(ID: MiXEygL7) 04/05/12(Thu)21:53:01 No. 391388064 >>391383398 Got
it in one. Special operators tend to adapt their appearance to whatever
allows them to blend in easiest with the local population near their
potential targets. Muslim fundamentalists, such as the Taliban,
believe that for a man to shave his beard is to violate the will of God.
After all, since God wills all of existence, and men have beards, then
God must have willed that men let them grow naturally. Moreover,
modern standards of grooming date back to the Roman Legions, which made
short hair and clean-shaven faces mandatory, as a hygienic measure for
soldiers in the field. The Roman Legions very definitely represent
Western Civilization, and have exactly squat to do with Islam. So,
to fundamentalist Muslims, cropped hair and shaved beards symbolize
corruption of the faithful by sinful western Christianity or secularism.
Ergo, most men in fundamentalist areas wear their hair and beards long
and shaggy. So, when special operators need to spend a lot of
time in those areas, they adopt the local look. Which tells you this guy
is so badass that most of his targets can't even tell he's a badass --
right up until he kills them.