Antichrist West?

i thought it was because of nineyleven and terroritz and (the government taking away your) freedums

OK, obviously Muslim goatfucker.

Let me explain it to you - plain and simple - once more.

US did a lot so that Libya became a less totalitarian place, even if it becomes a more Islamist place in process.

However, how Muslim pigfuckers respond? By killing US ambassador.

That's cool. My blood boils, so I will probably and hunt for sports a few Muslims. Easy task.

But, obviously, I won't do that.

Why? Because I'm Christian, and it's against my faith. I didn't sell my soul to devil, like you, Mohammad-worshippers.
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No, thats just you attempting to put words in my mouth.
Try again.
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Nice use of sarcasm, however everyone and their dog knows that the middle-east is shit save for very few advanced cities. Think Delhi in India, grossly over-populated and otherwise crude by American cultural sense. The middle-east is the same way and as far as Africa goes even the UN wants that country in the dark because they're easier to manage that way. Throw em some care packages/medicines and hope for the best. Don't get me wrong I despise the way my country does business but it must be dealt with for the time being.
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this movie is a joke, muslims got trolled. I mean seriously wat was that shit i just watched??

>edgy 14yo

>> 3000 ragers in the streets of Cairo, populated by more than 9 000 000 people (10 % of them are christian copts)
>> between 100 and 200 armed guys attacked the embassy in Lybia
>> 10 lybian guards killed while trying to protect the americans, not a fucking single word about them
>> btards reaction : kill all the mudslims
>> same lynchers mentality as the islamists
LOL so tell me more why your ambassador's life was any more valuable than dozens of Muslims who die in your wars everyday
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religion of peace


But dont be surprised. People on /b/ are mentaly unstable and kina emotional in their favourite secret club 4chan.

You know that WWI started after a Serbian moron with TB (a fatal disease at a time - think brain cancer in today's terms) killed a heir to the throne?
An American's life is inherently more valuable than any dozen -- or hundred -- sandies.
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they didn't got trolled
islamists wanted to do something spectacular for 9/11
movie was out since june and nobody gave a fuck
Im just wondering
when will the next world war be?
any guesses /b?
>Implying we want these wars
Most of us don't.
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This is what happens when we have a weak president who is busy bowing and apologizing to faggots who kill our ambassador and raid our embassy.

The Libyan government "hid" our ambassador and then told the mob where to find him.

Obama is Jimmy Carter version 2.

He needs to GTFO.
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unfortunatly, I don't think we evolved much
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White people need to wake the fuck up and kill everyone who isn't white or chink/jap/south korean.

I would do this if i was in power. I don't give a fuck.
mormons rules!
by the end of this year

or during next year
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soon. too soon.
We have control of the oil distribution network and the ports we do not need the Libyans. Gas Benghazi. RIP Ambassador, RIP Vile Rat.
To the person who keeps posting 'hurr, durr Obama's not going to do anything about it', he just dispatched some Marines to Libya. You fucking goatfuckers fucked with the wrong bull...
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PS america. They killed your fucking diplomat.
You now demand those responsibles heads severed and presented to you. and if you don't get it you will fucking destroy them. Learn how to run your country.

i know something i can put in your mouth
so, how did he actually died? I mean, I know he was killed, I'm interested in how.
Hehehe.. you think/talk like that and you wonder why the rest of world grins every time a piece of shit US soldier is blown up?
Americans are born free men; sandies are born slaves to their kings and their religion.

because the president is brown. MERICA deserves a second chance
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I'll just leave this here...

Keep licking the fucking kikes arse, stupid inbreed murrikunzzz
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Yeah, like 500.
And only to protect and hold the embassy.
Better than nothing.
>by the end of this year
>or during next year
same thing
its gonna happen in 2013 if thats what your saying
but i dont think there is enough chaos and murder to start a proper war
It amazes me that you jews will still vote for obama.

Do you hate Christians that much that you will slit your own throats rather then vote for someone who will keep the scumbag muslim horde in check?

As for those saying "those are not true muslims" I disagree. There are 2 types of muslims. Those that kill and those that applaud afterward.

Where are these "moderate" muslims?
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Your vagina?
fuck mohamed and all these monkeys

Even though everyone HATES americans, has good reasons to do so, and most of you are as much retarded as the sand people we are talking about (so your life isn't really worth more...), i say kill those fucking muslims and bury them with pigs! They believe it sends them to hell, and seriously, fuck them, you don't kill ambassadors.
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he would have survived if he offered these.
Hehehehehe....oh man...

September 11
>obama says no to a meeting with bibi regarding Iran's "dangerous nukes"

September 12
>A jew releases a film that insults Islam
>the movie has $5mil in donation from Jews

>ITT sheeple,fagbook users,14 year old fags, liberal arts college students who base facts on waht the media tells them
Because, ya know, all Muslims are violent and terrorists

>Implying USA hasn't installed totalitarian dictatorships in South America
>Implying USA wouldn't support any dictatorship that acts under his law
>Implying Gadhaffi wasn't killed because Lybia was going well and could serve as an example to other countries
>Implying USA should have a say, in the way other countries are governed
>Implying USA isn't totalitarian
>Implying that the only counter-argument you had until now is " le meme arrows xD"
>Imply my cock
I think it was asphyxiation, not to sure though just seen it floating around on twitter.
i guess he doesn't had enough "snackbars" for allah...
gb2 to black ops you fucking moron
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And the sky is blue and the birds go "tweet tweet".
what else?

>Where are these "moderate" muslims?

there are the ones who strated the revolutions and are going to be killed by the islamists

they are killed by islamists since decades

islamists who were payed by americans during the cold war to slaughter the leftards
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RIP Vile Rat
You created the new Libya. Your joined with Al Qaeda. Now deal with it, assholes.

>Because, ya know, all Muslims are violent and terrorists

>Implying all Nazis were violent
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it's not.

this is just the knee-jerk reaction of A LOT of stupid people which can be attributed to the jewish owned media.

and as a side note: america is known for false-flags to sway the masses into a war, make an attempt at doing a little critical thinking before you commit your country and troops into a war in which you cannot afford nor win.
the plane will miss...
God damn it /b/, we should be trolling Muslims for the lolz, what the fuck has happened to /b/? All political and self righteous when all we have ever been for is LOLZ!
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Yesss free
Debate me.
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Politically Muslim's are bad power abusing arseholes.
Muslim followers, who had Islam interpolate on their mind from fucking 3, really aren't all bad. At least nothing like niggers.

I still hate Muslim's, but don't you dare say they're worse or the same as niggers.
They're muslims, what do you expect.

/b/rothers, you must get into power to stop Americans and Europians being told that they're equal to us.

Too complex for them

Not enough brain and too much seisures from head smashing against the floor.
kennedy wasnt killed by russians yourfucking idiot. learn to history you stupid fucking euro scum.
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oh and whites are going to be an even bigger minority soon. Time to start nuking.

We just need to destroy the red in this picture then kill all the immigrants. Should take 2-3 years max.
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Hey americans doesnt the murder of your ambassador and other four americans anger you?

Angry enough to invade a country?

A country that starts with I and ends in N?
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>track me his ip
1+1= 3,14159265

Atheist 0
Taliban 1

allllah snackbar
Fuck i missed south america and mexico.
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hmmm, nope.
Libya L,A
Egypt E,T
looks like you're a retard,son.
The director of this new exactly what he was doing. He did it purely for shock value and to piss off Muslims. What an ignorant waste of a potential human. Fucking Jews have to go and fuck up everything. There were death threats and riots over a fucking cartoon what the hell was he expecting the reaction to this was going to be?

Im not condoning the Muslim reaction to this, its just as retarded as that film potentially could have been.

Fuck the Jews..such a pity Hitler wasn't successful in ridding the earth of that absolute scum! They really have NO redeeming qualities!
Also fuck America for their support of Isreal.

I will be a happy man the day I see both Nations wiped off the face of the Earth!

(Not a Muslim by the way)
it is written in the holy scripture.
everything you say is a sin.
German shepherds:0
Nuke this:
All of Africa.
The Middle East. (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Armenia are fine).
Dominican Republic.

This will make thing slightly better I suppose.

nuke India?

Oh rly? I hope you do know that India has nukes too.

Not many, but enough to drop one over NYC, D.C., San Fransisco, L.A, Atlanta, Ohio, Boston, Philly, Chicago and Seattle

Then you idiots can play Fallout 3 in real life.

Sounds like a plan!
America please bomb Pakistan after you're done with Iraq and Libia etc

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yeh i missed a few.
world would be a LOT fucking better without the red.
Argentinian detected.
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So true
>nuking best korea
fuck you
Nope. You can nuke Argentina as well actually, forgot to add them.

I'd leave all of South America and nuke Caucus in Russia and states like Albania instead.
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hey HEY. get your even-handed reasonability OUT OF THIS THREAD
>Im not condoning the Muslim reaction to this, its just as retarded as that film potentially could have been.

Oy vey you're going to incite another lolicaust with that language, don't you know that we're god's chosen ones and we know whats best for america? be a good goy and go watch cnn or fox, you'll see both parties favor doing our bidding - surely both of them can't be wrong.

You forgot to nuke the land of the Amerifats. Would be good riddance
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>>424769593 (OP)
They are using the power of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook on their smartphones
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that movie went full retard dude.
Is painful just to see all that bad actors.
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/pol/ want to send some of these to random snail mail adresses in the middle east. Is this a good idea?

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Say goodbye to that unit.
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This guy gets it.
>>424769593 (OP)
is not just that muslims are bad people, christians and jews are really bad people too

al jazeera is a corporate American west-oriented new site.

you suck
Go smoke some weed and chill the fuck out OP
ohhh goodie
just another country to fuck up
wait till the whole world knows your plan and starts to creep up on you
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most likely, cuz even the biggest war mongers and tyrans would suffocate. geez, I hope you were trolling...
Anyone who wants gooin information will suck it up and get your asses to this reddit post. the comments are really good http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/zrb8x/us_ambassador_and_3_staff_members_killed_in_an/
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implying that job hasn't been done already
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*pop* *pop* *pop* watch sandniggers drop
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"U.S. condemns in the strongest possible terms attack on cuntsulate" - Barrack Hussein O'bama
and this ?After saying earlier that Sept. 11 was not the day to criticize President Obama on foreign policy matters, Mitt Romney late Tuesday issued a statement blasting the Obama administration for sympathy for Muslims."
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why waste so much ammo?
Because they didn't like a video on Youtube.
right back at you. why don't you just bomb the entire country.
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Anyone got a picture of that faggot Goon who died I really want to troll the fuck out of some goons.
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for dat der collateral damage bonus
Some people on >>>/pol/ are sending links of the rule-34 phael page on Mohammed to like Al Jazeera and Islamist sites and other arab "news" companies. Think 4chan gonna start another war.
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because the world gets mega butthurt when a single innocent is killed.
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how did he die ?looks like strangled or what ?
asphyxiation, from smoke inhalation
officially more than 100,000 civilians dead in Iraq (unofficially at least double the number) since US invaded
yes everyone is sooooo butthurt over that fact
Lol stupid America, you advertise blasphemous movies and then cry when something happens. Theses deaths are clearly on that stupid c*nt for making a movie like that and making sure it was talked about. Of course, resorting to violence to oppose a movie about muslim violence is not smarter, but then again you don't play with tigers because you know that can take your head off. Funny thing, the worst offender and basically only responsible for all that...MEDIA! Without them, no news would have reached them and that would not have been an issue.
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>implying im supposed to give a shit about iraqi's
Here you go.
no we dont
we just say that so you wont go crazy and bomb the shit out of everything you hill billy
im not related to those civilians that you just bomb but for christ sake dont over do it
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Clearly a muslim.
That video gets TROLL OF THE YEAR award
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>southern CA
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Most people don't care. Mohammad Sucks, Jesus sucks, Sheeva sucks, Lord Xenu sucks, and the other 284 gods can go suck a fat one as well.

point in case, no one is butthurt when you kill civilians and call it democracy in action
...so nuke away
If all this started over the youtube video that was made by an Israeli . Then why did they attack an American

lol indian here u mad my beta?
Oh yea, clearly!
because we have niggers.
kinda same shit different toilet
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>implying that dead iraqi wasnt liberated.
nice try, frenchie.
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I really wish your black president would unleash his black primal urges and go nigger on the middle east and destroy it all.
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Actually, Americans can and do own modern automatic rifles. They are legal in almost all states.
OK out of this whole thing, that was the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard? Did you jerk off in World History? America has the most nukes. We were ahead in production when the treaty was signed to stop all nuclear weapons building.

The more you know.... faggot
yes it was, by all means
you liberated the shit out of it
There are plans that have been in the works for the last 60 years to destroy Mecca, Jerusalem, and the Vatican.

Pieces on the board are nearly in position.

If you live within 25km/16mi of either of these areas, you have four years to leave.

If you choose to stay, be warned; do not look directly at the flash.
>>424769593 (OP)
>sandniggers make 9/11 anti-american/christian videos

>americans ignore/laugh with it and do nothing

>americans make an anti-sandnigger video

>sandniggers rage in butthurt and kill 4 americans

Oh you silly Muslims y u so silly
Jewish and Muslim deserve the same. I have nothing against Arabs or Israelis, but Jews and Muslims can die in a fire.
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You're damn right!
watch this predator liberate these afghans from IED's in their streets.
implying not every murican is a hill billy wielding gun addict
i mean you have soo many guns, you have to smuggle it over other countries
and thats just an under statement
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if I live to see that I wouldnt mind going blind from staring at the mushroom
Cause that would be the most glorious mushroom in the history of mankind
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1. Collect as many Korans as possible
2. Pile Them Up
3. Burn
4. Film it
5. Post on youtube
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Ummm... too late bro
here is the video that made them fire an RPG into the embassy.

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>implying not every murican is a hill billy wielding gun addict
>implying that statement isnt the herpiest derpiest statement you've cunted out, so far.

Stay buttmad americunt. Hopefully someone will liberate you of your virginity.
I dont hate muslims i just dont want them in my country.
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Why havent America taken over the sand-shit country by now?

Fuck, just drop alot of bombs down.
You got a fucken good excuse to do it now. So do it !!!
/b/ is full of fucking idiots... wannabee smart guys
american ignorance basically. when americans kill mothers, daughters and civillian fathers, do they really think that the son wont grow up to only drink american blood?

shit america. either nuke them all, OR pay the price like this.
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>stay buttmad americunt
You mean like mad enough to make up silly names in hopes of offending Americans?
lol, you're so adorable.
Muslim Arab here.
I live in the US and honestly I'm getting more and more afraid to say I am a Muslim, I'm afraid of getting stabbed or some shit.
The movie did not offend me one bit and I don't know why those Libyanfags and Egyptianfags got so butthurt.

Islam does in fact teach tolerance and peace in the religion and I don't understand why these faggots result to killing. I studied Islam as it was taught over 1000 years ago and nowhere does it say that such responses are justified. Indeed some parts of Islam can be taken out of context and used to justify violence, but any one with half a brain should be able to look at it as a whole and what it was meant to mean.

A big problem is that no one in the Islamic world has the BALLS to come out in public and condemn such acts of violence. Some one who understands the entire religion truly as it was meant to be should be commissioned to deal with these situations and actively condemn fuckers who claim to fight in the name of Islam.
Why don't more websites block out the primitive motherfuckers outside our boarder. All they do is talk shit and wish that their miserable lives were even comparable to our most homeless and deprived of citizens. How about you all get conquered again by a man who believed the supernatural would help him take over the world, you fucking faggots.
maybe retards or trolls.
No one have the rigth to kill another human. being.
so much hate, and this is why the whole world Hates USA.
this is unique opportunity for an individual to influence current events on a world scale
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All religion is bad and poisonous to society. Why do you think the Romans killed Jesus? because they knew back then that what he was starting was going to be bad. All religions have done is persecute, dominate, and murder their way into control of a good portion of the world. Islam is the worst of these. They read a stupid book of fairy tales that tells them if they die but take a bunch of "infidels" with them, they are promised a trip to heaven. How ludicrous is that? religion is nothing but poison to the human mind that is for weak minded people who are so scared of death that they need to cling to the idea that once they die they will be with god forever. It really is retarded. I think all muslims should just be killed because they are too far gone to save, and that religion should be kept inside and if you choose to worship something, keep it to yourself. Christians try to pollute and dominate the world with their retarded ideals. Muslims try to killed the world with their even more retarded ideals. The only religion I don't find evil is buddhism.
get the fuck out of our country, sand nigger
It what happens when they reject a little thing called 'Education' which turn them into islamic terrorist.
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Thats what the girls must tell you when you show them your 1" penis. Compensating with military pics wont help, just admit your gay.
>libtard with white guilt detected
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Is it time to go to Libya and remove kebab?
no they killed him because Jewish priests insisted that he's preaching rebellion against Rome (while in fact they were butthurt he was pointing out their faults as religious leaders)
>>424769593 (OP)
go away fucking israel

fuckin lying sandnigger
I was just gonna ask the same fucking thing
hey op!
>>424790775 →
I agree. I think anon should do it and post the video on Youtube and then post the link on /b/. If he does this, then I pledge to help spread it around as much as possible...although it probably won't be that much.
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Muslim now is shitty
so why cant you revert to the old muslim and stop killing people?
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lol, who has a 1" penis?
That even possible?
And offending you is only a small perk of posting these pics.
>Faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about detected.
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religion is a virus
youre all faggots
dont worry I think you have magnificent big cock
in fact why dont you post image of it
in uniform if possible
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Any way to start a movement? This has potential lolz
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So you're basically admitting you want some American cock in you, preferably from a marine?
This can be arranged.
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dude, islam DOES NOT teach peace and tolerance. if anything, it teaches the hatred of infidels, especially jews.

if islam really taught peace and love, then after 1000 years of being present in the middle-east, the sand niggers should be the most peaceful and loving creatures ever.

yet, they are under-developped scumbags who blow everything off in the name of a sociopathic pedophile who plagiarized other monotheistic religions.
>Look, momma, posting pics makes me a anti-jihad!
Good work, son. Now you just have to get out of the basement, grow some balls, get a job and maybe you will make the news with this horrible 'offence' to Islam.
yes Im a sucker for army men (pun intended)
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Whoa there sport, you're definitely coming off as a upset and offended,there.
Let me help you with that.

Ask and you shall receive.
Just give up. Maybe reddit wants to hear how tough your first world life is.
I can receive a lot
dont be shy
this 'offence' as you horribly misspelled it is because the rest of the world is too ignorant to just serve the Worlds most powerful nation. If they just stop fighting us and embracing our rule, the bloodshed could end
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Thats the spirit.
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this is now military gay thread
And apparently you have pictures of gay men on your computer. It would be hilarious if you croaked right now and the last stuff they find is gay porn on your computer.
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Dont ask dont tell was repealed.
Feel free.
Im curious to see how large your military gay folder is.
I need more military gay pics for military threads,anyways.
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sure, that's why you need it
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semper fi
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Oh you. Offended? What about the 9/11 threads, they are a bit more stimulating than your gay soldier fetish.
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It sure is.
You're not dumping fast enough,either.
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Already have enough for that folder.
And was 10, the only thing that offended me during 9/11 was that there were no cartoons on.


>lrn2 english hillibilly dipshit

I bet you dont even have a college degree
fapp slower then

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