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    File: 1336876668.jpg-(35 KB, 400x300, jon-stewart-obama-gay.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)22:37:48 No.399373778  
    By declaring his support for asspounding faggots, Obama has just handed the presidency over to Mitt Romney.

    Prepare your anus America...

    Romney is going to make George Bush look like Captain Kangaroo.
    >> Anonymous (ID: H5qXf0NF) 05/12/12(Sat)22:39:17 No.399374014

    Obama will win anyway - Nobody cares about gays marrying.
    >> Anonymous (ID: lSsq2K1+) 05/12/12(Sat)22:40:12 No.399374172

    If you read this you will see that the gop knows they are on the wrong side of history.

    This is assuming you know how to read.
    >> Anonymous (ID: okFjiFYk) 05/12/12(Sat)22:40:42 No.399374258
    >Implying Gay marriage is an issue for anyone outside backwater-incest-jesusland
    >> Anonymous (ID: UiHqF/UF) 05/12/12(Sat)22:41:33 No.399374396
    It's not gonna make a difference.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Y5WaE+8r) 05/12/12(Sat)22:41:33 No.399374397

    I hate obama, and romney, but I think its insulting that gay marriage is even given a second thought.
    >> Anonymous (ID: lSsq2K1+) 05/12/12(Sat)22:41:37 No.399374402

    this is why faux noise is watching what they say and are not just going on a gaybashing parade.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9ZDn5pia) 05/12/12(Sat)22:42:26 No.399374545
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    >> Anonymous (ID: ETC6Mt9v) 05/12/12(Sat)22:43:28 No.399374721
    it's like they're...learning
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)22:44:01 No.399374812
    I dont give a fuck what anyone says. George Bush was AWESOME!
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)22:45:00 No.399374992

    OP, I know that you were just trolling, but you can see here that the vast majority of people are not bothered by the issue. Gay marriage hurts nobody.

    >> Anonymous (ID: DjALISo0) 05/12/12(Sat)22:45:45 No.399375141

    George Bush, great president? or GREATEST president?
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)22:48:38 No.399375672
    Why do gays care so much about marriage? Most marriages end in divorce anyway. I've lived with my girlfriend for 2 years and we never had to have gay married OK's by the government to keep living together.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)22:48:49 No.399375713
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)22:50:21 No.399375991

    Joint tax returns, insurance, hospital visiting rights, general acceptance as part of society and not a "freak" who should be ashamed, etc.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)22:51:06 No.399376131

    ITT: faggots confusing /b/ for America...

    No matter how summer it gets in here, you have to realize that middle america has no appetite or tolerance for traps, fags, gore or furries.

    There is a seriously mainstream world out there, and most people - By the numbers - Hate fags.

    They hate thm with the fire of a thousand suns and would vote for a scary Nazi like Romney rather than promote buggery.

    So yeah, 45th predident - Mitt Romney.
    >> Anonymous (ID: FDYW8gOr) 05/12/12(Sat)22:52:44 No.399376420
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    If you walked around anywhere in the US last week and asked a random republican what Obama's position was on gay marriage I guarantee they would have assumed he was for it. He was already for civil unions this doesn't change much. The election will be all about economy.
    >> Anonymous (ID: cRrDpOVM) 05/12/12(Sat)22:53:23 No.399376559
    Part of it is the benefits. But the real reason is respect-- we pay the same taxes you do, register for the draft like you do, go on jury duty like you do, etc. We assume all the responsibilities and obligations of citizenship that straights have to put up with (especially after DADT ended), and we should be treated equally under the law, having access to the same privileges as everyone else.

    And I say this as a gayfag who has no intention whatsoever of getting married.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)22:54:08 No.399376704
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    Benefits meant for people who contribute to society with the possibility of procreating...

    What the fuck do 2 faggots with 2 MALE incomes and NO children need tax breaks for?



    Pet Shop Boys CDs?
    >> Anonymous (ID: ot52B4lc) 05/12/12(Sat)22:54:12 No.399376716

    sorry, but in most cases you already have exceptions for insurance and hospital visiting rights and well... gays should feel like freaks, because they are. they have chosen to be freaks and thankfully cannot pass their defective genes on to future generations, they are evolutionary dead ends, and therefore there is no reason for them to marry, cause they can't start a family/procreate.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)22:55:05 No.399376871
    >implying that 75% of the use of "fag" delineations on /b/ aren't just politically incorrect sarcasm without any real meaning
    >implying that fully 10% of /b/ isn't gay just like the rest of the world
    >> Anonymous (ID: G8xhZ0AU) 05/12/12(Sat)22:56:02 No.399377052
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    Troll or idiot. Later. Op izafag
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9ZDn5pia) 05/12/12(Sat)22:57:02 No.399377214
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)22:57:24 No.399377283

    So... an elderly couple has no reason to marry, since they can't procreate? Should that be stopped as well?
    >> Anonymous (ID: G8xhZ0AU) 05/12/12(Sat)22:57:39 No.399377328
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    Faggots got assburgers

    Inb4 he rages on me saying assburgers
    >> Anonymous (ID: 6nmcrWwt) 05/12/12(Sat)22:59:04 No.399377561
    So now Obama has the black, gay, socialist, democratic, and poor votes... no way he can lose...
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)22:59:23 No.399377615
    Why the fuck would WE need joint tax returns? We both already have visiting rights. Being married had nothing to do with general acceptance. Even if we could get married that would not force anyone to accept it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)22:59:26 No.399377625
    Ironic, considering that Romney and half of his party are fags. Not even normal ones either, but sick ones, for twinks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A4XCvG69) 05/12/12(Sat)22:59:54 No.399377698
    Romney won't will the election, and thats coming from a moderate with slightly conservative viewpoints...I'm not an Obama fanboy, but I'd rather see what happens with another 4 years of him, than hand over the keys to Mitt...dude scares the shit out of me
    >> Anonymous (ID: r/LpWVyr) 05/12/12(Sat)23:00:15 No.399377770
    What about lesbians, OP?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:00:50 No.399377869
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    Acceptance of sexual deviants into the mainstream is generally the last thing an empire does before falling.

    Pic related - It's a "family friendly" gay pride parade which the local school board suggests primary schools students should attend.
    >> Anonymous (ID: f2MJGU5i) 05/12/12(Sat)23:00:58 No.399377886

    He's secured the psycho-scumfag votes. He's practically untouchable, now.

    There are so few straight white men's hopeless.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:02:05 No.399378092

    >> Anonymous (ID: VVpwNTnZ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:03:51 No.399378385
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    F is for Fail
    >> Anonymous (ID: cRrDpOVM) 05/12/12(Sat)23:04:03 No.399378412
    What about a straight couple that gets married, has sex numerous times without a pregnancy resulting, and goes to a fertility clinic only to learn that the man is sterile. Should the government retroactively invalidate this marriage?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:05:35 No.399378686

    They are included.

    In actual fact, they are far worse than Gay men.

    The real ones with the love handles, short hair and birkenstocks - Not the lipstick lesbians in Playboy who are in it for the money.
    >> Anonymous (ID: f2MJGU5i) 05/12/12(Sat)23:05:45 No.399378718
    >Acceptance of sexual deviants into the mainstream is generally the last thing an empire does before falling.

    You're great. You've renewed my hope.

    It's not so bad. I'll shoot a few niggers and a few communists before I die. I've had a good life so far.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hHw2Adw4) 05/12/12(Sat)23:07:00 No.399378970
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    Nigger, that would be like a get out jail free card!

    Absolutely. Husbands everywhere would do whatever it took to kill their sperm count.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8GZFEqX7) 05/12/12(Sat)23:08:18 No.399379231

    >Implying being gay and being infertile are the same thing
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:09:39 No.399379481

    Obviously not - It's out of their control.

    Besides they've probably spent more of their own after-tax dollars on fertility clinics than you have on lube, ecstasy and skinny jeans.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:10:33 No.399379650

    We're just punching holes in the "can't procreate so no marriage" argument. Nobody said that they're the same thing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:10:46 No.399379691
    So... elderly couples can't get married, even though it's not their fault they can't have kids. You throw them under the bus, but have a special place in your heart for infertile couples?
    >> Anonymous (ID: +IvwQ6w8) 05/12/12(Sat)23:11:43 No.399379889
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    No homosexual could hold a candle to a Mormon when it comes to faggotry. Does anyone honestly think the American people will elect one of these foul creatures?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:12:41 No.399380050

    There is a difference between "can't procreate" and "have no intention of procreating, but demanding the same benefits and protections as those who try".
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:13:23 No.399380187
    I am against gays simply because it make you an abomination to NATURE! If nature intended to men to fuck men, and women to fuck women, it would have made it so. Fucking homo's
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:13:25 No.399380195

    Stereotypes aside, being gay is also out of one's control. If you think that it's a choice, you're mistaken. A gay person can't CHOOSE to be straight any more than I could CHOOSE to be gay.
    >> Anonymous (ID: psFBQQ4A) 05/12/12(Sat)23:13:44 No.399380245
    prove it.
    protip: you can't
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:13:44 No.399380249

    You have to draw the line somewhere.

    At least I know where it is.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5KHgt7Cw) 05/12/12(Sat)23:14:31 No.399380389
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    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:14:44 No.399380427
    Sounds fair enough. What if a fertile heterosexual couple applies for a marriage license, but they have stated they don't intend to have children? Should they be denied the right to marry because of this personal choice of theirs?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:14:54 No.399380457

    Prove what?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:16:29 No.399380742
    But how do you know where the line is? That's all I'm trying to figure out. Why infertile couples, but not elderly couples? Are you just making judgments based on your own gut feelings about these different kinds of relationships, or can you back your contentions up with some sound logic?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 132+TyRa) 05/12/12(Sat)23:17:24 No.399380904
    >implying there's not a lot of actual faggots out there like OP
    >implying that they wouldn't be inspired to vote for Obama because of this
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:18:01 No.399381013

    Yes their marriage license should be denied/revoked.

    They have no need for the benefits and protections of the institution of marriage if they have no intention of starting a family.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:19:21 No.399381219
    Alrite, alrite. What about a fertile heterosexual couple that decides not to have children of their own, but instead adopts several kids from a local orphanage. Should they be able to get married?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5AWjJuuQ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:20:43 No.399381464

    Imagine if a politician ran for office while publicly stating those views. They would get destroyed. If you're serious, your views are not shared by many others.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:20:48 No.399381473

    Easy to know where the line is - It's about intent.

    If you're looking for a free ride - No dice.

    Could be difficult to enforce I admit, but then again, The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

    Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hHw2Adw4) 05/12/12(Sat)23:21:14 No.399381549
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    Yes, yes yes!

    I'm all for anything that saves men from marriage. If we take the right to marry away from non-procreating couples, will you faggots shut up?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:23:06 No.399381864
    Free ride? If gay couples pay the same taxes that straight couples do, if they have done so for all their lives, if they might even be raising children of their own, why would you call it seeking a free ride for them to apply for the same benefits their straight counterparts get. And you're right, to actually enforce your ideas properly would be difficult. It'd probably require creating a large bureaucracy, loads of inefficiency in the marriage application process, and various other headaches.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:24:50 No.399382154

    Yes, of course. That is very useful to society.

    But I disagree with homosexual couples adopting.

    So "no" to the next thing you are going to say.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:25:36 No.399382287
    Being gay is like trying to force 2 magnets together when the force is pushing them apart. Nature did not intend for those 2 opposing forces to come together. Or trying to make 2+2=5. Just like 2 men or 2 women.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8y+6kmtq) 05/12/12(Sat)23:25:45 No.399382328
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    You have that backwards. By taking the bait and discussing the issue, Mit Romney has doomed his campaign. All he had to do was shrug off the issue and claim it was a distraction from the economy, which it is.

    >Watch the hands, not the magician.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1TwDn9xM) 05/12/12(Sat)23:26:30 No.399382456
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    >> Anonymous (ID: hHw2Adw4) 05/12/12(Sat)23:26:39 No.399382489
    Why not just do away with marriage for everyone? That would avoid the bureaucracy.

    Also, we could then say definitively that gays destroyed the institution of marriage.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:27:52 No.399382681
    That's good. All I'm trying to get out of you is that anti-gay prejudice is at the center of your opposition to gay marriage, not a rational line of thoughtful arguments. But obviously, this debate will change no one's mind, 4chan debates almost never do. So I'll say goodnight, and leave you with the gentle reminder that gay marriage will be legal across the country in your lifetime.
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/12/12(Sat)23:29:04 No.399382895
    why cant gay people get married?
    >absolutely nothing will change, except gay people will now be called "married gay people".
    what the hurt? whats the problem?
    >i thought marriage was a religious aspect not a legal.
    i mean am i the only one that isnt crazy?
    >then these stupid ass faces say "well whats next people marring dogs or ice cream."
    gay people are people! why would we make it legal to marry dogs? WE THE PEOPLE
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:29:22 No.399382956

    2 Gay men have 2 disposable male incomes and no expenses other than Grey Goose, cocaine and lube... They should pay the same taxes as a single person unless they can show that they have expenses related to furthering the species... Private Schools, Baby Gap, Summer Camp, Etc.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ynaCn5yX) 05/12/12(Sat)23:29:33 No.399382994
    Doesn't matter, there will be a civil war before the election anyway.

    Don't believe me? Suit yourself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:29:55 No.399383062
    There are only 2 objectives for life.
    Gay's can not reproduce, meaning they would not be able to survive.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7Lcpg3os) 05/12/12(Sat)23:30:23 No.399383163
    >elect a mormon

    You're fucking, kidding, right?

    We hate mormons more than we hate jews, arabs, and mexicans put together.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YZ5NUhHV) 05/12/12(Sat)23:30:54 No.399383268
    yeah right. Americans don't do shit to help themselves. they just bend over and take it. That's all that will happen.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rjl6ZEPB) 05/12/12(Sat)23:32:20 No.399383536
    repsoduction is necessary for survival?

    shit who knew?
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/12/12(Sat)23:32:40 No.399383595
    im not saying i believe in gay as a way of life. i also dont think you should smoke weed.
    but just because you dont agree with it doesnt mean its not right for everyone.
    who is getting hurt letting them married?
    theyre already having sex.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:32:59 No.399383662

    Goodnight Anon.

    I live in Canada, and Gay marriage is already legal here.

    This is a philosophical argument, and I am not a homophobe.

    I live in Toronto for chrissake - This place makes Fire Island look like Sesame Street.

    Cheers, via con dios and remember to pay your way in life.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9lu1lYAk) 05/12/12(Sat)23:34:24 No.399383934

    >> Anonymous (ID: YR2EI4VW) 05/12/12(Sat)23:34:30 No.399383950
    That's funny you would say that. Gay couples can love each other just as much as straight couples, and can get along just as well. Just because nature didn't intend for same sex relationships to happen doesn't mean it can't happen. That's like saying just because nature didn't "intend" to cause a forest fire it cannot happen.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ynaCn5yX) 05/12/12(Sat)23:35:07 No.399384068

    I don't believe Americans will have much to say about it. I've been hearing things from the underground.. the usual conspiracy shit, sure... but suddenly sources that disagree are agreeing about it. I've heard from several sources there is a fracture in the military of some sort, and I don't expect Obama to let go of power over something as silly as a vote. I feel like something is getting ready to happen, before the end of the year.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:36:13 No.399384272
    Your apparently not getting my point.
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/12/12(Sat)23:37:40 No.399384557
    please tell me what your point is.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hHw2Adw4) 05/12/12(Sat)23:38:14 No.399384670
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    Yeah, because it's the Democrats who are known for rigging Presidential elections.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YR2EI4VW) 05/12/12(Sat)23:38:18 No.399384684
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    Look up the documentary married to the Eiffel Tower. There's some bitch in there who is LEGALLY MARRIED to the golden gate bridge, in America, as well as the Eiffel Tower in France.

    So while this psycho bitch can LEGALLY marry a BRIDGE, two people of the same sex can't marry each other

    Wtf America?
    >> Anonymous (ID: gOdDAAu9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:38:33 No.399384747
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    >> Anonymous (ID: pGtuOwKS) 05/12/12(Sat)23:38:33 No.399384748

    Gentials or GFTO
    >> Anonymous (ID: VVpwNTnZ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:38:50 No.399384794
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    Obama will lose.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:38:54 No.399384805
    >> Anonymous (ID: nMg6CD3K) 05/12/12(Sat)23:40:15 No.399385078
    This same woman also holds several Olympic Medals for marksmanship. And can fly a plane pretty well.
    >> Anonymous (ID: zFhdROVf) 05/12/12(Sat)23:40:34 No.399385136

    >Implying we wont get a bunch of ads saying how romney was a huge bully douche
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:41:10 No.399385232
    >still thinks Bush rigged any elections
    >probably thinks he "stole" the Presidency from Gore
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:41:25 No.399385275
    But nature does intend for those forst fires to happen. Because they do happen. If it didnt, then just like those two magnets, it wouldn't happen.
    And im not even talking about "love" here. This "love" has nothing to do with reproduction. When a single cell splits to reproduce more do you really thing love had anything to do with it?
    >> Anonymous (ID: wtWyMqjX) 05/12/12(Sat)23:42:42 No.399385487
    I don't much keep up with politics, but how come you ever hear about which Republicans Obama is running against? Aren't there any other Democrat candidates competing for the nomination?
    >> Anonymous (ID: CoA3/7Zr) 05/12/12(Sat)23:42:53 No.399385519
    Obama is shit.

    The US would do well to be rid of him.

    Economically, he is fiddling while Rome burns.

    Romney will probably do little better to reform the US govt's budget fiasco, but since he is business friendly there might actually be more jobs when he's done than when he started, unlike OCarter.

    Either way, the US is fucked. But with Romney, you might still have a chance.

    I hope you stupid shits get 4 more years of the nigger. You deserve him.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9lu1lYAk) 05/12/12(Sat)23:42:56 No.399385531

    That's funny because homosexuality IS NORMAL IN NATURE. Besides the definition of nature isn't set in stone. Anything that happens in the fucking universe is all natural. From the explosion of a motherfucking star to two homosexual descendants of an overly yet not nearly evolved ape species on the clusterfuck of dirt known as earth by its only "intelligent" inhabitants (whatever that means) which happens to be this shitty as race.

    When I was younger I figured the act of getting into other peoples business was an act only reserved by shriveled old hags with nothing better to do with their pointless life. But I'm clearly fucking wrong, when a website full of prepubescent, and worst of all "grown" men gather around like fucking mongoloids to talk shit about how other people should live their life. HOLY FUCK I am full of mad right now.

    All my rage could destroy a thousand stars right now.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hHw2Adw4) 05/12/12(Sat)23:43:35 No.399385636
    >stupid nigger doesn't know who won in Florida
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/12/12(Sat)23:43:40 No.399385657
    no, but love has to do with marriage.
    we arent saying being gay is better or something it just doesnt hurt me or you if those gay people could legally be married.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ahnRFGPZ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:43:45 No.399385674

    >implying that procreation is a good thing.

    Fucking idiot. Let the fags marry. Who gives a shit? I sure don't. I like them for the fact that they DON'T make children. This planet is 6 billion people above it's carrying capacity. Fuck off inbred hick high school-diploma-having retard.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:44:20 No.399385768

    Democrats and Republicans are the same fucking thing.

    Bush to Obama looked like the most radical political change in American History... Almost a revolution.

    Yet here we are 4 years later - Still in Iraq, Still in Afghanistan, now in Libya on top of everything else and about to mix it up with Iran.

    Guantanamo Bay is still open, and we now have naked body scanners at the airports.

    What has changed really except the words coming out of the teleprompter?

    Not a fucking thing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: W5T/cs8w) 05/12/12(Sat)23:45:13 No.399385920
    Bush already looks like Captain Kangaroo.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:45:33 No.399385984
    My point is nature did not intend got people to be gay. If it did then it would have made it so 2 male or female reproductive organs could reproduce.
    >> Anonymous (ID: W2/gatA/) 05/12/12(Sat)23:46:34 No.399386172
    op be trollin. i'm voting for him because look at the fucking alternative
    >> Anonymous (ID: YR2EI4VW) 05/12/12(Sat)23:46:35 No.399386173
    >> Anonymous (ID: CoA3/7Zr) 05/12/12(Sat)23:47:00 No.399386249
    The best part of all of this is that your media has you dumbass niggers arguing over gay marriage.

    Meanwhile you are racking up trillion+ federal deficits, and project things to only get worse.

    Its like you are in a car running off a cliff and you are arguing over what color floor mats you what to buy next season.

    It will be funny to watch when the US economy goes the way of Greece (its coming) and there will be no EU to bail you dumb shits out of hock.

    I think China will laugh the most, but the rest of us will roflcoptor as well.

    So worry about gay marriage you stupid shits. The end is coming.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WsOLNgpl) 05/12/12(Sat)23:47:16 No.399386306
    The criminal in the White House has been mostly unopposed in the Democratic primaries, but a criminal in the Big House got 41% of the Democratic primary vote in West Virginia.

    Which is almost as embarrassing as when a guy who had just died won the senate election last decade.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:47:21 No.399386318
    >because homosexuality is normal in nature.
    not sure if troll or full retard. Tell me how homosexuality promotes life or the survivability of any species. I bet you can't. If you see a male humping another male when it comes to animals, it's usually just a display of dominance, not sexual attraction.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:47:54 No.399386416
    And marriage is a religious thing. Religion started marriage. And most religions do not support gay's
    >> Anonymous (ID: W2/gatA/) 05/12/12(Sat)23:47:57 No.399386431
    mah nigga and i ain't even gay
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:48:20 No.399386498

    It's not about what's normal, it's about what we as a society choose to promote with tax breaks and benefits.

    You can pound ass all day long - It's a free country.

    Just don't expect a discount for it, as it benefits no-one but you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: gOdDAAu9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:48:25 No.399386510
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    >> Anonymous (ID: pGtuOwKS) 05/12/12(Sat)23:48:37 No.399386532

    Why do straight people produce random gays? If gay people can't survive why have they been around for the entire human history? Why can animals be gay? There are hundreds of cases.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:49:52 No.399386760
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/12/12(Sat)23:49:53 No.399386763
    right ok i agree.
    now try to get my point.
    >not everybody has the same opinion about whats sexually right or wrong.
    >it doesnt hurt NOBODY for them to marry.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3CH+8aEv) 05/12/12(Sat)23:50:06 No.399386805
    if anything obama sealed his second prez win, alot of the US pop is gay, and gays will vote for him securing his vote
    >> Anonymous (ID: YR2EI4VW) 05/12/12(Sat)23:50:22 No.399386848
    Actually, homosexuality can be found in hundreds of species of animals, not just humans. And although it doesn't help the species, it's also not genetic.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 82pKPBo8) 05/12/12(Sat)23:50:44 No.399386905
    >> Anonymous (ID: nxQJL+27) 05/12/12(Sat)23:51:57 No.399387115

    >By declaring his support for asspounding faggots, Obama has just handed the presidency over to Mitt Romney.

    Nah. THAT won't make a bit of difference. Those that wanted it wouldn't vote for Romney no matter what because of the "R" by his name, those that didn't want it weren't going to vote for Obama because of the "D" by his name.

    The only wonder here is that Obama apparently did think it would make some sort of difference which suggests a disturbingly colossal misunderstanding of the electorate.
    >> Anonymous (ID: CoA3/7Zr) 05/12/12(Sat)23:52:01 No.399387129

    If you are right, explain why gay marriage has been voted down consistently every time it gets a state referendum -- even in hardcore blue states.

    You are a fucking mouth breathing mongoloid.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:52:33 No.399387217
    Yes I understand that two people of the same sex getting married hurts no one. But thats not my argument here. My argument it being gay in not fucking natural!
    >> Anonymous (ID: Eql1oKUd) 05/12/12(Sat)23:54:01 No.399387471

    But you should be ashamed of your God-less cock swallowing
    >> Anonymous (ID: G1NVmu5x) 05/12/12(Sat)23:54:05 No.399387482

    dear god you're fucking retarded. From a purely statistical point of view, Obama just won. Conservatives don't give a shit about you unless you're a straight upper class white male, and I think there are more people who don't fall under that demographic than those that do.

    ITT: Dumbass republicans
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4L1u9/OQ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:54:05 No.399387483
    Faggots are wrong because a pen0r does not go into a vagoo.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A8cCTB4K) 05/12/12(Sat)23:54:19 No.399387523
    You don't see much nature do you...
    >> Anonymous (ID: Ql6Kt5nc) 05/12/12(Sat)23:54:46 No.399387591
    You are less advanced in mental and social development than is usual for one's age.
    >> Anonymous (ID: STtd7BuZ) 05/12/12(Sat)23:55:11 No.399387669
    there are 7 billion too many people in the world
    50% of hetero marriages end in divorce

    your arguments are invalid

    gay marriage should be legalized
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:55:16 No.399387681
    Now show me one case ware in ANY of those species, two of the same sex reproduced.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KGM+pgRV) 05/12/12(Sat)23:55:47 No.399387757
    >Conservatives don't give a shit about you unless you're a straight upper class white male
    i know a lot of libs say this to troll, but it always amazes me when people actually believe this
    >> Anonymous (ID: GVlpc+QR) 05/12/12(Sat)23:56:11 No.399387842
    And the funny thing is 90% of the people here who say that will never have sex with a woman.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Eql1oKUd) 05/12/12(Sat)23:56:36 No.399387913

    Lots of niggers in prison go gay. U wanna be one?
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/12/12(Sat)23:56:48 No.399387946
    youve never seen a male dog hump another male dog?
    and im not saying fags are natural, law is not natural bro. me and you are not living in nature. but gay people are infact people so why cant we treat them as such and let them marry?
    >> Anonymous (ID: KGM+pgRV) 05/12/12(Sat)23:57:17 No.399388026
    > there are 7 billion too many people in the world

    and yet america has half the population density of europe

    ever been outside of LA or NY? shit's pretty empty
    >> Anonymous (ID: CoA3/7Zr) 05/12/12(Sat)23:57:18 No.399388035
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/12/12(Sat)23:57:35 No.399388083
    Please, go ahead and give me one example ware to male's reproduced.
    >> Anonymous (ID: G1NVmu5x) 05/12/12(Sat)23:57:51 No.399388120

    prove me wrong. when has any republican done something that benefits people outside that demographic?
    >> Anonymous (ID: KGM+pgRV) 05/12/12(Sat)23:58:24 No.399388214
    male dogs hump male dogs as a sign of dominance

    basically to humiliate the catcher for being gay
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/12/12(Sat)23:58:43 No.399388276

    True - So why expect a tax break for a simple diplay of dominance?
    >> Anonymous (ID: KGM+pgRV) 05/12/12(Sat)23:59:55 No.399388484
    repubs basically own 50% of the vote

    this would be impossible if they were the white men only party, as men as a whole are only 49% of the population, and restricting it to white men makes it even smaller

    just because repubs don't pander to minorities doesn't mean they're anti-minority.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GVlpc+QR) 05/13/12(Sun)00:00:02 No.399388507
    LA's already got a problem with having enough water. Land isn't the only limit on population.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7+W0XnE1) 05/13/12(Sun)00:00:23 No.399388560
    mfw the majority support gay marriage
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/13/12(Sun)00:00:34 No.399388587
    You clearly have no idea how dogs work. When you see a dog humping another one it is a display on dominance. Nothing sexual.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4L1u9/OQ) 05/13/12(Sun)00:01:16 No.399388712

    Actually that's a dominance thing. You will see both male and female dogs hump lots of things. It isn't for sexual pleasure it is because they are asserting their dominance over the thing they are humping

    Aside from a few exceptions, animals only have sex to reproduce, they do not have it for pleasure like humans do.

    Using the animal kingdom as an example of why homosexuality is nature is dumb.

    Not saying it's not natural just that this is a poor way to draw a conclusion one way or another.
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/13/12(Sun)00:01:48 No.399388779
    two males cannot reproduce. but they can love each other and can have sex.
    male dogs hump other male dogs. ive seen female dogs try to hump other females. yes!
    >why does reproduction mean its ok?
    >gays will most likely adopt, isnt that a good thing for all the un needed reproduction that straights have done?
    >> Anonymous (ID: CoA3/7Zr) 05/13/12(Sun)00:01:55 No.399388801
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    Most recent election on the subject:

    Its been a few years since California did the same.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Oo+ZIU3X) 05/13/12(Sun)00:02:19 No.399388862
    Canadian here. Just going to drop some logic, who does it hurt to have same sex marriage? Also, the U.S. is supposed to be the "Land of the free" how on earth is gay marriage being illegal exemplifying freedom. Simply put, its about time the U.S. separates its church from the state. Cause if not, you're no better than some of the political institutions in the Arab world. Remember everyone should have the freedom to practice their own beliefs, but no one should have the freedom to infringe on the beliefs of others.
    >> Anonymous (ID: G1NVmu5x) 05/13/12(Sun)00:02:28 No.399388895

    >doesn't pander to minorities doesn't mean they're anti-minority

    so passing legislation that fucks over minorities is "pro-minority".

    dear godrepublicans are idiotic
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 05/13/12(Sun)00:02:54 No.399388976
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    Here is my opinion of your opinion...
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/13/12(Sun)00:03:40 No.399389113
    again, im on your side! i agree!
    but not everybody does, and those people dont hurt me or you. so they should have just as many rights as you!
    >> Anonymous (ID: e6OsGje+) 05/13/12(Sun)00:04:18 No.399389212
    Name a few species of animals where male on male happens. Homosexuality isn't normal.
    >> Anonymous (ID: XW4o3A8F) 05/13/12(Sun)00:04:28 No.399389237
    >By declaring his support for asspounding faggots, Obama has just handed the presidency over to Mitt Romney.

    Seems unlikely, but even so - it is better to stand by your principles and lose than to pander to the ignorant majority and win.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IxaVEZhe) 05/13/12(Sun)00:04:29 No.399389243
    he had a surge of donations after that announcement
    >> Anonymous (ID: CoA3/7Zr) 05/13/12(Sun)00:04:32 No.399389253

    When Canada on the whole has greater freedoms than do the US, you can talk. Until then, you might want to take a closer look at your own government.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nxQJL+27) 05/13/12(Sun)00:04:47 No.399389293

    >so passing legislation that fucks over minorities is "pro-minority".

    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnPNl+F9) 05/13/12(Sun)00:05:13 No.399389373
    >basically to humiliate the catcher for being gay

    You really have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
    >> Anonymous (ID: XC9MOo8l) 05/13/12(Sun)00:05:31 No.399389425
    Straight, religious, upperclass Christian male with a hot girlfriend here.

    Enjoy being poor faggots who think they are smart while I am getting top notch education for free from my rich ass family

    Richfag out, don't even bother replyig
    >> Anonymous (ID: L08eL2cW) 05/13/12(Sun)00:05:40 No.399389447
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 3GaJ8VJp) 05/13/12(Sun)00:06:26 No.399389585
    not giving out handouts != hurting minorities

    in fact, all the help repubs give to businesses allow these minorities to be employed

    you mad repubs dont want to give them money for free?
    >> Anonymous (ID: uz7XYJ7q) 05/13/12(Sun)00:06:35 No.399389607
    im in the states and i lol'd
    >> Anonymous (ID: XW4o3A8F) 05/13/12(Sun)00:06:42 No.399389634

    Homosexual behaviour is well documented in nature - it has been observed in over 1500 species... so I guess that sinks your argument before it even starts ;}
    >> Anonymous (ID: Oo+ZIU3X) 05/13/12(Sun)00:06:43 No.399389638
    Who the hell cares if its not normal? honestly? The world isn't full of people who want to share your beliefs on what is normal. In fact in Europe you would be the weirdo who opposes same sex marriage.

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