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    File: 1330181230.png-(852 KB, 1620x695, 1324392419664.png)
    852 KB Anonymous (ID: Y698b/yQ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:47:10 No.383380390  
    Which one are you /b/?
    >> Anonymous (ID: V9n1HRCS) 02/25/12(Sat)09:50:37 No.383380684
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3/wLiDYO) 02/25/12(Sat)09:52:13 No.383380826
    i pull off a great 'phoney' at times, i don't mind talking about sex so i don't think my beta non-virgin friends suspect it

    +i'm a loudmouth asshole
    >> Anonymous (ID: cUtnTi0T) 02/25/12(Sat)09:52:44 No.383380883
    I'm 20 and not a virgin

    >> Anonymous (ID: w+N0knNx) 02/25/12(Sat)09:54:11 No.383381012
    80% phoney
    20% why me
    >> Anonymous (ID: lvp6p0lb) 02/25/12(Sat)09:54:43 No.383381054
    >> Anonymous (ID: ymQLnxGS) 02/25/12(Sat)09:55:12 No.383381094
    I've gotten so close that it wasn't even fucking funny.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nkzasjMW) 02/25/12(Sat)09:55:48 No.383381162
    >mfw the creator of this image and the official virgin meter is probably a virgin.
    >> Anonymous (ID: cEIbelE2) 02/25/12(Sat)09:56:52 No.383381248
         File: 1330181812.jpg-(153 KB, 1600x1200, 1330157791798.jpg)
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    I'm the Mandrake.

    I confuse and lure girls into the traps I set, and fuck them, verily.

    Doing this since I was 17.
    >> Anonymous (ID: lvp6p0lb) 02/25/12(Sat)09:57:06 No.383381276
    It HAS to come with experience.
    >> Anonymous (ID: b3L1e6lP) 02/25/12(Sat)09:57:52 No.383381339
    Holy fuck! Second one, thats me. Sad, SAD! ... Fuck!
    >> Anonymous (ID: ENp/wyVC) 02/25/12(Sat)09:58:19 No.383381370
    70% Why Me?
    30% Phoney
    >> Anonymous (ID: ToVTR3S4) 02/25/12(Sat)09:58:35 No.383381396
    70% phoney
    15% mommies issues
    10% wry me
    5% denialist
    >> Anonymous (ID: +DcZrZlZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:58:58 No.383381435
    denialist and mommy issues.actually thought about being an aromantic asexual.also think that women try to manipulate men becoming the "why me".well that's really pathetic, i've been there quite a time ago
    >> Anonymous (ID: OdkcymdZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:59:23 No.383381476
    Why Me
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3Hg77YNP) 02/25/12(Sat)09:59:41 No.383381505
    Neither. Lost my virginity at 15 or 16 I don't even know when it was It was in august on a sunday though
    >> Anonymous (ID: u0wy0Flm) 02/25/12(Sat)10:00:14 No.383381546
    im the one that waits till marriage to have sex
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/25/12(Sat)10:00:22 No.383381554
    mixture of denialist, why me and mommy issues
    >> Anonymous (ID: 2xRK8XXw) 02/25/12(Sat)10:02:31 No.383381757
    Why me, except I'm more apathetic than mopey I guess.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UUjAAKaV) 02/25/12(Sat)10:02:59 No.383381791
         File: 1330182179.jpg-(53 KB, 448x594, 1314883508014.jpg)
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    I'm all of the above apart from "mommy issues"
    >> Anonymous (ID: IG4/YZ77) 02/25/12(Sat)10:03:05 No.383381797
    >> Anonymous (ID: foEou8jY) 02/25/12(Sat)10:03:22 No.383381824
    Well, thankfully i'm no longer a virgin, but i did loose it quite late. Definitely a "Why Me" but with semi-legit reasons (social / physical / psychological self esteem issues due to being in and out of hospital for most of my teens with a chronic skin disorder).
    >> Anonymous (ID: erNoj1er) 02/25/12(Sat)10:04:01 No.383381868
    90% Denialist (you can see by my flawless typing)
    10% The Mommy Issues
    >> Anonymous (ID: cEIbelE2) 02/25/12(Sat)10:04:35 No.383381931
    I'm the 'Searchin' far and wide'

    Living under an Islamic constitution, I have stripped off of my very fundamental rights of engaging into a sexual intercourse before I get married. I'm saving up merely to abandon this theist premise.
    >> Anonymous (ID: UWSMB/k3) 02/25/12(Sat)10:04:46 No.383381948
    what's wrong about having a "special" porn folder?
    >> Anonymous (ID: ENp/wyVC) 02/25/12(Sat)10:04:57 No.383381963
    None of them.

    I am just really, really fucking ugly. Horrible skin, horribly overweight and am balding (21 years old). Kinda fits in with the why me, but not really.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4Vbzhkmd) 02/25/12(Sat)10:04:58 No.383381965
    Denialist, because i am obviously superior to them. I ain't even trolling, i actualy belive that, and i do use a trenchcoat.
    >> Anonymous (ID: CO1Aois0) 02/25/12(Sat)10:05:32 No.383382007
         File: 1330182332.jpg-(48 KB, 364x358, 1272560832938[1].jpg)
    48 KB
    the romeo....
    >> Anonymous (ID: xNL5Ehfo) 02/25/12(Sat)10:07:51 No.383382181
    22v signing in
    started off being the "phoney" for a long time (actually ironically got close to having it happen once or twice) but currently probably moving on to the "why me"
    >> Anonymous (ID: KXxVJOOz) 02/25/12(Sat)10:08:42 No.383382261
    Wouldn't say im any of them, I just don't put any effort into getting laid, so I remain a virgin.
    Not really bothered.
    >> Anonymous (ID: cQvUKRGI) 02/25/12(Sat)10:08:50 No.383382276
    I'm not a virgin, but it's been so long now that I've had sex I'm starting to feel like the "why me" guy
    >> Anonymous (ID: F5W67KWe) 02/25/12(Sat)10:09:08 No.383382304
    70% denialist
    30% phoney

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