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    File: 1335644319.png-(588 KB, 585x688, halfmanwholeman.png)
    588 KB Anonymous (ID: VhQd1g7i) 04/28/12(Sat)16:18:39 No.396350884  
    So America, why do so many of you allow the genital mutilation of infant boys?
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:21:41 No.396351380
         File: 1335644501.jpg-(25 KB, 446x315, cutuncut16.jpg)
    25 KB
    Because Jews.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Vnx+Pefe) 04/28/12(Sat)16:22:22 No.396351501
    lol im sure all euro trash look like that
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9yqTluIK) 04/28/12(Sat)16:23:53 No.396351712
    lol i'm sure over 90% amerifags look like that
    oh wait, they do
    >> Anonymous (ID: TXBdUZQe) 04/28/12(Sat)16:24:53 No.396351865
    lol im sure all american trash look like that

    fatty fat fatty
    >> Anonymous (ID: eX1hh22Z) 04/28/12(Sat)16:25:16 No.396351918
    so all yuropoors have massive heads like the inbred faggot in OP's pic? gross.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:25:29 No.396351952
         File: 1335644729.jpg-(53 KB, 802x601, jewcock6.jpg)
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    Actually, no they don't. The guy in the pic is actually Brazilian. But the point is that most Europeans don't allow the unnecessary mutilation of babies.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Qn7sOqTN) 04/28/12(Sat)16:26:52 No.396352147
         File: 1335644812.jpg-(405 KB, 872x1200, otter.jpg)
    405 KB
    let's all be beautiful and stfu
    >> Anonymous (ID: kqr4YF9i) 04/28/12(Sat)16:26:55 No.396352160
    Why is it only uncutfags who save a bunch of pictures of tiny, ugly penises?

    Does it get you hot to stare at them?
    >> Anonymous (ID: uO90anxc) 04/28/12(Sat)16:28:06 No.396352328
    I wish that was a real Francisco Lachowski picture...
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)16:28:17 No.396352349
    sage goes in all fields
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)16:30:07 No.396352628
    ITT: Butthurt cutfags
    >> Anonymous (ID: aMyLOKYa) 04/28/12(Sat)16:30:49 No.396352732
    Oh look, this thread again.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ls8Zy1wV) 04/28/12(Sat)16:31:04 No.396352784
    Because some people want that procedure done, for whatever reasons, and it is not the governments place to decide. If you don't want your son cut, don't do it, which is probably the best route, but that is for the parent to decide
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:31:41 No.396352870
         File: 1335645101.png-(1.84 MB, 1037x778, 1334355802084.png)
    1.84 MB
    Dear America

    Take a look at that picture. It is a picture of an unmutilated penis. You see how clean and healthy the penis in the picture looks? It has a foreskin. It's a fully intact penis. It is how a penis is supposed to look. The glans is actually supposed to be an internal organ. The foreskin protects the glans, keeping it moist and helping to retain sensitivity. The foreskin contains thousands of touch-sensitive nerve endings called Meissner's Corpuscles.

    The foreskin represents at least a third of the penile skin. It protects the glans from abrasion and contact with clothes. The foreskin also increases sexual pleasure by sliding up and down on the shaft, stimulating the glans by alternately covering and exposing it. This can occur during masturbation or intercourse. Friction is minimized, and supplementary lubrication is not needed. Without the foreskin, the glans skin, which is normally moist mucous membrane, becomes dry and thickens considerably in response to continued exposure. This change reduces its sensitivity. In addition, the loss of a secretion called smegma of the inner foreskin layer removes natural lubrication.

    Now look at the picture again. Now back to me. A lot of you Americans reading this do not have a foreskin. Some of you may have had it removed for genuine medical reasons, but most of you would have had it removed while still an infant through no choice of your own.

    You have been mutilated. You have lost an important part of your manhood that you can never get back and was probably taken from you without your consent.

    If I was you, I would be angry. I would demand to know why this needless act of mutilation was carried out on me. Time to wake up to this human rights violation, America.

    The Rest of The Civilized World.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wV+HJ+lU) 04/28/12(Sat)16:31:43 No.396352878
    Haha fucking Americans! Proud of my little hat!
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:33:47 No.396353204
         File: 1335645227.jpg-(72 KB, 678x536, cutuncut.jpg)
    72 KB

    So if it's the parents' choice to decide, then how come it is illegal in the USA the slice off a baby girl's labia?
    >> Anonymous (ID: j0q4xUmZ) 04/28/12(Sat)16:34:19 No.396353280
    dumbass OP using grower vs shower to win a cut vs uncut argument
    >mfw cut is healthier and uncut fags are just jealous
    >> Anonymous (ID: GZ81l9VK) 04/28/12(Sat)16:35:58 No.396353554
         File: 1335645358.png-(197 KB, 636x649, 1305442990002.png)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: RR4br/YN) 04/28/12(Sat)16:36:26 No.396353639
    Guy on left is german, troll harder faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: L2b4a0kR) 04/28/12(Sat)16:37:06 No.396353748
    I'm cut. Don't live in America (Japan here). Don't really think about this; not a problem.
    >> Anonymous (ID: td5zdlFF) 04/28/12(Sat)16:37:45 No.396353841
    Femanon here who craves the uncut cox. AIM me (nucleololus) and ill explain to you why wiminz love teh foreskin :))
    >> Anonymous (ID: PDGvCg3f) 04/28/12(Sat)16:37:59 No.396353886
    So OP, how much of a faggot are you to care whether someone's dick is cut or not? Just get the fuck off 4chan and pretend like you're not gay in real life faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: zvsS0Jcy) 04/28/12(Sat)16:39:08 No.396354085
         File: 1335645548.gif-(858 KB, 256x192, 389292240.gif)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: mM74XEB+) 04/28/12(Sat)16:39:09 No.396354089
    hey dickface! i can snap my dick off whenever i want. thus proving i'm not jelly.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9yqTluIK) 04/28/12(Sat)16:39:13 No.396354104
         File: 1335645553.jpg-(55 KB, 300x300, 10168538.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: UTssBRrZ) 04/28/12(Sat)16:39:34 No.396354158
    Why does the uncut guy have an exposed cock.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:39:52 No.396354216
         File: 1335645592.jpg-(165 KB, 980x942, cutuncutfem.jpg)
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    >Implying OP is male
    >> Anonymous (ID: aMyLOKYa) 04/28/12(Sat)16:40:09 No.396354259
         File: 1335645609.jpg-(5 KB, 259x194, army599.jpg)
    5 KB
    Oh yeah, looks good.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)16:40:20 No.396354281
    5 star thread guys
    >> Anonymous (ID: n5qh3PYF) 04/28/12(Sat)16:41:35 No.396354480
    Mad cutfag detected.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:41:47 No.396354509
         File: 1335645707.jpg-(291 KB, 2816x2016, uncutmasterrace.jpg)
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    I assume you mean an exposed penis glans. The foreskin doesn't always completely cover the glans. Usually when erect, the foreskin slides back down the shaft completely exposing the glans.

    Pic Related: Uncut cawk
    >> Anonymous (ID: aMyLOKYa) 04/28/12(Sat)16:42:05 No.396354552
         File: 1335645725.jpg-(14 KB, 189x267, comparison281.jpg)
    14 KB
    Looking good with foreskin and another infection here ladies!

    Who's ready to suck?!

    Don't worry, it just adds flavor.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wESxYki2) 04/28/12(Sat)16:42:12 No.396354572
    retarded thread is retarded

    >implying cultural differences require explanation
    >> Anonymous (ID: A2iJPNF8) 04/28/12(Sat)16:42:50 No.396354650
    If America is so fat then how did our 1 country beat all of Europe's countries in today's USA vs The World track meet.
    Cut dicks are faster obv.
    Cutting the dick was implemented as a means of adaptation just as taking out the tonsils reduces chance of infection we dont want dick cheese and such so we cut to make sure we dont get infected. Have fun with your fungi.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9yqTluIK) 04/28/12(Sat)16:42:56 No.396354663
         File: 1335645776.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, 827345243.jpg)
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    Hey ladies, what do you think of my mutilated dick?
    >> Anonymous (ID: aMyLOKYa) 04/28/12(Sat)16:43:24 No.396354751
         File: 1335645804.jpg-(10 KB, 215x235, expansion072.jpg)
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    Oh noes! Adhesion! Mine's stuck! No more sex for me!
    >> Anonymous (ID: etcUSIzu) 04/28/12(Sat)16:44:20 No.396354881
         File: 1335645860.jpg-(12 KB, 307x273, 1333608921880.jpg)
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    My favorite part about all of this is how Europeans actually care about American penis. HAHAHAHA faggots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:45:21 No.396355037
         File: 1335645921.jpg-(106 KB, 531x449, cutuncut2.jpg)
    106 KB
    Laughing at all the mad butthurt cutfags ITT
    >> Anonymous (ID: IwQt1Bhh) 04/28/12(Sat)16:45:33 No.396355062
    Im european, cut and not a jew.

    All of my what
    >> Anonymous (ID: aMyLOKYa) 04/28/12(Sat)16:45:59 No.396355137
         File: 1335645959.jpg-(5 KB, 183x276, farm850.jpg)
    5 KB
    Mmmm... Yum!

    Looks like my extra HIV receptor cells got infected because I decided to run around like a jungle freak!

    It's just puss though, why won't the ladies suck it? It's just salty!
    >> Anonymous (ID: kwNnQcwC) 04/28/12(Sat)16:46:03 No.396355149
    gayest thread of all time

    well done /b/
    >> Anonymous (ID: A2iJPNF8) 04/28/12(Sat)16:46:09 No.396355162
         File: 1335645969.jpg-(12 KB, 640x480, dick_cock_cheese_smegma44_jpg_(...).jpg)
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    all the pictures of cut going wrong are 1/30,000 chance of happening, every uncut has this happen.
    >> Anonymous (ID: uT+sX5ZK) 04/28/12(Sat)16:46:23 No.396355194
    Europeans love to compare themselves to us, it causes a pretty big inferiority complex. Also, pretty much all latino Americans like myself are uncut.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IwQt1Bhh) 04/28/12(Sat)16:47:42 No.396355385
    Yeah if you are a fucking hobo and have no access to a source of water
    >> Anonymous (ID: G5YjGhXx) 04/28/12(Sat)16:47:55 No.396355419
    Not all Americans are cut, just so you know. Also, try and get a better picture, a fat ass and a eurotrash are very lopsided. Find me two average fags and compare instead.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:48:13 No.396355469
         File: 1335646093.jpg-(556 KB, 2140x1968, cutuncut6.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: aMyLOKYa) 04/28/12(Sat)16:48:23 No.396355491

    Yum yum ladies! Sebum! Suck it off your man's uncut cock!
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)16:48:44 No.396355549
    The things listed on the picture have little do with your penis. It primararily is about other lifestyle choices.

    Also, why do so many people on /b/ care so much about other men's penises?
    >> Anonymous (ID: wESxYki2) 04/28/12(Sat)16:48:45 No.396355553
    >uncuts post mutilated/botched circumcisions
    >cuts post weird and disgusting foreskins

    I'm uncut and my cock is basically 'cut' when in any state of arousal 'chubb --> boner

    My foreskin is back 60-70% of the time

    only phismosis fags (poor bastards) and botched circ jobs (poor bastards) have any right to be in this arguement...the difference between a normal uncut and an effective cut is negligible in a sexual sense as the foreskin completely retracts

    my uncut cock never smells or looks weird just as the cut dicks haven't lost all sensitivity

    >The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
    Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:48:55 No.396355576
         File: 1335646135.jpg-(400 KB, 2120x1600, cutuncut13.jpg)
    400 KB
    To be circumcised is to have been damaged. Damaged for the sake of control over the body in the harshest way; denial of pleasure. Slaves in Egypt were circumcised as a means of control. Slaves meant to care for women were castrated. The jews continued this practice after their freedom as a way to sacrifice earthly pleasure for the glory of their god - with the promise that their body would be restored to them after death, so that their pleasure would be received in heaven. In America circumcision found a champion in a doctor taking advantage of Victorian morality and he prescribed circumcision as a method to prevent children from masturbating, ensuring their innocent 'godly' minds would forever avoid their intimate regions. The practice continues through influence for the sake of monetary gains; hospitals now make upwards of $600 per circumcision.

    The circumcised male is to be pitied. His experience has been muted and his being sundered. If performed without his consent then he should be outraged. What was taken can never be returned. What was taken was a birthright.
    Pity the circumcised flesh, it is diminished.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ppdGND1M) 04/28/12(Sat)16:49:48 No.396355693
    all the people who say that uncut makes the experience feel better would have to have felt sex with an uncut and cut penis to prove that

    so we can safely say, they're all fags?
    >> Anonymous (ID: kkgQM2hh) 04/28/12(Sat)16:49:53 No.396355706
    Are you new?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)16:49:57 No.396355719
         File: 1335646197.png-(879 KB, 1177x876, cununcut22.png)
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    Ever since I have learned about the damaging effects of male circumcision, my entire life has been hell. I can't stop thinking about how a normal, erogenous part of my body was cut off of me for absolutely no reason WITHOUT MY CONSENT. North America is completely brainwashed into thinking that it's no big deal. You hear on and on about how Female Circumcision is terrible, but no one in this country cares about how harmful it is to males. I would do anything do get my foreskin back.

    You have a whole brainwashed nation cutting up children as if it doesn't even matter. People are so uneducated on the subject that pretty much anyone who learns the harms of circumcision denounces it completely. Some even say "well if he doesn't do it as a baby, you think he's going to do it as an adult?" as if it's a requirement for people to get circumcised! They don't even realize that you're not supposed to be!

    Why is it not banned? Why is it perfectly legal for a doctor to cut off such a sexually stimulating part of a male's body? If men had the same protection against genital mutilation as women did, this wouldn't have happened to me or any other males.

    It makes me sick to think that this still goes on in 2012. It needs to be stopped. But how? Could we maybe do an anonymous survey across the country explaining the damage it does, and ask people if they regret it being done to them as children? We need to silence the people who say "Oh, tell me one man who is bothered by his circumcision!". People need to start speaking out, to let it be known that there are tons upon tons of people out there that are furious that they got their penis cut up at birth.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wESxYki2) 04/28/12(Sat)16:50:11 No.396355753
    you're retarded or trolling
    if trolling watch retards fall for it
    >> Anonymous (ID: zYck5sUk) 04/28/12(Sat)16:50:14 No.396355763
    i have smegma. i still get laid. the girl washes it beforehand if you haven't already.

    a real deal breaker, i know.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:50:38 No.396355827
         File: 1335646238.png-(410 KB, 602x694, cutuncut1.png)
    410 KB

    1. Live in denial, pretend cutting off erogenous tissue somehow improves the organ, pretend losing parts of your penis is natural, pretend a surgically altered penis is the way a penis should look, pretend your doctors/parents didn't opt for you to have painful genital surgery that is the result of a very sex negative culture and a culture that fears masturbation, pretend losing 10-20k nerve endings doesn't affect sensation.

    2. Admit your penis is inferior, admit what was done to your was harmful, admit that a normal natural penis has function and pleasure and nerve endings that your does not. Admit your parents and doctors forced a surgery on your for cosmetic and fear based reasons that posed immediately health complications and the possibility of death, and carries high risk of complication. Admit you will never experience sex as nature intended it. Admit that cutting off parts of baby boy genitals is wrong for the same reason cutting off parts of baby girl genitals is wrong.
    >> Anonymous (ID: G5YjGhXx) 04/28/12(Sat)16:50:51 No.396355853
    How about a dick is a dick? Can you fags settle for that?
    >> Anonymous (ID: U23CfEvq) 04/28/12(Sat)16:51:09 No.396355904
         File: 1335646269.jpg-(81 KB, 580x657, 1334782326933.jpg)
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    Mmm I love cheese!

    p.s., Americans only have half a dick because it gets cut in half by jews when they are born
    >> Anonymous (ID: v2v+q+yn) 04/28/12(Sat)16:51:27 No.396355935
    cut european:
    >has pictures of naked men
    >> Anonymous (ID: iKq65j5P) 04/28/12(Sat)16:51:27 No.396355941
    100% chance of cut losing sensitivity and being unable to jerk off without lube.

    smegma is only the result of not cleaning yourself. so it only happens if you're a dirty person.
    >> Anonymous (ID: jQf6DIKv) 04/28/12(Sat)16:52:14 No.396356071
    >not cut

    >> Anonymous (ID: 6aszSxjF) 04/28/12(Sat)16:52:29 No.396356108
    12 year olds arguing about something they think matters again
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)16:52:42 No.396356134
    >So America, why do so many of you allow the genital mutilation of infant boys?
    just so we can piss you off and here you moan about baby penises in these threads like the pederast you are OP.

    why do you allow the horrific genital mutilation of little girls in third world country without any care whatsoever?
    they need your help more than boys in the first world who couldn't give a shit about your pissing and moaning.

    whiney uncut threads = trolling and homosexuality
    >> Anonymous (ID: QgHoTZbh) 04/28/12(Sat)16:52:42 No.396356135
    Just so we're clear, Jews are about the same level as Muslims and Christians...but with more grotesque cocks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: dwoN/OZS) 04/28/12(Sat)16:52:53 No.396356174
    whats with all of this faggot shit? you fucking homos fap to traps, trannies and hentai.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9fg2/D5T) 04/28/12(Sat)16:53:40 No.396356291
    >has never used lube
    Also, have fun blowing your load 3 seconds into actual sex. You'll never please a woman :D
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:53:54 No.396356318
         File: 1335646434.jpg-(49 KB, 444x166, cutuncut7.jpg)
    49 KB
    HEY CUTFAGS, Girls prefer sex with uncut men

    Butthurt, cutfags?
    >> Anonymous (ID: dwoN/OZS) 04/28/12(Sat)16:54:32 No.396356420
    what difference if im cut or uncut, your mom doesnt seem to mind
    >> Anonymous (ID: T/qTJiDB) 04/28/12(Sat)16:54:57 No.396356486
    or we could consider the fact that a circumsized penis is FAR more sanitary, and much less prone to infections than an uncut penis. Enjoy your smegma on your smelly, uncut euroweenie.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 32fUN6sG) 04/28/12(Sat)16:55:21 No.396356531
    Skinny faggot legs are skinny and faggot.

    And this is coming from an uncut eurofag. Just sayin...
    >> Anonymous (ID: iC3Q0hdT) 04/28/12(Sat)16:55:42 No.396356576
    if you dont wash your dick obviously its gonna be salty cut or uncut anyway !
    >> Anonymous (ID: XFYiWiBr) 04/28/12(Sat)16:55:47 No.396356583
    Getting my child cut. More hygienic. Only eurotrash start debates like this. Just trying to fish more reasons to hate us. All well.
    >> Anonymous (ID: dwoN/OZS) 04/28/12(Sat)16:56:00 No.396356629
    >calls people fags.
    >sits here and talks about other dude's dicks
    >> Anonymous (ID: y96akiko) 04/28/12(Sat)16:56:04 No.396356646
         File: 1335646564.jpg-(8 KB, 217x200, uncut.jpg)
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    cut or uncut

    all you cut fa­ggots wouldn't know a real meal if it was poured down your mom's throat and then passed on to you

    you were mutilated at birth and will never know what a real meal tastes like

    go fucking die you mutilated horseshit
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:56:25 No.396356698
         File: 1335646585.jpg-(168 KB, 1216x190, cutuncut5.jpg)
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    You seem angry. Why not direct your anger towards your ignorant parents who allowed someone slice up your dick, instead of us uncuts who are against all genital mutilation (male or female).
    >> Anonymous (ID: kkgQM2hh) 04/28/12(Sat)16:56:34 No.396356721

    More sensitive, feels better
    Easier to get an erection
    Looks practically the same as cut when erect

    Can get hard too easily (Girl sitting in lap, boner is imminent)
    Chance that you won't find out you had a wet dream until the next bathing.
    Skin gets caught in zipper.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 37PKbOaA) 04/28/12(Sat)16:56:35 No.396356724
    >being unable to jerk off without lube

    You probably shouldn't speak on this matter since you're prone to making things up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: xzAYwUCc) 04/28/12(Sat)16:57:18 No.396356820
         File: 1335646638.jpg-(41 KB, 328x500, gonorrhea.jpg)
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    hahahah i lol @ all these amerifags who decided to just hate and call us retards because they cannot create a decent argument for why they are mutliated dumbfucks.
    Also posting a picture of an infected cock with an uncut foreskin doesnt prove shit. i could find hundreds of cut cocks with infection.

    pic related.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)16:57:40 No.396356886

    O rly? Then why do women prefer sex with uncut men?

    lol u mad.
    >> Anonymous (ID: uOz3onw8) 04/28/12(Sat)16:58:35 No.396357005
         File: 1335646715.jpg-(55 KB, 560x420, 3.jpg)
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    uncut is the best [=
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7u2le+CD) 04/28/12(Sat)16:58:50 No.396357057
    lol im cut and i really dont give a fuck..because all the girls ive been with really dont give a fuck..a dick is a dick..why do all you uncuts constantly want to have reinforced feelings that being uncut is one cares
    >> Anonymous (ID: wESxYki2) 04/28/12(Sat)16:58:58 No.396357079
    >never had smelly dick
    >never had smegma
    >never had phismosis
    >hardly have any noticeable foreskin cos I don't have a 5" microcock

    all facts completely unrelated to this faggoted arguement
    >> Anonymous (ID: 32fUN6sG) 04/28/12(Sat)16:59:00 No.396357092
    Lots of truth in here.

    Cutfags, understand this. Showers have been invented since the days of Moses. It is now completely unnecessary to cut off part of your dick in order to keep it clean.

    Soap + water. It works, faggots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: dwoN/OZS) 04/28/12(Sat)16:59:10 No.396357120
    bets everyone posting in this thread dresses up like a bitch when mommy's at work. fucking homos
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)16:59:22 No.396357151
         File: 1335646762.jpg-(47 KB, 520x390, how-US-sees-world-e12858886002(...).jpg)
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    hehehe these are strong with funny. derp amuricans are fat and they have tiny cawks. LOLOLOL. Hurrr. But this only applies to evil white americans huuuur. herp derp
    >> Anonymous (ID: L6C1XJ+X) 04/28/12(Sat)16:59:41 No.396357195
    You know who runs shit in our country, man.

    Don't make me say it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8g91LPC4) 04/28/12(Sat)16:59:49 No.396357215
    >American and uncut.

    Where is your god now?

    Captcha; "Moral" tynesen.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)16:59:52 No.396357225
    >(male or female).
    lol that's HILARIOUS

    you've only started to give a shit about girls after i've brought it up OVER AND OVER AND OVER again

    cut here.


    cut and happy :)

    deal with it loser and get a fucking life.
    stop spending your days crying about baby dicks.
    you won't get to fuck them. there are laws against that sort of thing so your whiteknighting is for nothing.

    BWUAHAAHAHA at all the fail
    >> Anonymous (ID: GKXd84EF) 04/28/12(Sat)17:00:38 No.396357340
    Ron Jeremy. US born Jew. His dick is cut & bigger than the combined might of the entire euro nation.
    "Fuck you, fuck the plane you flew in on, fuck your mush mouth teeth, fuck david beckam & fuck the queen. My president is black & my lambo is blue nigga. Now shut the fuck up & get out of my hotel room. & if i see you on the street. Im slapping the shit out of you."
    >> Anonymous (ID: wESxYki2) 04/28/12(Sat)17:00:54 No.396357393
    >founded your country
    mfw you're an embarrassment and we're the cradle of art, music and literature
    >> Anonymous (ID: X2ap8j4+) 04/28/12(Sat)17:01:05 No.396357432
         File: 1335646865.jpg-(213 KB, 1318x1051, 1278122343952.jpg)
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    EUROTRASH are skinny starving bums who use drugs to cope with oppression.

    AMERICANS are stronger, faster, more muscular athletes and soldiers kicking terrorist ass all over this planet.

    Nice try, peasant eurobum.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1yOby2Wm) 04/28/12(Sat)17:01:21 No.396357487

    I heard the US were Christians.. SO they are christfags with jew cocks ?
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:01:48 No.396357573
         File: 1335646908.png-(37 KB, 689x818, cutuncut12.png)
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    Yup, you're correct.

    Hey Americans, why so Jew-slave?
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:02:16 No.396357646
    just jelly of our american cultural hegemony.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Cx+FSbwW) 04/28/12(Sat)17:02:39 No.396357705
    your uncut penises are as beautiful as your unfixed teeth. the human body can always be improved. gnarlmouth mouldcock faggots
    >> Anonymous (ID: c9d3EFk3) 04/28/12(Sat)17:02:49 No.396357736
    US Army:
    We leave the lens caps on our optics
    >> Anonymous (ID: X2ap8j4+) 04/28/12(Sat)17:03:06 No.396357793
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    Look at all the pathetic, jealous europussies.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:03:12 No.396357806
         File: 1335646992.png-(223 KB, 527x600, cutuncut8.png)
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    lol u mad
    >> Anonymous (ID: dwoN/OZS) 04/28/12(Sat)17:03:27 No.396357851

    forgive me, i must be jealous because i dont want to talk about throbbing cocks. call up your boyfriends and see if they feel like talking all faggish.
    >> Anonymous (ID: zngs0D/4) 04/28/12(Sat)17:03:28 No.396357852
    guys shut the fuck up about this. uncut cocks look like a slug wrapped in a meat blanket and cut cocks look like a veiny rod. uncut cocks are not bigger, cut are not bigger, either. many american females like cut cocks, many european girls like uncut cocks. if you really are arguing about whos dick is better, you dont deserve a cock. im a cutfag, and girls love my dick. i have no problems with it whatsoever either. i know uncutfags the exact same way.

    tl;dr: shut the fuck up you faggots.

    inb4 trolls and uneducated opinionated arguments
    >> Anonymous (ID: uOz3onw8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:03:56 No.396357927
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    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:04:17 No.396357970
    american army ... the irony... only became america because the FRENCH won the war of independence for them

    losing every war since WW2 and think they're 'badass'

    morbidly obese, the fattest blubberwankers in the world

    >> Anonymous (ID: PsjjLvvu) 04/28/12(Sat)17:04:49 No.396358059
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    2000 year BC
    random sand nigger walking in sand. it's hot.
    he can barely get water to drink, not to say anything about washing.
    his dick is dirty and smelly.
    Suddenly an idea comes to his head.....

    mfw it's 2012
    mfw I have hot water
    mfw I wash every day
    mfw I am not a sand nigger
    mfw I don't live in the sand
    mfw random americunts ITT: hurr durr cut dick is good
    >> Anonymous (ID: ugaCxFxm) 04/28/12(Sat)17:05:00 No.396358096
         File: 1335647100.jpg-(22 KB, 375x338, 1263103735700.jpg)
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    ITT jelly eurofags

    y u always have to compare yourself to US.

    mad that were better in everything we do

    mad that all eurofag are shit teeth inbreds

    mad that eurofag "masterrace" is actually filled with autists, inbreds, and the nigger flood from the south.

    umad eurofags?

    looks like.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:05:21 No.396358150
         File: 1335647121.jpg-(287 KB, 1295x1667, cutuncut23.jpg)
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    Hey cutcandy-asss,

    Whats it like to have a mutilated penis because some Jewish doctors during the Victorian period thought their sex-hating sex-fearing religion had the solution to masturbation and the things they thought it cased (epilepsy, insanity, scoliosis, etc.).

    Whats it like to be the victim of a surgical operation designed to generate the jews/doctors/hospitals profit by denying you pleasurable parts of your penis so they can make money on the operation, and the foreskin they sell.

    What it like having part of your body taken away from you as a child so it can be sold to cosmetic skin companies so really old bitches can put your mutilated foreskin in creams on their faces to try to reduce their rinkles?

    Whats it like not having autonomy and not having complete control and power over your own body and the life long decisions that affect it?

    Whats it like not having a right (genital integrity) that every female in this country has?
    >> Anonymous (ID: OV7JSiFP) 04/28/12(Sat)17:05:32 No.396358175
    why is there so much concern over other men's dicks
    >> Anonymous (ID: X2ap8j4+) 04/28/12(Sat)17:06:25 No.396358325
         File: 1335647185.gif-(174 KB, 600x517, 1308958355001.gif)
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    europeans are such useless retards.

    The typical european looks like a holocaust victim.
    >> Anonymous (ID: zngs0D/4) 04/28/12(Sat)17:06:36 No.396358370
    French forces fought the British in the West Indies, Africa and India. They had five battalions of French infantry and artillery in Rhode Island to fight the British.

    ^^their high points

    you didnt really do shit frenchy.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:06:44 No.396358387
    thought you uncuts said the head popped out when it was erect.

    hahahaah proof you were LYING as usual.

    disgusting dairydick is disgusting (and shooped to look bigger)
    >> Anonymous (ID: aMyLOKYa) 04/28/12(Sat)17:07:00 No.396358430

    >A New Zealand study...

    Yeah, because I take my scientific advice from Frodo and the sheep headers.

    New Zealand is a beautiful country, but not really known for its scientific studies.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:07:05 No.396358440
    Hello faggots. Today is the day we are all gonna know the truth. Cut or uncut?
    Ofcourse the mayority of people already know the truth but for the butthurt minority who can't accept it, here are some facts.

    1: Cumdumpsters enjoy uncut cocks more than cut cocks.

    2: Fapping feels better.

    3: Cicumcision sensitivity.

    4: Despite the reduced sensitivity, cutfags last just as long as uncutfags when fucking.

    5: Cutfags have a more difficult time fapping.

    Which was the reason it was promoted in the USA.

    6: Increases erectile disfunctions.

    7: If too much skin is removed in circumcision, it can make the cawk smaller since the dong needs some skin to expand during an erection:

    8: Circumcision does not lower chance on AIDS.

    9: Circumcision is more hygienic.
    Partially true. But who the fuck doesn't clean their dick? It's a three second job so this is not a valid argument.

    10: Uncut looks like an anteater.
    In flaccid state, sometimes true. But who the fuck cares about flaccid dicks? No one. Flaccid dicks are for peeing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +jbXx7lU) 04/28/12(Sat)17:08:02 No.396358610

    what's so fucking hard to understand? it's better for reducing STD contraction rates if men are circumcised -- therefore better for the population -- therefore just fucking better. End of fucking discussion you dumbasses.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:08:20 No.396358664
         File: 1335647300.jpg-(132 KB, 549x362, themoreyouknow.jpg)
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    what cracks me the fuck up is when you look at the torah and then understand why eurofags hate jews so much. It actually states that non jew white people are savages who can be murdered like animals. The Moar You Know! (evil theremin sound)
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:09:04 No.396358783
    they fought all through north america you liar.
    where was lafayette again dick for brain?

    if it were not for the french you would have been FUCKED UP THE ARSE by the british (well you were anyway, you started out as a penal colony before australia)

    btw dick for brain: not french. typical americunt. thinks that if you speak up for someone you must BE them 'cause americans only understand self interest
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:09:45 No.396358912
         File: 1335647385.jpg-(26 KB, 360x331, cutuncut18.jpg)
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    Hey America,

    How do you feel knowing that your foreskin ended up in your mother's facial moisturiser?

    lol Ammurikka
    >> Anonymous (ID: AobLc9Y1) 04/28/12(Sat)17:09:48 No.396358917
    my girlfriend says that circumsized penises look better than uncircumsized. That's all I care about
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:10:37 No.396359041
    oh it's you again
    WHITE COUNTRIES FOR THE EVERYONE ...blah de blah de bullshit.

    killing some free time?
    your KKK robes in the wash again?
    getting the semen stains out?
    >> Anonymous (ID: dRhQIPat) 04/28/12(Sat)17:10:51 No.396359080
    Uh, I'm from the Philippines and over here, to be uncircumcised is an insult. So 50 million Filipino males are either circumcised or lie about it to avoid shame & humiliation.

    Just some perspective from not-America and not-Europe.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:11:01 No.396359090
    Circumcision video

    Disgustingly cruel
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:11:56 No.396359231
    it's my dream.
    i complimented it with liberal doses of semen (for medicinal reasons only of course)

    next question babyfucker?
    >> Anonymous (ID: +jbXx7lU) 04/28/12(Sat)17:11:57 No.396359235
    Your msnbc link number 8 does not link to any fucking article, try again retard.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:12:07 No.396359264
    Christopher Hitchens on circumcision
    >> Anonymous (ID: zngs0D/4) 04/28/12(Sat)17:12:23 No.396359317
    hey fucknut, i said their high points, not all their points. still didnt do much.

    btw dick for brain: not American. typical whatever-you-are. thinks that if you speak up for someone you must BE them cuz you only understand self interest

    >3: Cicumcision sensitivity.
    lol, that MUST be a factual report.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:13:04 No.396359440
    i had an orgasm
    more please
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:14:24 No.396359659
         File: 1335647664.jpg-(75 KB, 817x508, cutuncut4.jpg)
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    Argumentum ad hominem

    You mad, cutfag?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:15:20 No.396359810
    It feels pretty fucking outrageous to have been sexually mutilated when I was a day old. I was fucking defenseless. The people who should have been protecting me, my secular parents, were busing not thinking about shit.

    >Oh, you wanna cut a perfectly functional, vital part of my son's dick off because that's just how things are done around here? Sure, why the fuck not.

    I can never be whole again unless we get some fucking nanobots that can rebuild my foreskin. Oh, and BTW, my younger brother had part of his tip sliced off accidentally during his mutilation. Do you think my dumb ass parents woke up and said

    >maybe that's not a good thing to do to perfect little babies.

    Nope one more baby boy came along and wouldn't you know with his foreskin! Fuck that shit. It's a barbaric, evil, uninformed, Jewish, harmful, traumatizing practice which should be outlawed immediately on all but those who give their consent. That's how I feel about it, OP.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +jbXx7lU) 04/28/12(Sat)17:15:21 No.396359817
    hey everyone, look, this guy is repeating some latin words he heard somewhere once.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:16:43 No.396360023
    >hey fucknut,
    yes cuntnugget?

    >i said their high points, not all their points.
    you and i both know you were trying to mislead the argument so suck my glorious uncut cock you faggot

    > still didnt do much.
    there's gratitude for you as usual
    we do most of the work and you take all the credit.
    fuck you cunts. i hope you get buttfucked by loads of muzzers

    >btw dick for brain: not American.
    yeah sure. you cunts are always canadians when you go on holiday. you know how hated you are

    > typical whatever-you-are.
    oh you're sooo funny. i piss myself with laughter

    >thinks that if you speak up for someone you must BE them cuz you only understand self interest

    >> Anonymous (ID: zngs0D/4) 04/28/12(Sat)17:17:49 No.396360217
    lmao, i love you <3
    >> Anonymous (ID: pQZ98lhc) 04/28/12(Sat)17:17:56 No.396360239
         File: 1335647876.png-(71 KB, 606x591, 1282462576493.png)
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    hey man only the shithole eastern 3/4 of the country cuts their dicks off.

    Over here in the west we don't let jews and puritans decide on baby mutilation
    >> Anonymous (ID: EtVx+LJO) 04/28/12(Sat)17:17:57 No.396360241
    hahahaha all the butthurt in this thread is amazing
    9/10 good job op
    good job
    also cutfags why don't you just an hero all of you? posting on this thread won't make your penis come back to how it was before.
    >> Anonymous (ID: xLEv8RO8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:19:06 No.396360445
    I'm amazed at all the butthurt Americans in this thread.

    We circumcised men are not obsessed with the state of Americas foreskins. The fact that so many of you have resorted to gay jokes to defend your disabled genitalia is hilarious.

    The rest of the world is so baffled by your widespread circumcisions because YOU DO IT FOR NO FUCKING REASON!

    The rest of the world practices circumcision because for whatever reason it has become part of their religion or culture. Most of these cultures are what we would consider "backwards" and mutilate their bodies for deep symbolic reasons. Your country however circumcises simply because you think that cutting parts off of baby boys is normal.

    I'm not going to go into the benefits of cut vs uncut. I just want you to think for a moment. One of the first things that you experienced in life was having your body altered for no real reason and for very little gain.

    Without your permission

    And this is considered normal in your society
    >> Anonymous (ID: F0heyNS2) 04/28/12(Sat)17:19:10 No.396360460
    LOL it's funny how you're comparing my country to your continent
    >> Anonymous (ID: dRhQIPat) 04/28/12(Sat)17:19:27 No.396360504

    Feel lucky you had it done before you were old enough to remember.

    Over here, baby circumcisions take a back-seat to circumcisions done while the boy is in elementary school. Around 10-15 is the standard age for circumcision here. And not even by a doctor or a mohel(sp?). Just some guy with a knife beside a river. Right after getting cut, the kid jumps in the river (to numb the pain?) Then they have to wear a dress for the next few weeks until *it* heals.
    >> Anonymous (ID: pWh+4cJ9) 04/28/12(Sat)17:19:36 No.396360531
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    My boyfriend is the first uncircumcised man I've been with. His technique and size aside, the sex with him is better BECAUSE he is so much more responsive down there. I love knowing he's ready to fuck anytime because his dick responds to the slightest touch. When I jerk him off I don't have to keep wetting it up, and when I blow him I can feel how smooth the head is. It's so wet and sensitive all the time, and I know this guy enjoys sex so much more than any cut guy I've ever been with. He can cum so quickly if we have to be fast.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YEZi37hS) 04/28/12(Sat)17:20:33 No.396360683
    How can I get my foreskin back?
    >> Anonymous (ID: zxRlXuI6) 04/28/12(Sat)17:21:58 No.396360938
    I love my foreskin. Feels fucking awesome when you stroke the back of your head with your foreskin pulled back. Something you cutfags will never experience.

    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:22:37 No.396361042
    >It feels pretty fucking outrageous to have been sexually mutilated when I was a day old.
    whiney little first world poofter with his first world 'can't find anything better to feel like i've had a hard life about' teeny angst.

    >I was fucking defenseless.
    and brainless. nothing's changed there

    >The people who should have been protecting me,

    > my secular parents, were busing not thinking about shit.
    if you were my kid i would have asked the doctors to start your snip at the neck.

    tl;dr - "WAAAAAAAAH my parents cut my wee wee which i can't even remember 'cause i was a day old
    why oh WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY didn't they get a consent form from me first ... waaaah waaaaah waaaaaah FUCK a bunch of little girls in the third world who make anything i had look like a lollypop.. i'll moan about ME ME MEEEEEEE 'cause i'm so WOUUUUUUUUNDED ... oh WHY god have you forsaken me in mah dick agony"

    spare me your ballerina bustout moment you simpering little girlyman. get a fucking life... seriously.. get one
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:23:26 No.396361170
    I laugh at all the butthurt cutfags and their hygiene argument.

    Pic Related: Typical retarded cutfag argument lol
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:24:43 No.396361373
         File: 1335648283.jpg-(47 KB, 485x800, 1335137316334.jpg)
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    I derped. Here's the pic.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:25:07 No.396361450
    O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews

    Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

    Jews Have Superior Legal Status

    Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."

    Jews May Steal from Non-Jews

    Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b). Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..."

    Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews

    Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

    Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

    Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

    Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

    Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human

    Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

    Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

    Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

    ALL hail the magnificent genocidal EU!
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:25:23 No.396361497
    >when you stroke the back of your head with your foreskin pulled back
    >when you stroke the back of your head with your foreskin
    > back of your head with your foreskin

    you're either a dickhead or you need to contact the guinness book of world records
    >> Anonymous (ID: n0rdnroS) 04/28/12(Sat)17:25:32 No.396361527
    ITT: Uncutfags with small dicks.

    You gotta be proud of something, why not the extra skin flap, surely you're much happier with your uncut 5 inches then I am with my beautiful 8 inch hammer cock.

    Deal with it faggots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: zxRlXuI6) 04/28/12(Sat)17:26:15 No.396361657

    I lol'd,


    and this
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZKvuScj7) 04/28/12(Sat)17:26:18 No.396361662
    You guys sure love to talk about dicks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:27:06 No.396361794
    especially jew cawks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:29:33 No.396362203
    you do realise of course that a lot of jewish edicts have been out of use for a couple of thousand years .. right?

    do the christians still stone adulteresses?
    or get the shits for you wearing two types of cloth at the same time?

    or for saying jehovah?

    how much of this shit have the joobies been actually DOING??

    i think you'll find they've had all that sort of shit done to THEM!

    your sheets must be dry by now my little grand wizard.
    off you toddle
    >> Anonymous (ID: Aky3VxmV) 04/28/12(Sat)17:30:13 No.396362301
    do you really have 8 inches?

    nice :D
    >> Anonymous (ID: Ajznwwqq) 04/28/12(Sat)17:30:48 No.396362397
    So son, what did you do today?

    argued about DICKS........ and called them a faggot because they didnt wan to talk about dicks.

    >> Anonymous (ID: YEZi37hS) 04/28/12(Sat)17:30:58 No.396362430
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:31:55 No.396362582
         File: 1335648715.jpg-(77 KB, 600x563, jewcock3.jpg)
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    He was talking about the frenulum at the back of the penis head which feels awesome to touch...oh wait, you wouldn't know about that because you have a mutilated Jewcock.
    >> Anonymous (ID: dRhQIPat) 04/28/12(Sat)17:32:24 No.396362668
         File: 1335648744.jpg-(12 KB, 285x177, jhvh.jpg)
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    >or for saying jehovah?
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:35:06 No.396363086

    Look up foregen and donate. Unless some medical breakthrough occurs, you will never have your foreskin and 20,000 fine-touch nerve endings back. Sorry dude.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /iA0+yf8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:36:36 No.396363335
         File: 1335648996.jpg-(324 KB, 1536x2048, htc desire 106.jpg)
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    cutfag here.....NEVER had a complaint....if you know what you're doing, its going to be good regardless...
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:36:48 No.396363364
    heaven you stupid fucking tripfag - FUCK Christianity. IT is non jews worshiping one of thousands of retarded rejected jew messiahs. BTW christfags never claimed to be god's chosen fucking people. They never talked about jew children being subhuman or murdering jews. Or lying to jews. Stop defending that retarded barbaric religion and trashing one of its retarded spin off religions. Your tiny cut jew cock is showing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YEZi37hS) 04/28/12(Sat)17:39:03 No.396363761

    My whole life was only into having sex. And now after I saw these fucking cut/uncut threads i became the reality in my face. My whole life is a lie, and I will never know what real sex is.

    That's a shame, probably an hero.
    >> Anonymous (ID: fbRwau0d) 04/28/12(Sat)17:40:55 No.396364127
    cutfag americunt here

    i'm in pretty good shape actually
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:42:14 No.396364361
         File: 1335649334.jpg-(104 KB, 410x324, cutuncut19.jpg)
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    Sex will still feel good if you're cut, just not AS good. No reason to kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:42:22 No.396364385
    lol ... yes... i'm busted

    "i'm not the messiah"
    "you are all individuals"
    "yes, we are all individuals ..... (i'm not)"
    >> Anonymous (ID: qb0CGOUF) 04/28/12(Sat)17:42:47 No.396364471
    Hey eurofags, I hope you enjoy your dick cheese.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:43:38 No.396364614

    your biggest sex organ is between your ears!

    when are you sloppycocks ever going to learn that?
    >> Anonymous (ID: +SmR1Zt3) 04/28/12(Sat)17:44:15 No.396364729
    i smell some butthurt uncut fags. or that might be smegma, lol. I'd be jealous too if my dick stunk like fucking cheese. too bad you cant be like us.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YEZi37hS) 04/28/12(Sat)17:45:46 No.396364975

    For sure, I need at least 30 minutes to cum in a fucking vagina. Can't cum on blowjob. Stranger handjob is only hurting.

    I always thought that's normal and I'm just in the luck that I can fuck bitches better than an uncutfag, but now I see why all the other guys are so selfish in the bed. And I want to be like that as well.

    It sux.
    >> Anonymous (ID: L6C1XJ+X) 04/28/12(Sat)17:46:31 No.396365098
    who is that guy on the right?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:47:16 No.396365208
    me too!
    i'm off to throw myself from a bridge.
    i've left a suicide note and some poignant stanzas of moving poetry about the thwarted life i lived hobbled by the crippling handicap of not having a couple of millimetres of useless flesh on the end of my clamdigger.

    the shame


    ALL MY ORGASMS (thousands of them) WERE A COMPLETE>>>>LIE<<<<<



    (if i survive i think i'll become a hairdresser and moan about my penis on /b/)
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:47:41 No.396365276

    Meissner's corpuscles say you're wrong.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:48:42 No.396365423
    latest entry from the sloppycock propaganda dept

    hands up who's convinced ....
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8NNcHHEo) 04/28/12(Sat)17:49:05 No.396365487
    an uncut could always be cut if they wanted to be, on the other hand, a cut is a cut..
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:49:48 No.396365591
    btw how fucking conceited is it to be genetically a sand nigger and to cut and paste your retarded delusional bronze age religion in place of your fucking "race"? Most of you are atheists. How the fuck are you still a jew? It is like me calling myself a Buddhist when I don't practice Buddhism. Cut the shit faggots. Your religion is fucked up too. And you are about as special as a colostomy bag.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:50:17 No.396365665
    you have conversations with blood vessels?
    i think you need to take your tablets.

    your brain is how you get turned on.
    anyone who's been a bit rude in a float tank can tell you that (heheeheheh)
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:50:40 No.396365725
         File: 1335649840.jpg-(1.18 MB, 1920x1400, cutuncut11.jpg)
    1.18 MB

    Erm.. but we can be cut if we wanted to. We have the choice, and we choose not to get cut. We also have soap and showers.

    You don't have the choice. You were mutilated without your consent. It must have a massive psychological effect on you cutfags. I genuinely pity you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hz8Qcmz8) 04/28/12(Sat)17:50:52 No.396365758
    some dude who probably lives in LA.
    >> Anonymous (ID: D5AkVDY5) 04/28/12(Sat)17:51:11 No.396365808
    Sure is insecure about your own dick in here. That goes for both you uncut and cut fags, though it seems to be a lot of circlejerking for the uncuts.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:52:22 No.396365958
    not really.
    it's harder and riskier when you get older (so a retired charge sister told me with 60 years experience)
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:55:34 No.396366459
    >> Anonymous (ID: fVCds9qH) 04/28/12(Sat)17:55:47 No.396366493

    unwashed americunt detected
    >> Anonymous (ID: L6C1XJ+X) 04/28/12(Sat)17:56:29 No.396366610
    Some Christians are stuck on circumcision because of its role in God's "covenant" with Abraham in the Old Testament, which eventually beget their Lord and Savior Baby Jeeburs. It's become a cultural thing. There's a silent pressure from society to circumcise your children. It's asinine, but it's there.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8NNcHHEo) 04/28/12(Sat)17:56:43 No.396366641
    they could still have it done.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wESxYki2) 04/28/12(Sat)17:56:50 No.396366660

    My head's '/popped' maybe 90% of the time

    this guy is the uncut equicvalent of a botched circumcision....basically presenting freaks as the universal whole = every argument in this thread
    basically we all arn't fags and basically don't realise how pathetic a discussion this is
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:57:00 No.396366683
    Penn & Teller Circumcision episode

    Part 1
    Part 2
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:57:01 No.396366686
    sloppycock : uses 'mutilated' as if that alarmist word bothers cuts one bit.
    insults the children who are REALLY mutilated in the third world.

    i bring up the girls getting FGM in the third world who scream in agony and die of sepsis in a lot of cases and the interest of these 'heroes' of preventing 'mutilation' started off being not interested enough even to comment to .. (after about two dozen threads like this) having the heartwarming reaction of about TWO posts after mine of interest.


    gotta love the double standard

    poor black girl of 6 getting ripped to shreds with a dirty razor blade or a broken bottle ... who gives a fuck?

    middle class white boys who can't even remember it being done, in sanitary conditions, in a hospital, taking seconds .... OOOOOOOH LORDIE!!! CALL THE COPS!!!

    stay classy cheesy chubbies
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)17:59:18 No.396367068
    what part of 'harder' or 'riskier' was over your head there zippy?
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)17:59:21 No.396367078

    >gotta love the double standard

    Yup, that double standard whereby girls have a right to genital integrity in the USA but boys don't.

    You mad, cutfag? You try deflection tactics?

    or maybe you're just a filthy Jew.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:01:03 No.396367364

    We could still have it done. Harder/riskier, doesn't matter. We've still got the choice. You don't. Keep clutching at straws, cutfag.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WPc2M/7P) 04/28/12(Sat)18:02:33 No.396367613
    lol cutfags saying that they have less chances to get aids, made by doctors jews, they'r controlling u cut boy. jews girls say they love cuts dry cock, that don't smell bad, well ur pussy smell 10 times worse
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3cbvsrtJ) 04/28/12(Sat)18:03:26 No.396367754
         File: 1335650606.jpg-(126 KB, 600x800, Photo3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: YNV4E3CH) 04/28/12(Sat)18:06:45 No.396368329
         File: 1335650805.jpg-(93 KB, 792x828, 1335154428413.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: zxRlXuI6) 04/28/12(Sat)18:06:52 No.396368349

    You are the one who should be complaining. Cutfags have a ton of less sensitivity then uncutfags.

    I can masturbate without getting wet/sticky. Apply lube on dickhead, lube stays under your foreskin and on your dickhead. Your hand rarely gets wet. Don't have to wash hands etc.

    Btw, fapping by having the palm of your hand touch your dickhead is equally good as just having your foreskin go over & off your dickhead. Also not messy.
    >> Anonymous (ID: t/ypOC4T) 04/28/12(Sat)18:09:00 No.396368697

    That fucking gurgling scream, man.

    There's a biological mechanism in humans that makes us protect our young. A father should not be able to listen to that as calmly as he did. Protip:
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)18:09:03 No.396368708
         File: 1335650943.jpg-(103 KB, 800x600, brilliant.jpg)
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    >combining the amerifat vs yurofag cancer with the cut vs uncut cancer
    >> Anonymous (ID: jaUG8/lf) 04/28/12(Sat)18:09:13 No.396368730
    I'm cut and have never used lube to masturbate. I never understand this argument.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:09:40 No.396368797
         File: 1335650980.jpg-(123 KB, 560x840, jewcock2.jpg)
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    >implying the thread is about diamonds
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)18:10:14 No.396368902
    >Yup, that double standard whereby girls have a right to genital integrity in the USA but boys don't.
    nope. you KNOW what i wrote you fucking LIAR.
    go fuck yourself you selfish little cunt!!

    >You mad, cutfag? You try deflection tactics?
    says you, madder than anyone!! it's NOT deflection to point out your HYPOCRISY about something far WORSE!!
    selfish cocksucker!

    >or maybe you're just a filthy Jew.
    lol calls an atheist ex-catholic a jew.
    accurate as usual.


    love your madwork. priceless
    obviously i hit an 'uncut nerve' .. you should get that seen to lol
    >> Anonymous (ID: gVOwBIOF) 04/28/12(Sat)18:10:47 No.396368978
         File: 1335651047.jpg-(192 KB, 1256x603, Uncut vs cut.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: sL/cTz6s) 04/28/12(Sat)18:11:05 No.396369036
    Just throwing it out there, but circumcision decreases your chances of contracting HIV
    >> Anonymous (ID: zxRlXuI6) 04/28/12(Sat)18:11:09 No.396369051

    Smegma will only happen if you don't ever pull your foreskin back. So, if you fap once a day and shower once a month you will never experience smegma. For smegma to happen you have to leave your foreskin for atleast a month and never pull it back.

    I know this because I remember having smegma when I was like 10, because I didn't know to properly wash myself.

    Haven't had smegma for like 10 years now, and I have often gone 2-6 weeks without showering.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WPc2M/7P) 04/28/12(Sat)18:11:33 No.396369113
         File: 1335651093.jpg-(127 KB, 1000x509, slide1.jpg)
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    actually, the uncut gem looks like a cut jew cock, diamons...jews...
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8iRP01aJ) 04/28/12(Sat)18:12:05 No.396369203
    OP talks about penis on 4chan
    >> Anonymous (ID: xRoXbNfX) 04/28/12(Sat)18:13:10 No.396369354
    How big is yo dick no homo
    >> Anonymous (ID: bT3OHhxY) 04/28/12(Sat)18:14:03 No.396369482
    Niggers are uncut. This alone makes me proud to be cut. Any girl who prefers uncut obviously prefers nigs and is not worthy of consideration. Ergo cut is > uncut. QED.
    >> Anonymous (ID: qGlGi6Ld) 04/28/12(Sat)18:14:29 No.396369549

    I see what you did there.

    Good job.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)18:15:09 No.396369659
    cutfag >50 and never used lube in my life.
    you saying that uncuts have to use lube?
    yet ANOTHER reason not to get cut
    >> Anonymous (ID: lh70KUF4) 04/28/12(Sat)18:16:12 No.396369813
         File: 1335651372.png-(192 KB, 1838x1488, this thing backwards.png)
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    since we are on the subject.
    Europeans should know they are wrong about this as well as dicks
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:16:24 No.396369838
         File: 1335651384.jpg-(1.11 MB, 3264x2448, jewcock7.jpg)
    1.11 MB

    lol I think u mad. Seriously, take it out on your parents, maybe get counselling or something.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)18:16:56 No.396369907
    and lessens your chances of cooing and chirrupping sexual advances from uncuts from /b/ who are obviously homosexuals with an eye for the young stuff
    >> Anonymous (ID: KZJ0dsY8) 04/28/12(Sat)18:17:38 No.396370026
         File: 1335651458.jpg-(35 KB, 874x529, 406361_269144079815043_1991988(...).jpg)
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    >mfw when straight males care more about the condition of other mens penises more than girls do
    >> Anonymous (ID: zxRlXuI6) 04/28/12(Sat)18:18:34 No.396370183

    Try drinking 2 glasses of water, then apply fresh sticky spit on dickhead, report back to us and tell us how it feels.

    Your eyes have been opened.

    No one really needs lube, it just feels 100% better.
    >> Anonymous (ID: eYypbGFi) 04/28/12(Sat)18:19:19 No.396370306
         File: 1335651559.gif-(21 KB, 600x713, 1335149849625.gif)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: RNWaVLXd) 04/28/12(Sat)18:19:33 No.396370346
         File: 1335651573.jpg-(49 KB, 500x363, 1333808198085.jpg)
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    > oh this thread again
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)18:20:51 No.396370560
    I had always wondered about that... now I have an image for it. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)18:20:59 No.396370582
    >lol I think
    rarely. but when you do it's about little boys' penises which is probably what you are wanking off about in the pic.

    >u mad.
    a bit of mad never hurts

    >Seriously, take it out on your parents,
    why? i'm glad they did it. i would have been pissed off if they didn't

    > maybe get counselling or something.
    yeah sure thing kiddie. i'll take advice from someone a third my age who has his DICK in his hand for all of /b/ to see.
    how about .. NO!
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)18:24:06 No.396371072
    fuck off! lol

    perfectly happy the way i've been doing it all my life.
    tried lube once and thought it was fucking awful.

    quite happy the way i am thank you.
    don't need some kid telling me how to do something i've managed perfectly well since probably before your father was born


    the impudent presumptuousness
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:25:01 No.396371196
         File: 1335651901.jpg-(255 KB, 1024x768, jewcock8.jpg)
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    Yep, you mad. Too bad about your mutilated penis, bro.
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)18:26:06 No.396371367
    XD lol cutfags you le suck XD
    >> Anonymous (ID: Z3GW/h0f) 04/28/12(Sat)18:29:04 No.396371830
    I'm a cutfag and being one is the only thing i regret to this very fucking day. I'm trying out that foreskin regrowth exercise shit, but I'm not making too much headway.

    >> Anonymous (ID: L6C1XJ+X) 04/28/12(Sat)18:29:08 No.396371842
    I need a name.

    Or a video.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:36:09 No.396372858

    Francisco Lachowski. He's Brazilian of Polish descent.
    >> Anonymous (ID: dn/ix8qp) 04/28/12(Sat)18:37:25 No.396373043
    really? this whole thread is about some euro-fag trying to get cut fag's to show there dicks and shit. oh and btw you are all virgin fag's who talk about dicks all day long...stop talking about dick's!
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:39:36 No.396373379
         File: 1335652776.jpg-(12 KB, 300x300, jewcockmaker.jpg)
    12 KB

    lol ok.
    >> Anonymous (ID: qGlGi6Ld) 04/28/12(Sat)18:41:07 No.396373625
         File: 1335652867.gif-(1.4 MB, 194x194, 1335237140356.gif)
    1.4 MB

    Oh, my!!! The level of madness!!!

    I'm cut and I don't give a fuck... but you?

    Dude, calm down...

    It's just 4chan...


    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)18:42:55 No.396373964
    Hey cutfags, just want to remind you that it's your fault that your parents wanted you to be circumcised and you are a faggot.
    No, you're just a pussy for letting them do it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)18:46:29 No.396374525

    He's obviously got some deep-seated issues regarding the removal of his foreskin. You can almost taste the bitterness coming trough the computer monitor. I wasn't joking when I mentioned counselling.

    He is the most butthurt cutfag I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vwRy3kEe) 04/28/12(Sat)18:50:06 No.396375106
         File: 1335653406.jpg-(63 KB, 640x553, mrt-facepalm-demotivational-po(...).jpg)
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    Oh god you're dumb. Have you ever heard of a shower? I'ver never had that issue where my dick would be coverd in smegma, so you're completly wrong when you say "every uncutfag has this"
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:50:17 No.396375137
         File: 1335653417.jpg-(158 KB, 774x841, cutuncut10.jpg)
    158 KB
    bumping for moar cutfag rage.

    U mad, cutfags?
    >> Anonymous (ID: k4G/YAHo) 04/28/12(Sat)18:51:22 No.396375290
    I find it funny that uncutfags are the only ones insecure enough to make cut vs uncut threads. Also, in real life you never hear girls say "ew, cut dicks are gross!" It's always the opposite. I don't give a fuck if it's what any of you say. You know it's true.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:51:55 No.396375371

    he was just trolling. Nobody could be that retarded.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vwRy3kEe) 04/28/12(Sat)18:53:15 No.396375559

    I sure hope so
    >> Anonymous (ID: Yfebgnyk) 04/28/12(Sat)18:53:48 No.396375631
    I was cut against my will. It serves no purpose as there is no god. I will never truly forgive my parents.
    >> Anonymous (ID: l3w455by) 04/28/12(Sat)18:53:52 No.396375636
    where do I fall in....

    Amerifag, but i've all the features of the gentleman on the right in this picture.

    Am i like, the best kind of American...?
    >> Anonymous (ID: nU9dZHO+) 04/28/12(Sat)18:54:37 No.396375760
    Ok, I don't really understand why you guys had to start a flame war about this shit, it's a fucking penis, why are you guys so obsessed about it? it was a decision made by a parent to have happen, and it might be for religion or not, it doesnt fucking matter. I'm 15 year old "cut fag" and it doesnt bother me at all, i still get good stimuli, and most of my friends are cut to.
    I mean really.. if you think about it you guys are arguing over something thats completely pointless. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but in the real world it doesnt matter, a girl isn't going to not sleep with you because you have a cut dick or an uncut dick.
    In the real world, this shit doesnt fucking matter unless you get complications from it, and also, most older men tend to get cut because of complications, and they say that sex/masturbating feels better..
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)18:55:37 No.396375927
         File: 1335653737.jpg-(75 KB, 400x544, jewcock10.jpg)
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    lol, we make these threads because cutfags get all butthurt and start raging and we can sit back for the lulz. Also, do you really have balls so small that you care what some dumb, brainwashed American virgin bitch thinks about real cocks enough to get your penis sliced up?

    lol you call yourself a man? Anyway, bitches prefer sex with intact (uncut) men

    You mad?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)18:56:23 No.396376031
    man i cant wait when this summer america storms the fucking boards and the "fat american" wins like 8 gold medals. Damn Europe sucks at everything. Can only talk about penises and such.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9emY3bwD) 04/28/12(Sat)18:57:04 No.396376159
    1/10 uncut males wind up medically requiring circumcision later on in life due to foreskin problems, which cause PAINFUL SEX. Who wants sex to be painful & to get a circumcision when they're old enough to remember it? They don't use anesthetics for those, ya know? Also, the older you are when you get it done, the higher the risk for infection.

    I studied this shit. I would rather have it done & not remember it as a baby than have it done later.
    >> Anonymous (ID: k4G/YAHo) 04/28/12(Sat)18:57:14 No.396376185
    Also, what's with all these faggots on /b/ regretting being cut? Non-interweb people love their cut cocks. Easier to maintain (read not smelly and cheezy cuz I know you faggots don't take showers anyways) and better looking ASK ANY GIRL IN REAL LIFE WHAT THEY PREFER.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Yfebgnyk) 04/28/12(Sat)18:57:19 No.396376191
    underage b&
    >> Anonymous (ID: Yfebgnyk) 04/28/12(Sat)18:58:49 No.396376454
    At least they have the choice. Also, most people do shower.
    >> Anonymous (ID: qGlGi6Ld) 04/28/12(Sat)18:59:49 No.396376627

    Your parents knew what they were doing, anon.

    Make no mistake about it.

    Your parents don't want you to have a fulfilling sexual life and by cutting your foreskin they are saying "You are my propriety and you shall never be happy".

    Don't ever think your father (if he's cut) didn't know what he was doing.

    It's basic psychology: "If I had to go through this pain, you have to go through it as well."
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)19:00:12 No.396376678
    Is there anything you guys like to do, other than talking about penis all day?

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I love penis. Dickgirls/traps are in my top 3 fetishes. But I don't get why you guys make such a massive deal out of this stuff.

    It's like just talking about boobs all day. Sure, they're great, but there's more to life than boobs.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)19:00:29 No.396376732
    OP is an idiot.
    Not all "Americans" are circumsized.
    Usually just Jewish guys are.
    I'm not Jewish = I'm not a circumsized.
    It's for her pleasure.
    >> Anonymous (ID: k4G/YAHo) 04/28/12(Sat)19:00:44 No.396376782
    >implying the reason I go on /b/ isn't to get into arguments about random shit
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:01:11 No.396376861
         File: 1335654071.jpg-(282 KB, 600x618, 1332508392777.jpg)
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    Ask yourself why Americans try so hard to be the best in athletics. It's pretty much the same reason that the US has the world's largest military.

    The USA population is suffering from an inferiority they-sliced-off-a-piece-of-my-penis complex.

    The US sportsmen and government/military is overcompensating for being a lesser man and having the mark of a Jew-slave.

    The rest of us in the civilised world are comfortable enough with our genitals that we don't have to overcompensate like Amerifags.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9emY3bwD) 04/28/12(Sat)19:01:36 No.396376945
    I said nothing about showering/not showering.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:01:36 No.396376946
         File: 1335654096.jpg-(141 KB, 1043x739, 1335649570460.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: DUjDkqCz) 04/28/12(Sat)19:01:51 No.396376992
         File: 1335654111.jpg-(9 KB, 220x176, 220px-Moot_smiling_at_ROFLCon_(...).jpg)
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    America has moot..
    we win
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uwti08IZ) 04/28/12(Sat)19:02:26 No.396377091
         File: 1335654146.jpg-(203 KB, 1280x853, Photo on 4-28-12 at 5.58 PM #3.jpg)
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    HEYYYY it's me!
    >> Anonymous (ID: CTn0GXDs) 04/28/12(Sat)19:02:32 No.396377108

    Dem flaps.

    I want to remove mine. Only one is big and it bothers me a lot. Emotionally & physically.

    My man's uncut, though.. Best cock I've ever had.
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)19:03:22 No.396377237
    Why are you hiding your face in these pics? Butter?
    >> Anonymous (ID: bsCLD8UV) 04/28/12(Sat)19:03:26 No.396377258
         File: 1335654206.jpg-(82 KB, 750x600, 859_rocketlaunchers.jpg)
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    I think op is jealous of America.....he must b a terrorist and a fag
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)19:03:41 No.396377296
    holy fuck your butthurt. since the first post. bro go out and find a woman and bang her with that flabby skinned dick of yours.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uwti08IZ) 04/28/12(Sat)19:03:42 No.396377298
    >> Anonymous (ID: y6P4wuJX) 04/28/12(Sat)19:04:16 No.396377380
    >Russia got the best military
    >> Anonymous (ID: aI/GG/Wk) 04/28/12(Sat)19:04:19 No.396377385
    I couldn't give a flying fuck about being circumcized or not, although I actually am. I've been quite a few places France, Germany, Sweden, Ukraine, Italy, England, New Zealand, Australia.....fucked girls in all those places and actually they were rather happy to get a rare thing. I understand it's merely an American/Jewish thing but hey some bitches love it. Don't get butthurt.
    >> Anonymous (ID: DUjDkqCz) 04/28/12(Sat)19:04:50 No.396377484
         File: 1335654290.png-(39 KB, 111x152, 1333421156204.png)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)19:05:57 No.396377653
    Can't be that bad.
    ...Well, maybe it can, but either way, I'd like to see you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mFM9YhCj) 04/28/12(Sat)19:06:07 No.396377681
    Femanon here, i cant control myself... must suck uncut european dick...
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:06:21 No.396377718

    If 10 per cent of men need to get circumcised when they are older, why is the circumcision rate in Europe closer to 1-3 per cent (and that rate is mostly because of religious reasons).

    Face it. Circumcision is a fraud, and America is none to happy with finding that out, considering how many people have been lied to about it. But sticking your head in the sand is not the answer.
    >> Anonymous (ID: qGlGi6Ld) 04/28/12(Sat)19:07:18 No.396377869

    You know you're lying and we have fathers and grandfathers who never had problems like that.

    Is that what you tell yourself to feel better?

    If it works, go for it, anon.

    Just don't expect anyone to believe that bullshit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:08:11 No.396378004


    How about an "End Circumcision" sign?
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)19:08:28 No.396378053
    >my father/grandfather never had those problems, therefore nobody does
    Work on your credibility.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bsCLD8UV) 04/28/12(Sat)19:08:54 No.396378132
    Euro fags have unclean dicks...get it cut and bitches will wana suck it. Op is a virgin
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:09:21 No.396378196

    Hospitals make up to $600 per circumcision

    Foreskin is sold to cosmetics manufacturers

    Foreskin goes into your mother's facial moisturiser

    Well done corporate America

    Well done Jews.

    lol stupid Amerifat Jew-slaves.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vYK1gV55) 04/28/12(Sat)19:10:23 No.396378373
    wow like you are one to chose, haha
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uwti08IZ) 04/28/12(Sat)19:10:35 No.396378410
         File: 1335654635.jpg-(215 KB, 1280x853, Photo on 4-28-12 at 7.10 PM.jpg)
    215 KB
    2 for 1
    >> Anonymous (ID: hYaIfi/7) 04/28/12(Sat)19:11:49 No.396378618
    Fucking truth. This argument is fucking pointless. Just like the previous thread regarding the issue
    >> Anonymous (ID: HKcIkPOw) 04/28/12(Sat)19:12:09 No.396378672
    Actually, i have a cut penis.
    many girls i was with said it was big, btw no one cut my dick it happened naturally.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0b4/A4z7) 04/28/12(Sat)19:13:24 No.396378883
         File: 1335654804.jpg-(64 KB, 468x516, faggotpoluiceheloose.jpg)
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    Oh, look it's this thread again. Oh, and it's called 'circumcision' It's done so you're less likely to get an STD
    >> Anonymous (ID: qGlGi6Ld) 04/28/12(Sat)19:14:08 No.396379001

    Read the thread I was replying to, you fucking cancer.

    He was saying the majority of older men have problems with foreskin.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:14:10 No.396379009
         File: 1335654850.jpg-(84 KB, 620x777, JEWS.jpg)
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    Believe it or not, the Jewish tradition includes the ritual circumciser to suck the foreskin they have cut off of the infants penis with their mouth, and swish the blood and flesh around in their mouth.

    Unfortunately, a circumciser with herpes infected several infants in New York over the last few years, several of which have died (herpes is more dangerous in infants).
    >> Anonymous (ID: JHBamcFx) 04/28/12(Sat)19:14:34 No.396379089
    Your ugly as fuck I'm glad you only take uncut dicks. Go back to fucking weird looking British dicks


    Would kill it with fire
    >> Anonymous (ID: JHBamcFx) 04/28/12(Sat)19:16:04 No.396379321

    Your ugly as fuck I'm glad you only take uncut dicks. Go back to fucking weird looking British dicks


    Would kill it with fire
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:17:33 No.396379580

    goddess. <3 Could we see that sign with tits?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uwti08IZ) 04/28/12(Sat)19:17:34 No.396379587
    I greatly enjoy that you went through the effort of correcting that post. I'm not fucking retarded; I could tell your fat fingers accidentally took off the 0
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:17:37 No.396379597

    Pic of Rabbi sucking the foreskin off here >>396357806
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)19:17:56 No.396379656
    Alright. Grow your hair out, and maybe try contacts. See how that looks. As much as I'd hate to say it, you've sort of got that lesbian look. Try out some different things with yourself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: qGlGi6Ld) 04/28/12(Sat)19:18:16 No.396379707

    The amount of butthurtness in this post is off the roof.

    Calm down, bro. Why so mad?

    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:18:18 No.396379710

    (if for no other reason than to piss off this butthurt cutfag) :P
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uwti08IZ) 04/28/12(Sat)19:20:05 No.396380005
         File: 1335655205.jpg-(223 KB, 1280x853, Photo on 4-28-12 at 7.19 PM.jpg)
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    dude, I AM a carpet muncher. I don't need fashion advice from neckbeards, either; I know my way around hair and makeup.

    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:20:26 No.396380074

    >> Anonymous (ID: IsgDhJK2) 04/28/12(Sat)19:21:43 No.396380297
         File: 1335655303.jpg-(67 KB, 504x360, FUCKINGOP.jpg)
    67 KB
    OP is right, this surely represents all 1.5 million men in the United States of America.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /8rzcDmB) 04/28/12(Sat)19:22:28 No.396380437
         File: 1335655348.png-(17 KB, 241x230, 1334495225594.png)
    17 KB
    kill it with fire

    also, mfw OP was searching for male nudes to make this post. european faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: Z2fBdNNU) 04/28/12(Sat)19:22:39 No.396380470
    1 thousands posts of heresay.
    either post your dicks for proof of how much better you are or shut up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: JHBamcFx) 04/28/12(Sat)19:23:01 No.396380532
    it's ok I thought britfags were completely retarded but you proved me . Enjoy your ugly looking dick
    >> Anonymous (ID: by2gAZKV) 04/28/12(Sat)19:23:41 No.396380654
         File: 1335655421.jpg-(17 KB, 400x340, ~~Meatwad.jpg)
    17 KB
    > Sure, I'll post in a retarded troll thread.

    I'm an American and I personally didn't allow my son to get circ'd. Eat some ass OP, I win in my life.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4rFdFCFV) 04/28/12(Sat)19:24:50 No.396380874
    He is HOT
    (the euro one ofcourse)
    (and no I im not showing tits or gtfo)
    >> Anonymous (ID: zD4tWoJU) 04/28/12(Sat)19:25:03 No.396380910
         File: 1335655503.jpg-(45 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lvng3udVSG1r2c4nyo4_500.jpg)
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    i love my cut penis, and it was done by a doctor for medical reasons in the US, nothing to do with jews, as a bifag i love tight streamlined look of a cut cock and will NEVER suck an uncut cock because it tastes like shit.

    at the same time though I don't create threads whining about someone elses penis, why are uncut fags so mad?
    >> Anonymous (ID: VWbbUjoh) 04/28/12(Sat)19:25:42 No.396381014
    You're a lesbian? Cool, I'll know I can hit on you in the future.
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)19:25:54 No.396381048
    >I AM a carpet muncher
    The pictures of you holding up an index card that says "uncut only" gives people the impression that you have sex with dudes.

    >I don't need fashion advice from neckbeards, either; I know my way around hair and makeup.
    Heh, whatever you say.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:26:00 No.396381068
         File: 1335655560.jpg-(132 KB, 1280x1024, Photo-0295.jpg)
    132 KB

    OK, here is my uncut penis and my girlfriend's feet.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /8rzcDmB) 04/28/12(Sat)19:26:01 No.396381070
    troll harder bro. if youre getting with "chicks" who actually care about cut vs. uncut, then your standards are pathetically low.

    u mad? of course you are. you cant get any grade A pussy
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:26:01 No.396381071
         File: 1335655561.jpg-(462 KB, 1100x799, 2698456650_beb4c299c4_o.jpg)
    462 KB

    goddamnit.. I love this girl.

    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:26:43 No.396381176

    ever heard of a bisexual before?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8+Z4iZDO) 04/28/12(Sat)19:27:42 No.396381317
    >cuts last longer and are usually more attractive to women and are also healthier.

    >Uncut is more sensitive and there are no risks of harmful surgical accidents to happen with circumcision even though phismosis is a possibility. Also smegma.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WxLNUsBV) 04/28/12(Sat)19:27:55 No.396381342
    very worthwhile contribution you've made, cumdumpster
    >> Anonymous (ID: BmC0xU9C) 04/28/12(Sat)19:28:34 No.396381441
         File: 1335655714.png-(254 KB, 624x358, 1329586490454.png)
    254 KB
    >tfw im also a bifag and have sucked only uncut and have never tasted any thing bad
    >> Anonymous (ID: kK7KVANE) 04/28/12(Sat)19:29:38 No.396381613
         File: 1335655778.jpg-(133 KB, 500x644, Just-How-Many-Fake-Penises-Can(...).jpg)
    133 KB
    If you're a guy and you care: you're a homosexual
    If you're a girl and you care: you're a whore

    Why the fuck would any of you care? You can't claim one is better because you wouldn't fucking know.

    I've never met a girl who wouldn't fuck me because of my dick.

    You're all fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:30:25 No.396381729
         File: 1335655825.jpg-(319 KB, 1023x1536, 24200_jes062SWE_167001084_123_(...).jpg)
    319 KB
    foreskin ftw
    >> Anonymous (ID: bJD6o5W1) 04/28/12(Sat)19:30:39 No.396381770
    - what the fuck man, its a part of your dick
    - why would you put a knife near your dick
    - cause foreskins are dirty?
    - have a wash you filthy cunt it isnt difficult
    >> Anonymous (ID: bJD6o5W1) 04/28/12(Sat)19:32:00 No.396381993
    i better cut off my eyelids cause i wake up with crusty shit in them in the morning
    >> Anonymous (ID: Z2fBdNNU) 04/28/12(Sat)19:32:04 No.396381998

    you fool i am a gayfag and just needed fap materials MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)19:32:30 No.396382065
    >So America, why do so many of you allow the genital mutilation of infant boys?
    i don't
    it doesn't happen
    >> Anonymous (ID: Za+qRiig) 04/28/12(Sat)19:32:45 No.396382108
    Uncut fags get angry and have an inferiority complex
    Cut fags dont care
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:33:24 No.396382204
         File: 1335656004.jpg-(119 KB, 1280x1024, Photo-0294.jpg)
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    I'm cool with that. Have another of my master-race unmutilated, intact, natural penis.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8+Z4iZDO) 04/28/12(Sat)19:33:27 No.396382214

    Ewwww look at that tounge i wouldnt want that anywhere near anything i own.

    Do yuropeans even brush their teeth?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)19:33:56 No.396382293
    >So America, why do so many of you allow the genital mutilation of infant boys?

    because it's fun to watch you cry about it like a butthurt little girl copping her first cock up the snatch.


    cry more little faggot

    i will find you and i will fucking rape you
    >> Anonymous (ID: Z2fBdNNU) 04/28/12(Sat)19:34:24 No.396382368
    cut fags started the thread so they are the ones with a reason to try and prove their superiority.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:34:44 No.396382432
         File: 1335656084.jpg-(96 KB, 1280x1024, Photo-0172.jpg)
    96 KB

    lol I think you might have got that backwards. Read through the thread.
    >> Anonymous (ID: o65fT8Np) 04/28/12(Sat)19:34:52 No.396382458
    op is a total fag. I dont even know what its like to have an uncut dick so why should i care? My dick has no problems.
    Op just wants to look at cocks and is insecure about his uncut wang which is too pussy to get operated on now.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)19:35:06 No.396382490
    what's a 'tounge'?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zb6c7HPK) 04/28/12(Sat)19:35:25 No.396382545
         File: 1335656125.jpg-(179 KB, 1200x800, 2tKR9D.jpg)
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    You are now realizing that the clitoral hood and labia minora (inner lips) are the equivalent of the male's foreskin.

    Both the hood and the foreskin have the same medical name (prepuce).

    They both develop from the SAME structures in the womb (and only a single enzyme during development determines if the foreskin will take the male or female form).

    So one is dirty, gross and unneeded and the other is valuable, sensitive and sexy?

    >> Anonymous (ID: 09TGk74r) 04/28/12(Sat)19:35:39 No.396382578
         File: 1335656139.jpg-(143 KB, 496x371, hold-up-anteater.jpg)
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    ITT: Eurocunts that can't bang for more than 5 minutes because "the uncut master race" is more sensitive than cut. 5 hour bang sessions and raw dicks make you a man, not some fleshly bit on the tip of your dick. Get on our level please.
    >> Anonymous (ID: JHBamcFx) 04/28/12(Sat)19:35:52 No.396382608
    look at ops post retard
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5yUDFPdC) 04/28/12(Sat)19:35:52 No.396382610

    Yes, and they do it without having their own water supply pumped full of shit to clean their teeth; because they're not too irresponsible to keep themselves hygienic.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8+Z4iZDO) 04/28/12(Sat)19:36:04 No.396382647
    Euro's start EU vs USA threads and lose
    Uncuts start Uncut vs cut threads and both have their pros and cons, but as long as you dont live in africa where people use rusty saw blades your dick will be fine. Cut comes out a little bit on top.
    >> Anonymous (ID: SurEw0nM) 04/28/12(Sat)19:36:19 No.396382682
    Yes, I suppose that's also a sexual orientation.

    Do you have more trouble getting with guys than girls?
    >> Anonymous (ID: EhY4dhGQ) 04/28/12(Sat)19:36:26 No.396382691
         File: 1335656186.jpg-(86 KB, 620x465, 1326412519269.jpg)
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    >mfw im a uncut master race penis american
    >> Anonymous (ID: BW0Dyu9N) 04/28/12(Sat)19:36:28 No.396382701

    lol you mad.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/28/12(Sat)19:36:33 No.396382718
    ummm ... no.
    UNcut fags started the thread.
    and the one before which was exactly the same
    and the one before that which was exactly the same

    all in one night.

    butthurt, sloppycocks?

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