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/b/ - Random
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread closed.
You may not reply at this time.

Anyone want to go to Barcade tonight (Friday) to celebrate 4chan's 1 billionth post? Let me know at barcade@4chan.org.

And here's a pretty thorough Q&A thread, in case you're bored.

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ITT: We pretend we went to Barcade and ask moot questions he probably doesn't give a fuck about.

>Whatever happened to Kimmo Alm?
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Did the FBI ever contact you about Jessi Slaughter/John Holmes?


Did that poor wench that you met up with in the UK ever put out?
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What is the physical dimensions of the sever stack that runs 4chins? Do you need to divert water from multiple river basins to cool it?
no idea

nope/no because we hung out as platonic friends


moot how are ya havent seen you in a while aslo can you bring back dubs
What will do to celebrate the 1b, moot?
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Are there any new board ideas floating around in mind?
Will you reply to this reply of your reply?
whats your favorite colour?
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Is info really purged after it leaves page 10? Is it gone forever?
Moot is a fucking faghot
Can you ban me for no apparent reason or you don't have the power to do that?
Wow, this actually got moot. Props


Can we have dubs back please moot?
moot, do you hate reddit?
Why are you such a faggot moot?
inb4 sticky, inb4 1300 posts
how was your day ?
Are you, to any degree, disappointed in the current state of this board?
Do you wear pajamas or go to sleep in your underwear?
Don't mind me, just poastin
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Who the fuck is the $urgeon?
Can /v/ please have better mods? I sent you an e-mail a few days ago (probably the only one without a shitload of insults), I was wondering what you thought.
who's moot
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Do you drink coke or pepsi?
oh god the shitstorm begins...
Posting in a moot thread. Can we have dubs back moot?
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/v/ is fucking gay and is the equivalent of reddit.
gtfo mah /b/
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Successfully made a moot thread. I feel like I've achieved something mildly significant. And of course, this is why we can't have nice things. I just wanted a Q and A, and everyone has to shit it up. Thanks for answering my questions moot. Wish I could have been at Barcade for a couple whiskeys.
a handful


this board has 15 pages


good, how was yours?

not really. it is to be expected.



i don't drink soda
Inb4 inb4 meet please bring back dubs also floridaspl.com
PC or Mac?
good to see moot still lurks.
Moot, I have a serious question.
When you first created 4chan, did you ever expect it to turn in to the type of.. hell, what's the word? For the lack of a better term, I'll say "social experiment" that it's become?
what is your favorite name that the "community" calls you?
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thank you so much for getting rid of dubs. congrats on 1b. wish i could get wasted in NY with you.
heres some choco milk.
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Look at what you've done.
Are you proud of yourself?
What's the Aphex Twin song which ends in people laughing hysterically?
Do you walk with zombies>
Any idea what the 1 billionth post was?
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m00t is faggot
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How can it be determined that my experience of consciousness is the same as anyone else's experience of consciousness?

Also, would go to barcade if I weren't several thousand miles away
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I warned you about 4chan bro.

Dear Moot,
what is your take on the Chick-Fil-A debate?

personally, I am totally fine with gays marrying. but all this talk about chick-fil-a just makes me want to eat chick-fil-a even more...

(insert ban here)
I'm using my 4chin extension to update this every 5 seconds and auto-open gifs, and therefore wasting your bandwith. Does that bother you at all? Hehe
m00t im so happy for you and the 1 billionth post!
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yo moot..
will 4chan go down someday?
i hope not

moot post your dick for 1b
when can we have snacks again?
hey moot, will you come to Portland again sometime and go to the Barcade-like Ground Kontrol?

I'll come meet you this time, I think that would be awesome.
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why don't you interact with us more often?
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Moot, Are you still working on Canv.as?

And would I be able to apply for moderation on that website whenever the time comes?

Thanks for your answer.

P.S. Is this you? Probably not. But still.
Do you have homosexual feelings towards Dwaine "The Rock" Johnson?
when do you come in france?
Do you hate what /b/ and 4chan in general has become? Or do you like it? If I were you I'd be mad at everyone for turning it into a steaming pile of unoriginal shit.
inb4 100
Why the fuck is rule 14 never reinforced?
do you hate summerfags as much as we do?


how often do you /b/rowse
in the top 100

What if I have a structured settlement, but I need cash now?
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>moot's obligatory /b/ post of the month
see ya in september
Serious question Moot:

How anonymous are we really that we have ID's attached to our IP addresses? You obviously track IPs now. Who has access to this database? How often do you clear cache? If you are turning them over to the FBI then it's only a matter of time until a freedom of information act request is filed and you are shown to be turning over information to the FBI without them even getting warrants. You'd be doing this because you choose to, not because you have to.

Hey moot, noko/sage/nokosage isn't working for me,

I've tried clearing my cache and that.
How often do you lurk 4Chan now?
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did you get my email
Do you drink tea?
What the fuck is a barcade?
Moot, how's Canvas doing?
Moot....I can't think of anything clever or funny to ask you.
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>Moot, at what post number I should have been to be considered oldfag?
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what size shoe does moot wears? I seen you wif shoe on head
bring back word filters you faggot
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Moot can you ban me for an hour? PLEAASEE
What colour is your toothbrush?
Heyo Moot, I'm a straight male and I find you attractive. Is that weird?
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>>dont drink soda

anybody in their right mind these days wouldnt either.

>>416524762 -- was me -- I sadly am one of the retards who slightly enjoyed all the post number get games /b/ used to be plagued with. I've mentioned it to you in the past, but have you thought of making a board that was dedicated so nonsense such as this? Could be fun and ease some of the post threads off of /b/. Just a thought.
Moot do you give a shit that some frechfag is trying to trademark the anonymous flag/picture?
I also have a not as serious question.
If you were trapped in a large room without any chance of escape being an option (the walls, floors, and ceilings are made of titanium) for a total length of 7 years and you could only bring one person -- fictional or real / dead or alive --, who would you bring?
Yes, to be expected...
How about the large population of underage users?
wait a minute moot do you mean friday night tonight or thursday night tonight ?
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Thread in moot a toasting

What's your favorite kind of pizza?
Moot, why have you abandoned /b/? I've noticed you tend to spend your time on /soc/. Why those faggots?
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What's your favorite part of a woman moot?
Seriously I want this answered.
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Do you feel God like when you post on 4chan? What im getting at is that when you post people respond, whether good or bad, and you automatically draw attention and at some level a cult of personality.
Do you feel like the God of 4chan? Please elaborate this is extreamly interesting to me and I am not interested in many things.
>you hurt my feelings, and now im gonna go cry because you didn't acknowledge my existence
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Aw, cmon moot. This is America.
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Moot what was the first job you ever had? How old were you when you got it?
Are you still broke as fuck?
toasting in soon to be epic bread
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if i am a female, must i show my titties?
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moot, have you ever been to Mexico?
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i love you moot! : )

Will we ever find the cure for this cancer?
sup moot. go back to /fit/ faggot. we miss u </3

whats one anime you've watched recently?
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will /b/ be dead forever? are you going to let it rot?

Have you ever anonymously posted pics of your dick?
Moot, will you pull on my dangly?
I know we've never had the pleasure of talking before, but it would really make my year if you grasp my rod of justice and did the five knuckle shuffle, till I exploded like a water cannon and spray your delicate features with my white liquid candy.
moot can you consider having a /cel/ board so we can stop having waifu threads clogging up /tv/?
Hi moot,

Speaking of better moderators, /mlp/ could use some. Our janitors and mod don't seem to follow the board rules at all and delete threads that don't deserve it, and don't delete threads that do.

tl;dr please get more mods or janitors on /mlp/
/kr/ please
Are you in the trenches coding/maintaining the 4chan and canvas or do you have people do it for you?
Sexy moot is in this thread isn't he?
Moot we'll be good we promise, can we have dubbs back?
>would you fuck me?
>I'd fuck me
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Moot, what if you got really edgy and spelled your name with zeroes? Wouldn't that be awesome, M00t?
>inb4 "hurr postin in epic bread"
Dear Moot,

Is everyone equal or are some more equal than others?
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Mind explaining?
Moot, how do you pick admins and shit? Not that I want to be one but I wanted to know how it works. Also if there's a /mlp/ board there should be a trap board. They're everywhere and a board to themselves would be good for them and /b/
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Moot do you own a finger box / copy of the grifter

do you love boys / bootsie / boxxy?
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who is your favorite nigger?
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Go away.
moot if I was to ask you for a bro-ly hug would you accept?
>no homo
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Ron Paul 2012?
i feel like a lot of the rules(for ex. no spamming, no pony threads on /b/) are being ignored
Omg, you're actually answering questions.

I wish I could have gone to Barcarde, to totally hit on you because you're a super cutie. I just wanted to say that. Also I added you to twitter but you rarely post, boo!
What book are you currently reading?
Can we have our DUBBS back mootles?
please ban furries and bronies from /b/
about banning typical threads
HEY MOOT, do people recognize you when you're in public?
Isn't it already dead since 2008?
M00t, what is barcade
Questions he doesn't give a fuck about?

Moot, can you ban the person above me for 3 days?
are you a reptilian?
Oldfag here, sorry your userbase has turned to shit, moot.
>celebrate 1 billion posts
>not even half way to 1 billion
moot, should i print this thread on high quality photo paper to submit to court of records?
can we have an example of a new board or is that highly classified area 51 kinda stuff?
Are you a wizard?
Moot, I've always wanted to know what your favorite bands are. What are some?
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did you ever wank to anything on 4chan?
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Posting in a thread in which moot has posted, within 20 minutes of the thread's creation. Let the record show that I was present at this momentous event.
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It's nice to meet you once again.

Can I has mod status now?

I'm a good guy, I totally promise.

(I know this is THE question you won't give a fuck about.)
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hey moot what do you think about chik fil a
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Mr. Poole, one last question from the original poster: What exactly was the 1 billionth post? Can you link it here?
also please sticky this vid
"Moot was that picture of you jerking off shopped"

How tough are ya
So what is your diet like? do you eat a whole buncha healthy food and stuff?
not just /b/, all of 4chan
is that right as you said, do you keep this "shithole" alive for only ponies?
Hey moot, South Africa here !
Come visit us sometime !
One billion posts on the site, in total.
Fucking cock wrangler.
can't tell if retarded or doesn't know other boards exist and on billion is cumulative number.
hey moot

do you know what the 1 billionth post was or feel like reposting it? even if uneventful, might be interestings

also, /trap/ board please!
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Holy shit man you are here too
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Rules? on /b/?
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Can you make a 4chan banner with Suiseiseki on it? Please?
m00t, will you please put up wordfilters for PENIS VAGINA AND BUTTSEX again? Pleaaaase?
Moot I want my damn donation money back, but I know you won't give it you dirty stinking jew.
>What do you think of Britney Spears?
Ever plan on setting foot in Michigan?

We'll even rename it Mootigan
>implying /b/ is all of 4chan
I don't come to /b/, what was the billionth post or has it not happened yet?

Also can you please nuke /mu/?
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Can I come back?
>inb4 moot stops replying
1 billion posts on 4chan. Not just /b/.
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Moot do this!!!
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>>implying /b/ is the only board on 4chan
moot, what was the 1 billionth post on 4chan?
is OP always a fag?
moot are you watching Sword Art Online?
Why haven't you added a finance board yet?
>Thinks 4chan is only /b/
I want to know this.
If anybody knows it would be you
saging in a sticky

4chan is not just /b/
Moot, why do you have no ads on nsfw boards? i understand that you lose money with 4chan wouldn't puting even one banner ad bring in a helpful ammount of revenue? I'm sure everyone other than /b/ would be alright with it as long as it helps the site grow and prosper.
u jelly hawnk~
moot, you gave the people who post those mlp threads /mlp/ for a reason.

ever considered banning the mlp threads outside of /mlp/?
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SINK ????

Also, do you have a real, physical girlfriend?
Moot, what are your thought on Google Fiber?
He never left, check irc.
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Then theres this faggot..
don't forget peanut butter and 7!

I miss wordfilters
Will you please make a rule 34 board? We desperately need one.
Moot how are you talking to us if you're out being a social butterfly at Barcade?

I wish I could be there.
do you feel the love, moot?

or does canv.as has your heart?
When you started this imageboard, did you imagine it would become what it is or just another anime appreciation board?
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Do you like giant meaty hotdogs in your mouth, moot?
not moot.
Posting in a moot thread
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when will the time come?
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Implying everyone in their right mind doesn't use adblock
Posting because moot is in here
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haha he doesn't need ad revs, he's got gov't funding
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moot real talk. why are dubs disabled?
What was the 1 billionth post?
Hey moot? why do you love the cock?
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implying /b/ is the only board on this website
I went to Ground Kontrol (A barcade in Portland) for 4chans 8th bday. No pretending. Trufax
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moot, what's your opinion on twizzler's?
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mac mini 4 life

i had zero expectations. it started as a fun project and continues to be

mootles is cute, i suppose


i'm proud of 4channers

to each their own

i hope not

i was in portland last year and did a meetup at ground kontrol for 4chan's 8th birthday. get with the times, son.

yep/sure why not

it is what it is. i still enjoy 4chan on the whole though

pretty good, we just launched a new design that we're happy with
2 Questions here
First up, Do you have any regrets about 4chan?(prahaps old boards that took time to make, and never succeded)

and B, had Any luck making 4chan profitable once more?

And lastly just some respect..
a bar arcade in brooklyn

i think 10.5

green and white

i live in new york. we gone ban large sugary drinks soon!

i'll let the community answer this one


i'm not a great programmer -- i design/direct things but am not actively coding any more. you should be thankful for this.

otakon 2007

i am the only admin. mods are mostly janitors who janitored for a very long time. janitors are chosen from the community every now and again.


it hasn't happened yet, and i'm not gay but thanks~

yes, every few days/weeks

no that wouldnt be very nice
moot, why when you post the thread usually turns into a pile of shit with people screaming for attention (usually by insults), too bring back dubs, and too ban X-thing because i dont like it?

this is the only thread it has not happened yet , why is that?
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moot, call me a newfag if you must but why did you take away dubs,trips,quads etc... and why is their no more highlighting censored words. i miss it. (pic related about you answering my question)
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This thread is boring as fuck.

Baracade is a terrible idea for celebrating the one billionth post. There is a million better things I can think of.

Moot, sorry but you should feel bad, go work and your fail canvas website.
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I can't stay away from Our mooty-kins~<3

It's the only one that matters
moot what is your favorite non-internet related activity.
Why wont you bring back dubs on /v/
Moot, do you even lift?
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Also to celebrate the current elections in Quebec, what do you think of french-canadians?

Do you think they should have their own country?

>pic related, a french-canadian /b/itch
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I am a faggot but WHO THE FUCK CARES

Well moot is rather sexy for a moot

So then should I E-mail you about that moderation thing?

I'm a moderator on a couple other sites, So I'm aware about the whole "rule following" thing.
Did you fight piranhas?
maruchan or top ramen?
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>doesn't drink soda

You are a GOD.

What games have you recently been playing?
Are you going to be in Philadelphia anytime soon?
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Moot...please, I beg you. I fucking beg you. Give /v/ the forced anon and the post ID's and make /fur/. It's so fucking bad right now in /v/. Every video game thread gets derailed with gets, furries are allowed to post their shit everywhere without fear, one autistic samefag can change /v/'s opinionover night, every thread is derailed by samefagging....I think the forced anon and ID's made /b/ a hundred times better and if you just did it for /v/ it would improve so much.

Please. Help us. I honestly 100% believe that at this moment /v/ is the worst board not only on 4chan but on any chan.
Moot, have you found the cure for cancer? How do you plan to deal with it?
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Why don't I have any questions for you?.. No thats stupid.
If you were a cat what kinda... no no no no.
OK here goes... What sites do you visit?
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So, what do you do all day?

>mfw this thread
Do you think cancer on /b/ is really a thing? Or is all the complaining just angry people that don't like change?
>i'm not a great programmer

>What do you think the next move for 4chan is? I doubt it could stay a yotsuba board forever.
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If /b is random why do 90% of the threads on the front page contain some kind of nudity? Doesn't seem that random to me.

>they should call /b /stupid fucking porn board
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hey moot whats the biggest cock youve taken up your ass
Moot will you answer this question with no?
Is canvas going well?
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what /sp/orts do you watch? (anime fap is not a sport)
MOOT, If you make a series of new boards, please make rule 34 one of them.
Moot, a lot of us think you need a /phi/ board for philosophy and religion. It would help out a lot of boards. Also there's a rumor that /sci/ is on the list to delete...Is this true??
I saw your new design, I'm too accostumated with 4chan to go there frequently but my brother loves Canv.as.
Community answer: Yes.
Seriously, make a /trap/ board
Moot can happiness be found on 4chan?


How do you feel about...boxxy?
i am kawaii uguu
>meetup at ground kontrol for 4chan's 8th birthday

I know brah! I couldn't make it and I want you to come back so I can shake the hand of the maker of the monster. I'll buy you a beer, shake your hand, thank you for your contribution to the internet, and then swim out among the waves of fans.
Maruchan, nigger.

No contest.
/v/ has become terrible, moot. It needs to be fixed or put down.
Banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie Banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie Banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie Banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie Banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie Banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie
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are you a faggot brony
mootles will you make /kr/?
It's the most requested board by far.
Hey moot, just wondering, why do my loli threads get banned here? I taught /b/ was tyhe only place where it was allowed, yet they get banned all the time.

Also love you moot.
moot why do you not answer anything from /a/ but you come on here an be serious. I have to come to this shithole just to look at your answers.

Please stop by, it's nice to hear from you.

Also when are you opening up janitor apps again?
I've been preparing since last time's failure. I will make it this time.

Did you make Facebook
He said earlier that we'd get better mods, but yeah I'd like to see the ID system as well.
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How long has OP been a faggot?
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/fit/ edition

it's a real pic
what is your personal stance on my little pony?
Moot, do you think OP is a faggot?
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What say you moot?
this please.
>no that wouldnt be very nice

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Michael had a unhealthy obsession with children.
missing out on his childhood doesnt excuse that.
he loved young boys more than young girls. prove me wrong faggot.
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>Moot you didn't answer my question..

Can I get an hour ban? It would mean a lot, it's like an autograph to me.
Moot, what do you do when you aren't blessing us commoners?
Why do you always have that same faggy smile in every pic i see of you? Also, you're a fucking nigger. You have my permission to tongue my anus.
Moot, what is your favorite board on 4chan?
can you bring back Pudi?
Do you ever post as Anonymous just for fun so you can enjoy your site without having people going crazy when you post?
Do you feel God like when you post on 4chan? What im getting at is that when you post people respond, whether good or bad, and you automatically draw attention and at some level a cult of personality.
Do you feel like the God of 4chan? Please elaborate this is extreamly interesting to me
Make a trap board.


open for discussion on trapping and the things going into that/discussion on different traps and opinions on them/etc.

I don't like asking for a board but clogging up /b/ with the same generic dump thread every 7 hours isn't really cutting it.


Who said I was a guy, huh?
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awhile ago i asked you a question and posted this image and you replied..
Do you remember?
pic related, jeremy.
who's your favorite comedian
Hey moot we have the same first name. Are we best friends 4lyf now?
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Obama VS Romney

Also, this:

And which Browser + 4chan addon do you recommend for best experience. If you say Chrome, autohomo
When are we supposed to hook up, eh?
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Can you fix Diablo 3 so it's good?
>implying not king
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cant decide if moot is the christ or cthulhu
moot can you please make a trap board ?

sexy beautiful traps ?
whos moot?
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Loves children
>Isn't obsessed
this has been addressed a hundred fucking times
Moot, can you answer this question so I can giggle like a school girl when you do?
I imagine it's very strange to post here and be treated like some kind of celebrity.

I like you, moot, and have a great deal of respect for you. Keep up the good work.
like the animal farm reference. I respect you anon.
Moot, who is best pony?
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Moot can I be a mod/janitor for /mlp/. I think you guys need one. And it would also be nice if you could create a sticky a stick for the "hourly I don't understand the appeal" threads.

Please and thank you.
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Blue or Red?
What was the 1 billionth post?
Moot what is your opinion on furfags?

>inb4 no reply because you dont want to ailenate users
can you bring back word filters or at least roody poo
pls ban dubs and tripcodes on /mu/ pls
do you have hopes/plans to make 4chan a profitable entity on the net ?
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Are you a wizzard moot?
MOOT!! you liek tits or ass? have to pick one
When did you stop coding?
Did you code the first version of 4chan?
I must say I'm kinda dissapointed.

So, mootykins, we meet again.
Red Vines or Twizzlers
Also, The Blue Album or Pinkerton
not if you dont know the answer
is their anything like living in the present?...just ponder on it a bit
Moot's not retarded.

You have to circlejerk in his entourage for 4 weeks before modship.
Moot, how do you feel about EDF?
Hi moot.

How do you feel about /b/?
Do you have to type captchas?
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Can't think of anything to ask, though.
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>what is love? baby don't hurt me
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Why the fuck won't you bring dubs back to /b/? Dubs are evil and malicious but pony threads and circlejerking avatar fags threads every single day are ok? Come on now, give us something that we can use to get rid of these cunts.
every website tracks ips dumbass they aren't really that important unless someone is trying to find you
>i don't drink soda

GTFO moot. I've seen you drink Pepsi. At the last ROFLCON.
i agree with this anon
plz can we moot?
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shurmans earthday say moot?

snacks posts on >>>/r9k/ and >>>/mu/ all the time
How often do you get emails/nudes from female lurkers asking to meet up? Do these generally annoy or entertain you? Has anything come of these interactions?
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Will you be doing any panels at any cons anytime soon? Also, you haven't been answering emails as frequently :(
(but that's okay if you're busy, I wouldn't want to stress out my mootles)
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Moot give me "OPisAfag" for my ID.
Moot, If you were sent to any Time never to return, would you go to the future and to what extent, or go to the past and to what year? What would you do then? Would you try to alter human history, if so how?
very zen...makes sense
Moot, why are there so many actual gay people on /b/?
Moot, I have met Richard Garriott, John Carmack, Stephen King, Trent Reznor, Steve Blum, and Obama, but I have wanted to meet you most.

PS, if you gave me a 12 hour heads up I would have driven there to see you.
moot, what is your favorite anime? (series or film. doesn't matter)
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Moot, what do you say about this?
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Excuse me Mr. Moot, but you seem to have missed my question.
It's like you have no idea who Shii and MrVacBob are.

moot doesn't code

He's in irc right now.
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moot, do you like traps?

>please respond
Can you loosen the rules on /mlp/ a bit so that the bronies will stay there and out of /b/?
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are you proud to be an american?
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Moot, do you use a Dyson vacuum cleaner? I do & it works wonders!
say moot, /v/ by far has the worst mods, like, they keep adding their friends as janitors and they just delete stuff they don't like. also see if you can make "Le" "XD" or any combination a bannable offense in /v/? stuff like nsfw content is fine aslong as it contributes to the thread on /v/, but I'm tired of /v/ being the only board to talk without fear of a ban. see if you can get better mods that will take care of the ironic shit posters and "that feel" spammers. its annoying, same with game grumps and my filter can only work so much before it starts filtering legitimate posts. please take this into consideration, thanks.
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Yo m00t, I've got an idea for helping cure the cancer, hear me out.

>all the shit goes here
>roll threads, YLYL threads
>raid threads
>anything not OC

Wadya think?

Also, on the side, can you pretty please have the mods start actually banning pony threads on /b/? I see that shit all the time.

Love you<3
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Moot, /toy/ soldier here:
Can you clarify if pony toy threads are allowed on /toy/? It's caused a bit of drama and it'd be nice to be settled.
Are you aware of the Jin trolling on /toy/ also? any comment on that at all?
Why do you keep /mlp/ up? What purpose does it serve? I mean, they still have a good 20 daily pony threads here, and /v/ is constantly riddled with ponyfaggots. What purpose did it serve? Not to mention the board is an abandoned wasteland half the time. It's the same 5 threads a day. This is the problem with having a board based around one cartoon to pander to their stupid fanbase.
can you post progress or are you still DYEL?
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Clearly dont understand the concept of an anonymous board
It was a temporary (1 second) ban for comedic effect.
Moot doesn't ban people for voicing their opinions, as he's a nice guy.
Hey moot, what was the last book you read, and did you enjoy it?
Moot, make me a janitor for /b/ so that I may destroy all ponies.
This is not a question, it is a demand.
what do you think of the ponyfags everywhere?
also can you ban me pls
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Moot, with the addition of the new boards recently how's the mod team holding up? You guys having any trouble keeping up with the increased workload?
I'd say thanks for the reply (and this may completely backfire), but that's too suck up-ish and I don't feel like that's how you roll. I do have another question, though. Expanding on my prior question, what keeps you going? Although it's obvious that you enjoy the website, I can hardly believe that it hasn't caused you a measurable amount of stress over the years. Are there times that you wish that you never created 4chan?
Not expecting a reply on this one seeing as the number of posts in the thread, but eh. It's worth a shot.
m00t i love you but you're being a faggot and not replying to my posts, your my god, and i've never been in a thread with you other than one where you already left
>are you gonna clean up /b/ from all the newfags and cancer ever? because even though it's summer its been really shitty in here, it's been on a downward spiral for awhile...but...damn
>inb4 /b/ was never good, just look how bad it's become
>pls respond
>also it would be cool if you banned me for a while, just so i can say it happened
They just keep evading and using their name script to continue shitposting. The mods tried stopping it, without much effect.
Hey moot, what's a good question to ask you that no one has asked before? I can't think of one need help!
wow /b/ is really getting younger and younger.
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what car do you drive?
what is your favorite or dream car?
congrats, you just described /b/
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I like /x/ moot. Why are 12 year olds telling me global rules don't apply to blue boards? Reporting does nothing.
What is your favorite board?
Mootles, will you come to Chicago?
>m00t i love you but you're being a faggot and not replying to my posts, your my god, and i've never been in a thread with you other than one where you already left
Way to be new asshat.
whats your favorite food?
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obvious answer is cheese pizza
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Hey mootles, are you aware that the post counter showed more than a billion a week or so ago?

Pic related, its from July 25th. Get your shit straight.
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moot you are a gangster fo real,
how often do you post anonymously?
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Moot are you a furry?
Hey moot, I have no question right now, but I just missed my train because of /b/ and I'm not even sad.
moot I have enjoyed lurking, fapping and postin here for more than six glorious years and I just want to say I know you make no money off this place yet you still keep it up and running.

Thanks moot; you glorious faggot. I love you from the bottom of my heart man
oh god that would be amazing
*notices the first question after the last question answered* Louis CK had something to say about stuff like this....
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Moot, will you ever be adding any new boards?
How often do you lurk on /b/?
Is /b/ still your favorite (if it was before) board? if not what is?
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Moot, what is your opinion of the many underage users that browse despite the 18+ rule?
why are yo such a candy ass?
No why do you let pony fags exist
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I second this individual
gake and fay
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Thanks for putting up and maintaining 4chan for all these years. I appreciate it.

Also, what was the billionth post?
Hey moot, do you like Reddit or 9Fag?
>clearly doesn't understand fucking interlinking
Replied to moot, feels good.

How often do you check /b/? Just when a mod or janitor informs you of something or own?
moot have you ever been in CA and any plans on going there?
I described what makes /b/ shit. The constant flow of unfunny cancer through this board is hideous, and it spreads all through 4chan. This might help.
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Moot, would you trade the current /b/ for the old "Prove me Wrong" "shoop da whoop" days /b/?
I remember thinking that shit was so annoying to see on an hourly basis- but I'd totally take it back with open arms now.
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Furries are awesome, don't you agree moot?
I'm asking this again. Unless moot bailed out like a little pussy

>was going to say inb4 faggots see moots post and the flood of questions come.
>I was too late

>Do you love me moot
moot can we please get a /trap/ board ?
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moot, that is some serious hoverhand you got going there.

I have a couple of questions: What is your stance on the whole Chick-fil-A debate?

Also, will you ever make a public hangout in RVA the next time you come visit? If you like barcades, you should check out Strange Matter near VCU.
moot if I ever meet you will you party with me?

Good question. Mine are 1. Do you currently have a girlfriend and if you do, what does she think about 4chan? 2. Has being the founder of 4chan ever gotten you laid? 3. Are you completely and utterly desentised to most stuff since I imagine you've seen pretty fucked-up shit?
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You know you can just call your last number like everyone on /v/ does?
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Has 4chan directly impacted any sort of legal status of yours? By which I mean, do you think the CIA taps your phone?
"/b/" != "4chan"

you should submit it to the SUPREME court of records

i wish

is that even a question

i started working out a few months ago and changed my diet to be pretty healthy
>dem macros/dat clean bulk

>implying you actually donated or used 4chan in 2005

i've been there before

because i wouldn't be able to sleep knowing people were taking financial advice from 4channers

we will add some back soon, but finding good advertisers is hard. i loathe porn ads.

because it's tomorrow night, not tonight


sup portlandbro

i dont know but i wish it stopped

because it led to a huge amount of shit threads. what do you mean "censored" words?

no: http://www.4chan.org/faq#volunteer

no plans to be, why?

web 3.0

brooklyn, ny



i stopped playing at act 2 :(

no idea, no way for us to know

i certainly hope it stops losing money because that's not sustainable long term.

a few years ago
the original code came from futaba and i translated all of the strings into english, and it's been essentially rewritten over the past ~9 years

it's as if people don't understand how our ban system works

did i? i regret it already

never. true story. very few people email me these days, and none are girls.

nope, stopped going to anime cons a few eyars ago.
What are your favorite shows on tv right now?
Moot why you hang out with hipsters in the Willy-B?

P.S. see you Friday at barcade
Moot do you hate 9fag and other cancer sites that misuse and claim creation of memes?
Also please reply you always ignore me
it's a yes
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Hey moot can /k/ have a better mod? I know at least a few of us have sent you e-mails. Mine was the well written and polite one.
no seriously moot make me a mod on /v/ the thread deletion over there is fucking schizophrenic
Have you/do you ever visit Toronto, and would you consider meeting my girlfriend and I for a beer downtown if you did visit?

Also, can you remove captcha?

Hi moot. Not going to waste your time with faggy questions.
Hope you are having a good night. And with that I am off to find a thread with certain content.
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Pony threads and avatar circlejerks keep to one thread at a time. Dubs threads multiply and aren't even about any sort of discussion.
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And a furry board.
Hey moot will you ever get rid of the captcha? I believe you said it was temporary in the beginning if memory serves.

Also you still getting /fit/ I wanna see dem gains.
First to volunteer on b&list for the night.
Idk about 9fag, but I know for a fact that he did an AMA on reddit a few months ago.
could you please expand on the purpose of this social experiment?

in mandy ways it's both the best and the worst of mankind in one small forum
Who killed mr. Burns?
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Are you Jewish?
you're an embarrassment to my mother
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why did you get rid of dubs if you don't mind me asking
Hey Moot! You get hammered?
It's permanent.
>implying i care how new i look
>implying anyone can call anyone new because people who are summerfags are just oldfags pretending to be newfags calling people summerfags who are just other oldfags
>your new is showing
he is our based moot, and i would like to speak with him.
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>>Dear my sweet sweet mootie pie.
Have you ever gotten laid or had any sexual favors from anyone, by just your recognition as moot?
what do you have against pedos?
Do you plan on coming back to Michigan?

Ann Arbor is a cool place.
hey moot, have you ever seeked out/saved/fapped to child porn? it's a serious question, answer honestly
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Mootykins, how about a gfur board? My penis would be forever grateful.
Moot please respond here>>416528686

It's important.
>not understanding the basic principles of how the internet works
Yes, I'm only answering the question Anonymously.
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Does your mother make spaghetti?
What ever happened to WT Snacks? Are you still friends with him? do you ever see him around?
I second a furry board to remove their taint from /b/ and /v/.
Moot who is your favorite trap or shemale?
this was the 1,000,000,000th post- posted on /r9k/

Well mootles you should open up for some fucking mod and janitor spots on some boards.
>never. true story. very few people email me these days, and none are girls.

We had a fur board back then. Mootles put it up for 3 days and IP b& everyone who posted for 3 months

How is your relation to Mr. Snacks nowadays? And who released this chatlog?

So what exactly was 4chan's billionth post?
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Snacks is an immature faggot and I'm glad he's gone.

Moot make a /fur/ board.
moot do you still lift brah? any progress

Why not follow the sticky from /fit/?
Hey M00T. I saw your interview on TED. What is your current major in school?
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Do you think I should see a doctor for this moot?
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my post was ignored... can you at the very least say 'no'?
/d/eviant here. There are approximately 70* futa threads on /d/ right now, killing any other topic that tries to show up. Can we either A) have a topic auto-sage after a week so that the futa spammer can't repeatedly bump up month-old futa threads or B) get a /df/ for only futa, leaving /d/ for things like bondage, slimegirls, and tentacles?

*Futa topics on /d/ atm: futa, photoshop futa, trap, chaste futa, public futa, sock futa, double futa, growth futa, futa, futa, doujin futa, neck futa, clothed futa, futa, futa, growth futa, futa, futa on male, dmitrys, futa size, cute futa, pussy futa, horse futa, futa, futa bondage, big futa, no balls futa, growth futa, double futa, miku futa, bondage futa, futa anal, bondage futa, futa with balls, futa, black futa, futa, normal futa, big boobs futa, futa comic, futa through panties, futa, schoolgirl futa, futa threesome, futa, futa, trap, poison, futa, futa, futa, pregnant futa, nintendo futa, anime futa, doujin futa, doujin futa, touhou futa, comic futa, blue skin futa, pov futa, balls futa, pregnant futa, big futa, soul caliber futa, self sucking futa, giant futa, pissing futa, futa.
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Do you really wish to be the little girl?
whats going on in this threat
moot how tall are you?
i've seen your posts. you can't be moot.
moot, did you partake in the habbo raids?

1,000,000,000th post

Oh. Well if you were coming to Philly I would like to meet you, that's all.
Hey moot, love ya to bits, but I have a concern.
As of lately /v/'s mods have been total dick faces, can we get new mods that aren't dicks?
Also do you like Whitest Kids U Know?
Oh yes, and moot, do the pages that thank those who report spammers and rule violators come around still? I sort of lost count on day-to-day visits that I send those people the vindicating checkmarks of repots
When are you going to ban ponyfags from /b/.
And repeat April's Fur Day?
moot what time is the meetup tomorrow @ barcade ?
send me a cool 'Thank you' for being such a cool guy, Moot.
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Moot, you better have a good explanation for this shit.
I only act crazy so the CIA doesn't assassinate me.
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moot is a faggot
> what do you mean "censored" words?
word filters
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Please add spoilers to all board. You added them to /r9k/ and they don't even need them.
PLEASE this. We need someone to go nazi mode on /v/.
MOOT answer me
Serious question!
Why did the mods keep 404ing the threads about the guy who pissed in the nachos yesterday?
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>not reading the OP

It says "who has access to the database" not "is there a database". The first fucking line of the OP says "You obviously track IPs"

Reposting because I'd like to see the answer:

>Who has access to this database? How often do you clear cache? If you are turning them over to the FBI then it's only a matter of time until a freedom of information act request is filed and you are shown to be turning over information to the FBI without them even getting warrants. You'd be doing this because you choose to, not because you have to.
Yotsuba&!. Do you still read/follow Yotsuba&!?

>please answer me plox
>I know you won't anyway
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moot what's your favorite cereal?
Can you send more mods to /co/ and /mu/?
where did the get from why?
Hey moot, could you ban all of the bronies ever please?
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Make a fur board moot.
Do you ever post on /mu/?
I'd enjoy to see you get bashed on for being a major pleb.
CP is illegal in the US, 4chan could get in trouble with the authorities if it didn't remove it.
Don't worry moot, ill ask some femanon bitches to send you dem nudes
i would send them myself, but im pretty sure you are already tired of that male genitalia
Please make a furries board moot, get them the fuck out /b/!
Will you have sex with me, moot?
Seriously dude. Rule 14, why the fuck isn't it enforced?

I AM talking of the sites rules.
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Please, Moot.

Save /v/
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Moot, are you ever gonna get rid of these damn IDs?
I can't enjoy threads as I used to with that on, I feel exposed.
i'll post about any meetups with >12 hours warning

shii never touched imageboard code. he recoded 0ch (world4ch code) in php -- that's it. vacbob is a saint, and so is king jaffe joffer.

i dont like or dislike them

nope, i have a ~30 year old miele vacuum

snow crash and yes i did enjoy it

we've been having trouble due to increased workout for the past 5+ years

4chan has been a part of my life for almost 9 years. that's one third of my life. i've been through hell and back, but it's been worth it. i wouldn't trade the experience for the world.

i don't own a car, but i really like VW golfs
audis are really nice too but expensive

yeah, we weren't compensating for the accelerated post count due to skipping doubles, which we are now. current count is accurate.

thanks and i'm not sure

i visit california at least once per year

i was in RVA this past weekend and have been to strange matter before
put some music on!
Do you read MS Paint Adventures? Have you ever spoken with or met Andrew Hussie?
Have to had a good week, Moot?
What's your opinion on IDs for /v/? To combat shitposting/samefaggery.
What grocery store do you usually shop at?
Fuck Moot, he's a faggot.
Mootcakes, I want to hang out with you sometime. Should I just email you about this issue?
Sup moot. Why is op a faggot?
Moot, if you do post anonymously from time to time, what was one of the most remarkable or hilarious posts/conversation you have had?
i came
thanks for unbanning me.
Should all /b/tards that want dubs back just relocate to a dead board?
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learn to proxy newfag
/mlp/ needs more (or any) mods. After /vp/ went to shit and had porn threads every day, you gave THEM mods. Can't we get the same?
not moot, but IDs would be bullshit. samefagging is fine, shitposting isn't.
Hey, how are your gainz?
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m00t if you don't mind me asking how do you make a living since 4chan is actually losing money?
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Ron Paul Moot!
I may have missed it if someone else asked but i didn't see it so here it is.

Hey Moot, Whats up?
moot, can you come hang out on /v/ for a bit? I'm only on /b/ because of this moot thread.

Just like, post in a random thread, or something.
How long is your penis in inches
Moot if it was my birthday, would you sing me happy birthday? that would be a very nice thing to do for me when no one else will
/mu/ is the official dubs board
Dear Moot,

What do you think are the best and worst things about 4chan at the moment?
do you ever come to hawaii?
Hey Moot! How are you? Hope you have a good day today!
have you ever met Jessica Nigri?
Would you ever consider bringing back Pudi
MOOT, I DOUBT YOU'LL SEE THIS, but I'm going to ask anyway.

What do you do on an average day? In other words, do you work/slave on 4chan all day, or is your work fairly easy? I'm mostly just curious about how much of your effort goes into 4chan today. I like to imagine you somewhat like Mark Zuckerberg in the Social Network, but less of a faggot.

Wether you answer this or not, thank you for what you do, and for /b/.
This. I sent an email a while back but sadly no response, how are you actually paying for the servers.

Also out of curiosity how much is it costing if I may ask.
Moot, I'd really like a answer as to why lolicon threads get banned. Maybe it's not you doing so, but surely someone is deleting them.
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/toy/ soldier here again
Can we have spoiler text and spoilers please? They could look like transformers rubsigns or something.
shii wrote the text board software. Do you have any contact to the guys from back then like Man of Wax, shii or shut? Please bring back Snacks moot. He is our only hope.

Have you ever considered approaching video game companies or other large companies with the prospect of allowing them to do market research in return for money for the site?

You know set up polls and all that?

>audis are really nice too but expensive

>ask 4chan for donations
>have money for audi within hours
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How is your /fit/ progress coming along? Any pics?
can ironic shitposting be a bannable offense on /v/ please please please
Moot, what about cure for cancer? Have you found it? Do you think its only change? Need some opinions
God damnit, moot is too cool.
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I like your message about anonymity and internet identity being separated from "real" identity. I wish you had more videos online about it from panels, interviews, etc.
Hey man, why not get rid of trips in every board?
/b/ is still shit, but /v/ and /vp/ could benefit from the ID system.
moot i have one question and one question, WHO WAS PHONE
moot, could /v/ get a wordfilter/banword for "le" and "XD"?
all this ironic shitposting is going to end up bringing in the real shitposters soon.
How rich are you?
Why the shit don't you have a car?
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Who would win in a fight between you and Randall Munroe?
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He has to kill and steal to get by
moot why won't you ban those damn bronies?
Hey moot... is OP always a faggot?
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Please dont skip mine :/... >>416529504
Could you create a board for the riskfags so I don't see three risk threads every time I refresh?
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moot, post a picture like this so I can fap to it.
How many emails do you get in a day?
>Moot likes Volkswagen Golf.
>I drive Volkswagen GTI
>GTI is basically a souped up Golf

My car is better than Moot's dream car!
Ah, I see. Well I hope you're able to find some good friends to celebrate with!
moot why don't we have a /trap/ board ?
>The fuck is Barcade?
When are you going to ban the ponyfags.
How's summer going for you mootles
you like 2012
/ts/ board

about traps and things traps have to do to become traps.
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Moot we tried setting a kickstarter for 4chan a few weeks ago!

Didn't work out

what do you think of our initiative?

pls responde

we were from /v/ and we thought it we made you a billionaire, /v/ wouldn't be considered the best board ever and not the worst

You say you're not too great at coding. Do you have anyone around who is? Do you want one? *flexes coding muscles*

That said, fuck PHP. If it were my board, I'd have transitioned to something much more maintainable by now.
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Moot what will be the specials at Hipstercade tomorrow?
It's Brooklyn, that's why.
Has 4chan helped or made it harder for you to go on with your life and your career? Also how was hanging out with boxxy and shit? I wanna meet you.
When do you think Janitor apps again?

I check it every so often to see if you open it up quietly.

I just want to work for a small board that needs someone to clean up, not going to ask for a major board.
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They do.
Can you please make 4chan better for mobile? I would really like to be able to post images from my ipod cause thats what i mostly use and anonyma or whatever that app is called doesnt work anymore.
How often do you lurk 4chan? all the time or... not so much? also would you consider yourself famous or a celebrity?
Did you hear about this moot?

Name: Cameron Jankowski
Age: 23
Twitter: @Cameronisonfire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cameron.jankowski.7
Workplace: Taco Bell, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Possible Phone Number(s): (219) 289-8194
(574) 289-8194
Possible Address:
229 W Ewing Ave, South Bend, IN 46613-2148

Exposure of genitals in fast-food environment (Health Code violation)
Urination on food (Nachos) prepared in fast-food environment albeit not served (Health Code violation)
Smoking Marijuana (Federal Crime)
Incriminating Evidence:
I can completely relate to that. Do you feel that it's almost a "part of you"? As in do you feel like it's become part of your personal identity?
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hey moot, if you're ever in milwaukee feel free to not let me know, considering you have no idea who i am.


Ground Kontrol is so well know here though. And they don't serve liquer... just beer...

Moot, why are so many CAPCHAs I get so overly complicated? I swear at times it'd be easier to read brail or the screen...

excuse my typos, almost 4 am here
>can't read previous answers
moot. how many times have I been banned now?
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How does moot feel about summerfags on /b/, since you never answered previous questions about it.
Long time lurker here. Posted maybe a hundred time in almost 6 years. I've always wondered: How many times(if any) have the authorities contacted you about content here? What about reporters from news stations?
moot, did you invent the lingo for 4chan? Like newfag etc, also does sage work? Finally, can you make a thread and have it say "battletoads"? My friend is dieing of cancer ironically and hes new to 4chan. If you did this he would die happy
You said earlier that you post anonymously so people don't freakout when they see you.

How often do you do that?
>4 month old post

>still ponyshit daily
Moot your mods on /v/ are some of the most worthless pieces of shit known to man. I just want you to know that.
Moot have you ever been to Minnesota or do you ever plan on coming here? If you come when it isn't winter time you don't have to fear the cold and snow.
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Moot pls, we need moar gfur
Moot what music or groups do you like?
Do you tend to answer all the non-bullshit emails you do get?
Moot, /v/ is the worst board on 4chan. The mods you chose for /v/ are part of the problem. You shouldn't give people with Down Syndrome jobs in the future.
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Moot, we've been through this before. You want a Toyota 86
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MOOT, are you an ANARCHIST?

In exchange for an answer, CAMMY WHITE by YOKO JUUSUKE
you know I really wish you would actually care about the community, hell the only reason I come to this place is because I can voice my opinion without some whitenight/jock/any of that shit drowning me out. I really wish you would just remove trip codes for everyone but the op, its useless and only provides the same circle jerks that infests reddit and gamefaqs. /v/ by far has the most incompetent moderators I've ever seen, they constantly viral their servers and spam memes like theres no tomorrow. its very annoying and we, the anonymous posters, have very little say in whats going on. the janitors will mark for deletion any thread that they are not fans of, eg; neptunia and let it be ravaged by shit posters before it dies. I just want to discuss videogames because thats all I could ever win in, thats pretty much all of /v/. please please please remove invisibro and all of his appointed janitors before it gets out of hand.
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Important question- who IS Meximoot? Friend of yours? Pictures of some guy you found? What?
oo a better question than last time what does it look like on your side of posting like do you have special buttons to sticky and ban people? also could you provide screen cap
I think you're pretty cool, moot.

Fellow MNFag also wishes to know this answer.
He said he posts like everyday.
Do you remember what the first image ever posted on 4chan was?

[spoiler]Can you post it again?[/spoiler]
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Moot, have you ever found a different alternative to Permabans? They're 100% evadable. It's high time you find a new way to ban people.
We need this, and a board for furryfags, and no more gay shit on /b/
There is a pony thread ban almost daily. I don't cap them.
Moot do you listen to Insane Clown Posse
Inb4 hate
Oh fuck you man, you were the one that made it. I thought moot did. Good thing I didn't find out about it until after.

How were you expecting to give him the money?
when will you be accepting more images for banners, like you did several months ago?

why the fuck are the captchas getting harder? it's making me want to post less.
Moot, it must cost a fortune holding up such a busy site as this. Since you're obviously not raking in cash to pay for server bills, no offense, how long do you estimate you will be able to support 4chan? Will you ever begin accepting donations again, or will you pass it on to someone else? Or rather, do you have plans to pass ownership of 4chan on to someone else in the future?
The ponies do t get banned. Tha spambots dont get banned. Nothing gets banned except.cp, no matter how many times you report other stugf (especially spam). Care to explain why there are no longer mods on /b/?
Hey Moot, you ever been to dragoncon in Atlanta?
If you come this year I promise I'll buy you a chocolate lava cake at the top of the highest hotel in the city
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I agree this thread needs more gfur.
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bring back dubs
Hey moot, why did you never answer my email about Jet Skis, bitch? I know you wanted to ride...
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Hey moot do you like m00tless or mooter pooter more for your nickname

Well that's a shame. But I lurked reddit and your post on r/ladyboners definitely proves a LOT of chicks (myself included) think you are at least cute. I'll send you mail if you want! :3
yeah captchas seem to be getting harder and harder to read
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I've always wondered was it awkward going to that "most inspiring people" event all those years ago even though 4chan rigged it?
hey moot do you want to buy a strange scattergun for 2 keys 1.33 refined?
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Moot, you're awesome, pic related.
Newfags don't know, but there is an unwritten asterisk to rule "/b/ is not your personal army", and it is:
"unless you are moot"

Hey moot, another question. Why did you take the comic section out of the 4chan footer?

Link related, its to the comic section you don't see nowadays.

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I can oblige
I just wanted to say thank you for making a mobile version, Moot.
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Just posting back to say, the thread on /v/ discussing getting better mods was just deleted by a janitor.
Moot, When are you going to delete /mlp/
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can we have better mods on /co/ Moot?
the current ones ban for 'trolling' and that kind of stupid shit, i'm starting to think they're all just buttmad femanons

also, you should ban the word "tumblr" on /co/
Is there honestly any other way to do it? This site doesn't have accounts, all they have to work with is IP bans. There IS no other way to ban people.

Is there?
I've sent you emails but you never respond. y u no respond moot?
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whats the offical dance of 4chan?
Hey moot, could you ban OP? He's a faggot
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1.We need a history board
2.We need a Rule 34 Board
3.We Need to ban ponyfags
4.We need Trap board
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How much is 4chan worth now? Did you expect that? Ever thought of selling 4chan?
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moot post gfur.
Stupid smartphone touchscreen. Excuse the typos

Hey love,

What and where exactly is Barcade? I'm currently living in Brooklyn Heights and am within 30 minutes of 14th st if thats of any help...
When did almost every board apart from /b/ go from 15 pages down to 10?

>plz respond
Why are ponyfaggots and that other group of roleplaying cunts allowed to make threads every single day without any punishment at all?

Why are dubs gone from FUCKING /b/?! If anything, take them away from every other board EXCEPT /b/.

Why can't video game devs just make fun games like they used to?

Why is your chin so perfect?

moot answer pls


Also the flash section

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Tagan or Sara?
Yeah, this.
Moot, will we ever get a /quest/ board? /tg/ is full of butthurt aspies who will shit up even good quest threads.
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What are your thoughts on the Oculus Rift vitual reality Headset?
I'm getting a devkit myself. Anything cool you think 4chan could benefit from seeing first person?
>implying moot gives two shits about ponyfags
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moot, why does this site exist?
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SAVE /v/!


You see this furshit? We have to put up with it in like 60% of all threads on /v/
I doubt you'd answer this publicly, but what the hell.
You smoke the ganj?
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Oh please delete /mlp/. Then we will come back here.

You sure you want that, bro?
you only need to type the word with inconsistent type font and just use a space for the other word/image. Also, be happy your not russian they have two captcha words to type out.
Ahahaha oh wow. See? Janitors are conspiring to keep their jobs and they KNOW they're shit at it.
are you aware of your unbelievably sexy jaw lines

No idea, that is why I was asking /v/

My best idea was find moot's address and leave change at his doorstep
Because it's not video games.
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What will happen to 4chan if you die?

Have you got plans for anyone to take it over?
what ever happened to the teenage dream?


bring back snacks
forgot /fur/ board
The barcade in Philadelphia?
Please, please, please, just for at least one day...

Add country flags to /v/. It would be the most hilarious thing ever.
i sure hope not

i don't normally, it's just a good place to meet up with large groups

sure, and no


and yep, still working out

no, roman catholic but not practicing

i actually don't drink, but might have a single drink tomorrow night to celebrate

no plans to visit as of now

nope, sorry

he sent it to someone else who released it. that was 7 years ago and water under the bridge.

yes sir, and yes

i'm on leave, but was considering majoring in anthropology

nah, just walk it off

i think he changed his "underage X" mark on his hand to a swastika before we took that pic

who are you to say what /r9k/ does and doesnt need

t-thanks, anon
sure, no homo

i guess but you live far away

i have a day job. 4chan is a hobby


lolicon has been against the rules outside of /b/ for like 8 years bro.

...which is exactly what i said. i saw man of wax very recently and see shut pretty regularly.

>not knowing i hate donations and haven't accepted a cent since 2005

thanks. i plan to start writing more soon so maybe that will be of interest to you

i think he's stronger than i am, but i'm lifting now so maybe that's changed

basically. get a golf R and you will be my hero

i don't like donations. see above.

there are two people who help out in their spare time and they're awesome dudes

that isn't a limitation of our software, it's a limitation of mobile safari. it's changing in iOS 6 though.
Well I'm pretty disappointed. So you're the CEO/Asshole kinda guy. How do you even take credit?

Lastly, you didn't reply a couple e-mails I've sent you.
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Moot, if you create a gfur board, I will contribute
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You're already here. There's 58 pony threads here a day.
It is /v/ related, but I see your point, however I'm leaning more towards this >>416532647
What board do you lurk most?
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dumping faps
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The flash section is at least available from the interface. The comics are not and they are gold because nostalgia and everything.
I don't give a fuck, I don't go to /b/.

Delete /mlp/ Moot. Do it.
Put post ID's on /r/
moot, if I sent you an email asking about your thoughts on stuff like anonymity on the internet and other philosophical stuff would you actually respond?
Hey moot, please give us a /history/ board or at least one that emcompasses all the humanities.
'cause we dont see mlp shit every hour on /b/
Is it the Barcade in nyc? I might go if i don't have work :(
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Can't something be done to improve the captcha system? They are way to fucking hard.
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Soup, moot. So uh, you like Metal Gear Solid? Play any vidya games?
Google, you absolute fucking moron.
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moot, please put ID on /v/
we're really tired of samefagging
Aw, well please plan on visiting the mitten again sometime

It would be nice to meet you
Woah holy shit, how did you post so quick? Are you hacking?

Could you remove captcha when reporting a thread?

Sometimes I just give up because captcha is shit and let nonvidya shit into my vidyagames.
Well, I meant /b/, I asked it in a previous question, some janitor or something seems to hate it, and ban it on sight...
Anyways, really appreciate the reply mate.
Moot... I have never seen you post personally... Today... Today my life changes... I have SEEN you post... Today... I FAP TO YOU!
Fuck you m00t
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So, if you don't want anymore of "ponyfags" here, then I think it's best for moot to leave the board alone.
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Can you ban me for a bit moot? It's been six years, and I haven't been banned here once. I would love for you to pop my ban cherry.

In return, a business cat.
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while I do agree that 4chan could use a /fur/ board, all the gfur fanatics in this thread are a fucking disgrace

>mfw spamming a moot thread with yiff
Moot, if this post ends in 000 or 4186, you will bring back dubs.
hey moot, you're awesome
Hello Moot!
Few questions/requests/begging tantrums.

/v/: FUCKING GET US SOME MODS. Seriously we have little to no discussion nowadays, anything even slightly related towards humor or memes is met with "le funney joke xD". BAN IRONIC SHITPOSTING, BAN LE, GET US SOME DECENT FUCKING MODS THAT DONT JUST DO JACK SHIT.
Forced anon would be nice as well.

/co/: Ban the word sexism/feminism.

Make a /fur/ board for fucks sake, I've had it with furry porn invading /v/.
I couldn't give a damn if you banned them all a few weeks later, just fucking do something to herd them off!

Ahem. Thank you. May have been a bit brash but fuck I am a bit pissed.
hey moot, what's your favourite video game?
do you think gaming is dying?

Will 4chan hit 2 billion? If it will, how long do you think its going to take?
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Did I miss something
>Delete /mlp/ Moot. Do it.
Why would you want this.
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what will happen to 4chan when you die?

why can't we namefag on /b/? it's good for circle jerks.
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Moot do you like Ariana Grande
KKeep posting those Ron Paul Pics i need em !!!!!!
what's your day job moot? do you have a boss that makes you his/her bitch? did you get promoted to CEO for being moot?
If you are a catholic, why ban CP
>riddle me this faggot
Who said that? We're all in favor of deleting /mlp/.

Can you read? Or has a pony show morphed your brain to a pile of shit as well?
Any plans on coming to Canada, evar? :D
Moot, do you ever plan on getting rid of /soc/?
why do you think /diy/ has such a great community whilst places like /r9k/ are developing worse and worse communities?
Do you have a favorite board or one you browse the most?
Is there anything you've been ashamed of doing in making 4chan?
does freedom-speaks.com

realy have cp?
This. Vidya REALLY needs new mods. They seriously ban you for posting on topic there. And they let the pony trip fags run rampant.
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who said we didn't know you don't like donations?

We knew that

the plan was to FORCE money into you.

How would you feel if we succeeded and you had woken up with a million bucks?
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Moot aare you gonna fap to this
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Legitimately interested
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Moot, please get rid of the current mods on /co/ and replace them
The way they moderate the board has made it un-browsable for me, and plenty of other male and female anonyouse who went on the board 2 weeks prior to Korra.
what kind of chocolates did you hand out this time?
Moot you should get on AIM more. It's hard to have discussions with you in threads like this.
From all the things that 4chan created, what is your favorite and least favorite? You can answer why if you want.
Hey moot, I'm from /v/
I would like to know, when did you drop the most spaghetti?
Moot! What exactly are you planning to do to fix /v/? You have to be aware of just how common shitposting is there.
I would not like the id system in /v/ I would like better mods with lists for what goes into /vg/ updated constantly.
moot, when do you think you'll be in California next? I'd really like to meet you in person
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it's against the law, otherwise he'd allow it obviously.
Hi, Moot. Just dropped in to say I'd love to take you to dinner sometime.

>We're all in favor of deleting /mlp/.

You want them back mainly in /b/?
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Just scroll up, or down I suppose. I'm not really convinced they're actually furries and not people trying to give them a worse name (as if itś possible).
The thing is, you delete the board 33% of those ponyfags go on, they have to go somewhere. Where will they go to? /b/. Do you want even MORE ponyfags here?
Have my previous questions not been answered because they're not good enough?

Or are there too many to answer?
It was some cancer replying to a thread, I think. There's an image with that.
moot talked to me
>i can die happy now
Why do you barley post on /b/ anymore punk?
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M00t are you still going out with Kaite Leavelle?
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Alright fine, then i'll be one more ponyfag that's gonna now be on /b/ again.
4chans hatred for furfags goes way back to 2004 or 2005 I think. They were only allowed on friday and we started several raids on furry sites (babyfur as well). Moot would betray oldfags by allowing furries.

Please respond to this:
what IS your day job, moot?
>mainly in /b/
The same amount would spread back to /co/ and /v/ too. It isn't just /b/.
Moot, do you only browse /b/ late at night? Seems to be some of the only times I see you posting on here
Could we get a news thread? since I always hear about big stories on boads WAY before I see it on big news networks
What kind of music do you listen to, moot? You would seem like an awesome person to mosh with.

Either way, it's not like they stay contained. Go to /v/, they're all over the place. The board barely serves its purpose as it is.
does freedom-speaks.com

relay have the best cp?
What's /b/'s irc? SOMEBODY TELL ME
It is already in /b/, /mlp/ does nothing but create a new cesspool.

Just ban everyone who posted on /mlp/. I'm pretty sure most of them are underage or don't know how to reset their IP.
Moot, What is your least and most favorite board on 4chan?
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Is this picture seriously legit?
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Hey Moot.

No question, just want to say thanks for this awesome cesspool of humanity you call 4chan.

That is all.
How do you feel about the recent upspring of memes becoming, for lack of a better word, mainstream? Like Facebook and all the 13 year olds "le trolling"
Also, I wish to scoop out my vagina and place it in a fleshlight to present to you.
Why do you assume I live far away?
I do, but my boyfriend lives near you (I think? the north is a mystery to me) and I'll be visiting him sometime.
Good, this board is shit anyways, it's not like you'll change much.
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Thanks mate, done and done.
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you have a gf?
hows your hair now?

/b/ is a quarantine, faggots

Go to fucking /r9k/ and /v/ if you want actual content

Not even /v/ is safe anymore
/b/ is trash anyways.

No one gives a fuck.
why did you abandon /b/ and barely talk to us you're like god, making everyone love you then just not existing
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Please respond to me Moot :(
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Is this not the funniest thing you ever saw, moot?
requesting /news/ thread

even though we are the news...
Serious question Moot:

How anonymous are we really that we have ID's attached to our IP addresses? You obviously track IPs now. Who has access to this database? How often do you clear cache? If you are turning them over to the FBI then it's only a matter of time until a freedom of information act request is filed and you are shown to be turning over information to the FBI without them even getting warrants. You'd be doing this because you choose to, not because you have to.

Moot, fucken this.
It's like 4chan is not designed with privacy in mind. Any plans to get that fixed? When/Why not?

He already said he had some new board ideas planned
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One more thing moot, I have one more idea, this one REALLY EASY to implement, and should kill off a good portion of shitposting, especially on /v/.

Wordfilters and/or instant bans for the use of

>xD or XD

There, shitposting is crippled.

Please respond ;_;
>Actual content
Choose one.
bite my dick
/b/tards that believe this place is sacred do.
I just sent you a somewhat lengthy and overall pointless email. Will you reply?
What was the first ever post in /b/?
Moot! Please permaban RoastedBread on /co/

He offers nothing good. I know plenty have emailed you about it.
Moot why are you so fucking sexy?


Moot can't laugh at his own people
Moot, do you have any hard feeling towards Snacks/SomethingAwful?
Question: What was/is the purpose of /b/? why did you create it?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your little miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you could have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
i wouldn't say easier or harder. i've certainly learned a lot though. it was fun.

every day. i don't consider myself famous or a celebrity.

no idea, that would be a question for google not me

18. jesus.

i didnt "invent" any of that

nah man, i want a mustang. fuck turning.

>implying "i don't care about the community" because 4chan isn't exactly the way you want it to be
never change, anon

some grad student that shut found on google

no idea honestly. probably some random image to test to see it was working

it was awkward but entertaining i guess

because it hadn't been updated in half a decade

you are very welcome, but the thanks belongs to king jj who coded it

$0 and not really

google it

nope, never done drugs! (aside from the gotchas like caffeine and alcohol)

i don't? judging by your post, they probably weren't worth responding to.

i went through them a few weeks ago, they are in fact a huge nostalgia bomb

no because i hate writing long email responses and have zero interest in philosophizing on the internet

no because people abuse reports

i broke a longer post into two
Moot doesn't need to answer those.
>Yes he'll add new boards.
>I can't say how often he lurks.
>His favorite board is probably /fit/ or /g/.
Moot what's your favorite color?
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I cannot argue with that.
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pls respond moot

also what's your favorite pokemon
Are you sending IP addresses to the FBI from coupon threads?
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>i stopped playing at act 2 :(

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Moot, I really am quite curious. Has your site caused you any problems with the government? Such a melting pot of stuff must surely attract the attention of the law occasionally.

In short, do you ever fear you're being monitored more closely than your average citizen?

P.S. Thanks for anything you have had to, and may yet sacrifice to keep this site running. I know you enjoy it, but thank you nonetheless.

inb4 I get called a brown nosing faggot.
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your thread is being hijacked by ponies if that's okay.
When all the /v/irgins are begging for a total recall on the mods, thats when you know something is fucked up. /v/ deserves the mods that /h/ and /d/ have. At least those fuckers actually follow their own rules.
moot would you let me buy you a drink sometime? what is your sexual orientation?

>totally not homo at all
Have fun, don't forget to make people mad.
I know Rory. Do you know who I'm talking about? he works on your tec stuff. Not sure what his department does but he says he's met you. Real calm, chill guy.
Moot, I majored in anthropology but can't find a job that actually applies my major. Pretty much the only actual route to take is grad school. Just so you know.

also if you meet my friend Owen at the Barcade tell him that Michael says "Fuck you"
Are you gonna make an rule 34 board?
this. /v/ really needs better mods, not just more mods.
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So what do you have to say to the fucks who stayed around for all these years on 4chan, through the schisms, deaths and god knows what else?

I still have the sign and vest somewhere.
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Do people at your job know you're the founder of 4chan? Any reactions from it?
What is your opinion of /d/ and its inhabitants?
Disgusting? Interesting?
I'm afraid I must object, sir.
Know any famous people who lurk (Maybe in person maybe just off hand?)

Whose the most famous person you've met in your opinion?
moot if I report you would you ban yourself?
Moot have you ever posted on /k/? And can you please type "hey Marcus"
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wanna hangout with a kid from boston?
Moot hates /v/

moot will you lead an attack
Do you pirate your games,music,movies, etc moot? If so, how do you live with yourself?
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Here's a loli for you moot.

But I'd really appreciate it if your fellow mods/Janitors weren't so ba frenzy on lolicon threads.

But thanks anyways for making 4chan an awesome place, it has more or less become my home.
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you're gay
Wow, moot responded to both of my questions. I feel so special!
Everybody hates /v/.
Her self portrait that one time is on auto-ban, did you know?
Can /i/ have better mods? There probably isn't much that's said about this, as it's one of the slowest boards around. But the moderation is beyond terrible there, when it does get moderated that is.
at this point I think moot is just treating /v/ like a quarantine zone.
Moot respond to this with a triforce or you'll be a fag.
Plz bbygurl
moot please use vocaroo to record yourself making pee noises

Did you screencap the first few posts on /b/ or 4chan in general? I'd love to see those threads
So, when do you plan on coming to Hawaii, mootykins?
m00t do your co workers know of your internet fame?
what do they think about it and the whole asshole of the internet thing?
does moot have aspergers?
>r-rerolling this
Can you get a captcha that isn't complete shit?

Like those, click on the circle with a dot on it.

Or ones that ask to spell things that isn't distorted to hell and back.
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Shut up Dave.
Are you sending IP addresses from coupon threads to the FBI? Would you if they requested it? Please respond man.
Why the FUCK do you like chocolate milk? I mean C'MON!
moot, how big are your nipples?
moot can you please post a screenshot of the interface that mods/admins have in 4chan?????

moot skipped my question. no sense wasting time waiting
ps moot if you're ever in canada and want pussy let me know
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It's not like furries particularly care either way.
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I actually stay on my board for the most part.
So, moot, how much can you lift?

Fuck /v/
must happen now
moot permaban me please for the love of all things richard nixon actually can you have a richard nixon board that would be insane and once again perma ban me and um lolicon is coool so ban me yeah
moot im afraid to go to barcade

pls convince me to leave my home

why do you hate donations so much?
ill shut up now
Howdy moot. I'm sure you've run into 4channers around. What was their reaction upon meeting the god of 4chan?
Hey moot, are you ever going to add a board to discuss history? They're are no really good boards to talk about it. Except maybe /pol/ but I can only handle so much stormfront in one day.
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For christ sakes moot, please give /x/ some moderation, shit is getting bad over there.
what is your favorite pokemon? :3
another 5-10 years i suppose


some day i'm sure, but none as of now

/diy/ is indeed amazing

>dat blur

nobody ever messages me when i sign into MOOTCHAT -- true story

a few months i guess

a romantic dinner? mcdonald's, perhaps?

no. is it really that hard to tell a fake thread?

it was destined to happen

because i can see your hostname and your state is not my state.



you can buy me bubble tea if you'd like


but i'm from new york. we are mortal enemies.
Moot, you are irresponsible and immature, you maintain nor do you appear to udnerstand what a commitment is, you do not do enough major work to warrant having such an insane amount of power over how the servers are done, and how the "business" of the site is conducted. youve installed yourself into your own place of power, and have only remained there because youve in the past been such an essential part of the site, that i could not have done anything about it. it was a mistake for me to allow you to assume responsibilities which i should have known you could not fulfill. as it stands, you should have remained the php coder, and not become an integral part of the website. why not become integral? because again, you lack both the responsibility, maturiy, and understanding of how things should work, being that you are not entitled to anything, but rather are given the priviledge in exchange for being a productive member of the team. i think that is almost ridiculous that you are naive enough to be so firmly planted behind your beliefs, while i have conceded to the fact that my decision is not without its flaws. until you understand what dues come along with being an administrator of a non expendable website, i think that you have no place on the team. until you realize that you owe something to the site which you have voluntarily agreed to work on, just as i do to the users, we will get nowhere. youre intelligent, and a very talented php coder, that is not being disputed. as of the past few months, if not over the course of the past year, you have not made good on numerous commitments and the assumed if not stated responsibilities that came along with your position. this is due course for your relief of current position, if not termination outright.


You guys misspelled /b/. Seriously, I'm only here because of Moot. /b/ is among the worst boards, equal to /soc/ and /mlp/.
>implying moot isn't homosex
I mean, his trip if faggot, so ya' know.
If you go, bring a Daimakura of your waifu for courage.

I want moot to be only greeted by the biggest pieces of shit on this board.
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Yeah the golf R is awesome. I almost bought a R32, but I decided it wasn't financially feasible at the time.

Pic is my car.
You jelly, Moot?
inb4 someone assassinates moot at barcade
Hello, Mr. Moot. I've a question that I've been pondering for a great while now, and you would soothe my soul if you were to answer it. The question is as follows: Were you to, hypothetically, log into the system (keep in mind, this is a hypothetical situation) what password and username would you use? And how would you reach such a scenario in the first place?
/v/ has gone to shit and you fucking know it, I don't want to stay up till 6AM to have a decent thread with what /v/ used to represent. if you don't fix this problem with /v/, a lot of the community that came here in the first place will leave. this isn't just me, no one on /v/ likes these meme spouting shit posting faggots who think "oh my god I'm so cool I'm going to say le like on reddit" it was never fucking funny or cool and sooner or later, /v/ will be just like game faqs, only scum will go there and only the things they like go. do you really want this to happen? then you don't give two shits about the "community"
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Moot i dare you to ban me for a day
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Hey moot I can't log into /j/ anymore. Can you send me a new password and username? It's me you're long time anon who you trust and like.

google them, they're there, and it's nothing worthwhile either.
moot i love you :>
do you love me?
Can you loosen the rules on /mlp/ a bit so that the bronies will stay there and out of /b/?

Can you make a 4chan banner with Suiseiseki on it? Please?

You said earlier that you post anonymously so people don't freakout when they see you.

How often do you do that?

Are my previous questions being ignored intentionally because they're not good enough? Requesting kindly for you to answer them please.
will you ever reopen the /z/ board and let people fuck around in there again?
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how does it feel that you made a site that is literally the most important thing for some certain people in their lives
moot, give /soc/ their name field back
How often do you post on boards?
What boards do you go on?
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Moot respond to this or I'll an hero
Jk but forreal Make a ICP/Juggalo board
hawaii is the shit, come visit us!
Yo moot, when was the last time you got pussy?
barcade in brooklyn man

does moot have aspergers
he he..
Will you ever ban furry images from 4chan completely?
>nope, never done drugs!
Cool. Thanks for bringing 4chan to life, it has provided me with endless entertainment.
moot which board do you like the most
I'd really like this answered. There's a lot of dicks on /tg/ who will shit up perfectly good quests because "there's too fucking many of them" and more than a few good ones just died before their time because of shitposting.

can we archive this thread?
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PLEASE moot, Do you send IP's from Coupon threads to the FBI? Would you upon request? Do you record them at all?
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/prog/ needs mods!
I know this has been said half a billion god damn times, but can we PLEASE have some moderation for /x/?

Also, thanks for creating this sincerely twisted, yet awesome imageboard moot. It's been lots of fun.
Moot, if I visit or move in with my dad who just recently moved to Cornwall, Ontario...can we meet up in NYC, because I plan on going there, especially for New Years Eve.
But, moot, you wish to be the little girl!
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Do you like ponies moot?
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Can we have a new anime board where moeloliblob shit isn't allowed? /a/ is infested with images like this.

Like /ma/ - Manly Anime?
they aren't on a "frenzy" -- it's against the rules outside of /b/ and has been for 8 years.

i'm not really a beach person. more of a basement kinda guy.

yes because it's an internet company and everyone uses the internet

nope, i'm a normie. /r9k/ was pissed when they found out.

you and i both

i hate the wikipedia model of "beg every quarter to pay our operating costs"

it generally goes like "you're the 4chan guy?" "yep" "cool. see ya!"

m00t can you take a screencap of the admin interface of 4chin?
as long as it doesn'T show any sensitive data, of course
MOOT - ... favorite rap album? OR .. best childhood film...

and thank you for all the years of indecency.
Moot! Do you like my story? >:D
Also, if I wasn't under age I'd go to that bar and have a drink with you /b/ro. I'm not in NYC but I'm in North-East PA. Not too far at all.
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moot, do you enjoy flying?
Would you ever consider getting a pilot's license?
>/ma/ - Manly Anime
>Implying that exist in 2012
Favorite Olympic game? Water polo I hope!
Is Rick Ross jewish?
moot I love you. Reply to this plx
What ideas do you have for other boards?
Can you tell us some?
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I am one of those people
yo mootypoo

you ever been on /mu/
that place is fucking full of off topic shitposting

you should get some moderators for that board
I'd prefer something I didn't hate myself for eating the following day, but I'd pick you up a happy meal if you wanted.
moot can you ban / blacklist kickstarter . com links from being posted on /v/? the majority of kickstarter projects are scams and are advertised a lot on /v/.
Hey moot apples or bananas?
>nobody ever messages me when i sign into MOOTCHAT -- true story
I did but you didn't reply! <-- true story
can we have a martial arts board?
moot i'm black... can you fix me please?
Do you plan on opening up a /rule34/ board anytime soon?
moot have you ever posted a thread anonymously and it just died straight away?

moot why do janitors delete loli and furry threads on /b/? I thought it was okay here.
Darn. I was hoping for a Wayne and Garth reaction "we're not worthy! we're not worthy!" Complete with bowing down, of course.
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moot kindly answer this

does the moot have aspergers
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Moot why did you become normal? Where did our peerless leader go?
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Specifically about /a/.

Why do you and/or your stupid ass mods endorse things like the Naruto hate on /a/? You know it doesn't contribute anything but the further detriment of that shit board. So why do you do it? What do you get out of having the second most popular board on your site (or is that /v/), a thriving cesspit of pedophiles and sociopaths with a knack for cartoons.

Where's the contingency there, like /vg/ was for /v/? Or are you so stupid or by chance just completely/willfully oblivious to the much needed purging of that hellhole?
Will you ever go to Washington state? I wanna meet you but I can't just go across the country...
FIX /v/ AND /co/
Greetings, Moot. Did you ever feel bad about 4chan's behavior?
Mootles, do you hate Utah?

Any plans of ever going? It feels bad knowing that Utah is generally constantly ignored by everyone.
What do you think of where the "line" has been set for legality of content?
Let's snuggle. :3
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hey moot are you ever gonna bring back the pornsite ads?
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What is your opinion about the shitty /b/ nowadays?
What is your favorite candy? I'm planning to hit up a 7-11 and don't know what to get!
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It doesn't have to exist in 2012, it can be old anime too. Like this.

I think without 4chan, I would just sit infront of my computer all day and masturbate.

At least now, I take breaks and read sort of.
Moot did you hear about/have you read "We are anonymous" about the lulzsec guys? Do you have an opinion on their sort of back-to-basics troll hacking?
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Whats your favorite and least favorite board?

moot do you have aspergers
>You can't report posts because you are banned.
u wot m8?
So, moot, ever think about making a Homestuck board?
moot, have you ever watched a wailord fuck a skitty?
Any ideas when you'll reopen janitor applications?
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MOOT are you a reifag or asukafag?
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This is a start.
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Moot. Have you watched any episodes of My Little Pony?
Moot, can you make kickstarter links marked as spam? They're unnecessary/scams/advertising and that's just blatantly against the rules isn't it?
what is your stance on the whole 9fag shit?
like that they are the original meme creation machine
Ban me Mr.Moot. Ban me if you dare.
Glad to see that you answered my questions about the comics and flash and Snacks and so on.

But now for something that I really find scary.
What is this and why is it there? Explanation please.

Thank you so far mootles. You rock.
Moot, How do I get rid of this god damn mother fucking google redirect virus shit. Shit is fucking annoying as hell.
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..... moot likes men...
>Because it reminds you of how you were before you started lifting, so you use it as motivation to continue.

it's awesome but way too expensive for what it is. nice car bro.


i love all anons

/z/ was pretty great while it lasted. other sites have copied the concept in the form of "wildcard" boards.

obviously fake ban. are you blind? the ban reason is in times new roman and artifacted.

i'm pretty sure he's been on #4chan irc for the past 7 or so years

it isn't very interesting, i assure you
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you go by "moot" in IRC, right? provided you even go there, that is.
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Dear Mootykins,


Are there several fangirls trying to fuck you?
Do you have a gf/fwb(s)?
Describe the hottest/cutest fangirl you've hung out with.
This pleases me.
without thinking pick one
white collar criminology, or pre law
best regards,
your loyal subject
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Moot have you ever considered joining the military? What branch? Also what's your opinion on military people?

I'm an army medic.
What's the plan?
1. Pop Tart or Toaster Strudel?
2. What do you think about Mario Cuomo's plan from January to build that giant convention center?
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Hey Moot! Hows it going?
Anyway, I came here to ask you, will you make passionate love to me? You know, as a bro?

Also, what's your favorite band/album?
Moot responded to me 4 times bitvh
here's a good question for ya moot
how do different do you think the 4chains would of been if anonymoose is legos xD never existed?
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Dear Moot,

I love you. Will you please rustle my jimmies?

-signed, anonymous-
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Do you have any fun ever? If so, how?
Hey moot, does /x/ actually have mods? It really needs some help.
l2read moot's posts.

Hey moot do you ever take off the admin tag and post as a normal user/peasant lol? still into anime as much as back when you made the boards?
>You Are Umasou
Are you ten?
I already said I meant /b/ when I said the thing about lolicon. The mods/janitors are banning lolicon threads even on /b/. I already knew it wasn't allowed elsewhere. It's almost if mods/janitors are hunting when I create one, as it sometimes 404's within minutes.
y u no respond to my email moot?

Shit I would have shown up nigger.
How do you think your life has been so far? Exciting? Pure Shit?
"dutch.] wigardar"
it was my captcha what does it mean?
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Please man, just answer this one question

Are you recording the IP addresses from people who post in Coupon threads? Have you/would you send these to the FBI?
Hey moot, I wanted to say thanks for creating this place. You have seriously left your mark on this planet for years to come. That is both good and bad. Ok, a question: do you believe this website will still exist and remain largely the same (an image message board) in the year 2022?
Hey, you skipped over my new anime board suggestion.


He already said he does

Snacks posts on /r9k/ every once in a while, at around 2-3 est. Once a week on tuesdays or wednesdays, i forget
Do you have like, a drop down menu next to posts that allows you to ban people, or is it more complicated than that?
Moot, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Will /b/ ever get names back?
And what about #fortune?
>and none are girls.

awiuekjfdfd i don't believe it
how do you not get female underwear sent by express post every other day?
I mean besides the female underwear you order for yourself that is. you're my rockstar of the internets moot
-earnest femanon
Moot you need to help out /v/ before it becomes as shitty as /b/

-Sincerly, /v/irgins everywhere
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Moot I have a simple request

Ban everybody on /v/

Just do it. You'd be saving the website.

Just wake up one morning and hit the button to ban everybody on the board.

Please Moot.

This website needs you.
Does base lord moot play vidya? if so, what system? what's your favorite type of game?
When did you last experience happiness, moot?
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moot, could you describe some of your experiences with lsd-25. Also, have you ever read Be Here Now, by Ram Dass? Pic related.
Moot, how does it feel to be a major contributer to modern day culture?
What do you think is the worst thing about 4chan?
I still want to know if you know Rory. Manager of a L.A. based internet tec company. And I want to know if I can meet you through him. Like maybe plan a party or something?
Moot do you ever go to online streams to watch movies and chat with bros?
Yes, no? Would appreciate an answer, please.



Dear Moot, one problem i'm sure you have noticed is the people who post pyramid schemes and the like where they recruit others to make a profit. One i have seen is literally for the person to fill out capatchas to get money. Is 4chan utilizing a system like this to help with its bills or is it not possible to do something like that?
Please tell me you didn't lie about getting better mods on /v/, moot.


And you never actually added the banners we made even though you said you would. I think you only put /a/s up there.
How else would wikipedia make money? Ads would ruin a site like that.
...It's older than 2012.

And I couldnt post the gif I wanted to post, too big.

it would be different if you werent moot though, so i think its an exception.
Moot please work harder on actually permabanning people such as RoastedBread
Moot,what are your lifts like at the moment? Still doing the same routine?
Do you ever ban people just because you're bored?
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If you had to fuck one who would it be?
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How come he hasn't responded to me even once?!
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Moot, do you like trains? and what have you achieved by disabling doubles?
golf, huh, what do you think of BMW e30s?
Also, what is with 4channel.org and http://www.4chan.org.org/?
How often do you masterbate?
Moot what browser do you use?
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Hey moot.
What's your favorite album/band?
How are you selecting which questions you answer?
Hey moot, can you add a celebrity board to make /tv/ more about tv/films and less about shitty waifus?
Google trends shows a huge spike in searches for snow crash now.
I love 4chan.
Glad I could post in this thread.
Goodnight moot.
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so moot, which board do you most frequent. top 5 in order if you can
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Sigourney, the settings on 4chanX keep defaulting each time i leave a page, and no its not because of something trivial.

ALSO, howcome you dont post as much anymore? We love you ...
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moot, I asked you if I could interview you for my high school project and you never answered me back. I'm sure you get a lot of e-mails but I gotta know. Would you have agreed to be interviewed? The project was to interview a man of magnitude.
>Pic related, you're Danny
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Any idea where snacks is nowadays?
moot, would you consider running for a presidential election with the platform of "4 years of nothing"
and then if you win the election, make your re-election campaign "4 more years of nothing"
Moot what happens if you try to ban yourself
I would like to know this too, actually.
Why this thread doesn't have music?
moot for the love of god. can I suck your dick?
Have you or will you ever visit Australia. there is a large population of 4channers here. i know i would love to meet you and talk about the community you have created.
Can we please get some fucking mods on /mu/?
Go to /lit/
m00t do you ever get the urge to mess around with 4chan to piss some anons off?
i'm not talking about the occasional sticky or music
Have you met any famous people?
ITT we all call moot a faggot
How often are you signed into AIM? I added MOOTCHAT but it says you're offline. I'll chat you sometime though.
how do the random sound effect things go down that occasionally occur? does any mod have the ability to replace everything with puddi (weird music) or can only you do that?
I like that moot isn't like other site admins that would permaban you for calling him a faggot.
i want all background info about w.t. snacks noaw
when's the last time spaghetti exploded out of your pockets at gamestop when you asked for battletoads m00t?
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Neurotic projection is perceiving others as operating in ways one unconsciously finds objectionable in ones self.

you think someone else is going to steal from you because you steal from others

(pic related)
i've always been pretty normal. sorry to disappoint.

uh legal | illegal?

swedish fish are pretty dope

i still dont really understand what it is

true story. i used to be fucking fat as a teenager you know.

i haven't used #4chan IRC in ages

>Are there several fangirls trying to fuck you?
>Do you have a gf/fwb(s)?
>tfw no gf
>Describe the hottest/cutest fangirl you've hung out with.
>implying this happens

we kill the batman

i wanted to be a fighter pilot as a kid

there's a button

because nobody knows my address, and people are too dumb to figure out my email is moot@4chan.org
>im a girl btw

PC master race and not really
hey moot

/mu/ needs mods
been here for 4 years help a /b/ro out
moot, what other activities do you enjoy doing when your not on 4chan, also how many people recognize you on the street?
At least get /mlp/ some fucking janitors, it's full of furries, pony porn and bestiality all the time.
Good grief, this thread is insane. Maybe I'll just send you an email sometime. Nite.

Big question

How much does traffic increase during the Summer?
Moot have you ever posted on /k/? And can you please type "hey Marcus"
Stupid question he's been to Time's events for a few years.


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3 Quick questions, u can answer all, 1, or none if you chose not 2...
Moot, will you ever be adding any new boards?
How often do you lurk on /b/?
Is /b/ still your favorite (if it was before) board? if not what is?
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Wait ... if you meet yourself and you're famous doesn't that count anyway?
I talked to that guy.
It was like a free subdomain type thing he registered, and he decided to make a weird 4chan clone.
/r9k/ here
i came out of my hole for this
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Is it okay if I send you an email about how awesome you've made my life, moot? ;_;

I think it'd be nice to chat even if it's just a bit, if you've got the time.

Hi Moot,

I just sent you an e-mail. Not sure if you got it. I'm a minor, is it still alright if I come with a parent/guardian?
Yay :D
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How does moot feel about 9fag?
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mooty, if you ever come to peru, i will hold your hand while you are sleeping
>fat as a teenager
>looked quite cool at otakon 2005
Moot why do you hate /b/ so much? You keep taking away dbs and trips ect. As well as the word filters tha were hilarious and you keep posting that old /b/ shit every year. Have u just gibpven up on us?

i love niggers
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How's everyone doing?
And has moot ever been to Arizona?
Do you ban people for posting coupons? or is that still allowed
What's your least favorite board on 4chan?
What are your Squat, Bench, and Deadlift at currently, assuming you're still lifting? How much weight have you put on?


aahhaaa fucker! Why dost thou torment me so?
Ever think about making a worksafe /b/?
Same way you made /wsg/, maybe /wsb/.
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moot will you please type or copy paste or whatever the question you're answering so I don't have to click the post you replied too and then take .5 seconds to click my back button


p.s. i recall reading an interview a while ago. apparently running 4chan is a net financial loss (i know you have canv.as on the side, but i don't see any ads on there either) - how do you make monies?
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Moot Rei or Asuka
Mootles, could you please make the Mods take the "no contact/personal/identifiable info" and "no calls for raid" rules seriously, delete those threads and ban the faggots making them?
Because honestly, in the current political climate, that shit's gonna wind up backfiring BAD.
>implying that's not calf's blood

Just going to post again, I'm sure plenty of people want to know this.
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Moot, are you considering opening any new boards, if there are any things that should go into their own categories?
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Hey moot, i've fapped to your pics. How does that make you feel?
post picture of muscles!!
Hey moots. 4chan consumes most of my life. Why won't you make an official app (android) with ads for on the go users like me to bring some money to the website instead of allowing third party apps to benefit from your hard work?
pick one
who is the one chosen queen of /b/?
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Dear Moot,

Has 4chan ever got you laid?

And could you ban me > last post number digit being the amount of days I will be banned?
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>we've been having trouble due to increased workout for the past 5+ years

Seriously, moot. I am a hardass on people when it comes to the rules of 4chan and I follow them completely. If I were a mod, I'd keep the boards clean. I'm on this site so often, it'd be easy for me, too.
I love you moot!
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is there anything we could do to bring dubs back on /v/?
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moot have you ever been a furry?
just a suggestion, tell the moderations in /v/ that they erase good threads that are about video games. Make them stop that please. Thanks. Also, BOXERS or BRIEFS?
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moot, who's going to win Hell's Kitchen this year?
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>true story. i used to be fucking fat as a teenager you know.

That feel. I knows it.
Moot, I'm not sure you're still here...

If you are, I'm just wondering do you have a favourite game on Steam? Do you play Magicka? You have a Steam Account?

Mayhaps you'll share it and we can play together a bit?
Hey moot how tall are you?
My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.
so, this is official, moot doesn't care about /v/. its sad, its the only place I can be with my friends, my only friends, where people wont make fun of me because of who I am and can just talk about their favorite videogames. all you did was come here to attention whore didn't you? just bathe in the filth you created you fucking bastard. I thought "wow, moot might be a bro and fucking fix /v/ so we can talk about videogames" but no, all you do is respond to shit about you, you you you you you. you forget, that everyone on here except the very few, has delt with people like you all our lifes. I now know why you're called a faggot. you are a shit admin for a site that had one of the best and brightest ideas in the world. there is nothing I can do, ever. so, I'll leave, I think a lot of us will. enjoy your new friends moot, I hope they are as loyal as we were.
Hi, mootdusky, which are your favorite boards? Also, what do you think of /sp/? Thanks. I wish I lived in New York to shake your hand, bro.
looks like you diarrhea'ed in it first
>>april furs day

Please answer my question on Coupons moot, please.
no idea who that is


go forth anon, and claim your rightful place as lord of autism

all up, been on the same routine for ~3 months

we serve flash from 4channel.org and org.org is another site, silly

i'm bad at e-mail, sorry


i can and have banned myself numerous times

i seem to piss people off all the time

welcome to every thread ever

not very often, but MOOTCHAT is my aim

only i can add music boardwide but mods can embed music in specific threads and sticky them so it plays on the front page only

i don't do a whole lot besides work and sleep and get dinner with friends. how many people? it happens every few days/weeks depending on how frequently i go out and where

it doesn't really increase that much

i've only been to one event, the 2009 TIME 100 gala. they never invited me back ( ._.)

>help me! my toilet is full of shit!
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>mfw this thread
>i still dont really understand what it is
Don't indulge yourself in Homestuck, moot. Don't even learn what form of media it is. Coming from a reader of it, just don't.
Soup, moot. Do you happen to play any good vidya? Like, have you played Metal Gear Solid or anything?
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How do you feel about the foreveralone/neckbeards/tfw sad community that has anchored itself across the boards? do you feel at all responsible for it?
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Who hasn't?
One word summary on the most horrific thing you've ever seen on fortune?
Shut the fuck up you faggot. I hate your shit.
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dear diary, today moot replied to my post

happy anon is happy
How in any way was it ever asked if moot was a lolicon? All that was asked regarding it was why it got banned on /b/ by mods/janitors.
I'm noticing every board clamoring for mods saying they're going to shit. Maybe summer's a real thing. Perhaps the only ones to blame are ourselves.

Anyway, thanks for answering questions, moot. I spend 14-16 hours a day on this shit hole and couldn't imagine losing it. You're a class act.
How do I shot web?
Moot, play Dota 2 with me.
Moot! Your talks on anonymity has definitely ranked among my favorites like Hawkins and my Prof, Kaku.

Problem for me is, I've been almost everywhere in NYC and I have yet to see you, yet most of my friends claimed to have spotted the elusive mootfoot;whereabouts in the city are your most common hangouts? I want to shake your hand before I move out of the Big Apple.

Homestuck is a very popular webcomic, and there's usually a few threads about it on /co/.
They sometimes get trolled or piss people off or ignite a shitstorm.
Adding a Homestuck board would separate most of the fans from the rest of 4Chan, kind of like what you did with /mlp/. It kept most of the pony threads out of /b/ and /co/ and reduced butthurt.
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Whats your favorite and least favorite board?
0 days lol ur not getting banned
Moot can you tell how many times a user has been banned?
How many times they have posted?
How long they have spent on 4chan?

Is there anything you don't know about anon?
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Moot why won't you answer my questions? Q.Q

And if you respond to this, please respond to the question I asked prior.

Chick with a double sided dildo to get your attention. :/
M00t, let's fuck?
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Can you give us a rough estimate of when the next round of janitor recruiting is going to happen? We need a lot more coverage.
Did you send a 9 year old Indonesian sex slave to the owner of the billionth post?
>If I were a mod, I'd keep the boards clean.
The last thing moot wants is some asshat mod banning everybody that disagrees with their opinion.

It's about using common sense to find a balance between acceptable and not-acceptable.
Being a mod is not black and white, is a fucked up shade of gray.

You're think in terms of "I WANT THE BOARD TO BE LIKE THIS".


Oh, also mootles, What the hell is even your opinion on these Steam Begger threads? I've seen so many, and I've been a faggot and gave some folks that shit or whatever.

Are you annoyed by them, or just like "Whatever, fuck that." and ignore em?
Hey moot. Serious question here, As you can see /b/ is full of furries, rule34's, etc. You made a /mlp/...but /b/ is still tainted. Please Based Moot, Create us a /fur/ or /r34/ board. Also, Chocolate Milk or Regular?
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When you look at /b/ now, and maybe some other boards, are you disappointed to see what the users turned it into?

Does it ever bother you how /b/ is just no good anymore, and is the laughing stock of the entire website, to the point where it is dismissed as nothing more than a quarantine zone?

Do you ever get these feels, moot?
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/mlp/ didn't do shit to reduce butthurt, homestuck is not nearly popular enough to incite another board, you're a faggot.
My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.

>ITT: Moot going gangnam style
Hm, I suppose we'd have to get you nominated again for that. So you WOULD run for president under that platform. Can someone make that happen?

My question now..when was the last time you watched anime?

well shit, guess I'll be on here forever... and ever.. and eveeer...
He's answered that before, faggot.
No, and usually the most it gets is people awkwardly talking to him for a minute or recognizing him out and about and saying hi.
moot, how do i tri-force
>i've only been to one event, the 2009 TIME 100 gala. they never invited me back ( ._.)
Well atleast you put your hand on the shoulder of some pretty 3dpd(double negative). That's something
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mootykins why do i get banned for shit posting?

why mootykins why?
Moot, have you ever discovered an archive of Operah porn?
Hey moot, will you give something cool to /mlp/ that no other board has, like if your mouse clicker on that board becomes a gun and shoots text?

What about /fk/ ?
Can confirm.
/mu/ is rapidly turning into shit.

what do you think of 4chans rivalry with reddit?
>it doesn't really increase that much

do u have trypophobia?
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zomg posting in a m00t thread
zomg is a person
Do you love the attention you get from being pseudo celeb?
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Do you even lift ... anymore.
moot do you think /b/ is dying? Be honest
because you were shitposting and on /vp/.

Which is hard to do because all of that board is shitpost.
moot moot
you make my heart poot

what is your fav fruit
& also how many suits do you own?
Hey moot what is your favorite movie? and what is the show you are TOTALLY in love with right now?

do you have any plans to deal with /tv/? they really believe there is a plan to split the board, its causing all kinds of disruptions, a definitive answer either way could resolve a lot of conflict
so m00t, who exactly was phone?
Bump. I would love an awnser moot. /b/ is just so out of shape.
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how often do you check 4chan? it seems like you onlyever post like once a year
moot doesn't give a shit about boards that aren't stroking his epeen.

Hey moot, I hope you do another TED talk type of thing, I thought it was pretty interesting. Also, what do you think of In N Out burgers?
Also also, have you given up your dream of becoming the little girl?
How many finger boxes do you own, moot?
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Do you have a favorite Zelda girl?

>I hope I can meet moot someday
wow, moot replied to and answered my question. I feel special now, thanks moot :) I love you! May this place live another 8 years...
It's more like Reddit's denial of 4chan, and 4chan's anger at Reddit.

Almost like the prodigal son in a way.
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Here's an idea you fucking mentally challenged fuck face: DON'T SHITPOST.
Why don't you accept donations anymore? I understand that it says in faq that you want to keep it free to use, but surely if it's bleeding money you could use the donations to keep it afloat.
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what do you plan to do in your older years?
Moot, this is crucial, when did I start browsing 4chan and how many times have I been banned?
>all up, been on the same routine for ~3 months
Specific numbers? If you don't mind that is. If not, do you plan on eventually posting progress pictures and stats?
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What do you see for the future of the image board? Where do you see 4Chan going from here?
mootlekins please
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Not a question; just wanted to thank you creating an amazing site and for at least seeming to be regular, cool guy.

moot/snacks 2012

i've driven through it on a cross country roadtrip

they're all LMAOxxPLATE, and i've gained 8 pounds

we had one like 4-5 years ago and it sucked


i ban/delete them all the time. will ask the mods to keep an eye out.

all of the unofficial apps were removed from the android/apple app stores recently, so that aint gonna fly

i dont know, i don't own a television or watch television

it's unfortunate, but i wish my foreveralone/neckbeard/tfw sad friends the best.

we do need more mods, but a certain amount of restraint needs to come from the community. it's on you guys to post quality threads and not shitpost

they have? you cant be serious
What about it? The kid eventually got over it and became the founder of 4chan.

>/fk/ was really a diary entry from moot, he just put it on the internet.
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Motherfucker. Made me laugh with that one.
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Do you frequent other *chans?
Fuck you faggot, if anyone needs mods its /v/.

We need a full police state going on /v/.
If I recall, moot has like a 7 year old account with reddit, and because of this he got an account badge or something.
Are you jewish?
dear mootles what are u doing all the day long?
>first time i see u in a thread
>on 4 chan since 2008
>would be very happy if u answer
hey fucknut have you figured out how to unlock baseband 04.12.01?

from mr top score at crystal castles
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I cannot tell if you have answered this but what city do you live in? Do you know when/if you will be coming to nyc anytime soon?

what is your fetish
Also will we ever see post without captchas again?
I appologize for poor spelling, on my phone. Dubs* given* also I live in Queens and ima tr to make it to this bar if I have time.
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Hey moot, /v/ is really looking forward to the upcoming video game Hyperdimension Neptunia V.

Can you rename /v/ to Neptunia /v/? Us /v/irgins would appreciate it tons!

Also we need music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5zaO3U69_c
moot will you ever bring dubs back ?
You said you won't take donations but have you considered the camwhore option? Set a camera up in your office and charge cents a minute. That way your not a beggar, just a slut.
whats the point of sageing a sticky thread....
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Do you report people who post coupons IP's to the FBI? Do you store them? Would you supply them upon request?
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so moot, what do you think of the niggers?
I would just like to say thank you moot for all of the wonderful years of joy I've had on this website. : )
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Would you like fries with that?

As you say you've ran into people who recognise you, would you be willing to tell us the most awkward spaghetti moment that may have resulted from autists engaging you in conversation?

Optionally, did you ever meet someone who recognised you and you ended up having an enjoyable time talking and maybe became friends or some shit?

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Moot do you have a pillow like this?

Also what is the name of your cat and fishies?
hey moot, been here since '07, just wanted to say thanks for keeping this site up, it's meant a lot to me

not sure whether it's been good or bad for me in the long run though
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Last question for ya, cause you know, being a faggot isn't my cup of tea.

Do you watch Super Natural?
why doesn't mootykins answer my questions?

please mootykins please.

I am interested in this. Answer pls. Are we just no good anymore?
Sorry for reposting this, but you don't do it he won't have proof you responded to me

>My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.
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mah nigga
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what's the official purpose of r9k? does it even have one?
What are you wearing on your feet right now?
Can I see it?
/v/ don't deserves MODS you faggot
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Most of this thread is shitposting, so I just wanted to say that I appreciate you creating and maintaining 4chan at the rate that you do.

I also wanted to ask if you could ever restore /v/ and /vg/ to one board, but I'm not going to harass you about it, as it's your decision.

Basically, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the site staying up for almost ten years now. Thank you for creating this website. It is truly a masterpiece.
new question

Moot have you ever stolen any panties?
Well fuck, but wouldn't it be fucking easy?
I mean, the british chick you hung out with was pretty cute.
Do you get laid regularly?

Seems like m00t has low sex-drive, isn't succesful with the weemans
Why did you ban raids? And I though that cancerous threads and newfags were killing /b/.

how the fuck have you never been to barcade? i live in los angeles and ive been there like 6 times in the past 2 years. serious wtf?

j train to brooklyn exit mercer walk east. fucking easy.
Please ban this person and all the faggots because they constantly spam us
1/10 for making me reply
ban me pls.
what is your favourite ice cream flavor moot?
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moot, isn't Code Geass the best anime ever? period.
dubs and trips were stupid in the first place.
>somebody makes a thread you don't like
Moot What kinda porn do you like? Do you like Femdom or normal shit?
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But the problem is moot, as I'm sure you know, that a few rampant shitposters spoil the bunch. We need to work together with the mods to kill shitposting.

Just give us some wordfilters for a few select phrases, just one /v/ dedicated mod, and you will start to see quality skyrocket on /v/, and less work for you. I'm sure there are tons of willing and able anons to step up to the plate to clean up /v/
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You weaboo fags are looking forward to that game, no one on /v/ is looking forward to that piece of shit.


I hope you have kids and the house burns down you mongaloid.
That shitstorm would be a sight to behold
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Aww man. That...I don't know how to feel.
Hey moot, dont you love the D minor chord?
Also, have you ever been to Southamerica?

what is moot's fetish
When you realize someone recognizes you as their almighty leader on the streets, does that automatically make you
think "I wanna get the fuck out of here" and ruin their chances of getting to know you?
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> mfw Moot never replied to any of me questions

cats or dogs?
moot What kinda porn do you like? Do you like Femdom or normal shit?

i hear hes into fat chicks.

Why are you still up at 3 in the morning on a Friday if all you do is work and sleep?
You should feel bad for even breathing.
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bumping in hopes that it will get a story and not a single line
nonono don't do that: /vg/ >>>>>>>>>*>/v/
What do you think of Reddit in general?
mootykins you're annoying me by not answering my questions.

if you don't answer i'll leave 4chan for good.
>restore /v/ and /vg/ to one board
not going to happen. /vg/ is possibly the best board to discuss video games on while /v/ is /b2.0/ - video games
GETS keept /b/ alive...
they suck and i delete them when i see them

what's a poot
i like strawberries raspberries and blueberries
i own one suit

not a huge in n out fan. their fries suck.

>implying i'm not already old

they're all pretty embarrassing, i'll post stats when i'm pleased with my own progress.

nope. 4chan is a handful as it is.

nope, see above

i grew up/live in new york. where have you been?

boner alert

i've never been particularly girl crazy

as of recent, coffee. and i hate coffee and have never had more than a cup in my life. but i love me some coffee ice cream!

i'm pretty vanilla/boring when it comes to porn

see above
Yeah, the one time they saw you and mms'd me a photo was when you were leaving after the NYT interview.

I'd be at barcade if it weren't for work. Being a grown up sucks. Will there be any other chance to meet before labor day?
moot please rangeban this faggot, he's a notorious shitposter
/v/ hates that shitty game
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I went to Barcarde. Shit was cash. Hey Moot! What's your favorite mathematical function? Pic related. It's mine.
Moot I know you're a normie but were you ever mocked in high school? Teased, bullied?

Sort of curious but I'm really just trying to think of a question so you can reply to me and I can go to bed.
> Do you love your /b/ros of 4chan?

> Do you have any major projects coming up away from 4chan?
Will I still be able to blank post in the future?
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Is this real?
girl boy whatever. i think i lost all of what was left of my need for gender requirements when 4chan.

aaaaaand saved. i've seen it before but never bothered. avast.
MO­OT what about a finance/money board

Think about it, it would be great because it has been demanded for so long and all the "LOLEARNMONEYFAST" spamshit will be directed to it from the rest boards, which will be easier to clear.
moot, do you ever lose sleep over the fact that you COULD be a millionaire?

Because you're a weaboo and your questions are shit

ID does wonders
Is there any bitterness between yourself and the something awful forums? this website was born out of somethingawful's rasberry (you know what) after all... do you feel a chunk of the original SA migrated here? That's my feel on it. Also, you should post on SA once in a while if you still have an account there!
It's okay ramen mootles, I ended up interviewing a man who had saved 75 million lives. But he's no moot...

/v/, /mu/, and /x/ all seem to need some.

/x/ needs some stricter rules or some shit, the troll threads and conspiritards are everywhere.
a poot is sort of like a fart, sort of like a queef but more romantic
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Moot, have you ever been in my country? If so, which places?

Pic related.
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whats your least favorite anime fanbase moot?

> >>416538483
>they suck and i delete them when i see them

You truely are a kind god...
Thanks man, I'm going to now do my part to report them as spam when I see em from now on.
No it isn't.
Look at post count.
Do IT m00t!
/r/ing again

My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.

>TL;DR reply with "Griffin's a faggot"
Moot, I don't have a question but make me a mod, I have no life and I spend nearly all my time here, I will be the cure that revives 4chan.

i have always chatted with people for as long as they want to chat, but people rarely have more to say than "you're that guy? cool." and leave

they work at NYT?

>implying barcade isnt hipster trash already

no, 0/10 troll


not that i know of. i grew out of SA and stopped browsing about 5 years ago, plain and simple. i have nothing against it or its posters.
Dear moot,

do people ever make tributes and sacrifices to you in the forms of food and virgins, if so do you ever consume said food and virgins?

Also can you give yourself something like dubs,or are you like everyone else?
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moot can you recommend a neat song? i just want a sample of your tastes.

i remember rednex cotton eye joe a while ago and that wuz laff

Hiya Moot, could you please read the email I'm sending you in 5 seconds? Thank you!
Moot your doing a great job connecting, but tell me more about how ur captcha might as well be incomprehensible.
moot can you give me a permaban? I love 4chan to death but i am going into a professional career soon, and I need to stop lurking. I love /b/ to death but it has made me a horrible person, I laugh at some of the most fucked up things in the world
I understand the reasoning behind the creation of /pol/, especially in relation to what /int/ had become. However, it has become a frequently violently racist cesspool- with much of its content copy/pasted directly from white supremacist sites. Worse, it is starting to spill over to other boards. Is there some level of moderation that can be done to combat this? If not within /pol/ itself, but to at least keep it from contaminating other boards?
b& yet?
So, is that a no on ever coming to Utah? Perhaps you just missed my post, but, eh.

A second question.

If you do ever get on MOOTCHAT, is there anything you dislike being messaged to you? Aside from obvious cp/begging/donations or whatever.
I would drag my ballsack across a street full of broken glass if you answer this question moot: Do you like/visited Mexico?
Hey m00t what do you think about my kitty playing drums

moot, why do you never write back to my e-mails :( i have technical questions!

~edgeworth, e@ed.se
Are you a coffee guy moot?

How do you take your coffee?
Mooties, I sent you a email awhile ago, here it is again, maybe you can respond here:

Before the big html/site rewrite, I used to be able to use the space bar to go down the page. When the page hit the bottom, pressing space would allow me to go to the next page.
I was able to do this on any browser(That I know of), without any addons.
Now I am unable to since the big rewrite.

Is there any way to make this function come back(The Space bar going next-page)? It was handy to be able to surf pages this way without having to move my hand until I found a thread that interested me.
how long do you plan to keep 4chan going?
One my try, before I pass out. Youtsuba&!, nigger! (c-can I--can I call you that?) Do you still read/follow it?
P-p-please respond to >>416540067
Do you enjoy anything /co/ related?

What do you think about the idea of splitting /co/ in to two boards? (/ca/ for cartoons)

/his/tory board?

Why aren't the banners board-specific? That would be more fun.
Ron Paul? Ron Paul.
moot what do you think, why does 4chan attract so many nerds/betas/neckbeards etc.?
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consider with all your heart moot

we really need this on /v/

its a discussion-based board. Samefags are LEUPVOTING and ruining threads without actual arguments pretending to be new people agreeing with what they said

its horrible


i couldn't find the fetish post moot

could you tell us again or direct us to it
1 billionth post you say? any countdown?

does slenderman real moot?
Nigga, he answered.

No. Dubs are gone.
You said earlier that you post anonymously so people don't freakout when they see you.

How often do you do that??
Ever become friends/want to become friends with someone you randomly meet on the street? That would be kickass and the possibility alone would make people here hard
proxie up and comes on after thinking problems solved...

no u
space bar still works fine, it's your browser not the site. tested on chrome w/ no addons.
Have you ever met Mark Zuckerberg? you guys would look cute together
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right problem, wrong solution.
IDs won't fix shitposting, and samefagging is fine.
It was supposedly posted on /soc, not /b/ . Are you sure >>416540029 isn't real? Do you have an official way of telling? please let me know so I can post your response in all these stupid James Holmes threads.
Moot, will you teach me how to dougie?



moot i cant find the fetish post. can you tell us again or redirect me to it
fuck it, moot isn't answering my questions i'm leaving this site for good. you'll regret not replying moot, i'll never be back.

i'm going to watch naruto now, bye.
Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?
Moot will you ever fix /x/ and give us a mod? I'm sure i'm not the only one whos emailed you about it. We are absolutely overrun with cancer, tripfags, and off-topic posts.
Moot is a tea guy.
Did you destroy my N64?
They were interning at the Times from 09 until the end of 2010 when they got sick of the non-existent chance of climbing the ladder.
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Hai moot.
Is there any possibility dubs are coming back?
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moot, please respond to >>416539672 for the sake of all that is holy on /b/
i'd visit utah, sure
no do's or dont's really

if your message takes more than 5 seconds to respond to, i probably won't respond. i suck at e-mail and rarely type more than a sentence or two

No fuck you we need more/better mods/janitors
Moot, do you find black girls attractive/ever had a crush on one? Would you date one?

My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.

also, do you enjoy it's always sunny in philidelphia? what's your favorite show?

>TL;DR reply with "griffin's a faggot" or whatever your favorite show is
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>WHO IS THE QUEEN OF /b/??????

come on nigga!
ctrl+F "fetish"



What kind of musics do you enjoy?
Also could you reply with Wesley Coker and James Rodgers are newfags would mean the world to me considering they have given me shit all year about being a newfag.
moot, have you ever taken the Dale Carnegie training course?
moot I work from home and can moderate /v/, its pretty much the only board I go

I'm 30 almost 31, learned web programming a month ago and intend to keep learning ( I was doing amateur game programming but trying to get away from it and just be a designer), make a few dynamic sites already with pretty urls. Not that it helps with the moderation job, but just giving some background on me

also, ids on /v/ please

Hey moot what do you think of this thread?

I know you're probably not going to read it but just posting the link on the off-chance you might have a look when you're not busy some other time.
congratulations moot!
moot can u tell me how to be a mode/janitors?

Did you ever deal with that mod on /v/ who kept advertising his Battlefield 3 server?
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Moot. I know we've gone round and round on the /x/ issue. But i was wondering if you can give us a janitor we pick from our own community like you did with /mlp/. even though that board has a long history of butthurt. there are some users that if given janitor powers wouldn't mess it up like the last guy did.

Tl:Dr can you let /x/ choose a janitor instead of giving us one that hates being there?

p.s. ch00b misses you.
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Is this real?

Not that I haven't fapped to it multiple times or anything.
>you people believe moot when he says he's a normal guy


4chan could not be the work of a boring, standard citizen
What OS do you use on a daily basis?
moot What are the rules of 4chan?
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Can we have boards for korean culture (/kor/), star wars (/sw/), one for boats and watercraft shit, and maybe a sfw flash board?
I live in Brooklyn and I will probably be there
>i'd visit utah, sure

Cool. Drop by sometime. I know for a fact there are plenty of Utah bros on 4chan.

Log onto MOOTCHAT some more, buddy.
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mootles it looks like u didnt saw my question ):

here again:

what do u do all the day?

what is ur favorite animal?

oh and do u have a gf ?
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how does this make you feel
Chris, It's Vader(-.iL)....why can't I have mod again? I did some good work
I should have added "have you" after the slash and before the ever...
Goodnight moot.
>tfw Mootles answered my question after 6 years here
Thanks, /b/ro.

Oh, do you know or sometime wonder if there isn't some shilling or agent provocateur BS going on here?
I feel like some threads or "trends" here on /b/ since around 2009~2010 seem a little bit fishy, tbh...
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Where is the Sentai board?
No, if you can't find out where to apply, you don't deserve to be one.

Also you have to know how to irc?

Also he doesn't take /b/ janitors and the applications are closed as of 2 years ago and won't open up until after summer at the least, maybe next spring.
well this has been really cool & epic. I'm glad I stayed up late and got to be a part of this. Good night everyone, I'm out. moot, stay cool bro! Thanks for actually answering my questions :D
It "goes off" on you like your bitchy girlfriend when you come home covered in lipstick and glitter at 4:00 AM.


alao putting in a vote for flags on /v/ and /vg/.
all in favor say aye
Moot I'm afraid of driving and doing new things please respond with short advice.
you gonna get banned
What was /5/?
which browser do you use ?a
Yo m00t, come back to Brazil to to party with the GAMESFODA.
Hey moot, what is your favorite book?
Chris, It's Vader(-.iL)....why can't I have mod again? I did some good work
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Your are a gentleman and a scholar I hope one day to meet. Have you been watching any Olympic coverage? Also if you liked Snow Crash consider Cryptonomicon.
Moot, you must choose: Cracky-chan or Boxxy?
I gather from all your answers that you're a sweet kid, probably a bit shy around women <3 I hope you find a special lady (I'd be glad to offer myself but I live really far away from NY).
Yeah but srsly, this site only needs a finance board for all the forex/stock shit etc

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how's it hangin?
also do you beleive in aliens?
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What are your thoughts on the 9fag beef?
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Moot, what do you ban people most for on 4chan? Also, you kick ass.
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Do you and that card stand have any hard feelings?
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Was this you moot?

The guy with the "OPisAfag" ID.

I can't believe someone this ID legit.
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Moot, do you feel anything when you see a an hero thread?

Guilty, LULZ, remorse, hungry Etc
How do you feel about black people?
Why would he get banned? Moot is all about expressing your opinion and talent as long as it's not illegal.

He will do 1 second bans for fun though.
Hey Moot, Staten Islandfag here. How many times have you actually taken the ferry over here? No one ever visits. If you need a tour guide.....and a place to crash. 35 y/o retired from a city job. Or a janitor/Mod. I'm always on this shithole

hey, im a former highschool mate of yours.
remember me, John?
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Moot I remember when you cam on a while ago and posted pics related to mine and we went back and forth for a while imitating and shit, do you remember have your pics still?
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Moot, what ethnicity are you? Irish, German etc.
>inb4 nigger or white
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moot. your a fucking dildo, because you made something great and let children abuse like every other dildo does. atleast they dont realize 4chan is more then one board...just like you moot. there are more boards to 4chan, stop dick riding /b/.
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What are your thoughts of Corgi's?
I've never owned a dog but was considering getting one as a companion.
Moot is the queen of /b/ as he is teh little girl
Haven't seen you around in awhile, moot. What's new?
Hey moot, what animus have you been watching recently? Or do you not really have time for that with canv.as?
Who is Marmandy Jones?
What is the actual point in noko2
How do you feel about African Americans?
moot why don't you delete ponyfag threads on /b/?
Has any anon ever posted something about you that you genuinely got upset over? If so, how often has it happened?
shoop'd, was on the thread when it "happened" he faked the thread
so you working on that 04.12.01 or what?
specifically, girls.
Hello moot,
Can you draw me a picture of a cat with a top hat?
Sup mot, you watch baseball?
If so, favorite team?
Moot do you read every email you get or do you skip some without opening them?
Go away, moot. Reported.
>being upset on the internet
Come on now, don't ask stupid questions.
nope, tea 4 life

slenderman is very real.

a bunch of my close friends i met through 4chan. i met a cool guy on the street a few days ago

i have

no don't

ah cool. nick bilton gave me a tour, it's a really nice building

i don't really have any opinions/preferences of race and am open to dating anyone really

os x

something about talking about /b/ all the time everywhere

you realize i know every mod's name and you can't fool me into thinking you were actually a mod? the team is small.

oh god
Moot you do not know me but I know you emotionally. I want you to know I love you and I love everything you do. I am not a femanon but if I ever accidently knock up one of my victims I will dedicate my mistake of a child to being bred purely to be your sex slave as it grows until the age of 11 when I send it off to you. I am sorry for your women troubles and am surprised at how you do not acquire vast amounts of pussy through making such an amazing internet wonder. If one day you develop a hard-on for beating the shit out of men or women, I will gladly offer my body to you as a means of satisfying this urge in you. If I ever meet you on a camping trip and see you sleeping alone, I will come to your side and cuddle you to share my bodily warmth with you for the night, ensuring you can sleep more peacefully. I love you.


it's moot. He is our Queen
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do you visit /u/ often moot?
mootzers, would you regard yourself as something along the lines of larry flynt of the internets?
man, /b/ would flip its shit if moot knocked that thing over

or even if he just waved at the camera, either one
▲ ▲?
What's your favourite band/music genre, moot?
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DEcide Our Queen!!!
Who is the Queen of /b/?
Well I was in the exact same thread, I screen capped it so it isn't fake.
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i just learned how to triforce

∆  ∆
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How do you feel about the bawww/tfw no gf/feel thread generals pop up? Do you consider them cancer?
How big is your arsenal?
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Hey moot, could you ban me for 2 months or so? I'm serious
did you ever check out the synchtube 4chanlive?
Moot, what is your operating system?
Can you give /m/ a mod, please?
our love knows no borders or distance, anon.

i have it on my kindle but haven't read it yet. all of my friends read it in like 7th grade -- i feel so behind the times.

i've driven to SI but never taken the ferry

Moot, what is your favorite kind of tea? You like loose leaf, right?
Gonna retry,

Do you watch baseball?
If so, favorite team?
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Moot, why did you ban me for posting sinks.
moot, I love you.

That is all. If you reply, I'll suck your cawk.
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Come on man, is it really that hard?
Just work you magic and boom, you make two boards at least 50% better.
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Why no dubs on /b/? It's not as if we have high quality posts here anyway. I personally want them back just so I can shit on pony threads and the other general cancer.

Please consider it. We need it, moot. We fucking need a change here.
it's nailed down, my /b/ro tried. Text related moot, same bro

My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.

I am a huge faggot and want this more than anything because i would never let him live it down
but at least I tried
I would love to help out anyways
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>nobody messages me when i sign into MOOTCHAT

You don't message me back asshole

It's ok though moot. I love you
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>moots fw he is a macfac
We are so normal!
Moot, I am a liar.

you might night follow the link. if you did, did you cry a little, or at least feel sad?
what brand of cellular phone do you use moot?


Considering the generally negative opinion society holds for 4chan as well as some of the things that have transpired, have you ever felt genuinely concerned for your safety as the creator of /b/? Any disconcerting death threats, or anything of the sort?
he likes assam
>moot dodges questions about the declining state of the site from people who've been here forever and answers stupid-ass questions from /b/tards who've probably been here less then a year
I love you.
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Based moot please. You're breaking my heart. ;_;

/v/ would be forever grateful.
>moot says he is pc master race
>later says he uses os x

somethin ain't sittin right here
Moot how can I talk to you and you actually respond. I have a business proposal
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Moot do you ever contribute OC to any boards?
Also Mods=Gods
Also could you reply with Wesley Coker and James Rodgers are newfags would mean the world to me considering they have given me shit all year about being a newfag. You dont even have to answer my question just call those peole newfags pl0x
we don't talk about mr. jones any more.

no different from how i feel about anyone else


not really. despite the cries of "LOL U MAD/BUTT DESVASTED?????" nothing really rustles my jimmies online. i've been using 4chan for almost 9 years -- i take everything with a grain of salt and smile on my face.
Will you ever come to Australia Moot, I promise the wildlife wont kill you. Although no promises on the locals not hitting you in the face with a glass bottle.
I always figured the person he marries will be our true queen, all others are temporary at best.
moot is such a faggot doesnt respond if hes bringing dubs back

hes hiding stuff from you people!@#!@$
moot is a failure troll
How often do you post anonymously?
Why is tuna so fuckin delish
does moot own a guy fawkes mask
Just do what /v/ does, try to call your last post number
>7 get
I will mod /mu/
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Could you put me in place as a mod or janitor? I browse a lot of boards for a good fucking portion of my life. Let me know.


Also, moot is sexy as FUCK.

PC stands for personal computer you fucking idiot

Macs are personal computers

It's like you're retarded
Ass or Titties?

you don't like us right moot? ;_;
midas quut beeing a haymaye

have you ever thought about having sex with a man.

would you try it just once?
Moot Who is the queen of /b/?
while you are at it, could you ban everyone in this thread:
nice! I had a brief conversation with him at the Digital Life expo a few years back. pretty cool guy, if not a little... eccentric, for lack of a better word.

planning any other events in NYC besides Barcade? I can't leave this city without one-upping my friends and getting my nook signed by ya.
moot you should come by /co/ more often. new 52 has some alright stuff. Daredevil is great. We could use some help getting back into love again too.
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Fucking do it.


kill yourself
only newfags say "rustles my jimmies" gtfo my /b/
why did 4chan?
what do you think about pedophilia?
can u show me a "admin-panel"?
Bring back GETS to celebrate 4chan's 1 billionth post?
End the debate moot..
Europe vs American

which is better?
My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.

I will stay up until this happens, but please i want to sleep moot, do it for a /b/ro

have ever experienced with the same sex

moot also said he doesn't even play games

Do you even into reading comprehension?
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moot, there is a thread waiting for you:
Only a single grain of salt for all that shit?
Truly you are a veteran.
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I have a question from a friend, if you don't mind.

Are the Pokemon video games okay for discussion on /v/, or does it need to be kept exclusively to /vp/?
Moot, I've always wondered, how exactly did/do you choose moderators for 4chan? I mean, it can't be based solely by someone that just reports a bunch of shit, and since this is an anonymous website, do you keep track of certain people or just pick at random and hope for the best?

>No I'm not trying to be a mod I spend enough time here already I'm just curious.
So lets talk sports, Hows the kids moot?

What do you think of "Epic Win For Anonymous"?
yay, moot replied to me. my life is complete, i wont leave 4chan.
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Have you ever been to Canada before Moot? If you're ever in Alberta, Canada you're more than welcome to come chill & blow some stuff up with my pals & I.
>pic related. cowbell is always relatable.
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moot thanks to you i can anonymously hate people which is the desire of all man. its up to the community to dictate the standards am i right? with that being said you are a fucking faggot and i hope a gang of angry 1990's american niggers rape your supple tight ass for allowing /b/ to turn into such shit. MORE MODERATION, WERE FUCKING SICK OF RATE ME/PONIES/AND COPYPASTAQASDFWERFGWFRT
If I were to masturbate to your Adonis physique would I be gay, or do you count as a neutral meetup point where any sexuality can fap to you without leaving it.
Do you you report CP to the FBI?
hey moot, can you cure my cold?

Say goodnight to me so the slenderman doesn't get me?

moot how often do speak publicly?
why not philly?
Hey Mootles! You travel much outside of the states?

Ever considered going to Australia?
Moot serious question:
Chocolate or strawberry Milk?
>no opinions /preferences on race
I have a crush on you.
Why don't you rename /b/ to Default instead of random?
Moot don't do id's on /v/ or anywhere else. It needs self moderation not labels
moot i think you should make your next post some sort of dubs to piss of all the people asking for dubs back
What is your favorite board and what is your least favorite board?
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Love this car and picture!!!!

triforce because i just learned it.
∆ ∆
Hands free fapping.
Moot, whatever happened to snacks anyways? Did he simply ragequit after that last ban?



I hate how all you fags treat m00t like a magic 8-ball. It's demeaning of our 4chan god.

On an unrelated note, will I ever get married m00t?
moot can you make me a janitor so i can clean up /vp/ a little so much nswf stuff on there
sup moot, if I was in NY i would for sure go to barcade

my question: Do you feel as if 4chan has failed in the sense that you are not a Zuckerberg or Newell? You are clearly a smart dude, and you made 2chan accessible to millions more/improved it. So, do you feel like your plane never took off, ie get a job at microsoft and become a billionaire?

on another note you greentext beautifully.

come to NC some day, I go to UNC. We can get Bojangles. Look it up
stop posting in threads and go lift some more moot, /fit/ wants to see you're sexy ass body (no homo)
mootykins! Can we please do something about the poor moderation of /k/?
moot, could you caress my nipples while singing a lullaby to me?
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Moot, have you ever played MTG?
stegosaurus or T-rex?
Moot. why. why moot.
how are you so down to earth after all you have done and been through? also, do you ever make threads and not just lurk on boards?
how do often do you post as anon m00t

Oh crap, now I am obliged to e-mail you, is the address the one that appears on the FAQ page? It'll be just a picture and all my love, a true fanmail.
Moot thinks reddit is far better than 4chan
Moot what is your favorite porn video?
Moot where are you most easily contacted. Like a place you are always online on.
Do you know a Mr. Stark?
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Moot, what do you think of The Big Bang Theory?
Also how long will you leave this thread up? I always love reading these.
Oh god
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moot why is ALL of 4chan 18+? we all know the site is at least 50% underage

the global rule has no relevance on worksafe boards

y u do dis
Hey moot, ban me for 2 months or I will tell everybody what happened at the docks
I tried reporting a "personal info thread" because I am a moral fag like that, and it said that I can't report it because "im banned"
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We're all mostly harmless.
Serious question. If I come to you tomorrow with a proposal for an idea that I have for a website, something I feel you can potentially help me with, would you take me seriously/be supportive, or do you have too many other projects you're working on right now to give a shit?

I do live in Brooklyn, and I am seriously considering coming.

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seriously moot, WHO IS THE QUEEN!?
Also moot, add me as a Yotsuba dev please, I already wrote new stuff for the broken (it seems) ID system.
moot what is your alignment?

chaotic neutral here
Moot, I'm sure you've seen MBTI personality threads floating around. Have you taken a test? What was your result if so?
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whats ur favorite animal?

pls pls pls answer >.<

Please moot I know you hate the idea of writing more than half a sentence or even answering more than half a question but just


just do this man

for yourself.

moot's wife will be queen
Does it ever bother you that /f/ is the only flash board in the world without preview pics left and is essentially worthless at this point?
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moot, wat do u think of this?

you come off like a steve jobs there.
How do you feel about underage people on 4chan.
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mootles do you have a /b/ folder? Or anything of the sort?

If yes post a pic of it plox
you have been hellbanned my friend: welcome to the zone!
can i have an @4chan.org email ?
>PC master race

moot confirmed for non plebeian. what is your favorite game, mootles?
When are you going to get rid of captcha and bring back dubs?

Sincerely, concerned oldfag
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if you're too stupid and empty to be of any intelligence, humour or conversation, give us your body or get out. this also applies to males, it's just not enforced.
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Why isn't Brian Peppers a meme anymore?
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Thanks doc.
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Moot, what is your favorite western cartoon?
m00t#faggot if I start postin cp on this thread, will it 404?
Well I hope one day we cross paths moot. Ever gonna pass 4chan on to a next of kin or is it yours to the grave? You must have a plan if you can't support it.
I am from the original Alice threads back when they started in early 2011 and before they went to shit. What was your opinion on Alice and her friends?


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how fucking dare you compare anyone to that jew bastard for whoring out a whole generation to eachother. thanks to those faggots we have attention craving children raising children. fuck you is anything you should praise this niggerlipped angel moot for creating somewhere thats pure as fuck. and yes 4CHAN IS PURE
Do you feel special?
You still play DotA2? What do you think of it?
I took your philosophy of "being a fan of ignoring shit you don't like" to heart /b/ro.
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moot, explain this shit. pic related.
Also could you reply with Wesley Coker and James Rodgers are newfags would mean the world to me considering they have given me shit all year about being a newfag. Dont eve have to answer question jus call those guys newfags
he already said (like two months ago) that it's ok
No, but you'll be banned and reported to the FBI.
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Do you believe in ancient aliens?
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Moot, you sound like a really laid back, down to earth kinda guy. I'm always struck by this when I see your threads, its the last thing I expect from the creator of this wretched hive of sum and villainy. How do you keep yourself centered?

I wish I didnt live in the great white north so I could drop by NY to meet you at this arcade place.
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can you tell how many logged hours a person has on 4chan?

Or whens the first time they went on?

>obviously only on a certain i.p. right?

If so how many do I have/when did I first go on?

captcha: benjamite, tifugge
moot i have a driving lesson in 4 hours, but i've had no sleep

should i rearrange or just do it anyway?

Not the FBI but the NCMEC.
1. Mods for /m/
2. Dubs for /v/
3. Forced anon for whatever looks at you funny
5. Do you believe in multiverses?
Question: who is this Mac guy you keep referencing in the news section?
would you say 4chan has degraded quality over the past years like many others say?

there's an assam yunnan blend i'm partial to


no, not really. i only organize things once a year if that.

become a janitor, do it for a few years without going nuts or abusing it, get promoted

didnt read it

i havent

a few times a year

he isnt banned and posts at least once per week on r9k

are you kidding? i have MTG cards on my desk at work.


i dont watch tv but i hear it's shit

i have too much going on to be helpful, sorry

Moot do you know how to triforce?
hehe wow
What political part have you registered for?
Moot do you like /g/?
are you a fan of Roosterteeth?
What do you think of mexibros moot?
he is trolling morons like you:
>mac mini 4 life
Have you seen The Dark Knight Rises yet?

And if so what did you think about it?
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Moot who is your waifu?

And who is your favorite Katawa Shoujo girl?

Moot your a fucking faggot.

and Oh btw I hate chocolate milk.
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are you ever going to let /b/ chose their own name instead of force anonymous?
Moot, I have a new found respect for you.
If I ever catch wind of you visiting somewhere close by, I swear I'll buy you a cup of chai/you preferred beverage.

Do you feel like 4chan has had as much of an impact on the world as others do, or do you still see it as more of a personal project that you've shared with the world?
My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.

I need sleep m00t! I will stay up until the deed is done

>pls respond
what is your opinion on namesync, moot?

Macs are PC's are you fucking dense

PC is just "personal computer", there's nothing that automatically makes it a Windows OS
moot will you marry me?
toasting in epic bread
Also could you reply with Wesley Coker and James Rodgers are newfags would mean the world to me considering they have given me shit all year about being a newfag. Or just call em newfags and i'll be happy.
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your wrong about old /b/ moor
were still here. check the oc you faggot.
mootykins, have you seen Breaking Bad or The Wire? Good shows man, should check them out.
Would like this answered please.
Can you restart the janitor program please? I would love to become one, and wouldn't shit up your board.
of course you are going to be a janitor: just keep flooding!

Moot, How much time do you usually spend of 4chan? and which board do you like to frequent most?
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A serious question.

You've definitely done a great job minimizing the spam in the past few months.....I just wish that the 4chan browser offered the "minimize thread" button (looks like a "minus" sign) that sites like anonib have.

i hate scrolling over trap and gore threads.

can you make this one more improvement?

also, I endorse a /celeb/ board, because there is a lot of waifu stuff going down all the time, and we might as well centralize it.
nah, i sucked at it, and WHERE ARE MY FUCKING TECHIES?


an awesome artist who has drawn birthday images for us many years running
Moot, I'm in love with you, and I have been for several months now. Do you wish to fuck?
allright. I guess mootles is a good enough reason to revist the City. thanks for talking, and have a good one. drink a couple of jaeger shots for me.
gb2 >>>/vip/
I have to sit next to that nosey asshold every day its fucking annoy!n..... Hope u get firrreed lazy no good trash talking negative imbred FUCK! ahhh... much better.

psss Problem?
That's wrong, faggot. I would ban ONLY if it violates the rules. That's pretty simple. I disagree with a lot of stuff on 4chan already, but that doesn't mean it's bannable. I don't abuse my power and I never have when given it.

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vI buttfuck my own mother until my magical space dick gets her ass-pregnant. Our butt-baby has down syndrome because of the incest and the fact that my mom is fucking 60 years old. Because the baby is a tard, she doesn't count as a real person, so the two of us use her as a cock sleeve. We mostly take turns, but one day we both pick an end and fuck until we meet in the middle. We get so caught up in fucking each other's urethras through my sister/daughter's untangled guts that we forget to pull out and let the tardling breathe every so often, until she's dead, and swollen to the size of a watermelon from all of our cum and piss. We squeeze out the juice into a bucket and use catheters to feed it into each other's nipples, giving us both huge balloon tits. Then Mom asks me to return the tardling to her ass-pussy. I jam it back up in there feet first, and from then on every time I assrape my horny mother I'm getting deep-throat from our dead shitbaby daughter at the same time. Having her ass plugged like that eventually makes it so mom's shit backs up, and every time she orgasms she sprays diarrhea out of her mouth and nose, but it's not really diarrhea because all she eats now is cum and aborted fetuses, so it's really more like a chocolate strawberry milkshake.
Have you ever thought about enable forced anon or IDs on other boards?
moot post chen pls
He has one. It's on a server. It's called /b/.
But snacks doesn't post under mod status then? on /r9k/ that is.
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YOU are the Queen of /b/!
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Sorry for posting so much, but this troglodyte truly wishes to know.

Posting with Wailord this time. Mootles loves Wailord.
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I hate how all you fags treat m00t like a magic 8-ball. It's demeaning of our great 4chan god.

On an unrelated note, will I ever get married m00t?
More importantly, can *I* have an @4chan.org email address for the sole purpose of fucking with people I know who think 4chan is a cesspool?
thanks for replying earlier.
anyways can you please post a picture with a time stamp
and my name "rocky" on it?:)
post your nudes moot
Shut the FUCK up BITCH!
Hey moot, ban me for 2 months. Hands free fapping?
Hey moot
Can you please draw me a picture of a cat with a top hat?
favorite spaghetti?
Ponyfag here , moot can you change the rules for /mlp/ so it can allow r34 on it while ? im tired of having to go here on /b/ for my mlp porn.
>inb4 hate
I attended a panel at Conbravo about 4chan last weekend. It was bad and the speakers were uninformed. I just thought that should be brought to your attention.
sorry, it's a bug on the shitty parser
How much money do you make annually?
hey moor i'm gonna need a timestamp

also plox answer my above post.
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to become a janitor is my one and only, believe it!
Why are you so stupid ?
I wish you people would stop arguing semantics. Yes, TECHNICALLY a PC is a personal computer, which could be anything from a laptop to a cell phone to a smart TV. But it is understood that a "PC" is an x86 based computer running Windows and/or linux, since the days that Macs had different hardware architecture. So knock it off.
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please do the following, i want to shove in face that i was on a thread with the epic base lord m00t while he was asleep, and got a reply from him

>My /b/ro is asleep and missing your greatness, if you could reply to this with "Griffin's a faggot" so i could screencap it for him, i would be forever in your debt.

>please respond
Hey Moot,

I think you're a faggot.

- Abel

P.S. #Realtalk
how does it feel to be keeping so many people up at night?
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'bout tree fiddy
Moot how would you deal with a cheating whore
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you fucking suck

I have asked my question 20 times and you ignored me

fucking faggot
I bet you hate 4chan
Also could you reply with Wesley Coker and James Rodgers are newfags would mean the world to me considering they have given me shit all year about being a newfag. Or u could just call em newfags and call it a day
Remind us of Marmandy Jones. Google isnt doing the job and I barely remember that penis...
I know people have probably posted this a million times in this thread. But thanks for everything, man. If it wasn't for this place I probably would've offed myself a long time ago. You're the man.
Moot has said multiple times that he uses this website daily and has for years. It's no stretch to assume that he posts just as often anonymously.

114 W 29th Street, Apartment 2, New York, New York, 10001
Hi, I've been lurking here for some time and I was thinking, there should be some kind of "trolling" board on this site. You know, a place where you can go when you want to "troll" so that they'll stop bothering us on our other boards. I was on another board just yesterday, and there was a lot of these "trolls". It's very frustrating to continue, makes me ANGRY. If you guys think this idea is good, reply to this comment. With your help, maybe we help end the "troll" from our good /b/!
Are you going to PAX in seattle this August? Sure would like to see you there

go die in a fucking fire

Of course it's understood that PC's are specifically systems running Windows

But that's not how moot is using it, which was what I was trying to make clear from the fucking start

PC Master Race is a term that is used by /v/ to separate computers from consoles. Mac's are computers, and are therefore PC's. That's all I was trying to make clear because some asshat thought moot was trolling
moot you smell like shit, shut up.
1/10 for making me reply
Hey moot, why does the sage counter in the Google chrome 4chan app work on other boreds but not on /b/?
Moot, name something other than Jackie Chan.
Moot: Nachos y/n
Ok that's fair. Follow up question:

If I can blow your mind with my pitch, are you open to reconsidering, or even just giving me critical feedback? I honestly think that I have something unique that could maybe even threaten Google, over time. Maybe I just need someone to slap me in the face and say that I'm crazy.

By the way I was at the previous Barcade meet. Good times were had.
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mootkin i demand an update on your cat.
How many browse /b/ daily? 5000 unique posters at a time isn't very much.
Moot doesn't have a cat.

lol you sage in a sticky?
Even better, make the rules for /mlp/ the same as /b/ with the exception of allowing ponies
Two less reasons for them to come here

Also why the hell is /mlp/ sfw anyway
Moot, what's your favorite vidya gaem?

demand update on cat also.
Dear Moot, thank you for keeping 4chan alive despite the costs.

Love you ~
hey moot,

How would you rate rate yourself on my scale of awesomeness? 1 being the least awesome and 10 being max awesome.

P.S. could you please stop spamming that gay ass true story meme - true story
you're an imbecile, get off /b/ newfag
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Moot confirmed for faggot.
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>mfw im buttfrustrated

>can you tell the first time an i.p. address went on 4chan, is so when did mine?

>and can we get a martial arts board, it's impossible to get a good post about martial arts on /sp/ especially not /fit/.
Crown our queen Moot please
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Thanks for providing me with the biggest waste of my life that I gladly come back to regularly.

But anyway, what compelled you to sticky this thread and answer our questions? Also, is it really you?
Mootles, how do you feel about what Anonymous has turned into these days?

Also, can we please get/keep proper flags on /pol/, and every other board that they would be useful on, like /sp/, /int/, /trv/, etc?

what is your favorite band
Hey moot, /b/?
he was a confirmed faggot since birth, lurk moar
fuck yeah for Burzum.
>why is a board based on a children's tv show sfw anyway?
yes, i enjoyed it but think TDK was a better film

gay marriage is legal in new york now, so maybe!

we will have a solution for this soon

i'm sorry people host shitty unofficial panels


i'd break up with her and move on, as i have in the past


so you're that "richfag" everyone keeps talking about, huh?


what is, jackie chan?
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i just cant stop the OC moot. your tight faggot ass is so inspiring...still waiting on my janitorial rights. just sittin here...waiting..
moot why dont you start a kickstarter to avoid losing money?
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hey moot
can you give me yanitor so i can ban some people?
just the usual mlp, niggers and whatever other poor bastards cross my path
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Why don't you just make a loli/todlercon board so you can moderate whats posted?
Moot seriously this thread smells like shit.
m00t what do you think about the future of 4chan?
do you see yourself still doing this shit in 15 years or so or are you willing to close this place?
Or maybe you will just raise a new generation of m00tles and let them run this shit?
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Moot, why the shit would an internet browsing program have a goddamn defresh button?
Why couldn't they just have a refresh button like all the other internet browsing programs.
It just doesn't make sense

What has been your biggest WTF?! moment so far?

Congrats on 1b, you're a hero to the internet.
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114 W 29th Street, Apartment 2, New York, New York, 10001

114 W 29th Street, Apartment 2, New York, New York, 10001

114 W 29th Street, Apartment 2, New York, New York, 10001
Moot why the fuck did you make a board for the worst thing on 4chan, the ponyfags?
moot ilu

You noted above that you'd be writing something soon along the same vein of your TED speech, when/ where can we expect to find said text?

Also, as a lady, on the Pacific coast you'd be in no shortage of female fans. You're adorbz sweetheart. If you consider moving, this coast is the best coast.

are you grateful that you made 4chan, or do you wish that you never made it at all?
he tried it before
moot. i have a vagina. no gay marriage necessary. you may say yes now, and realize this is a binding legal contract. sign here in blood.
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Moot Are you ever going to pick our Queen?
Any Youtubers you actually enjoy watching?
He's not going to answer. So stop.
moot loves 4chan broh
Moot, do you know how to triforce?
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moot what is your favourite anime?

mine is avatar.

the fags over at /a/ delete my avatar anime questions for some reason :(
/ m /
I T ' S
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What's behind this door?
reply "griffin's a faggot" to this post please

>in other news

what's your favorite tv series moot?

114 W 29th Street, Apartment 2, New York, New York, 10001
Also, moot, do you have to type in a captcha when you post?
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Because this.
I know you don't do the programming for yotsuba, but a few things to pass onto whoever does these days (MrVacBob?):

1. The mobile stylesheet is pretty nice, but there's one problem with it: it scrolls horizontally even when the page fits in the screen's width. The best mobile sites lock the scrolling horizontally (kind of hard to explain what i mean, but look at 4chan on your phone and you'll get what I mean)
2. There's are some new HTML5 features that give you more control over file upload dialogues. In this case, you could trivially save 4chan and your users some bandwidth by rejecting images that are too large in file size or dimensions before the file is actually uploaded to the server. See http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/dndfiles/ for examples.

What are the last anime, manga, and video game you have watched/read/played?
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are you the guy who did all those drawings on /fit/ that one day?

if so i love you and still have them
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Trying one last time. H-here I go.
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wikipedia mentioned that it was the last book you read
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Hey m00t can we get a faggot board so faggots can get off /b/?
You know he's not going to reply to your obnoxious post chains that go three posts back before they get to your question, right?
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moot is there a way you can personally access any of the billion posts ever made on 4chan now? arent they kept somewhere?

there was a really interesting site that was archiving a lot of /b/....it was called iliketochan. i guess they got some legal threats (not from you but from someone whose copyright was violated in the posts here which got archived there) and got bought up by a porn company.

but it was really intriguing to search random /b/ threads from months ago and have even the images be archived.
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still waitin moot...

He works at a grocery store.
So moot. /fk/?
we already have one faggot >>>/hm/
Moot who would be your favorite serial killer and why
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Moot if I were to meet you IRL would it bother you if I asked you a lot of questions?
you saw what that did to ponies
the fact that i live in queens is a pretty poorly kept secret.

i plan to start writing on a personal site soon, no idea what the domain will be. and i swear i'll write a news post soon.

and thanks, hun

where do i smear my blood?


also filename

no, we don't archive posts. you'd need to use a third party archiver to retrieve them
>>we will have a solution for this soon
wtf man
moot, I think I speak for all of us when I say....pic and time stamp or it didn't happen.
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Can you please do something about /k/s mod?
He doesn't do his job and bans people for no reason.
can u show a "admin-panel"
Moot...you watch wrestling, dont you?

Fan of kurt angle, arent you?
Moot you handsome devil; what the fuck is a barcade?

Sounds like a mix between a bar and an arcade; A suitable hunting ground for sexually insecure tipsy teenagers.
Hey moot can you start permabanning those fucking Angry Birds threads, like what the actual fuck is that shit.
I'm sure this question has already been asked but do you have any idea when open applications for janitor status will be going on again? Also, what's your most time consuming hobby that isn't technology related?
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hey moot, since you always answer me, can i ask is your barcade as cool as our barcade...?
last time we talked you went to chick-fil-a, how you feel about those buncha straight lovin faggots?
Where did the name moot/m00t originate from?

inb4 newfag
Dear moot,

I've been on this website for too long. What's your favorite pogeyman?
OP is a fgt.
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>implying avatar is an anime
>anime must be created in japan
avatar is nic retard
>pic related it's you weaboo fags

moot why do you hate wakaba/kareha

and why have you given up on world4ch
Mootles, do you ever plan on coming to Tennessee? I understand if you don't, it's a pretty shit state. But if you did, I'd love to take you out to dinner!
snacks is an immature faggot that doesn't deserve to be staff on /b/

silencers are illegal, you were banned for a perfect reason
Not even sure if moot is still here but... Why not just have a separate board for dubs? No image posting, just GETS to save on bandwidth.
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well there's this
Mr moot, could you please stop contacting my sister, It is making her uncomfortable and distracting her from my advances.
HAS anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
how do you feel about 9fag
Can I see your anus?
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moot, which boards do you frequent on 4chan?
and I'm tired of ponyfags on my /b/.
i simply mean a gay thread so all those faggots can jack off into eachother away from me is all. And the pony threads greatly decreased after the boards ceation
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Hey mootles

have you ever seen one of my 'reveal the vidya' threads on /v/ ?
It's a game I made for /v/ where people roll for grids and try to guess the video game.
It's been picking up on popularity and I regularly put a lot of effort into making it (OC), but some butthurt MOD permabanned me. Hosting RTV on proxies is a pain in the butt.. ban appeal and irc contact to no avail.

tl;dr: any chance you can look into ban and give me some anal sexy time with /v/ mods?

When are you going to get rid of captcha, bring back dubs and re-add the name field?

Sincerely, concerned oldfag
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Hi moot!
Just wondering, is /fa/ ever going to get any mods?
Up until about a year ago it wasn't really needed but the board has went to shit lately, it's nothing but feuds between tripfags and casemods blog-posting.

/cel/ would be awesome too, mostly for the sake of /tv/, but i guess i could se the problem with a board which would consist of nothing but underage actress-threads.

Take care mootles
Yes hello moot, homeless man from Boston here, we meet at ROFLCon/Chiptune shows now and again, maybe the pic will help you remember.

My question is do you hate when people like us interact with you at things? How often do people approach you about this stuff irl? How many of them are obnoxious?

PS I'm sorry for being way to high and/or drunk to have a nice conversation everytime we meet, I hope you don't hate me :(
shit, you're so agreeable, i'm unprepared. i think i love you.
Did you enjoy Lord of the Rings m00t? are you excited for the hobbit? (which i hear will be three movies)

>if yes, reply "griffin's a faggot
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who said i hated them? i sure havent

the discussion boards have always been the red headed step children of 4chan, but i still love them

i've been once, no plans to visit soon though

>implying i speak to girls
Moot if i ever met you would you share a Toblerone with me? no homo
when are you bringing names back to /b/?
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no they are not the require a $200 tax stamp and are only illegal in 1 state
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can you do something about flood detection? like if someone requests a Wallpaper dump or something the have the option to turn it on or off as they please?
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HOW DOES THIS PICTURE MAKE YOU FEEL? ALSO, are you and Taylor Swift tight since she posts here?
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>doesn't deserve to be staff on /b/
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moot. you have a perfect smile.
Moot can we get a foreveralone/beta/feels board? /r9k/ is in a more abysmal state than ever and the feels threads, although humourous at times, are getting out of hand on other boards. Theyre generally watering down boards that used to be mostly on-topic.

Thank you.
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moot what makes you decide whether you want to force a given meme or not?

the puddi thing came out of nowhere, yet people still refer to it.

also i dont know if you forced "Girugamesh" but i remember it being spammed here to all hell.

i do not support the "rustled jimmies" meme. its too british sounding and it was wacky and it was forced from the get go, but i doubt you had anything to do with that.
Mooty, what's your opinion on ponies/bronies?
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fucked up my pic
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How lonely are you, moot?
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goddamnit moot i try and i try to make some wholesome funloving OC and you cant even reward me anything? you cocksucker

>i've been once

And not out of pleasure, huh Moot? hahahaha.
That's neat.
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Hey Moot buddy ole pal.
What do you think about Rule 1 and 2 always being broken.
Also as a personal favor feel like showing your buddies them chest-icles.
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Trying one more time
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it's anime the people that draws it are japanese the creator is just american.
Same Moot, I live in TN, and I'd be happy to buy ya dinner if you come.
Moot what train line do you usually take on the subway?

2 train fag here.
So you can't discuss illegal stuff on 4chan?

Why are all my questions so shitty?
Hey man, international anon over here.
Two questions:
Can you explain me what was the brb, compromised event? (https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Brb,_compromised)

Second: Coming from everything Shii knows:
<moot> regging 4CHAN.net
<moot> FOUR CHAN
<moot> brace for faggotry

Do you think your use of the word faggot had any influence in the fag suffix (newfag, oldfag, etc)?
Moot, what does one have to do to become a mod/janitor? I am looking to get a career in this line of work.
Would you ever consider porting 4chan to C++ or another language to increase efficiency and lower server costs? If someone implemented one would you try it on a testboard no-strings attached?
Moot, can you please pick a janitor for /x/?
Not a full time mod or anything, just a janitor. Pick one from the current pool of regular posters there.

It needs it.

Can you ban these faggots?
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can you accidentally the post?
how many mods have 4chan?
tell me ;_;
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Moot, if I wrote the first page of a fictional short story and e-mailed it to you, would you write the second page and send it back, and so on?
http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=20&weekday=tue my my, this is informational. scroll to the bottom past all that anime shit
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in your honest no homo opinion... do I look good?
moot, what is your favorite food?

Hello from Texas.
It was animated by Koreans, like nearly every other cartoon and anime out there.

The only part of it that WASN'T animated in Korea was the opening, which was animated in the states by Titmouse, the single greatest animation studio of the west.
I'd suggest letting /x/ pick a janitor from their community instead of having some guy that hates us and ban us for shit we do erryday.

Seriously, cut this shit out
Who made this gay thread?
Moot, how do you feel being the god of the Internet board that the world kinda hates? Do you ever wonder what the world would be like had you not made 4chan? How many lives you might have saved by just deciding that making 4chan was just dumb? Just wondering...
Moot pls I really want to sleep

>reply "griffin likes penis" to this post please

/k/ wants flags
moot, what do your parents and family think of 4chan and how long did you wait until you first told them that you made this website and that it got popular
Dear Moot

Tell us what realy happen on April 12th 1996. I cant find anything on the internet about it.

sincerely Anon.
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Anime is something that is produced in Japan.
At the end of the day, they're all cartoons, the only difference is the country of origin.
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/k/ wants less shitty mods.
How many of your mods do you know to be homosexual?
moot" Janitor for x let us pick!
Hiya moot, Do you wear Axe?
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imo it was animated by the japanese
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Hey 'murricans! What's the fucking deal with dragons?
You fucking dumb

Europe 1
Atheists 0
m00t have you ever met/ plan on meeting matt stone and trey parker?
Please fucking range ban the shitposters on /v/ that spam Neptunia generals, KS generals, Idolmaster generals, and animu generals. Shit has reached critical mass.
t-thanks anon

but /r9k/ is already that board, and they're mad i split away /adv/

you're homeless? sorry to hear that bro. i don't mind chatting with people so long as they're not assholes, and generally everyone who chats with me is nice so that hasn't been an issue

nope, because i was subpoenaed!

Q for life

something that happened a long time ago, and no i dont

they don't mind it or have an opinion really, and they didn't know until i was 19

don't ask, don't tell
oh, I have a serious question! Was that whole fiasco surrounding the feds claiming mod privelages on /b/ to catch pedos true?
>I just want my cartoon pony porn without having to go /b/ and start a r34 with ponies and then people Going
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If I saw you would you want me to greet you as m00t or by your full name?

When will you sort /mlp/ the fuck out

literally no moderation going on there, no rules
moot do you wear polo
you think /k/ has serious problems?
Is 4chan run by jews?
Moot, I need you to draw me a picture of a personified muffin that's clearly geared for war. I know you read my email and considered drawing me one, but you didn't come through.

Also, thatfuckingcat.jpg. Where is he? What's he doing? Have you fed him today? Please feed him, he probably needs to eat.

If you've fed him today already, please feed him again as a treat from me personally.

Thanks, babe.
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Hey moot, /sci/ used to have a math problem thread (called the Putnam) stickied daily. It stopped a couple months ago.

Do you know what happened to it? Was it on a script or did some mod manually sticky it every day?
how would you describe 4chan to your children or grandchildren?

Why is Rando in one of the 4chan banners? Im seeing him right now.
DAYUM moot answered a shit ton of questions, even all the gay ones. this is surely a new record...
Well now you're just being racist.
Can you ban me for 15 minutes?
I approve of this

Lurking /x/ could be fun but the massive trolls and retard tripfags are making it very difficult to enjoy
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Moot, we want Neptunia /v/!
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people who chat with you are nice? thats because you just said you dont chat with "jerks" fail.
How often do you take the subway? Is it your primary method of transportation?
Have you ever been to Minnesota? Any plans to come visit us?
reply "griffin's likes penis" to this post please

>thanks base god moot
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Moot, will you do more meetups at barcade to commemorate future events?
no but that'd be pretty awesome

there are so many things wrong with this sentence i dont even know where to start

chris or moot is fine

i take it when my helicopter is in the shop
1) Have you ever been scared of some of the crazies lurking in the depths of 4chan? (like how crazies go after celebrities, has the thought ever crossed your mind?)

2) Cats or dogs...or something else?
moot i'm 13 and i haven't been banned, why don't the mods do their jobs?
Please moot i wanna get some sleep is it that hard to just reply
already answered
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Mootykins, what do you think of my OC?

>unrelated to this very healthy thread
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Thanks. While you're at it, a lot of the problems that the browser extensions are causing with auto update, etc could be solved if yotsuba had a JSON interface like shiichan. Instead of having the browser extension scraping entire pages on each refresh, the extension could send a request with the latest received post noted, and the server could send back only the new posts as JSON objects.
Does one appear more naked doing:
A) Naked Jumping Jacks?
B) Cam-whoring 4chan?
Can I be a mod for any given board so that I have a legit excuse to not go outside more often?
Moot, I have a question for you. Were "i wish to be the little girl" seriously the first words you said in the 4chan IRC (either the first or the second one)?
Moot do you plan to commemorate more events with a meetup at barcade in the future
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sure is summer in here
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he does this from time to time
staying up to ungodly hours to talk about nothing with moot is nice

Mcdonalds BK or Wendys
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m00t, are you Randy Travis?
I-I've always had a crush on you.
hey moot im a white guy wearing a yoohoo t-shirt and a pair of g-unit jeans listening to the aquabats does this make me cool in your opinion?

Oh, and no... we don't want /v/ to be Neptunia themed.
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How often do you post anonymously?

What boards do you tend to post on?
>Doesn't realize /b/ as an ID system unlike /v/ so your samefag is more apparent.
No one cares about your panty quest moeblob game.
moot how does one become a janitor?
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Be swell to get a response
moot how about you split up /b/ in like 3 /b/s?

/b/ is just way too fast
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Hello Moot!

*Le Hug* Tell me; do you play any video games for fun? If so; what kind of games :3
going to sweden anytime soon? to get that tasty fish? :P
moot pls sell 4chan
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you're welcome
Cumming out to play?
moot how successful is canvas
Please moot jst reply
What is your opinion on Summerfags/newfags?
You should repeal your "dont ask, dont tell" policy. The army did.
Do you have plans set up for the site if you unexpectedly die/become up able to maintain the site. If you do could you tell us what they are.
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moot what is your pc specs, if you have a mac dont bother replying.
(pic related, its my pc specs)
MOOT! Hey, Moot! Can you tell us what you're doing about the current problems /tg/ are having?
moot if you really love me you will do me this favor so i can sleep

>reply "griffin loves men" to this post please

>t-thanks moot
why dont u bring dubs back? people just make threads to get random 'gets'. theres always gonna be 'gets'
to google, please

they make everything better
Doesn't give a fuck about.
moot i have been lurking for about a year now and was wondering whats your opinions on this religion thing
Can you please suggest a reason as to why he's not answering me? Is there something wrong with my questions?
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Say, moot. I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, but what board do you visit the most?

If that's already been asked: how often do you lurk without the admin tag?

And if those two have already been asked: was the work poured into canv.as worth it?
Moot how big is your dick
m00t in case you didn't read this, please do and answer
if not then disregard
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your gonna be sorry moot
you'll be sorry when the day comes that there are no more people like me on the internet

im sure you've seen Europe vs U.S.A threads


which is better?
Most boards would like them. It would be nice to be able to see who's just a self-loathing troll from the country they're bashing or moron who acts like their country is better even though they have to be in the 1 they're posting from for a reason that boils down to theirs is too fucked up for them to be in.
Hey moot, what is your opinion on other imageboards? do you see them as other communities that have their own unique place on the web, or something else entirely?

also, why do you block the tokleu domains?
Moot, be careful when you go to the barcade tomorrow. some faggots may try to sexually harass you, definitely bring your Glock with you.
I feel terribly sorry for you. You can't even call that a PC.
I'm curious.
How do you recruits moderators and janitors?
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ikr look how great youtube is atm, pimped out new front page and everything
Moot do you plan on having more events at barcade in the future
Does /pol/ even have mods/janitors?
When the fuck are we getting a neptunia sticky moot?
Your shitty fucking mod made a /v/ meetup sticky thread on /v/ after just 4 fucking threads.
If only 4 threads is what it takes for a single sticky, every single fucking page should be filled with neptunia stickies, get your shit together.
mine is only 6" on hard

feels bad man
Chris, how does it make you feel that people (male and female) fap to you and to shooped porn of you?
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>no, we don't archive posts. you'd need to use a third party archiver to retrieve them

so even if someone found a post that in hindsight was James Holmes claiming he was going to do shit in a movie theater....you wouldn't be able to retrieve it?

that's crazy. isn't there a law that would make you responsible for archiving anything on your servers?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your little miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you could have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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Moot, where is Neptunia /v/?!

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Can /mu/ finally get a mod to come every once in a while, please?
It appears you have been here all summer.
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Boston nerd again, that's Matt aka the one with the boombox he isn't (in fact he give me a place to stay all the time) I'm the one with the long shitty hair and always in a sweatshirt that was sad about the no april fools joke and wanted more info on those mac mini clusters.

Questions: Where is the best place to get an "in" to start janitoring? Do the spots normally go to IRC lurkers or just people who email you and sign up at the right time?

Also: Does canvas have any paying jobs for a coding bum :(
moot where am I going with my life?
Moot lives in Astoria!
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WHY IS /mlp/ SFW
hey moot got a few questions
>how long do you feel someone has to be on /b/ to be an old fag and how long untill there no longer a new fag inb4 im a newfag

>Do your parents or family know about 4chan if so what do they think of it

>whats your favorite troll as in finger box, triforce, image fap lolita ect.....

>Do you give new janitors a brief once theyve been "promoted" or are they expected to know what to do? how much time a week are they expected to be on?
oldfag tip #1: only summerfags call summerfags summerfag
>calls someone else summer
>sages in a sticky thread
Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing 4chan. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the 4chan type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demograpic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military dispiline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a "secret network of spies across the USA". Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody, make it more believable than "IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR". You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo.
>mad furfag
/mlp/ should be removed entirely.
its not the billionth post idiot
we're only at like 400m

whats the opposite of slowpoke but stupider?
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>can there be a MARTIAL ARTS board?

>/sp/ is a no, because not all martial arts are sports also.

>/fit/ rejects it.

>veterans can help noobies
>we can all share opinions
>id be gnar.

have you ever thought about taking a martial art, if so which one?

im sure you've seen Europe vs U.S.A threads


which is better?


>saging a sticky

if someone was calling out your name in the middle of a restarurant what would you do

also what famous people have you met?
>/b/ =/= all of 4chan
Cmone moot just reply so i can go to sleep and stop spamming this thread
will this thread still be stickied when i wake up?

do you ever think you'll do a live 4 chan thing? like the page will constantly update if there are nw posts, instead of all of us just contunially refreshing
When are you gonna hire the next set of janitors?

have you ever done a reddit ama
PLEASE let /x/ pick its own janitors
What was your initial plan when you created www.HowToTriforce.com
yeah because you get emailed for every post on 4chan made, even in 2003.
Moot, will there ever be a marijuana board?
I have lurked. /a/, /k/, /r9k/, /v/, and of course /b/. Everywhere from COCK GOES WHERE, ARE THEY STILL ON NAMEK, A MASTER IS OUT to the constant barrage of forced memes
>implying there were no forced memes
pony faggots, attention whore, underage b& trash that scurries upon the ruins of a once fail society. There are pretenders, there are lurkers who are better pretenders, summerfags, and newfags. Script kiddies who think they’re hacking with (albeit entertaining) spam, newfags trolling other newfags with copypasta so old its hard as diamonds, failgetters who never saw a fucking faggot MODGET (the last MODFAGGET I saw was the music note), and overall shitposters who think 4chan is the new 90s office e-mail circuit.

You have no idea what you have missed, what you have killed. I don’t feel the need to show you. There are glimpses of glory, and fake shit in outdated demotivationals. Enjoy your gaia faggotry, your shitpost reposts (EVERY POST IS A REPOST), your stale copypasta, your astrological post number games. Even furfags are better than these newnewfaggots.

Moot, if you loved /b/ you would moderate it again. Bring back xxs. More janitors. Let the bots and butthurt flow, permaban the newfaggots who fall for scripts. When’s the last time you saw a rapidshit thread anyway? Bring back true FA. Shit, I would permaban all the dumbshits who saved and post thumbnails. /b/tards, enjoy what you have become. This is why we can’t have nice things. This is what you deserve.

One way or the other, /b/ will burn. Is burning. Welcome to 2012, where some other newfag will screencap this, post it on reddit, and claimed he made it. And guess what? I don’t care.

Anon, The Last of the Mohicans, Harbinger of Copypasta.
If you read this, please tell your mods to delete threads like this one:

Oh the cancer
i wonder what the billionth post on /b/ will be

i hope it's mill house

i bet moot rigs it
Who the fuck is moot? why does he have that special id?
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do you like dick
Moot, have you ever been in a fist fight?
hey moot, quick question.
favorite artist(s) that you listen to regularly?
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Wingin it

Favorite Ice Cream flavor
Thank you for coming and answering our questions moot. Love you.
Yes he has. Fucking use google next time.
lol u new here
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4chan's billionth post you twat.
Not /b/'s
Moot, what was your initial plan when you created www.HowToTriforce.com?
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>they didn't know until I was 19

How old were you when you created 4chan?

He said he's partial to coffee flavored ice cream
he was 15
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moot will the bengals ever win the Superb Owl?

An inquiring /sp/ fan wants to know
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I say we range ban him.
bad idea, faggots like Setti would get the janitor.
>i'm not gay but thanks
If this ends in 5, i'm not gay but thanks is now a meme.
That's right, the site was founded by someone breaking his own rules.
I wanna go to bed moot pls reply
I've said it before, but you should do this kind of stuff more often, it's always fun. I love hearing what you have to say.
You mentioned some new writeups or something? I'd like that.

Anyway, have fun at the barcade tomorrow. I'm out for the night.
How do you deal with regret?
Please start applications for new mods and janitors on /pol/

Please actually talk to them to make sure they'll do their jobs.

Only 10% of the threads stay on topic.

Please ban Melly, too. Attention whore.
What time is this meetup taking place?
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You're an idiot you shit.
He meant the billionth get on the whole site
Fifteen, newfag
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M00t answer my question pweez
holy shit.
a man can dream.

m-me t-to, anon.

agree, but i don't like the idea of splitting it either


i don't. better hope i don't get hit by a bus!

as of recently, /fit/
a lot

>new york
pick one

there arent really any ins -- all of the apps are reviewed blind (stripped of contact info and voted on anonymous). being on irc won't help you.


not sure if summer or troll

he was 15 bro

damn nigger that's good, like cafe stuff.

but, what brand?
Why is there a worksafe /gif/ and not a worksafe /r/? Where are people supposed to keep getting enough material for another /gif/?
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>implying not knowing how old the creator was when he made the site makes me a newfag

I just didn't think it would be something I needed to know, you fucking asshole.
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>Post deleted

Come on, moot! /v/ is really looking forward to the upcoming video game Hyperdimension Neptunia V.

Can you rename /v/ to Neptunia /v/? Us /v/irgins would appreciate it tons!

Also we need music


/v/ wants this to happen!
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moot i have a simple challenge for you.

post an image or two or three that always make you giggle, no matter how often they get reposted here.

this made me giggle today. never saw it before tonight though.

what were you holding?

will you ever do more events at barcade again

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Hey M00T

I get that the billionth post could some kind of a big event for your site but i'm still gonna ask:
>what made you so bored that you answered /b/tard's questions for hours?
Moot if u sold 4chan. i guarantee all the cancer would leave.
Do you believe in heaven.
>ID related
or God/Devil the afterlife?
or are you atheist like most of us?
Moot what are you doing up at 4:16 am
do you host 9ggag?
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I promise you the exact opposite will happen.
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Last suggestion:

Please, for the love of all that is holy, increase the post length on /vg/ (or all boards, really). So many times I've spent over half an hour writing an explanation of some technical concept to amateur programmers in the Amateur Video Game Development threads, only for the fruits of my labors to be gobbled up. Even when I'm not an idiot and remember to copy-paste into notepad, it's still a pain in the ass to have to split up a decently sized post into 2-4 pieces. All this policy does is discourage people from writing longform, well researched and thoughtful posts on 4chan (yes, this actually happens).
pol is intentionally left as a racist /b/, basically.

only illegal content is ever removed.
moot, i love you, do you love me?
Or atleast make a sticky....
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When is Bateman gonna get his own board?
please.... Just reply so i can get some sleep
Sorry for asking again moot, you are a huge inspiration to me as a programmer though you don't code anymore. but...

Hey moot, what is your opinion on other imageboards? do you see them as other communities that have their own unique place on the web, or something else entirely?

also, why do you block the tokleu domains?
Moot post picture of how you see 4chan
So moot, what are your thoughts on Node.js? and how come 4chan isnt "realtime"?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this :)
Did you LIGHT UP THE NIGHT, moot?

Here's a kiss for you~
moot. why was I once banned 4 times at once for simply replying to a thread that was obviously a virus. I was banned for "Virus Links" but all I posted was "seems legit"?
Moot, if you're still here.
>What is up with 4chans HTML source?
Right click > view source.
It's 26 lines long but wide as fuck.
Why must you hurt my OCD?
How did 4chan get so popular?
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>mfw i realized moot is up at 4 a.m. to answer our questions
Moot how sick are you of getting asked this question?
moot i know you are immortal
but have you ever broken any parts of your body
injuries, sickness, ever been to the hospital?

how so?
A separate board for Quest threads, please. They clog up /tg/.
wordwrap bro...
moot told me on aim that he's going out

moot has gone everyone

abandon thread

But they are totally /tg/ related, are you joking?
Hey Moot buddy ole pal.
What do you think about Rule 1 and 2 always being broken.
Also as a personal favor feel like showing your buddies them chest-icles.
wtf, I cannot type this link and write and include text at the same time. wuts going on
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moot, if you are still here:

do you believe in something greater than us (a god)?
luv u moot :3
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it was asked earlier but does sage really work?

also, go to bed so I can go to bed.
Moot visit the Deepweb and if so do you visit torchan?
m-moot, do you still like to wear dresses?
i remember that picture where he had a shoe on his head

does anyone remember that thread? /b/ has changed a lot since then
Moot, could you please post the earliest screenshot you have of 4chan? Would be greatly appreciated.

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Moot, answer our questions you newfag

Do you host this website?
Pic Related, it's better than this crap
Moot pls answer
Moot, how come you never come to Austin, Texas?
how many times has being m00t gotten you laid?
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Janitors and mods for /x/ please.

We're begging you moot.


What do you mean, does sage work?

All it does it create a post that doesn't proc the thread, which would normally be moved to the front page when a new post is made
Please moot, we want this
He doesn't, a bunch of chinese dudes do
Is moot actually OP and therefore fag?
sage is used if you feel your post should not bump the thread.
We really aren't looking forward to Neptunia. Any requests for it as a board theme are done by shitposting trolls that make threads specifically for the purpose of dubs, shit slinging, and just general faggotry.
>Why does your website suck?
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this pic looks almost exactly like me
So I guess /x/ can't choose it's own janitor?

He's an autistic virgin like the rest of us.
If you wanted someone dead, would you ask /b/ to do it for you?

Are you friends withs Jewberg facebook guy?
>implying furfags are ponyfags
If you have been here longer tnen week you would know their not same, Lurk moar faggot
thanks for speaking to us, topher. Although I suspect that some sort of faggotry is afoot on this webchannel I will still frequent it and hope to hear from you again!
WHY do you assume memes can be forced?
Can I be a mod?
Moot, regarding OC. Any chance that you have a plan increasing OC and stop shitposting? I´m sick seeing the same threads over and over again. Maybe an OC board?

Today op was not a faggot-
I at least want a yes or no on whether a /ts/ or /trap/ board is a possibility. Please and thank you moot, you're the best
yo snacks
Can you ban everyone who posts this stupid shit?
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Moot, i did this the other day.
Are you proud of me?
Because it's broke and hell.
Trust me, im trying to convince him to fix it haha.
Goodnight moot, and goodluck with 4chan.

btw, get on mootchat more
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m00t remember this?
Is Moot any good at that Budweiser game?
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Do you get called out on being you by people who recognize you on the streets often?

What's your favorite anime? (if you say Keroro Gunsou I'll love you forever, all homo)

How does this picture make you feel?
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Hey Moot....the cat I've had since I was 2 years old had to be put down today..can you say a few words? His name was Tigger.
Also, if you ever plan on coming to the Coachella Valley area, I'll buy you a nice dinner or something.
hands free fapping (eval
dude I fucking forgot, mckenziey something shes got three names
moot. 9/11 was an inside job, true or false?

bonus: same question about Aurora
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If I made you a shirt, would you buy it?
what is 42?
what was the question?
which bond do you like best?
Holy shit, it actually worked!

>mfw newfags won't get it
Nigga not gonna happen. Get lost.
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Ban me moot.

Moot do you still watch anime or have interest in it?
IPs have always been tracked dumbass, we've never been truly Anonymous from moot. Moot helps the FBI whenever a crime has been commited here on 4chan, this is common fucking 4chan knowledge.
I'm going to bed moot, goodnight :)

If you replied with "griffin likes men" i would be grateful, but i won't see it since i will be sleeping. maybe tomorrow

~ Love, anon
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moot what is the most proud you've ever been of the collective users on 4chan actually getting something done?

i kinda hope you dont say something related to scientology or political protests, but I have a feeling you will.
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Moot, is there any chance you create a secret /b/ board, so there won't be any summerfagtrolls?

And, by any chance you're going to visit Israel?
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he probably just got his monies from the feds and is on another cocaine and porn binge again.

Mootles always posts crazy shit on /B/ when he's coked up and watching lord of the flies on hula
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Hey Moot, Im a movie producer in Los Angeles and I've got to say a lot of people in the business know all this new meme stuff and are shoving it everywhere. I wonder how long it will be until we see Indiana Jones do a barrel roll or Tom Cruise playing Rick Astley in the new hit biographical movie: Rickrollin'

>tfw I've been on 4chan since 2004
>tfw its 2012 and here i fuckin am
don't believe me?

continue posting, he wont reply for awhile
Trying again. /text


more text to test
Im going to sleep now.
Goodbye Moot, thank you for your kindness.
Hay moot. Have you ever touched a penis with your penis?
Moot did something bad happen to you in Minnesota? You haven't responded as to if you have been in it, and if you have not when/if you will come visit.

I'll bring you to Fogo de Chao. But I wont buy your drinks there.
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Come on moot, it's a video game that all of /v/ loves!

Why would you make the board about jimmies but not something on topic?
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>can there be a MARTIAL ARTS board?

>/sp/ is a no, because not all martial arts are sports also.

>/fit/ rejects it.

>veterans can help noobies
>we can all share opinions
>id be gnar.

have you ever thought about taking a martial art, if so which one?

moot hates jews so I doubt it
my cats name is tigger and is also a maine coon cat, sorry for your loss bro :(
moot, if i said you had a sexy body would you take off your shirt and dance for me a little?
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Forgot image. Is m00t any good?
Okay works now. So Moot: What was your initial plan with creating www.HowToTriforce.com?
how would you feel if noone went to baracade?
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When are you taking in new janitors?
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moot why in the fuck is 4chan located in france
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Please answer so I may sleep.
(the thread died after this, needless to say i was quite sad)
Moot is goot.
Hows the cash flow coming?
Surely, those Jenga ads must be bringing in some dosh?
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858 KB
see >>416546769

>spent a lot of effort creating and maintaining OC
>get permabanned
meanwhile, copypasta everywhere

moot believes in god

do you visit canvas frequently or not frequently?
Hey moot why is your jaw/chin line so godly i could stare at it all day and never get tired please tell me your secrets
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The question i pose to you is, do you like the show its always sunny in philidelphia?!
moot my poor laptop is trying to fight the absolute tidal wave of the sticky to post this question.

Do you like soft shell or hard shell tacos?
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moot. tits for you
Night Moot, nice to see you drop by and answering our questions.

Going to sleep now

You should too.
Take it easy.
Okay works now. So Moot: What was your initial plan with creating this link. Some of my text gets censored
moot i want to party with you
do you hate Jews cause you have to live around them?
>Implying there isn't already one.
Hey moot, what do you think of all the 4chan risk threads that are flooding all of /b/?

also if i was a femanon i would totally show tits
moot can we have a picture of you with timestamp?

Optional: Sharpie in the pooper
m00ty, I want to thank you for everything you've done. I used to be a basement dweller with no purpose, but now I feel like I have a family. Hope to see you at a con.

Oh and will you have a 3some with my gf and I? :D

>postin in a m00t thread
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Has moot really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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come on, this shit is ridiculous
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answer this moot -_-"

Invite board only

Dude, he's said he doesn't watch or own a television like five times.

Maybe if you'd be bothered to read his responses, he'd answer your questions.
Moot /v/ currently is rampant with shitposting for any Japanese game thats not DeS. Can you fix this please? /vg/ a shit.

Also what Anime do you watch now"?
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m00t I'd like to share my favourite song with you:


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He wasn't a maine coon, just a rather large tabby. Thanks though, it's appreciated. I was with him until the his last breath.
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>implying m00t sleeps
MFW i dont sleep ever
not once in my life
mfw im a time machine immortal
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1.91 MB
>being on irc won't help you.

You specifically stated that you wouldn't accept anyone who hasn't used it.
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Glad to see interest in Kimmo is still alive and well.
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Fix the board by renaming it to Neptunia /v/!
moot I love you for 4chan.
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it was part of the settlement after 300M GET
If you banned yourself moot, would our computers explode?
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Tell me mootykins, why haven't you deleted this obvious Spam thread >>416547039 (Pic related too).

And do you think /b/ will ever get rid of this kind of spam? (At least just this kind, there are many MANY other kinds)
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>MFW I would blow Moot no questions asked if he came to Austin.
whos gonna archive this
moot seems like a cool guy, wish I knew him irl
Even I get teary thinking about this man. Sorry for your loss.


because cloudflare you retard
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I wish I could be a janitor.
moot do you get a notice or link to a thread when specific words are used? Such as 'moot', or 'sinks' or talk about usb lines and how they'll show me later?
Here are some threads made by these shitposters on /v/. They are spammed day in, day out, 24/7.

>usb line
>I'll show you later my nigger.
dont regret things, problem solved. learn from them and move on.

dunno yet

einhander for PSX

>do you see them as other communities that have their own unique place on the web
yep. i'm glad they exist so we dont have to cater to every niche interest

it's one line. html whitespace removal to cut down on page size. every byte counts!!

word of mouth

i'm a night owl. always have been. although i should sleep soon...

nope, never broken and a bone and healthy so far

no, but i want to believe

wouldnt have anything on my laptop

we aren't "friends," but we've met

u wan mash pissers m8?
moot, who is you favorite tripcode user?
And then, moot was gone

First of all good evening, Moot.

Can we please get rid of these dick/penis threads?
The are too many now, quest threads are flooding out discussion of true traditional games.
is it true that your are a faggot?
>caring about /v/
>dedication to find archives
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70 KB
Doubt that guy is still here but this is what the thread interface looks like for moot.
I have more if you want.
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One of the hardest things I've had to do. He went so peacefully though....thanks bro.
Are you still an animufag or have you abandoned your evil ways?

If so, what do you do for entertainment now? Also, do I actually care?
Do you miss raspberry heaven?
If you don't have a screenshot of early 4chan, something that is already on 4chan but nobody knows about? Would also be greatly appreciated.
Do you ever regret 4chan?
>dont regret things, problem solved. learn from them and move on.
I'm actually impressed, I never expected such wisdom coming from the one that created 4chan
He doesnt watch tv
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Thanks for your time.
Here's have a pic
Love you
>no homo
Moot, have you watched any good anime this or last season?
And when will we have a science fiction board?
oh my fucking god i used to play this all the time on my dad's first work laptop
Alright, so you've linked the ones that are specifically anime.
Now link all the other ones about vee culter.
Moot do you listen to Jimi hendrix?
Moot, can you make someone a janitor to ban these fucking pony threads?
They have their own board, they need to stay the fuck in it.
Hey moot, Are you an admin, if so prove it.
would you/have you ever dock(ed) with someone?
>no homo
Why did you create www.HowToTriforce.com

Answer moot:(
>implying moot isnt the son of Zeus
Lurk moar faggot.

>4chan has been a part of my life for almost 9 years. that's one third of my life. i've been through hell and back, but it's been worth it. i wouldn't trade the experience for the world.
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Moot, why do you hate Neptunia?

Why aren't you becoming the hero /v/ deserves and renaming it to Neptunia /v/?
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1.94 MB
in the closet faggot detected
Moot! /tg/ is becoming its old cesspool self again. Are you doing anything to fix its problems? A mod was there for a few minutes the other day for the first time and all they did was post in a thread and play internet tough guy; so I don't think that any of the mods actually give a fuck about /tg/.
Moot I'm being 100% serious that if you came to Austin, Texas, I would blow you.
I hope to see you at Barcade!
I'll be driving from Boston just to shake your hand.
If I get in, will you let me buy you a drink?
When and why did you add the colored yotsuba icons after admin/mod names?
Why did you create this website Moot?
Moot, a suggestion: Have the team fomenting board related activities. Like getting /mu/ to make their own album or having a flash game coding contest on /g/? These simple trivial things would greatly increase the feeling of community on each board.
it isn't. that's a virtual IP assigned by cloudflare, our CDN.


>implying those are yours
but thanks!

you are very welcome

i don't party

i dont hate anyone
adam omg you're in HERE?!?!?!!? ARGH WOWOWOWOWOW

It didn't take more than a few minutes. That being said I care more about myself, as I'm sick to death of this shit.
moot replied to me.
I can die happy
Do you like dicks?
Moot what do you honestly think about 9fag?

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Only on the Internet. He plays the necessary roll of a faget.
moat, wat is your opinion on it? does it whatt
Mainefag here, friend and I are debating driving down, for no good fucking reasons.

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Did you ever deal with Battlefield Mod fag?
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HE LEFT AND NO ONE ASKED HIM HIS BLOOD TYPE? I am severely disappoint.

Wish I wasn't a thousand miles away though, it would have been cool to hang out with some /b/ros tonight.

oh well...
Why did you make this site Moot?
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or are you like me where you don't watch anime that much but still really like it?
Just in case you didn't see this:
Why do you let these pony threads run rampant around /b/?
They have their own board, they should stick in it.
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Moot can you email me pics of your bumhole?
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>mfw moot is the most awesome guy ever in the history of EVER to answer our questions. Fuck yeah.
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moot i defy you to post a cooler photo of you than this one.

inb4 yankee cap mootalike jerking pic.
what does mootykins think of spacedicks?
>i dont hate anyone
Not even faggots that spout memes in real life?

Nigga please
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>JavaScript error
>line 404

What's your opinion on the Olympics this year? Have you enjoyed it so far?
Hey Moot

What sort of music do you listen to? Anything electronic that you like? If so I'll have to send you some of my stuff when you are on aim ever again
Pretty sure moot answered this a long time ago that he was removed from staff
Can we have a History board? Is it something you've thought about?
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Why didnt the Eagles take the ring to Mordor?
Did you make /wsg/ so you could browse /gif/ with a constant boner?
That's just too bad, mods herd them there and that's why you end up with them all.
You should have the /d/ problems of 10 pages of dickgirl threads if you want something to complain about
the fuck are you talking about? /tg/ is trying to recover from modpocalypse!
If you don't hate Jews, why don't you answer my questions:
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Moot, it's no secret that 4chan was made as an image board to discuss anime and manga.

What is your favorite anime/manga series?
Ever been to Australia? Ever plan on going to Australia? How about Brisbane, Australia? We have a nice beach.

Also what's it like watching 4chan time flow by? Ever disliked a particular social trend/genre of memes? And what would be your favourite time period (in year(s)) of 4chan?
Honest question, one that as been answered before I believe, but seriously, how do you deal with answering the same questions everytime you appear?
and one original one, how do you feel about chick-fil-a? you live to far north to have delicious zaxby's, and kfc gives the world diarrhea, so you have no choice for shitty fast food chicken other than that. Do their policies bother you? or does your unpracticed catholic background give you something of an understanding, and almost supporting attitude towards them.
TL;DR do you support chick-fil-a?
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Cool as Ice.
u are nolife?
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Have you considered closing down 4chan to alleviate bandwidth problems on 4chan?
moot is a fucking faggot
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I cant stay awake for this anymore.
>mfw moot is real though
>I pretend I dont hate anyone when I know people are going to archive every single of my posts

I'll never be a mod anywhere.
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>can there be a MARTIAL ARTS board?

>/sp/ is a no, because not all martial arts are sports also.

>/fit/ rejects it.

>veterans can help noobies
>we can all share opinions
>id be gnar.
have you ever thought about taking a martial art, if so which one?
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what do you like best? pussy or tits
­>can you redtext? or blankpost?

tits for you
Hey Moot I just want do thank you for creating 4chan even though everyones anonymous I feel closer to them then anyone I've ever met. Thanks man, love you.
(Possibly homo)
Moot, I've always wondered if you were an Animal Collective fan, so are ya?
can you ban me for life i really shouldn't be her

How did you initially pay for 4chan's operating costs at such a young age? Summer job?
Moot, securityfag here. Do you store your servers in a COLO or host them privately? Which Colo company would you use?
i concur
Moot, Do you see yourself still running 4chan in 5-10 years? Or doing something completely different?
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try /k/ if its used to kill we talk about it
/fit/ routinely has threads on martial arts, wtf are you talking about "rejects it"? everyone just talks shit to MMA Guy because he's a fatasfatass sperg.
When can we apply to be a janitor?
Have you ever thought about shutting down /b/ for a day and seeing how much chaos would reign down on all the other boards?
How many hours of sleep do you get per day on average?

Why do you let these pony threads persist on /b/?
they have their own board, why cant they use it?
Thanks for answering if you do.
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94 B
why do you use a red logo?

pic related
He doesn't own a TV.
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So Doug, will a new Newspost come for real now that 4chan has reached a Billion posts?

You sorta promised.
can /tg/ have spoilers please?
np bro. i don't go to cons any more and a threesome sounds terrifying.

cute cat, rip

not sure yet


>moot, who is you favorite tripcode user?
good one, anon


hover over my magical leaf icon and behold the wonder

not gay but thanks for the thought

i actually dont know my blood type

we delete them, trust me

spiffy suit

yeah but there has been some terrible judging shit. i guess that happens every olympics though


no, because that isn't an actual solution

considering i've been doing it almost 9 years and it's a one-man shop, yes

not enough.

it was added in the HTML refresh to stop stupid moot impersonation threads

yes, it will.
/b/ is the gom jabbar
Hey moot, when will you delete /v/?
Chiming in with everyone else saying /x/ needs better moderation.
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Moot, Neptunia /v/ is the only way to save /v/ from the shitposters!

Why won't you save us?!
archive this, shitload of posts
He had donations from the many dedicated users.
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M00t two things
>We should hang out again
>Fuck you strawberry milk is better
Moot, would you mind, in the future, including the question in the answer such that your responses don't require looking up the question to garner new information?

Although I'm sure your time is valuable and it would definitely take a little extra time to do this, I would appreciate it immensely
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Do you love me moot?
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moot, keep /b/ going as is, but why not also franchise /b/ and /soc/ into regionalized subboards?

not gay but thanks for the thought"

I'm a girl though.
If they made a movie based around Moot (like the facebook cunt) I would go see that movie.
I bet you can't 1 month ban me.
turn on post highlighting in the upper right [Settings]
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Moot, here is a gif of a cat, now please answer my questions.

I would love to see this.
Whats going on on 4chan Mr.Moot?
>probably some shit
moot, will you pay for me to go to collage?
oh moot
you make me so happy
because i've always tried to keep the board count down

>I'm a girl though.
im a girl too, btw

as would i
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Mootiepoo, why you can't into >>416546769
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Will you ever come to Ireland m00t to meet us Irishfags pretty please?
>MFW I'm gonna end up having to show tits to end this, aren't I?

Moot, show us your tits and I'll grab my webcam and show everyone mine.
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forgot pic
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Moot, what do you do when you're sad and lonely?

WHY did you make this website?
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Hey, Moot.

Should I go to sleep? It's 2:50 mountain time.

Also, do you like rasslin'?

Everyone on /x/ is saying that we need better moderation down there, and i agree, /x/'s mods suck.
Can you do anything to help this situation?
If so, thank you, m00t, and thank you for 4chan.
Thanks for your time.
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Moot, give me an answer on Neptunia /v/ please!

Even if it's a no!
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Shut down /b/ for a day.
No if, no but, just do it.
hey moot, do you by chance, leik mudkips?
moot, what's your favorite sport? :3
mootles, u 'mirin the Zyzz aesthetics?
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so what was in the one billionth post?
do you have a screenshot?
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Moot how often do you go on /b/? Also do you ever post as anonymous? Because posting as moot we all know your christopher poole

use ctrl+f admin
Animal Collective fan moot?
this sounds like something a serial killer would say
Moot, when will you be on AIM next? or when are you typically on AIM?

tits now
moot proof you are an oldfag
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Last thing mootle, how about some new fun Wordfilters for /b/. The Rock was cooking some funny things last time. Just a little sugestion....
>implying moot has never killed anyone
mootykins i would do you so hard
Why don't you hire a ton of new mods/janitors to rigorously ban all shitposting and newfaggotry so that this place can become decent again?
Hey moot you gonna play PlanetSide2? If so what faction?
Goddam why do you never do this on one of the other boards, I never check /b/ at the right time to catch this kind of shit early.

What do you think of Richter Bromont's stuff on /a/?

I wanna screencap it so i can promptly tell spammers and shit posters to fuck off.
Since you're probably gonna run this site till the day you die, you need a next of kin so that when you die, they can take over. Plus we need your sexy face in the gene pool.
>implying the few stereotype's = the majority of the ponyfags
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Moot these are my rats I used to have. What do you think of them, and rats in general?




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If Moot does it, I'll do it.
Moot, a suggestion: Have the team fomenting board related activities. Like getting /mu/ to make their own album or having a flash game coding contest on /g/? These simple trivial things would greatly increase the feeling of community on each board.
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139 KB
mute how do you use this shit?
is this what your interface actually looks like still or am i posting images from a long time ago?
>moot claims to not be gay
>moot claims to be a girl
>moot wants my cock
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1.99 MB
Why are your janitors such dicks all the time?

I try to create a science fiction thread on /tv/, it gets deleted moments later.
I have started threads about anime on /a/ that also got deleted within a minute of creation.
Moot, do you die a little inside when someone posts CP on /b/?
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Why didn't you finish your higher education? Laziness, stupidity, all of the above?
Maybe he is.
moot, do you know what is the actual 1 billionth post? Was it possible to know? If so do you have a screencap?
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What if.

You used, say, witchcraft, to undo the majority of international traffic incurred during non-American-peak-hours?
If you could float 4chan for a million dollars

would you
He said it's impossible to know.
Moot, go the fuck to sleep and delete this thread. For whatever reason I can't help but sit here and hit the f5 key. Spare me, I beg you. I have to work in the morning.
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Moot, can you please just answer the question regarding my concerns of /tg/? Are you aware of the porn dumps that are leaking onto the board again? Are you aware of the endless questthreads/anti-questthreads that are on /tg/? Do you care? Is anything being done?
Please respond...
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Moot will you please come visit /tg/ this year?

We miss you!
what level are you in rl moot?
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>Mootykins, why don'y you care about /k/ anymore?
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Dude moot, go to bed, you got shit to do.
Also, you should come down to Houston for some serious fun. Pic related, its one of Houston's more abnormal inhabitants.
Do you love chocolate milk moot? Do you love chocolate milk?
>implying girls actually exist
Tell that shitposter no moot. This is what we have to suffer, all day every day.

this is serious question, answer me please
moot, are you crescent fresh?
Moot already said that there is no way to know what it was. He's playing around you idiot.

Supporting this person
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MFW moot is in the thread so we all straighten the fuck up.
Obviously not Moot.
The grammar is too good.
You have no social anxiety do you?

This, it would be fun to see some wordfilters back on /b/. PLEASE moot please.
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i understand about keeping the board count down, but regional interest boards would strengthen the community to the point you'd be unquestionably number 1 anywhere. it would provide a better service to people. the boards dont have to be listed in the main board listing. and you'd certainly have no shortage of janitor volunteers for that operation.
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Moot please!

Neptunia is the chemo /v/ needs!
Which programming language is 4chan software written in?
Everyone on /x/ is saying that we need better moderation down there, and i agree, /x/'s mods suck.
Can you do anything to help this situation?
If so, thank you, m00t, and thank you for 4chan.
Thanks for your time.
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moot, by any chance you'll answer my question?
have you picked even a single person from the last two times janitor applications were open?

if not then why not?
Make a wordfilter like "Breivik" or "Holmes" to "hero". For old times glory mootles.
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575 KB
What is the point of a resolution limit when there is already a file size limit?
>not hypothetical
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Now that you're working out, moot, do you look to Zyzz for inspiration?
How do you feel about the word nigger? Also /b/ is awesome
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Been awhile mootikins.
Still up to the same old routine of denying that you're gay?
this, please.

I miss the days where /x/ was fun.
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Bumping for moot to visit us.

it's old and nobody uses htat


you guys drove your moderator off. i'll see what i can do.

you know it

i'm no extrovert, but i don't get that anxious


Don't fucking do it moot, this will be the final nail in /v/'s coffin.
oh gawd you know when you said you have no plans for 4chan if you die then couldn't someone who has a hatred for 4chan *cough* mostly everyone *cough* just assassinate moot and kill 4chan :O
Is there any way I can help with 4chan's upkeep costs? Click on banner ads? Donate to a PayPal account? Hand you a wad of bills at Barcade?

so we can all pretend to be you for trolling purposes

if you haven't noticed you aren't a liked person
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Serious question moot, why is /mlp/ sfw?
I have nowhere to dump my porn.
Moot you sound like a very level headed and calm individual.

Is there any really chill music that you really like to listen to?

Do you have a steam account? You don't have to say what your id is because im sure you would get slammed with requests. But itd be fun to play tf2 with you someday

Everyone on /x/ is saying that we need better moderation down there, and i agree, /x/'s mods suck.
Can you do anything to help this situation?
If so, thank you, m00t, and thank you for 4chan.
Thanks for your time.
Moot, what about a pic of your desktop?
This is probably only the third or fourth time I've ever posted on 4chan. I've been here almost five years and most of my laughs, tears, and rage has come from here in that span of time and I would just like to thank you, moot, for creating such a horrifyingly awesome place for me to spend my time on the internet. I'm going to bed now, so goodnight moot and sleep well. I wish I could attend the get together, but I'm a good drive away. Cheers.
Hey moot, when will you be again in Germany?
Can you unban my homie? Got banned for life because he participated in a coupon thread
>Click on banner ads
What is your favorite meme?
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This is what /v/ needs to rise from the ashes!

Neptunia is the only thing that can save it!

That can save us!

Moot, please save /v/!
/v/ is dead to every other board
Goodnight mootles, thanks for being such a bro.

Also, thanks for keeping the site running through all the bullshit you probably endure.

If you ever come through Kansas City, I'd be up for hanging out sometime.
How do you feel about funnyjunk?
My god moot I'm sorry I'm such a newfag I beg your infinite forgiveness I never even noticed there were settings available.
omg mOOt
Do you really care about what I have to ask you?

If so, why is it that sometimes parts/most of a word in captcha is cut off, and I have to up and guess what the fuck that word is, dog? Also, are you my Dad?

your website is cool too.
Hey moot whats a new board your thinking about?

But I love /v/, I spend most of my day there.
>you guys drove your moderator off
That is surprising
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Come on moot
You a Jets fan Moot? WHats your opinion of Tebow?
why is there still not a furry board?

There's a furry thread almost every single day on /b/; when it becomes a regular thing it stops being random and it needs somewhere else to go.

Sorry Ras Al Ghul, but you're not getting your destruction. Not now, not ever.

why are the feeds of boards.4chan.org RSS, but for dis.4chan.org ATOM?

Also, a while ago some buddy of me who shares the server with me over which we surf (ssh socks) posted _something_ on 4chan that was perfectly legal in our country. It was a scan of a page of a magazine that is available at every newsstand in the country.
We got a permaban on our IP for that.
I appealed. The request was denied without reason. I don't understand this.
Could you please enlighten me?
You don't have to type those that are cut off
the old /tg/ mod was a huge faggot. i'm glad he's gone.
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Whats going on here
Are you ever going to make a history board?

Everyone on /x/ is saying that we need better moderation down there, and i agree, /x/'s mods suck.
Can you do anything to help this situation?
If so, thank you, m00t, and thank you for 4chan.
Thanks for your time.
I'm actually surprised Moot has jumped into this thread, I've seen you in a few before, the scooby one was a surprise. Glad to see you on here every now and then.
>There's a furry thread almost every single day on /b/;
>1 thread a day.
If that was the case, /vg/ would instead be a 200 different boards.
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Here, moot.
They're ugly, but they're tits at least.
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he has to type something, but it doesn't have to be what the cutoff portion is

Also: RATE MY RATS /b/
post good content and dont block ads

i might visit soon actually
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m00t, what are your long-term plans for the future?
Thank you for 4chan btw, it's been a blast.
Fuck you! /tg/ is fine don't tell moot that! We're still trying to recover!
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< see pic

The reason /b/ is still riddled with spam, not as hard though as....
im glad you do. it'd be a terrible shame if you tried to culturally enrich other boards
Moot have you ever considered creating a trap/tranny/crosdressing board?
Come over to cologne or so. We'll meet there bro. Looking forward to it.
Can Moot triforce?

▲ ▲

(help if you can't www.HowToTriforce.com
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Neptunia will scorch the Earth and allow /v/ to heal.

It's not destruction, it's a rebirth!

/v/ can be about video games again and all moot has to do is listen!
How well do you speak Japanese? Do you know any other languages?
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I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook
☆My MSN was banned. Ask me for it if you want☆

*is also suspicious of your motives*

Hmph hmph hmph @ you Anonymous!


I figured it was something like that.

AND, that's a rude thing to say. ALSO, totally lazy.

If you need to use my name and stuff to troll, you're not a very good troll.


You have been permanently banned from all boards for the following reason:

fuck off

Your ban was filed on August 3rd, 2012. This ban will not expire.
I hardly agree
>don't block ads
Do you sometimes post as Anonymous or always as moot?
So you are saying we SHOULDN'T hand you wads of cash?
Because you are a furfag
Moot, If I ever met you in the streets would you get down and dirty with me and dance?

What do you think about cats with bread on their head?

Have you ever had a pet gorilla roll blunts for you on command? because I'm currently trying to teach mine how to roll blunts, but he keeps eating all my weed.
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Come on moot
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Moot how can you deny being homosexual if you keep ignoring my questions?
If you have adblock you can unblock a website.
the most clearest word doesn't matter, you could for example write: cuntfuckshit tiahgn.

Get me? The wonky letters are the ones that count.
He doesn't want them.
What are you wearing right now?
too bad the recaptcha people ignore all responses from 4chan
as a wise anon once said, "a booby is a booby"

most likely visiting berlin

i don't and no. i wish to change this.

i haven't accepted a penny since 2005 and don't plan to change that.

i wish i could dance!

i do it once or twice a year max. i wouldnt say that's abnormal.
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Shut the fuck up. god damn.

Moot is obviously ignoring you because that shit is not what /v/ needs. take a chill pill and fuck off
*turns off adblock*
Moot will you please leave /tg/ alone and not change anything/get a new mod? But do come visit, we'd like that.

▼ ▼
-------- mirror.
▲ ▲

newforces can't tri-fag.
he went to naziland?When was that?
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It's not beyond saving, Ras. We don't need vigilantes to destroy it.
Please reply to this moot, /sci/ loves you.
Moot do you sleep not? It's like 5am.
Moot replied to my tits.
Moot. He replied. To my tits.

Wait till all the girls at work hear about this.

Btw Moot, how come you never post pictures of yourself?
closing this so i can go to sleep. it's been fun. will re-open tomorrow if people have more questions.

good night, /b/

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