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File: 1336962013299.png-(514 KB, 739x754, m14_013.png)
514 KB
Oh no!

Only faggots are posting in my thread
File: 1336962092120.png-(32 KB, 945x945, meh.png)
32 KB
sorry haha. i have absolutely no recollection. it did take place in a poni thread right? because this is my first time in one of these threads.

it's cause the people. they make it all so worthwhile and entertaining that i just see no reason to go anywhere else.

okey dokey lokey!
File: 1336962099646.gif-(853 KB, 312x263, 1336189580574.gif)
853 KB
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124 KB
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117 KB
sup everybody
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11 KB
File: 1336962127616.png-(778 KB, 1000x1200, 22823210 - é▒é╞é▌é�(...).png)
778 KB
Making you lead faggot.
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40 KB
File: 1336962155912.jpg-(26 KB, 364x276, 1328869309205.jpg)
26 KB
oops mislinked my last post to you

sup blood

File: 1336962156073.png-(457 KB, 929x512, Zero (22).png)
457 KB
Be back later!

Huh, so Creeper is going to become stronger than me, good thing I started being a good parent again.
Alright fine....
Yes, but bears are crazy.
Aww, why not?
I'm a pretty cool guy!
File: 1336962196449.png-(204 KB, 308x430, gasai_yuno_by_aniankafirela2-d(...).png)
204 KB
Are you ok? You're posts seem less like you.
Yes it did. We spoke about Carl Jung and stuff.
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99 KB
Hahah I can toss it on dropbox again and link it to you if you'd like.

Trust me, there is a lot that I've yet to use in this folder.

But I don't even know you! I think...
File: 1336962220700.jpg-(57 KB, 391x389, 1329270723617.jpg)
57 KB
Bother me? It makes me lose faith in humanity knowing such stupid people are on this planet, but once again, that's pity.
Calling somebody autistic when they are autistic isn't an insult, it's the truth.
I can't believe you need such simple things explained to you.
You're the one hoping somebody online is angered by your actions, because you want the attention, you're no different than Alice herself, or even Haikus.
File: 1336962231256.png-(220 KB, 1280x1209, vinyl_scratch_vector___vinyl_w(...).png)
220 KB
hahahaha! there's no way SteveAn is famous around here as well.
File: 1336962232724.jpg-(21 KB, 600x375, Jack looking.jpg)
21 KB
I guess that makes me a faggot then
No loss
File: 1336962238509.png-(332 KB, 671x790, Screen Shot 2012-04-15 at 5.32(...).png)
332 KB
same old shit mang

trying to get my bread on

oh looks its name
we know what that means

File: 1336962271362.jpg-(111 KB, 1150x884, 1335312512159.jpg)
111 KB
Champagne, anyone?
File: 1336962303950.png-(522 KB, 786x714, m14_017.png)
522 KB
Ew. Total puke

Especially you

100 times you

You can do it

Stay strong

I...I'm so honored!

Cool your jets

Dem bwaka days

Never forget

But they also have bear hands

gypsy leaving in

I might actually have you do that

For science of course

>isn't mad
>wall text rage


It can't be helped
File: 1336962317303.jpg-(89 KB, 500x500, 25874776 - éáé┴é⌐ (418(...).jpg)
89 KB
Kinda. I think he comes by sometimes.
Or do you?

Kidding now bring in those dresses, your new Master orders you.
File: 1336962337028.png-(157 KB, 900x851, 293847543892.png)
157 KB
oh! i remember now!
File: 1336962348995.png-(323 KB, 709x579, DATA_080.png)
323 KB
I miss names and tripcodes though, I liked standing out.

I mean, I have the name sync but it's not quite the same.

I've only heard him mentioned in the pony threads, still don't know the guy at all.
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138 KB
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93 KB
I bet it turns you on.
File: 1336962378911.jpg-(141 KB, 1280x720, 0001 (296).jpg)
141 KB
>pic related
File: 1336962407142.jpg-(38 KB, 400x317, russian-front-second-world-war(...).jpg)
38 KB
Ill take you up on it after everything stops exploding
steveAn is like Foxi Dani.

Everyone knows who he is.
File: 1336962419313.jpg-(37 KB, 704x528, 1334244002441.jpg)
37 KB
Something I can type in a minute isn't wall text, Bern.
Just because you think up and type your replies at retard speeds doesn't mean we all do.
File: 1336962435235.jpg-(86 KB, 1280x720, 0001 (142).jpg)
86 KB
Give me a bit, its quite a few images.

That's as high as I can go. You dropped the ball when you made the attention comparison and made no clarification of your stance, but you implied it, yet still neglected to give adequate reason for it's detriment.
File: 1336962445390.gif-(1.99 MB, 320x240, 1336888431866.gif)
1.99 MB
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300 KB
Am I the only one that doesn't know who these people are?!
File: 1336962463622.jpg-(94 KB, 900x720, come here.jpg)
94 KB
I can't serve to children, anyways.
I like you fully sober when I open you alive,
How do you faggots know when a thread is made for your circlejerk discussions?
Do you have some sort of radar or program that alerts you when Haikus or some guy called "Creeper" or Zero makes a new circlejerk thread?
I have no idea how you former tripfags do it. Please explain the mechanism to me.
I mean how did you tell apart this thread from all the other? Was it the retarded expression on the anime girl, or the subtle mentioning of faggots?
Do you all know each others e-mails or something, so when one of you starts a thread, they immediately send out a message to their circlejerk contacts?
It's truly a fascinating phenomenon/
File: 1336962474813.jpg-(6 KB, 300x233, Revan mask.jpg)
6 KB
Yes please
Anything I need to know before I start out my new life as a fag?
File: 1336962475389.png-(190 KB, 856x934, 8765782321232.png)
190 KB
i actually joined after trips and names were taken away and the fandom was split. so i don't remember the old times. i wasn't here for them.

and SteveAn's a good guy once you get to know him. he's crunchy on the outside but chewy on the inside.
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737 KB
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261 KB
hey jack

licky anon used to shoop his face on me whenever i went over there. i love that dude

you mist some cyber. came to fruition

seriously. why'd you call me baka though? such a buzzkill
File: 1336962507761.png-(356 KB, 760x607, DATA_082.png)
356 KB
MSN chat and we link the new thread from the old one.
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372 KB
Man, they're getting destroyed.
No ass shots? Be a good girl and provide your Master with these.
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109 KB
I'll be waiting, mein Fuhrer.
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407 KB
haha Licky is fun. i don't see him around much anymore though.
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262 KB
I'll play along but you've got me wondering now!
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78 KB
this is foxi dani

He's a little uh special
Because we hivemind.
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656 KB
>implying you could ever do that

Maybe in another 100 years

>confirmed for mad

You're such a joke, please don't stop


>doesn't know Foxy Dani
Good for you

I didn't read all of this but...

We use MSN

Yeah you need to take this scroll...

And put it in your bum

They're coming in too hot!

Some people like being called that...

I'm so glad to see these being used

I'm so excited!
File: 1336962661982.png-(117 KB, 564x597, 8AFvz.png)
117 KB
He was pretty much joking in that post, though he's that crazy.
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53 KB
us neither
File: 1336962676785.png-(345 KB, 764x586, DATA_028.png)
345 KB
So apparently Squidward is gone forever now.

Oh is he the furry that thought he was actually an animal?
Oh, my! This is easy. ♥

Discarding the old face surely brought results...
File: 1336962690443.jpg-(44 KB, 445x297, Kenan-Kel-tv-04.jpg)
44 KB
Ive been here since 2005 does that make me cool ?
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43 KB
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7 KB
Ok, maybe I don't want to be a fag anymore...
File: 1336962746100.jpg-(73 KB, 356x500, Image20120511200117364.jpg)
73 KB
Hahaha, I'm a part of the Einsatzgruppen.
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83 KB
Ive got time.
Now I just need to find something to do to kill 100 years.
Uh... this is 4chan, use it once, you're fucked for life.
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114 KB
Uploading now! 10 minutes give or take a bit.

Hah Is that so?
File: 1336962801482.jpg-(285 KB, 500x600, geisha_medic.jpg)
285 KB
Alright, help yourself.
Just don't drink too much, I don't need you rubbing up on some of my test subjects
File: 1336962811959.jpg-(22 KB, 399x326, captchafauk.jpg)
22 KB
well i don't

-retreats into kitchen-

what's new man. been a sec
Short story, yes.

Haven't seen much of him around recently. Shame, he's fun to mess with.
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25 KB
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162 KB
alrighty. it really is time for me to get back to the poni thread. but it's been fun! good bye, kind circlejerk folk!
Bye bye
See ya!
File: 1336962905316.png-(113 KB, 400x500, woods.png)
113 KB
You keep telling yourself that, child.
File: 1336962920437.png-(263 KB, 769x536, DATA_045.png)
263 KB

Ah well, probably went back to the forest or something.
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102 KB
Ok, I'm not. But my dad is.
So is that.

Now keep 'em coming!
File: 1336962940688.png-(471 KB, 958x660, m14_007.png)
471 KB
No, it makes you a nerd


You're gonna burn up!

Well we can't let you leave now...

So do it.

Watch anime and fap?

I have plenty of time!

Oh boy, so much hinting of cum

Never seen baka fetish porn?

So hawt
File: 1336962987656.jpg-(74 KB, 620x412, 1313459799589.jpg)
74 KB
again bullshit
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1.94 MB
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728 KB
Alone? ;~;
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14 KB
lol he posted tonight. and last night. guess who else posted last night. kon. no one is gone forever. haha you're all mine
File: 1336963078381.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x720, 0001 (132).jpg)
124 KB
You know I'm only going to play along for a few moments unless I figure out who you are!

I'll let you know!
I wouldn'tbe surprised if there are girls in ITT. You're more social and what not.
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50 KB
File: 1336963115034.png-(17 KB, 100x100, senkiixia010.png)
17 KB
Curse you...

Ok, you caught me. Now what?
File: 1336963128432.jpg-(63 KB, 548x800, examination.jpg)
63 KB
See? THAT is who you should be shooting
File: 1336963130987.png-(229 KB, 546x612, DATA_039.png)
229 KB
I am?

That's horrifying.
File: 1336963136982.jpg-(99 KB, 644x482, Squidward015.jpg)
99 KB
>taking me seriously
do you even listen to me?
Ofcourse there is.
File: 1336963181170.jpg-(358 KB, 1440x900, 1006266-20090508_deadpool_wall(...).jpg)
358 KB
File: 1336963183989.png-(134 KB, 379x418, m14_012.png)
134 KB
I warned you...

But you wouldn't listen

Nah I'll do it with you

Sounds like a chill 100 years

And then I'm gonna break that meme generator

>girls on the internet
etc etc

I know I don't Squiddypoo

Never ever!
>Squids on the internet.jpg
File: 1336963209665.jpg-(720 KB, 1342x1020, 1268712318873.jpg)
720 KB
Now you meet the real Einsatzgruppen
File: 1336963213689.jpg-(669 KB, 1280x800, 25721532 - WM (1676509) - é�(...).jpg)
669 KB
Dought it. My days are limited too.
File: 1336963230185.jpg-(59 KB, 600x749, 1322285854026.jpg)
59 KB
File: 1336963237041.png-(1.01 MB, 1440x990, b3fcb3ddf3eecf0a4e1c43e166f38d(...).png)
1.01 MB
Is that strawberry juice in that syringe?
Hah! Good joke...

Now more legs, your Master orders so!
File: 1336963275904.jpg-(100 KB, 640x482, Squidward022.jpg)
100 KB
because you are one of the few people that dares to show even a little intelligence from time to time
oh wait.
File: 1336963288711.jpg-(38 KB, 500x500, 4cTkQ.jpg)
38 KB
Or are you just happy to see me?
You bring the popcorn, ill supply the butter.
Now we just need alot of porn.
File: 1336963299906.png-(16 KB, 100x100, senkiixia050.png)
16 KB
Hallo Einsatzgruppen!
File: 1336963304545.png-(326 KB, 676x597, DATA_040.png)
326 KB
Sarcasm and text don't mix!!
I bet you are one. That would explain all the attention you're getting.
File: 1336963329372.jpg-(105 KB, 1280x720, 0001 (33).jpg)
105 KB
Hah excellent
>Select selective synchronization
>select one empty folder
>it synchronizes everything anyway

Allllllrighty then, apparently it'll be about 25-30 minutes.
File: 1336963341423.jpg-(578 KB, 1018x643, meet_your_maker.jpg)
578 KB
Child, I hope you keep one eye open when you sleep.
Or you'll end up with the others whom have angered me.
File: 1336963353722.jpg-(9 KB, 480x360, beer g0ggles.jpg)
9 KB
kinda intrigued now

nigga panthers bite, so no. you do you

who are you? sorry too lazy to ID check
File: 1336963363622.jpg-(479 KB, 1920x1080, 1309839164160.jpg)
479 KB
Looking for smart people in an avatar thread in 4chan. Nigga you must be out of your damn mind, and believe me, I know about being out of mind.
File: 1336963368391.jpg-(64 KB, 638x476, Squidward031.jpg)
64 KB
i was being melodramatic.

=/= sarcasm
File: 1336963384985.png-(265 KB, 504x438, m16_0001.png)
265 KB
Why you act stupid Ichiyon-nee? Now everyone is making fun of me.
File: 1336963423427.jpg-(459 KB, 850x880, sample_e5ab388e5ee1233f5c32912(...).jpg)
459 KB
Silence, mortal scum.
File: 1336963433375.png-(280 KB, 732x521, DATA_062.png)
280 KB
You've known me for a while, how do you not get that I'm oblivious and bad at internet?

See, I'm confused.
File: 1336963435800.jpg-(51 KB, 352x272, 02019324-photo-einsatzgruppen-(...).jpg)
51 KB
Go home little girl this isnt a place for you
File: 1336963440441.jpg-(235 KB, 500x500, 25008158 - âAâJâèâô5 (28(...).jpg)
235 KB
"Wait, 9th?"
File: 1336963454754.jpg-(233 KB, 1024x768, 52162 - ayasaki_hayate hayate_(...).jpg)
233 KB
heh alrighty! buuuuut I'll only reply two more times if you don't let me know who are!
File: 1336963464062.jpg-(109 KB, 637x455, Squidward003.jpg)
109 KB
this is the last place on the fucking planet you would find any intelligence. you could find it faster in the comments of a justin bieber music video
Still waiting!
File: 1336963471323.png-(40 KB, 286x291, 1336934154132.png)
40 KB
File: 1336963507140.png-(315 KB, 779x566, DATA_014.png)
315 KB
Prove that claim!
File: 1336963533366.jpg-(39 KB, 300x350, nnfhdhge.jpg)
39 KB

Please guys tell me you too hate them!
File: 1336963546357.png-(865 KB, 1267x748, sako_025.png)
865 KB

You know you love me Squidsley

Everyone does!

Ew porn!?


No I have a wonderful penis

It hungered...for more!

Yeah it's pretty erotic

The girl yells "baka" at the guy's penis until he cums

But...I've already switched to my Sako folder...
File: 1336963563595.png-(632 KB, 859x720, 1336890370395.png)
632 KB
Prove youre a lion already.
File: 1336963567616.jpg-(39 KB, 555x468, diary of a mad black faggot5.jpg)
39 KB

oh shit i thought that was you. how's it going dude?
File: 1336963571295.jpg-(62 KB, 574x187, Galil.jpg)
62 KB
>I'm Galil
No you're not. This is.

File: 1336963617763.jpg-(181 KB, 700x700, 1312602619641.jpg)
181 KB
Oddly enough, you can find smart people in this board if you're willing to sort through all the shit. Most people don't have the time or mental sustainability to do that, so they get deterred and just browse for porn....or ponies......or furries.
File: 1336963624479.jpg-(418 KB, 600x1244, 455f74674abb3a6d71dd27d78ebe99(...).jpg)
418 KB
Yes, sir! *gets shot by a Russian soldier* Huh? *unharmed* There are guys over there with loud things that shoot!
File: 1336963650868.gif-(281 KB, 260x400, 1336892700557.gif)
281 KB

Yeah. Lots of incest and dead feet.
File: 1336963655160.png-(848 KB, 1280x800, Squidy05.png)
848 KB
give me a day or two
File: 1336963679718.png-(272 KB, 570x579, DATA_089.png)
272 KB
For the last time, I'm a tiger!


You got it, boss!
File: 1336963682853.jpg-(287 KB, 800x1200, 25179776 - É[ùΣâåâ~âA ((...).jpg)
287 KB
Hey im cool. You chilling?

He never made that claim...
Clare, Alice, niggy, Hazuki, Gray, Buddha, Aeris TW and I are all pretty damn intelligent. Some are pretty much geniuses, at least, on 4chan
File: 1336963706058.png-(481 KB, 730x720, FNC142.png)
481 KB
Deal with it.
File: 1336963727645.jpg-(63 KB, 750x618, einsatzgruppen.jpg)
63 KB
Fucking Communist Cunt!
File: 1336963757555.jpg-(60 KB, 682x384, Kazuhiro010.jpg)
60 KB
>Lolis with guns
File: 1336963788508.png-(239 KB, 434x434, sako_035.png)
239 KB
Spiders are cool guys

Well as long as it's all 2D

None of that nasty 3D stuff

I can't deal with it though...it's too much

Hurts your credibility when you include yourself

Just saiyan

>lolis that are guns
File: 1336963823183.jpg-(63 KB, 682x384, Kazuhiro023.jpg)
63 KB
Take my money.
All of it.
Oh... and why so eager to know?
File: 1336963839769.png-(16 KB, 100x100, senkiixia025.png)
16 KB
Eh? Sorry! *runs back to Germany*
File: 1336963862981.png-(282 KB, 376x573, 1336890468205.png)
282 KB
Oh god.. I threw up in my mouth a little..

File: 1336963871515.jpg-(17 KB, 490x265, furthread.jpg)
17 KB
if that's seriously true you have to link me sometime cause that's hilarious

yeah i don't know anymore. love you though

yeah i am and i'm not gonna finish the lines of that song. how you doing otherwise
sidenote i liked that mgmt selection on your thread the other night. that song gets me every time
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727 KB
File: 1336963899917.jpg-(76 KB, 800x568, Bundesarchiv_Bild_121-1500,(...).jpg)
76 KB
Stop gypsy girl!
File: 1336963917907.gif-(994 KB, 640x360, FNC140.gif)
994 KB
Find a way.
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17 KB
File: 1336963930689.jpg-(110 KB, 641x479, Squidward035.jpg)
110 KB
oh im sure its there (mostly because i have seen it) but the culture here involves return any sort of relevant intellectual discussion with anger and trolling. so even good posting is discouraged because it isnt taken seriously.

im tired of posting the same fucking pictures every day.
File: 1336963987193.png-(812 KB, 1159x694, m14_023.png)
812 KB
Alright, but you could have just downloaded it for free

Yeah, apparently people actually watch that stuff

So gross...

I just made it up

But who knows? Might be real

I'll just cut myself and overdose on over the counter medicine
File: 1336963987561.png-(486 KB, 793x574, DATA_051.png)
486 KB
I am posting pics!

Love you too.

That's why I make new folders every now and then.
File: 1336964037504.jpg-(102 KB, 1280x720, FNC68.jpg)
102 KB
I've seen that series mentioned on /a/, but never got round to downloading it.
What's the name of the series?
File: 1336964064271.jpg-(115 KB, 1280x720, 0001 (75).jpg)
115 KB
I hate waiting for it to devour everything!

I only play along with people I know!

Depends on the spider!
File: 1336964064876.jpg-(336 KB, 622x800, 0dfad809e609e1b78944547d05b412(...).jpg)
336 KB
*stops* I'm on your side!

Please don't hurt me!!
File: 1336964088403.png-(437 KB, 610x870, 18020304.png)
437 KB
Well, it doesn't look like I'm getting any action from these threads tonight, so I'm going to call it for a little bit.

Peace out.
File: 1336964088337.png-(1.11 MB, 1280x800, Squid7.png)
1.11 MB
thats why i leave every so often
i wish i could leave. but i have nothing better to do. honestly i wont be around to post at all this summer.
File: 1336964110775.jpg-(101 KB, 540x720, 25803652_big_p4 - é│é╚ü(...).jpg)
101 KB
Oh thanks ♥
Love them. First time i heard electric feel i was really high. It was amazing...*stares off into space*
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You can't stop me!

I'm gonna do it


AOTY for sure

One day it will just start sucking you into the screen
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Yeah, of lions. Prove your a panther damn it.

Who the hell..
God I hate humans..
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! Then it'll have it all backwards!
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Strange hair color, unusually large eyes..... either your a gypsy, a Pol, or a Jew, So which are you? Or we could just kill you know for lying about being of true Aryan linage, and saying you were in the Einsatzgruppen
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motherfuck! damn you bern!

i really like that ''kids" song is all i'm saying. i'm done *being a faggot* for tonight
My penis thanks you.
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I'm back.
Gorillla Munch rules!
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Depends on the spider!
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Um alright then.
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Thanks to you and your pics i checked and found 6 is out.

Arigato, Funco chan.
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>on 4chan.
That's the trade off though. Being "Intelligent" here doesn't say much. But it does bring you a certain following and can help bring some variety to the mass amounts of BS that goes on site wide. Though, to be fair to the other boards, I've only lurked /b/, /fit/, and sometimes /int/ for a long long...ivebeenheretoolong.jpg time. Other boards don't interest me...only cause I like to troll from time to time in them boards :3
Hence is why when I like to get into serious conversations, I take it out side of this site. Then again, there is always the rare times I'll sit here and talk to fellow gents like you and be able to hold a convo and enjoy it.

Sorry for late post, in between cooking, looking up info and keeping up with this thread.
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You know, I don't need to prove anything!

I just go to different threads and use different avatars.
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I'm not any of those!! Even if you kill me I'd just come back!
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Yeah no human could ever be as sexy as my waifu

Or as nice

You will become one with the internet

I'll DL you

I'm gonna take...3 aspirin!

But seriously

Imagine watching that

Your penis is welcome

It's like 5/10 tops

>didn't see 6 already
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hey guys lets have an interesting philosophical discussion about the impact of new culture on a society will rules and standards built on a dead culture.
doesnt that sound like fun?
well fuck you too.
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Welcome back and I have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, shit.
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Oh no you don't!
You're going to need a medic after I'm done with you!
So you still want a slice of Zero?
did you get the beer?

Oh well, being cursed can't be all bad.
What about with a hint of cum~
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1.18 MB
That's insane!
Really? No exceptions?
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They're around!
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Not even a little.
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yeah i don't get down like that

but you have potential, you really do

i know. i fucking want to see it now!
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The Jimmies rustle cereal.
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Am I the husbando?

Whatever you say lion.
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Only a slice?

Like that? Duh fuck are you talking about?
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hahhah we'll see about that after you've been to Ravensbrück
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You had some typos in there

Not sure what you wanted

It can't be helped

Embrace your future

10/10 if with a hint of cum~

And I'm gonna use this plastic knife to cut across my wrists!

You can't stop me!

I'll get to work on having it produced

No, you're the gay friend
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This will either be very bad or very good. Probably bad, really bad.
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i'm saying you have a chance to survive in the c-jerks if you stop being an obnoxious homo

>implying you weren't someone else at some point
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Think about what you're doing!
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Yeah, just keep them thinking you're stronger than them, son.

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