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    Attention extension/user script/archive developers: 4chan's new HTML will be going live tomorrow, Sunday the 13th, at approximately 12:00PM ET. Please have your new versions ready to roll by then.

    Attention everyone else: GET READY FOR EXCITEMENT!! On Sunday we'll be rolling out our new imageboard HTML/CSS. Everything has been rewritten from the ground up and replaces code that is nearly a decade old. The designs will be 100% the same, but this should allow us and other developers to more easily modify and create add-ons for 4chan. Large threads should also render more quickly, and we also have a new mobile view for those on mobile phones. And a few other goodies.

    We expect the migration to be pretty painless, but expect some wonkiness tomorrow afternoon. The Official 4chan Chrome Extension will be updated immediately, and has a bunch of new features and runs 3x faster than the old one, so be sure to grab that in advance.

    File: 1336911860.jpg-(46 KB, 400x531, Chrome-Untouched.jpg)
    46 KB Anonymous (ID: XBv/i2ii) 05/13/12(Sun)08:24:20 No.399451643  
    Master race browser Google Chrome.

    Chrome is the fastest browser out there.
    Having a 15Mb/s connection and using Chrome is the same as a 20Mb/s connection using Firefox and a 25Mb/s using Internet Explorer.

    IF you don't use Chrome download it now and unlock the full potential of the web.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3HT1d8B3) 05/13/12(Sun)08:26:03 No.399451818
         File: 1336911963.jpg-(86 KB, 768x1024, 1478703112.jpg)
    86 KB
    indeed chrome is the best, firefox is second.
    >> Anonymous (ID: tOwbPfY2) 05/13/12(Sun)08:26:08 No.399451824
         File: 1336911968.jpg-(23 KB, 480x480, 522818_342308502485990_1000012(...).jpg)
    23 KB
    Master race chromefag reporting in, greetings
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)08:26:29 No.399451861
    How sad your existence must be to go out of your way to promote a browser over others. Go an hero.
    >> Anonymous (ID: OHhEkUVs) 05/13/12(Sun)08:27:21 No.399451939
    I do agree it's the fastest.
    But due to what I have personally felt, it was too "clumsy". Applications like Java crashed comparatively more often or had otherwise more problems.
    Opera was about as fast but not as user friedly.

    In the end reverted back to Firefox.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UmMHuUUU) 05/13/12(Sun)08:28:35 No.399452061
    No thanks. Google already monitors my web-searches, my email, my youtube-watching and somewhat my social life (on those rare instances when I use google+).
    There is no privacy on the web anymore, but I can try to have some privacy from google at least.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)08:29:11 No.399452124
         File: 1336912151.jpg-(14 KB, 272x238, k-meleon-screen.jpg)
    14 KB
    OP don't know about real "highspeed" browsers...
    >> Anonymous (ID: TuGhhJXY) 05/13/12(Sun)08:29:21 No.399452143
         File: 1336912161.png-(46 KB, 256x256, chromium-browser.png)
    46 KB
    Go to the source...GNU/*NIX Fag running the flag
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:30:21 No.399452232
         File: 1336912221.jpg-(30 KB, 720x540, 560763_10151547765360035_57224(...).jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous (ID: lqjFyQrD) 05/13/12(Sun)08:31:20 No.399452308
         File: 1336912280.jpg-(32 KB, 604x453, 1503010742.jpg)
    32 KB
    Actually downloaded this yesterday, after using Firefox for longer than I remember, and I'm actually very impressed so far.

    Just two things that bother me, one is no DownloadHelper (I'm sure there's perfectly good alternatives, just haven't found one yet), and I can't work out a way to get my bookmarks available on a dropdown menu next to History and Tools and the like. I suppose I'll just have to get used to the slightly different layout.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1HO9tNUw) 05/13/12(Sun)08:31:57 No.399452353
    >inb4 butthurt firefoxfags
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)08:32:36 No.399452426
         File: 1336912356.png-(43 KB, 512x512, O512x512.png)
    43 KB
    >> Anonymous (ID: eet+DDB2) 05/13/12(Sun)08:32:58 No.399452459
    (aryan) chromiumfag reporting in
    true master race speaking
    >> Anonymous (ID: ExaPRzaq) 05/13/12(Sun)08:33:59 No.399452539
         File: 1336912439.jpg-(18 KB, 451x223, u-jelly.jpg)
    18 KB
    LOL enjoy your google spyware, chromefags
    enjoy google keeping tabs on everything you do
    >> Anonymous (ID: 2nCsnChO) 05/13/12(Sun)08:34:27 No.399452583

    chrome is fine. it's fast. but that's it's whole strong point. it's fast. and honestly, with all websites that i visit, there isn't such a noticeable difference that makes it worth the effort to switch browsers
    >> Anonymous (ID: rhqpgGo7) 05/13/12(Sun)08:35:04 No.399452632
    If Google made a cereal I'd eat it. If Google built houses I'd endeavor to own one. I use Google everything because they are the stewards of knowledge, and from knowledge comes all good things.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5pSm6DY0) 05/13/12(Sun)08:35:26 No.399452654

    >> Anonymous (ID: jpKl8w67) 05/13/12(Sun)08:35:30 No.399452661
    Compile Chromium from the source, get rid of botnet. /thread
    >> Anonymous (ID: caFpeZMe) 05/13/12(Sun)08:37:30 No.399452835
    >> Anonymous (ID: w055hpWn) 05/13/12(Sun)08:38:15 No.399452918
         File: 1336912695.jpg-(99 KB, 304x400, 33255893298.jpg)
    99 KB
    Still use Interent Explorer

    >pic related
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9kOP2IdD) 05/13/12(Sun)08:38:28 No.399452943

    Enjoy whatever FEMA camp they haul your ass too for using the government sanctioned browser.

    You'll have a hard time justifying anything sayd in the kangaroo court from all that captured data in Google Chrome.

    Enjoy NDAA and CISPA faggot. If you've dl'ed anything in the last month from a torrent site your name is already on the list of potential terrorists.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:38:29 No.399452947
         File: 1336912709.png-(150 KB, 559x256, chromium & mse.png)
    150 KB
    >> Anonymous (ID: zklvk04C) 05/13/12(Sun)08:39:15 No.399453013
    Let me guess, you chromefags all have macs too
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:40:09 No.399453098
    Macfaggots use Safari, the same as the computer illiterate windows user uses IE.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rhqpgGo7) 05/13/12(Sun)08:40:22 No.399453114

    >> Anonymous (ID: 5DI1GKXD) 05/13/12(Sun)08:40:27 No.399453120
         File: 1336912827.jpg-(119 KB, 530x415, fattyTATO.jpg)
    119 KB
    lol you guys. so what if they know what you search for and stuff. your phone beams your location constantly. are you afraid the cops are going to find out you smoke weed? get real.
    >> Anonymous (ID: km422gVv) 05/13/12(Sun)08:40:34 No.399453134
    As soon as this nigger browser supports any meaningful addons i'll use it.

    Who the fuck cares about connection speed. I care about actually being able to do shit, which I can't on Chrome, because it lacks the addons i need for better browsing.

    Honestly, it's like using a goddamn mac for gaming.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:40:43 No.399453142
         File: 1336912843.jpg-(193 KB, 450x338, firefox.jpg)
    193 KB
    OP here this thread is a fucking troll.
    >Having a 15Mb/s connection and using Chrome is the same as a 20Mb/s connection using Firefox and a 25Mb/s using Internet Explorer.

    I just pulled those stats out of my ass they are not true

    Chrome is a massive pile of wank.

    It is all about Firefox that is true browser

    This is now a Firefox thread Chromefags can fuck off

    >inb4 you are not OP
    >> Anonymous (ID: mt5ftyEk) 05/13/12(Sun)08:41:30 No.399453223
    Firefox + noscript >> *
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:42:16 No.399453306
    >Lacks the add-ons

    Bullshit, "Google Play". - Also works on Chromium.
    >> Anonymous (ID: w055hpWn) 05/13/12(Sun)08:42:36 No.399453338
    this, you're opening simple webpages it's not like connection speed is going to make any difference.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:43:52 No.399453457
    Oops, meant Chrome Web Store. Been using my GNex too much.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:44:32 No.399453519
    Yay running apps in my browser not really the same as add-ons.
    >> Anonymous (ID: km422gVv) 05/13/12(Sun)08:44:32 No.399453520
    You're retarded. I know about that place, but there are plenty of things missing.

    Also, can't put tabs on bottom, which is the most retarded design ever.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 07bY6kjL) 05/13/12(Sun)08:45:20 No.399453606
         File: 1336913120.jpg-(7 KB, 160x225, 4156431.jpg)
    7 KB
    You are not OP.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5DI1GKXD) 05/13/12(Sun)08:46:01 No.399453657
         File: 1336913161.jpg-(33 KB, 579x339, chrome-stats-march-2012.jpg)
    33 KB
    what is it lacking for you? you're just a butt hurt firefox fag who doesnt want to switch because chrome is the dominant browser and you just gotta be against the grain...
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:46:03 No.399453664

    If you actually need any extension besides ABP, you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ExaPRzaq) 05/13/12(Sun)08:46:30 No.399453719
         File: 1336913190.jpg-(75 KB, 1434x354, Untitled.jpg)
    75 KB
    come hither oh brethren
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1xUpOVSn) 05/13/12(Sun)08:46:39 No.399453736
         File: 1336913199.png-(422 KB, 800x800, fx-nightly-800x800.png)
    422 KB
    deal with it, nightly is superior

    test it:
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:47:23 No.399453806
    Yes I am.
    >The IDs are not the same because for some reason the first post ID is different No idea why.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:47:41 No.399453831

    Btw, I'm not supporting Chrome. I'm speaking for Chromium, the superior browser.
    >> Anonymous (ID: v/uZiXn7) 05/13/12(Sun)08:48:43 No.399453918
    I used to be fine with Firefox when I still used it but since I changed to Chrome, Firefox feels like Internet Explorer felt when I was still using Firefox.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0L6EYYa3) 05/13/12(Sun)08:48:59 No.399453948
    I recently had to use Internet Explorer (newest version on win 7 with 64 bit enabled)

    And I was quite surprised by its perfomance

    i would give it a 7 out of 10 if i had to rate it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YYTxJlhE) 05/13/12(Sun)08:50:09 No.399454056
    Fuck all of you, Opera is the real shit.
    They invented everything other browsers use now.
    They innovate, they invent.
    Other browsers sucks and just copy from the best.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:50:17 No.399454068
    Fake and outdated image in match we were on Firefox 11.
    Also IE kicks chromes ass in users worldwide.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:50:24 No.399454078
    Switch to Chromium, it's a non-botnet Chrome with a better looking icon.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5DI1GKXD) 05/13/12(Sun)08:51:25 No.399454163
         File: 1336913485.png-(109 KB, 556x1030, Settings - Extensions.png)
    109 KB
    ie 10 is pretty bangin too.
    everyone post their extensions...
    these are all you need really.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)08:51:57 No.399454221
    Reported for viral marketing
    >> Anonymous (ID: /SS9yuLI) 05/13/12(Sun)08:52:33 No.399454270
    Safari until Opera get there act together and work out that iPads rant mobile devices.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:52:39 No.399454283
    Switch to midori, it's a non-botnet Chromium with a better looking icon.
    >> Anonymous (ID: LdNFhc6I) 05/13/12(Sun)08:52:44 No.399454293
    Has some small compatibility issues and low support from third party programs but yes, it is by far the best browser I've ever used.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ExaPRzaq) 05/13/12(Sun)08:52:52 No.399454306
    i know right
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)08:53:08 No.399454326
         File: 1336913588.jpg-(81 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_1.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:54:09 No.399454413
    Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox
    >> Anonymous (ID: km422gVv) 05/13/12(Sun)08:55:57 No.399454582
    Also another reason I don't use Chrome is because I tend to have a crapload of tabs open at all times, at this very moment I think I have around 20 open in firefox. With Chrome though, each of those tabs act like a seperate browser, and it eats a crapload of system memory.

    At this very moment I have Chrome open with just 1 tab, yet in task manager it shows 11 chromes. Together they are at around 400 000k. Now, that is without anything in the tabs.

    After a 3+ hour session it can easily reach 2 mil combined, so it's not a viable option for me.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5DI1GKXD) 05/13/12(Sun)08:56:03 No.399454591
         File: 1336913763.jpg-(617 KB, 1050x1218, loli-guy.jpg)
    617 KB
    when i use someones pc and they dont have ABP its like a whole different fucking internet.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ExaPRzaq) 05/13/12(Sun)08:56:06 No.399454601
    hopefully the guy who posted with sage can un-sage prove you wrong i hes still here
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)08:58:14 No.399454790

    Fuck off Faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: zQOBQBVG) 05/13/12(Sun)08:58:24 No.399454809
    They started everything and were pretty much the first browser. Faster than Chrome, I don't give a shit what you say and if you complain about it not being user friendly, then you're more stupid than a hamster on a fucking wheel.
    >> Anonymous (ID: U5NfABCY) 05/13/12(Sun)08:59:08 No.399454865

    I tried Chrome. It feels like it was designed for children. No features or customization. I went back to Firefox after a couple of weeks.

    It seems like Chrome is the browser of choice for 12 year-olds these days.
    >> Anonymous (ID: s+CpiKYh) 05/13/12(Sun)08:59:51 No.399454940
    >using Chrome
    >not knowing Google spies on what you're doing

    No, thanks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ExaPRzaq) 05/13/12(Sun)09:00:07 No.399454968
    >dat anger
    deep breath bro. its cool and the gang
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)09:00:22 No.399454987
    I can't stand using the internet without it anymore, you don't realize how many ads there actually are until you get rid of them.

    >Memory argument
    Can't argue with you there. It doesn't bother me though because I barely use any tabs and have 8GB of RAM.

    >Using Chrome

    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)09:01:26 No.399455091
    get ghostery, blocks all websites trying to track your moves, including google.

    and its for google chrome
    >> Anonymous (ID: BXBMxM7J) 05/13/12(Sun)09:01:47 No.399455128
    Google is spying on me using open souce software guise!!!!
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)09:02:14 No.399455178
    Or just get Chromium instead of Google's copy.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7dxEgnL9) 05/13/12(Sun)09:03:09 No.399455268
    Firefox has a built in option to stop websites tracking you.

    No plugin needed.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rkKIJWbd) 05/13/12(Sun)09:05:02 No.399455443
    >IE: Balls
    >Safari: For faggots
    >Firefox: Moderate speed but very secure
    >Chrome: Fast, but not as secure
    >Chromium for Ubuntu: The obvious choice
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)09:06:49 No.399455651
    Chromium is just the obvious choice all around.
    >> Anonymous (ID: iVzpKbX4) 05/13/12(Sun)09:07:51 No.399455747
         File: 1336914471.jpg-(24 KB, 657x300, fuckchrome.jpg)
    24 KB
    Master race Maxthon reporting in.

    Fuck Chrome!

    Image very related.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vC2qFxda) 05/13/12(Sun)09:08:06 No.399455775

    Baby got his first Linux. How cute.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /CeLQ08K) 05/13/12(Sun)09:12:00 No.399456173
         File: 1336914720.jpg-(124 KB, 960x643, 1.jpg)
    124 KB
    girl posted some fresh pics at fb, so why not dumping it
    >> Anonymous (ID: iVzpKbX4) 05/13/12(Sun)09:14:23 No.399456406
         File: 1336914863.png-(75 KB, 256x256, Maxthon[1].png)
    75 KB
    Best browser ever.
    >> Anonymous (ID: zN6jF/Zm) 05/13/12(Sun)09:17:12 No.399456687
    how do i get chromium?
    >> Anonymous (ID: /n4wHMWo) 05/13/12(Sun)09:18:22 No.399456815
    download and install
    >> Anonymous (ID: U5NfABCY) 05/13/12(Sun)09:18:25 No.399456819

    Delete system32 and it will prompt you download the browser of your choice
    >> Anonymous (ID: aFqgZ6s7) 05/13/12(Sun)09:19:00 No.399456885

    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)09:19:03 No.399456896
    Chormium is way better since it's opensource. You can remove the lines that reference Google and be free of the botnet.

    That being said, you should use Nightly.
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)09:21:25 No.399457149
    Aren't Macfags, by definition, computer illiterate?
    If not, they certainly complain about a lot of PC problems that only seem to affect the computer illiterate...
    >> Anonymous (ID: WdAuFfwC) 05/13/12(Sun)09:22:07 No.399457215
         File: 1336915327.jpg-(77 KB, 600x450, catintinfoilhat.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous (ID: U5NfABCY) 05/13/12(Sun)09:22:24 No.399457246
         File: 1336915344.jpg-(38 KB, 390x259, netscape-1-0.jpg)
    38 KB
    Netscape master race reporting in.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QEZrQMoW) 05/13/12(Sun)09:26:11 No.399457659
    >By definition
    Yes, which is why I didn't see the need to mention it, but did see the need to single out the computer illiterate that happen to be Windows users.
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)09:27:09 No.399457753
    Opera invented sandboxing and HTML5 compliance and webkit?
    OPERA was the best mobile browser until Chrome made it to ICS.
    Don't even say Firefox mobile. That shit is only ok if you like terrible HTML5 support and QVGA resolutions
    >> Anonymous (ID: P6+E9dRA) 05/13/12(Sun)09:29:44 No.399458049
         File: 1336915784.png-(47 KB, 200x200, NSA.png)
    47 KB
    chrome was developed by the NSA

    If you value your privacy don't use chrome
    >> Anonymous (ID: iVzpKbX4) 05/13/12(Sun)09:35:49 No.399458667

    Dunno if conspiracy but I don't trust Chrome. Maxthon 3 is better anyway and I do not fear of being spied by them, be it naive or not.
    >> Anonymous (ID: U5NfABCY) 05/13/12(Sun)09:40:01 No.399459085

    Are there any Windows users who are not computer illiterate?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Q+J78FJa) 05/13/12(Sun)09:42:19 No.399459294
    Speaks truth. All are crap compared to Maxthon.
    >> Anonymous (ID: CV+BS/Z2) 05/13/12(Sun)09:47:39 No.399459840
         File: 1336916859.jpg-(33 KB, 203x270, 1319651660519.jpg)
    33 KB
    actually on my windows PC i use Firefox/k-meleon and on my Mac i use firefox and/or Camino. I avoid safari like the fucking plague. just doesn't work. it is the mac equivalent of IE. fuck it
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)09:47:54 No.399459868
    Chrome is alright i suppose. I don't personally like it as much as firefox due to, (in my opinion) better addons and general customisation. but if chrome floats your boat then good for you; its much of a case of 'not what you've got but how you use it'. its a matter of personal preference.
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)10:11:53 No.399462218
    You mean the browser that wasn't hacked until this year (3 yrs after release), is less secure than Firefox?
    How have I only gotten viruses when using firefox?
    >> Anonymous (ID: NXeE47fj) 05/13/12(Sun)10:12:00 No.399462234
    can somebody tell me how come when i try to launch chrome it says "this page has become unresponsive would u like to wait for it to become responsive or kill the page?"
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)10:15:02 No.399462518
    Because you're a fag who broke your browser
    >> Anonymous (ID: NXeE47fj) 05/13/12(Sun)10:17:09 No.399462750
    how do i fix it?
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)10:20:29 No.399463098
    uninstall/reinstall. numerous ways to back up bookmarks, etc...
    My cousin did the same thing somehow
    >> Anonymous (ID: zQOBQBVG) 05/13/12(Sun)10:20:32 No.399463105
    Download Opera. Don't deal with bullshit ever again.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1c/6pFhw) 05/13/12(Sun)10:22:06 No.399463306
    chrome classes every tab as a new process and memory leaks like a bastard making it a stupidly hungry browser.
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)10:22:46 No.399463373
    You could do this but, I haven't used a non-buggy version of Opera since my HTC TP2 came with Opera Mobile 9 Preinstalled...
    ALSO: When Opera crashes, whole browser always crashes, unlike the set of tbs you have to reload after Chrome "crashes"
    >> Anonymous (ID: NXeE47fj) 05/13/12(Sun)10:23:25 No.399463449
    i did that so many times and the same thing happens
    >> Anonymous (ID: S7wItueI) 05/13/12(Sun)10:23:47 No.399463492
         File: 1336919027.jpg-(79 KB, 640x960, ohn8I..jpg)
    79 KB
    IE forever!
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)10:24:00 No.399463521
    And yet it runs on my netbook better than firefox.
    Chrome only seems to be memory hungry because it will use ALL available resources
    >> Anonymous (ID: NXeE47fj) 05/13/12(Sun)10:24:14 No.399463557
    is Opera as fast as chrome?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1c/6pFhw) 05/13/12(Sun)10:25:31 No.399463705

    really? ive always avoided it for my netbook for these reasons.....
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)10:25:51 No.399463737
    That's fuckin weird. Sounds like it's not a Chrome issue then... uninstalling and reinstalling should have done it... even if it was just a weird setting.
    >> Anonymous (ID: OkdiPILh) 05/13/12(Sun)10:28:36 No.399464037
    Depending upon the version, Opera is sometimes faster than Chrome.

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