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    Dear Londoners: I am in your lovely rainy city for the next few days. If you'd fancy a spot of tea and dessert,
    send an e-mail to with a sentence or two about yourself,
    why you aren't Jack the Ripper, and include a timestamp.
    Cheers, —mootykins

    File: 1332228776.jpg-(29 KB, 375x500, waitress2.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous (ID: DnE3USLf) 03/20/12(Tue)03:32:56 No.387951683  
    alright waiters/waitresses, explain to me why the fuck I should tip you. I'll state my case.
    >cooks cook the food
    >bus boys clear the tables
    >dish washers wash the food

    You don't do shit except write down an order, carry the fucking plate of food to me, and re-fill my drink. And other than that you don't have to do shit but stand around with your thumb in your ass making stupid small talk. How does that warrant a tip? You're doing the least amount of work in the entire place. And don't give me the "we handle your food be nice to us hurrr" argument it makes you sound like an asshole. Oh, so I should tip you just so you won't fuck with my food? Fuck you, maybe if you DESERVED a tip you'd get one. Also you're not cute, funny, or clever, let me eat my food alone in peace and just make sure my water is filled every now and then. I'll tip a real busy bus person but I'm not gonna leave money on the table for your lazy nigger ass.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:33:37 No.387951758
    dish washers wash the dishes lol, not food, obviously a typo inb4 some green text showing my mistake
    >> Anonymous (ID: Avu2ray8) 03/20/12(Tue)03:34:48 No.387951932
    The whole tip system is retarded. Fuck your country OP.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QBUQR9qM) 03/20/12(Tue)03:35:24 No.387952005
    that's why there's places like mcdonalds faggot. you're just a cheap lazy ass
    >> Anonymous (ID: ph9tjiOY) 03/20/12(Tue)03:35:37 No.387952032
    >dishwashers wash the food
    >wash the food
    >wash food
    >ash foo
    >sh fo
    >shit foo, you dun fucked up
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:36:52 No.387952210

    nice try but too slow
    >> Anonymous (ID: n2uoRATn) 03/20/12(Tue)03:37:22 No.387952267
    I tip if my service is good (ex/ fast) and if the person is friendly and nice. Other than that g'fuck yerself.

    Captcha: niggeragi saying
    >> Anonymous (ID: DHeaDkzj) 03/20/12(Tue)03:37:38 No.387952297
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    lol 2/10, OP. Would read again.
    >> Anonymous (ID: uPcM/sGC) 03/20/12(Tue)03:37:46 No.387952314
    Because I'm the one getting everything for you at your beck and call so you can sit on your fat ass and stuff your face.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mBngN/kv) 03/20/12(Tue)03:38:01 No.387952343
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    tips are for excellence, not for ordinary

    yes, I cheap
    yes, I european
    yes, I poor
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3POpoOpl) 03/20/12(Tue)03:38:26 No.387952395
    At my restaurant, I have a busser once or twice a week. The rest of the time I clean my own tables.

    These threads are completely retarded. If you don't tip it's because you're a pathetic faggot without a few extra dollars to spare, so I don't really give a fuck what you think. You're probably a jobless 17 year old who's too socially inept to perform the duties of a server.
    >> Anonymous (ID: g78kQEJM) 03/20/12(Tue)03:38:28 No.387952405
    I'm 23 and have never tipped someone
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:38:35 No.387952423
    yeah thats what your boss pays you to do already why do I have to pay you also you fucking jew
    >> Anonymous (ID: jvBoe87i) 03/20/12(Tue)03:39:28 No.387952539
    Hahahaha, I made 96,000 dollars standing around with my thumb up my ass. I also only work 20-30 hours a week. I'm also 28 and have a hot wife.
    But do go on and tell us all more about how your life sucks so much you wouldn't know a great dining experience if it blew you.......
    >> Anonymous (ID: mBngN/kv) 03/20/12(Tue)03:40:11 No.387952623

    you expect tips from 17year olds?

    lol USA
    >> Anonymous (ID: ktQdJ0Se) 03/20/12(Tue)03:40:35 No.387952676
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    Because this isn't Reservoir Dogs, you're not Mr. Pink, shut the fuck up and tip the girl who's getting paid jack shit you fucking Jew.
    >> Anonymous (ID: pE0hqxhB) 03/20/12(Tue)03:40:36 No.387952681
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    >let me eat my food alone
    >I hate talking to people
    >I'm better than you, go away

    >> Anonymous (ID: jTG2TIqu) 03/20/12(Tue)03:40:41 No.387952692
    I've always been upset by this, I'm a line chef and at the end of a busy day, I end up making $90-$120 depending on my hours. I slave away making sure the ticket is right, handling your food, setting it nice on the plate and preping food for the next shift. But the waiters that don't do shit get $50 tips at times. For 10 minutes worth of their time (Writing your order, bringing your food, refilling your drink) and what really pisses me off is when I'm trying to close and the waiters/waitresses are fucking ordering shit for themselves. Like why the fuck can't you get your ass over here and make that shit yourself? No, I have to stop what I'm doing to make you some dessert? The fuck? Oh, don't forget to mention that they're the first to leave and never offer to help with anything. Fucking hate them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: c68G6XMQ) 03/20/12(Tue)03:41:20 No.387952764
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    >> Anonymous (ID: IbYYD5VH) 03/20/12(Tue)03:41:49 No.387952829
    >People say "get a real job


    >All waiters suddenly get "real jobs."
    >No one works in restaurants anymore
    >Cooks cook food
    >Who delivers it?
    >You complain that there are no people to facilitate the ordering/delivery of your food
    >Vicious cycle

    I was a waiter during college. Faggots like OP always exist. When you suffer from extreme inadequacy, you'll find any reason to justify holding on to your meager means. I promise I got by on your 10% tip, because the man next to you with a "real job" tipped 30%.

    Don't make enough to tip? Sorry, mate. Get fast food!

    Can't justify tipping? What job do you do? I'd be more than happy to go there and waste an hour of your time.

    For every homosexual like OP, there are 100 people who aren't dickheads. Enjoy being a bitter, useless, and impotent piece of trailer park trash.

    I don't feel sorry for you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QBUQR9qM) 03/20/12(Tue)03:41:50 No.387952830
    you fucking retard. when your fatass goes in and orders something, money gets taken out our paycheck cuz they assume your fatass is tipping. but cheap faggots like you give us waiters/waitresses a harder time and don't tip. that's why you need to learn to cook you lazy bum
    >> Anonymous (ID: cAI+Q6YP) 03/20/12(Tue)03:42:02 No.387952858
    this. plenty of people 'handle' your food. why not tip the guy that fucking makes it? tipping should be earned, not expected.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)03:42:18 No.387952890
    tbh i think its a little unfair. Many states servers make around 2.13 an hour (va/fl) if you don't tip, i literally don't make shit. servers need to unionize. I walk around 3-5 miles a shift running food getting drinks. I only encounter problems with high maintenance people not tipping, if you don't bitch about everything, and are friendly, tip me less.
    blacks tip WAY less
    Europeans tip way less
    If you ever get bad service tell the server why, don't just leave them wondering wtf
    If you go to a restaurant and are a bad tipper, you will get bad service
    Good tippers that request me time and time again, get AMAZING service, as well as free sodas, drinks, etc, when i'm bartending
    tldr-if you tip good and go back, i'll give you great service. 15% is fair
    >> Anonymous (ID: LTFgedO9) 03/20/12(Tue)03:42:57 No.387952994
    there's this bygone notion that waitressing is one of the only jobs out there where a single woman can support herself. this is a throwback from the good ol' days when the man was expected to bring home the bacon and the woman stayed home and shat babies out. well waitressing was one of the only things a woman could do to support herself back then so it was an important thing back then. now there is actually less unemployment in young woman and they make more than young men but old habits die hard i guess.
    >> Anonymous (ID: FQD5sWsB) 03/20/12(Tue)03:43:19 No.387953037
    I tip because in my country waiters aren't payed a living wage, so it is upon the patrons to make up the deficit. To me it's a big 'FUCK YOU' from the owners, but what can I do? I'm not gonna take it out on the waiters.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RJIQZlXW) 03/20/12(Tue)03:43:43 No.387953085
    thats true i fucking hate waitresses.

    they make soo god damn much more than any one else its fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous (ID: 71Jf4jKq) 03/20/12(Tue)03:44:11 No.387953154
    i make half minimum wage because of the tip system you piece of shit. and i work like a fucking dog sweating all fuckin day to please your stupid fuckin fagget asses. shut the fuck up. i dont give a fuckin shit about what the fuck you want to eat. fuckin eat something and ill make it perfect just to listen to you complain because your dumbass forgot to ask for no onions. fuck you. fuck. you. i make shit. tips is my only source of income. my checks for 40 hour week are under 300 dollars. dont fuckin tip me because i dont want your worthless chump change bitch. go complain to a fuckin wall fagget. cause thats what b is.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mv5ONliY) 03/20/12(Tue)03:44:34 No.387953190
    because your retarded hence can't find a decent job.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:45:18 No.387953285
    lol I love how you assume people who don't tip can't afford to. no, it's just those of us who worked hard and actually made a comfortable living dont see the need to give you extra money to not do anything spectacular.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IbYYD5VH) 03/20/12(Tue)03:46:00 No.387953364

    Please don't make me do it.

    Don't make me laugh at you.



    >> Anonymous (ID: 9NDHKhBa) 03/20/12(Tue)03:46:46 No.387953476
    but the boss doesn't pay shit. they make roughly half of the regular minimum wage, and even tips are usually going in to a tip-share for most restaurants.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 03/20/12(Tue)03:46:53 No.387953492
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    so get a job that pays more, faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: jTG2TIqu) 03/20/12(Tue)03:46:53 No.387953493
    >Writes order
    >Brings drinks
    >Types food in computer
    >Takes food
    >Asks if needs a refill
    Yup, you deserve a tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IbYYD5VH) 03/20/12(Tue)03:47:16 No.387953535

    And this nigger who used three negatives in the same fucking sent...

    I fucking give up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QBUQR9qM) 03/20/12(Tue)03:47:23 No.387953547
    i hate fags like you that think we still get a full paycheck. WE DONT!

    servers get half their paycheck because you're EXPECTED to tip. if you don't want to, go get some fuckin fast food
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:47:32 No.387953564
    if you're getting paid less than minimum wage thats illegal. take your boss to court rather than expect me to make up for it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 71Jf4jKq) 03/20/12(Tue)03:48:19 No.387953665
    same poster. oh and cooks? true story. work harder than fuckin servers. yeah if i got paid at least 10 an hour i wouldnt trip about tips. but i get paid almost nothing. i have to be a fuckin corporate dick sucker all day and kiss ass to get people to like me. and im a fuckin man so people dont hand over money cause i have tits. so shut up you fuckin kids.
    >> Anonymous (ID: jTG2TIqu) 03/20/12(Tue)03:48:31 No.387953689
    Has to be dumb
    >> Anonymous (ID: 71Jf4jKq) 03/20/12(Tue)03:49:01 No.387953743
    how it works with tips dumb fuck
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:49:18 No.387953776
    LOL i also love this 'server' thing thats caught on, like being a servant is more classy than "waiting", like its something to be proud of. you fucking niggers at least make me laugh, that is something I might consider tipping for. Oh and I should mention, I tip hot waitresses if they're not annoying as fuck. but the rest of you can fuck off. its really not my fault you chose to work a shit job where you feel youre underpaid, im there to eat not to make up for that
    >> Anonymous (ID: slMUMtQv) 03/20/12(Tue)03:49:38 No.387953823
    Obvious troll is obvious.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yR7mYHEw) 03/20/12(Tue)03:49:53 No.387953848
    Nope, but thanks for showing us how ignorant you are.

    It's not illegal in most states to pay someone under minimum wage if they make a lot of tips. The idea is that they end up making minimum wage anyway once tips are added.

    But in practice, that isn't always true. Especially since there are cheap fucks and "LOL I'M SO EDGY" fags like yourself who won't tip no matter how good of a job they do.
    >> Anonymous (ID: H+dCpkRU) 03/20/12(Tue)03:49:55 No.387953852
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    forgot your pic, op.
    >> Anonymous (ID: iJp/ItZb) 03/20/12(Tue)03:50:38 No.387953927
    Sure is butthurt in here.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QBUQR9qM) 03/20/12(Tue)03:51:05 No.387953975
    they aren't paying waiters under minimum wage moron. the tips take out of our paycheck fag
    >> Anonymous (ID: Aq/gw7I8) 03/20/12(Tue)03:51:07 No.387953982
    I used to be like OP before I got a job as a line cook for a sports bar. Waitresses still don't have quite as difficult job as me imo but they do more than just wait tables. They have to do plenty of other mundane and tedious things, some of which I'm glad they do so I don't have to. Ultimately I think they should just get a regular paycheck like everyone else and tipping shouldn't be such a common expectation. It should be for people who can afford it or for when a waitress is exceptionally polite and does her job well.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 71Jf4jKq) 03/20/12(Tue)03:51:14 No.387953997
    i tip hot waitresses. im 12. i have no sense of logic. shut the fuck up fagget youre the cancer of the world.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9NDHKhBa) 03/20/12(Tue)03:51:39 No.387954058

    it's not illegal at all. it's called a "tipped wage". the minimum is $2.13 an hour for tipped employees, compared to $7.25 for nontipped employees
    >> Anonymous (ID: OBC5NQr9) 03/20/12(Tue)03:51:51 No.387954073


    I'm mixed (half black) and generally tip well. Am I just fucking myself at this point. Getting shitty service from the get go?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7flL19Fi) 03/20/12(Tue)03:52:41 No.387954171
    *slow clap*
    >> Anonymous (ID: CXc4o9Zx) 03/20/12(Tue)03:52:52 No.387954201
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    More snot-nosed cheapskates trolling waiterfags...
    >> Anonymous (ID: AAIUj5Sr) 03/20/12(Tue)03:52:54 No.387954203
    I agree with OP. Fuck you and your tipping bullshit, it's your fucking BOSSES job to fucking pay you, not mine. Useless fucks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: YbB2nxP5) 03/20/12(Tue)03:53:02 No.387954213
    Not a Eurofag, but I think Europeans ti less because the tip is usually included in the check in their nations. Also, I've never been a waiter but the only reason I came into tis thread was o bring up this point, but it's been made.
    >Many states servers make around 2.13 an hour
    >> Anonymous (ID: gCFMGT6v) 03/20/12(Tue)03:53:37 No.387954290
    Then server wages would go up and restaurants would be somewhat more expensive for everyone
    >> Anonymous (ID: N91zo++b) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:04 No.387954361
    the servers hourly + tips legally has to = at least minimum wage so if no one tips the server still makes minimum wage
    >some retards serve and still dont know this
    >> Anonymous (ID: cqBTI1XD) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:04 No.387954365
    They have to deal with the customers which is the hardest part.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 425qMOyD) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:21 No.387954395
    >> Anonymous (ID: BfEoBKxG) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:33 No.387954418

    you.. you can't possibly be this stupid. The Minimum Wage Law affords restaurants the ability to pay their servers/bartenders less than minimum wage (down to $2.13/hr) because they're 'tipped' employees. i'm assuming your by your idiocy that you're just a poorfag manual laborer who can't afford the $3 tip at the Waffle House, amirite?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 2REFs5Tp) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:35 No.387954425
    I always tip but my tip is based on service and not how much I spend on my meal (which is kinda stupid). Here are my requirements for a good waiter / waitress..
    >quick to serve drinks
    >gets my order right
    >refills my drink often
    >brings the check quickly when I request it (yeah, normally this isn't a problem but there've been times when a waiter / waitress took forever)
    >doesn't fuck up my food
    You got yourself a tip.
    Plus, it's just social etiquette.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5FkJRS4k) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:39 No.387954430
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    actualy depending on where he is a server that is actualy a real possibility. Living in vegas I know career bussers in their 50's who make about that much. I work in a small pub and do about $35k a year working part time. And you wanna know why we get tipped, cuz we deal with u directly, if the cooks mess something up we get yelled at, if the busser dosent clean the table all the way we get in trouble, heavin forbid if you get dirty plates its the waiters fault not the dishwasher. I also like you you assume that the servers dont cook any food or make soups or salads, or clean.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:44 No.387954441
    waiters seem to know down to the penny how their "tip wage" is less than non tipping jobs, yet they still choose to work these shit jobs where they're on their feet all day. THEN have the nerve to bitch about not being treated right. get a different job you fucking idiot, your low intelligence is probably why you're waiting, oh I'm sorry, serving in the first place.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ksuzf9+T) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:47 No.387954450
    In socialist Canada, tips get divided evenly among the waiting staff/hosts/cooks/dishwashers

    Canada wins again faggots
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)03:54:50 No.387954456
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    >Because I put up with your fucking bullshit and interact with you to make your dining experience better.

    >You don't have to see the cooks cook the food.
    >You don't have to see the dishwashers wash your dirty shitty dishes.
    >You don't have to watch my busboys clear your slimy-ass table.
    >You don't have to deal with fucktards like you with a holier-than-thou attitude
    >And if I have any chance at all, if you don't tip me, I'll slide laxative into your food the next time I see you on a date and make you need to shit your pants midway through your grand romantic moment. Or I'll just take a half hour to get your food when you're OBVIOUSLY in a rush.

    Bottom line: You pay for the food to be cooked. You pay for your dishes to be taken away. You pay for your dishes to be clean when the food that's cooked is on them.

    So, what's missing?

    That's right. The person who actually puts that food on your table and makes sure it's what you actually wanted instead of, say, my dog's shit mixed into your refried beans.

    If you'd prefer to skip that part - where I actually make sure you get the meal you want without foreign objects in it, GO TO A FUCKING MCDONALD'S, YOU SHITEATING CHEAP ASSHOLE.

    You'll still be eating shit, but at least it won't be my dog's recycled Alpo.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IbYYD5VH) 03/20/12(Tue)03:55:02 No.387954475

    Then these faggots would never be able to afford their Perkins if it became more expensive.
    >> Anonymous (ID: l6cQVQwF) 03/20/12(Tue)03:55:24 No.387954519
    I cook waiter and bus . . . do i deserve a tip?
    I know I'm over worked and yes, my family owns the restaurant
    >> Anonymous (ID: hE+4Sfe9) 03/20/12(Tue)03:55:32 No.387954540
    In most cases (and my case) the servers actually bus the tables. Honestly I wouldn't care about your tip if I didn't make $3.05 and hour.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 71Jf4jKq) 03/20/12(Tue)03:56:28 No.387954642
    i make decent money kissing ass all day. makes me sick. we both know its not as simple as "get a better job" im paying my way through college
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)03:56:29 No.387954647
    First of all-if your plate is less than i'd say 20 dollars, you're getting served, not waited on. Major difference. I am a waiter, I polish your silverware and glassware, I know everything about the wine and the food including its preparation. I tip out my kitchen, and bar, based on sales. I make around 15% of what I get "tipped" with the other 5% going to other staff in the restaurant. I have a biology degree, but the economy sucks. I started grad school for forensic science, but couldn't afford it. I work in upscale dining, not some red robin or applebee's chain. I pour your wine and educate you about your entire dining experience. I make 3.15/hr before tips and average around 1500/wk after. I have a real job, I provide a REAL SERVICE. All these chains are upscale McDonald's. If you don't have to ask for a refill and your order is perfect tip 20%. If you aren't going to tip tell your server they sucked or admit your a piece of shit
    >> Anonymous (ID: i1yeIbe4) 03/20/12(Tue)03:56:33 No.387954654
    i almost always tip unless the service is shitty. especially if someone im with is being an ass to a waiter/waitress. i feel sorry for them having to deal with peoples bull shit all day
    >> Anonymous (ID: Iu2JQeck) 03/20/12(Tue)03:57:16 No.387954764
    having been in the industry 10 years and cooking for a little over 8 I do love... some of the waitstaff but I still resent you for making more in 16hours than I do in 55. Fuck the waitstaff insist the cooks get a portion if you love the food.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7RgYA+rR) 03/20/12(Tue)03:57:29 No.387954790
    Protip: In Canada waiters and waitresses are responsible by law if you get drunk and hurt yourself or do damage to others. Just that fact alone should warrant a tip. They could be sued by any number of people it's ridiculous.

    Don't know if it works like that in the US but up here it's fucked up. Also, why I'll never work in a bar. Not fucking up the rest of my life finanacially for some drunk ass people.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)03:57:34 No.387954802
    >implying I want your shitty fake interactions and that it makes my dining experience better.
    >> Anonymous (ID: jTG2TIqu) 03/20/12(Tue)03:57:54 No.387954843
    Lets do some math here. If they're getting paid $2.13 an hour, and get at LEAST 2 tables that spend $20 they'll get a $6 tip from each table. If they truly each tip 30%. That's $14 an hour, for 2 tables. Just 2, now we know on a busy night, they get 4-5 tables.
    4 tables = $26/hour
    Even if they took slow to eat, or order more, that just adds to your tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: H+dCpkRU) 03/20/12(Tue)03:58:38 No.387954926
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    "I don't believe in tipping."
    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)03:58:47 No.387954947
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    >at chain restaurant, busiest in town
    >host seats the four of us
    >Waitress number 1 comes and takes orders for drinks
    >20 minutes later, waitress number two brings flat soda to our table
    >25 minutes more, waitress 3 takes order for food
    >hour long wait until waitress 4 brings cold ass food
    >half hour, no one has eaten a bite, waitress 5 asks whats wrong, we start complaining
    >5 leaves, waitress 6 gets the manager
    >Manager gives all four of us gift cards for our next visit
    >Never eating there again, use cards for shitty meal
    >mfw hostess gave me a dirty look for not tipping
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)03:59:05 No.387954973

    Goddamnit!!!! I've always tipped, decently at that (25-35%)

    Time to change that one you racist fucks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Ke2UE/VA) 03/20/12(Tue)03:59:54 No.387955072
    One time a waitress followed me out of a restaurant and asked me if the service was bad.
    I stated no, and she said why didn't you tip? (I forgot) I felt so embarrassed and was practically forced to go back in and tip...
    >> Anonymous (ID: BDcSfDon) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:16 No.387955108
    It's $4.80 now.

    >what fuckin year you in?
    >> Anonymous (ID: KpBZz5yt) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:18 No.387955118

    That's because most waiters and waitresses are pretentious ego-centric assholes. The drum beating that they are doing in this thread only solidifies your gripe. They "expect" to be tipped. How fucking amazingly backward is that?

    Tips are for exceptional service above and beyond a standard dining experience. Nothing more, nothing less. Where it became a given that a customer must tip for a standard dining experience is beyond me. Why the cooks aren't tipped out more is another mystery.

    I used to tip my servers. Then it donned on me: Why the fuck should I tip some asshat for getting my order correct and for bringing me my dinner? If the meal is outstanding, then I will personally walk back to the kitchen and make sure the cook who made my dinner gets a tip as I feel it was righteously deserved. If the food was shit, or the general dining experience was better than average by the server, then the server gets tipped. It's pretty simple.

    I love Europe. LOVE IT. Know why? Because they don't tip there and the service/food is fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous (ID: G3S4bds/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:23 No.387955129
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    My rule of thumb:
    If it's a place you frequently eat at, tip them.
    If it's a place where you'll probably never eat at ever again, don't tip them.

    >mfw I rarely eat at restaurants since their prices are ridiculously high at best and their food is generally unhealthy.
    >mfw I only tip after I finish my meal so they can't do fucked up shit to my food.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:26 No.387955137
    About the blacks tipping thing, I beleive it's self fulfilling prophecy, if i think owe he's black he won't tip i'll probably give worst service. I give every table my all. I once had a guy give me 100 bucks, skinny black guy with big white girl, just got appetizer and drinks. I felt like a piece of shit for expecting less. They told me good luck in school
    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:39 No.387955163
    Don't get me wrong, I'll tip for exceptional service, like I do at any business. Why the fuck would I tip you for doing a mediocre/piss poor job?
    >> Anonymous (ID: IyTjYRaa) 03/20/12(Tue)04:00:43 No.387955170
    you should tip because in America they get away with paying people $2.15 an hour. and, if you don't tip, we'll spit in your food the next time we see you. or purposely fuck up your order.
    >> Anonymous (ID: usSQgkD0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:01:18 No.387955236
    I am a waiter / bartender,
    and I expect no tip, but I am very gracious to receive any. my main occupation is medicinal supplier
    >> Anonymous (ID: BDcSfDon) 03/20/12(Tue)04:01:58 No.387955325
    what a sissy.

    Get another job then dumbass.
    >> Anonymous (ID: jTG2TIqu) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:28 No.387955402
    Pay for the food to be cooked? Tip the chef.
    Table cleaned? Tip the bus boy.
    Dishes cleaned? Tip the dish guy.
    Why are you tipped for everyone else's work?
    >> Anonymous (ID: o9Tmf3t2) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:32 No.387955403
    Because I get paid $2.15 an hour my paychecks are always $0 after taxes, I am a server at a restaurant and do a shit tun of work. My restaurant does not have bus boys and is constantly busy.

    I you don't tip I will remember you and give you the shittiest service next time, and why should i care if I am not going to get money from you anyway. Might as well put more time into getting bigger tips from other tables.

    You are a scum bag if you do not tip. Go fuck yourself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: fpBGmtM0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:33 No.387955405
    If I get my food and drink, great.

    If I have to ask you 6 times for the motherfucking HP sauce so I don't have to taste the god awful sausages, and you don't bring me them... you had better fucking believe I'll count out the bill to the goddamn cent.

    If the service is prompt and otherwise good, (eg. my food is delivered still hot, I get my food before the asshole who walked in after me, I don't have to wait too long for someone to clean the only empty table in the place for me to be seated, and I only have to ask once for a refill (or not at all if there's no refill charge) that doesn't take 15 minutes to get) I will tip.

    Tipping is for good service. You aren't treated well because they make minimum wage. Hell, if I'm out at the bar with my friends and the service is excellent, I'll tip $10 or so on top of the 10%-20% that I tip for my food bill, and that's because I'm typically the only asshole in there not drinking, and pub food is dirt cheap anyways. (they make their money off of booze).

    Shit service = shit tip

    Good service = good tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:45 No.387955429

    This is one maniacal mulatto that will never tip again. After the thread(s) tonight...

    Fuck you all
    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:51 No.387955448
    So stop working at a restaurant or band together to change the minimum wage. I live in canada, where the food industry workers earns $4 over minimum by default with raises every 500 hours, and STILL we have compulsory tipping.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NIg5ABlW) 03/20/12(Tue)04:02:53 No.387955449
    How about this: Everyone should just quit working in the food industry that's fed up with it (90%+ of the workers). More people should make their own goddamn food at home anyway. Lazy fucking cunts. People are so fucking stupid sometimes about things.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:03:52 No.387955563
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    Who gives a fuck if you care about my fake interactions with you?

    You came into MY shop. You ordered MY food.

    And you have the balls to bitch about how you aren't holding up your end of the bargain?

    We have a rule in my house.

    The customer is often full of shit, has no idea what they want, and tends to be an ignorant asshole with more money than brains.

    Since most of you fucktards who refuse to tip also bring out your Macbook Pros, I have no qualms when my guys spill water over your tables to get you to leave.

    It's called "service". And we do reserve the right to refuse it to anyone.

    If you can't handle tipping, then maybe you should try to learn how to fucking cook at home - because if I see you again, you won't get:

    >served before ten other people before you
    >coffee that isn't cold
    >a plate of food that doesn't have pubes in it

    Tipping's optional. But so is my desire to do anything at all for you.

    I am not your slave.
    I am not your serf.

    Getting mad at me will not get me to give you better service - quite the opposite, in fact.

    Oh, and one other thing - unless you pay cash, we have your credit card information on record.

    So don't be a bitch, and you won't suddenly find $800 in gay porn website charges and a list of porn sites posted to /b/.
    >> Anonymous (ID: neh3bSWh) 03/20/12(Tue)04:04:05 No.387955585
    thats not my problem. you are the idiot who took a job that pays 2.15 an hour ffs
    >> Anonymous (ID: BfEoBKxG) 03/20/12(Tue)04:04:42 No.387955648

    oh, hey, OP! so, i work at a restaurant where the PPA is $50-$60. I juuuust cleared $60 K last year, working ~30hrs/week. How does it feel knowing that people like you, who DO tip (anyone who says they don't is full of shit, you're all pussies, the entire restaurant gets maybe 1-2 non-tippers a month, MAYBE) afford me luxuries that you will never have? thanks for paying for my new car, faggot!
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5FkJRS4k) 03/20/12(Tue)04:04:45 No.387955652
    In the US or at least in vegas its the restaurant thats responsible for that. Though everyone on staff in vegas is responsible if there is someone under 21 in the bar or drinking, its a $500 fine for everyone on staff that night, including kitchen workers.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WFMUJxOi) 03/20/12(Tue)04:04:59 No.387955686

    In most diners and restaurants, servers are paid at a reduced salary on the expectation that they get the bulk of their pay through tips. In some places, servers work with no actual pay, getting all their money from tips. In higher end restaurants, servers split their tips with other restaurant staff, including expediters, bus boys, etc.
    >> Anonymous (ID: gCFMGT6v) 03/20/12(Tue)04:05:41 No.387955781
    I don't tip because I dislike stupid people.
    Stupid people are loud and annoying. Their idiotic beliefs and incompetence impact us all.

    Waiters are usually stupid people who aren't capable of doing any other work.
    I don't want to give something to an idiot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:05:44 No.387955787

    You're not understanding the concept - you're also the idiot who went INTO the establishment that employs people who work for $2.15 an hour, plus tips...

    ...and are going to get paid one way or the other. Either you tip, or we take it out of you in other, less pleasant ways.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0+ri3b49) 03/20/12(Tue)04:06:26 No.387955856
    Waiters are paused minimum wage no matter how little they make. I don't tip. Why should I?
    >inb4 poorfag, faggot, etc. I worked as a waiter for the better part of a year, don't give a shit If I get tipped or not because I get paid the same as the dishwashers for doing not even close to 1/4 of the work.
    >> Anonymous (ID: jTG2TIqu) 03/20/12(Tue)04:06:31 No.387955871
    Thank you! I've had one person in the two months that I've worked there compliment me.
    >> Anonymous (ID: InzVFB1w) 03/20/12(Tue)04:06:39 No.387955889

    I always tip the 2nd time I go to a restaurant, I've gotten 3 kids fired already for fucking with my food, and scared the fuck out of one by calling the cops for putting a fucking metal/plastic twisty tie in my steak.

    dont even mind tipping, it's the cunts who are entitled and 'retaliate' that make me rage
    >> Anonymous (ID: srMfjkM/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:28 No.387955986

    Here's how it works around here.
    You go up to the kitchen and order your food. You get a little buzzer with lights and shit.
    When your food is ready it beeps and lights up.
    You go up and get your food.

    Congratulations, your job has been easily outsourced to a AAA battery powered device.

    I mean, even my job may eventually be filled by robots but fuck damn, you're done.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KcRXyCiV) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:38 No.387955997
    because they make 2.13 an hour and that's how they pay rent, it's like if I came into your job and was like "man this faggot isn't doing a fandamtastic job because we gave him so much shit to do, let's just not fucking compensate this motherfucker for all the fucking work he's done" don't fucking go out to eat if you don't have money to tip asshole, you go out to eat and pay for the experience, if you just wanted the food you'd cook it yourself but what? you're too fucking lazy so guess what? you have to fucking pay for service dipshit! I seriously don't hesitate to put my dick in the drink of people such as yourself fuckstick.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:50 No.387956025
    Let me answer a few question
    VA is 2.13/hr + tips
    all these kids talking about half paychecks are retarded, you get taxed on your tips

    About the people tipping-Cornell did a study on it, read it, African Americans tip 10-15% less than whites.

    I expect 15%, but I am a great waiter tbh, friendly, professional. If I make a mistake I genuinely feel like shit about it.
    I have blacked out boxes on people's credit card slips and told them service was on me, I'm sorry about the mistake

    My job is fun, it is not that hard, I make good money.

    I hate servers who complain about bad tips, the ones that complain are because they fucking suck.

    Waiters (yes i'm distinguishing) do not discuss tips, I'll say oh that guy was cheap, he's been in here a few times, or sweet another 20% tip

    Fuck you newfags at chains, you're a dime a dozen
    That being said, i've had great service at chains as well, and trust me, I know what to look for

    Let's say perfect tip is 20%
    Come up with a list of 20 things to look for, each equals 1%

    Post here

    I will make infographic for you
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)04:07:51 No.387956027
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    thank you for having sense.
    >> Anonymous (ID: InzVFB1w) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:06 No.387956070
    looks like you are just a cunt, sucks for you
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:22 No.387956095

    So why the FUCK are you going into a restaraunt anyway, then? If you can't stand stupid people why do you even bother interacting with them?

    You know what's fucking retarded?

    Someone who says "I hate stupid people" and then says everyone who waits tables is stupid, therefore every time they go to a restaraunt, they refuse to tip because the waiters are stupid.

    Wouldn't a SMART person avoid going to a place where they'd get annoyed by stupid people?

    You must reeeeeally fucking hate mirrors, shitdip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Z8nNNGq6) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:28 No.387956107
    I've never once left a waiter/waitress a tip. But if my food is exceptionally good I always personally give a tip to the cook. Then again, in my country the servers make a wage that they can live on before tips.
    >> Anonymous (ID: VBpci6SO) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:33 No.387956114
    mah nigga. Im a line cook too and god are the servers the fucking worst. I would like a tip myself since im the one doing the actual work here.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WFMUJxOi) 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:50 No.387956143

    You don't get how minimum wage actual works apparently. There are ways around minimum wage. That's always been the case in the service industry.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:09:24 No.387956205

    Yeah, but I'm the cunt who pissed in your soup.

    So really, who does it suck to be?
    >> Anonymous (ID: iM0Y27ne) 03/20/12(Tue)04:09:55 No.387956279
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    IM an ausfag and i haven't tipped ever you pay for a service to the establishment then they pay their employees why the fuck do i have to give someone more money for no reason they get paid thats enough no-one i know tips in aussie
    >> Anonymous (ID: InzVFB1w) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:19 No.387956316
    probably you who goes to jail after I smell piss in my soup
    >> Anonymous (ID: fpBGmtM0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:36 No.387956347
    >people bitching about how they think other restaurant employees work harder
    >hurr DURR my tip should go to the chef and busbitch
    >implying waiters/waitresses don't tip out to the other staff

    Yeah, you dumb motherfuckers. They tip out to the people bussing and cooking. That means that the people cooking and the people bussing both get a chunk of your tip at the end of the night when the servers cash out.

    I can't even believe the gloriously winged faggotry in this thread.
    >> Anonymous (ID: LZNSDUNf) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:39 No.387956351
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    Why would I give a gentile my hard earned money?
    >> Anonymous (ID: neh3bSWh) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:55 No.387956380
    omg youre a waiter. im so terrified.
    fuck off and get my drink bitch
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:10:55 No.387956381

    Yeah, well, nobody I know who's an Aussie isn't descended from inbred Londoners who'd fuck mud if they thought it would wriggle.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)04:11:32 No.387956429

    just like the goddamn valets in dallas...

    Here we go again
    >> Anonymous (ID: WFMUJxOi) 03/20/12(Tue)04:11:52 No.387956474

    I'll let you in on a secret. In many restaurants, the waiters tip the kitchen staff. Apparently, you're in a sucky place where that doesn't happen. The front of the house doesn't value the back of the house. If you both realize that you should be working as a team, maybe you'll be motivated to shut the fuck up and get the orders right and out to the front faster which in turn helps them out.
    >> Anonymous (ID: AAIUj5Sr) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:08 No.387956506
    Get a load of this guy. You'd think we cared. Shut the fuck up and make my dinner you whiny bitch.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:28 No.387956536

    Oh no, bitch.

    I'm your fucking bartender.

    And the answer is:

    No. You're cut off. And I'm calling the cops to say you're about to drive home drunk from my establishment, were abusive to the patrons, and would likely be a danger to yourself and others.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4RK86TLi) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:30 No.387956537
    >Dishwashers wash the food
    >Wash the food
    >Wash food


    >> Anonymous (ID: vzlYkWem) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:48 No.387956567
    LOVE LOVE LOVE These threads!

    My wife and I make a combined sum of around $65,000.00 a year. When we go out to eat, we always ask to sit where we want to sit, and not where the greeter wants us to.

    After we sit down , we'd like a few moments before being asked you guys know what you want. Take our drinks and please leave us the fuck alone. Better yet, I'll fucking wave you down and have you come to me. You are MY server and you should be ready when I need you , not when its convenient for you and your dishes.

    If you don't ask me for a refill on anything I am drinking that night, you can fucking forget about me telling you to have a good night.

    Also I never fucking tip anyone for just bringing me a god damn hamburger. My wife and I don't work our fucking asses off every day , so we can give you a share of our work. FUCK OFF. If you want a tip , here is one I learned very fucking early on. GET A FUCKING EDUCATION AND GET A JOB THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO NOT BEG FOR FUCKING MONEY YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT.

    also : when I say I want my fucking hamburger medium rare, its not FUCKING WELL DONE. I will fucking throw that shit at you and cunt punt you twat back into that kitchen and tell you to make sure that faggot cook understands the difference. If there still is a problem, I simply let my wife eat her food and then we don't fucking pay a penny. We WILL come back the next week and order the same food and if it looks like anything has happened to it, or I am hassled or my shit is not cooked the right way. I will do the same fucking shit I did the week before till the fucking cunts understand how to cook and order and fucking prep the shit. FUCK YOU.
    >> Anonymous (ID: InzVFB1w) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:53 No.387956574
    putting urine in food is considered poisoning, which can be considered attempted murder
    >> Anonymous (ID: ksfPfPss) 03/20/12(Tue)04:12:55 No.387956581

    Suppose i'd be jelly too if i lived in a shithole like america
    >> Anonymous (ID: vzlYkWem) 03/20/12(Tue)04:13:18 No.387956620


    ALSO while I'm at it. When I say NO FUCKING TOMATO it means NO FUCKING TAMATO YOU ASSHOLE. Don't put it on the side, don't wrap it up, dont fucking let it touch my god damned plate.

    Fucking idiots , no wonder why they pay you below the legal wage and you still think its ok.

    you deserve to be payed that shit.

    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:13:32 No.387956646
    Fucking this ^

    I've had two exceptional servers in the past, one of which was a co-worker on the ski hill I used to cook on. The only times in a restaurant that I've left a tip over a dollar.

    You know who I tip the most to? The gas jockey where I fill up my car. That little 14 yo bastard gets me gassed up, brings me smokes and drinks, all the while with a genuine smile on his face, and no goddamn lollygagging. That little fucker deserves my money, if all you faggot servers in this thread want to learn how to EARN a tip, go check out what a hard working individual actually does to get themselves a tip, then you might not feel so entitled to it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 44JUT11/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:13:44 No.387956669

    all you guys have never been to a real restaurant, haven't you?

    Maybe there are no decent restaurants in America. Restaurants were the waiters actually were trained on their job, have experience and know what they are doing. They are no cheap ass temporary stuff like students or jobless hobos on welfare.

    Like... bus boys? No way, I would want them in my restaurant. It's the waiters job to clean the tables after every course. Without dinner tray. We don't have dinner trays because... dinner trays look cheap. What do my waiters have hands for?
    Also, my waiters will chose the wine for you or at least make recommendations based on the food you ordered. They are certified sommeliers.

    Our waiters are always the last to leave. Why? Well cleaning the coffeemaker, they do the accounting, they have to polish the wine glasses and the cutlery. My chefs are the first to come. They need to prepare fresh food. We don't open tins and bags with convenience shit over here.

    For all the eurofags in here: Yes, we are listed in the Gault Millaut and we also have Michelin stars.

    But oh, you won't tip a waiter anyway. So you better not come to my restaurant, cause you couldn't even afford the bill, let alone tipping my waiters.

    (The average bill for two people in my restaurant is ~300 Euro / approx. 400$)

    So don't give me shit if you don't know shit!
    >> Anonymous (ID: G08xSdHg) 03/20/12(Tue)04:14:21 No.387956726
    tips are given because we only get paid 2 dollars an hour. how good a tip is based on how well we do
    >> Anonymous (ID: AGVgDFXU) 03/20/12(Tue)04:14:22 No.387956734
    charge more for the food to cover the support staffing costs and pay waitresses a livable wage. allow servers to keep the full tip, and have no expectations of getting tipped every time

    that way everyone gets fucking paid, the server is encouraged to give good service, and cheap entitled assholes who don't want to pay for service can find somewhere else to fucking eat.
    we have fast food and it is shit quality for a reason
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)04:14:26 No.387956737

    The fuck? You're a waiter.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9MMVHTzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:15:27 No.387956840
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    Anyone who says 'server' instead of waiter is an omega-tier mega faggot.

    also, lol @ america for using this broken system - "hurr durr businesses get to pay their workers nothing so they have to get tips which they don't deserve because it's the easiest job in the world hurr durr"

    also also, to the people who say "HEY! THE COOKS MAKE THE FOOD BUT WHO TAKES IT TO YOUR TABLE? THE 'SERVERS'!!! SO UNLESS YOU WANT TO EAT THE FOOD OFF THE KITCHEN FLOOR YOU SHOULD TIP!!!!" In what fantasy world do you live in where having the food given to you is not incorporated in its price? When im getting a video game from a store and there's no copy on the shelves and i get the attendant to fetch another one from out the back, do I tip them? no because that would be fucking retarded

    DUMB: Arguing that waitering is a hard job and deserving of bonus money for doing the absolute minimum

    RETARDED: actually being proud of being a waiter. You're one step off a toilet cleaner, except you spew out a lot more bullshit
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:16:07 No.387956917
    my wife and i make a combined 65k a year, I make that serving part time. LOLOLOLOL
    "Get a real job"
    >> Anonymous (ID: k5gAfuQF) 03/20/12(Tue)04:16:14 No.387956921
    Feel free to go to the counter and order your food.
    We'll let you know when your food is done, but you'll have to come to the counter to pick it up.

    Also, no free refills.

    Sound familiar OP?
    But seriously, only Niggers don't tip.
    Don't be a Nigger Op, you could be so much better.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A6RtB6/E) 03/20/12(Tue)04:16:47 No.387956970
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    fuck this

    Me and my friends go to a local Denny's almost every night to get coffee, because its the only time we can see everyone cause we all work all day.

    The people there treat us like VIPS, leaving coffee pots with us and remembering orders we get, and the more we tip them they cooler they are to us.

    They scratch our backs, we scratchs theres etc nobody wants to be a server cause you have to deal with peoples shit CONSTANTLY. You fucking try and deal with obese families of 7 all bitching about how they fucked up their order or to fill up their trough for soda.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GPHBnARk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:17:00 No.387956997
    You would fucking slice your dick in half at some facebook status screenshot I should have saved back from 2011.

    Some stupid slut who works at a waitress actually posted something along the lines of:

    "People who tip less than 21%, smh. Rude people these days."


    inb4 coolstorybro
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:17:18 No.387957030
    then you can likely afford to pay your waiters better than most places and should unless you're a jewish fucking asshole. then I dont need to tip them because they're still not doing anything more than what they're already getting paid by you to do. fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: SqU6i5YC) 03/20/12(Tue)04:17:22 No.387957037

    This. OP, you're such a faggot. I'm a server at IHOP and I love my job. Only low-life douchebags and poorfags don't tip. You get excellent service from me in exchange for a couple of extra dollars you'd waste on useless shit anyway. Those extra few dollars you give me tell me that I did a great job. So, fuck you OP.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:17:38 No.387957068
    Your ignorant if you think being a server and waiter are the same thing. It's not my real job, I'm using it to pay for my masters, in forensic dna analysis
    >> Anonymous (ID: InzVFB1w) 03/20/12(Tue)04:17:56 No.387957094
    >medium rare HAMBURGER meat

    >be 18
    >order something from a family owned restaurant for take out
    >go to pick it up
    >pay, pick it up
    >cashier bitches about tip

    >order pizza
    >pizza guy comes
    >tell gf to go get my 10$ bill out of my car and tip him
    >get pizza and sign for it
    >give him back receipt
    >he does some kind of grunt/sigh 'really? prick'
    >walks off
    >girlfriend walks up to him about to tip him
    >tell her hes being a bitch and dont tip
    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:18:13 No.387957129

    You bring us food and server drinks. By your logic, the cooks should be earning the tips, not the moronic assholes that contribute the most menial part of the restaurant experience.

    I've cooked for years, and the most satisfying part of my job is when a customer loves the food and makes the effort to come all the way to the kitchen to throw me $20. All the while the asshole waiter he was 'supposed' to tip is glaring me down from the bar.

    How does it feel knowing you steal the money from the real start of the show faggot?
    >> Anonymous (ID: WFMUJxOi) 03/20/12(Tue)04:18:36 No.387957164

    You think that waiters can charge more for the food? Owners/managers won't add that extra cost in order to stay competitive.
    >> Anonymous (ID: iJp/ItZb) 03/20/12(Tue)04:18:54 No.387957194
    All I've learnt from this thread is to never go to a restaurant ever again.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:11 No.387957231

    Incidentally, assholes who have been in my bar who've stiffed tips have had any number of the following happen to them:

    >slashed tires mysteriously appear on their vehicles (management not responsible for vehicles in parking lot), vehicles broken into and four broken windows with no recording from cameras on site available to police
    >explosive diarrhea 3-4 hours post meal
    >cut up credit cards after "accidental" overcharge declines cards
    >loudly stating, "Sir, this is a counterfeit bill. I'm afraid you need to provide something else. And no, I cannot return this. I must turn it into the police as evidence. You must pay for your meal another way." Ooops, looks like it was real after all. Those counterfeiters - they're soooo sneaky, aren't they?
    >Continue to tell me to get you your drink, and I'll bring back a gallon of icewater to drop in your lap. Or just get the cooks - who, by the way, play day in and day out with very sharp pointy objects and very hot flame - to have a conversation with you in the main floor.

    Yes, I have done this.
    Yes, my guys and my girls do not take shit from you fucks.
    If you act like a bitch, we'll treat you like one.
    We are not your servants, and you WILL treat my people with respect.
    Or you'll find out what a very finely sharpened knife feels like when it "accidentally" falls into your hand.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GPHBnARk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:28 No.387957259

    Uhh, no, faggot.

    I get excellent service from you in exchange for the food I buy. I don't give you a god damned tip. It's your boss' job to pay you, not mine.

    I'm not going to pay you for doing your job right. I'm going to complain if you do your job wrong. Stupid fucking cunts these days.

    Go down to Mexico, you'll learn about excellent work for no tips.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:38 No.387957281
    these fucking fags couldn't come out to eat at my place
    >> Anonymous (ID: YM4advKN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:42 No.387957285
    You're full of shit. Anyone who makes under a certain amount of money isn't taxed at all, and if you are, it's in the smallest bracket. The largest bracket is 30%, and they don't start taxing until 5-8 grand. even 70% of 5-8 grand is not $0, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3hNBksxV) 03/20/12(Tue)04:19:42 No.387957290
    You don't have to tip. But I might spit in your soup next time I see you. It's your decision.
    >> Anonymous (ID: AAIUj5Sr) 03/20/12(Tue)04:20:22 No.387957357
    I seriously hope you're trolling. You are coming off as the most butthurt faggot 4chan has ever seen. P.S Where's my drink and dinner you little bitch? Hurry up I need to get on with not tipping your poor ass.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:05 No.387957428

    And what do you do?

    Whack it to /b/ porn while working a retail job or listening to people bitch on the phone?

    Seriously, faggotboy. You're about a biscuit from shitsville. Don't knock the people who serve you food.
    >> Anonymous (ID: srMfjkM/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:08 No.387957440

    That's great.
    Eliminating the customer base, making false police reports and being a general ass because you expect to be tipped.

    ...and he's the bad guy

    You guys live in a fucked up country.
    >> Anonymous (ID: InzVFB1w) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:41 No.387957498
    it's like you want to go to prison, do you just think of this shit in your head when youre mad at work?
    your a pussy, and anyone who does that gets the cops called on them fast and sued
    >> Anonymous (ID: gCFMGT6v) 03/20/12(Tue)04:21:48 No.387957508
    I don't have any insecurities about my intelligence, sorry.

    I don't eat in restaurants often when I'm in America, but when I do the enjoyable aspect of the experience is inevitably the others with whom I am eating. The wait staff are a source of delays and other minor inconveniences, and little more.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GGfwNkhP) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:06 No.387957554
    we bussers do get tipped by all the servers. they also tip the expos as well (the people who make sure the food is 100% ready to be taken to the tables). no tipping the dishwasher or cooks though, which is strange, but they DO make more hourly to compensate, even though even I tend to make more than they do in a whole days work.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vzlYkWem) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:23 No.387957593
    my favorite one is when you go to a buffet and the waiter wants a tip.

    >> Anonymous (ID: rnrqvtPd) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:29 No.387957612
    >Working for less then minimum wage
    Okay, so basically you're fucking retarded and live in a shitty country.

    >expecting tips for doing your job
    What? Are you fucking retarded or something? That's not how tips work. Your employer pays you to do your job, not the fucking customer.

    Tips are for when you get food that is FUCKING AMAZING, and then you give extra money to the CHEF.
    If a waiter ever asks me for a tip, he will get a punch in the face. But that has never happened because I don't live in some shitty third world country.

    But something I want to know is.
    How the fuck does it work where ever the fuck you are and how much is it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: NmTwDnGo) 03/20/12(Tue)04:22:35 No.387957619
    The food industry is shit. Everyone involved has the biggest chips on their shoulders; cooks, waiters, and customers alike.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KpBZz5yt) 03/20/12(Tue)04:23:03 No.387957670

    No problem brother. I've been in your shoes before as well. What I find interesting in this thread with all of the frothy-mouthed servers is that the general attitude is that they are performing a huge service by waiting on a customer.

    This notion is grossly wrong. For you faggots reading this, the logic is simple:

    Not one person coerced, blackmailed, threatened or forced you to take a job as a server or waiter. It is your choice, every day, to put on your respective work clothes and go do the job that you willingly applied for. To sit back on your high horse and come off that you're doing the customer a favor by doing your job is downright laughable, and clearly shows that you have your head so far up your ass that you can't even think clearly anymore.

    Your boss pays you what they pay you. You agreed to the terms. Your state set the wages and you agreed to the terms. If you don't like the terms, then go work somewhere else, or petition your elected officials to have the wages raised. You do not have the right to expect anything from anyone at any time. Tipping is the means at which the customer is appreciative of your outstanding performance. To expect this in return for your standard performance, or to simply expect it all the time is a huge mental error on your part, and only proves that your expectations and reality are two entirely different worlds.

    Want a tip? Don't come across as being a pretentious fucking asshat who decided to put up with me because I walked into your boss' establishment that he opened up to PROVIDE A SERVICE and make money with you willingly being employed to help him do so. Learn your place faggots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GGfwNkhP) 03/20/12(Tue)04:23:27 No.387957705
    I live in the USA, i've tipped at places since I was 14 (if I'm with friends or alone). then again, i'm rich as fuck, so it doesn't matter. what's 100 dollars to me, anyway?
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnrqvtPd) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:23 No.387957826
    minimum wage in my country is $15.51 per hour or $589.30 per week, depending if you work part time or full time respectively.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9mPR9Krp) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:34 No.387957850
    my waiter friend told me the new norm for tipping is 20% now. I laughed in his face and called him a faggot for being a male waiter.

    Seriously if you are a male waiter you are either a faggot or own the place and are picking up the slack. Male waiters get no love from me because you should be a fucking man and get a real job.

    Tipping women makes me feel like a provider and a big man. Tipping men is awkward and gay.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:40 No.387957859
    bartenders are worse, they expect a dollar tip on every fucking drink you order, and what, an average drink at an average place is like 4-7 bucks, thats a HUGE percentage for each fucking drink you make me. then you guys get to act openly like assholes if your'e not getting your measly dollar each time I buy a drink.

    I like to rack up a bill at the bar then generously tip the bartender at the end of the night, but before then is their test, if they're getting bitchy and sighing and rollign their eyes when I don't tip they're not gonna get much. If they suck it up and treat me like the paying customer I am I'll tip them very nicely before I leave. Bartenders are worse than waiters but I eat at restaurants more than I goto bars so I didnt wanna make my post about them. I understand they deal with drunks and idiots all night (especially female bartenders) so that's why even if they're shithead bartenders I'll still end up tipping them something
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:43 No.387957862

    U mad?

    Want to know what I do?

    Seriously, a fucking helmet-wearing window licking tard wearing a helmet with a bee trapped inside could do your job.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 2REFs5Tp) 03/20/12(Tue)04:24:54 No.387957880
    Been readin' posts in this thread and see this business 'bout being paid "2.13/hr" or some garbage. How does that work out? Isn't there a minimum wage?
    >inb4 "ignorant faggot" -- still learning.
    >> Anonymous (ID: bxWOi4KB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:25:04 No.387957908
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    fuck you op. there's a shitload of work involved. You have to bust your ass for hours on end. I know i do. go launch yourself into a goat's ass dickbag.
    >mfw op has never had a job to understand what hard work is like
    >> Anonymous (ID: vyE7iruk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:25:25 No.387957945
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    op is the faggot from the job secrets thread that was bitching about the pizza delivery guy
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1sfC8ic4) 03/20/12(Tue)04:25:37 No.387957964
    The cost of living in your country must be fucking sky high.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RJIQZlXW) 03/20/12(Tue)04:25:44 No.387957974
    you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous (ID: iM0Y27ne) 03/20/12(Tue)04:26:41 No.387958076
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    amerifags are descendants of Europe too fuckhead learn some history
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:26:41 No.387958079
    Will you do me a favor, just tip like 10 bucks on a beer or something, and say "take good care of me tonight" you'll save so much money on your tab (if your bartender has a clue what they are doing they can spill-log you drinks and strong pour you)
    >> Anonymous (ID: NmTwDnGo) 03/20/12(Tue)04:26:49 No.387958093
    Employers take tips into account for minimum wage.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9MMVHTzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:05 No.387958127

    I can't believe waiters actually think this is a rational argument. By that logic the mafia are perfectly justified in charging protection... Keep digging yourself into a deeper hole bud
    >> Anonymous (ID: GPHBnARk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:04 No.387958135

    Thank you, bros. I knew I wasn't the only one with a brain in this thread.

    To anyone who tips often and excessively: fuck you. You're the reason why service over the past few decades has been progressively shittier and shittier — because people have to work less to get tips.
    >> Anonymous (ID: srMfjkM/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:15 No.387958149

    Yep, that's about what I expected.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present the mascot for the service industry.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mNdQKquP) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:17 No.387958154
    Seriously, get a better job. Worthless, non contributors
    >> Anonymous (ID: 2REFs5Tp) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:30 No.387958174
    Seriously? How do they justify that?
    >> Anonymous (ID: s5WvI4DY) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:38 No.387958189
    used to work as a manager at a pizza chain until i quit/was terminated last week. i live in Virginia and yes, Virginia doesn't care about minimum wage laws even though the majority of jobs here are food service, military, or the ship yard. I made a pretty shitty wage for the work i did, so be happy that there are guys who will tip you, and just brush off the ones who wont. they usually aren't happy with their lives either/are alcoholics. and the way the economy is around here i see more and more people who are the non tipping kind, coming to work into the industry i used to.

    Tl:dr for those who don't tip, its whatever. you guys are usually cretins anyways, and the way the economy is going, you'll have to resort to food service jobs after you retire and don't have enough funds to live peaceably so you'll get yours eventually
    >> Anonymous (ID: sDwmiNP/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:41 No.387958195
    Tipping is a matter of politeness and maturity. When I hear people ranting about how they don't have to tip, it's like they're ranting about not having to wash their hands, or not having to hold the door open for people. It's technically true, but it just shows you're sort of sad and pathetic.

    I can't imagine all these anti-tipping people pulling this on a date.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1gfg3IKe) 03/20/12(Tue)04:27:57 No.387958223
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    OP is obviously a poor NIGGER who feels like a social outcast because he doesnt make enough money to tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mNdQKquP) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:08 No.387958246
    Get a real job lmao
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:13 No.387958257


    See, it's funny to me that you keep saying this, because I own my place. It's a bar in TrendyTown Seattle. I'm the bartender, but I own it outright, and the building it's in. I do the menus, train my staff, get the food ordered, and work the specials from sourced food. I'm up at 8AM after working till 3AM close, and I say:

    If you don't tip on principle, you're insulting my entire establishment - what we do. Why we work where we work, and the ratings we get from our long-standing customers. You're being a dick just to be a dick.

    And thus, we have every right to be a dickhead right back to you.

    You want to complain? Get the fuck out of here and bitch about us on Yelp all you fucking want.

    That's the thing - you little dickheads are so used to the Wal-Mart mentality of customer service where people who actually stand up for themselves must be raging butthurt assholes that you have no concept.

    Here's lesson one, faggotboy - I WILL piss in your soup and I WILL give your date a laxative wine cooler if you treat my people like shit.

    Watch someone steal $20 from your till and see how long you'll be a subservient asshat.

    Last cockmunch who refused to tip my staff for his $100 meal got a two-hour lesson in no drinks or food order the next time he came in. You don't like it? Fuck off to Burger King.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnrqvtPd) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:14 No.387958259
    Probably equal or cheaper than America.
    +free healthcare and everything.

    It's called living in a 1st world country.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GPHBnARk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:31 No.387958294

    That's the employer's fault, not the customer's.

    I'm not going to tip you just because you took a job which expects handouts.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GGfwNkhP) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:46 No.387958310
    are you fucking joking??? at my restaurant, we don't! and for us bussers, we don't even need to declare tips, so, no taxation. shit's swell.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +toRSRDx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:52 No.387958321

    No, you didn't. Internet bad-asses are fucking losers, kid.

    Oh, and OP has obviously never worked in a restaurant. 0/10. He's probably genuine, but still fucking stupid, and thus a troll.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:28:57 No.387958330
    ive worked very hard. thats why I can recognize when some lazy faggot is trying to get by on free money that I worked hard to earn.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:29:07 No.387958346
    2.13 works like this
    I get 2.13 an hour from my employer
    Min is 7.25
    Assuming I make at least 4.12 an hour I make min wage
    At forty hours my paycheck is 80 dollars
    If I make enough tips I don't even see a paycheck
    TL;DR If you work in a state that has low min for servers and you don't tip, you literally just made them work for free

    PS-I don't always understand how this is legal, when I was managing we adjusted a few pay rates to meet the minimum wage requirements

    Open restaurant in VA=PROFIT
    >> Anonymous (ID: lgY4f5oA) 03/20/12(Tue)04:29:11 No.387958358
    From a business perspective.

    My restaurant has 3 rush hours. Morning about 6:30 to 8:00 you get a breakfast rush. Then it's dead until the 12 to 13 lunch rush hits. Then you get an evening rush for 18 - 20. Now I have 8 full time waiters on the pay roll, and 8 part time waiters to help out w/ the rush times. Now if I paid hourly my part time staff would probably all quit so I'd have to up my full-time staff, and essentially pay them for several hours of not doing shit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: neh3bSWh) 03/20/12(Tue)04:29:28 No.387958393
    you are so full of shit lol
    you will take my disdain and lack of a tip and stfu. then you will go hom eto your parents basement and weep silently into your pillow about what a shitty life you are doomed to live
    >> Anonymous (ID: nL/TwMAG) 03/20/12(Tue)04:29:32 No.387958401
    Employer fucks employee...employee blames customers....genius
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1sfC8ic4) 03/20/12(Tue)04:29:37 No.387958409
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    You're fucking scum. I seriously hope you're trolling. If you got stiffed, it was for a reason. Be it shitty service, or the customers' philosophies. Deal with it
    >> Anonymous (ID: BmTOU8Fv) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:09 No.387958474
    try getting your food without a waiter there bro. jus' saying.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:16 No.387958487
    >mfw niggerfaggot thinks waiting is hard work

    Have you ever worked labor?
    Fuck that, have you worked in the kitchen the food is coming from, even that is 10 times the work you lazy ass servers do. Not once have I worked in a kitchen where the waiting staff hasn't dicked around and socialized with the rest of the waiters for the majority of their shift. All the while, the real badasses in the kitchen are prepping, cleaning, washing dishes, all this while keeping up the kitchen energy and sweating buckets in our whites.

    Waiters have it bad? Really? Because some mouthbreather is complaining about the service you can't provide and you have to lift a fucking finger to do something about it?
    >> Anonymous (ID: KQTFMV9j) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:33 No.387958520
    Yea, I gotta say, most places I go, the waitresses DO tip the kitchen staff, and, while I'm not getting rich, the food service people generally make minimum wage... And I have found that a 25%+ tip will generally get you AT LEAST twice the service all around. Better seats, faster service, choicer cuts, and most important, stronger drinks (and no cut-off). If you can't afford the extra (OP) then please shut the fuck up and enjoy waiting for sub-par seats while me and mine arrive after you and get seated better, fed faster, and wined before you even rate a look. Peace, and enjoy eating fast food.
    >> Anonymous (ID: A6P7KwyU) 03/20/12(Tue)04:30:43 No.387958541
    Well, see, this is where the system sucks.
    I hate eating at fancy places.
    You go in there, dressed at your best, trying to impress some dumb broad, you order "escargo soucoulent du poopoo avec fromage" or someshit like that, and in the end you pay up a fortune and look like an asshole anyway.

    How about:
    -you pick up your tray
    -you get to see and smell your food before ordering
    -you choose you food based on that, not based on staring at a fucking paper menu, which means you'll enjoy it more
    -no more sending you food back to the kitchen, because the roast is too raw or something, as it is RIGHT THERE and you can see if it's cooked to your liking
    -the food is cheaper and most of the times a whole lot better
    -they weigh you food before paying, and so there's no issue if the chef fucked you by giving a single piece of "chouchou crouton anale" instead of two.
    -If you wish, you can order ten whole fucking pieces of meat, or you can simply tell the serving lady to put your mashed potatoes and pickles over your dessert, and she won't even blink.
    -and then, you walk to the table of your liking, and eat in peace, knowing nobody will care about your clothes, or the way you eat.
    -sometimes, if you're lucky you'll hear some great story from, say, the construction workers eating next to you.
    -I've even made friends in such places.
    -I've never seen a fight in such a place. I guess everyone is happy and humble around good cheap food and cold cheap beer.

    And you don't have to tip the waitress either.
    >> Anonymous (ID: U/cRHNMe) 03/20/12(Tue)04:31:07 No.387958596
    If the waiter/waitress can keep my cup full(aka within one minute of it being empty they come over to refill/replace it with a new cup) I will tip them.if they cannot do this simple tastk of keeping my cup full.They get jack shit.
    Nothing i hate more then having to stop eating my hot food because i have nothing to drink with it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Pw9Db9vQ) 03/20/12(Tue)04:31:18 No.387958614
    Did people HURR DURR GET A REAL JOB when pre-union laborers qq'd about getting fucked by the man? You're damn right they did. Ignore these faggots and keep doing a good job; I'll happily tip 20-30% for exceptional service.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)04:31:31 No.387958632

    try making rent without a customer.
    >> Anonymous (ID: neh3bSWh) 03/20/12(Tue)04:31:35 No.387958641
    there will always be a waiter there because there is no shortage of hopeless twats with no prospects to bring me my food like a bitch
    >> Anonymous (ID: eEugaJSO) 03/20/12(Tue)04:32:12 No.387958694
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    suck my dick faggot i never tip you stupid shits and there's nothing you can do about it
    >> Anonymous (ID: KVqaAkLH) 03/20/12(Tue)04:33:06 No.387958798
    Depending on the place, the waiters/waitresses only make their money out of tips because they only get paid $2.50 an hour.
    >> Anonymous (ID: DpZBcyvM) 03/20/12(Tue)04:33:51 No.387958872
    Everyone mentioning the $2.13 tipped wage thing is retarded.

    If waiters/waitresses don't make enough in tips to get minimum wage, their employers are legally obligated to make up the difference. If they don't do anything about getting their wages, that is their own problem.
    >> Anonymous (ID: xL7ICC0W) 03/20/12(Tue)04:34:05 No.387958913
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    people who don't tip are the scum of the earth.

    you know who doesn't tip? NIGGERS.

    so when you don't tip your waiter, you might as well come in blackface and start stealing shit because all you really are, deep down, is a dirty fucking nigger.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GPHBnARk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:34:17 No.387958931

    It's also a matter of politeness and maturity to never expect a tip, but that's not what we're seeing nowadays, is it?

    Tipping is now a game. It has rules. Something which should be spontaneous and completely out of generosity, like giving gifts on Christmastime, has now become a societal expectation of all people. If you don't give gifts on Christmas, you're considered arrogant and rude. Therefore, the meaning of Christmas has been fucked up, and the meaning of tipping has been fucked up.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GGfwNkhP) 03/20/12(Tue)04:34:37 No.387958962
    honestly, that has got to FUCKING SUCK. i now feel so good making 9.50 an hour and walking out of the restaurant at the end of a weekday with 80 bucks, and about 150 on a weekend night. i LOVE it
    >> Anonymous (ID: AGVgDFXU) 03/20/12(Tue)04:34:40 No.387958967
    yeah the solution was kinda based on industry wide changes. not just one restaurant doing it.

    besides, if you were to pay each staff member a fair amount for the work they are doing for you it would be a bit like this:
    (working off minimum 1$ per customer per job just to keep things even)
    host: $1 (here is your table, get you a drink)
    waiter/server: $3-$5 (here is your food)
    cook: $10-$15 (actually has to cook shit)
    dishwasher: $1-$2 (you are washing a plate... come on...)
    manager: $3 (organizing the floor and staff serving you for that hour)

    that is MAX $21 paid in service.
    on top of the cost of food in lets say a burger and a beer, that is still around $25 (based on a homemade single burger)

    I guess what i am really trying to say is... if you don't want to pay for service, you could always just shell out $4 and make your own damn burger
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1sfC8ic4) 03/20/12(Tue)04:34:42 No.387958974
    Don't give me that bullshit. At the restaurant I work at, there's nothing stopping the customers interacting with the chefs. There are fucking chairs right in front of them where they can even watch them cook, and some even talk to the chef on the grill, since he's the closest one to them. They can take orders just fine, waiters/servers are just around to make jobs for pathetic fucks with no skill or talent.
    inb4 hurr durr taking people shit takes talent.
    >> Anonymous (ID: srMfjkM/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:34:57 No.387959006

    I'm an astronaut with a phd in microbiology.
    You should see my girlfriend.

    Look at me, I'm everything I want to be on the internet.

    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:35:04 No.387959021
    lol I love the waiters "how would your food get there if it wasnt for me" uh somebody like the cook or bus buy would double as the waiter and then I'd tip them since they were actually doing something. your job is to smile and present a good image for the establishment and thats it. thats why they give you the shitty little easy work like, pour premade coffee or re-fill water or ask if everything is okay. cause your job is shit and is not meant to actually be hard work, thats why I dont tip you. thats why I'll stand around until I see the busboy rushing from his 5th table in 10 seconds so the other fatasses can sit down and eat and I'll give him a nice tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KQTFMV9j) 03/20/12(Tue)04:35:18 No.387959051
    I think that is called a BUFFET... and if you think that is high class... Well I highly suggest getting any job that's not minimum wage, and going out somewhere that doesn't take food stamps in trade.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:35:33 No.387959074
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    >be 22
    >cooking on understaffed ski hill
    >Waitress falls down stairs, broken ankle
    >mfw we're short staffed during rush hour
    >take over her section, like a boss
    >cooking, cleaning, waiting
    >mfw I didn't even break a stride
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3H16QK2t) 03/20/12(Tue)04:36:19 No.387959176

    back on the nigger train I see.

    Being a halfie who has always tipped well, I can say after reading this, I shall go to my "motherland ways" of shit tipping, being that I'm getting shit service from the beginning.

    Mo dolla dolla fo crack yo.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nL/TwMAG) 03/20/12(Tue)04:36:33 No.387959196
    >If you can't afford the extra then please shut the fuck up and enjoy waiting for sub-par seats while me and mine arrive after you and get seated better, fed faster, and wined before you even rate a look.

    in America poor people are not welcome in restaurants, schools or hospitals
    >> Anonymous (ID: 5WzkzXp4) 03/20/12(Tue)04:36:35 No.387959205
    >My family owns a bunch of restaurants
    >I work in a corporate environment that was guaranteed to me because of my name
    >I have a trust fund
    >Whenever I eat at any of our restaurants I comp my meal
    >However much my meal was, I tip my server

    OP I completely understand your outlook on the subject, after all, right now things are pretty shitty for most people. I've never worked at the ground level in the service industry, and only really handle things at the corporate level, but working in a restaurant, even nice ones, is a pretty shitty existence.

    Most of the servers that work in our businesses are one of two types.
    1. College students - Most of them try to be professional and personable with what they do, and just plan on doing it until they can get a real career.

    2. Career service industry people - Generally older, without degrees, and in most cases really care about their performance regardless of position. If they've been with a company longer than 2-3 years, they're usually pretty invested in the image and take pride in what they do.

    Your waiter, aside from handling your table, has other responsibilities as well. They help bus (if needed), or do miscellaneous front of house duties that need to get done. I gather from your post that you don't like when they are personable/chatty with you. If that's the case just tell them that. More often than not they're trying to be friendly with you because that's the type of person they are. They're generally just nice honest people working a very high paced job that compensates very little.

    I tip them the way I do, not only because it keeps good people working for me, but because I know that they have bills, children, and school loans to pay for and they're trying hard every day they come to work.

    I imagine a significant amount of /b/ hates people like me, but just my two cents.
    >> Anonymous (ID: X8l+lqUc) 03/20/12(Tue)04:36:37 No.387959206
    >> Anonymous (ID: AAIUj5Sr) 03/20/12(Tue)04:36:41 No.387959210
    Yeah well you're still a faggot.

    >It's a bar in TrendyTown Seattle

    Anons, any way to find this place? I would love to put a brick through his window.
    >> Anonymous (ID: r++lzu2Q) 03/20/12(Tue)04:37:22 No.387959269
    >I would love to put a brick through his window.
    watch out guys, we're dealing with a badass over here
    >> Anonymous (ID: iM0Y27ne) 03/20/12(Tue)04:38:04 No.387959349
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    ausfag from before so this is how tips work? you serve me and i pay your employer then they pay you then you expect 15 to 20% of what i paid extra becauce you did your job... what the fuck do your job get paid by your employer and be thankful dont start gettin pissed off at customers because they dont want to pay some cunt whos allready doing their job
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:38:52 No.387959447
    Bingo. My guys and girls are paid well on top of their tips. My weekday staff get bumped compared to the weekend to compensate for the tips that come in.

    My waiters and waitresses do hostess / host / table clearing duty as well as check management. My chefs all work a shift once a week front of house, and my serving staff do prep work at least one shift a week back of house.

    You don't tip me, I don't give a fuck. I own the place and I'll pour you short the next time you order a $35 double scotch. I'll underserve you and put you in the Little Bitch two-top we reserve for people who like to be difficult - and we keep you on rotation between people who might bother with the people who actually give a fuck about the food we're serving.

    Oh, but no-tipping assholes? If you blew $500 on a meal but didn't give a tip, I will play "Concerned Owner" and say, "I'm sorry, I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to make sure I know as the owner of the establishment...was everything in your meal to your liking? Was the service good? Is there anything we could do to make your meal better?"

    If you trot out the "I don't believe in tipping" thing we add the surcharge that's hidden in the fine print under the bar menu.

    Of course, if you choose to lay claim to a table for four hours and then act entitled, at the end of it, we note who you are and refuse to seat you. You go on our "bronze list".

    And yes, we do check.

    But from everything I see in this thread, I don't really need to worry - not a one of you little cheap fucks would wind up coming in my house anyway.

    Because we simply don't attract the kind of people who have to scrape the change from the couch cushions to eat out.

    Well, we do, but they usually try to cage free baguettes from the dumpster the next morning.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0dXSVdsj) 03/20/12(Tue)04:39:11 No.387959473
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    It doesn't have to be restaurant wait staff that vandalizes your food with spit, It could be angry teens who caught herpes and is now mad at the world and spits in the food he or she is prepping. My daughter is now in university, but when she was in high school, she had plenty of stories about what the kids in school were laughing about when they did "this" or "that" to people's food. Like if they are sick, they cough on it.

    I told her it is in the open and too visible, and she said it happens at McDonalds anyways.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7rKchuZ8) 03/20/12(Tue)04:39:16 No.387959478

    LoLoLoLoLoL, I was gonna say i'd love to go grab a beer as I as well work by Seattle. Come put a brick through my window, I have insurance
    >> Anonymous (ID: vyE7iruk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:39:38 No.387959521
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    >> Anonymous (ID: xL7ICC0W) 03/20/12(Tue)04:39:56 No.387959542
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    you might be able to stop sucking as much dick in the back alley to get your fix, then.

    oh, who am I kidding, you'll keep sucking all that dick because it means more crack for you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: RJIQZlXW) 03/20/12(Tue)04:40:07 No.387959556
    sure sound like your enjoying yourself
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:40:12 No.387959562
    Once again, if you run a very nice and expensive restaurant, one of those 500 dollar a plate kind of places, then you can afford to pay your waiters well enough that I still don't have to tip them. And if you refuse to do that and still rely on the customer who's already paying your ass raping prices then you're a slimy shitty jewbag
    >> Anonymous (ID: 44JUT11/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:40:20 No.387959578
    I'd need to charge more if I'd were to pay my waiters a _fair_ wage, but that would boot me out of competition. I already pay my waiters above average but they still belong to the lowest wage group there is.

    If you have nothing to complain about and you don't tip, you are not welcome at my place. Easy as that. And we will remember your face, because that's also something my waiters learned. If you come here more than once, they will remember your name. They also don't need computers to remember you have been with your girlfriend the last time and are now with your wife. And they will maintain silence about it. Because they are classy.

    Tipping is a common practice. Why should I make the first step and risk my existence??
    >> Anonymous (ID: i99BkCSD) 03/20/12(Tue)04:41:24 No.387959693
    Umm that happens in 'Merica you Europeeing francenese speaking fanta boy.

    Isn't this similar to people who get the majority of their income based on commissions, like car salesmen? Do you people refuse to pay more than what you really have to since all they do is see you come in and make small talk with you and then have you sign a piece of paper? Why should I pay that extra 200 dollars that some suited up douche gets when I can just hand the manager the money and drive 200 dollars richer.

    But seriously everyone here seems to forget the fact that just because you walk through a restaurant entrance (Be it a chain or a fancy establishment) doesn't mean that you can now view everyone as a leech, or a giant dollar sign. The people working there are still human beings and should be treated as such. The people who are eating there are regular people and deserve the same respect.
    >> Anonymous (ID: srMfjkM/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:41:40 No.387959719

    You're assuming he's telling the truth.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 9mPR9Krp) 03/20/12(Tue)04:42:12 No.387959767
    Male waiter faggot detected. You seriously think your job isn't extremely effeminate? Seriously? Fetch me another drink and shut up cause ur my bitch from the time we meet till the time I leave.

    And if I don't want to I can simply not pay you. Its totally optional and because you are a faggot male waiter I won't lol. Spit in my food is your only getback? You already brought me my food idiot. Nice try.

    And how beta is that anyway? How dickless do you have to be to fuck with someones food? Why don't you just say what you want right to someones face instead of being a beta fag?
    >> Anonymous (ID: X8l+lqUc) 03/20/12(Tue)04:42:57 No.387959827
    I worked in a kitchen for like 6 years as a prep chef.
    I remember this one time there was this huge family reunion reservation for 36 people and it was was hellish busy for a while anyway, at the end of it this old guy who was paying for it came back into the kitchen and gave everyone there a $20 tip straight up, I was stoked. Turns out he didn't tip the waitresses a dime. fucking LOL
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:43:28 No.387959892

    Go for it.

    No, really. Go for it. I'd LOVE to see you meet up with the early morning regulars - mostly coke dealers - who come in for coffee after working all night half a block away.

    I'd love to see how you cope with them after what they did to the guy who spray-painted my neighbor's window for three seconds.

    CCTV with cast-iron grates. Good times, good times.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KQTFMV9j) 03/20/12(Tue)04:43:36 No.387959905
    Hate to break your train, but I'm not rich, I live "Literally" in the woods, I cut wood by hand to heat my house, I shoot and grow almost all my food. And I work, sweat, 12 hours a day, just to barely survive. I don't go out often, but when I do, I can clearly see the worth of a healthy tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ezcprYzN) 03/20/12(Tue)04:43:55 No.387959935
    Pay the waiters more AND advertise that there is no compulsory tipping.

    Now you have insentive to pay the waiting staff a decent wage and have great publicity for your restaurant. Not to mention the staff now has to work harder to EARN the fucking tips.

    It really isn't that hard, how are you so easily stuck in an archaic business model that you can't see the benefits of changingHOLYFUCKBALLS!
    >> Anonymous (ID: srMfjkM/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:01 No.387959943

    The commission is factored into the car pricing and offers the leeway for haggling with the salesman. It's not an optional extra left to the discretion of the customer.

    All you've done is prove you don't understand the issue.
    >> Anonymous (ID: xL7ICC0W) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:13 No.387959965

    I suggest you somehow get enough money to go to one of those places, don't tip, then go back later and ask specifically for the same waiter/waitress and see exactly how fucked up a pissed off waiter/waitress can make your dining experience.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:28 No.387959981
    it doesnt matter if theyre bringing me a happy meal or a rare cut of expensive meat, they're still doing the same work. if you make 400 bucks off each customer and you're a successful business then you can afford to pay people comfortably and not worry about going out of business.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vyE7iruk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:39 No.387959996
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    >> Anonymous (ID: arZFz2gD) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:52 No.387960007
    Now this varies from country to country, OP, but the waitresses/waiters are not always to blame. In some countries they just get less money from their employers on purpose because they speculate on the guests giving tips.

    If I had to guess, I'd say a lot of the waiters/waitresses would trade the whole tipping for a better loan at any time.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 1sfC8ic4) 03/20/12(Tue)04:44:53 No.387960009
    I lol'd. I would fucking LOVE to see that in my workplace, especially since the servers basically treat the rest of the staff like shit, and refuse to help us out when we're doing something, and would rather pick off the leftovers from customers' plates, or talk to each other, drinking their free cokes
    >> Anonymous (ID: r++lzu2Q) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:08 No.387960029
    In Japan, it is rude to tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 44JUT11/) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:08 No.387960030
    Bingo, you are a good boss!
    >> Anonymous (ID: A6P7KwyU) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:16 No.387960043
    Aahh, good, happy to see you've completely missed my point. It proves something.
    Allow me to explain.

    I hate fancy places. I only go eat at some fancy place when it's work related, like some bullshit meeting.
    I love eating at simple, cheap places for the reasons stated above.

    Thank you for patronizing me. Have a nice day.
    >> Anonymous (ID: mcGBkBOG) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:17 No.387960046
    As a waiter, yes I agree it's retarded.

    But as a waiter, I also know that it's a lot more work than at looks.

    In shitty diners and such, yes, they write an order, put it in and bring you your food.

    In nicer restaurants, which I currently work in, you have to be a salesman which requires knowing the full food menu, as well as all the drinks (I work in a restaurant with three full service bars), you have to keep the restaurant in tip top shape, and you have to take care of your guests.

    At my restaurant:
    - We have a full front and back menu, as well as a 4-page front and back drink menu, that must all be memorized and be clear at any point in time to recite to a guest. There are also many items that are not listed on either menu that you must know about should the guest ask.

    - You must keep the entire restaurant stocked, filling heated chip machines, ice bins strewn across the restaurant, all the cups, togo boxes, togo cups, straws, and even as far as helping the bars stock their ice, glasses, and togo items.

    - We do 80% of the bussing, pretty much all the big plates and let the bussers take the small plates and trash and then wipe down the table. And on many occasions, we simply just bus our own tables.

    - We also when needed help prep the food, stock food stuffs for the kitchen, and call back orders to the cooks as well as running all of the food.
    >> Anonymous (ID: CjUICPdA) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:43 No.387960087
    Hope they read this and jizz in your mayonnaise, OP. Bon appetite!
    >> Anonymous (ID: mcGBkBOG) 03/20/12(Tue)04:45:50 No.387960107

    Despite all this work, we are required to tip out 3% of our total sales for the shift (despite whether we made 10% or 1% of our sales in tips). This goes to the bussers, hosts, and bartenders, regardless of how helpful or unhelpful they may have been during the shift.

    Also, in one night, with only a 3-table section, I can run appox. $1,500 in sales if we are consistently busy, which is usually.

    So I have to let you know everything about the food you are getting, take care of anything you need even if that means chatting with you about sports or what have you, as well as taking care of up to 20 more people, while also keeping an entire restaurant running in every front.

    I think I kinda deserve a tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GERftwU7) 03/20/12(Tue)04:46:12 No.387960146
    yeh, except that you're forgetting they do they for 15 other people at the same time, so take that work you said and times it by 15, fucking retard
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:46:14 No.387960152
    This has been my point from the beginning. I already paid for the food, the faggot waiter who already makes money from their boss is walking the food over to me. This threat of "go back and see what theyll do" is the whole point of the thread, that they expect free money based on fear that theyll be immature little sick bitches and put their balls in your food or some other gay shit. the fact that they feel entitled to do that kind of shit because I didnt give them free money. idiot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nL/TwMAG) 03/20/12(Tue)04:46:29 No.387960170
    >pours you short the next time you order a $35 double scotch.
    >loses liqour license
    >lulz had

    just because you have sold this "the customer is an asshole for not tipping, your boss is a saint even though he doesnt pay you properly" story to your stupid employees doesnt mean anyone else will swallow it..the least bit of critical analysis tears tipping culture to bits and exposes the employers con for what it actually is..a way to slightly increase profits.
    >> Anonymous (ID: oVUdwi/0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:46:57 No.387960225
    Because you go to shitty restaurants (as can be seen in your picture, typical american movie-like fail restaurant, where shit is being served by teenagers who earn for their stuff, you may not understand what's waiting about.

    You tip, because you get advice. Your waitress is your private consigliere while you eat, he cares that your request is property implemented. You want your dish unsalted, you get it, because your waiter looked after the fuckin cook not to use salt. You ask for a bottle of wine and you get appropriate one. That's what you pay for.

    McDonalds is not a restaurant, nor is that something in your picture. This is a human cowshed, and sorry for my English, because it's not my mother tongue.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Xb5oDP5u) 03/20/12(Tue)04:47:15 No.387960252
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    people need to lower their standards. you cant raise the pay for a waiter because they alleviate labor by paying them shit. if you cant afford to pull a fiver out and tip you waiter/waitress dont go out and eat faggot. im a pantry cook at a resort.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nGfb+6Um) 03/20/12(Tue)04:48:21 No.387960364
    Dear waiters and waitresses reading OPs post:
    I tip like 25% just because of assholes like him. Some of us appreciate your hard work and dedication to customer service.
    Yours truly,
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:48:37 No.387960386
    lol i just found a random picture of a female waitress knowing thatd catch more attention than some faggot in a suit holding a caviar dish. ive been to places where I eat for 20 bucks, I've been to places where I eat for a couple hundred bucks. It doesn't change the fact that they waiter is just walking a place of food and a drink over to me while everyone else works harder and doesn't get tipped as much.
    >> Anonymous (ID: vyE7iruk) 03/20/12(Tue)04:49:18 No.387960459
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    listen to yourselves, faggots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: lrNlAo0K) 03/20/12(Tue)04:49:22 No.387960461
    you give them a tip because you pity their pathetic meaningless nothing hell of an existence

    or at least that's why i do
    >> Anonymous (ID: gTmooCKr) 03/20/12(Tue)04:49:32 No.387960476
    I tried to hardcore tip a waitress once on my Birthday. She refused to take the money and let me look like a total retard in front of my company (friends chicks and school buddies).
    So yeah, fuck all of you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:50:03 No.387960525

    ...We're not.

    We had an Apple exec come in with his fucktoy one day and pull this "I don't tip" bullshit after talking about how much of a bigwig he was that he works for Apple.

    He's not that bright, this guy. He brought another woman in raving about how delicious the food was and how great the ambience and how it was just like it was on their honeymoon so many years ago.

    So we brought in El Clueless Waiter and said, "Ah, Mr [Apple Executive Faggot], how nice to see you! How is your...daughter? She seemed unwell the last time you were here, is she feeling better?"

    That was enough to start a lovely fight that we all just cheerfully watched from the kitchen and bar while the kid I paid $100 from the bar down the street ditched the shirt and apron and went clubbing for the rest of the night.

    It ended with her throwing a carafe of red wine into his cashmere sport coat and storming out, and me shouting, "Aren't they great, folks? Give them a big hand, they'll be here all week!" to general laughter and applause.

    Be a prick, and your serving staff will ensure that karmic retribution is swift and justifiably vengeance-laden.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:51:08 No.387960631
    I also don't like that even if you tip, even if you tip a little bit, if it's not the percentage they were expecting they'll STILL show their obvious disappointment somehow. They'll somehow try and make you feel guilty with the tone of their voice or body language, even if you were nice enough to tip them something. That's even more of a reason I don't tip
    >> Anonymous (ID: +toRSRDx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:51:23 No.387960659

    Wow. Owns a nice restaurant...Maybe a suit and tie place? Where people get dressed up to go be around other people who are dressed up, and feel classy because all of these dressed up people are around! You. Are. A. Fucking. Tool.

    If it's not a suit and tie place, but is unaffordable to common people, then my previous statement stands.
    >> Anonymous (ID: gWcfh3fU) 03/20/12(Tue)04:51:40 No.387960683
    if the system is designed so the tips are like basically an untaxed proportion of their income, and are generally required for living well then i can understand tipping.

    here in australia we don't really have it, everyone just gets paid a little more, the minimum wage for a waiter (if they're a minor) is about $20/h
    >> Anonymous (ID: KQTFMV9j) 03/20/12(Tue)04:51:43 No.387960695
    I guarantee you that even those cheap simple places, actually, especially those cheap simple places, really appreciate and reward a tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 0dXSVdsj) 03/20/12(Tue)04:53:20 No.387960842
    Can't really avoid the tip because many restaurants I go to in a party will charge the mandatory 20% tip. And the service isn't any better. No matter what, they MUST bring your food out to you and it must be of expected minimal quality to meet the food department regulations. That is, hot food should be hot and not cold; report it to the food department.

    Foreigners don't understand that in the USA, businesses have lobbied and got many laws changed in their behalf. So, minimum wage doesn't exist for a bunch of jobs because they call that half-minimum wage "training wage". The worker gets done with the max legal time allowed on that low wage, he gets fired, or moved to a new DIFFERENT job that needs training again.

    So, tipping has become "mandatory" because it is used to replace the wages the business owner refused to pay. The owner doesn't have to do that mind you; good places don't. But hey, if your country keeps having people that votes for politicians that side with businesses over people, then half-minimum wage is what you get (among other things like no medical care except for the wealthy).

    The USA has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed western nations. It is a country for the wealthy and corporate employees. Everyone else just builds the infrastructure for those wealthy to enjoy.
    >> Anonymous (ID: rnrqvtPd) 03/20/12(Tue)04:53:22 No.387960843
    >you Europeeing francenese speaking fanta boy.
    America and Europe and the only continents in the world you know.
    Fucking dumbass.

    But basically ANYWHERE where a mandatory tip is expected is a bad fucking shitstain of a country.
    >> Anonymous (ID: X8l+lqUc) 03/20/12(Tue)04:54:06 No.387960918
    No joke, most servers need a reality check. Princesses and wenches with a kind elderly woman thrown in the mix every now and then. The latter being the only one I'll ever tip aside from my pizza driver.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ksfPfPss) 03/20/12(Tue)04:54:28 No.387960952

    You couldn't be a bigger bitch if you tried. Im glad dead shits like you end up working in such a shit industry for fuck all money
    >> Anonymous (ID: nL/TwMAG) 03/20/12(Tue)04:54:39 No.387960970
    ITT : min-wage-slaves pretend that they are Tyler Durden to stop themselves jumping off a bridge.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:56:17 No.387961113
    so basically you were butthurt cause someone more successful than you refused to just give you free money? makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous (ID: hIxXGMBM) 03/20/12(Tue)04:56:36 No.387961135
    > rest of the night.
    >It ended with her throwing a carafe of red wine into his cashmere sport coat and storming out, and me shouting, "Aren't they great, folks? Give them a big hand, they'll be here all week!" to general laught

    How hot was she?
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:56:51 No.387961159

    That's why I try to tell you not to be a prick, but hey.

    Oh, that and we got our shipment of twenty-eight truly excellent single-malt scotches in that I'm sampling for a tasting next month.

    Drunk on $1,200 worth of scotch single-malts and all tax-deductible for business expense watching you faggots try to justify not tipping my staff without looking like total cheapass douchewads to anyone you're eating out with.

    No, seriously. That's comedy. You're never getting laid if you don't tip on a date, or your girl finds out you don't.


    Because who'd want to fuck some cheapshit asshole like that? They'd probably skimp on the condoms and buy the generic knockoff brand that tears the minute you get inside.

    If you don't tip because you believe that the Denny's Waitress should be paid more, bravo. You've proven to everyone including yourself that you're a cheap dickhead.

    If you don't tip at my place, don't worry.

    We'll just make sure to wait until you come in again and pretend like nothing's nothing.

    Incidentally, please do take advantage of our valet parking.

    Oh please, PLEASE do. The boys on the corner love it when assholes take advantage of our valet parking.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +toRSRDx) 03/20/12(Tue)04:57:40 No.387961219
    I've always tipped, but after reading these assholes who are supposedly high up in the food industry...I'm officially never tipping again.

    Go slash my tires, or do something else to undermine the respect any customer deserves for supporting you, and you don't deserve said customer...much-less a bonus.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)04:58:12 No.387961276
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    MFW when I make six figures with a six-week vacation and each of my part-time staff clear over $45k each reading this.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KQTFMV9j) 03/20/12(Tue)04:58:30 No.387961302
    Thanks for the sentiment, please waiters/waitresses, don't hate us for them, there are those (probably the majority of those) who do appreciate your contribution to our enjoyable dining experience. And please, don't forget those who work in the back.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)04:58:39 No.387961312
    lol dumbass as long as you spend money on her and keep her happy you think they give a fuck about the waitress when you go out to eat? she'll know im not a cheap bastard when I buy her shit. women know their place, keep men happy and shut the fuck up and they get rewarded with nice things.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yU1NPFdc) 03/20/12(Tue)04:58:38 No.387961318
    >i always tip, i have too
    your boss should pay you more, but he doesnt. tips are a bullshit system. but because so many of you are fucking assholes and will fuck with my food (which i would happily get myself) if i dont, so i am obliged to tip you.
    I cant smack your kid (work with kids) because your an asshole, what makes you think its ok to fuck with my food?
    still, i usually tip 15% because i know you fuckers will mess with my food if you see me again.

    >it will be a cold day in hell before i recognize that bastard number 20% for anything but the best dining experience ive ever had as an acceptable tip

    and please quit the peppy flirty shit, its so gd annoying and i have to play along with it or you will think im an asshole
    >> Anonymous (ID: A6P7KwyU) 03/20/12(Tue)04:58:42 No.387961320

    No, not in here. Those places are for poor people, and you're not expected to tip.
    If you show up in your lunch break, dressed nicely, and don't tip, it's ok. You are just one of the thousand slaves with a desk job which is forced to wear a suit but has a shitty paycheck.

    If you're in a suit and you leave a tip for say, the serving lady, you're just a rich bastard who's too fucking cheap to eat at a nice place. And you'll get the "evil eye".

    Compliments for the food and a big hearty "thank you madam" are a lot more appreciated.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ksfPfPss) 03/20/12(Tue)04:59:42 No.387961395

    troll harder 0/10.

    Nobody could be this fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous (ID: squdg4d0) 03/20/12(Tue)04:59:52 No.387961412
    i work in a restaurant call

    stinky rose ca la if any body knows that place we give a good service :D
    >> Anonymous (ID: /dqnpzyH) 03/20/12(Tue)05:00:26 No.387961453
    At my job I am NOT only a cashier, I also seat people, take their stupid fucking order, refill their drinks, bring their food (prepare salads and soups and sometimes the pasta), bring it out to their lazy cunt asses, constantly wait on them while also answering other phones, CLEAN their table and their dirty goddamn mess they leave behind, and occasionally wash dishes.

    If they don't leave a tip, the next time they come in.. If they do, I will definitely fuck with their food.
    Cheap mother fuckers go to McDonald's or go the fuck home and do it yourself if you can't spare the money. If its too much money you probably shouldn't be eating there in the first place you fat fucks.
    >> Anonymous (ID: AAIUj5Sr) 03/20/12(Tue)05:00:59 No.387961513
    lol. What an elaborate fantasy world you have created here in internet land.

    >we all just cheerfully watched from the kitchen

    >to general laughter and applause.

    Your faggotry knows no bounds. Now, servant boy, fetch my dinner. SERVE ME SLAVE! Afterwards I may let you lick my shoes.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)05:01:56 No.387961594

    Heh. No problem.

    Again, you wouldn't ever make it in the door of my place. We post the priced menu in the window for that reason - also because our menu doesn't have prices online, and most of you cheap shitheads want to gauge exactly how much they'll spend prior to eating out.

    Besides, we only fuck with egregious assholes. If you screw a Denny's waitress out of $2, you won't be hurting me or anyone else in this thread. You will, however, be guaranteeing yourself a career in asshattery and douchewadness.

    Again, it's your right not to tip. It's also my right, as the owner and operator of the establishment, to kick your ass to the curb if I think you're being a shithead.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +toRSRDx) 03/20/12(Tue)05:02:18 No.387961623

    It's sad that people as mentally undeveloped you can legally be in control of someone's food. The fact that you have contempt for paying customers is fucking amazing. That you view money as a reason to fuck with someone's property/health is absolutely childish.

    I've always been a tipper, but am reconsidering it.

    I suspect that you are a troll. No adult with such a deformed sense of the world could ever make it to the lofty position of *resauranteer* (sarcasm).
    >> Anonymous (ID: xRKCOZBX) 03/20/12(Tue)05:02:25 No.387961631
    i agree with op 100% they do nothing. i work at a movie theatre and we are not allowed to accept tips. we bust outr ass all day and never get shit, we make nothing compared to the prices of tickets and popcorn. but we get bitched at all damn day "how can you sleep at night wqith prices like this?" then after the movie they go to dinner and give you lazy fucks a tip... fuck you, i never tip anywhere.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)05:02:28 No.387961639
    oh no, you mean you walk them to a seat AND write down their order? wow thats such hard work. fill a glass of water? oh man. do a quick cashier sale? wow. lol faggot when you list your responsibilities separately and they're things like "walked here, wrote this down, walked over there, pushed a few buttons" then you're not making a good argument for tipping.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QBUQR9qM) 03/20/12(Tue)05:02:33 No.387961649
    Black people usually tend to tip horribly. I work in an area filled with them and I leave with 5% or less in tips of my sales. For example, if i sell $1000 i'll receive $50 or less in tips. You have to claim at least 10% of your tips on your paycheck. Which means I'm losing money. It's fucking ridiculous. Don't expect to be rude and get good service. I wish everyone got to see how it was to be a server. Even the line cooks. I wouldn't want to be a line cook, but I'm sure over half these line cooks couldn't handle being a server.
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)05:03:14 No.387961717

    40-something Apple Exec wife vs 20-something call girl/hooker.

    You do the math.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nL/TwMAG) 03/20/12(Tue)05:04:17 No.387961823
    >Drunk on $1,200 worth of scotch single-malts
    >tax deductable
    >watching you faggots try to justify not tipping my staff without looking like total cheapass

    we are not the ones who are paying our employees less than what we should..and getting drunk on the savings you made..i actually cant believe that you got your employees its the customers fault that you dont pay them enough.
    >> Anonymous (ID: m79eK7IS) 03/20/12(Tue)05:04:40 No.387961846
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    Ausfag here, tipping doesn't really happen over here unless it's like a fancy restaurant and you enjoy the food it's an option to tip but not looked down apon if you don't but a lot of places over here collect the tips and split it between all staff which is a much fairer way.
    The difference in aus is that our food is more expensive so staff are paid fairer wages so they don't need tips, dumb amerifags...
    >> Anonymous (ID: mcGBkBOG) 03/20/12(Tue)05:04:42 No.387961850
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    >mfw he reads this and scoffs because it wasn't elaborately written out and looks like fools work but ignores where I have written out all my duties several posts up so he can justify being a jew.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QBUQR9qM) 03/20/12(Tue)05:05:57 No.387961969
    lol, you worked in a movie theater? and you're complaining about that? get the fuck out of here. you're job is pathetic compared to being a server. you don't fucking deserve tips lmao. all you do is sit on your ass and give tickets to people.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kZ7921IO) 03/20/12(Tue)05:06:07 No.387961990
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    When I was a waiter I once had a table of 30 people all in suits so I was like "fuck, fuckity fuck fuck" I was sure they were gonna expect perfect service so I did my best, and know what, they left a 250$ tip. Not all customers are as retarded as OP, but there are servers/waiters who do absolutely nothing. It's all up to personal preference on the tip.
    >> Anonymous (ID: gWcfh3fU) 03/20/12(Tue)05:06:25 No.387962020
    now working in a movie theatre is the easiest job ever, and not only that, freee movies, movies are like $15 dollarcoins nowadays
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)05:06:26 No.387962024


    You're so cute when you call people stupid.

    Me, I'm drinking $300 per bottle scotch and watching you call me "uneducated" after four years of culinary education, three in New York 4-stars under name chefs, a six-month run under The Supreme Asshole Of LA Chefs With British Accents and an MBA.

    And you...what?

    Graduated high school?
    >> Anonymous (ID: xL7ICC0W) 03/20/12(Tue)05:06:34 No.387962036
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    Most everyone else either gets paid a fuckton more (proportionally) or gets a cut of the tips.

    Cooks? Paid more.
    Dish pit/washers? Paid more.
    Prep cooks? Paid more.
    Bussers? Cut of the tips.
    Hosts? Cut of the tips.

    if you want any of the people you think are the ones "that actually matter" to do their job properly for you, you have to go through the waiter/waitress. they are the PR department for the restaurant, and the tech support, and customer service. all at once.

    and you can be sure that at the places you can afford to go to, YOU DO NOT WANT TO TRY TO INTERACT DIRECTLY WITH THE COOKS to try to get what you want unless you flash some SERIOUS cash, because we are a mean, fucked up, crude, and horrible lot to try to deal with. if all you get is a loud "FUCK OFF", count yourself lucky.

    I know. I'm a line cook. and I'm a regular /b/tard. LET THAT SINK IN FOR A MOMENT.

    I'm a /b/tard, proudly so (I have a /b/ pin on my hat), AND I'M THE FUCKER THAT MAKES YOUR FOOD. so if you act nice and not play the complete fuck, I just might not get all the horrid, putrid shit I'm covered in on your food. if you tip, maybe next time you come in, we won't go all "Project Mayhem" on your order.

    because we're all over-worked, angry, dirty, horrible fuckers and if the waiter/waitress says you're a little shit, we do bad, bad things to your food.

    so fucking tip your waiter/waitress or expect to find my jizz all over your shit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: KQTFMV9j) 03/20/12(Tue)05:06:35 No.387962037
    Gotta half agree with you there, but I don't wear a suit, and I know most of my waitresses both in and out of their jobs, and the extra really makes their day (and in a fair number, their kids day), and I am more than willing to make their day just a bit happier in "exchange" for making my day such.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7KQUNFOU) 03/20/12(Tue)05:06:52 No.387962062
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    They're on their feet all goddamn day, they bring you your food, they hover around in case you're too damn lazy to go get chopsticks, or a straw, or whatever the hell it is that you feel you need at the moment. Their salaries are absolute shit, man.

    I bet you're a troll, but even if you are someone out there feels this way about waitstaff. And I'm talking to them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nL/TwMAG) 03/20/12(Tue)05:07:25 No.387962098
    *to believe that its the customers fau...
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)05:07:48 No.387962128
    List of requirements to be a waiter:

    1. Be able to walk
    2. Be able to write names of food
    3. Be able to carry at up to 3 pounds at once

    There ya go, congratulations! That stuff sounds so hard I think they deserve to be paid extra by each person they help
    >> Anonymous (ID: GwZ5mnCB) 03/20/12(Tue)05:08:29 No.387962196

    Yeeeeah. And he's never done a twelve-and-eight with a two-hour prep.

    Whaddya wanna bet he's never spent more than fifteen minutes on his feet in a workday in his entire life?
    >> Anonymous (ID: BTCUEHBC) 03/20/12(Tue)05:08:29 No.387962198
    >Mfw I'm 20, just started working at a restaurant and get 10% (at minimum) of everyones tips.
    I'm the Washer learning to cook your damn food. You don't want to tip the waitress? Fine, It doesn't mean I'm not going to bust my ass to get my work done and learn what I need to learn. But at the restaurant I work at the tips get divided out to everyone.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IOi4xZNn) 03/20/12(Tue)05:08:40 No.387962215
    Because we have to deal with assholes like you.
    >> Anonymous (ID: xRKCOZBX) 03/20/12(Tue)05:08:51 No.387962227

    i truely wish you knew the shit i do. you deal with what? 5 tables at a time? im a manager, i oversee 80 employees and have up to 2500 people in my building at a given time. my theatre was (when it opened) the biggest theatre in the world. you keep refilling your waters... pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you work hard.
    >> Anonymous (ID: ZYTPJO08) 03/20/12(Tue)05:09:56 No.387962310
    work hard in school early on instead of trying to look cool to your faggot friends, and you dont have to work slave hours for slave wages. I worked hard when I didn't get paid shit (school) so that I could get a job where I actually get compensated a fair amount for my work.
    >> Anonymous (ID: x9PD3z9o) 03/20/12(Tue)05:10:00 No.387962313
    So you're saying I can eat your jizz for FREE?! well I am for sure fucking with them~ my cheap ass could use the extra protein

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