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    File: 1332853788.png-(321 KB, 500x354, Cornucopia-the-hunger-games-movie-295869(...).png)
    321 KB Anonymous (ID: MZZ9AaT+) 03/27/12(Tue)09:09:48 No.389415020  
    So was anyone else taken aback by the start of the Game in the Hunger Games movies?

    I mean, we all see fucked up shit on here and don't really think twice about it, but seeing kids fuck each other up and the dead stare of a 12-18 year old, no matter how little actual graphic violence was used, seemed fucked up.

    >> Anonymous (ID: lytTA00R) 03/27/12(Tue)09:10:44 No.389415105
    Yeah you're a fucking pussy and should gtfo my /b/
    >> Anonymous (ID: npyxS8fo) 03/27/12(Tue)09:10:52 No.389415119
    what's this thing about
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)09:10:58 No.389415130
    OP is a fag.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yES2NbzL) 03/27/12(Tue)09:11:31 No.389415190
    >> Anonymous (ID: lBDw0RGz) 03/27/12(Tue)09:11:33 No.389415191

    lurk moar newfriend
    >> Anonymous (ID: y/RMZk92) 03/27/12(Tue)09:11:36 No.389415196
    The Hunger Games is the new Twilight.
    Congrats on being an emotional faggot, OP.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wbUew5cl) 03/27/12(Tue)09:11:39 No.389415198
    Seeing children killing each other seems normal for me... oh wait I live in Japan.
    >> Anonymous (ID: u4dQh0pw) 03/27/12(Tue)09:11:54 No.389415226

    >> Anonymous (ID: eRsBwoAn) 03/27/12(Tue)09:11:59 No.389415237
    I wish I could smell the butthole of my friends 7 year old sister.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0Q8gRMiK) 03/27/12(Tue)09:12:07 No.389415250
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    >> Anonymous (ID: rBtwsEj8) 03/27/12(Tue)09:12:22 No.389415271

    puts the american pussy version in its place
    >> Anonymous (ID: Z6gKE6iQ) 03/27/12(Tue)09:12:39 No.389415297
    OP has knowledge of the taste and texture of semen in his mouth.
    >> Anonymous (ID: aaYs86mb) 03/27/12(Tue)09:13:07 No.389415343
    what the fuck is this faggotry
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3np0FrYg) 03/27/12(Tue)09:13:26 No.389415376
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    >mfw a brit wrote it
    >> Anonymous (ID: XYF2MsGY) 03/27/12(Tue)09:13:49 No.389415421
    OP here, I have no problem with watching asian kids die. Just real kids seemed pretty awful.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /u+u6YPP) 03/27/12(Tue)09:16:23 No.389415659
    Hunger Games is for pussys
    Better watch fucking Battle Royal
    >> Anonymous (ID: x3ZnvuNz) 03/27/12(Tue)09:17:33 No.389415782
    Katness was saved 4 times by her enemyfags. Kind enough for me. In my opinion she should have slaughtered them asap
    >> Anonymous (ID: rBtwsEj8) 03/27/12(Tue)09:17:39 No.389415791
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    >> Anonymous (ID: XYF2MsGY) 03/27/12(Tue)09:18:32 No.389415852
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    I was happy when this guy died though. What a cunt! Amirite?
    >> Anonymous (ID: xlYdrr1Z) 03/27/12(Tue)09:19:50 No.389415956
    Lame film made for children.
    >> Anonymous (ID: PTWLsokB) 03/27/12(Tue)09:20:10 No.389415992
    the politics in the the hunger games is far more advance than in BR.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NxNQ5b9P) 03/27/12(Tue)09:20:20 No.389416000
    It's basically a copy of the running man (both the movie and the books) but adapted for the tween audience, unlike battle royale which is quite gruesome and not meant for that age group.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)09:20:25 No.389416014
    No, you're the cunt here.
    >> Anonymous (ID: qUDj7/Z9) 03/27/12(Tue)09:21:29 No.389416116
    >The Hunger Games
    Wow its a rip-off of 'The Condemned'!
    Which is a rip-off of 'Battle Royal'
    Which was a steaming pile of shit!!!
    >> Anonymous (ID: XYF2MsGY) 03/27/12(Tue)09:21:55 No.389416147
    Young adults aren't children last time I checked /b/ro! Seriously though, thoughts?
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)09:22:34 No.389416207
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    the funny thing is that the directo once claimed that "it will be fun not only for children"
    yeahhh... right.

    also ... the books were awesome... until the end of the 3rd one... i mean serously the author just fucked up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3np0FrYg) 03/27/12(Tue)09:22:46 No.389416224
    srs though, i liked this movie a lot more when it was called highlander
    >> Anonymous (ID: hV+MaKkK) 03/27/12(Tue)09:23:01 No.389416249
    this movie is totally crap , like Battle Royal
    >> Anonymous (ID: ToQqAJ5l) 03/27/12(Tue)09:24:39 No.389416387

    Yeah, but it was described for 12 year old kids in the book and barely described at all in the movie.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)09:25:02 No.389416421
    >implying 12-18 year olds are young adults.
    implying they are rip offs, because they are based on the ones before them
    srsly the hunger games is BETTER and much much more than just the senseless violence from condamned and shit royale
    >> Anonymous (ID: qh4fEkqX) 03/27/12(Tue)09:25:31 No.389416457
    >> Anonymous (ID: I/oRRpGV) 03/27/12(Tue)09:27:30 No.389416626
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    battle royale was a fucking epic movie, even though they pulled a Mass Effect 3 ending. I haven't seen this Hunger Games shit but I'm sure it isn't as good as good old fashioned Japanese depravity.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)09:28:07 No.389416678
    whoah there. i'll agree they're not ripoffs, and i like both, but battle royale was way fucking better than hunger games.


    wait, are we talking movies, or books here?

    cause movies, i'll give you. the battle royale movie was not great, and the hunger games movie, though i haven't seen it yet, looks like it'd be pretty good (and the book, if adapted right, would make a better movie).

    but the battle royale novel is much better than the hunger games novel.
    >> Anonymous (ID: SvFABcNY) 03/27/12(Tue)09:29:14 No.389416781
    sounds too much like western Battle Royal

    >> Anonymous (ID: PTWLsokB) 03/27/12(Tue)09:29:47 No.389416830
    bataru rowaiaru is tarantinos favourite movie since he started making movies (meaning not including movies made before he started directing)
    it must be good. which means hunger games isnt
    >> Anonymous (ID: wbUew5cl) 03/27/12(Tue)09:29:54 No.389416842
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    Rue's Death was sexy right? I mean the part where she pulls out the spear in her abdomen, it's so hot I actually fapped on that part in the cinema.
    >> Anonymous (ID: XYF2MsGY) 03/27/12(Tue)09:33:52 No.389417189
    Did you get kicked out?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0YCMabgn) 03/27/12(Tue)09:36:58 No.389417435
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    I've seen it. Sucked ass
    >> Anonymous (ID: H6F+gjVR) 03/27/12(Tue)09:37:44 No.389417513
    I thought the movie was kind of boring. I was expected some full blown child gore and carnage. This was some real pussy shit and they killed off most of the people right off the bat and barely showed the kids dieing.

    Basically there was just not enough emotion behind killing the kids and I barely felt anything,
    >> Anonymous (ID: h4C5niiC) 03/27/12(Tue)09:38:52 No.389417617
    Battle Royale is better
    >> Anonymous (ID: wbUew5cl) 03/27/12(Tue)09:38:53 No.389417619
    Well the security guards came to me and said that I should stop doing what I was doing but I just payed them both $10 to buy some movie donuts so it's cool.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)09:40:15 No.389417746
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    >implying something is good, because it is old
    srsly is there even ANYTHING in battle royale besides gore?
    the major points in the hunger games are politics and love...
    AND these are done really good.
    i ll give you that the main character has an IQ lower than any random pebble, and that the ending looks and reads like the author had mental diarrhea but apart from that the boos are awesome.

    >implying you don't just read books for teh gooorrree
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)09:41:36 No.389417860

    Battle Royal lacked the development of Hunger Games. Hunger Games is Battle Royal done right.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)09:42:34 No.389417950

    The killing wasn't the main point... There were tons of political undertones. It was supposed to be disturbing because this could happen in our society.
    >> Anonymous (ID: H6F+gjVR) 03/27/12(Tue)09:42:37 No.389417952
    Battle royale was about the game and huner games wasn't about the game.
    >> Anonymous (ID: h4C5niiC) 03/27/12(Tue)09:43:48 No.389418049
    >the major points in the hunger games are politics and love...

    Did you watch Battle Royale? It's all about the government sending kids away to kill each other because they are getting out of control.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)09:44:11 No.389418090
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    please go and die a horrible death. and meanwhile you can fap to yourself dying
    look at
    the director wanted it to be "family friendly"

    besides you re a sickfuck
    no wonder we americunts have the reputation we have
    >> Anonymous (ID: btIjVlvk) 03/27/12(Tue)09:45:22 No.389418193
    ITT: people arguing about heavy-handed social commentary in books about children killing each other. you know, there's a reason why battle royale adaptations cut most of the political bullshit
    >> Anonymous (ID: H6F+gjVR) 03/27/12(Tue)09:46:25 No.389418275
    Because it's a movie and not a book. Which is why the hunger games focused on the wrong aspect to make a good movie.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)09:46:49 No.389418313
    Hunger Games possesses the power to alter how female characters are perceived in popular culture.

    Katniss is a female lead who is not a sex symbol, does not die, and isn't second to her male counter part.

    With all the debates about women, sex and contraception right now, this movie came out at the right time.

    What's depressing is that it will always be compared to Twilight.


    But w/e. You guys don't want to debate gender.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bPZjTndB) 03/27/12(Tue)09:47:21 No.389418365
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    Like any good dystopian sci fi, I loved it.
    The prospect of humans turning on eachother either via the breakdown of society or at the behest of a controlling society always gives me creepy skin tingles.

    Fallout, Any X-minus-one, twilight zone etc.

    Also, Katniss is hotter than i imagined.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)09:47:51 No.389418418

    The political tones of the story were still very present in the movie. Anyone who didn't notice them is half retarded.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)09:48:51 No.389418527
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    >because they are getting out of control...
    which is a perfectly logical and politically valid explanation to send kids to die.
    oh wait...

    the point is the hunger games are novels set in a cyberpunk / darksci-fi /dystopian america, and it deals with the mental development of the main character and the development of politcs.
    meanwhile it involves a lot of social criticism, and puts a great deal of effort into the details and realism of the political motivations and development of the warring parties.

    the thing i loved the most however are the unexpected turns of events. those were done excellently
    >> Anonymous (ID: qUDj7/Z9) 03/27/12(Tue)09:49:14 No.389418560
    As long as you still perceive them as a 'female' character you're doing feminism wrong.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bPZjTndB) 03/27/12(Tue)09:49:16 No.389418565
    Why please
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)09:49:50 No.389418623
    there's plenty. there's the politics of totalitarianism and question of whether you can really trust people when it's in their best interests to betray you, whether you should try to fight back and maintain who you are, or just try to survive anyway you can. what you'd do when you have the spectre of death looming over you. there are also several different characters to root for, each playing very different games, and each death means something, it's a little tragedy.

    in the hunger games the politics are shitty ("gee, you rebelled and in order to keep you from doing it again we're going to make you send two random people to fight to the death every year... meanwhile, our capital is indistinguishable from modern day america!), and the love is shitty but slightly less shitty. you must be a teenager if you think either of them is deep. the main character is dumb, and the writer pulls plot developments out of her ass, and the deaths are treated pretty much like the characters who die: unimportant and only there for shock value and to make the main character feel endangered, but not really meaningful in their own right.

    hunger games is a fun book, mind you, but it's a teen book.

    battle royale is an adult book about teens.

    it's not about gore (seriously? accusing me of reading the books for gore? if i was into that, i'd love the movie).
    >> Anonymous (ID: YVdLQcLw) 03/27/12(Tue)09:49:57 No.389418638
    solid story, plot, and message ruined by shaky camera.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wbUew5cl) 03/27/12(Tue)09:50:09 No.389418671
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    Well when I came to watch the HG movie, I saw 6-13 year old girls with their parents, and 18-25 year old gangster men with tattoos in line, there was even a very old grandpa watching the movie lol.
    Well I just told you guys what I saw in the line when I watched the movie, you guys give the opinion or thoughts about this one.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ugfJQUS0) 03/27/12(Tue)09:50:25 No.389418691
    Its Battle Royale for Twilight fans. If you like it you're either a little girl or of weak complexion.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)09:50:33 No.389418702
    no use in arguing with people who come to watch movies for child gore....
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)09:51:29 No.389418789
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    Hunger Games = Battle Royal
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)09:51:53 No.389418826

    I'm not doing feminism. I am restating a feminist idea gathered from an article wrote by a female, who is presumably a feminist (that still liked Bella Swan).

    My /feminist was the towards the idea and not my personal beliefs.
    >> Anonymous (ID: H6F+gjVR) 03/27/12(Tue)09:51:56 No.389418829
    The story itself was weak and generic. The only thing that could have saved such a cliche ridden storyline would have been the action, but they fucked that up too.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IkXN+RxZ) 03/27/12(Tue)09:52:24 No.389418873
    As mentioned before, being too worried about the gender of the character is a bit wrong as well, point is taken.

    I remember some guy asking me, "What would you rather see, Batman, or Wonderwoman?"

    I said, neither, they both suck. I'd rather watch Claymore.

    Him trying to prove female lead characters make for bad shows. I argue, "No, it just so happens too many people make shitty shows, that happen to have female leads. After that, the stereotype kicks in, and we assume it's going to be some corny Charlie's Angles BS."
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7bL8l61E) 03/27/12(Tue)09:52:27 No.389418875
    what this guy said.

    you are a gaping fucking vagina, battle royale was 100x better and more gruesome.

    fuck you op
    >> Anonymous (ID: B1zboHLj) 03/27/12(Tue)09:52:27 No.389418876

    This. This so hard.
    >> Anonymous (ID: VjsiMaqS) 03/27/12(Tue)09:53:08 No.389418942
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    >> Anonymous (ID: NxNQ5b9P) 03/27/12(Tue)09:53:55 No.389419025
    Battle Royale had some very interesting schoolyard politics, the movie was only as deep as you made it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)09:54:48 No.389419124

    And Battle Royal is... that book where the kids are stuck on an island and kill each other... Wtf was it called?

    My point is this idea was played with before Battle Royal.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NxNQ5b9P) 03/27/12(Tue)09:55:59 No.389419231
    Lord of the Flies.
    >> Anonymous (ID: VoNN5Qqz) 03/27/12(Tue)09:56:01 No.389419237
    2/10 would not watch again
    American rip off from the Japanese original Battle Royale.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)09:57:13 No.389419338
    lord of the flies?

    yeah, people who accuse things of ripoffs generally don't understand both how idea and stories are supposed to feed off each other and how easy it is for many different people to have similar ideas independently.
    >> Anonymous (ID: H6F+gjVR) 03/27/12(Tue)09:57:21 No.389419352
    Lord of the flies wasn't a game where there was supposed to be 1 survivor. They just happen to both be on an island.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)09:58:19 No.389419441
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    have you read the second and third book of the hunger games? if yes, i really do not know how you can say that the politicsare not detailed and interesting enough.
    and all the points you mentioned are present in the hunger games too
    probably not in the movie, but in the books. every single one.

    and the comment ybout reading the books only for gore was meant for the other peson
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)09:58:23 No.389419449

    That's why this film could revolutionize pop culture.

    The industry looks at last year says "What was successful?" and uses that as a reason not make movies and games with non sexy female leads who don't die.

    This film is doing well and it's challenged what they've thought was possible.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)09:58:47 No.389419497
    doesn't matter. it's kids on an island, therefore ripoff!
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)10:00:27 No.389419649
    rubbish movie for rubbish people
    >> Anonymous (ID: VjsiMaqS) 03/27/12(Tue)10:00:39 No.389419667

    need you help.... / gag / 3591459
    >> Anonymous (ID: NxNQ5b9P) 03/27/12(Tue)10:01:04 No.389419703
    I'm aware, I was just giving I'm the name of the novel.
    People have similar ideas because they are interesting in similar things. With that in mind, it is a persons personal experience and intelligence that weaves the story. With Lord of the Flies, the writer was a war vet, so the characters were all male and young -naive- and with Hunger Games, the main character was female, as was the written. What a person writes reveals more about themselves than it does about the topic/subject/general idea. For this reason, I enjoy Stephen King more than most writers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bPZjTndB) 03/27/12(Tue)10:01:44 No.389419774

    LOTF was awesome and displayed the human condition to it's apex.
    Hunger games had a more sinister, overbearing societal pressure (like BR) that influenced their actions. I personally find the latter more intriguing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Cgj+7waI) 03/27/12(Tue)10:01:59 No.389419803
    I should've stayed at home and watched Battle Royale.
    It's the same film, but in Japanese.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:02:53 No.389419905

    Lord of the Flies! Thank you.

    Listen it wasn't institutionalized, the circumstances were different but the idea was very similar. Surviving. Killing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NMo0ysxg) 03/27/12(Tue)10:03:07 No.389419924
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    >> Anonymous (ID: NxNQ5b9P) 03/27/12(Tue)10:03:10 No.389419930
    > because they are interesting in similar things.
    I meant interested.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:03:49 No.389419979
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    schoolyard politics.
    thats my point
    in the hunger games you do not only have the the smally and puny, but remarkably interesting question of who do i trust and who not, but you have politics on a greater (national) scale.
    this is why i like them
    howeven in battle royale its just like the killing was a fixed setting and undisputable and thus there is no need to justify it. the real politics in battle royale only involved the people who were already set to DIE.
    in the hunger games the story only really starts after the concept of necessarily dieing is abolished by (the only) witty action by the main character
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)10:04:48 No.389420095
    i'll admit it, i haven't. i will eventually.

    and maybe it gets better.

    but we're not discussing the hunger games series, where they go deeper into the world vs the battle royale series, where they go deeper into the world (which there isn't, at least of novels).

    we're discussing the hunger games and battle royale. and the book itself of hunger games is not very deep and the politics are light as fuck. maybe it gets better in the future books. i don't have high hopes based on the first one... not just how she handled the politics, which you can argue wasn't the point, but how she handles writing everything else, how the game worked, the plot twists, etc. as a writer, she didn't do a great job. if she improved, great! i look forward to reading it.

    the fact remains, battle royale was a better book than the hunger games.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NxNQ5b9P) 03/27/12(Tue)10:05:09 No.389420131
    >in the hunger games the story only really starts after the concept of necessarily dieing is abolished by (the only) witty action by the main character
    >by (the only) witty action by the main character

    Would you kindly elaborate?
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:06:20 No.389420232
    One of the most striking things to me in the Hunger Games was the use of class warfare.

    When you realize that this takes place in the united states, where class warfare is a swear word... I was surprised. Hunger Games was literally poor rebelling against the rich and being punished.

    That's powerful. Especially given current events.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NxNQ5b9P) 03/27/12(Tue)10:08:17 No.389420430
    Self-bump for an answer
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:10:51 No.389420680
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:13:18 No.389420931

    >> Anonymous (ID: Y9D/yq4S) 03/27/12(Tue)10:15:48 No.389421164
    Fuck off fag. They took out 90% of the graphic violence portrayed in the book.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:16:12 No.389421202
    The second book is always the best.
    And yes you were right in your previous post im underageb&
    for my taste battle royale involved too much gore and not enough plot twists, not enough big scale politics, and not enough interesting plot details.

    what you said about the author trying too hard, is in my opinion only true for the ending of the 3rd book.
    the only critic i accept is that katniss is dumber than humanly possible. it streched my suspension of disbelief into oblivion and back.
    Anyways it is only from the happy end of the first book on that things start to take unexpected turns more often. and that the chemistry of a revolution is analyzed. Therefore i recommentd you to read the second book and the first half of the third, and rething your judgement of battle royale vs. hungergames.

    but for gods sake do NOT read the last few chapters..
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:19:44 No.389421520
    the toxic berries.
    this is actually what overstreched my suspension of disbelief.
    i mean:
    a person so totally dumb that it hurts suddenly thinks of a way to trick the system by analyzing and finding a loophole in the network of social interactions and dependencies that the creators of the game are in.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)10:20:31 No.389421604
    for the record, my criticism wasn't the writer trying too hard, if anything, i think the problem is the opposite... lazy writing everywhere, at least in the first book.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:22:37 No.389421816
    later the fact that she was able to trick the system is the major motor of plot events, because it shows that the system CAN be fought
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:23:13 No.389421885

    Try to remember that this book was meant to target young adults (for some... strange reason). The writing is only as lazy as the targeted readers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: C7pkh2Zz) 03/27/12(Tue)10:23:50 No.389421960
    why the fuck has anyone even heard of this childrens film i had to look it up
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:25:16 No.389422117
    ehmm how do i say this..
    yes you re right but that is precisely what i wanted to say.

    the whole plot only works because the main character is given no intelligence of her own.
    t his is concealed by cheap tricks, and gore and blood without any reason, = the author trying too hard to be edgy
    >> Anonymous (ID: YMXxtJrK) 03/27/12(Tue)10:25:28 No.389422141

    Actually it's intended for teens, from what I gather. It is published by Scholastic after all.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YMXxtJrK) 03/27/12(Tue)10:26:44 No.389422280
    Oops, I missed the key word "young" in young adults.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:28:24 No.389422464

    Young adult fiction is meant to target teens = 20 somethings.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)10:30:59 No.389422749
    oh, i understand that, and i give it credit for that for some of it. even though, really, for what i'm talking about, it's actually not much of an excuse.

    see, i don't mean lazy writing as in "the themes weren't especially well developed", or "the characters lacked true nuance because they had to be immediately understandable to younger readers" i meant the writer has things happen just because she needs it to get her out of the hole she wrote herself into, rather than it happening logically. character stuck in a tree? not just wasps... genetically engineered killer wasps that do just what she needs! sick by the venom of a genetically engineered wasp? luckily, there's a natural cure that happens to be around! burned hands? magic salve!

    everything is so fucking convenient. it lacks narrative power. and that's the kind of thing that you don't really need to dumb down for kids, they don't notice it when it's there, it's just good writing. they don't notice it when it's NOT there either, but that's why not having it is lazy writing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WaUbco3G) 03/27/12(Tue)10:32:41 No.389422931
         File: 1332858761.jpg-(20 KB, 401x267, precious_movie[1].jpg)
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    I don't know why everybody is wanting to talk about this movie now. The Hungry Games came out a while back, I thought.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:33:00 No.389422965
         File: 1332858780.jpg-(26 KB, 400x400, considering-jacksparrow.jpg)
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    and how could you bring politics and moral values to teens if not through bloody, and violent action?
    all in all i think the writer did a great job.
    There are a lot of people internatinoally reading this, and there is an intense abount ofpolitical and sociological knowledge to be found in the books.. (mostly in 2 and 3)
    the story being a bit old, the love being a basic lovetriangle, and plot progression being only made possible because of a brainless main character are a small price to pay for the sheer awesomeness of unexpected twists in the later books.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:33:18 No.389423008

    I understand what you're saying.

    And I guess I agree. Katniss got lucky... A LOT.
    >> Anonymous (ID: fBclme41) 03/27/12(Tue)10:33:45 No.389423053
    where was the fucking violence? :P
    >> Anonymous (ID: yyo5k7nB) 03/27/12(Tue)10:34:25 No.389423131
    That series sounds retarded.

    At least it isn't gay vampires.
    >> Anonymous (ID: P6UrnjJY) 03/27/12(Tue)10:36:07 No.389423345
         File: 1332858967.png-(109 KB, 618x564, 253564453.png)
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    Successful troll.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Q8ec6jX1) 03/27/12(Tue)10:37:36 No.389423523
    What the fuck is this sudden increase of Battle Royale or Hunger Games or whatever

    Do I need to give a shit? Do I need to watch it? What is it even? Is is important to know?
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:38:15 No.389423596
         File: 1332859095.jpg-(9 KB, 251x251, considerthefollowing.jpg)
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    you know you re forgetting that the whole arena was specifically engineered to suit the fancies of the DIRECTORS who basically want to make a SHOW for some people out of the whole thing.

    its like in p0rtal
    everything is conveniently placed and there to make stuff harder to solve/more interesting,
    but the REAL events start only once you can start to do things BEHIND the stage equipment.

    THIS is actually what i like about the plot.
    i generally like plots where one eventually goes BEHIND the world created specifically for their needs.
    this however only starts with the toxic berries in the hungergames...
    one could say the berries are the RED PILL
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:42:07 No.389424032
         File: 1332859327.jpg-(152 KB, 494x531, this2.jpg)
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    if you like gore and the social implications of knowing you can only escape death by killing others read battle royale

    if you like politics of a revolution and going behind the system like in portal and the matrix read the hungar games and bear with the more or less cheap love story

    if you like complicated and totally amazing love triangles in a post apocalyptic society read that other book by stephanie meyer.... "host" i think
    >> Anonymous (ID: Q8ec6jX1) 03/27/12(Tue)10:44:26 No.389424271
    or I disregard all of that and ignore that "trend" completely
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:45:09 No.389424352
    also: /topic

    and back to OPs topic.
    i have no idea about the movie, cuz i ve never seen it, but making a family friendly version of a book filled with violence DOES sound a bit paradox to me. and that is what the director intended to do.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:47:20 No.389424574
    what trend are you talking about?!?!
    i just summarized you what these books were about and the points people in this thread were arguing about!
    if you don't like any of these things that is your problem... damn
    its not like anybody was trying to make you read or watch anything
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)10:48:23 No.389424694
    sorry, doesn't really help, it's a writing problem. even if you assume that they micromanaged everything to give katniss the perfect story (which i don't think you can, and although a couple problems can be attributed to the directors, not all of them), then you can take them out of the equation and put in god.

    if you wrote a story where god had completely random things happen to the character and then completely random things got them out of it... like, say, a character was being chased by a killer, fell on the ground, the killer got on top of her, she stretched out her hand, and there was a gun... not the one the killer had that was knocked over in the struggle, because that would be fair, but a gun that some unrelated mugger had dropped weeks ago, and she uses the gun to shoot the guy and get away. and you do that over and over and over again... chances are you're writing a shitty story. it doesn't matter if you assume god deliberately put the random things there to test/reaffirm their faith, it's still not a good story (you can sometimes get away with that kind of story, but you have to be a really good writer).
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)10:57:37 No.389425594

    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)10:58:35 No.389425697
         File: 1332860315.png-(76 KB, 160x160, slap.png)
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    but if you say that the main character is fighting against the obstacles the directors roll their way and in the end manages to get what she wants even against the all powerful directors' will, it IS a good story
    as i said: PORTAL

    and WTF have you even read the first book?
    "dont think they can"
    they have genetically engineered monsters to resemble former teammates.
    and they have a forcefield around the arena that pushes anything you try to throw at it.
    they HAVE probably built the arena using nanobots molecule by molecule
    and the point is not that they always help her or always are against her
    it is that one can never know when the "gods" will help and or punish someone because one raised or lowered viewer quotes.
    and you have to fight on nontheless with the system sometimes helping you and sometimes trying to kill you.
    katniss has to find out what to do to get favors from the system so that she can survive long enough to finally circumvent it.
    it is amlost literally stated like this.. so either you are ignorant or a troll or have not read the books

    as i said
    Aperture Science Computer Aided Enrichment Center=Hunger Games
    Peeta=Companion Cube
    it all works out perfectly
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)11:01:14 No.389425963

    LOL at Peeta as the companion cube.

    True story, though.
    >> Anonymous (ID: MHDJ3Yb3) 03/27/12(Tue)11:03:25 No.389426168
    how about you go crawl in a hole and die?
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:06:21 No.389426493
         File: 1332860781.png-(10 KB, 493x402, highfivemonitor.png)
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    i second that
    you know... most important traits:
    -saved your life more than once
    -not supposed to fall in love with him
    -do it anyway
    -should die according to system

    the only difference is that peeta does not die.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)11:10:54 No.389427030
    So really? No one wants to talk about class warfare?
    >> Anonymous (ID: MHDJ3Yb3) 03/27/12(Tue)11:14:50 No.389427451
         File: 1332861290.jpg-(231 KB, 334x500, 3294391791_91c3272743.jpg)
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    I'm sorry, I'm to busy reading a good book to go argue against, or with Hunger Games
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:16:02 No.389427580
         File: 1332861362.jpg-(101 KB, 900x726, isay-shark.jpg)
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    nope because it can only exist under conditions described in the books. And i dont suppose anybody WANTS those conditions.
    Look at what the benefit from all that was:
    lots of people dying, ... and.. spoilers... so i dont say anything

    and as we do not have a totalitarian regime installed in america yet, one can only compare the revolution in humgergames to the arabian revolutions of 2011
    and yeah there is not much to say about that..
    they are pretty similar
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)11:18:30 No.389427853

    Class warfare does exist now. Certainly not the insane extreme in the book, but it is a real thing that causes real fear in the hearts of the government and corporations. Lucky for them, we're stupid and when they say "WHOA, guys, that shit isn't real..." We listen.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:19:27 No.389427958
         File: 1332861567.jpg-(56 KB, 597x473, srslytho.jpg)
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    you mean the 17millionth sequel of sci fi book based on an interesting but totally unscientific and unrealistic concept?
    more like fantasy actually......
    with people who are barely human?
    oh okay
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)11:19:46 No.389427983

    I'll also say it's important that this story, with it's literal war between classes, takes place in the united states.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:25:47 No.389428572
         File: 1332861947.jpg-(136 KB, 500x441, STFU-bitch-cats.jpg)
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    if you mean class warfare as described by marx i will have to cease talking to you.
    marx' concepts were flawed in their bases.
    he basically made a perfect system.
    only problem is, that that system was made without any, no literally ANY regard on human nature, human character, human history, and human logic
    then there were people who were trying to actually implement that insane stuff.

    you DO know that lenin the founding father of all this was sent to russia from germany to DISRUPT the russian system and destroy russia from the inside?
    so kindly stfu
    class warfare can only have a reason and legitimately exist under conditions like in the arabian countries in 2011 and in the hunger games.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uuxc8TVu) 03/27/12(Tue)11:27:02 No.389428698
    force fields and werewolves aren't micromanaging. they're huge elements you can drop into any situation. the area was pretty well stated in the first book to be some natural area that was selected and customized in a few basic ways, wasn't it?

    if they have nanotech of that level, the whole universe falls apart and is itself an example of horrible writing.

    you can't use the argument that "oh, but the directors put all that stuff there to make it part of the game" for everything. really, it's just lazy writing. the writer is the one who decides everything, and she could have written it in a way where everything that happened didn't feel like a convenient set unlucky accidents escaped by a series of lucky accidents, with a main character with virtually no say in her own fate (inb4 that's the point), but she didn't, because it would have been harder.

    and, uh.... portal is not an especially good story. it's at best a fragment of one. and pretty good for a puzzle-based video game which typically gets none at all. but if you're holding it up as an example of a great story, i should just get out of the debate now and wait for you to grow up a little.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)11:33:35 No.389429473

    I'm not talking about marx.

    I'm talking about the unequal distribution of resources. I'm talking about how the news only displays issues that the rich care about, in an attempt to convince us that their problems are our problems. I'm talking about the subtle disregard for human life. I'm talking about skewed reports of those who oppose them.

    There is a 'them vs us'. And I'm not even talking about the occupy movements. The reason this happened in the book, in the united states, is because of the possibility. Because of the correlation, and because of the taboo subject. A subject SO taboo, not even 4 chan wants it.

    We've given up our freedom to choose for our freedom to buy and those with the power couldn't be happier.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:40:55 No.389430383
         File: 1332862855.jpg-(23 KB, 456x297, nowcomeon.jpg)
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    please just stfu until you ve read the other two books
    YES they have nanotechnology and YES they did customize every goddamn shrub in the arena
    YES they do even have artificial gravitational fields

    and NO it is not just lucky and unlucky accidents
    the whole point of the first book is to show how katniss has to find out how to please the system and get viewer rating high, so the directors help her survive, with money from the sponsors.

    The entire plot is centered around the fact that it is NOT random events that keep happening, but all carefully andintentionally planned to provide the viewers in the capitol with the best possible entertainment, and how katniss uses exatly this concept of the system to get what she wants and FROM the world controlled TOTALLY by the directors blackmail the directors to give up one of the basic rules: that there can be only one.
    If you did not get this, you might want to reread the first book too.

    to take it one lavel further the fact that the capitol is able to do whatever they want and STILL lets the districts live in total poverty is an aspect of the political system imposed on panem finding out the reasons why this is done is partially the quest of the reader.
    >> Anonymous (ID: HXviPVjW) 03/27/12(Tue)11:43:44 No.389430765
         File: 1332863024.gif-(434 KB, 319x240, 1328756739035.gif)
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    Shit actual kids have to deal with on a day-to-day basis

    Hunger Games:
    Kids straight up murdering the fuck out of each other
    Nobody says "fuck"

    MPAA logic.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:46:21 No.389431113
         File: 1332863181.png-(3 KB, 250x250, O_O.png)
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    okay so what exactly DO you want hm?
    because yeah everybody knows that the system right now is flawed to no end.
    but this is the most stable one
    you can NOT have communism.
    socialism only works to the level on which it is implemented i germany
    social welfare state
    you can obviously not have anarchy
    you can not have hypercapitalism as described in brave new world.
    so what do YOU want?
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:48:00 No.389431336
         File: 1332863280.jpg-(12 KB, 241x230, cheers.jpg)
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    mhm is there anybody on here who does NOT think that the mpaa is a pile of steaming fresh delicious dung?
    >> Anonymous (ID: MxOVT9pk) 03/27/12(Tue)11:50:37 No.389431610
         File: 1332863437.jpg-(46 KB, 331x475, hungergamesisshit.jpg)
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    ITT: Teenage girls

    Kids killing each other? Battle Royale got there first
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)11:51:01 No.389431664

    I'm don't recall saying that I had the solution, because there isn't an easy one.

    I don't hold the answers and I don't know that anyone does. I'm just saying that the presence of a literal war between classes in Hunger Games is incredibly significant and powerful. It is a reflection of our society, and to deny that class warfare exists simply because there isn't a simple answer is ridiculous.

    That's all.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ujxz8mCj) 03/27/12(Tue)11:51:22 No.389431703
    if its called hunger games, why aren't the kids eating each other.
    >> Anonymous (ID: HXviPVjW) 03/27/12(Tue)11:51:38 No.389431740
         File: 1332863498.jpg-(136 KB, 640x480, 1323771201118.jpg)
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    I mean, it's a pretty well established fact that they're a bunch of fucking reptiles, but the reality of it still just... wow.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:52:02 No.389431791
         File: 1332863522.jpg-(117 KB, 374x461, heresanidea-GTFO.jpg)
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    a fine example of "Completely Missing The Point"
    please read the thread or gtfo kind sir
    >> Anonymous (ID: k6bJ6JOz) 03/27/12(Tue)11:52:27 No.389431840
    I saw it today.
    End even though OP is trolling, I'm still going to say that the film was graphically very weak. They also slightly changed the events in the film without any apparent reason, like the way rue dies, or when they introduce haymitch.

    All in all the film was a watered down version of the book, which wasn't all that daring in the first place. What I mostly liked about the book was the survivalist setting, but they skimmed that too. Decent flick. 7/10
    >> Anonymous (ID: k6bJ6JOz) 03/27/12(Tue)11:55:18 No.389432193

    Today's western society has no class warfare. The french revolution was class warfare, the russian revolution was class warfare. This is class whining. Don't confuse the two.
    >> Anonymous (ID: MHDJ3Yb3) 03/27/12(Tue)11:57:22 No.389432421
    -10/10 fullblown retard
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)11:57:23 No.389432423
         File: 1332863843.png-(39 KB, 499x314, considering-monitorguy.png)
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    there IS class warfare in the hunger games.
    but right now there is NO class warfare.
    because nobody wants it
    because this system is the most stable one currently developed.
    its not about denying facts
    it's about simple observations
    there is no literal WAR going on between the classes like in the hunger games
    calsss rivality exists
    but it has not turned into class warfare yet because
    a) we dont have a system like in the hunergames
    b) the system we have now is essentially the only one we know of that works and everybody knows that.

    thus speaking about class warfare is of no use and totally unnecessary
    thats all i wanted to say.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)12:01:03 No.389432816

    I agree and disagree. We're not fighting.

    But I think we should be. Not to perfect a flawed system, because there will always be corruption.

    But to make it better.

    But it's presence in Hunger Games was not an accident. It is significant. Many people feel the same way as those in the districts feel: powerless. Our purpose is to feed those with the power instead of our ourselves. If we fight back, we will be punished.

    I'm not trying to start a political debate. I'm saying it's important in the film and book and should be discussed.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)12:01:05 No.389432821
    if you only see the survivalist setting then battle royal would be better for you.
    the hunger games is about much much more than the survivalist ideas during the games.
    i really think most people only like "survivalism centered stories" because they like gore...
    sry but i just cant think of any possible reason why anybody would like that
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)12:02:56 No.389433026

    OBVIOUSLY there is not a literal war in the united states between the classes. I am not saying there is. I am saying that it is SIGNIFICANT that in the Hunger Games there WAS a literal war between classes IN THE UNITED STATES.

    Think metaphor, think possibility, not direct reference to life now.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GXhnFkAC) 03/27/12(Tue)12:03:19 No.389433070
    Hunger Games was just a snuff film for tweens. Running Man meets Lord of the Flies.

    /b/ will welcome them after their first columbine.
    >> Anonymous (ID: k6bJ6JOz) 03/27/12(Tue)12:06:24 No.389433423

    I hope you're talking about political activities and not actual uprisings.

    >inb4 hurr durr I'm going to smash some bank windows in because I'm agnruy and teh won percunt%%!11

    And as long as you're talking about political activities it can't possibly be classified as any kind of 'warfare'. It's labeled as politics. Deal /w it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)12:08:26 No.389433669
         File: 1332864506.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, suspicious-smiley.jpg)
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    the only problem is ...
    and that is precisely why nobody is fighting
    HOW should we fight?
    i mean you can not want to exchange our flawed but comfortable society to the war raging in the third book.
    of if you do, you are pretty alone
    this is why the capitalist system works.
    nobody would want an actual war
    and that is good
    but i dont see how CURRENTLY people could suddenly massively realise all the corruption that is going on
    take for example the EU
    it is basically the biggest piece of institutionalized corruption mankind has ever seen.
    and what does anybody do about it?
    because they do not care.
    would anybody want to have an actual war to change this? no.
    the onlything that could change all of this
    and all of our systems would be an attack from the outside.
    im voting for china
    china is the country most likely to attack someone. and when that happens society will wake up and nations (and classes) will unify against the new threat
    this is how human history works globally.
    >> Anonymous (ID: k6bJ6JOz) 03/27/12(Tue)12:09:12 No.389433757

    >implying there are deep philosopical layers in a teen book written by someone with a theatre arts major

    1/10 for making me type this out, you inconsiderate fuck
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5U10X7zu) 03/27/12(Tue)12:10:51 No.389433947
    op is a pussy
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)12:13:14 No.389434235

    Ok whoa. I did not say that the life in the book is better. I'm saying it is a mirror to our society and the fact that it happened, and where it happened, was on purpose and was a direct criticism of our society with a warning attached to it.

    It was done this way to say "hey look this could happen. HERE. "

    Understand now? I'm really running out of ways to explain my thoughts in a way they can be understood.

    It doesn't matter if it's politics or war. This story. Was done this way. On purpose.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)12:15:10 No.389434458
         File: 1332864910.jpg-(33 KB, 288x350, STFU-schwarzenegger.jpg)
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    >implying there aren't
    >implying people with a major in theatre arts are incapable of writing deep philosophical stuff
    >implying that that is not exactly what they learn during bachelor and major.
    fuck you for making me type all this out.

    see? i can say the same things? where's your point? where s anything backing up your statements?
    as for my statements, we are discussing for HOURS now events literally mentionend in the books so the must be SOMETHING to them...
    >implying you re not a troll
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)12:18:30 No.389434852
         File: 1332865110.png-(155 KB, 360x325, approveofpost-cat.png)
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    oh yeah i get it now..
    so basically you are saying that this story should be taken as a warning.
    "this is what could happen with your attitude guize"
    not only in that entertainment defines our lifes but in that the chasm between classes is getting wider and wider?

    in that case i completely agree. interesting observation.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)12:18:46 No.389434895
         File: 1332865126.jpg-(80 KB, 492x559, 1323976492694.jpg)
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    The book was shit.
    The movie is shit².
    Whoever likes this is a kid or retarded.

    pic related, it's a fan of this shit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hS0HM0TO) 03/27/12(Tue)12:20:12 No.389435084

    Such relief... I'm glad my point is finally clear now.

    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)12:22:08 No.389435336
    You honestly didn't grasp the concept of subtext and satire before?

    what are you, stupid?
    >> Anonymous (ID: /Pz4GdjT) 03/27/12(Tue)12:24:35 No.389435628
    Yea, Battle Royale was a great book and movie. Wait.. some dumb twat plagerized large parts of it and no one is actually doing anything about it other than shovel her more money? Fuck. My teachers were wrong. Plagerism is a way of life and no one will care.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RNKr+GLy) 03/27/12(Tue)12:25:26 No.389435741
    I liked it better the first time I saw it when it was called battle royale
    >> Anonymous (ID: g+OuKiCL) 03/27/12(Tue)12:25:43 No.389435770
    finding out about this has made me fucking rage, she says her inspiration is from television and some butthurt about her dad in nam.

    >plot is basically battle royale
    >> Anonymous (ID: k6bJ6JOz) 03/27/12(Tue)12:25:58 No.389435797

    >implying you shouldn't suck my dick

    Notice how the word 'deep' means different things for different people.
    For example: Your fictional neighbour 'Bobby' who happens to have down syndrome mind find a remark about love being able to transcend all negative emotions 'deep', whilst you find it an obnoxious artifice used by bad writers. Bobby obviously loves chick flicks and doesn't understand why you don't share his passion for emotionally touching moments in works of fiction.
    Bobby argues that you don't fully understand the works that are presented to you, that they're pearls before swine. But the thing is: Bobby has down syndrome.

    >inb4 ad hominum whining, fucktard
    >> Anonymous (ID: Q14P8Oho) 03/27/12(Tue)12:26:51 No.389435898
    Wasn't really that big of a deal.
    Didn't even flinch when Rue died, no it's not cus she's black, I am ok with niggers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: avp5++Ue) 03/27/12(Tue)12:27:37 No.389436014
    >what i went to see
    the hunger games
    >what i expected
    battle royal esque with a better story
    >what i got
    twilight romance with shit fighting sequences
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)12:29:20 No.389436220
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    thank you for your kind words.
    i was way too occcupied with interpreting the other subtexts in the books to pay attention to the class-war subtext.

    the one subtext that got praised by german media is only the entertainment society subtext.
    read the thread or get out.
    you honestly can't be this dumb.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)12:38:02 No.389437329
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    i as the "inconsiderate fuck" you described me as, am very sorry to have hurt your feeling by saying shut the fuck up, and implying you re a troll.
    first: using retards as examples is insulting.
    second: if you say that love overcoming any obstacles is necessarily a cliché, please upgrade your education in literature.
    third: coming up with nice general examples as a way of distraction may work with others, i however still lack any proof from your side, why the political and societal implications and critics in the book are shallow, and why the survivalist setting in battle royal is oh so deep.
    really? didnt expect the film to be that bad...
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)12:40:12 No.389437614
    love overcoming all obstacles is cliche as fuck

    but of course literature is all subjective, although some opinions are objectively superior to others

    I guess if your into that love story bullshit then thats fine, but my favorite love story is and always will be Lolita
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)12:50:41 No.389438936
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    not having read that yet i can only judge it by what i know from other sources:
    and by what i know i think it is too dark for my preferences.
    who the hell said love overcoming all obstacles was something i liked?
    im just saying that there are some stories where that is not a generic as one might think,
    mind you the hunger games are not one of these
    because they actually don't involve anything resembling this cliché
    the main love that (at least i thought) was meant to be ceased
    and the love forced by circumstances was the one that finally prevailed. so yeah.
    and as i said. for personal reasons i didn't like the love story in the hungergames anywaays. the things i loved were the inside system-system tricking, the accurate depiction of a chemistry of a revolution(from the first spark to catching fire... ba-dum-tch) and the political details and the unexpected twists.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ra/hZHOD) 03/27/12(Tue)12:54:41 No.389439409
    If we're talking about the series, (which i haven't fully read, yeah I'm sure it elaborates more on politics, it has TWO MORE BOOKS to do so. But The Hunger Games failed to excite me like battle Royale. They had a much better pre-battle section which painted their universe and set the stage. but I have NEVER read faster than the Lighthouse shootout in BR, nor the Bomb with shinji. Every time a character died it meant something. every character was explained so you could understand what they were going through. THG was just unreal, cmon the 'career tributes' banding together? what kind of bullshit. any smart person would just betray them and kill them in their sleep. I would have loved to see another novel for BR because the movies were fucking horrid.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)12:57:28 No.389439774
    Lolita is probably the most genuine love story ever written, and really makes you rethink your concept of unconditional love. Although it isn't a happy story by any means

    If your into stories about class-conflict and revolution, I would humbly suggest 1984 if you haven't read it, as well as We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

    Brave New World is also a good story about Utopia gone wrong, at least from the perspective of our day and age
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)13:02:36 No.389440414
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    they DID do that eventually.. the career tributes i mean.
    and as for the deaths having not enough to no weight... well yeah.
    another point why this is NOT battle royale
    the books are not MEANT to focus on the dying. the hunger games are just a symbol.
    the real plot is always behind the scenes, while the survivalist thinking inside the arena is something to be overcome. and how this is managed is the beauty of the books.

    the problem is, that if you start reading the books already having read BR, you develop a feeling of how the story should be. and as the two are.. again... NOT the same, you will be disappointed.
    as i said in one of my previous posts.
    If you want an elaborate essay on the implications of inevitable die/kill operative, in a survivalist setting that is battle royale.
    If you want circumvention of a seemingly perfect oppressing system, that is The Hunger Games.
    If you want an amazing love triangle with and insanely interesting setting, that is The Host i think by stephanie meyer.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)13:07:14 No.389440979
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    except that it is...the....same...?

    pic related, it's the Hunger Games
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)13:11:00 No.389441452
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    i am not by any means a fan of class struggle stories. It is merely accidental how the revolution and the system breaking in THG falls together with a class struggle.

    and from how i see it you like books that are a lot darker than i would like.
    Im not depressive, i am just too empathetic, so that dark stories usually give me quite a hard time processing them.

    84 is... eh.
    not really a book
    its like an essay with a minimalistic story, essentially only to show us the point.

    We i didn't know about until now, but that sounds interesting.

    I really truly honestly hated brave new world.
    Like. really.
    it took solutions that I (and btw the authors too) thought of as necessary parts of a utopia, and shoved them back into my face with full force in the form of the most horrible and most inescapable dystopia.
    did you know that it was originally meant to be a utopia? And i still see parts of it as one.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)13:16:51 No.389442202
    84 had a great story, don't know where you got the idea that it was minimalistic. Orwell's writing style is a more of less is more approach, but I prefer that to the sort of authors who just shove every detail down your throat and leave you with no conclusions to draw on your own. Its probably my favorite novel of all time, or at least the most profound one I've ever read.

    I also have no idea how you dislike Brave New World conceptually. I know people who dislike it due to writing style/inability to suspend disbelief, but conceptually? Eh, taste is a fickle thing

    I think you'd enjoy We, not nearly as dark as the others, at least not overtly. I really enjoy the writing style, and it is especially profound considering it was written by a Soviet author when they were really starting to ramp up censorship. Extremely impressionistic as well, which is surprising for a Ruskie
    >> Anonymous (ID: ra/hZHOD) 03/27/12(Tue)13:17:23 No.389442274
    but its not just killing. Well it is BUT you have to consider that THG these people dont even know each other, have a week to prepare psychologically for for the event. In BR they woke up on an island after being gassed.
    The system bent too easily to rule with an iron fist. the double suicide would have made them BANK letting them do it. and seriously how hard would it have been to just kill her or peeta when they were Operating on her? again from a business/television standpoint that would have been the most engrossing.
    If someone got the budget and had the vision to remake BR, hopefully with english speaking japs because I cant take the japanese language seriously, It would be fucking phenominal.

    again I havent read catching fire or the other one yet, but i plan to.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)13:20:12 No.389442648
    Sorry, but there's more subtext in Mickey Mouse.
    You read way, way too much into it.
    It's a nice thought game to play in philosophy and literature classes, but that's it - a game. This particular stuff is bland as it gets.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)13:21:51 No.389442842
    subtext is subjective

    nice opinion though
    >> Anonymous (ID: sUkQF4zn) 03/27/12(Tue)13:22:25 No.389442916
    So, the Hungerfags now spam /b/ after they got thrown out of /lit/? Seems fitting.
    >> Anonymous (ID: uvjQEd/E) 03/27/12(Tue)13:24:13 No.389443153
    The movie was way to fast, the camerawork was shitty as hell and i couldn't care for the characters whatsoever. 3/10. The books are good though
    >> Anonymous (ID: qThVqNNX) 03/27/12(Tue)13:25:49 No.389443359
    your gay
    >> Anonymous (ID: fnhcRRQY) 03/27/12(Tue)13:26:22 No.389443446
    Chaos Walking master race reporting in
    >> Anonymous (ID: wKnqjfaf) 03/27/12(Tue)13:27:57 No.389443637

    True story. I loved the story until the ending. Worst ending, and most terrible turnaround I've ever seen in literature.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ETQjUsDI) 03/27/12(Tue)13:28:33 No.389443704
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5l4+G6wc) 03/27/12(Tue)13:28:55 No.389443743
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    you are an idiot
    >> Anonymous (ID: euueWloe) 03/27/12(Tue)13:30:11 No.389443890
    OP, did you leave your balls at home when you went to watch the movie? Oh and by the way... You're a faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: +xT8LayP) 03/27/12(Tue)13:30:43 No.389443932
    That's because your teenagers. The most self absorbed annoying demographic on this planet.

    You can handle any gore, as long as doesn't dare remind you of yourself. Then all you suburban cunts are up in arms...
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)13:31:10 No.389443990

    I actually share that opinion with quite some people about 84. The less is more approach might be fine, but for me it really feels like the whole thing was just there to get the point across. Which is not bad at all, just something i would not expect from a book.
    and heh... my love for details.. if i said i like tolkien. would that explain things? :P

    And yeah about brave new world. This opinion is something that is probably exclusively my own. The whole concept of Freudian psychology, technology and capitalism leading to the worst nightmare: a system you can not escape, is for me literally that punch in the face i was talking about. The worst thing is, that i had a great deal of effort to find points why the conclusion of these things would NOT be the one described in the book.

    We...I am beginning to like that book. Might get it later...


    I am not saying that BR is not interesting.
    but the point of conflict is not the same
    THG is mostly not about how the people in the arena feel...
    > again from a business/television standpoint that would have been the most engrossing
    ehm since the whole relationship was planned and the audience LOVED the pairing, there would ve been an outrage.
    Killing them both would ve meant the capitol volating their own rules which would ve created another outrage by the districts.
    Basically Peeta and Katniss got saved because people naturally like happy endings.

    it is funny how with MOST trilogies the second book is always the shortest and the most interesting one.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3Rr0BcKo) 03/27/12(Tue)13:32:48 No.389444171
    Battle Royale (Movie) < The Hunger Games (Movie)

    Battle Royale (Book) > The Hunger Games (Book)

    Yes, i have watched both movies and read both books, yes, the third book in the mockingbird trilogy was extremely bad.

    Both books are decent, but different. Battle Royale is a thriller, exciting, fast-paced and thought-provoking. Hunger Games has a much slower pacing and executes the arena in a bad way.

    BR the movie is a good movie with a low budget and unknown actors, Hunger Games is a good Hollywood blockbusters with hundreds of millions pumped into it. The hunger games also fits better as a movie than BR does, due to the way BR is written (plenty of flashbacks, giving all of the children a background).
    >> Anonymous (ID: wKnqjfaf) 03/27/12(Tue)13:34:43 No.389444393

    All animals are created equal, but some are more equal, right?

    You fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wKnqjfaf) 03/27/12(Tue)13:36:09 No.389444565

    That's not a unique viewpoint in the slightest. In fact, that might be the most common viewpoint.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)13:36:41 No.389444639
    You'd be surprised how dangerous Freudian psychology is when the wrong groups use it. I'd highly suggest that you, and pretty much anyone alive today, watch or at the very least read the manuscript of Century of the Self. Its a very fascinating look at how Freudian psychology and psychoanalysis has shaped the way democracy and economics function today.

    The Corporation is also a great documentary. It isnt so much anti-capitalism as it is anti-corporate person-hood. Either way, it is extremely thought provoking.

    Also, anything by Chomsky can really get you thinking about the state of society.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)13:36:54 No.389444668
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    true that.
    i mean seriously how could she be so desperate to get a little bit more drama into it, that she threw all sanity, logic, and cause-effect relations into the wind.. damn
    do you have any arguments to back up your claims? as for my arguments: all that is discussed in this thread is more or less LITERALLY mentioned in the book. so how the fuck can you claim that there is now subtext!??
    also: do you have any reason why you hate THG that much? im honestly interested
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)13:38:56 No.389444897
    No no no, you misunderstand me. The beings with the opinions are (mostly) equal in their capacity for thought, but some opinions are objectively superior to others based upon that thought.

    The opinion of an educated person with a lot of knowledge relevant to the subject is far superior to the opinion of the high-school dropout who only heard of the topic one time.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)13:44:24 No.389445568
    so you re saying that it is common to think of the setting in brave new world as a positive one? i dont think so

    im saving this thread and reading up on those books later. sounds really interesting
    anyways century of the self... i ve heard that somewhere already.
    is it that one that attributes the people turning to greed, and becoming self focused and less focused on religion and the community to freudian psychoanalysis?
    >> Anonymous (ID: xlYdrr1Z) 03/27/12(Tue)13:49:53 No.389446224
    ITT: fags.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RRQE3vsx) 03/27/12(Tue)13:53:41 No.389446737
    Sort of, its more about how the attitude towards democracy has experienced a fundamental shift, as well as attempting to track that shift back to its origin. Freudian Psychology and psychoanalysis are a central theme in this change, and it takes a very long look at Freud's nephew Edward Bernays, the father of modern advertising and mass manipulation.

    Essentially it explains how governments and businesses stopped viewing people as rational human beings and rather viewed them, as Freud did, as irrational creatures ruled by their subconscious animal instincts and drives. Business capitalized on this to make money, government took advantage of this for control purposes, and "new democracy", that is modern democracy, is a spectator sport for almost everyone.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)14:06:24 No.389448574
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    i agree almost completely
    only 2 points it is only in the US where politics and democracy have gotten the farthest away from what they were supposed to be.
    -freudian psychology has only brought light on things that have existed since the beginnings of mankind. this brings us to the new question. i s the seeking of wisdom always justified and good, even if it can lead to negative effects (like more control for government/media)? i say yes.
    and ....
    now i had a brain crash..
    what am i even talking about?
    back to topic.
    i did not like BNW because it labeled solutions that i am fond of, as inherently bad.
    That is the same reason why i did not like i am legend ... the movie...
    with a movie being in mass memory where genetically engineered viruses as the ultimate solution to cancer irradicated 94% of humanity, and turned 4% to zombies.....
    there is NO CHANCE that the government is going to fund research projects with this goal.
    simply because it would have a bad public reception.
    talk about people not realizing what power they wield...
    >> Anonymous (ID: EnxTZAcx) 03/27/12(Tue)14:08:56 No.389448942
    Just joined this thread.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one to wonder what happened if they did not fight at all.

    Read the book btw, you'll get a more decent look on the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WNiu5h7O) 03/27/12(Tue)14:09:18 No.389448996
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    >mfw the german title is THE TRIBUTES OF PANEM
    >> Anonymous (ID: Rxr/3lQB) 03/27/12(Tue)14:10:46 No.389449240
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    am i the only one thinking that the entire setting is crap?

    a city controlling the usa - a country with more guns than people, with a population foaming from the mouth when someone mentions he wants to take away their freedumz?
    and the "games"? wat? letting a bunch of kids rape temselves to keep down 300 million people? lolwut? no sense of fucking scale.
    >> Anonymous (ID: o387H+te) 03/27/12(Tue)14:11:00 No.389449271
    Fucked up? The movie was a bunch of PG bullshit. I never read the book because it's probably just another easy-to-read piece of shit that trends among little girls just like Twilight.

    They still should have made it R-rated instead of just blurring out all the actual bloodshed like a bunch of faggots.

    Oh and let's not forget

    >> Anonymous (ID: BD4KK1NA) 03/27/12(Tue)14:11:07 No.389449286
    ITT: People who've never seen Battle Royal

    Fuck you all
    >> Anonymous (ID: qSehIGJQ) 03/27/12(Tue)14:11:20 No.389449317
    First 20 minutes gave me a headache...all that stupid artsy camera work.

    GG fags.

    After that I thought the kids over acted a bit and it was cheesy at times but it was still decent.

    >> Anonymous (ID: lh1lB3qB) 03/27/12(Tue)14:12:45 No.389449526
    In summary, OP is a glorious winged faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: o387H+te) 03/27/12(Tue)14:13:00 No.389449554
    One of the worst movies of all time. It was just utter shit.

    To all the faggots who genuinely liked the movie--you are the reason why we can't have nice things and I hate you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zum1a1JM) 03/27/12(Tue)14:13:52 No.389449669
    I actually thought the movie needed more violence
    >> Anonymous (ID: VvzV1nqs) 03/27/12(Tue)14:13:58 No.389449686
    Watched it last night after someone posted about it on here

    quality film.

    The principles are fucked though, would hate to see society become that way.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 31oRbRM/) 03/27/12(Tue)14:14:01 No.389449692

    The movie was derivative & a snoozefest.

    This thread sucks.

    Shirley Jackson's The Lottery + Richard Bachman's (SK) The Long Walk + The Running Man (movie, not book) + Truman Show + elements of almost every post-apocalyptic dystopian fantasy ever filmed or contemplated.

    Look at the unwashed masses slurping up this tripe.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +fQFIFDN) 03/27/12(Tue)14:14:36 No.389449771
    i always thought it was "the hunter games" now i know better. i have no clue what its about.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zum1a1JM) 03/27/12(Tue)14:15:28 No.389449883
    I hated that fucking movie.

    But if society actually became like that, I'd fucking volunteer each fucking year. Those kids had no idea whatsoever how to survive. Easy kills.
    >> Anonymous (ID: PBMKEqTy) 03/27/12(Tue)14:16:32 No.389450029
    That is the stupidest idea for a book and movie ever and I don't know why people think it's all badass. That just goes to show how stupid you all are.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)14:17:22 No.389450138
    >mfw what about it?
    you are forgetting, why it is called the HUNGER games.
    the great HUNGER killed most of the population the remaining few hundred thousand live on a small area on the west coast.
    no, fuck you
    in that case the film is surprisingly good. the book would get an 8/10 from me
    thats why the career tributes were there. coming from the richest districts they have almost always won, and they saw it as some kind of glorious mission. so they would ve killed errybody anyways.
    kinda like the people from 4chan who keep insisting that everybody who is not sexually aroused by blood and gore is a pussy.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wKnqjfaf) 03/27/12(Tue)14:17:25 No.389450145

    Yea. That's not what I understood from your post. If that is what you believe, you disgust me. It is a terrifying story.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Zum1a1JM) 03/27/12(Tue)14:17:33 No.389450165
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    Lol, when I was watching I couldn't help but imagining Rambo comming out of the ground, all camo'd and shit, taking everyone out one by one like he did in the first movie.

    That shit would be epic.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3ZMf4WA3) 03/27/12(Tue)14:18:56 No.389450327
    Hated that book. So cliche.
    >> Anonymous (ID: qSehIGJQ) 03/27/12(Tue)14:19:25 No.389450392
    OMG RUE WAS A NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous (ID: Hbm8ZPE4) 03/27/12(Tue)14:20:43 No.389450548
    Whoa dude. That movie freaked me out, like whoa! Definitely film of the year 2012, man! I'd do that shit all over again like it was the independence war victory celebration in 1432!
    >> Anonymous (ID: DDwlCicn) 03/27/12(Tue)14:20:56 No.389450574
    somone has never been to the real world 0/10
    >> Anonymous (ID: DL782AFv) 03/27/12(Tue)14:21:08 No.389450602
    Amurrikunts finally made their own version of Battle Royale.

    >> Anonymous (ID: WrXGnCJo) 03/27/12(Tue)14:21:16 No.389450612
    Read the book in school, its called desensitization you should check it out sometime now gtfo out of /b/ and go to /y/ newfag
    >> Anonymous (ID: DDwlCicn) 03/27/12(Tue)14:22:10 No.389450701
    i actually really liked the books, that said the fanbase ia fucking out annoying they're all like 12 year olds
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)14:23:23 No.389450843
    yeah well it IS horrible. but only because the people cant escape the system and don't even know they are being controlled. by themselves.
    they are not even the human race any more, because each and every single one is intentionally dumbed down.
    I d say mankind died out with the last unprocessed human.
    this raises the interesting question of what really makes us human...
    and as for the total/forced sexual freedom....
    so what?
    you are all just hyperconservative assholes who refuse tho think outside of the box of your preinstalled and partially illogical and unreasonable morals.
    i fucking lold
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)14:24:06 No.389450941
    Battle Royale
    This Thread is over
    >> Anonymous (ID: DDwlCicn) 03/27/12(Tue)14:24:12 No.389450948
    >independence 1431
    what kind of shitty unimportant country do you belong to?
    >> Anonymous (ID: RWT0AI6F) 03/27/12(Tue)14:24:54 No.389451038
    Guys his name is Peta, in the movie PETA never kills an animal, he only kills humans.

    Mind Blown.
    >> Anonymous (ID: dPF7wIwB) 03/27/12(Tue)14:25:48 No.389451137
    ITT: Hipster faggots that dislike the movie just because they saw Battle Royale a while back.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/27/12(Tue)14:26:13 No.389451181
    I'm literally on the way back on the bus from seeing this film. I wanted to smack that bitch one, she was messing around with two dudes feelings. And lying to an entire fucking nation.

    Typical fucking indecisive women.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QXkKz5fj) 03/27/12(Tue)14:26:59 No.389451265
    >>The gunger games movie

    Shittiest movie i actually watch in a cinema

    >> Anonymous (ID: 0442PMV3) 03/27/12(Tue)14:27:06 No.389451276
    battle royale much better
    >> Anonymous (ID: WrXGnCJo) 03/27/12(Tue)14:27:12 No.389451287
    I must say mind does not = blow therefore I dub thee 0/10
    >> Anonymous (ID: DwpzeNHp) 03/27/12(Tue)14:27:37 No.389451342
    This is why I don't want to go see it with my family. I expect I'll be laughing at dead kids.
    >> Anonymous (ID: n2juhvkY) 03/27/12(Tue)14:28:13 No.389451407

    Are you talking about Monday?

    I see little kids fuck each other up every Monday.
    >> Anonymous (ID: wKnqjfaf) 03/27/12(Tue)14:28:31 No.389451432

    This is about 75 years after a huge civil war. Before that was, we assume from what was said in the books, a near-apocalyptic and anarchy-causing event. We have no idea how long that lasted, or how many people died. We do know global warming finally caused serious levels of rising sea levels, and that no one in the Panem populace even remembers what the United States of America is.

    So basically, there are many few people, and it isn't the USA, where everyone has guns. Almost no one has guns. And there aren't 300 million people. There are only a handful left after many wars, natural disasters, and who knows what other bullshit.

    It's not the USA. Read the books if you want to rage against the setting, because right know you don't know shit about it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)14:28:46 No.389451459

    >pic related
    surprising to me, but true
    implying you can not describe any existing movie as parts of older ones
    people like you are what i meant by
    "i would not be possible that they dont start killing each other. thats why the career tributes were there. coming from the richest districts they have almost always won, and they saw it as some kind of glorious mission. so they would ve killed errybody anyways.
    kinda like the people from 4chan who keep insisting that everybody who is not sexually aroused by blood and gore is a pussy."
    you are the cancer of this world
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0442PMV3) 03/27/12(Tue)14:28:58 No.389451485
    hunger games was boring because it was paced for shit
    BR was exciting all the way through
    >> Anonymous (ID: aCmg8Qlq) 03/27/12(Tue)14:30:00 No.389451602
    stupid movie with stupid plot based on stupid idea that female teenagers could compete with male teenagers in life and death competition. Male wins always in everything male could easily destroy any female in any situation (except being a stupid person to which females take the cake) not to mention at least a quarter of their vaginas are bleeding during the fucking competition.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +WMIpciU) 03/27/12(Tue)14:30:00 No.389451605
    I have read the book but I have not watched the movie. I doubt I will. Movies always seem to butcher the book, especially if Hollywood is knocking it down from its deserved 18+ rating into a pathetic 13+, which ensures massive cuts from what actually happens, and much more emphasis on the love part. Fuck you Hollywood!
    >> Anonymous (ID: l1/kltry) 03/27/12(Tue)14:30:21 No.389451640
    Which Battle Royale was a loosely based off Lord of the Flies..

    derpstar says what?
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)14:31:55 No.389451807
    true that
    i wanted to smash her face with a brick that probably has a higher IQ than she has.
    >> Anonymous (ID: aCmg8Qlq) 03/27/12(Tue)14:32:16 No.389451849
    fucking reddit faggot gtfo my /b/
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3+xkWG66) 03/27/12(Tue)14:34:06 No.389452019
    >> Anonymous (ID: jMSwXl9O) 03/27/12(Tue)14:34:26 No.389452048
    >political undertones
    >family friendly

    there's a major fucking problem with how many fuckwits in this thread actually thought hunger games was a smart movie. that shit had a more obvious-yet-overrated plot than FFVII.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NFJBOHht) 03/27/12(Tue)14:34:57 No.389452093
    me male. me stron. me kill pusyy woman with bleeding pussy you pussy
    true that very true

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