you hate Spike's VGAs? Good. So did we.So now, join us for the first ever Vidya Gaem awards.Starting at 18:00 4chan time (23:00 GMT/UTC), lasting for 1hr 45mins, then available on Youtube in full 720p afterwards.Get your bodies ready.
i'll just leave this here...
gtfo /b/
get out /b/you're not wanted
fuck off hurdurr we r leejon candy-assgots
>>380517332>>380517464>>380517494you mad/v/ and /b/ are the same, the chat proves my point entirely.Deal with it nerd, it's the truth.
bump to ruin
>>380517623go away
Keep /b/ in itt
bump for fun
Fuck off /b/
>>380517701so fucking butthurt
hi ^_________^
Fuck off.You tards ruin everything.
>>380517701>>380517755your tears are delicious
>/v/ thinks it is better than /b/>awards show ridden with memes
Well there already is what 2k in the chat? Not like anyone would see the /b/ kids let alone anything. Then again they might act like they had a part in it
>>380517816OMG SO DARK AND EDGY LOLZ PLZ DONT STEAL MY IP XD LEGION RULES 1 AND 2 NEWFAGS[spoiler]no one likes you guys anyways[/spoiler]
>>380517930>because of /b/
saged and reported.fuck off /b/, no one likes you
ITT: /v/virgins pretending to be /b/tards to annoy other /v/irgins
>>380518088>implying anyone likes /v/Is that why you people have constant thread about having a shit social life?
Fuck off /b/, nobody likes you and the chat is shit enough without you candy-assgots infecting it.
/b/ yer shite. you cunts think your the best when really you are all just roody-poos. You make fun of nigs not realising that each of you are actual nigs. This shits ssss crazyyyyyy