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    File: 1334841834.jpg-(44 KB, 280x372, soldier3.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous (ID: SSKfrFrl) 04/19/12(Thu)09:23:54 No.394416553  
    I really do not understand the concept of respecting soldiers and war. WHY THE FUCK do people who kill people deserve to be respected in any way?
    >> Anonymous (ID: vZaaV8iG) 04/19/12(Thu)09:26:43 No.394416805
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    >> Anonymous (ID: ow2HRiEI) 04/19/12(Thu)09:27:23 No.394416869
    Because one day they might be stopping other people from killing YOU ya numpty drongo....
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)09:28:14 No.394416937
    OP is definetly gay
    >> Anonymous (ID: VQZfv79d) 04/19/12(Thu)09:28:39 No.394416968
    They should be respected less than doctors
    >> Anonymous (ID: b1RecQdv) 04/19/12(Thu)09:29:15 No.394417012
    Because there used to be a time when they were preventing other soldiers from jacking your shit up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/6qtty5) 04/19/12(Thu)09:29:16 No.394417017

    yeah but still- they will be protecting you from other soldiers (= murderers)
    >> Anonymous (ID: 17koZzQ0) 04/19/12(Thu)09:29:34 No.394417041
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    I agree with you OP.

    Those willing to sign themselves away into killing others aren't that far along.

    But hey, you can't be mad at a child for not knowing geometry, maybe one day they'll understand.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ATVaH/nN) 04/19/12(Thu)09:29:41 No.394417051

    been waiting 70 years for them to do that
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4FDeAAPH) 04/19/12(Thu)09:30:29 No.394417117
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    OP... you make me want to dump all of my OP is a faggot pics... fuck it. THIS THREAD IS NOW AN OP IS A FAGGOT THREAD!
    >> Anonymous (ID: 17koZzQ0) 04/19/12(Thu)09:31:19 No.394417180

    lol @ /bee/tard who wastes his time dumping images.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)09:31:22 No.394417184
    You sound like they are actual murderers who randomly kill people.

    I know a soldier kills but in my book he is not a a murderer.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/6qtty5) 04/19/12(Thu)09:31:52 No.394417232
    So its like thinking "we need to kill you before you kill us"
    >> Anonymous (ID: ENzn/72h) 04/19/12(Thu)09:32:16 No.394417267
    I agree with you once, OP.
    >> Anonymous (ID: VQZfv79d) 04/19/12(Thu)09:32:56 No.394417317
    i really seriously think they should be respected less than doctors guys
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4FDeAAPH) 04/19/12(Thu)09:33:07 No.394417334
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    lol at bandwagon fag. Really? Come on guy, how'd that thought process go for you? "Hmm... this opinion seems like it goes against the general view. I'll take it!" Fuckin turd.
    >> Anonymous (ID: dkpZ/VuU) 04/19/12(Thu)09:33:29 No.394417369

    Because they have the guys to do it, unlike you. So I thank them for serving, fully knowing I was good enough to make the cut.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vmPW8Xmd) 04/19/12(Thu)09:33:32 No.394417380
    >>394416553 because to ensure that you always have the right to be an entitled cunt - sometimes motherfuckers have to kill other motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: pjw0k9Z0) 04/19/12(Thu)09:33:42 No.394417392

    so do you not have health insurance? car insurance? homeowner's insurance? ya fuck the military, cuz what are the chances of going to war? just like what are the chances that you'll get in a car accident or come down with a serious illness? so fuck insurance too, don't buy that shit
    >> Anonymous (ID: VQZfv79d) 04/19/12(Thu)09:33:44 No.394417396
    we should send doctors to fight guys and then we should respect them more than soldiers
    >> Anonymous (ID: JiOxWtnQ) 04/19/12(Thu)09:33:53 No.394417409

    A soldier is like a merc. The difference is that a merc usually has experience and is well paid. Since the state cannot afford large numbers of well trained/payed mercs, they recruit civilians, pay them a portion of a mercs wage and then compensate it with propaganda, giving them some status, hence the so called "respect".
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4FDeAAPH) 04/19/12(Thu)09:34:10 No.394417434
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    >> Anonymous (ID: ULuS7ksN) 04/19/12(Thu)09:34:24 No.394417454
    You're a retard. Because they're 100x the person you'll ever be. That's why.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mh+KbSWv) 04/19/12(Thu)09:34:42 No.394417478
    Kid that doesn't understand the simplest shit in the world detected. They defend YOU from everyone in the world that wants to fuck your country. They deserve respect no matter what war they are waging.

    Grow the fuck up and learn some respect, kid.
    >> Anonymous (ID: VQZfv79d) 04/19/12(Thu)09:34:52 No.394417496
    i think we should turn our doctor into fighter jets and then respect them more than soldiers guys
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/6qtty5) 04/19/12(Thu)09:34:57 No.394417501

    he does the same thing as a murderer but with different reasons for doing it
    >> Anonymous (ID: VeiWKxub) 04/19/12(Thu)09:35:45 No.394417557
    See, you might be a very handsome man, op. Pacifistic and stuff like that, and don't see why ever a human would harm another one, because, it makes no sense at all, right?

    Well, you're not alone. But mankind is greedy. Mankind is never happy with the things they have. They want more, more, more, more, more. And most of all, they want what another one has got. And THAT is why people start wars. Soldiers don' go into war, because they like to shoot up stuff. They go into war for their tribe. Which is their family. Which is their nation.

    So manner up and respect those guys who protect your freedom, your ressources, your family, your tribe, your life. Because if they didn't, someone would invade your country sooner or later and kill all of you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wc16ScBb) 04/19/12(Thu)09:35:55 No.394417571
    The average soldier will never kill anyone. Most of them never even end up in combat, or any dangerous situations ever. I've been in the military for 7 years and am yet to step in the field.
    >> Anonymous (ID: VQZfv79d) 04/19/12(Thu)09:35:55 No.394417573
    i think there should only be doctors guys and then we should respect them more than soldiers
    >> Anonymous (ID: pjw0k9Z0) 04/19/12(Thu)09:36:23 No.394417608

    hate to burst your bubble but "in your book", he may not be a murderer, but according to the actual definition of a murderer as defined in dictionaries, he is one
    >> Anonymous (ID: pQZvG20x) 04/19/12(Thu)09:36:57 No.394417651
    they don't
    >> Anonymous (ID: VQZfv79d) 04/19/12(Thu)09:37:05 No.394417660
    i think anyone whose not a doctor should be killed by a doctor and then they should respect the doctor more than soldiers
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:37:08 No.394417669
    I respect soldiers of real wars. There hasn't been a reason to respect American soldiers since Vietnam. When they're fighting against an ACTUAL threat to me, not a bunch of idiot Muslims for oil, I'll respect them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)09:37:40 No.394417725
    You are dumb OP.

    Do you want the king of england to come to your house and does what he wants ? No, so you have to defend america.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3o8kGf5b) 04/19/12(Thu)09:37:58 No.394417749
    you seem upset?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)09:38:26 No.394417801
    You dont respect the soldiers who fought the nazis ?

    >> Anonymous (ID: +UiE1KsC) 04/19/12(Thu)09:38:28 No.394417803
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    because we are for the most part poor and instead of being part of the ghetto and taking foodstamps we decided to convince ourselves that our country would elevate our status if we work hard and put our lives on the line.

    sorry you have no balls op.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4pgoVQc7) 04/19/12(Thu)09:38:39 No.394417817
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    Most of soldiers all around the world are uneducated rednecks. They do shitty job for shitty pay. You have to give them something so they would be willing to join forces. So governments give them welfare-like benefits, early retirement and bullcrap about patriotism, honor and pride.
    Basically the concept of nation state and everything which follows that is a XIXth century scam for peasants.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4FDeAAPH) 04/19/12(Thu)09:38:39 No.394417818
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    There's a difference in killing and murder. If I go to the mall and just start shooting people. Murder. If I wake up to find some crazy fuck standing over my bed, and I hop up and stab the dog shit outta him. Killing. I killed him, to protect my self.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:06 No.394417854
    Shut the fuck up dude. The only thing our military is doing right now is securing oil. Do you really think those fucking idiot sandniggers are a real threat?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 6xCwZmiO) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:14 No.394417874

    I think the real problem is you don't understand the concept of Respect.

    >A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

    By not respecting them for what they do, you' are

    >implying you could do what they do just as well with little or no effort.

    If that is in fact True OP, then yes, you don't have to respect the people who dedicated their lives @ being Murders for the sake of any country.

    >> Anonymous (ID: Wc16ScBb) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:20 No.394417882
    >murder - unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:27 No.394417901
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    i for one like to roll around in all this oil we are taking
    >> Anonymous (ID: DTrg6CAi) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:38 No.394417913
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    you are just a typical naive high-horse teenager /b/ cunt that is blinded too much by his carefree life to realize that if there were no people to do the dirty work for you you would have to drop you inflated ego and get your hands dirty for all the stuff you see for granted.

    You are the kind of faggot that looks down on butchers but enjoys the sandwich in his lunchbox every day
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4pgoVQc7) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:45 No.394417926
    see, exactly what I've written just below this nigger's post
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:57 No.394417952
    >respect breivik
    >not respect regular soldiers
    >degenerated OPs on /b
    >> Anonymous (ID: pQZvG20x) 04/19/12(Thu)09:39:58 No.394417954
    killing is badong
    >> Anonymous (ID: a5b57UwB) 04/19/12(Thu)09:40:03 No.394417967
    you dont need to support a war or respect it, but soldiers is a different thing

    it is the government that decides to go to war, not soldiers. soldiers have to obey orders, thats their fucking job
    >> Anonymous (ID: hD092ERc) 04/19/12(Thu)09:40:07 No.394417972
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    I agree with OP. I don't respect these bastards, but thank god some of them have the military as an outlet for their homicidal tendencies or else there'd be A LOT more domestic murders. not all soldiers are like that but it's pretty fucking obvious that some are
    >> Anonymous (ID: pUe8sirz) 04/19/12(Thu)09:40:08 No.394417974
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    op gtfo
    >> Anonymous (ID: kLVOM68m) 04/19/12(Thu)09:40:12 No.394417982
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    >> Anonymous (ID: JiOxWtnQ) 04/19/12(Thu)09:40:29 No.394418005
    I dont understand why people even bother with these people (soldiers). They get killed doing the dirty work for the rest of society. Its great actually, imagine thousands of them dying while you are eating hamburguers and drinking beer in the couch. Also, if you are a civilian yourself they have no authority over you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wc16ScBb) 04/19/12(Thu)09:40:45 No.394418032
    Hey, I've spent my life in the military!
    Who the fuck am I kidding it's a shit job.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WfOOI/0G) 04/19/12(Thu)09:40:46 No.394418038
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    >> Anonymous (ID: MJqwJRSt) 04/19/12(Thu)09:41:01 No.394418056
    I've been to a-stan and all this cheesy honour and respect everyone tries to smear on us soldiers really just bothers me and a large part of other soldiers.

    None of us do it for the glory or the killing

    The people bashing op in this thread bothers me more than him
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9fb68t0a) 04/19/12(Thu)09:41:10 No.394418074

    yea so what. Do you like cars, home heating, plastics, fresh food year round?

    If we have to fight for that 1st world lifestyle so be it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: VQZfv79d) 04/19/12(Thu)09:41:15 No.394418082
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:41:41 No.394418116
    Fuck yeah Kung Pow reference!
    >> Anonymous (ID: iTiv7ja+) 04/19/12(Thu)09:41:42 No.394418118
    it's not the soldiers who are the problem, it's the commanders behind them sending them in on an invasion, telling them it's for freedom and democracy. it's just a bunch of bullshit
    >> Anonymous (ID: WMGyEWDC) 04/19/12(Thu)09:41:47 No.394418130
    I, for one, is potato.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rvih/UTO) 04/19/12(Thu)09:41:47 No.394418131
    I understand where you're coming from, but it's more complicated than simply respecting people who kill people. One of the core tenets of military action is to avoid casualties at all costs. All the big weapons and tactics are designed to neutralize threats. Think communication systems, other weapons, vehicles, equipment. There's a Law of Armed Conflice (LOAC) that governs military combat - a soldier/sailor/airman/marine cannot attack someone unless attacked first. The entire military legal system is (generally) structured around defense.

    Where it gets tricky (and where I partially agree with you) are in the areas of "pre-emptive strike" and "enemy combatants". I think DoD officials have taken a lot of liberty with these terms since the 9/11 attacks, and I'm not sure I'm convinced about the justifications. Frankly, a lot of military people feel the same way...those tactics aren't what they signed up to do.

    But the point about respect comes down to this: the men/women in uniform agree to be the barrier between you and people who want to kill you. And there are millions who want to kill you. There are also millions who want to protect you (and some that just want the paycheck & benefits, but there are always a few bad eggs). I'd argue that a little respect is warranted.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YkgwQZAz) 04/19/12(Thu)09:42:07 No.394418174
    we need soldiers because of game theory
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)09:42:10 No.394418181

    what bubble ?
    you seem to like dickriding on terminology.

    a soldier still is different from a murderer. call it what you want. a murderer has a completly different motivation.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/6qtty5) 04/19/12(Thu)09:42:14 No.394418190

    It all depends on a perspective you're looking at it. I believe the bad guys are those who kill each other no matter what. Killing someone who kills others does not make you a good person
    >> Anonymous (ID: iAijCfI3) 04/19/12(Thu)09:42:15 No.394418191
    because you're a liberal fag who is too candy ass to have a fist fight with a 8 year old girl, fucking fag
    >> Anonymous (ID: YkgwQZAz) 04/19/12(Thu)09:42:53 No.394418262
    same reason usa has more nukes than everyone else
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)09:42:53 No.394418264
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    Listen to me OP, a country without an army is just a delicious piece of candy just waiting for a country with an army to take it and eat it

    So thank those guys for protecting your candy with their lives
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:43:29 No.394418326
    No you fucking don't! There isn't a single LEGITIMATE threat to the United States that the military is currently preventing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: pQZvG20x) 04/19/12(Thu)09:43:38 No.394418343
    >> Anonymous (ID: +UiE1KsC) 04/19/12(Thu)09:43:38 No.394418346
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    mfw in detroit white folks like me have to deal with sub par education because of niggers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vaeCs7w9) 04/19/12(Thu)09:43:40 No.394418350
    Op is right most soldiers just want to shoot people nowadays
    >> Anonymous (ID: EeBlEA/5) 04/19/12(Thu)09:43:58 No.394418376
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4FDeAAPH) 04/19/12(Thu)09:44:33 No.394418431
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    As far as I am concerned, this is what happened to this thread. I'm out. For all the other prior service guys in here, have a good damn day. Everyone else, same to you. Cept' for them teenagers... you can stay in the thread while it does this l
    >> Anonymous (ID: YkgwQZAz) 04/19/12(Thu)09:44:41 No.394418450
    new zealand doesn't even have an airforce. their country is mad wicked and no one invades...
    >> Anonymous (ID: ceWlDI3+) 04/19/12(Thu)09:44:44 No.394418460
    ITT: Fucking retards
    >> Anonymous (ID: aQYxfViR) 04/19/12(Thu)09:45:13 No.394418512
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    What really grinds my gears is Soldiers who come back from Iraq and feel the need to wear their damn uniform everywhere. I get it, you served out country. Whoop-de-damn-doo! What do you want a cookie? I can understand maybe rockin the uniform into a bar or something once in a while to grab some free drinks/respect, yada yada yada. Just grinds my gears on when they wear it everywhere acting like there better than us and that we owe them something. Cmon now.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:45:31 No.394418529
    Our lifestyle is in no way threatened, currently. It hasn't been since the Cold War.
    >> Anonymous (ID: XR7pHytb) 04/19/12(Thu)09:45:47 No.394418553
    Who the fuck would want to invade that cesspool
    >> Anonymous (ID: M0PJruyj) 04/19/12(Thu)09:45:48 No.394418554
    So people like you can whine on the internet...
    >> Anonymous (ID: UAgPn4Gc) 04/19/12(Thu)09:45:59 No.394418573
    Don't worry one day you'll also grow up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: BeWDO41W) 04/19/12(Thu)09:46:45 No.394418641
    173rd airborne here,

    that is why we have the 4 Ss. shout shove show shoot.. during OEFX I had a guy that decided to grab at my rifle during a KLE and he got butt stroked to the side of the head. We don't go in there with the purpose of killing everyone. If someone does something stupid they get it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)09:46:49 No.394418648
    New Zealand is protected by another countries, if someone buys a fight with NZ, they will be buying a fight with every country that is protecting NZ

    But in times of war where those protecting countries might be somewhere else fighting, NZ might be left unprotected
    >> Anonymous (ID: rXUE+BhP) 04/19/12(Thu)09:47:01 No.394418664
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    this us what i think of OPs opinion.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kWxu/eOI) 04/19/12(Thu)09:47:07 No.394418674

    murder is classified as unlawful and premeditated. The killing is not premeditated. A soldier that gets into a firefight with an armed adversary reacts to protect himself and his squad. That is by no means, premeditation. It must also be unlawful for that killing to happen. We don't just pull out weapons and kill somebody just because they carry a weapon. Our policy in situations is self defense. If the armed person fires at a soldier we have every right to light him up like a fucking christmas tree.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)09:47:08 No.394418678

    mmh ? your lifestyle depends on oil completely.
    your government is doing right to fight for oil. in 20 or 30 years wars will be fought over water. i dont blame america, they fight for their future.
    >> Anonymous (ID: MJqwJRSt) 04/19/12(Thu)09:47:45 No.394418729
    me again:
    >actual soldier show up in thread
    >no-one cares and just keeps repeating their glorified images of altruistic, heroic freedom protectors
    You seem to care more about how you want the world to be rather than how it is
    >> Anonymous (ID: uyS9ndtG) 04/19/12(Thu)09:47:54 No.394418747
    I'm a marine, I've yet to kill anyone. This is because I'm a specialist. I drive the battalion commander around all day and stand gaurd so OP is defenitly a faggot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: H/iW0LZT) 04/19/12(Thu)09:48:04 No.394418764
    i respect the diggers of WW1 WW2 they where fighting for valid reasons,protecting our country from invaders.
    do i respect some chump who cant afford college,cant get a they join up to kill for greedy governments and corporations.
    no i dont support those soldiers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: DTrg6CAi) 04/19/12(Thu)09:48:18 No.394418787
    more like "game reality"
    there are enough genuinely bad and ruthless people that don't play by morals
    hell, the immigrants in my country would start murdering everyone tomorrow if there was no police around. There are so many animals among us, you don't need a theory to justify defense and law enforcement
    >> Anonymous (ID: B2eznoC/) 04/19/12(Thu)09:48:19 No.394418790

    By definition, soldiers protect an X country from a potential thread from Y country/countries. Also, many pro soldiers don't have a chance for higher education, so their only option is the army (don't have a choice, gotta support the family etc). The way I see it, up until WW2 (especially in WW2), army meant something. Millions of soldiers going to war in order to protect their countries and the world apparently. But every war from then on was not a real war, rather some silly military conflict for much darker reasons than protecting peace. So basically I truly respect those who really fought for us. It's not that I disrespect all the others, they are just pawns in this game.
    >> Anonymous (ID: f6V9lBo3) 04/19/12(Thu)09:48:31 No.394418808
    Hurrr durrr abbreviations and jar head slang durrr im a giant faggot rape my face OLE in the KBG one time by the OEFPSEPOTMNSEOUNW

    >> Anonymous (ID: ZjIG0AwK) 04/19/12(Thu)09:49:07 No.394418867
    >I really do not understand the concept of respecting soldiers and war. WHY THE FUCK do people who kill people deserve to be respected in any way?

    >> Anonymous (ID: vaeCs7w9) 04/19/12(Thu)09:49:30 No.394418908
    Look at all these butthurt soldier fags.
    "I'm a soldier, I must be respected, I bring peace!".
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7ZSUWDjx) 04/19/12(Thu)09:49:38 No.394418936
    US army has nothing to do with "freedom" I'm sick of you amerifags throwing around that word like it's a cheese sandwich. Wake up and smell the napalm.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5J0iwVXC) 04/19/12(Thu)09:49:59 No.394418969
    " WHY THE FUCK do people who kill people deserve to be respected in any way?"
    So that way some shitty fuck like you cam make a Shorty post like this without being v& by some secret police and so you can enjoy your greasy fucking burgers from McDonald's you fat lazy fuck.
    Now get the fuck off my nuts.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1fILLXv/) 04/19/12(Thu)09:50:01 No.394418972
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    War is the act of protecting what you have stolen from others.
    Fuck the military and those who control them in every country!
    >> Anonymous (ID: uuUz7yu/) 04/19/12(Thu)09:50:13 No.394418994
    maybe its me but i respect dudes who kill dudes who would kill me if they had the chance
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)09:50:14 No.394418995
    killing is wrong xD
    they see me going full-on pacifist and bitches JUST rain on me :DDDD
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)09:50:24 No.394419012
    you seem rustled
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:50:39 No.394419035
    Then that's not protection. That's using the military to take shit from smaller, weaker countries.

    That's called imperialism.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Qb2iq/rE) 04/19/12(Thu)09:50:57 No.394419063
    It is illegal for them to wear their uniform off duty. Dress uniforms are only allowed for formal occasions and cammies are only allowed when working, on your way to work, on your way back from work or on work related duty. I know enough people that have come back from war and don't want people to know what they have done. What really grinds my gears is ignorant people like you.

    inb4 umad?
    >> Anonymous (ID: BeWDO41W) 04/19/12(Thu)09:51:30 No.394419117

    oh man did I rustle your jimmies?
    >> Anonymous (ID: FLu1FdX9) 04/19/12(Thu)09:51:43 No.394419142
    I'm a sailor
    and an engineer at that

    if anyone dies on my shift
    itll probably be me
    >> Anonymous (ID: z07Fg/Su) 04/19/12(Thu)09:51:44 No.394419146
    Hey OP,
    I am currently an enlisted soldier in the army (U.S.) and you know what, I've asked myself the same thing. As I'm typing this, I'm serving in Afghanistan this very moment. While I was deploying I found the answer or at least "my" answer to this very question. Some of those people who feel that they couldn't ever make the decision to serve respect those who have placed their lives on the line where they wouldn't. Each soldier has to sacrifice something; time, relationships, emotions etc. To some, even tho those sacrifices aren't immediately apparent, many ppl still appreciate them.

    A soldier can take being told that his/her efforts are not appreciated. But when you say those efforts are not needed, it is when you gravely insult them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)09:52:04 No.394419175
    Except they do bring peace
    Just not like the same type of peace we fought for in WW2
    'Peace' now means maintaining our higher lifestyle
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5J0iwVXC) 04/19/12(Thu)09:52:09 No.394419183
    Damn phone.
    >shitty post
    >not Shorty
    >> Anonymous (ID: f6V9lBo3) 04/19/12(Thu)09:52:27 No.394419215
    No rustled here. Just lol'ing at your faggot attempt at being one of the "crowd".

    You know... The faggot jarhead crowd.
    >> Anonymous (ID: p0om0T5a) 04/19/12(Thu)09:52:36 No.394419234
    only for defense
    those who attack for the gain of a few should not be honored
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZjIG0AwK) 04/19/12(Thu)09:52:40 No.394419236
    >What really grinds my gears

    Hey u got sand in your vagina, I think thats more likely to be grinding your gears
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)09:52:52 No.394419262
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    I really do not understand the concept of respecting OP and his faggotry. WHY THE FUCK do people who troll people deserve to be respected in any way?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)09:52:53 No.394419267
    1/10 for making me respond. Read a history book. The body politic of other nations is not made up of hippster libtard faggots utopian peaceniks, they will rape your daughter and kill you and your wife.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yo/xsEuf) 04/19/12(Thu)09:53:04 No.394419284
    Where do you think the mercenaries get experience?
    >> Anonymous (ID: KUxY97MB) 04/19/12(Thu)09:53:34 No.394419326
    I respect people who do something physically tough or dangerous, I'm a lazy fuck who likes an easy life but I know I wouldn't be able to have an easy life without others doing shit that I'm too lazy to do.

    Regardless of morals, do you have the balls to get shot at and go into dangerous places with IEDs and crazy niggers waiting for you? You would probably curl up into a little ball and cry for your mama if you woke up and found yourself in afagistan surrounded by talibans.

    You probably havn't even got the balls to talk to a gril never mind fight, or lead, or make life and death decisions, or have the courage to actually try and make some kind of difference.

    And if you disapprove of the reasons your government is fighting for, why are you not fighting your government? That's right because you're a lazy faggot with no balls. There is no right or wrong. The world belongs to those who get off their ass and do something.
    >> Anonymous (ID: F4UROo1R) 04/19/12(Thu)09:53:51 No.394419368
    >> Anonymous (ID: BeWDO41W) 04/19/12(Thu)09:53:55 No.394419378

    I used an acronym an you are upset? It is what it is, I am not going to dumb down my post for people like you. If you are going to get rustled about it just don't talk.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bD+2K/Am) 04/19/12(Thu)09:53:57 No.394419381
    lrn2history fucktard..
    >> Anonymous (ID: gBZPgzcF) 04/19/12(Thu)09:54:19 No.394419419
    Armyfag here. I don't demand respect, and we're not all inclined to kill, but have to justify it if we do.
    It's more or less the image of supporting those who would defend the country, not necessarily revering them.

    Well all gotta a job do to, and we all aim to misbehave.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Qb2iq/rE) 04/19/12(Thu)09:55:15 No.394419538
    >>>>talk to a gril
    >>>to a gril
    >>a gril
    >> Anonymous (ID: B2eznoC/) 04/19/12(Thu)09:55:27 No.394419565
    Also, seeing that many imply that USA would've been taken over by Japanese,Germans etc, hadn't they participated in this war, I have a question. Can someone please tell me how many civilians lost their lives on USA ground during ww2?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)09:55:51 No.394419609

    ISAF ? The initial idea was to help the afghan people and authorities to handle situations themselves. Do you feel like they want your help ?

    I heard from many soldiers they feel not welcome at all.
    >> Anonymous (ID: osSO3LiA) 04/19/12(Thu)09:55:51 No.394419610
    what's wrong OP did some military guy take your girl? I served for 6 years and spent a lot of time overseas. If you're not man enough to step up and fill my shoes then shut the fuck up, I've known female soldiers with more balls then you. Its one thing to not join the military but don't disrespect those of us that stepped up and took the oath
    >> Anonymous (ID: ClsVOGCu) 04/19/12(Thu)09:55:54 No.394419615
    op has a point.
    >> Anonymous (ID: f6V9lBo3) 04/19/12(Thu)09:56:13 No.394419649
    >implying civilians understand you retarded jarhead lingo

    We dont all sit around and read "Acronyms For Morons That Can Do Something With Their Lives Besides Joining The Military"
    You stupid ignorant fuck.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:56:23 No.394419667
    >And if you disapprove of the reasons your government is fighting for, why are you not fighting your government?

    You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZukmnFLO) 04/19/12(Thu)09:56:32 No.394419683
    not just the killing, but societal welfare recipients. taxpayers pay their wages, their room and board, insurance - countries want to save their budgets, bring your troops home. besides with the exception of the airforces these guys are not worth anything more than fucking meat sacks, bullet catchers if you will. get killed and save all the taxpayers some money you freeloaders.
    >> Anonymous (ID: f6V9lBo3) 04/19/12(Thu)09:56:45 No.394419709

    Its late and I am tired.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)09:57:02 No.394419741
    I agree OP. There are some veterans you should respect. They're called WW2 vets. Most of them fought in a war against a tyrant and deserve some respect. The rest fought in immoral wars and were tools for immoral slaughter; regardless of what people say. I fucking hate it when people talk about our VETERANS and how without them we wouldnt be able to eat/think freely/do anything; they fight in fucking useless wars that do not affect our countries in the slightest. They have given fought for no cardinal freedoms. Only WW2 vets have. If you know fucking history you can agree with this
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)09:57:26 No.394419783
    >Acronyms For Morons That Can Do Something With Their Lives Besides Joining The Military"
    You stupid ignorant fuck.

    so rustled
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:58:19 No.394419874
    Most soldiers fall under than description. Welcome to reality.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)09:58:24 No.394419882
    It actually feels weird when someone in their late 20's call themselves 'veterans'
    >> Anonymous (ID: ecNAc+uM) 04/19/12(Thu)09:58:41 No.394419913
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    I don't wanna get deep or philosophical here but...

    It's just a job. Mediocre, but steady pay. Benefits. Almost guaranteed employment as long as you're not mentally or physically limited.

    Sure, maybe once upon a time, Man joined the army, or went to war for honor, glory, etc. etc.

    But in our world, in our time, I believe soldiers are just your regular employees of some company, like any of the rest of us.

    Also War is a part of Human nature. Deal with it hippies.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +C9QMX0i) 04/19/12(Thu)09:58:50 No.394419931
    The idea is that soldiers are defending you. This is very, very wrong.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)09:58:55 No.394419942
    >> Anonymous (ID: f6V9lBo3) 04/19/12(Thu)09:59:16 No.394419984
    If it brings your simple mind joy to think I am the least beat perturbed, then fine. I'm rustled.

    Hoo-rah. Dildo.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)09:59:18 No.394419990
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    itt: children that have never even had a discussion with someone in the military and like to stand up to the man for telling them to be courteous to someone else. pic related, sage in all fields.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8slI734V) 04/19/12(Thu)09:59:23 No.394419996
    You all are illogical idiots. You say that we should respect soldiers so they protect us from soldiers from other countries, sects, etc.

    >If it werent portrayed as honorable to defend a country or a belief system by killing other people, there would be no need for soldiers. Take your thinking one step further, faggots
    >> Anonymous (ID: 6zO8VEMC) 04/19/12(Thu)09:59:31 No.394420013
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    They do it so you don't have to, you ungrateful fuck.
    (I grow, I sell, I ship ANYWHERE, Great bud, Even better prices,
    Picture related. My product, Grade A Medical Quality
    It's almost 4/20! I offer Next Day shipping in the US, get it by tomorrow!
    Email me, Or add me on MSN/Live,
    >> Anonymous (ID: vcGEC8xr) 04/19/12(Thu)09:59:41 No.394420028
    it always makes me laugh when someone that doesn't have the guts to join one of the branch's of military, but yet they talk shit about the military...and do so on the internet where they can hide behind their computer screen and be a internet tough guy
    >> Anonymous (ID: BeWDO41W) 04/19/12(Thu)09:59:43 No.394420031

    So when you ask someone for help at home depot and they say things you don't understand you get butthurt at them? I don't see why you are so upset.

    Can we charlie mike with this OBJ an STFD?
    >> Anonymous (ID: VrB+B+9M) 04/19/12(Thu)10:00:21 No.394420106
    I am fighting my government you retarded fuck.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:00:27 No.394420115
    please give me one example of how our rights have been threatened in the past 70 years(post WW2). You cant. Not a single western RIGHT AND FREEDOM was on the line in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan...etc etc
    >> Anonymous (ID: ecNAc+uM) 04/19/12(Thu)10:01:17 No.394420212
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    War is a part of Human nature. We, as an entire species - will never be able to "take our thinking further".

    Perhaps the next step in evolution after us will, to paraphrase Carl Sagan: "Have more of our strengths, and less of our weaknesses".
    >> Anonymous (ID: kWxu/eOI) 04/19/12(Thu)10:01:34 No.394420241
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    >>Implying the Chairforce is any more important than another branch of the military.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KUxY97MB) 04/19/12(Thu)10:01:42 No.394420258

    Soldiers don't choose policy. They go where they are told. Perhaps even in an immoral war as you call it, a good person could make a difference just by being there. Something you will never get. Because you are just a keyboard warrior, and will never have any effect on anything.

    Your government does whatever the fuck it likes. Because it can. Your whining will not change that one little bit. You don't like it, get out there and do something about it faggot, or shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: f6V9lBo3) 04/19/12(Thu)10:02:00 No.394420283
    If the $7.50 an hour asshole (Who, BTW, makes more than you. lol) started spitting acronyms at me in rapid succession in an attempt to sound educated or "uber tough guy-kewl", Yes. I would. I would in fact tell him to slow his god damn roll and speak like a human.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:02:13 No.394420305
    Recent wars were not about freedom, it was about resources
    Resources we use to fuel our economy and lifestyle
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)10:02:26 No.394420343
    This may be but, it doesnt change that fact your jimmies are ruslted
    >> Anonymous (ID: paHGzxjh) 04/19/12(Thu)10:02:32 No.394420358
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)10:03:13 No.394420435
    Why were there no big terrorist attack in the USA since 2001 ? Do you really believe Al Kaida couldnt do more attacks if they really wanted ?

    because 9/11 was an inside job and there is no war against terrorism but oil. everyone knows that.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WSz88uon) 04/19/12(Thu)10:03:22 No.394420449
    I don't respect anybody who voluntarily signs up to be an imperial tool, then gets to be a welfare queen for the rest of their life because of the delusion that they're protecting someone.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ydzD4i2h) 04/19/12(Thu)10:03:46 No.394420485
    Real war between nations does not exist anymore.

    It used to be a gentleman's game, like chess.

    Now, all of the rules have changed, because the technology and tactical advantage has.

    We're in a new era of globalization and resource management that requires a bit of push and shove above simple embargos and treaties.

    The world is changing, and it's definitely not for the better.

    We are like children playing with guns.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)10:03:47 No.394420487
    It's because you're most likely an angsty teen.

    That, or some faggot liberal.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:04:14 No.394420531
    Actually we dont think we could do a better job; we think we don't need them. We hate assholes who say RESPECT THE MULLITARY because we actually ask the question..."what for?" the fight for no real good reason. People who think they still do are deluded.
    >> Anonymous (ID: fUjxO/hV) 04/19/12(Thu)10:04:44 No.394420593
    I respect soldiers for the reason that these people are willing to take a job that might require them to go fight in wars, and quite possible get maimed or killed. This alone makes me give them some respect...
    However, most soldiers act like jackasses, and thus lose that respect.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9hv1d5MQ) 04/19/12(Thu)10:05:09 No.394420643

    Oh you.

    You know why you should respect our veterans? Because they don't pick where they fight. They volunteered to serve our country and defend it if need be. It just so happens that the politicians you elected decided upon all of those wars and conflicts since WW2. Whats worse is that since then, the military hasn't been allowed to do their job properly; every single conflict since then has had politicians meddle in military strategy causing major fuckups all over the place. Tora Bora (Hell, all of Afghanistan for that matter), Vietnam, Korean War, Somalia....

    Respect those who are getting shafted by the politicians you support.

    Oh, and being a murder is inconsequential. We're already overpopulated as is in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vcGEC8xr) 04/19/12(Thu)10:05:28 No.394420674
    you are the most retarded fucking person in this thread now
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)10:06:05 No.394420736
    i'd rather someone be on welfare for having worked in a particular job than someone on welfare because they don't want to get a job to stick it to the man.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8slI734V) 04/19/12(Thu)10:06:40 No.394420805

    i dont agree that war is a part of human nature. I think it is something that is learned. It is an antiquated process. We have so much abundance in the western world that we no longer have to fight wars with other countries.

    >our society, especially in america, breed us to be war like. our media tells us war is necessary. video games and movies make war seem, "not that bad". This is simply not true. Most veterans my age have ptsd, or are simply psychotic after serving in these wars. this is a sign that even soldiers realize that war isnt worth it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WMXL/3t) 04/19/12(Thu)10:06:43 No.394420817

    >We're already overpopulated as is in my opinion.

    Why is everyone saying this ? EARTH is not overpopulated. Certain countries are.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9AiqMG5h) 04/19/12(Thu)10:07:04 No.394420856
    They same reason you'd respect any skilled prostitute: if they're good at what they do (in this case, sucking bureaucratic cock and dying/murdering to further the quarterly balance sheets of large corporations).

    Be clear: no person has died to "keep America free" in over 65 years. Not one.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:07:57 No.394420950
    I respect them for voluntary risking their lives for us
    But i do not respect them for not knowing what they are fighting for
    >> Anonymous (ID: bLC+Fko4) 04/19/12(Thu)10:08:08 No.394420969
    lol, nice to see that /b/ is still inhabited by basement dwelling chicken-hawk fags... I love you guys !
    >> Anonymous (ID: z07Fg/Su) 04/19/12(Thu)10:08:13 No.394420985
    It really depends where you go. The Afghani who hate taliban but tolerate ISAF want us here due to it being sort of a "lesser of two evils" kind of thing. But There are still many Afghanis who rather just deal with their "own kind" too. Generally the Afghani locals operate with a "which can i benefit from more" thought process.
    >> Anonymous (ID: zVwCFmZS) 04/19/12(Thu)10:08:37 No.394421039
    >It used to be a gentleman's game, like chess.

    Stopped reading right there. Give me ONE example of a gentleman's war. FUCKING ONE.

    >my entire knowledge of warfare is based off romanticized media portrayals

    gtfo underage b& faggot, and go read a book or two
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:10:26 No.394421239
    But there is simply no way to take what is inside a veteran's head and hammer it inside a rookie's head

    And also unfortunately, there is no way to change the media overnight, only thing we can hope for is some shit to happen within US soil that will make them see how war really feels like, but even this can backfire and make the US thirst for more war
    >> Anonymous (ID: kWxu/eOI) 04/19/12(Thu)10:10:36 No.394421260
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    That's alright OP. You can keep your respect. I nor any of the other soldiers ask for, or need your respect. You see, we have respect for ourselves and of our peers. Which is worth more to us than your own.
    >> Anonymous (ID: zVwCFmZS) 04/19/12(Thu)10:11:34 No.394421375
    >i dont agree that war is a part of human nature. I think it is something that is learned. It is an antiquated process. We have so much abundance in the western world that we no longer have to fight wars with other countries.

    Except you are 100% fucking wrong. History agrees with me, but go ahead and try to justify your claim...
    ...I'll wait.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8HZp0BSC) 04/19/12(Thu)10:11:34 No.394421376
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    OP is such a massive pussy.
    As am I.
    The difference is that I know I am.
    That is why I respect soldiers.

    They may kill other people but the people they kill are fighting them to the death.
    There is nothing more courageous or manly in nature than two alpha's fighting each other to the death.
    It doesn't matter if it is between two lions or two men.
    This is what it was like in the beginning of time and this is what it will be like at the end of time.

    tl;dr OP is just a pussy who thinks war is like MW3.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:11:52 No.394421417
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    >stopped reading in the beginning of the post
    >quotes something in the middle of the post
    you are full of inconsistencies
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:13:07 No.394421562
    There are about as many good soldiers as there are good people(not many). Of course there are good soldiers who make a difference but they could probably make a difference back home without having to shoot anyone and an even GREATER difference being a peacekeeper. I do understand that soldiers do what they're told(blindly often) and thats what makes people who are screaming RESPECT VETERAAANZ even more fucking blind because they have the audacity to just throw away all blame upon themselves(or relatives) because they were "following orders" regardless of how fucked up those orders were. If you wanna honor a man with a gun fucking honor a peacekeeper you dumb faggot.
    I could easily make more of a difference than most soldiers ever will without using a gun. I could dedicate my life to volunteering but I dont; neither do you either sir high horse of faggotland. They dont volunteer; they sign up for a job(pay check) and the ones who do volunteer are often some of the most deluded people. My government does do what it wants and most things I do wont make a difference(same to you) even if i DID do something. Please tell me something I dont fucking know you dumb fucking faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: zVwCFmZS) 04/19/12(Thu)10:13:15 No.394421579
    >didn't stop reading at beginning of post
    >stopped reading at specific line in post
    you are full of illiteracy
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)10:13:39 No.394421619
    It's because of our military presence that we haven't had to "defend our freedom" directly. How much sense does it make to say "Well, no one is attacking us right now, so fuck all with the military. Surely this is a sign that the lack of war is a direct consequence of no one wanting to initiate war with us and not just being smart enough to not start a fight that can't be won."
    >> Anonymous (ID: SebqCgMK) 04/19/12(Thu)10:14:02 No.394421650
    The best ones, like my brother in law, spend six months patrolling some base, never seeing action or doing anything worthwhile, then come back to the US to leach off of the military as a stupid fucking recruiter.

    The man claims he makes 90k a year salary. He's an E6. Most of that's on subsidies he gets from the government. He's also worked it out where he can pocket most of that money handed to him.

    Pisses me right the fuck off.
    >> Anonymous (ID: z07Fg/Su) 04/19/12(Thu)10:14:08 No.394421660
    lol this guy is mad. I couldn't really understand at what because the post was so unintelligible. I've understood afghanis who speak broken engrish better than i did you're post. care free to try again if you like.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8HZp0BSC) 04/19/12(Thu)10:14:50 No.394421728
    >It used to be a gentleman's game, like chess.
    You've obviously never read any history book that has covered any great war in some modicum of detail.

    Seriously though are you 12?
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)10:15:00 No.394421748
    lol this thread
    >> Anonymous (ID: zVwCFmZS) 04/19/12(Thu)10:15:21 No.394421795
    jelly lol

    Go tell him how you feel then. Or you can always whine about it on the internet like a faggot....
    >> Anonymous (ID: H/iW0LZT) 04/19/12(Thu)10:17:01 No.394421975
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    mfw i see this thread
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:17:36 No.394422047
    i THINK he meant what war was like when it was planned by generals and kings

    war was pretty shitty down in the battlefield
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:18:12 No.394422109
    >implying im american
    >implying I support politicians
    >implying I should respect someone who's dumb enough to join the military when they KNOW politicans are completely fucked
    >implying they actually defend us; they dont.

    My brother is one of the few people in this world who will tell me when I'm completely deluded about something. We've talked about this whole veteran thing many times before. I've got a cousin in afghanistan...I have no fucking extra respect for him what so ever because afghanistan is not going to attack any western country any time soon. Therefore why the fuck is he there? and why should I respect him? Respect him for doing what? He defends nothing that is mine or my family's or friend's or 99% of strangers I could meet on the street
    >> Anonymous (ID: zVwCFmZS) 04/19/12(Thu)10:18:50 No.394422174
    Oh, so he meant EXACTLY THE SAME WAY IT IS NOW?

    Precisely my point; he's a fucking ignorant CHUD
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:20:16 No.394422318
    edit* my brother and I agree on this strongly. He's one of the biggest moralfags I know(bigger than me)
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8dk7d63Q) 04/19/12(Thu)10:23:26 No.394422705
    Well, being a soldier is understandable, if you're in a more or less homogenous feel a part of something, and want to protect it, from it's enemies.

    But being a soldier in countries like russia,france,UK or USA...they're not really countries... they're just empires full of liars,traitors and scoundrels AKA jews.

    And why would anyone serve jews is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:24:34 No.394422827
    The way i see what that guy tried to tell us, is that back then generals had to plan every movement with every detail and think of every possible outcome because wars were fought with men actually battling each other hand to hand

    when rifles were invented and deployed to the field, it put a gap between yours and the enemies frontlines, but it was still men battling other men

    today you just need to launch a missle and bang mission accomplished, have a sniper take out some people and bang mission accomplished, and when the soldiers actually get into a firefight with the enemy, they usually win unless greatly outnumbered, because those sandniggers dont have the same training or experience your soldiers have

    dont get me wrong, war will ALWAYS be shitty for the guys fighting them
    >> Anonymous (ID: bsP0J4yY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:25:10 No.394422918
    I'll tell you what, show me a legitimate threat to my way of life and I'll respect soldiers. I if Hitler came back from the grave with an army of battle droids then I would be all over respecting the troops. All I see now is the military invading a country that hates us to help people that don't want us there to begin with. If anything that's increasing the risk of violence and invasion against me.
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)10:26:44 No.394423091
    >implying they actually defend us; they dont.
    Its more indirectly defending.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:26:49 No.394423102


    Seriously though soldiers are just retards who were too dumb to get a real job.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:27:16 No.394423143
    maybe sandniggers taking control of oilfields and jacking the price skyhigh causing an economic crisis?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8HZp0BSC) 04/19/12(Thu)10:27:18 No.394423149
    Yeah I know what he meant. But it's not true.

    The problem is chess is like war on a board. This is not the same as war is like chess.
    No war or battle plays out like a chess match, this is not to say their is no strategy involved.
    War is simply far more complicated as it has no rules (ignores Geneva).
    OP should stop playing total war on his PC.

    I imagine this is some vague reference to chivalry which did not truly exist in practice but merely in romantic medieval literature.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:28:10 No.394423241

    >sandniggers taking control of oilfields

    You mean the oilfields that are in their countries and technically belong to them? Those oilfields?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)10:28:18 No.394423256
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:30:20 No.394423479
    Precisely those oilfields
    If we don't have a firm control over them to regulate prices we will be fucked
    It sucks for them, its not fair, but its the reality
    >> Anonymous (ID: WjY01AZs) 04/19/12(Thu)10:31:36 No.394423607
    *COUGH* wherethefuckistheuscomparedtherestoftheworldlol *COUGH*
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:32:38 No.394423731

    >Republican logic

    So according to you we have the right to go into other countries and take control of their natural resources and regulate them?

    And you wonder why the middle east hates us...
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:33:03 No.394423763
    I disagree. I think that there's no defending done
    those two posts mentioned.../thread. let the tards believe what they want from here on in.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:34:45 No.394423952
    Yes the US is pretty much the bully of the middle east, and i disprove that, but i do not deny that those oilfields are necessary to sustain my 1st world lifestyle
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)10:35:02 No.394423979
    people going into other countries to take resources? NO SINCE WHEN. The world is and always will been a terrible place and you cant change it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8dk7d63Q) 04/19/12(Thu)10:35:54 No.394424080

    Personally, I think all these Arabic countries should invade the west and force upon their societies Sharia Law and women to wear burkas.
    It sucks for us, its not fair, but its the reality
    >> Anonymous (ID: bsP0J4yY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:36:39 No.394424172
    see >>394422918 paragraph 1, sentence 4.
    Making everybody hate us is definitely protecting us from being invaded! Because nobody starts a war with somebody who is bankrupt and has large quantities of their armed forces on the other side of the planet, right?

    Now, if we kept our military and kept it inside our borders except for disaster relief and security for diplomatic visits then I would have a little more respect.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Z6iSl4wV) 04/19/12(Thu)10:37:13 No.394424236
    I don't give soldiers much respect either. Most of them haven't joined the army because they wanna serve our country and protect it's freedom. They have joined because they are to fucking stupid to go to college and get a decent job anywhere else... and the only way the retards could have a half decent life is to join the army.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:37:33 No.394424271
    If they can do that, let them come, if they succeed, that will be our punishment for not being stronger

    Too bad they can't take the war to US soil at the present moment
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:37:30 No.394424272

    Yeah, I mean who cares how many people die as long as we can continue to drive our air conditioned hummers to the grocery store. Right?

    Fuck those Liberal faggots in their hybrids and those idiots who think we should invest in renewable energy sources!
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:38:29 No.394424403

    Sure, but don't be surprised when they fly planes into your buildings.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/6qtty5) 04/19/12(Thu)10:38:30 No.394424410
    OP here

    most of the responses say that either I'm a pussy or that soldiers deserve respect because you have be tough to risk your life.
    It's like saying you're a pussy because you dont go 300km/h on a motorbike. Fuck that, I don't do it because I think it's stupid not because I want to impress you. If I had a reason to risk my life, I would probably do it. I can't imagine every one os the soldiers has his own true reason to be killed or kill.
    I guess most of the army is just stupid people who rely on what others been saying is good or bad for them.
    Ignorance is bliss when it is about history. History does nothing but causes conflicts. OK maybe exept the knowledge that some of the solutions didn't work and it is highly plausible they won't work in our times either. But this is just a small advantage comparing to all the bullshit that enters our heads nowadays...
    >> Anonymous (ID: /KoOTr1f) 04/19/12(Thu)10:38:49 No.394424445
    they don't

    but it's "patriotic" to so

    most people in the military (army and marines, anyhow) are sociopaths that just enjoy shooting guns and blowing shit up

    prove me wrong. all soldiers since the beginning of history have been the same way. today it's just glorified to the point of "oh HE must be so tough and cool to be able to shoot someone else!!!"

    fucking shit. in the past generals actually lead their armies, soldiers were punished by their fellows for being cowards (beaten or killed) and they weren't all dressed up in fancy uniforms to dress up the fact that they are simply trained to kill other people.

    respect them or don't, but the fact is that war is a huge business and it's not going away...ever.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8dk7d63Q) 04/19/12(Thu)10:39:05 No.394424475

    Don't forget that you scumbag, all sides can play the "market fascist" game, not only the west, and USA is a dying empire that cannot afford to dictate the global market rules any longer.

    Bye bye Roman Empire've had a short and shitty existence.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:39:29 No.394424517
    >making everybody us hated is definitely protecting us

    or in other words...making everybody want to gang up on you(they just might; its happened to crumbling empires before)
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:40:50 No.394424678
    BREAKING NEWS: People kill people for things
    More news at 11

    Btw i never mentioned i approved of that, renewable energy sources will give everyone less trouble, but the problem is that they are too expensive and not cost-efficient to be put in use on a large scale

    until then, unfortunately, we will have to stick to the killing
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0L7lJrAW) 04/19/12(Thu)10:40:58 No.394424702
    it's not murder. Murder is defined as UNLAWFUL killing of others. Soldiers are commanded by the Head of State for that particular nation and make 'lawful' kills in that countries particular laws.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:41:46 No.394424789
    I know that
    I predict a very dark future for the US
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)10:41:54 No.394424803
    Your're missing the point. Every countries military is pretty much indirectly protecting based on their presence. Lets say your're an evil person and you want something some other country has really bad or, you just feel like getting some more space. Yet they have a military that will smack your shit if you come anywhere close to them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:42:30 No.394424862
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:42:57 No.394424926

    Well at least you're perceptive enough to realise that the wars in the mideast have nothing to do with protecting our "freedom".

    The scary thing is that despite knowing the truth you still support said wars. Where's your fucking compassion?
    >> Anonymous (ID: iJhodGtr) 04/19/12(Thu)10:43:13 No.394424952
    here's a crazy idea. What if there were... no soldiers. No one has any fear of being invaded, because no one has an army, and vice versa. No one would have to die in senseless wars. This idea could only work if everybody wanted it to. If you think this idea is so unrealistic that we shouldn't bother working towards it then you are cancer and should gtfo our planet.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:44:14 No.394425056

    Soldiers are just guys with guns. Or swords back in the day. There will always be guys with weapons.
    >> Anonymous (ID: iXjqrtB6) 04/19/12(Thu)10:44:34 No.394425102
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    Kid that doesn't understand the simplest kid in the kid detected. Kids defend kid from everykid in the kid that wants to kid your kid. Kids deserve kid no matter what kid they are kidding.

    Grow the fuck up and learn some respect, kid.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bsP0J4yY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:44:45 No.394425119
    not sure if didn't read the rest of the post or just doesn't understand sarcasm...
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/6qtty5) 04/19/12(Thu)10:44:55 No.394425135

    That would work I guess but can you fight violence withous using violence?
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:45:11 No.394425171
    There is no compassion when it comes to defending my comfortable lifestyle, mine and of the people i love

    And there will be even less compassion when it comes to getting it back if its taken away
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8HZp0BSC) 04/19/12(Thu)10:45:20 No.394425189
    >It's like saying you're a pussy because you dont go 300km/h on a motorbike.

    It's really not. Going 300mph on a motorbike is not the same as fighting someone to the death.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nz0neMVt) 04/19/12(Thu)10:45:57 No.394425253
    soldiers can fuck off, they don't deserve any respect

    people who think soldiers are awesome are just pussies who are afraid of soldiers from other countries

    people don't hate each other, their leaders make them hate eachother so they can get what they want which is money and power

    fucking pussy dumbasses, why so many terrified newfags?
    >> Anonymous (ID: lqRN0DIY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:46:05 No.394425265
    If it was conscription that put someone in the military, then you have to respect them going.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 04/19/12(Thu)10:46:10 No.394425275
    woh there buster brown face. you're making the assumption that every military personnel outside of the US is over in the middle east fucking around with oil fields and arabs. You obviously don't support what is going on there, but that doesn't take the importance of what's going on else where. You want to support the people in the military because the military's existence is absolutely vital. It isn't just something to put together after an attack. It's there to avoid or defend against an attack, not just retaliate.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8F75jAU3) 04/19/12(Thu)10:46:22 No.394425294
    50$ via paypal for anyone who kills OP. I would really respect you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8HZp0BSC) 04/19/12(Thu)10:46:39 No.394425334
    Prisoner's Dilemma
    >> Anonymous (ID: A9UUCsia) 04/19/12(Thu)10:47:10 No.394425389
    That is an utopia
    There has been killing in the beginning, there has been killing in the past, there is killing now, and there will be killing in the future, and there will be killing in the end
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5Hm6krwY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:47:23 No.394425413
    didnt get sarcasm. Sorry /b/rother. I read the whole thing and was mostly confused.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1NrwCDaR) 04/19/12(Thu)10:47:48 No.394425465
    Is anybody taking soldiers of non-aggressive countries into account?

    You know.. Irish Defence Forces etc?

    >Ireland has an army
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:48:58 No.394425602

    >My friends and family and I are more important than other people.

    Funny that's what most dictators say...

    >And there will be even less compassion when it comes to getting it back if its taken away

    That's precisely how the people in the mideast feel. That's why they hate America.

    Like I said be a selfish cunt if you want but don't be surprised when you or someone you love gets blown up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/6qtty5) 04/19/12(Thu)10:49:08 No.394425624

    So let's say it's like playing 'chicken'. I could crash my car into yours but I don't do it because I'm not a fucking idiot and I can predict the consequences of doing it
    >> Anonymous (ID: 8dk7d63Q) 04/19/12(Thu)10:49:25 No.394425649
    Not everyone has compassion, and some people have lost theirs for humanity faster than others, such peopel want to see this world burn.

    But at least he's honest and proud about it, unlike these liberal leftist fucks that hide behind a mountain of lies trying to pull every trick in the book to fool as many people as they can. All while having an eternally bleeding heart about it.

    If you're going to sin, sin with pride,not under sheep's wool, be an prophet for your evil ideologies and leave clear footprints so others can walk in them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NyZX5alQ) 04/19/12(Thu)10:50:57 No.394425806
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    jesus christ, you just eliminated church, police and governments of any kind. Nice story bro. Do something about it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: m3Lr5P65) 04/19/12(Thu)10:51:06 No.394425821
    OP it's the fact that if they don't do it, then you have to.

    And we all know your fat, sweaty, out of shape body is in no way ready or will ever be ready for war.
    >> Anonymous (ID: pF+ojmKZ) 04/19/12(Thu)10:51:21 No.394425853
























    >> Anonymous (ID: iJhodGtr) 04/19/12(Thu)10:51:22 No.394425860
    Violence between people will always occur, but violence between nations can be avoided. If everyone stopped drawing non-existent boundaries between them and other habitants of earth, and fighting over them, there would be no large scale conflict. People have never started wars, that requires politicians. Im not advocating the abolishment of all forms of government or leadership, im saying that the people should never let their government start wars. This starts by not joining the military and supporting the endless cycle of violence. That is why I have no respect for army faggots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01NcPDSj) 04/19/12(Thu)10:51:47 No.394425915

    >Not everyone has compassion

    No but most people do. Maybe not on /b/ but out in the real world.

    >But at least he's honest and proud about it

    Proud of not having compassion? Proud of being a selfish cunt? I don't even...
    >> Anonymous (ID: bsP0J4yY) 04/19/12(Thu)10:52:07 No.394425948
    the US military does do other things in other countries. We have plenty of military bases in other countries, and unfortunately, most of those countries don't like that we have military bases there. Some don't care, and for the ones that don't it provides good opportunities, but for most it's just pissing people off.
    >> Anonymous (ID: DkcKTM0s) 04/19/12(Thu)10:52:25 No.394425982
    someone should sing about this in a song
    >> Anonymous (ID: uWiI0d4F) 04/19/12(Thu)10:52:47 No.394426020
    there are no actual law you know that right? its anarchy everywhere.
    >> Anonymous (ID: TjQ0eBdM) 04/19/12(Thu)10:52:56 No.394426034
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