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    File: 1330171505.jpg-(25 KB, 304x400, hugh-laurie-with-house-cane.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous (ID: qJ/mh9Dz) 02/25/12(Sat)07:05:05 No.383367220  
    Amerifag here, I know it's mostly eurofags on, so I'll answer your questions about the American healthcare system.

    We need to create awareness about just how shitty health care in America is.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Uj5UKEFq) 02/25/12(Sat)07:05:52 No.383367293
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    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:06:29 No.383367343
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    Probably the most common myth about America is that Emergency Rooms have to provide care free of charge. This is completely false, and AMTALA only applies to non-chronic conditions. Anything which would require Oncology, radiology, maternity, or orthopedics would not be covered by AMTALA.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:09:51 No.383367662
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    Depending on what state you live in, pre-existing conditions may or may not preclude you from buying insurance. But this is a recent change that states are making on their own because of the slow pace of ACA implementation.

    Under the Affordable Care Act, if you make less than 1.5x the poverty rate (currently about $16,000) then you get coverage under medicaid.

    But THAT won't go into effect until January 2014.
    >> Anonymous (ID: QAXblieG) 02/25/12(Sat)07:11:47 No.383367819
    Health care is against christian law, basically to be healthy is so very communistic, so it is wrong...back to my daily pills...
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:12:33 No.383367874
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    Ambulance services are another seriously broken component of our system. One ride in an Ambulance, regardless of whether you're moved 20 miles or 20 feet, costs about $700. Medevac costs more like $7000.

    If you are unconscious or badly injured, they won't give you a choice not to accept the ride.

    Many have had to declare bankruptcy because of this, and they've lost homes in the process.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:18:56 No.383368385
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    Under SCHIP, children under 19 whose parents make less than 2.5x the poverty rate are covered, and SCHIP provides partial coverage up to $80,000 of income

    This has led to further exploitation of children by the pharmaceutical companies since drugs ranging from ADHD to anti-depressants to anti-psychotics can be used to 'shut up' children who are disruptive at home or in class.

    Seniors are treated in a similar way in nursing homes. But the workforce itself isn't cared for whatsoever, which makes no sense.
    >> Anonymous (ID: d8V72fdA) 02/25/12(Sat)07:19:24 No.383368438
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    Congratulations on living in such a shitty country OP.

    Dislocated an arm, Didn't call an ambulance since I didn't need one. Went to the hospital to fix the injury. Payed around 23 euros.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kn/5XBwF) 02/25/12(Sat)07:19:31 No.383368445
    Your healtcare is not shitty but its way too expensive. It is strange why so many americans go bonkers each time someone try to reform your system, such as last time Obama gave it a go. Dont they see that Joe Average will be far better off under a more "european" system?
    >> Anonymous (ID: d8V72fdA) 02/25/12(Sat)07:22:44 No.383368767
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    If you try to implement an Europen-like System the plans to do so will be considered "socialist" and then it will go to communist therefore the plan will go down the toilet.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:22:50 No.383368776
    Selling blood or organs was illegalized in America. Complicated bureaucratic procedures make the process of organ donation difficult.

    You used to get $5 for blood, not very much by today's standards. Hospitals will pay anywhere from $150 to $1000/pint for blood.

    People are asked to 'give' blood to save lives, but really it just pads the bottom lines of companies which profit from this.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)07:22:57 No.383368786
    Ask any doctor in the States what their malpractice insurance runs them a year and you will see where the money is going.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01smQmTA) 02/25/12(Sat)07:23:46 No.383368865

    i live in america, make under 25k a year, have great health insurance through the state that only costs 4% of my monthly income... state ran insurance programs are the way to go.

    private insurance is part of the problem. the main part of it. i wouldnt say it is impossible to get things to work with a private insurance company, but we have to have some reform on regulations regarding private insurance.

    what we dont need however is a federal mandated insurance/ aka universal healthcare. we have 300 million people here. that is a lot different than smaller european countries offering "free" healthcare.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:25:27 No.383369014
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    9/10 for using the most current republican talking points.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)07:26:00 No.383369064
    If not for the frivolous lawsuits when someone dies while under care, our healthcare in the USA would be about half what it is now.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:27:41 No.383369216
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)07:28:34 No.383369290
    >Implying this is a fictional story.

    You want socialism? Move to Europe!
    >> Anonymous (ID: kn/5XBwF) 02/25/12(Sat)07:31:02 No.383369508

    then what about making rules for these insurance companies of yours to make sure you actually get what you pay for? this preexisting condition bullshit is scary. you have paid for insurance for many years, get cancer and then they wont pay anymore because you had your appendix removed at age 15?

    not that the euro system is perfect by any means but we dont have to worry about not reciving care due to some financial bs. we have to pay more taxes yes, but I will never lose my house because i get sick.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:31:20 No.383369532
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    If doctors want to be paid more, they logically shouldn't point to the fact they're committing malpractice constantly.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 15zPUx2E) 02/25/12(Sat)07:32:37 No.383369659
    lol, i can call an ambulance when my i break my leg or whatever and i only have to pay 2€ for some visit fee. LoL, your country is shit..
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)07:34:15 No.383369783
    lol, your country can go to war or whatever and you only have to call the united states. lol, your country is shit..
    >> Anonymous (ID: g0b2yUaQ) 02/25/12(Sat)07:34:24 No.383369803
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    Even Canada figured it out.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)07:34:30 No.383369809
    >>383369064 Me

    I work in the healthcare industry and went through a joint commission re-certification this week. (we have to do this every three years to be Medicare and Medicaid compliant.)
    Speaking candidly with the auditor, he admitted a lot of the cost involved in healthcare goes to lawyers. Not just ambulance chasers but lobbyists as well.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 15zPUx2E) 02/25/12(Sat)07:35:17 No.383369883
    Butthurt, you are.
    >> Anonymous (ID: kpkF+peF) 02/25/12(Sat)07:37:14 No.383370074
    How do you rationalize leaving healthcare funding in the hands of corporations? Do you believe that will make it cheaper and better?
    >> Anonymous (ID: EKu70QVe) 02/25/12(Sat)07:37:29 No.383370096
    Do Conservatives/Republicans in America really see no irony in supporting a large military to kill foreigners and yet fanatically opposing a healthcare system to save their fellow countrymen?

    Another question, does the time you wait in hospital depend on how much you pay for insurance?

    Final one, do you think that a national healthcare system in America would work as well as it does in Europe considering America's federalism?
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)07:37:48 No.383370118
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    >Reasonable healthcare
    >Dominate armed forces

    >Rest of the world
    >Niggers abuse the system
    >Relies on America to fight their battles (regardless of choice)

    Darwinism at its finest. Keep breeding your niggers and rednecks, we keep ours subsidized while the greater genes advance.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)07:38:40 No.383370193
    Doctors (most) are fine with their compensation as it is presently. The cost is rising from litigation and lobbying.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/25/12(Sat)07:39:51 No.383370289
    Norway is better

    >> Anonymous (ID: h8+LTuDe) 02/25/12(Sat)07:39:56 No.383370297
    You have healthcare in 'Murica?
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:40:05 No.383370315
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    I'm living with some sort of tumors which are affecting the occipital lobe. The first symptom was a mild neoplastic reaction involving a lymph node which was popped out.

    Went to a doctor and a specialist, with a cadillac insurance plan, and he refused to run any tests.

    5 years later, I have signs of occipital involvement, seeing spots, temporal dislocations, weight gain despite dieting, breast tissue growth, cherry hemangiomas everywhere

    paid $200 out of pocket to prove to my family that I'm really sick so they would buy me insurance, and the doctor told me that my symptoms are a normal part of the aging process, he ran a cholesterol test, and it was normal

    he implied I was a hypochondriac or steroid user
    >> Anonymous (ID: jD/8YvnE) 02/25/12(Sat)07:42:06 No.383370496
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)07:43:22 No.383370604
    >Do Conservatives/Republicans in America really see no irony in supporting a large military to kill foreigners and yet fanatically opposing a healthcare system to save their fellow countrymen?

    Control the Caribbean, control the world, also this >>383370118

    > Another question, does the time you wait in hospital depend on how much you pay for insurance?
    If you go to a public health care facility NO. If you have a private doctor you get private privileges.

    >Final one, do you think that a national healthcare system in America would work as well as it does in Europe considering America's federalism?

    Yes it would work if we cut 90% of our defense budget. The defense that protects the world. I wish we could cut if off for a year just so the rest of the world would feel our presence. North Korea would like it.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:43:58 No.383370663
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    Liberals (leftists) probably do. Hospital wait time depends on the hospital, which in turn, depends on whether you live in the inner city or not.

    There was a case recently at the Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital in Los Angeles where a woman died in the waiting room of the ER after 45 minutes of sharp intestinal pain. A janitor was seen on security footage just mopping up around her body as it writhed on the floor.

    Of course it would.

    No, I do not.
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)07:46:10 No.383370850
    Son was born last month. Started having seizures. In the hospital for 12 days. Mom also admitted for ten, due to complications from the emergency C-section. I got to stay in her room due to the nature of the crisis.

    Son had 2 hour MRI scan of brain. Battery of tests. Brain damage. We still dont know if he will be heavily disabled, or more or less normal, nobody can tell.


    everything was free. i would be suicidal now if i had to worry about anything else other than my son and my wife.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)07:46:54 No.383370924
    It's ultimately the fear of socialism that prevents any real reform.

    Most American's do not have that option. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous (ID: h8+LTuDe) 02/25/12(Sat)07:47:15 No.383370962

    let me rephrase... Everyone can get sick/ Everyone has a health to take care of.. so why isn't everyone in Ah'Murica getting healthcare...

    Land of the free and brave plutocracy?
    >> Anonymous (ID: +5d+GIpt) 02/25/12(Sat)07:47:35 No.383370984
    As a radiographer I've spoken to colleagues who've worked in the states and doctors there seem to pile on innumerable unnecessary investigations purely so they can bill the patient for them. It is against my professional standards of practice to expose patients to radiation without a clinical reason, which is up to me to decide, and I wouldn't say that lining a clinicians pocket is a valid justification for high radiation dose procedures.


    > illegalized
    not a word, outlawed is the one you were looking for.
    >> Anonymous (ID: B21kLTqS) 02/25/12(Sat)07:48:27 No.383371060
    >Everyone has a health to take care of.. so why isn't everyone in Ah'Murica getting healthcare...
    they're quite literally brainwashed over there
    >> Anonymous (ID: yI1w1gyM) 02/25/12(Sat)07:48:36 No.383371073
    Stop being so reliant on health care then. Stop pumping children who don't know any better full of pills because some quack doctor diagnosed him with some mental condition that there's no hard evidence even exists at all. Believe it or not the human body can take care of itself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)07:49:05 No.383371118
    Because there is an external industry that profits from it for private gain instead of benefiting the public. Not to mention there they have a massive lobbying group to keep things as they are.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:49:10 No.383371126
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    Well it's funny you should mention birth defects, because America has some of the highest rates of birth defects. Every 5 years they release a new batch of prescription drugs to keep people in line, including women, the biggest consumer of anti-depressants. They insist that this drug is "new" and therefore "perfectly safe". Then you start to see the ads from lawfirms for class action suits on the TV.

    Basically, if you're pregnant and you take ANY of these prescription drugs, your kids will be born with flippers. Many of the drugs are fat soluble so it would be a good idea to get yourself to a weight lower than your weight when you took said drug if you really want to purge your system.
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)07:51:07 No.383371307

    not a birth defect. most likely an ischemic insult of unknown cause (drop in bloodpressure to the fetus). but yeah..
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)07:51:24 No.383371331
    I like the healthcare system in America.

    Only the strong survive.
    Eat healthy. Stay in shape.

    My buddy is an EMT. He rides along with the ambulance. He shows up to so many niggers with stupid problems. Of course they are billed, no intention to pay, but their credit is fucked for life.

    Like I said, it keeps the niggers subsidized.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)07:52:07 No.383371407
    Sorry you have these issues. I am in the industry but not medically trained therefore can not offer a diagnosis.

    I am 40 and have had floaters since I was 8 or 9. I have also recently noticed that if I am reading a book and glance up at the TV, it takes a second to re-focus.
    I don't have weight gain, breast tissue growth, etc....

    I do however have chest pains on a regular basis, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, foot pain, etc.... Despite working in the industry, I do not work in a doctor's office or hospital and do not have health insurance and do not qualify for Medicaid.
    I still oppose socialized medicine in the USA.
    >> Anonymous (ID: q7CneZHI) 02/25/12(Sat)07:52:12 No.383371410

    What the hell does having 300million people have to do with it? Also 300mi people paying taxes, right? I can't really think of a western country in Europe where you have to pay absurd amounts of money for healthcare, and the total western EU population is 412million.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01smQmTA) 02/25/12(Sat)07:53:38 No.383371530

    im not republican.

    im also not a democrat.

    im also not stupid enough to think that one side or the other has all the answers. so if something i said falls into republican territory, so be it. not everything either side has to say is ALL bad.

    and from my experience in my comment, that all seems to be the case. state run insurance is fucking great. i pay less for insurance than most people and it is KILLER insurance dude. i have a prescription that runs 450/month and i dont have to pay anything except my regular monthly premium for it to be covered.
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)07:53:59 No.383371567
    something like half of americans dont even pay taxes anymore. shit is hitting the fan.

    heh. captcha: secession
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/25/12(Sat)07:54:52 No.383371653
    I have reason to believe that all of 4chan is copy and pasted by fucking spam bots. I've posted several valid points and you niggers only choose the most dull points to discuss.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)07:55:17 No.383371689
    >implying that it's better for people to just die rather than be saved by something you don't want to pay taxes for.
    >implying you rather pay for corporate welfare than health care
    >implying you rather pay for military equipment.

    Seriously, as an American: What would you rather have your tax dollars pay for?
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)07:55:44 No.383371727
    sorry, if its not copypasta, then my dubs-script cant even see it..
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:55:46 No.383371732
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    Half of Americans are not making any money and therefore have little money to offer the government exceeding their cost of living.

    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)07:55:47 No.383371734
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    Im an EMT.... for a basic crew to show up usually costs around $600 for a medic to show up is $1200
    Mileage fee is usually around $18 per mile
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01smQmTA) 02/25/12(Sat)07:56:40 No.383371803

    why dont most americans have that option? as i said, i make under 25k a year, i am most americans.

    if they dont have that option int heir state or cant shop around to find good insurance that they can afford, then they should MOVE TO ANOTHER FUCKING STATE instead of bitch as if it is someone else's problem to fix for them
    >> Anonymous (ID: h8+LTuDe) 02/25/12(Sat)07:56:50 No.383371810

    So the U,S has managed to create a market for your health? .. isn't that reason enough to fucking burn capitol hill to dust?

    If it's a market for the external industry.. that means it become's more of a gamble for the individual...

    what decides if you get good healthcare.. if any at all? is it just the money? , because what ive understood so far is that the insurance companies can pretty much doom you to a slow and painfull death for pretty much any reason if you don't have the right annual income.

    ( Don't want to sound stoopid but i just wanted it explained )
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)07:56:59 No.383371820
    hence "shit is hitting the fan"

    hurr right back at you, Dr. Genious.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)07:57:00 No.383371821
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    That's pretty funny. I kill you last.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)07:57:33 No.383371870
    Half of American's don't pay taxes either because they do not earn enough to pay even the first tier of regular income taxes or they do so via tax avoidance schemes, which is perfectly legal.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01smQmTA) 02/25/12(Sat)07:58:25 No.383371939

    300 million matters because you are affecting that many peoples lives every time you make a federal regulation or law you dumb cunt, how was that not bloody obvious
    >> Anonymous (ID: yI1w1gyM) 02/25/12(Sat)07:59:13 No.383371991
    Gotta love how corrupt the US is.

    1) The prison population is so high because prisoners are used as a slave labour force to produce weapons for arms dealerships that then sell them back to the state for excessive amounts of money. Any US army mechanic can tell you that the components they get can be bought commercially for a fraction of the price the army gets them for.

    2) The obesity problem caused by the fact that the US can't export fresh produce as everything would go rotten by the time it arrived at the destination. So the US is stuck exporting unhealthy as shit food with 0 fibre and god only knows how many artificial flavour enhancers as that's the only palletable thing that won't have gone off by the time it arrives. And if you're exporting it, you might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone and eat the stuff yourself!

    3) Every dollar illegally printed off by the Federal Reserve devalues every single currency on the planet. This means that unless you hit it BIG, you can't just make a bunch of money and retire, as your money is slowly becoming worth less and less. The Federal Reserve aims to turn the entire planet into pseudo-slaves, forced to work because the money they have no is worth less tomorrow.

    Among many, many other reasons.
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)07:59:15 No.383371994
    and if its legal, who gives a fuck amirite??

    typical american head-in-ass thought pattern. no wonder the country is such a shit hole.
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)07:59:18 No.383371997
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    real irony is that "conservatives" actually have more in common with the nazi party of 1930's germany, and they accuse leftists of being nazis. Our democrat party here in the states would be considered right wing fascists in europe. I mean you literally have people on tv complaining about how workers making a living wage are sucking the pockets dry of a man who is making 22 million a year.

    I live in Tennessee in the united states, and here we have what republicans call "right to work laws" i work for cracker barrel 10-12 hour shifts with no breaks or lunch, Also you are not allowed to bring food to work so everyone is limited to water. Republicans are pushing to do this to the rest of the country.
    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)07:59:33 No.383372013
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    I remember hearing something about this... also 42 cents of every dollar is borrowed from China.... were going good places
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)07:59:51 No.383372029

    I WISH. We need to reign in the faggotry of this country but I will not be the one to fire the first shot. I will however bear arms to save us from oblivion.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 01smQmTA) 02/25/12(Sat)07:59:52 No.383372032

    clearly you have no idea what the nazi party was
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)08:00:51 No.383372112
    Because bitching is all they can do mate. They could become politically active but it involves donating to politicians to get them to care.
    Yes, precisely. They do market decisions for profit, not for the benefit for the public or for public service.
    >> Anonymous (ID: h4PoC/DW) 02/25/12(Sat)08:02:05 No.383372204
    Always seemed like an incentive not to get sick to me. I mean, not eat like a pig, don't smoke, and generally take care of oneself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:03:16 No.383372293
    Not a nigger confirmed.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)08:03:24 No.383372301
    They're more like regressives. Regressive conservatives. Any real conservative would at least compromise on health care reform, but instead we have these conservatives that rather oppose any real reform.
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:03:30 No.383372310
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    Yeah i know little bitch, it is what ever glenn beck tells you it is today.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)08:03:56 No.383372357
    Not everyone has that option mate.
    >> Anonymous (ID: q7CneZHI) 02/25/12(Sat)08:04:18 No.383372386

    So first you're using the large population as an argument, and now you're saying the real issue is people not paying taxes. That's retarded, then 300mil people isn't the problem.
    >> Anonymous (ID: yI1w1gyM) 02/25/12(Sat)08:04:57 No.383372445
    I couple of grenades through the windows of Congress would do wonders for the US.
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:05:34 No.383372484
    don't get sick... omg you guys are fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: h8+LTuDe) 02/25/12(Sat)08:05:45 No.383372501
    U.S healthcare = satan's stock market... well done americans!

    must feel shit when ur health is valued in percentages, cash and turnover
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)08:07:30 No.383372643
    Hey anon. There are these new ID-thingies in play. Try fucking using them next time, I didnt make the first part of that argument.

    But here is my total take on it:

    There is no reason economically that Americans couldnt have a world class healthcare system that outpaced even that in Scandinavia. At least, there wasnt until now, where the economy is imploding so quickly that America will be lucky to be an autonomous country in twenty years.

    But thats a different can of worms.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:07:31 No.383372646
    True, buying a 50lb bag of rice and growing some vegetables is so hard. McDonalds here we come!
    >pays with foodstamps.

    Nomads were able to suffice. Why not modern day men with vaccines and shit. (Most vaccines in America are free if you are on foodstamps)
    >> Anonymous (ID: fp0d9f1W) 02/25/12(Sat)08:07:42 No.383372663
    I laugh at people who claim that the "strong" will survive, have fun with your superior, overweight, manboob people while we enjoy getting healthcare without going bankrupt.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:09:22 No.383372798
    High five bro, I like all of your points. Your manboob toss in was questionable but I feel like you got your point across fairly well. Live long brother.
    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)08:09:22 No.383372801
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    America is a fucked up place... government should take its hands off our junk. The city I work in has 40,000 people. At any given time at least 3 trucks are in the city.... by law if somebody asks me to take them to the hospital I have to. If all of our trucks are out and another person is critically injured/ill I cannot leave a Bullshit call to go save somebody who legitimately needs help
    >Be called for "Ill male/ Unknown problem"
    > Show up guy has his bag packed
    > Says he feels sick wants to go to the ER
    > All trucks are out
    > Call comes in 6 y/o male active seizing
    > Have to transport this asshole to hospital
    > His boyfriend lives 2 blocks from ER
    > Just wanted a ride
    > 6 y/o Kid has brain damage now from 105 F fever
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)08:09:51 No.383372842
         File: 1330175391.jpg-(29 KB, 376x600, GLA-00540737685.jpg)
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    Yeah. Try explain to those people that using money to hire servants is a crutch which only weakens them and their progeny.

    They won't hear it.

    Capitalism in America only has the effect of killing the poor and weakening the rich. That's why the rich are all pale and skinny.
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:10:02 No.383372856
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    you can't buy fast food with food stamps, moron.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:10:31 No.383372897
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    And you seem to get all your political information from a washed up stand up comedian that has somehow brown-nosed his way into the liberal substrate.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:11:04 No.383372943
    My point here >>383371331
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)08:11:49 No.383373009
    Do you at least explain to the guy that he is killing some kid/old lady, while the radio is turned up so he can listen, and give him the choice of getting the fuck out of your ambulance?
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:13:00 No.383373098
         File: 1330175580.jpg-(14 KB, 269x359, 1329542382829.jpg)
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    nomads fucking died of old age at 30 you fucking moron! God damn stupid fucking morons!
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:13:46 No.383373150
    Not the guy you are referring to.
    Not the guy anyone has referenced.

    But according to LAW you have to treat these people.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Xl/ft+Gt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:14:00 No.383373170
    In Britain everything is free on the healthcare. I am due to get jaw surgery which would normaly cost thousands of dollars for free.
    >> Anonymous (ID: HrrdpAM/) 02/25/12(Sat)08:14:02 No.383373172
    you would be thoroughly shocked to know what you can buy with foodstamps, anon. there is an entire blackmarket economy. you can buy cigarets and alcohol. you can trade them for cash. you can buy drugs. all depends on what community you live in, but trading them for cash is common even in affluent white areas.

    >grew up on foodstamps. masters in nanotech now. dont think socialized services are a bad idea by themselves.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:14:15 No.383373193
    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)08:14:32 No.383373227
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    We actually have a system worked out with the emergency room. We call them up and tell them we have a patient showing symptoms of Sans auto. Most people are too dumb to figure it out. ER knows its nothing serious. Pt gets stuck in a room for 3 hours before Doc comes to see them
    >> Anonymous (ID: P3dtUATo) 02/25/12(Sat)08:15:06 No.383373264
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:15:19 No.383373289
    If this was true.. perhaps only the strongest survived? If these primitive ancestors only lived to be 30, what was the ground breaking event that allowed them to live longer?
    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)08:15:47 No.383373323
         File: 1330175747.jpg-(61 KB, 720x576, 35205_546792696433_54204565_31(...).jpg)
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    We've mentioned it before but technically its coercion and illegal.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:16:18 No.383373367
    Which you most likely had to schedule months in advance.
    Same surgery here in USA- I call today and scheduled within a week.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:16:25 No.383373373
    Most fast food joints accept EBT (food stamps these days)

    Here is a long watch but its the general subsidization of niggers in American society.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Xl/ft+Gt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:18:53 No.383373558

    I had been diagnosed with the problem when I was 12. You cant get the surgery till you have stopped growing at around 20 or so unless you make a special request.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:19:35 No.383373614
    So 8 years give or take.

    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:19:59 No.383373648
    Have you not covered that in school or WTF??? Advances in science and medicine have elongated human life by 40 years or so over our ancestors of the gatherer "age."
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:20:38 No.383373692
         File: 1330176038.jpg-(16 KB, 340x293, 1329379755572.jpg)
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    you are a fucking liar, you can't use food stamps to buy hot food.You are the same idiots who believe people are using welfare to buy plasma tvs. You are being suckered into poverty. You are allowing the richest men in to world to pit you against your fellow worker for the crumbs.
    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)08:20:59 No.383373721
    Yesterday I had to work a full arrest to save a 59 y/o guy. Had a history of pancreatic cancer. Guy probably weighed 80 pounds. On arrival he has no pulse. EKG confirms almost no electrical activity. Family demands that we work patient. Nobody had saw him alive since 2AM it was 9AM at time of call. Pt was blue and starting to cool. Did our job took to hospital. Guy regains pulse... probably going to be a vegetable due to being pulseless and apneic so long. Guy probably would be better off dead... pancreatic cancer is still going to kill him
    >> Anonymous (ID: WmGgGo8w) 02/25/12(Sat)08:21:54 No.383373784
    There was no single thing.
    Its stuff like agriculture, germ theory, antibiotics so on and so forth.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Xl/ft+Gt) 02/25/12(Sat)08:21:56 No.383373786

    Did you even read the post , I haven't had the surgery since I am still growing. If I did my jaw would be out of place when I grew
    >> Anonymous (ID: h8+LTuDe) 02/25/12(Sat)08:22:04 No.383373801

    It feels shit.. Thinking about moving to France , so I'm saving money for that...took a while but I found a job and flat over there on the interwebz.. should be making my move around august since job starts in september....
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:23:35 No.383373924
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    He is talking on the street not through official outlets you faggot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 12Ae0466) 02/25/12(Sat)08:23:41 No.383373934
    lol at this thread

    americans who don't see how they're already just a instrument of banks and coprorations

    the us military doesn't defend the people, it defends the wall street
    the healthcare system is so shitty because it would cost large corporations money to make it better.
    the banks aren't sued for the international crisis because they have the goverment's nuts in they hands and are willling to cut them off any time.
    The racism, antisemitism and most of the other "isms" are just there to get your minds off the truth. These isms are also just instruments. Just like the fear of witches was an instrument for the church. Just like the jewish businessmen were an instruments for hitler. just like the "aggressor from the west" was an instrument for the sowjets.

    The era of democracy is long gone. Whats left is the empty hull of a word that meant something. Democracy nowadays is also just an instrument to keep the plutocracy alive that governs us.

    This system stands there as alpha and omega, a beast with a thousand offsprings. The childs of the beast have names like Terrorism, patriot act, ACTA, SOPA, extremism.

    We are born and raised to be blind to these things, but we live in an era were the chance for democracy is a small baby, an orphan, waiting to be cared for, waiting to be raised by a responsible and self-aware society, fair and free from materialism, free from fascism, free of all the things that destroy the love thats in everybody by default.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +ZsslFgn) 02/25/12(Sat)08:25:34 No.383374062
    >state run insurance is fucking great. i pay less for insurance than most people and it is KILLER insurance dude.

    Dude, what state do you live in ?

    In California the state run (Federally paid for) insurance program, PCIP, costs about the same as a private HMO (Kaiser Permanente) yet has markedly higher deducible costs and coverage drops to 50% if you're sick out of the state.

    Funny thing is this "state" insurance is administered by private companies around the USA, there's nothing "Californian" about it, yet it has this geographic restriction that significantly penalizes someone for traveling outside their own state (doesn't the article 1 section 8 of the US constitution say something about no laws restricting interstate commerce ?)
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:25:40 No.383374071
    OK- define your existence.
    >> Anonymous (ID: lO4/cGV1) 02/25/12(Sat)08:29:20 No.383374354
         File: 1330176560.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1330175088229s.jpg)
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    If you was diagnosed with an heart disease in USA and needed a new heart and only had an average income...would hyou be screwed then?

    youust heard somthing that insurance companys frowns upon these sort of costy treatments
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/25/12(Sat)08:29:25 No.383374368
    >a fucking liar

    First things that came up on my GoGoDuck searches. Do some research yourself before calling someone "A FUCKING LIAR" without doing the research yourself.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/25/12(Sat)08:32:08 No.383374592
         File: 1330176728.jpg-(142 KB, 500x455, kfc-ebt.jpg)
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    Who am I kidding, that nigger isn't going to read the links. This is an image board for nigger sakes.

    EBT dumping.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)08:32:13 No.383374598
         File: 1330176733.jpg-(109 KB, 1204x1600, hugh-laurie-blackadder-2017795(...).jpg)
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    There are many advanced treatments for heart disease, the latest is a gel which can be injected into the heart which grows completely new heart tissue to replace damaged tissue. It is possible to grow new organs with stem cells and your own DNA.

    It is also possible to 'clean' a person's arteries using ultrasonic waves.

    Even excellent insurance plans do not cover this in America. If you want REAL health care, you have to pay out of pocket to doctors in France or Cuba.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:32:27 No.383374617
         File: 1330176747.jpg-(57 KB, 476x360, 177-double-face-palm.jpg)
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    >there's nothing "Californian" about it,
    >state run (Federally paid for) insurance program, PCIP, costs about the same as a private HMO
    >mfw something about no laws restricting interstate commerce ?
    Go learn! You are not entitled to shit!
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:33:13 No.383374687
         File: 1330176793.jpg-(7 KB, 251x201, liquour-ebt.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:34:21 No.383374776
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    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:34:53 No.383374823
         File: 1330176893.jpg-(23 KB, 497x371, EBTJackInTheBox.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous (ID: NTdErNkN) 02/25/12(Sat)08:36:20 No.383374940
         File: 1330176980.jpg-(7 KB, 203x251, 1313544037956s.jpg)
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    >People saying that they would be in bankrupt already if health care wasn't free.
    >MFW anything is free.
    >MFW governments debt themselves because of wealthfare state
    >MFW this gives more power to the banks that they hate so much.
    >MFW socialism will be destroyed because of enormous inflation.
    >MFW socialist are idiots.
    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)08:36:52 No.383374989
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    Im the EMT whos been posting here... anywho I can barely afford to take care of myself. Drive a van with 250K miles on it. Live with a friend (also an EMT). Never eat fast food/ buy luxury items/ do anything that costs me money. Keeping a gym membership (dont wanna be a fat americunt) and paying my taxes I end up with about $100 per week that I can spend how i like.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:37:35 No.383375039
    Most likely Cali or some other minority-driven state. In CO, we do not make ready-made meals for welfare recipients (yet.)
    >> Anonymous (ID: +9iYis5Y) 02/25/12(Sat)08:38:03 No.383375086
    You act like we wanted to be born here. Fuck you, Euroscum. Not all of us are fat retards who don't know what socialism is.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:38:37 No.383375137
    So the problem is Colorado or the minorities?
    >> Anonymous (ID: gxmbGTZY) 02/25/12(Sat)08:40:26 No.383375281
    is it true that

    no social security number = death

    >> Anonymous (ID: fp0d9f1W) 02/25/12(Sat)08:40:47 No.383375307
    The healthcare system in Europe costs less than the one in America, mainly because our taxes go to the healthcare system instead of the development of a railgun so you can shoot satellites from space.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 4C7Xd8yS) 02/25/12(Sat)08:41:28 No.383375353
         File: 1330177288.jpg-(81 KB, 500x371, 1318471938086[1].jpg)
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    ITT: idiots who'll let the rich rape them anally in order to avoid having to give a nigger a handjob.
    >> Anonymous (ID: EW2tsMxB) 02/25/12(Sat)08:41:52 No.383375380
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    Was at the grocery two days ago buying food to take to work with me.
    Guy pulls up beside me in a fucking escalade wearing typical ghettofied clothes. At checkout I had to wait while he bought nice steaks and shrimp that I couldnt afford. Used his food stamps to do so. MFW
    >> Anonymous (ID: /50WJIe8) 02/25/12(Sat)08:42:15 No.383375413
    Never knew that it was that bad... informative thread OP.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 3kqfMEoR) 02/25/12(Sat)08:42:55 No.383375460
    >In Chicago.
    >Can walk into any clinic and receive treatment on the spot.
    >Can go into any hospital and receive treatment on the spot.
    >for any injury
    >no questions
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:43:04 No.383375472
    OK troll- CO does not allow ready-made food for "food stamps." There is value in the preparation. If someone is on assistance, then they should have the time to prepare meals, thus eliminating the prepared value and allowing more for the purchase of good at the grocery store.
    >> Anonymous (ID: I9MmRXxc) 02/25/12(Sat)08:43:09 No.383375480
    >Jaw surgery for free
    >for free

    Wow, you Europeans are dumb as fucking nails.

    You really think that just because the government takes a bunch of your serf's money, pools it together, squeezes it through a bureaucratic asshole, and gives it right back to you means it free?
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:45:50 No.383375710
    Nothing is free. TASNFAL
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:45:54 No.383375718
    Not trolling bro. I know what you mean by ready-made food. I knew someone that worked at walmart and people would try to buy shit from the deli all the time. Deli food = ready made. Fucking fast food has been having big reformation of this act so they can get a piece of that food stamp action.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +ZsslFgn) 02/25/12(Sat)08:46:57 No.383375813
    In Amerika access to health care is strongly tied to health insurance.

    Health providers and pharmaceutical companies have very high 'retail' prices, which no insured person would ever expect to pay.

    Example: A senior visits their doctor on a monthly basis for blood tests to adjust drug dosage and monitor some diabetes related wounds on their legs. Doctor treats them in about 10 minutes and submits a bill to medicare with billing "codes" that would correspond to a $300 bill. The doctor knows that medicare will only reimburse them about $38 (we can see that on the Medicare CMS summary statement).

    If the same codes were billed to a large private insurance company the doctor would reimbursed about the same amount, because the costs for the treatment codes are generally agreed upon in the industry, and are significantly lower than the fake 'retail' price list.

    The 'retail' prices come into play if you are self-pay or uninsured. The self-pay are penalized by the industry-wide pre-negotiated discounts between providers and the insurance companies. It would be like going into a supermarket and seeing $20 price tags on a liter of milk, but you know that if you use your grocery-insurance card you'll only pay $1.50 for the milk, not because you're getting a great discount, but because that is fair market price.
    >> Anonymous (ID: fp0d9f1W) 02/25/12(Sat)08:47:50 No.383375879
    It's not free, and I somewhat doubt it to be cheaper for the person itself due to having to pay taxes while not being ill yourself, but because it's a regular expenditure distracted from your paycheque before you even get your hands on the money, it's much easier to afford. Unlike the American system where you have to pay $100,000 in one go because you need surgery
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:51:18 No.383376142
    Gotcha /b/ro

    One more call to my bitches in Congress to lean on the other bitches to eliminate this shit.

    Remember, all Amerifags- Congress= your bitches. But you gotta tell them what you want.
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/25/12(Sat)08:52:17 No.383376215



    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)08:52:54 No.383376258
    Problem is that they only care if you are willing to make a large "donation" to their campaign fund.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)08:54:45 No.383376397
    Examples of Ineligible Food Items:

    Any non-food item including paper products, household supplies, soap, medicines, and cigarettes

    Alcoholic beverages, pet food, hot foods for immediate consumption

    what state is that picture from? PA here
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:57:43 No.383376620
    found that shit on google. could be fake but here is google results
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)08:58:14 No.383376652
    I'm not clicking on that
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)08:58:58 No.383376719
    well nigger, fucking search google with the image you quoted. you know you can search google with images right.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)08:59:34 No.383376761
    Nah /b/ro- I get personalized letters from Pearlmutter and Bennet once or twice a year.

    They both know (or should) that I do not support their party (any party for that matter) but if I have a beef with something beyond my local community, I contact them, usually via email.
    If you are over 18, and especially a registered voter, your comment, suggestion, complaint, etc.. floats to the top. Being a registered party member probably helps but I've been an independent all my life so wouldn't know.
    >> Anonymous (ID: IIwHTEb7) 02/25/12(Sat)08:59:51 No.383376786
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:01:01 No.383376891
         File: 1330178461.png-(280 KB, 1280x736, Untitled.png)
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    learn to search google by images so other anons don't have to do the work for you.


    thats you in every 7th thread on /b/
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:02:33 No.383376998
         File: 1330178553.png-(125 KB, 1280x770, Untitled.png)
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    how to google search. im a shit nigger. gibs me dat. bawww why don't i have free health care. my penis hurts.
    >> Anonymous (ID: I9MmRXxc) 02/25/12(Sat)09:02:42 No.383377009
    That's not the American system at all. America still has health insurance. The whole point of which is to capitalize on the unlikely situation of an individual needing expensive surgery. It's unlikely to happen, but, if you have many people paying a monthly premium to make sure they can afford it, a company can easily make a profit while providing people who come across that situation with the money they need.

    Regardless, cost has to come from somewhere, and where it comes from in the American system is the bloated regulations that already plague it. Doctors have to fill out unnecessary government paperwork for every procedure so that they aren't sued for malpractice. This drives up administrative costs and often makes it difficult for doctors to pick the procedure they think is best for the patient, so that they either have to perform the procedure as they see fit or as some bureaucrat in Washington decided to have it done.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:04:13 No.383377118
    like.. a monopoly?
    >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/25/12(Sat)09:05:23 No.383377227
    nigger you wouldn't click if it was
    you would still have to copy and paste.
    >> Anonymous (ID: I9MmRXxc) 02/25/12(Sat)09:06:31 No.383377319
    What monopoly?

    The only monopoly I see here is the unshakeable monopoly of nationalized healthcare.

    What's your choice? The governments.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)09:06:48 No.383377341
    Welcome to the National Healthcare Lottery! Take a number, we'll see you in 6 months to never!
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:08:32 No.383377476
    I think I meant ponzi scheme. I don't really know any more, I've been ignored this entire thread it seems like I can say what ever an no one gives a fuck.
    >> Anonymous (ID: LvLMlc4n) 02/25/12(Sat)09:09:42 No.383377579
    You're using a service, you have to pay for it. The ambulance driver needs to get paid, the doctor, the nurse, the guy who cleans the hospital floors... and even the guy who runs the hospital. Get a job and quit bitching you fuck
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:10:39 No.383377657
    Who are you talking to?
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)09:10:57 No.383377682
    Do you have a job?
    Not everyone can get a job, even a fast food one in this crapshit economy. You think getting a job is so fucking easy.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:11:10 No.383377707
    Everyone except for me, apparently.

    Don't tell people to 'get a job' unless you're offering one. It's not like we're turning down job offers, there's just no program in America to assign people to work. In Germany they have a 'short-work' program where the government acts like an employment agency, connecting employers with employees, and making sure that everyone who wants work can get work.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)09:15:43 No.383378042
    That's a brilliant fucking idea! Why can't the US has that idea?
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)09:15:46 No.383378046
         File: 1330179346.jpg-(24 KB, 500x332, 1329837743460.jpg)
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    ebt is how people get unemployment, too, and still food stamps means no hot meals. you guys are misinformed idiots.
    You suggesting people on unemployment should not be able to buy hot meals?

    Nice propaganda.

    also mr liar all mother fucker, food stamp and unemployment cards are visa cards with the american flag on them so you would not be able to tell if he was using a credit card or not lying faggot.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WmGgGo8w) 02/25/12(Sat)09:16:11 No.383378073
    Whats the deal with university/college students in murrica? Who covers their health care?
    >> Anonymous (ID: NSInB+fW) 02/25/12(Sat)09:16:59 No.383378134
    >Had appendicitis
    >Goes to hospital
    >Surgery same day
    >It burst before the surgury (was an idiot and thought it was a bad stomach ache for a week)
    >have to stay in hospital for 5 days to make sure I didn't have sepsis
    >total cost: money for the petrol to get back and from the hospital

    Fucking republican scum.
    >> Anonymous (ID: xSMUnR2i) 02/25/12(Sat)09:17:28 No.383378162
    Healthcare is only shitty in america cause its pretty much free to the 75% of people going to the ERs because their fucking nigs or white trash that will never pay the bill
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:21:38 No.383378501
    People that can afford higher education, can afford healthcare.

    EBT are typically sorted into two general categories: Food and cash benefits. Food benefits are federally authorized benefits that can be used only to purchase food and non-alcoholic beverages

    >Food benefits
    >Food stamps
    >Food stamps
    >Food stamps
    >Food stamps
    >Food stamps
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:23:47 No.383378664
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    If your parents can afford to send you to an American university, they can also afford to send you to a doctor.

    And considering the rate of alcohol poisoning, STDs, and pregnancy in American universities, those people are at the doctor way more than a healthy 18-22 year old should be
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)09:23:50 No.383378668
    I doubt he's referring to you personally. Pre-2008, there were MANY unemployed people that just did not want to work.
    I got laid off in 2009 after missing the first two rounds. It was not money but we were bought by another company (Eurocunts I might add) and they had duplicate services that were under utilized (I had completed that study ironically.)
    Took me 18 months to finally get working again. Under-employed, under-payed and under-utilized.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WmGgGo8w) 02/25/12(Sat)09:23:56 No.383378683
    What about those on scholarships?
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:25:41 No.383378823
    Sports scholarships have sports therapists, etc.

    Can't speak on behalf of the rest because I don't know. I have only spoken what I know in this thread.
    >> Anonymous (ID: +9iYis5Y) 02/25/12(Sat)09:25:55 No.383378837
    In California you cannot get fast food with EBT unless you prove that you're homeless. Please get educated. I was on EBT last year, because I could not find a job no matter what.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:26:35 No.383378895
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    That's another myth I would like to drive away. "Scholarships" LOL.

    I got a 3.8 GPA in high school, but was turned down for scholarships that were worth anything. 4 years of school will generally run you about $80,000, the most you can get typically is a $600 scholarship for 6 different places, instead of just going to one place.

    If you can't afford it outright, you can't afford it with help either. But the rich kids in this country take scholarships to save money anyway, even though they don't need them.
    >> Anonymous (ID: m/eECAqt) 02/25/12(Sat)09:28:03 No.383379034
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    wrong, you stupid white nigger.
    Ebt are food stamps, Social security and unemployment. You get a card for each type you dumb nigger bitch. You even quoted it.

    BT are typically sorted into two general categories: Food (food stamps you daft faggot) and cash benefits (unemployment and social security)

    How does it feel to be a complete brain dead god damn fox bot retard?
    >> Anonymous (ID: WmGgGo8w) 02/25/12(Sat)09:29:16 No.383379109
    huh, that was depressingly informative.
    And here I was going to try and get into an American university.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:30:26 No.383379201
    So my EBT food stamps card won't work at mcdonalds is what you are saying?

    Also, I am the 1% so I only know what I read and from what I have read, it doesn't disprove anything I have said.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:31:05 No.383379235
    The educational standards are much higher in UK or France than in the US. The standards are highest in South Korea, where 7th graders are roughly as well educated as a 12th grader in America.

    My high school was still teaching STATE CAPITOLS in 11th grade history. But hey, that's post-NCLB.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)09:31:37 No.383379287
    At least a year ago, in the USA you had to carry the school health insurance unless you could demonstrate you were covered by another policy.
    If your parents loved you, you could stay on their policies until graduation or age 25, whichever came first.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:32:29 No.383379349
    Odd, I was learning vocabulary as well as state capitals in 4th grade.

    Guess it depends on which state you attend school.
    >> Anonymous (ID: WmGgGo8w) 02/25/12(Sat)09:33:12 No.383379396
    I'm looking post grad.
    American universities do pretty well in my field.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:33:18 No.383379404
    Well, me too. I think we did that shit in 2nd grade.

    But if you claim to be 'emotionally disturbed' you can basically skip high school. Go me.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:34:56 No.383379521
    How many meds were given to you for free by the government.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:36:05 No.383379610
    My health care used to be free under SCHIP, but the doctors are still incompetent. Like I said, I had a neoplastic event indicating the genesis of a malignancy, and they didn't even run tests.

    I don't believe in psychology or drugs for fictitious illnesses.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)09:36:16 No.383379631
    And THAT is why Americans are still needed to teach in these countries.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:38:20 No.383379772
    >> Anonymous (ID: WmGgGo8w) 02/25/12(Sat)09:38:59 No.383379810
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:39:45 No.383379857
    I usually feel bad when this types of threads are around. I've been in this thread for a while. I'm feeling pretty good.

    >grew up in a military family
    >joined the military myself
    >Post 9/11 GI bill for college
    >obtained a degree
    >have a decent job plus a family

    still doesn't realize she spelled CAPITAL wrong.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)09:40:45 No.383379928
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    Fuck you! LOL
    Can't see the forest for the trees. So sorry for your dumbaddedry.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:40:54 No.383379943
    neither does this street sweeper.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)09:41:03 No.383379960
    Here's the worst part of my country (US), they teach about american history, but not the individual history of the u.s. state they live. They know about us constitution but not the state constitution.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:41:22 No.383379990
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    I seriously hope you're trolling.
    >> Anonymous (ID: cMnOftWo) 02/25/12(Sat)09:41:34 No.383380006
    I don't pay 40% (or more) of my annual paycheck in taxes, a la the European system. I can afford healthcare since I am gainfully and honestly employed by a company that provides health insurance (amongst other benefits). I also don't pay a 17% or so VAT on goods I purchase. Sales tax in my state is 6.5%.

    The US system sucks if you're unable to afford healthcare, but it's fine for people who make a decent living. It's incentive for some to improve their lot in life. Why improve yourself if everything is free for you?

    The US health insurance system probably does need a major overhaul. Part of that is the ridiculous expenses charged by hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. Doctors and hospitals charge more because they pay ridiculous sums in liability insurance. Cap liability payouts against them and prices will begin to go down.

    Just had major, elective surgery nearly two weeks ago. Cost me $1060 out of pocket as it was deemed a medically acceptable procedure by my insurer (as opposed to a medically unnecessary, like a boob job or lasik eye surgery). Probably going to cost my insurer around 10 grand. Got to choose my own doctor, my own choice of hospital, and I had it done on my own timeline without waiting.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:42:01 No.383380040
    At which part have I been trolling good sir.
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:43:09 No.383380114
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    >> Anonymous (ID: QLbA1pNy) 02/25/12(Sat)09:43:34 No.383380142
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    >perhaps only the strongest survived
    I find it hilarious that the same right wing that opposes evolution for religious reasons are the same who seem to think that the "strongest should survive", both when it comes to health and when it comes to the free market.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:44:39 No.383380205
    Oh yeah the military part.


    If it is so easy, such a cop out, such a welfare queen, why haven't you enlisted?

    Oh because of this anon that appeared.

    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:45:17 No.383380262
    Indeed, this has bothered me for some time. They claim not to believe in evolution, but the cite Darwinian principles when trying to defend their economic ideas.

    Remind them of the same principles in regards to evolution and the flip shit.
    >> Anonymous (ID: 7hREBHn0) 02/25/12(Sat)09:45:39 No.383380291
    Back in my day, we learned VA history (I'm from VA) but do not know if that was b/c we were so prominent or not. I do hear that from my roommate's kid all the time though. They cover when CO was formed but not the circumstances surrounding the issue.
    >> Anonymous (ID: nunKIBPZ) 02/25/12(Sat)09:47:21 No.383380405
    I have said nothing to contradict my principles. Perhaps I was harsh on the niggers, but again, that is my belief.
    >> Anonymous (ID: sNJme5BX) 02/25/12(Sat)09:48:00 No.383380449
    Co was formed?

    What are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous (ID: te4TYtLK) 02/25/12(Sat)09:49:14 No.383380542
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    Oh look, it's the guy who doesn't understand human lifespan again.

    Look everyone, he doesn't understand how life expectancy works.

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