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Sissy time!
pic related, it's a sissy
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Not really into girly guys or sissy guys. However men in tight panties/underwear is a fetish of mine. I think I just really love bulges.
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nooo, again, can't post pics :(
those who can, please post pics, cause i can't :(
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here's some bulge for You
granted, the panties are way too small for me, hence the bulge :)
got any more. would you be willing to pose for me or can't right now?
depends on what the pose is. also i have like 2 more bulge pics. just hard to upload since it keeps saying "upload failed"
but i'll try posting
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bulge, 1/2
>I will never have a trap girlfriend to cuddle to sleep and wake up to every morning
something like this
but with your cock out. And maybe you on all fours with the panties lowered showing your hole. I'm guessing you don't want to show your face.
yeah, won't show face and also, i don't have those panties, so will like any panties do the job? also that on fours would have to be face down ass up type of thing cause would need to spread dem cheeks.
That's perfect. I didn't want to ask for you to show your face because I thought you might not want to do that. Any other poses you like to do would be welcomed to.
>color matching hair and ballsack

This takes faggotry to a whole new level.
just need skype/windows live messenger/email to send them to.
seems to be rather hard to get uploads to work here :(
trash e-mail that I use.
alright guys, any deadchans that has image posting working so i can post me? this shit is fucking annoying me cause we cant post images at all.
annoying as fuck,i know
don't have source but hawt
sure about that? got proof?
also, if someone wants to send me requests, ehbabuska@hotmail.com
i'm in the OP pic
sure about that? got proof?
fuck this, can't post any pics :(
srsly, what's up with 4chan and posting today??
Don't abandon us OP!
sorry, but i am abandoning and yes it's me OP.
it seems that it's crazy hard to post and i have to leave anyways
Fuck. Hopefully I'll see you around, you've got one sweet ass
my email is ehbabuska@hotmail.com
and since You liked my ass, i'll post another pic of it as soon as i get through without "upload error" or whatever
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fellow trap here, bought these panties today actually :3

does anyone know how to make a .gif? Do I need a video or a couple of pics or does both work?
also i tend to either create or be in pretty much every trap/sissy thread
a video is just 30 pics a second
have a Skype?
It's finally summer, I'm gonna get toys and clothes and stuff, but my cam doesn't have a timer function, can anyone suggest anything? :(

i'll take the pics for you....
aha, what? :)
This is a thread I can get behind (unf!)

Oooh, I like it!

Bought some cheap wax stripes finally, gonna see of I put get my ass in a presentable condition one of these days...

Still can't upload pics? I want to bump with some sissies :(
mirror and duckface
Also does anyone have any decent tips for shaving+keeping hairless? I can do everywhere fine with razor + trimmer but when it comes to actual balls its like nope not risking that :(
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Just wax the crotch area. Nair will toast your balls and shaving is too much of a hassle.
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lol *don't sneeze*
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If you're going to post counter-faggot pictures of female celebrities, at least make sure they're attractive.

Your taste in women is so appalling that I'm forced to wonder whether or not you've done anything more than jack off into your "stress toys" with a few fingers all up on your fun button.

TL;DR - Welcome, closeted faggot. You're not alone.
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Feed me !!!!!!!!!!!!
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>deleting and repoasting shitposts
>not chav assburger as fuck
>implying not worked up to >9000 mads by this fact and continuing shittying up the thread

Awwwww look at the closeted homo... So cute!

Makes me wanna thrown on my black and purple stockings and fuck my dildo again... I do need to take more pictures for my /b/rothers now... Perhaps I should wear the green and black this time?
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Damn that's hot!
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Green and black.
I could do that but is it ok waxing your balls directly, I mean I'd just be terrified that something would go horribly wrong down there with the wax and the tearing and the... yeah...
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This is for the hater in here, Being we all know what he really wants.

Go ahead, I'm ready for you to put it in... Just promise to not be gentle...
I would make you my girlfriend
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Might help if I remember to post the image huh?
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Oh. Wow. Beautiful.
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Try it out carefully, adding small thin patches in the beginning, if you feel wary. I'm kinda the other way around, I'm terrified of waxing the pouch :x

So wanna go get a full body wax one of these days... But for now, New razor... Yay! no more shite razor blade cuts!
Other way around? But that's the same thing isn't it? :p but thank you anyway I will definately look into that
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Ah, glorious. 4chanX had a filterID function!
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Derp; I meant terrified of shaving m'self downstairs

Before I forget to say, I would drop to my knees and worship that cock after seeing how hot you look in those pics...

970 here? Please by the mercy of god live close! (Probably not, Noone on /b/ lives in 970)

Do want.
Not me... and way over in the 603 anyway.

Tis a shame...
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Looking niiice!

I'm just repoasting stuffs from tranchan btw, this cutie can appearantly be found at divinesanity.deviantart.com/
Ah ok yes. Definitely. So waxing is much safer then?
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<3 divinesanity
Iwant a dress so goddam bad.
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You should be alright, I've never heard any reports of waxing being able to tear skin :] It might sting like a motherfucker but that's kinda part of the deal. But start out at an easy pace, till you're comfortable with it.
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Lately these threads seem to be called sissy instead of trap threads. Did all the people bitching about semantics get to the OP's?
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Same here, especially that frilly-almost-goth-lolita style

pic related
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awesome thank you so much :) lots of help<3
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If you're in some major, major town you might also be able to find some gay beighbourhood with a local waxing establishment. Another thread recommended this; those places will fix you right up, full body overhaul.
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ignore the retards
dayum.. smooth
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Hey, does anyone have a picture of a blonde trap sitting on a couch/futon pulling on a pair of panties she has in her teeth? It looks like she's in a dorm, she completely naked, and she's got this playful smile on her face. So hot.
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Haha I actually hadn't checked out the DA gallery! It's funny seeing him going from quirky and kinda clumsily dressed, in the beginning, to fucking stunning and fully passable
So jelly :<
b is so gay these days full of bum boys and fudge pushers

To add to what was said, I can say that shaving isn't so bad, Gotta go slow, Be gentle, and use good shaving cream / razor (Fusion razor here, Not fancy at all, just decent). Also, Most towns have waxing shops (All of them offer full body, Just ask.) Sometimes they are inside tanning shops, so start with them. Side note: have to be ok with some stranger fondling your ballz for a bit!
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I got rather sunburned yesterday, so I can't take new pictures for a bit :C
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Oh forgot to add, TRIM THE AREA YOU WANNA SHAVE FIRST! saves SO much time... (Take a hair trimmer or beard trimmer (or a grooming device if you wanna get specific) and trim down the bush before you shave... Cuts well over 30 minutes of shaving time off!)
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manly arms and hair.

>would not fuck
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Me want!

I really gotta get some new pictures, all I have are the ones I already dumped the other day.
Moar? and is this you?
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Well, I live out in a Yurop counterpart to rural Alabama so I don't know shit about them big town frivolous lifestyles and entertainments :)
But thanks for the tip, doesn't sound bad at all, really
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Honestly, I get more cuts on my armpits or back of my knees (Its the sudden changes in angle that get ya,) The balls stretch out smooth, so no cuts, ever (shaved them for 3 years running now, about once a week.)
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Sure as fuck could have some fun with these.
Bunches of beautiful traps, sissies...and Zygo's here? Haven't you in forever. This thread sort of makes waking up and not getting back to sleep worth it.

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Eh, I'm not what I would consider a beautiful trap or anything, But an Amateur... Working my way towards beautiful :P

And I just noticed this, But that entire shoot had the WORST FUCKING LIGHT EVER... What the hell was I thinking! I should have known better...
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That's cool. I'm working my way to Normal, Illinois. Is Beautiful between there and here?
jesus my mouth watered from seeing your cock. God I would do anything to suck that cock and fuck that frilly little ass of yours
supercute :3
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Yes, it is me.

And I lied, I took these just now (the sunburns are on my arms >_>)
wish that was me
maybe we can play a game of pretend?
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Oh! Oh! You posted this, didn't ya?
Been fapping to that fine ass for like a week...
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Yup, that'd be me. I had no idea anyone saved my pictures o-o
one of you sissy boys put something in your butthole I need to fap.
>implying you can have a cute little sissy ass like yours and NOT have people saving/fapping to your pics
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Rate me on a scale of 1-10..
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here you go, sharpie in pooper. that is me.
Scarlett Johansson looks like a nasty ass 19 year old guy with no tits.

You're the faggot, you stupid fuck.
thanks got anything else? I love me some pics.
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I dunno, 7. Regardless you're showing your face, and it looks good, so you're better than most who post here.
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Last one for now...
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just a few.
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Darling, I'd consider myself a hardcore fan. You're cute, slender and got a delicious butt
post vid pls
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It's exists on my flashdrive only.

Why, thank you! I'm glad you think I'm slender, because last summer I was fifty lbs heavier

>for reals this time, last one.
ANYONE got and tutorial pics on how to try anal on yourself? How to clean etc?

Thanks girls!
Unffff, thanks!
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There you go!
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sweet this is still going!
OP here :)

my skype is tv-laura
>Access to the web page was blocked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus. The web page is on the list of websites with potentially dangerous content.
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Thanks! Have my favorite trap as a thanks!
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And with this educational intermission, back to our regular scheduling!
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There was nothing said about ass to mouth, is it okay to do if you use method 2 of cleaning?
7, like the hair :)
anyone want to rate me? i'm in the following posts:


Ger some face pics and full body pics with tights skirt and shirt or something so you are fully clothed. I like that :)
oh and also, shitty pics of me no 7chan,
oh ok, also how to get my knees prettier? i'd love to wear short skirts and such (even got a pic of me in a dress) but my knees look god awful!
oh and also, afraid to show my face + i suck at using makeup so i don't look girly enough for me to post tbh
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so, fellow sissies(or anything like that)
how did You get to become so girly?
are You open about it or closeted?
if closeted, where do You keep Your clothes?
more questions later
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>No tits
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Dark stockings
Very pretty!
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Mosturise your knees. Use bruise cream too. Just do neck under shots then doll :)
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I try... last one.
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Is there something you should look for in moisturizers, or will any cheapass brand do?
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How do you go about buying panties secretly besides online, and do and cute and sexy little sissy's wanna soup for me?:3
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I pretty much started two weeks agom got kinda inspired by that "sissy summer" thing. Don't have much clothes at all yet, apart from a couple of panties but some thigh-highs are on their way. I'm fairly thin, even though not particularly girly, so I've taken up running to get my ass tuned and started shaving.
Hoping to seduce a straight friend this summer...
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ok, I lied; last one seriously now.
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thanks for the tip!
although that's more like hiding bad qualities than making them good
neck under shots?
i never buy panties online and never in secret, i actually always make sure the one im buying them from knows they are for me without saying it. i love the feeling when they are trying to be normal but totally think i'm weird. me loving the humiliation :)
very nice
thx, but dont die. Ineed fans

Ijust spread the lotion on the skin...<3
lol other way around
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True... but it takes very little work. Plus, hiding some details while accentuating others pretty much is cd'ing, isn't it?
it puts the lotion on it's skin
Hey Finland, making your own thread this time?
I would LOVE to be your straight friend
18/m cd/trap from germany here... are there any other cds in germany?
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Heh, I can't say I'm a fan of buying trap crap irl but on the other hand noone gives two shits if you buy a couple of milk cartons, a waxing kit and one or two panties in the supermarket, so it doesn't really faze me. You can always shrug it off with something about the girlfriend. Go close to opening or closing time for a less crowded store if you feel uncomfortable.
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what does those cute panties say?
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Maybe you already are... ;)
sso there is this board with no mods on it, and people are posting cp!!! wat do!!!

http://14chan org/jb/

http://hchan org/jb/
well, not in my opinion but it still works... just have to keep thigh-highs on 24/7 :)
yeah, i created this thread, wanted to have my pic as the first post so everytime someone bumps this, i get my pic on the front page :)
but the whole point for me is making sure they know it's for me, not making up stuff "it's for my gf" or stuff like that
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See it as a temporary thing until you get your knees fixed up; I do some skateboarding every now and then so I feel your pain.
>but the whole point
Different strokes for different folks I guess :)
mmm nice
very sexy
so close moar moar
tiny chat*com*trapheavenchat
Any of you sissys/cd/traps live in Washington state?
you ask that everytime

>spends all day in trap threads
>says he's not gay because he's posting a pictures of a woman

Yeah, and fucking a guy in the ass isn't gay as long as you are thinking of scarlett johansson.

Face it, you are the biggest faggot in this thread.
i'm not angry, just disappointed.
after that talk we had the otherday.
fellow traps get in here!
Yes i do.
Your point?
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Friendly observation. I'll probably be moving there in September...
yeah, i play some sports and it's always my knees that like gets the damage :(
have to be a trap to join in ? :(
also i won't join now, busy with other stuff, im normally wnbtrap on tinychats
so therre is this board with no mods on it, and people are posting cp!!! wat do!!!

http://14chan org/jb/

http://hchan org/jb/
you're wnbtrap? acidtrap here
Oh interesting.
Where in Washington are you moving?
Don't know yet. I'm moving out with my brother, when he gets back from overseas.
hiya, saw Your pics in here earlier and yes, yes i am wnbtrap :)
no don't have to be a trap :P
You should try to move up in the northwestmost area of washington lol
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Anyone know sauce on this? Reverse image search yields nothing.

Pic unrelated.
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Best legs/ ass shot I'v ever seen, on guys, girls, or traps. Ever.
so there iss this board with no mods on it, and people are posting cp!!! wat do!!!

http://14chan org/jb/

http://hchan org/jb/

Reverse image search worked for me bro
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Always the same.

Guess I shouldn't have posted a pic. I meant:


OMG IS THAT YOU??? I remember when you first posted and went on cam, I've been trying to find you ever since :(
I found the pic in a gallery, but no actual sauce yet.

He's said TWICE that it's not him
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Damn. Oh well, guess it's just one of the many hot traps I can't find sauce on. Thanks anyway.
well hello thar
The trap is Katie TV
Here is a link to a gallery of hers
this thread will live
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Not me.


You sure? It's hard for me to tell without a full shot of the face.
It's the same person wearing the same clothes and even includes the picture that was posted in this thread

This one?

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Oh my bad i thought you were talking about the other trap in the posy you replied too.
I'm too tired for my brain to work right now
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soup /b/ :3 pic is me
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anyone still itt?
I am
I'm still here
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like them? :3
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Oh i have that pic in my trap folder
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aww I feel special :3
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very nice!
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I was hoping to add some /b/ros on skype to talk occasionally, maybe even cam for occasionally

anyone interested? my skype is stupidmemename
Where are you located? :3
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Trap here, gonna be making an image set tonight. Anything you guys would like to see?
Pic related, it's from the last set I made.
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Ohio lol, middle of goddam nowhere :[
Damn why does nobody live in Washington

Anything, as long as we get more of that fine ass.
Toy play is always good

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