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    Dear Londoners: I am in your lovely rainy city for the next few days. If you'd fancy a spot of tea and dessert,
    send an e-mail to with a sentence or two about yourself,
    why you aren't Jack the Ripper, and include a timestamp.
    Cheers, —mootykins

    File: 1332229879.jpg-(42 KB, 385x400, emo-scene-hipster-i-am-skrillex.jpg)
    42 KB Anonymous (ID: HURLFaPb) 03/20/12(Tue)03:51:19 No.387954012  
    can we get an anti-skrillex thread??
    >> Anonymous (ID: KhuYqYZH) 03/20/12(Tue)03:52:19 No.387954123
    I liked first of the year
    >> Anonymous (ID: E1ym+PyX) 03/20/12(Tue)03:53:06 No.387954221
    Wtf r u talking about skrillex is awesum
    >> Anonymous (ID: t8brpqN1) 03/20/12(Tue)03:53:21 No.387954248
    Do you not like Skrillex, or do you not like his fanbase?
    >> Anonymous (ID: UEoEzWDz) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:28 No.387954412
         File: 1332230068.jpg-(24 KB, 400x300, 1331756143319.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: RDW9pORq) 03/20/12(Tue)03:55:09 No.387954490
    Don't argue about music taste. It's all subjective
    >> Anonymous (ID: mJLUNC0J) 03/20/12(Tue)03:55:15 No.387954503
    i legitimately do not like skrillex's music, his fan base just tops it off
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7ayaREwR) 03/20/12(Tue)03:55:27 No.387954525
    I like Skrillex, yes. But his fanbase is FUCKING retarded.
    The guy did something, and became successful at it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mJLUNC0J) 03/20/12(Tue)03:56:53 No.387954704
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    >> Anonymous (ID: UEoEzWDz) 03/20/12(Tue)03:57:07 No.387954742
    i dont mind skrillex, good for him
    his music sucks, because A: it's dubstep, B: it's shitty dubstep
    his fan base is proof why democracy is bad
    >> Anonymous (ID: aE+fDlLo) 03/20/12(Tue)03:57:47 No.387954828
         File: 1332230267.jpg-(111 KB, 1020x762, 893006895.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)03:58:02 No.387954860
    gtfo faggot bot
    >> Anonymous (ID: d2ypEYdd) 03/20/12(Tue)03:58:28 No.387954906
         File: 1332230308.jpg-(66 KB, 640x480, crow.jpg)
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    I just don't like when women copy his hairstyle.

    Seriously what the fuck? It looks hideous.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nOAo6Dvu) 03/20/12(Tue)03:58:29 No.387954907
    skrillex is the nickleback of electronic music.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5R2vOkop) 03/20/12(Tue)03:59:10 No.387954983
         File: 1332230350.jpg-(78 KB, 279x216, asset.PNG?id=9B6D229C-4DED-422(...).jpg)
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    I liked sonny moore, his music as skrillex is so-so. But yes, refuckingtarded fanbase.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /E3VnKpa) 03/20/12(Tue)03:59:55 No.387955067
         File: 1332230395.jpg-(62 KB, 600x399, skrillex_reality.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: mJLUNC0J) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:06 No.387955081
         File: 1332230406.jpg-(98 KB, 620x759, dgk.jpg)
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    i dont hate him but i cant listen to his songs, there is just something about them that makes em shit. Maybe its because everytime someone mentions dubstep all they mean is skrillex
    >> Anonymous (ID: A6sfQ9M5) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:14 No.387955103
         File: 1332230414.jpg-(30 KB, 480x276, jack_480_poster.jpg)
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    like this?
    >> Anonymous (ID: UEoEzWDz) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:45 No.387955172
         File: 1332230445.gif-(1.42 MB, 300x169, 1330541750647.gif)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: Gnqv05cQ) 03/20/12(Tue)04:01:42 No.387955286
         File: 1332230502.jpg-(43 KB, 382x720, fuckyou.jpg)
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    hate this faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: mJLUNC0J) 03/20/12(Tue)04:01:46 No.387955292
    oh i fucking know! its feral
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7pLiH0ef) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:19 No.387955364
    i liked him the first time i heard his stuff, even saw him live (at an overage gig, thankfully) and it was pretty good. however, i've started to notice he just makes the same fucking thing over and over; slow start, little soundbite, drop, repeat
    >> Anonymous (ID: umvUhlaj) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:34 No.387955406

    your lack of knowledge is showing
    >> Anonymous (ID: EKcWRLB8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:41 No.387955423
         File: 1332230561.jpg-(44 KB, 750x600, 112341354135.jpg)
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    Most of his music isn't dubstep.

    He has MAYBE 4 or 5 songs that are actually dubstep.

    The rest is mostly electro with some moombahton and various other genres.

    Not to mention he's a meth addict.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:49 No.387955438
    >The guy did something, and became successful at it.
    And as well all know, everyone who is successful has tons of talent and totally deserves it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:56 No.387955454
    Skrillex can press that play button like nobody else!
    >> Anonymous (ID: yMmb2dsW) 03/20/12(Tue)04:03:06 No.387955474
         File: 1332230586.jpg-(62 KB, 900x700, skrillexbeatles.jpg)
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    your a fag OP

    skrillex is teh shit
    >> Anonymous (ID: EKcWRLB8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:04:16 No.387955608

    Sonny doesn't know how to DJ. All he does is press play on his shitty macbook. That's all.

    Please learn something about the topic of threads if you're going to post in them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: EKcWRLB8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:05:11 No.387955710

    >9faggot detected
    >> Anonymous (ID: Nzfl387W) 03/20/12(Tue)04:05:13 No.387955724

    but it's funny cause they both suck
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:05:50 No.387955798
         File: 1332230750.jpg-(418 KB, 1920x1080, 1331608010937.jpg)
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    DMZ! real dubstep, fuck skrilex and you american fags that think "wub" is dubstep. Faggots
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:05:57 No.387955815
         File: 1332230757.jpg-(106 KB, 608x553, Untitled-1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: UEoEzWDz) 03/20/12(Tue)04:05:58 No.387955816
    >spews genre bullshit
    >implying he's any better at those types of music
    >> Anonymous (ID: d2ypEYdd) 03/20/12(Tue)04:06:02 No.387955821
    Needs to be longer on one side, like a dumbass looking comb-over
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:06:51 No.387955915
    What the fuck is a skrillex and what the fuck is the matter with this guys hair? Is this river coumo's (weezer lead singer) new thing?
    >> Anonymous (ID: /E3VnKpa) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:00 No.387955929

    If this aint the shittiest attempt at trolling I dont know what is
    >> Anonymous (ID: KhuYqYZH) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:34 No.387955994
    sounds like a mad loser who totally deserves being a loser forever.

    Your point is completely irrelevant, talent isn't what people value most, nor is music about what is constructed the most delicately and thoughtfully. The guy is successful for a reason, and to be successful in his position is not a joke, regardless of what kind of weird ass kid he is. The last time I heard someone complaining about who deserves what was when the people around me were pimple faced teenagers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UEoEzWDz) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:36 No.387955995
    i think it's just plain old satire
    >> Anonymous (ID: EKcWRLB8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:42 No.387956004
    >acts like i'm defending him
    >doesn't realize I hate him too
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5R2vOkop) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:01 No.387956049
    old lead singer of from first to last, mediocre punk (iirc) band
    >> Anonymous (ID: rvLfTSob) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:01 No.387956051
    >Justin Beiber
    >> Anonymous (ID: mJLUNC0J) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:25 No.387956103
         File: 1332230905.gif-(1.17 MB, 400x225, emo-scene-hipster-e-honda-vs-s(...).gif)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 3d/816tp) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:44 No.387956128
    The day OP wasn't a faggot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: /E3VnKpa) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:44 No.387956129
         File: 1332230924.png-(615 KB, 554x480, venetian_dog.png)
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    He he, nice
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:57 No.387956152
    >> Anonymous (ID: UEoEzWDz) 03/20/12(Tue)04:09:02 No.387956163
    >seems like a pretty cool dude all of a sudden
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:09:42 No.387956245
    >press play on macbook pro
    >bounce around like i have a dildo in my ass
    >> Anonymous (ID: KLS365Nx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:13 No.387956301
         File: 1332231013.jpg-(116 KB, 505x336, Hi I'm Sonny Moore.jpg)
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    Hey guys check it out, I'm writing a new song. Here's what I have so far, let me know what you think...





    (repeat x16)

    Constructive criticism, particularly that of other musicians, would be very-much appreciated.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nOAo6Dvu) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:26 No.387956328
    claims he know about mixing or anything DJ orientated.

    >uses the word DJ as verb/
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:43 No.387956361
    Also, what is a dubstep, I'm not trolling, I just listen to alot of NPR and Modest Mouse. I always see kids wearing shirts that say "Dub Step" and have a dinosaur on them for some fucking reason. When I try to find a dubstep, people always say its not a dubstep and direct me somewhere else. So, I ask you, what the fuck is a dubstep
    > Hopefully someone can define dubstep and it doesnt turn into the whole 'what is goth' debate
    >> Anonymous (ID: FItvkl0f) 03/20/12(Tue)04:11:05 No.387956393
    gunshals arund ma nek ZO EDGY
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:02 No.387956489

    You mean yesterday? Because if you don't, then you should know that your 12 year old self should not be hanging out with 30 year olds. That's creepy. People who win the lottery are "successful" by your standards. Should they be praised for their ability to say "give me one of those" point, and hand a cashier a dollar?
    >> Anonymous (ID: qNJ5ThRW) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:41 No.387956556
    i liked skrillex when he first came out.... (he is not dubstep... anyone who says hes dubstep doesnt know what dubstep is) then everyone started hoppin on the skrillex train so i hopped off cuz he's overplayed like crazy. good for him and all but fuck hes annoying now.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UEoEzWDz) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:55 No.387956582
    a dub step is the song that has been remixed too many fucking times
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:13:19 No.387956623
         File: 1332231199.jpg-(18 KB, 320x400, 1323939216545.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: mFpHLjUm) 03/20/12(Tue)04:13:30 No.387956638
    >> Anonymous (ID: EKcWRLB8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:13:39 No.387956654
    >claims bullshit

    Please go to one of his "raves". See for yourself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: aj67Ydn0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:13:56 No.387956682
         File: 1332231236.jpg-(41 KB, 608x553, 651684681.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:14:39 No.387956758

    Digital Mystikz, Loefah, Pinch, Skream, Cluekid, Cotti, Tes La Rok, Luke Envoy, Hot Flush Records, Big Apple Records, DMZ, Tempa...

    That is ACTUAL Dubstep
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:14:40 No.387956762
    > Oh Jesus fucking christ, this is just shitty house music. Is it more successful to call it dubstep than house now?
    >> Anonymous (ID: cT6fp74k) 03/20/12(Tue)04:15:15 No.387956823
         File: 1332231315.jpg-(166 KB, 533x800, xx53.jpg)
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    1/10 try harder faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: mFpHLjUm) 03/20/12(Tue)04:15:29 No.387956842
    haha, 2/10 troll
    >> Anonymous (ID: mWMqnXjN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:15:32 No.387956850
         File: 1332231332.png-(170 KB, 400x298, ssssss.png)
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    Now we're talking.

    Just like me an industrial. Fuck everyone.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yV4z8DB0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:15:43 No.387956873
    afex adventurs

    ^google it
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:16:42 No.387956959
    Actually play that youtube clip
    > claim it sounds like shit house music
    get called a troll
    > now questioning if anyone thinks when you say something sucks if you are automatically accused of trolling
    >> Anonymous (ID: umvUhlaj) 03/20/12(Tue)04:16:53 No.387956984

    >hates skrillex
    >goes to his raves

    fucking retard
    >> Anonymous (ID: n806NJJn) 03/20/12(Tue)04:16:56 No.387956991
         File: 1332231416.jpg-(43 KB, 500x477, funny-facebook-fails-descripti(...).jpg)
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    This one is fucking brilliant
    >> Anonymous (ID: YJm2AbHl) 03/20/12(Tue)04:17:01 No.387956998
    disagree but i lold
    >> Anonymous (ID: xiuIazko) 03/20/12(Tue)04:18:01 No.387957103
    Here's some real music:
    >> Anonymous (ID: EKcWRLB8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:18:14 No.387957135
    >doesn't realize I'm not talking about one in '07
    >still trying to claim bullshit
    >> Anonymous (ID: mFpHLjUm) 03/20/12(Tue)04:18:55 No.387957195
    >calling it house
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:02 No.387957210
    so many haters, it makes me hard.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:27 No.387957257
         File: 1332231567.gif-(390 KB, 410x308, 1330340366743.gif)
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    God damn it, I clicked.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:50 No.387957295
         File: 1332231590.jpg-(36 KB, 363x492, 1270791973731.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: /hl5I6wq) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:59 No.387957313
         File: 1332231599.png-(289 KB, 357x346, jimmies.png)
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    Op why you so bitter
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:59 No.387957317
    That was actually more reasonable - Did not sound like shitty house.

    > Waiting for someone to check ID's and ensure that it is infact the same one.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yWDTfZ8m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:20:09 No.387957340
    Children listen to Srillex men listen to Blacksun Empire.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wza4WQYy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:20:27 No.387957365

    let me get this straight
    you don't like something...
    I don't claim to know anything about the person on the other side of this connection, but Skrillex is making money and you're jelly. Even if that's not true, it's what it fucking looks like.

    There's plenty of music out there, why focus on one and talk about how bad it is when you could be doing other things.

    >food for thought.
    fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:03 No.387957426

    Real Dubstep for people who don't know
    >> Anonymous (ID: TaOeCtQe) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:08 No.387957436
    Fuck off you hipster faggot!
    >> Anonymous (ID: aj67Ydn0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:13 No.387957447
    Blacksun empire is drum n' bass.
    >> Anonymous (ID: d2ypEYdd) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:27 No.387957471
         File: 1332231687.jpg-(180 KB, 1276x668, 1301251547514.jpg)
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    I clicked on it out of sheer curiosity. I took my headphones off just in case. Thank God for that.

    Sleep? Nah, I didn't need it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mJLUNC0J) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:54 No.387957524
         File: 1332231714.jpg-(38 KB, 500x375, emo-scene-hipster-the-science-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 7Ea1YgsC) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:58 No.387957532
         File: 1332231718.jpg-(47 KB, 300x300, 1330499179404.jpg)
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    You niggers
    >> Anonymous (ID: pqgYfuZi) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:10 No.387957564
         File: 1332231730.jpg-(62 KB, 960x925, Skrillhouse.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: mWMqnXjN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:26 No.387957602
         File: 1332231746.png-(71 KB, 400x225, download.png)
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    I heard that Skittles won multiple grammies.


    >> Anonymous (ID: 69mTiqhl) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:32 No.387957615
    The beatles had more women on their jocks than skrillex ever could. On top of that, theres no skill in putting a bunch of different sounds together. your just an inbred honkey douchebag. have fun listening to your dubstep and other things that make you feel socially acceptable
    >> Anonymous (ID: umvUhlaj) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:44 No.387957631
         File: 1332231764.jpg-(17 KB, 262x192, 1329726834394.jpg)
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    mad faggot?
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:58 No.387957658

    Nope, this is drum & bass
    >> Anonymous (ID: TCUsv78d) 03/20/12(Tue)04:23:01 No.387957662
    ITT: people who actually believe that it takes no talent whatsoever to do what he does. People who are in fact jealous because they envy his simple way of getting fame, money and bitches. Inb4 he is gay. You are just super jelly.

    Btw. Not even a skrillex fan.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:23:06 No.387957673
         File: 1332231786.jpg-(87 KB, 550x413, 6yckd28.jpg)
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    You're stupid. The people that like the music are part of the problem. Everywhere I fucking go, there are fucking faggots blasting shitty distorted wubs everywhere with their skullcandy headphones.

    I listen to my music with headphones or on my own. I don't make everyone else suffer through shit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: egQ2RRhO) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:02 No.387957775
         File: 1332231842.jpg-(57 KB, 576x324, 1331615211173.jpg)
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    sonny is my home dog
    >> Anonymous (ID: NezeBsvy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:08 No.387957787
    I turn pandora on a dubstep radio when I do calc homework. Who gives a shit? If you like it, listen to it. Wanna know what kind of people are more pathetic than Skrillex's fan base? People who give a shit about fan bases.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wza4WQYy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:11 No.387957795
    btw, thanks for that list of names. Been needing some variety in m'life.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:14 No.387957803
    Am I safe to assume this the music for white people that never learned to play guitar or an actual instrument?
    > Most likely
    >> Anonymous (ID: xfKrjobl) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:25 No.387957834


    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous (ID: FmoWrROx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:38 No.387957856
    It's so shit... How can you listen to this crap
    >> Anonymous (ID: nOAo6Dvu) 03/20/12(Tue)04:25:27 No.387957948
    fuck you, you fucking piece of shit. suck a fat nigger dick

    >> Anonymous (ID: yWDTfZ8m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:25:48 No.387957985
    lol please that shit is so light come back with some diesel boy nigga
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:26:11 No.387958031
    were my basis for this 'dubstep' genre - I hate it, Jesus, it's like house music and space music soundscapes tried to abort a baby in too long yet it lived and they had to support it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7Ea1YgsC) 03/20/12(Tue)04:26:26 No.387958057
         File: 1332231986.jpg-(108 KB, 480x480, 1330287328929.jpg)
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    >mfw no one has mentioned Unlimited Gravity
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wza4WQYy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:26:56 No.387958104
    nice ad-hom, but I digress. I still don't give a fuck about you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:04 No.387958124
         File: 1332232024.jpg-(52 KB, 1440x912, L-30291-1233190238..jpg)
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    Some people are more cultured and diverse in music, i guess you're not
    >> Anonymous (ID: mWMqnXjN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:06 No.387958132
         File: 1332232026.jpg-(92 KB, 360x315, 1300859574290.jpg)
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    You all need to get off his dick. I know you are just jealous. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? NOBODY? IS THAT WHAT I THOUGHT?



    >> Anonymous (ID: NezeBsvy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:55 No.387958217
    ITT: Angsty teenagers who certain hate music because other people like it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:28 No.387958281

    Pffftt that american faggot is nothing in the drum & bass scene, the scenes near dead now though, 2002-2006 were the best years, but i guess you've only been listening to it for a few months?
    >> Anonymous (ID: FmoWrROx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:38 No.387958297
    I don't see how it takes culture to listen to that... Sound like something my 15yo brother would listen to. Or a stoner/junkie.
    >> Anonymous (ID: tRzqSuvT) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:54 No.387958325
    He was awesome with FFTL though, this new shit sucks
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:29:09 No.387958350
    Also, 32 year old middle school principal who can't sleep at night and listens to NPR and is attempting to understand what the hell this is.
    >> Anonymous (ID: EweG5Wid) 03/20/12(Tue)04:29:09 No.387958352
    just fuck off if you dont like him your opinion is not valued anywhere. music is subjective and if you try to say this is better than that or that sucks, or whatever you come off like a douche, but you probably are a douche anyways. you know who else sucked but was still famous, kiss, nofx, motley crue, def leppard hundreds of other shit musicians whoever the fuck your favorite shitty band is. how can you say that his music is bad, when he is literally doing the exact same thing every other musician ever does, just because you dont like the way he did it doesn't mean he didn't do it well. and to the dipshits talking shit about what he does on stage... you are fucking just... so... fucking...stupid its almost not worth typing, but all of the work that an edm producer, because that is what skrillex is a producer not a d
    fucking dj is done before hand creating the song, you couldn't even possibly comprehend how complex what he does is unless you were a producer. so long story short /b/ is full of tards
    >> Anonymous (ID: eNozjxGs) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:01 No.387958460
    Ry legit and xkore... ftw!
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:14 No.387958483
    If I shit on a piece of drywall and hang it on a wall does that make it art?
    > If I claim that art is subjective does it make it art?
    >> Anonymous (ID: FmoWrROx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:25 No.387958506
    underageb& is mad
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:28 No.387958512
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 7Ea1YgsC) 03/20/12(Tue)04:31:15 No.387958607

    Depth Affect is always a great listen.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3J+S8zUH) 03/20/12(Tue)04:31:36 No.387958645
    Honestly, skrillex will only be famous for like three months. Hipsters will eventually realize that skrillex is shit-tier electronic music.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7KNAqzPA) 03/20/12(Tue)04:31:43 No.387958651
    What I don't understand is skrillex has only released a total of 4 actual dubstep songs (3 of which were on his new album that was just released like a month or two ago)

    He's not dubstep, who ever put that shit in your mind is a fucking tard.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:32:12 No.387958701

    The music is a culture and a large and respected one (not talking about Brostep), and it still is a nice close community of intelligent music loving people, which is a breath of fresh air compared to alot and most other genres.
    Listen to it on more than your laptop speakers and you will see why its so amazing
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9C9+14VW) 03/20/12(Tue)04:32:45 No.387958762

    Right, because that's not what all music is. Putting sounds together.
    >> Anonymous (ID: aj67Ydn0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:33:32 No.387958846
         File: 1332232412.jpg-(61 KB, 869x498, skrillex9823947.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: NezeBsvy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:33:39 No.387958860
    Also 14 old cunts who think calling someone old is an insult.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yWDTfZ8m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:34:47 No.387958982
         File: 1332232487.jpg-(40 KB, 500x332, mr-brainwash-la-show-45_v1.jpg)
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    Also every time I think of this artist I think of this artist who is also shit for taking everyone's shit and shitting on it
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wza4WQYy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:35:07 No.387959028
    Just for you op. I'm going to blast my music much louder.

    Maybe you're not hearing it right. So I'll turn it up. Either way I don't have to listen to you bitch.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nOAo6Dvu) 03/20/12(Tue)04:35:10 No.387959035
    complicated? really? go lookup a fucking youtube video on NI massive.

    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:35:25 No.387959060

    Dubstep socially acceptable?

    Wow, when i got into it in 2003 (yes, dubstep has been around since then, for all you 2011 fags), nobody knew what it was and didn't want to, never thought it would become socially acceptable, and its a shame it has become that
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:35:54 No.387959119
    Well, you generally should always be pragmatic about arguments, be they 7 or 77, if they prove a valid point than you're fighting them on an ad hominem argument.
    > What happened to Credence?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:36:23 No.387959180
    No one cares whether he is or isn't dubstep in the dubstep fad.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:37:31 No.387959285
    Until tristep and quadrastep come along
    >> Anonymous (ID: FmoWrROx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:38:39 No.387959423
    oh lol
    >> Anonymous (ID: EM/PUUTC) 03/20/12(Tue)04:39:56 No.387959543
    I don't hate him or his fans
    I just don't like his music

    but they are good for making simulator games videos
    >> Anonymous (ID: EweG5Wid) 03/20/12(Tue)04:40:10 No.387959559
    no because you wouldnt have put any work or emotion into it so it would just be shit on drywall and you'll still be broke and stupid.
    >> Anonymous (ID: tkqA4E4m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:40:36 No.387959603
    Fuck Skrillex

    Skrillex motherfuckin suck teh dick
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:41:14 No.387959678
    What if I believe I am putting alot of emotion to it and take images of me writing down notes and then acting in pain? Would that be enough for someone to buy my shit? How do I convince others to purchase said shit?
    >> Anonymous (ID: H7Zx97Vz) 03/20/12(Tue)04:41:47 No.387959737
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    This thread prompted me to listen to a Skrillex song for the first time.

    Pure shit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:41:56 No.387959751
         File: 1332232916.jpg-(71 KB, 400x300, 1332122064025.jpg)
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    this this this this this this this this

    going to go listen to loefah and forget about this shit
    >> Anonymous (ID: 6802qXxR) 03/20/12(Tue)04:42:24 No.387959787
         File: 1332232944.jpg-(4 KB, 157x120, 3446985+_14475d2f6dcfaf399c424(...).jpg)
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    I will never be this l33t
    >> Anonymous (ID: mspNuWN7) 03/20/12(Tue)04:42:46 No.387959815

    good shit
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:43:31 No.387959896
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    Skrillex's new album cover, so at least people are aware of their purchases before hearing. I know you don't judge a man by his haircut, but for fuck's sake
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:10 No.387959960
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    Skrillex and Borgore and all those other scenesters are the cancer of Dubstep, i fucking hate you all, especially all you american faggots thank think dubstep has been around since 2010 and goes "wub", everytime i see a "wub" and "filth" post and comment i cringe. I wish death on you all.

    I bet none of you can name 1 person in the picture.
    >> Anonymous (ID: aj67Ydn0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:56 No.387960015
    lol, look at Skrillfag's bitch ass hugging his hips and going through emotions.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:13 No.387960039
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    Ok, ok, I'll contribute. Only quality from here on out.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wza4WQYy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:21 No.387960050
    this argument is retarded obviously because it's about shit. I get that you're trying to be edgy and allude to the fact that you dislike Skrillex by comparing him to shit but that shit is golden.

    The point is.
    You get off on telling people what they like is uncool to you. What you don't understand is that no one gives a shit about you're opinion. Even right now as you read this you're disregarding it. Such is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: FmoWrROx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:41 No.387960082
    omg i dated the blond girl
    >> Anonymous (ID: 39dL5if6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:46:00 No.387960130
    The majority of dubstep is cancer. If it isnt uk garage or future garage, it isnt even worth listening too.

    Of course drum and bass is and always will be infinitely superior.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:46:31 No.387960174
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    >> Anonymous (ID: 3h6C6doD) 03/20/12(Tue)04:46:40 No.387960186
    Alright gents, Skrillex isn't real dubstep. Try looking up Datsik. Mind fucking blown from the difference.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:10 No.387960243
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    >> Anonymous (ID: MC0pU0jI) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:14 No.387960251
    holy shit imma friend of the white dude in the middle
    >> Anonymous (ID: YXc7KDQD) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:19 No.387960263

    Marry Anne Hobbes

    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous (ID: +ujX3rSa) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:19 No.387960264
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    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:44 No.387960305
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    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:50 No.387960314
    Things I think are cool
    > Morning Edition when Robert Seagull is talking, god that's a great voice
    > Parks and Rec on NBC - Fun!
    > Modest Mouse
    > Some Credence
    > This American Life
    - Not too worried about being cool here
    >> Anonymous (ID: H/CRHD/y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:59 No.387960332
    I do like skrillex.
    I just hate his fan base.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:48:33 No.387960382
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    >> Anonymous (ID: JGqA56hF) 03/20/12(Tue)04:48:40 No.387960390
    j.k. rowling in the bottom.
    suck it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mJLUNC0J) 03/20/12(Tue)04:49:05 No.387960435
    eminem, tupac, biggie, snoop and britney at the front
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:49:09 No.387960442
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    >> Anonymous (ID: nwA9WT36) 03/20/12(Tue)04:49:57 No.387960515
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:50:16 No.387960549

    Dubstep, with REAL dubstep, is a well respected and amazing Genre, with artist like Mala, Coki, Loefah, Pinch, Skream (his old stuff), Tes La Rok, MRK1, D1, Kode 9...

    Post Dubstep & Future Garage is the way forward, been into it for a few years, but i bet in a few more years the same will happen to it that happened to Dubstep, everyone will jump on it especially the americans and they will ruin it.

    Drum & Bass died a long and painful death, its best years were 2002-2006. Jungle is the only way
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:50:19 No.387960557
         File: 1332233419.gif-(825 KB, 300x169, 1330810205793.gif)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:50:44 No.387960594
    I am telling you, infact, what I heard was dogshit. If my son made that music, I would tell him he should pick up a baritone or something; I want to listen to artist who actually play an instrument. If listening to computers is your cup of tea even though you could never pull one up to a campfire, be my guest.
    > Note, when people disagree with you even after you begin a rebuttal, it isn't because they aren't paying attention.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kh6+vT7m) 03/20/12(Tue)04:51:23 No.387960660
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    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:51:46 No.387960707

    The obvious one, any other?

    For bonus point, what event is it?
    >> Anonymous (ID: EweG5Wid) 03/20/12(Tue)04:52:41 No.387960789
    no that would make you look fucking stupid. because you had to put all that work into shitting on drywall
    >> Anonymous (ID: nOAo6Dvu) 03/20/12(Tue)04:53:01 No.387960818
    shambala 2011
    >> Anonymous (ID: aj67Ydn0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:53:06 No.387960826
    image search says "dubstep warz"
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:54:20 No.387960943
    > Make it appears as though I was counter culture, sale millions.
    That wont work!
    > Look at Andy Warhol
    >> Anonymous (ID: 39dL5if6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:55:02 No.387961009
    Lol maybe the drum and bass scene died down some but the production quality is higher than ever. There are alot of legit dnb producers still.

    Jungle is dated, it lacks the intricacy of modern day neurofunk dnb. Plus were all tired of fucking Jamaicans verbal diarrhea ruining music anyway.

    >> Anonymous (ID: H7Zx97Vz) 03/20/12(Tue)04:55:54 No.387961072

    What's wrong with these people that they can't have normal names? Fucking kids.

    inb4 no one cares what I think and people should have a right to name themselves after failed beta appliance models and space shit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)04:56:19 No.387961115
    don't need it, we have clownstep
    >> Anonymous (ID: Wza4WQYy) 03/20/12(Tue)04:58:37 No.387961308
    shit...this might as well be a religion thread.

    fuck now that I think about it. That's like 80% of threads on /b/.

    I'm out. Enjoy your circlejerk.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZxXBKP47) 03/20/12(Tue)04:58:56 No.387961348
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    >Too pretentious to be in an Emo band
    >Stupid hair cut
    >Smokes meth
    >But did invent something I like to call bro-step
    >Does not play Dubstep
    >Just clearing things up
    >Someone needs to invent a genre of music called upstep
    >And call them self Sukddix
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:59:32 No.387961381
    Or a cut uncut thread
    Jesus christ
    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)04:59:51 No.387961409
    Yeah there is still alot of good drum & bass coming out (mainly within the liquid & dark style subgenres), but the majority of drum & bass, especially jumpup (which is seen as the main part of drum and bass) died slow and horrible.

    Jungle is much more complex and nicer on the ear, has a nice organic and natural sound and is a much more respected and amazing genre with a nice community (jungle raves are happy, drum & bass raves are moody and there are always fights)

    Also, Ragga Jungle is just a subgenre, like jump up is a sub genre of dnb, there are other sub genres in jungle beside ragga.

    >> Anonymous (ID: nOAo6Dvu) 03/20/12(Tue)05:00:34 No.387961470
    rusko made brostep. he fucking ruined dubstep that fucked up toothed having cunt.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ERKvZ35+) 03/20/12(Tue)05:00:55 No.387961509
         File: 1332234055.jpg-(235 KB, 1097x691, TheHostOfSeraphim.jpg)
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    I HATE THIS FUCK. I know he's a phony and just another art project by Banksy, but he's still so goddamn annoying.

    Especially the way "he" "makes" "art".
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)05:01:21 No.387961548
    skrillex rule 34... i cant believe my eyes

    >> Anonymous (ID: UzGsMZ6y) 03/20/12(Tue)05:01:26 No.387961556

    True dat
    >> Anonymous (ID: bvOikhe6) 03/20/12(Tue)05:03:20 No.387961726
    > Waiting for someone to call themselves Skillet and download some techno modulation software and make music
    >> Anonymous (ID: p6agbWeS) 03/20/12(Tue)05:04:26 No.387961831
    >techno modulation software

    >> Anonymous (ID: ERKvZ35+) 03/20/12(Tue)05:04:31 No.387961840
         File: 1332234271.jpg-(100 KB, 320x400, 1304721538325.jpg)
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    I fell for this once. Don't click it, it's a screamer.
    >> Anonymous (ID: eaw49Uio) 03/20/12(Tue)05:05:44 No.387961950
    Hey guys, i'm Skrillet, and i'm gonna upload music on youtube soon, here's my youtube account 80MsAgo
    thankkkkzzz <33<3<3<3<3 ir not skrillFag
    >> Anonymous (ID: uF9/KrbQ) 03/20/12(Tue)05:07:18 No.387962093
    You are mean.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)05:08:23 No.387962191
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    lol, I used to produce and what he does is easy as shit. Ridiculous master bus compression, popcorn snares, same bassline sound in every song that anyone can make with a basic soft synth, distortion, and multiband eq. No composition, shitty tinny sound design. The "variation" comes from throwing everything into a sampler and hitting buttons randomly.

    shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
    >> Anonymous (ID: hKd5i8YF) 03/20/12(Tue)05:08:29 No.387962197
         File: 1332234509.png-(17 KB, 608x553, 1332233113351.png)
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