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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

/q/ is now open for business, and has already sparked a number of great discussions and changes to the site. Here's one on why 4chan doesn't accept donations and what you can do to support the site.
Also, the number of e-mails I've gotten from people saying they met their significant other on 4chan is insane. I feel like some horrible bastard version of Cupid. To all of the ">tfw no gf" people, there is still hope!

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271 KB
Thread thread?

Thread thread.
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1.65 MB
A long one, but a good one.
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432 KB
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185 KB
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63 KB
Anyone here?
Yes, keep posting OP don't mind me.
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164 KB
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126 KB
Alright, cool.
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532 KB
My personal favorite, the birth of the "takes a crane" meme.
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1004 KB
Another good one, it's a kid who deleted System 32.

∆  ∆
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146 KB
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156 KB
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79 KB
I'm still the only contributor?
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205 KB
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332 KB
Another favorite.
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66 KB
Nearly out I think.
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85 KB
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274 KB
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266 KB
I think I've only got one more left.
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107 KB
Pretty sure this is my last one. I'll look for more.
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97 KB
I'll keep this thread alive for you OP, until you can get some more.
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100 KB
And of course, until my dump's finished.
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370 KB
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327 KB

Thanks, by the way
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260 KB
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1.31 MB
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1.72 MB
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88 KB
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128 KB
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And that's all folks!
Pretty much.
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149 KB
OH. Nearly forgot.
keep posting
It's all I've got on me right now. I can look online for more, though, I guess
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95 KB
Shit, does anyone have the greentext version of this one? I really want it.
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267 KB
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132 KB
nevermind, found it
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838 KB
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33 KB
I think I'm about done here. I'll be lurking, though.
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802 KB
everyone else fucked off?
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440 KB
I'm dumpan, but most of what I have are posted already.

Besides, my b folder is disorganized as fuck
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473 KB
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3 KB
thanks OP, good stuff
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282 KB
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32 KB
/b/ counted to 5 about 5minutes a go.
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83 KB
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29 KB
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46 KB
Is anyone still here?
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127 KB
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28 KB
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76 KB
Probably just posting in a dead thread...
If it hasn't been posted yet, someone post the "crystal is the hardest metal" post.
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65 KB
Sorry, I don't have that. As it is, I'm running out. I never realized that I had more Bawws than epic threads
Tell me someone has more Neal?
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335 KB
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130 KB
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139 KB
Thread thread thread?

thread thread thread.
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628 KB
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561 KB
Sort of doesn't count maybe, but whatever.
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1.12 MB
I don't have it, but how about some Fats Mcgee and his retards Three?

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