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  • File : 1327619892.jpg-(140 KB, 640x480, asdasdwe.jpg)
    140 KB Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:18:12 No.376866389  
    hey /b/, 19m uni student from germany here. ask me anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:20:22 No.376866812
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:23:11 No.376867358
    nope thanks god these times are over 60 years over dumbass. there are only very very few serious right winged racist assholes in this country but the officials watch those bastards really closely. and i consider myself being political quite left and liberal... so think of me as someone who really hates racistic ideologies
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:23:19 No.376867385
    Did Nazi soldiers really eat chocolate with Meth in it?

    answer it candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:25:17 No.376867790
    nope never heard of that. but as i am sure some of these nazi soldiers were really assholes it would have been a pleasure watching their faces slowely into typical meth abuse visages
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:26:22 No.376867979
    and maybe thats also the reason where the idea of nazi-zombie movies and games came from...
    >> sage 01/26/12(Thu)18:29:07 No.376868503
    germancandy-ass reporting in. If you are really a student you are kind of uneductad candy-assgot. There was chocolate called Schokacola with amphetamine in it, but it wasnt used very often
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:30:16 No.376868701
    Sorry to bring up WW2, as that is the most common and annoying thing german people are asked but how is it taught and delt within your schools?

    How much beer do you drink?

    Did you grow up on a farm or rural area

    Favourite bubblegum flavour

    Why do you wear the ramones shirt? Is it because you legitametly like their music or is it more of a pop-culture reference
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:34:34 No.376869617
    firist question: WW2 was taught a couple of times in school. First in 5th grade. And of we also have politic classes where germanys dark and horrible past in the 30s and 40s is discussed. so teachers and the government really takes care that everyone understands what horrible things happened in the past, why they happened and that everyone has a great responsibility to preserve democracy here
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:38:11 No.376870369
    second question: i usually have some beers when i am on a party or on weekends when i hang out with my friends. so on a party it can easily happen that i have about 15 beers maybe. pretty sure it was even more on special events like after prom etc... but i was quite a late bloomer regarding trying alcohol. must of my freinds drank their first beer or booze at the age of 14 or 15 and i was 16 (which is the legal age for beer and wine here)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:40:40 No.376870840
    where do you study?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:40:48 No.376870860
    the region i grew up is really more rural but more like a smaller town (population about 6000) in northern germany. and next bigger city which (pop. 'bout 250.000) is also just 6 ,miles away.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:42:04 No.376871043
    favourite bubblegum flavour: peppermint... boring isnt it?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:42:52 No.376871153

    Here in the states, we spent maybe a day going over the slave trade back in grade school.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:44:28 No.376871402
    regarding the t-shirt: yepp i like the ramones pretty much like a lot of other vintage punk bands. but of course i also listen to lot of more recent stuff but indie / alternative or punk are my favourite genres, although there are also some pretty good electronica artists out there i like
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:45:27 No.376871573
    I was denied a security clearane for the military solely because my father was born in the country "West Germany"

    They said they couldn't research a persons actions in a country that no longer exists haha
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:45:42 No.376871620
    What are your religious beliefs?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:45:57 No.376871660
    i study in hannover (the capitol of my federal state). i commute there by train. takes about 40 min to get there. so no big deal
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:47:38 No.376871977
    wow... as the whole civil war is also about that too i thought its quite a central topic in schools
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:48:19 No.376872102
    What do Germans generally think of the UK? :O
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:48:58 No.376872235
    40 minutes?! why dont you move there? are you living with your parents still?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:49:09 No.376872270
    hilarious... and i always thought that german bureaucracy is famous for being just a pain in the ass so often ^^
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:50:35 No.376872570
    Wie sagt man auf Deutsch 'what the fuck?'
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:52:44 No.376872991
    my parents are protestants but i wasnt really raised in a religious way. i had religion class in school till my 9th grade and then we could chanhe into soem kind of philosophy class if we liked too. and i did cuz most of my friends did back then. so on paper i am still protestant and i am more sceptical about religions... but i respect every belief as long as it is not fanatic
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:54:32 No.376873376
    What is the best German food in your opinion?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:55:56 No.376873678
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    Belin candy-ass reporting in

    WW2 gets taught over and over again, it's a real pain in the ass
    guys, generation 50+ ain't nothin to do with any WW at all - please stop askin us shit about it, kthxbye
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:56:52 No.376873868
    always hard to say what people "in general" think abot other countries, all i can say that a lot of elder people seem to have quite a fascination for the royals and stuff like that :D
    regarding me: i like the uk for a couple of reasons: 1. been there on a student excahnge visist in 9th grade which was one of the best trips i ever did 2. most of my favourite bands are from the uk 3. some of my favourite tv series are from the uk (skins, misfits i,e,)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:57:03 No.376873900
    and I mean generations 1950 and younger
    holy shit what time is it?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:58:22 No.376874164

    >OP wears a Ramones shirt
    >asks if he's a nazi

    You must be extremely retarded.

    @OP: Woher bist du? Oldenburger Student hier.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:58:46 No.376874237

    germancandy-ass reporting in again. The most people I know, including myself, think that UK has a lot of candy-assgotry but also some nice badass shit, like electronic music artists and some very nice sweets! All in all we are pretty ok with them. But they cant play football!


    "was zur Hölle" or "was zum Teufel" but many germans stick with what the fuck also.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:59:02 No.376874293
    yepp living at my parents house still but its like i am having my own flat at second floor. but i think about getting a small job maybe which i can handle besides uni so that i can afford a small flat directly in hannover maybe next semester
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:00:06 No.376874511

    Tafelspitz and Spanferkel are pretty delicious!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:01:55 No.376874892
    'what the fuck' could be translates as 'was zur hölle' but this means literally 'what the hell'
    its more common that (younger) german people also uses the english term 'fuck' if the wanna swear beautiful as a stand alone term, which shoul sound familiar to you :P
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:02:07 No.376874948
    and what are you studying there?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:02:55 No.376875110
    do you make sauerkrout in your room?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:03:40 No.376875276

    were there really black soldiers who fought for the German army in ww2?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:05:09 No.376875595
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:05:31 No.376875687
    In general, would you say German women are more attractive than American Women? If (and probably) so, how much more attractive?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:06:44 No.376875932
    german food changes a lot during the last decades. so traditional stuff is not really popular here that more in most regions and its more like when you go out to eat in a restaurant that the food is more trans-european...
    but regarding really traditional german food: i htink a well made beef roast with self made potatoe dumplings and fresh vegetables and a well self made sauce can be a delicacy
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:08:02 No.376876169
    nähe von baunschweig. son kaff in der nähe davon
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:08:30 No.376876272
    Moved to Germany, have no friends, can't seem to get along with germans.

    Want to go out for a beer sometime? Niedersachsen
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:10:06 No.376876585
    what are you doing there?
    i'm not OP, just curious
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:10:43 No.376876713

    Not OP, but which part of Niedersachsen?
    And in what sense do you not get along with Germans?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:11:08 No.376876806
    i am stdying german literature/linguistics and politic sciences. also doimg some seminars in theter arts.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:11:53 No.376876960

    Studying, did my abitur back in my homeland and moved here when I got accepted. I actually live in Braunschweig lol, I could really go out for a beer with op
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:12:46 No.376877153
    What modern punk/indie bands would you reccomend
    >> noko Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:12:52 No.376877172
    Do you think in german?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:12:52 No.376877176
    dude, your so close to the netherlands. its way better here, smoke weed everywhere drink everywhere dont hang out with shitty ass germans, and i can continue a while...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:13:21 No.376877274

    Eh we just don't seem to click / have the same sense of humour / etc.

    My german is kinda not that good too lol
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:13:29 No.376877295
    think the smell in my room would be better than sometimes after i woke after a party.... but seriously my grandmother really made that stuff sometimes but i dont like it that much. also saukeraut is a bit more common in southern germany then here in northern germany
    >> noko noko 01/26/12(Thu)19:13:56 No.376877376
    What's your last name
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:14:30 No.376877492
    i asked: GAY? Answer candy-assgod!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:15:57 No.376877784
    i really doubt that. maybe those fuckting nazis recruted some spies or maybe there were a few strange coincidences that black people were soldiers. but i highly doubt it. not all soldiers in wwii were nazis but its a sad fact that of course most people followed the fucked up ideology of the regime
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:16:15 No.376877859
    wie gehts? wo wohnst du in deutschland? was studierst du? wie lange bist du schon auf 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:17:01 No.376878015

    Just keep searching. Not all Germans are the same. Also, there are Germans who aren't complete idiots and won't judge your German but instead help improve it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:17:40 No.376878117


    frage: wie weit kannst du deinen anus dehnen?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:18:23 No.376878258
    where do you live dude and where are you from?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:18:40 No.376878318
    Niedersachsen ist groß...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:18:57 No.376878381
    op hier. ich benutze gleitgel und eine pringles dose. geht ganz gut...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:19:02 No.376878406

    It's not that they judge me, it's that I can't have a sense of humour/be interesting in a language that I don't completely dominate.

    But yeah, ima spend a long time here, might as well keep/start searching
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:19:41 No.376878532
    Lots of Braunschweig candy-assgots ITT?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:20:20 No.376878664
    What does "Du hast mich" mean?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:20:42 No.376878727
    berlin candy-ass hier
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:20:56 No.376878775

    Then speak in English and let them help you translate it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:21:25 No.376878864
    you have me which means you got me
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:22:37 No.376879094

    "You have me"

    If you're reffering to the Rammstein song, it first means "You hate me", but "Du hast mich gefragt" means "You have asked me".
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:22:39 No.376879099
    Why does my dog have whiskers?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:23:04 No.376879172
    the list is quite big but some of my favourites are: franz ferdinand, editors, kaiser chiefs, the rakes, and you will know us by the trail of dead, morrissey, green day, muse etc etc etc

    some german bands i really like are i.e.: die ärzte, domots, toten hosen (all punk bands) or tocotronic (german indie rock)
    but thats just a few....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:24:19 No.376879411

    Hell yeah, die ärzte. Zufällig DÄOF-Mitglied?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:24:24 No.376879428
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    Dear God OP, I read a few of your initial replies and it's very obvious that you are brainwashed, like the rest, into believing the lies and slime that have been attached to Nazi Germany over the years. While it's true that there is no "master race," the Nazis were among the first into the fore of pioneering something excellent and good, which we should learn from in order to preserve the unique peoples of the Earth.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:24:31 No.376879453
    some say that few people actually say "ja voll ! " in Germany, that it comes from WWII movies, some say it's common.

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:25:00 No.376879560
    leck mich doch einfach am selbigen
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:25:11 No.376879602
    How do you keep yourself from laughing whenever someone says nein? That word is fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:27:02 No.376880003
    hehe ja war ich mal ^^ meine kumpels hatten mir zu der letzten tour quasi als geschenk ein jahr clubmitgliedschaft geschenkt
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:27:45 No.376880156

    It´s not "ja voll" but "Jawohl" and it just means "Affirmative"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:28:26 No.376880303
    poor troll is poor
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:29:19 No.376880493

    It's "Jawoll", and pretty much only old people use it; I don't know its origin.


    I find it hilarious that you find that word hilarious. Do you laugh everytime you hear someone say "nine"?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:30:18 No.376880685

    What's your favorite type of Juden Suppe?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:30:23 No.376880707

    Warst du auch im Forum aktiv?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:30:27 No.376880725
    It sounds the same as nine when I say it but the german accent just makes it hilarious. Especially in inglorious bastards when Hitler is all like "NEIN NEIN NEIN"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:31:55 No.376881042
    Okay, yeah, that part IS hilarious, I have to give you that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:32:38 No.376881185
    "ja voll" is quite common if you speak with a younger person you know better and agree completely to something.
    its just an ellipsis = so some words are left out.. like from "JA, ich bin VOLLständig deiner meinung" (= yes i totally agree) becomes "ja voll"
    would be new for me if it has a WWII beackground
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:32:48 No.376881215
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    >implying English pronunciation of 'nine' is the same as the German pronunciation of 'nein;

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:33:54 No.376881436

    I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:34:06 No.376881478
    Yes, it IS, you fucking retard
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:34:12 No.376881498
    lol... well it depends how you pronounce it... if i would promounce nein also like an actor from old movies i would love sure too...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:35:23 No.376881755

    totally bullshite
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:35:29 No.376881777
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    what do you think of greek people?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:35:38 No.376881801
    do you like Jews
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:35:45 No.376881824
    nee war echt n passives mitglied. schön die prawda gelesen und mich über meinen jacke gefreut ^^
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:36:19 No.376881932

    Problem is: Culture is nothing that was given by nature. It developed and will continue to develop. Thats the natural course of action and nothing will stop that from happening. All "Cultures" we know of today and the culture you are so very proud of are a mixtures of many cultures which melded by decades of mutual influence.
    By that influence all progress was made, also it garuantees personal freedom, the freedom to choose how you want to live.
    If we were not to influence each other, we would 1) ignore each other and not even make societies, we would all be lone wolfs and 2) we would still live in caves, probably not even that, as we would have been unable to stand evolution.
    But if culture is to develop, you cannot simply "stop" that process and just draw a line. It will continue forever. It allways has.

    Take the full package of culture, which includes the melding of different cultures, or leave it and go fuck yourself, live in the woods, hunt boars and feel like a barbar. Good luck!

    ...your argument is invalid
    ...end of nazi-discussion
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:37:17 No.376882112
    Antisemiten können mir mal den Schritt schamponieren!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:39:15 No.376882501
    yeah good hitler parodies are the best ^^ important to know what horrible things happened but humour and making those fucktards ridiculous can also be a good weapon against such ideologies
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:39:32 No.376882562
    were you nazi's responsible for 9/11??? or was it actualy the sandroody-poos???
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:40:08 No.376882651
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    Google says that means "Anti-Semites times I can shampoo the step"

    Has anyone ever told you that you tell really good stories, bro?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:40:55 No.376882797

    One of the most intelligent posts I ever read on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:42:26 No.376883111

    Thank you, mein Freund.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:42:36 No.376883140
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    It was aliens.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:42:58 No.376883212

    Antisemites can shampoo my crotch
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:43:05 No.376883228

    One of the least intelligent comments I've read on /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:43:34 No.376883341
    a good friend of me is greek and he's really ok. never been to greece mayself so i dont have a real opinion. i think in every country all over the world there is a bunch of nice people and a lot of ignorant assholes....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:44:15 No.376883476
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    Along with that anon who cpoypasta'd a excerpt from "The coming insurrection" (good manifesto - recommended read!)

    Also, goodnight. Braunschweigg candy-assgot out
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:44:50 No.376883593

    So it's not intelligent to praise others for their intelligence?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:45:03 No.376883645
    what is your favourite non-german word?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:45:51 No.376883817
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    I live in Aachen.I think the german girls are not as beautiful as the greek ones.What do you think about that?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:45:53 No.376883824
    if you belieif in the butterfly effect literally, it because you farted as a baby 9/11 happened.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:46:32 No.376883942
    You guys fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:47:12 No.376884082

    Student aus Siegen hier...

    OP, what do you study?
    What semester?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:48:04 No.376884251

    It was your own government that fucked you up like so often. Amerirag Congress is full of liars and warmonger
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:48:30 No.376884338

    still confused though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:51:38 No.376884986
    Why do euro candy-asss call college/university uni? Uni sounds so fucking retarded. Is it that hard to spell the whole thing out?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:52:38 No.376885161
    i dont have jewish friends. i just learnt some stuff about jewish culture and religion and people at school and over the media. i fin jewish culture quite interesting and fascinating although i dont agree in every action which happens in israel and the gaza stripe. but imo fanatic palestiniansian parties are not better of course.
    but that has nothing to do about jews in common of course and is more a political thing and not a religious one which still most people believe.
    oooh and jewish humour is the best and did i mention that two of my favourite directors, the coen brothers, are jewish? so i think yeah i can say i like jews!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:54:08 No.376885443

    1) Yes it is that hard
    2) You are right, it sounds stupid... IN ENGLISH. Frenchies, Krauts and all the other Not-UKans dont speak english...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:54:27 No.376885528

    I assume you use the word "Nazi". Why? Is it so hard so spell the word out?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:55:23 No.376885730
    hard to say. think its not single words but stuff like movie ot tv series quotes often just sound better in the original language. especially regarding comedies
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:55:25 No.376885738
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    Joke's on you. I don't use that word.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:56:19 No.376885921
    Was studierst du?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:57:28 No.376886141
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:58:06 No.376886278

    Is it so hard to write "Joke is on you"?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:59:20 No.376886530
    Willst du meine Schwanz sehen?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)19:59:28 No.376886562
    op here... lasted longer than i thought till nobody knew who was speaking to who ... lol.. will post my anwers now with name like here better
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:59:48 No.376886623
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    Great symbol, or greatest symbol?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)19:59:49 No.376886626
    can't be that hard to spell european either, huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:01:08 No.376886894
    lohnt es sich denn? asl?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:01:23 No.376886945
    OP my german teacher is from Cologne and he pronounces "-ich" as "isch" and as "ikt", how prevalent is that accent in germany?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:02:14 No.376887103

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:03:44 No.376887411

    In Europe there is no fucking Collage. We go to school and after that to University.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:04:20 No.376887496
    fun fact: originally thar cross was a symbol of the sun and had some real nice meanings... but thanks to the nazis we now see that as a trademark for evil. so original symbolical meaning: yepp great, as nazi flag: wouldnt even whipe my ass with it if i took a massive shit
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:04:23 No.376887505

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:04:55 No.376887606

    it´s in Cologne and in Cologne only
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:05:19 No.376887686

    I mean he pronounces -ich as "-isch" and not as "-ikt", how prevalent is that accent?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:05:52 No.376887794

    nevar misstyped hurr?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:06:43 No.376887952

    He would have been a good compliant Nazi back in the day. Always adapting to the predominant ideology, always swimming in the stream. What a good little Untertan.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:07:45 No.376888156
    looool "isch" sounds like kids who wanna speak ghetto-style here ^^ but seriously: isch is quite a strong accent and "ick" sounds like spoken from people in berlin ^^
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:07:54 No.376888191

    read this


    also, nowhere in Germany you say "ikt" thats just fucking dumb you say "ich"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:08:14 No.376888253

    thanks, I hear a lot of german songs that use "-isch" and not "-ikt"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:09:25 No.376888524
    bi aber nicht geoutet
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:09:52 No.376888616
    May I add Köln (Cologne) sucks insurmountable amounts of donkey dick
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:10:17 No.376888717

    Na dann, lass uns spaß haben!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:10:48 No.376888837
    why are german girls so manly?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:11:13 No.376889010
    No: the superior culture is that which an individual people develop, and an inferior culture is created when they blend together and mix. The most superior cultures were the ones of antiquity, and slowly we have gone downwards ever falling lower than what we've been. Optimally we should strive to be like our betters, yet I refuse to make things worse.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:11:37 No.376889133
    but its quite true that in most german rap songs and some turkish and arabian kids rather say "isch" then "ich" when they talk. and of course people who (pretend) to ne hardcore ghetto gangsta :D
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:12:26 No.376889320

    They put something in the water that makes us Germans stronger and more healthy than other races!
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:12:32 No.376889343
    lol from düsseldorf?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:12:34 No.376889348

    Even funner fact: That symbol is originated in buddhism, a religion in which the concept of love is one of the most important things.
    Hitler took that symbol, turned it around and made it stand for hate.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:13:37 No.376889541
    yepp i was relating to that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:13:47 No.376889570
    trips and you put a sharpie in your ass?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:14:45 No.376889752

    I don't know, but I really like that. I can't stand the stereotypical girly girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:15:34 No.376889913

    cause they aren´t. typical old fashioned americandy-assgotry like all germans are still nazis, get over that bullshit. Another explanation could be that you may have a twisted imagination of how girls really act since they are not all like ypure beloved "Snooki" and all your other beloved weird bitches who are like crying and screaming instead of actually normal talking to you. attention whores
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:15:39 No.376889932

    Why are those "strong cultures" not existing anymore then? The weak are obviously stronger than the strong. Fine logic Mr. Vulcan!

    Germany for example is not one culture. It was made up by sachsen, bayern and many other little tribes which had their own culture. Same is true for every other culture. Even the first culture was developed by 2 persons meeting and making up a way to get along with each other. Culture involves more than 1 person, so there MUST be mixing, there MUST be influencing. Its part of what culture is, its part of the definition of culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:15:47 No.376889955
    why is there a lot of german porn involving BDSM?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:15:58 No.376889986
    but they look ugly and unfriendly.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:16:17 No.376890040
    how many german girls have you met, dude? maybe you entered the wrong clubs... didnt you wonder that there were JUST girls in it????
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:18:07 No.376890328
    >The weak are obviously stronger than the strong.
    NO, that is not true. Look again at antiquity: Rome was of greater military might than Greece, though Greece was of far superior culture than the Romans, which the Romans themselves acknowledged.

    And what you have just said proves my point: all of the unique cultures of Germany are superior cultures, and the moment those all become mixed they will be diluted and only mere shadows of what they were before.

    A superior culture is a full-fledged distinct small group of people with their own customs, dialects, etc. An inferior culture is when all of these unique cultures are formed into one mixed nondistinct culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:19:04 No.376890502

    why are Americans the prudest people on earth while they produce the most porns?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:19:07 No.376890513
    i rather wonder why YOU was looking for especially that stuff. but hey its a free web.....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:19:31 No.376890588
    I live in Aachen.There are no clubs with ONLY clubs in.I live here for 2 years and I ve met 20 girls that look like girls nad only 3 were beautiful
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:22:34 No.376891202

    don´t live in Aachen got to Berlin, Hamburg, München, Köln or whatever bigger City and you will find some of the most beautiful girls that live on that planet! I can assure you that
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:23:34 No.376891387
    some people might call it sanctimoniousness... but i think its quite normal. as much as i heard chrsitian religion communities are quite important in a lot of regions in the u.s. and certain moral values which suspress sexuality or define sexuality as sin are quite common... and wherever there is something which is forbidden there is also a big market of seeling these forbidden fruits in the shadows... just think of the Prohibition
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:26:49 No.376892017
    are you sure about that?I m from greece ( I m here only to study medicine).I ve met very VERY pretty girls in my life.Will the "Deutschen" stand the competition?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:26:51 No.376892027

    while prohibition alcohol didnt fruit as much as in times it was legal. How comes that Saudi Arabia or other Muslim countries don´t produce that much porn besides sexuality is way more surpressed as in America
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:28:13 No.376892270

    Thats a fine argument... lets see into it: You say mixed is inferior because its mixed. Its like stating: Brown is red because its brown. It proves nothing.

    And as i stated even those "original" cultures were made up by smaller tribes mixing and influencing each other. You can retrace that process until you find two people developing crude language or social rules to get along with each other.

    If you want the original "culture", you have to stop even talking to other persons, you would have to live alone and ignore every other person. You would even have to forget your language, everything you ever learned from someone else.
    Thats not very "superior" is it?

    And by the way, the greek philosophy and culture developed because greece had great trade connections to everywhere in the known world. Thats why greece had a great culture: They were influenced by other cultures. You can trace many ideas of greek philosophy back to other countries located in reach of greece. It was the melding pot of its time.

    ... your argument is still invalid
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:29:41 No.376892563

    Greek girls are also very beautiful thats no question. But how about you visit Berlin or Hamburg sometime and check out some decent clubs and after that you can tell me if they passed the Greek test
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:30:55 No.376892789
    Sicher :)
    Another question now:
    Why do Germans listen mainly to techno?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:31:00 No.376892804
    in many traditional muslims countries the people marry earlier than in european countries or the US. relationships are much more arranged there and family boundaries are sometimes much closer... with positive and negative effects of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:31:19 No.376892855
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:31:40 No.376892923
    But it was still GREEK culture. There are distinct cultures and there is a limit to how far back they can go. I believe you're contesting what "culture" means. Culture denotes a group of people of similar ethnicity, belief, etc. Take the Basques: that is a culture. The Flemish, that is a culture. All of these are unique and even insofar as they are composed of previous cultures, they are the most superior that we have remaining in this way.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:32:56 No.376893140
    What classes do you take?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:35:23 No.376893622
    post your saftig deutsch schwanz bitte
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:37:26 No.376893983

    Techno scene was more like in the 90`s, I personally donßt know much people who listen to this music anymore. the electronic music developed in all kind of ways, especially in Germany there are many many very good Djs and producers which create Minimal, swing House, Electro, Deep House and all kind of stuff. Here is a Duo I saw last weekend in a club in Berlin, the Zeitgeist of this Music and being exactly there where it is created just feels great. many people go for this kinda stuff around here though....
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:39:04 No.376894305
    why do you think that? techo was a populour genre in the 90s but the style chaged and its more likely called "electro" now and domt forget those many sungenres like "drum'n'bass" or "dubstep"... still i experienced that people in germany have a wide taste in music, depending on their character and their social environment. i know people who listen to mainstream pop, others to "schlager" (like german cheap "folk" music), others to indie, others to classic rock etc.... although its true that there were some important people from germany who were really creative regarding electronic music (kraftwerk, sven väth. german new wave bands...) maybe those populour figures still have some major impact
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:39:40 No.376894408

    one of the most stupid samecandy-asss i've ever read on /b/
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:41:37 No.376894791
    "saftig" is really not turning me on in any way :D
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:41:58 No.376894861

    americandy-asss who try to speak german very often sound very fucking stupid, especially americans. I don´t know why but they pronounce the german words like the turkish and russian people would do it with a very harsh "r". also almost every single word is wrong. learn it or leave it, but don´t fuck around please. germans weren´t born with the abbility to speak english neither
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:42:32 No.376894962

    Still very Vulcan of you:
    Flemish are a superior culture. Flemish were (as you yourself say) composed of many different cultures which were united.

    If the Flemish unite with another culture that culture would be inferior to the original Flemish one.

    The new culture would be inferior. It would be composed of different cultures that were united, thats why it would be inferior... but if that were true... why would the Flemish be superior in the first place?

    You can say "Mixing always creates an inferior culture" or "Mixing does not always create an inferior culture". But you cannot say both at the same time. Its illogical.

    Logic was developed by the greek. The greek learned the basics of logic from other cultures. By mixing greek and other cultural traits LOGIC was developed. Logic is a superior tool of argumentation.

    If you were to say a less mixed culture is allways superior, youd have to go back to a time when culture was only a crude social rule, a beginning of people developing society. If that were superior, you would state that crude language is superior to poetry. If you think that, you are a retard. Feel free to live in the woods.

    ... your argument is still invalid.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:43:16 No.376895090
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    wonder if this thread is already dead now....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:43:18 No.376895105

    OP you rock ^_^

    i'm not american lol, so troll harder
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:45:53 No.376895566
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    like the way you write... but may i ask.... is it you, sheldon????
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:46:07 No.376895618

    don´t feel accosted though. But its a fact anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:46:35 No.376895695
    I think I meant "electro" then.I find it a little hard to find some trip-hop (z.B. portishead oder massive attack) or even post-rock like radiohead.Are Germans not into this kind of music?

    Captch: nefferr Hanover
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:47:06 No.376895772
    Alright, allow me to clear up what I said.

    The Flemish insofar as the modern world is concerned are a superior culture, just as the Swabians are a superior culture, just as the Pennsylvania Dutch are a superior culture; yet, insofar as these are superior cultures in the modern day, these cultures were formulated by EVEN SUPERIOR cultures to those.

    When two superior cultures mix together to produce one culture, that one culture is an inferior culture. When two superiors cultures add the best elements from the other cultures (Greece and Egypt for example) to their own, while still preserving the two distinct cultures, now you still have two superior cultures.

    Instead of destroying cultures and creating inferior ones, we should preserve superior ones and recognize diversity.

    Stop saying "your argument is invalid" when it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:47:55 No.376895924
    Why dont you live in Berlin, boy?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:48:15 No.376895985

    No, just a law student, who understands his profession, which is making a persuasive argument... and as my captcha states "falsehoods".
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:48:34 No.376896038

    Dein Mund ist wie ein Scharlachband an einem Turm von Elfenbein. Er ist wie ein Granatapfel, von einem Silbermesser zerteilt. Die Granatapfelblüten in den Gärten von Tyrus, glüh'nder als Rosen, sind nicht so rot. Die roten Fanfaren der Trompeten, die das Nah'n von Kön'gen künden und vor denen der Feind erzittert,
    sind nicht so rot, wie dein roter Mund. Dein Mund
    ist röter als die Füße der Männer, die den Wein
    stampfen in der Kelter. Er ist röter als die Füße der Tauben, die in den Tempeln wohnen. Dein Mund ist wie ein Korallenzweig in der Dämm'rung des Meer's, wie der Purpur in den Gruben von Moab, der Purpur der Könige.

    Nichts in der Welt ist so rot wie dein Mund. Laß mich ihn küssen, deinen Mund.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:48:40 No.376896073
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    Has anyone else noticed how tiny this guys finger nails are?

    What the fuck is wrong with this guy.

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:52:25 No.376896751
    I'm sorry, finger nails or fingernails?

    You're so weird man!
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:52:42 No.376896814
    trip-hop is not really a club music i guess. i love the bristol sound etc. but its more likely you go to concert to listen to that or take your time, put this stuff into you cd player at home an listen to it closely... its music that deserves attention not a club full of superficial people... but of course in bigger cities there always indie clubs which also paly post rock or trip-hop ... but mostly even there this more danceable stuff or some remixes. but i dont think its any different in other countries
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:53:18 No.376896948
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    Because Electro is great in all it ways but of course its not like all people enjoy the same things around here... there are many german Rock, Punk and Metal Bands too. just think of Rammstein, i think that should be known to you but also lots of other kind of stuff is consumed here. all that american stuff like Hip Hop and whatnot
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:53:20 No.376896954
    dennis ist schwul
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:55:24 No.376897367

    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:56:20 No.376897539
    damn... had to google it.... but its oscar wilde OF COURSE!!! could have guessed from the way it is written ^^ and still not sure if i should feel flattered or raped by those words....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:56:54 No.376897659
    Yeah right.I think it's Aachen.This shithole has barely anything.
    Glücklicherweise, ist Köln in der Nähe.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:57:03 No.376897684

    So now you got your logic right, at least. But now suffer the consequences of that logic.

    If the former cultures were always superior, the first culture ever to develop would be "the best".

    That "superior" culture would only have a crude language, no poetry at all, no mentionable econmic systems, no developed political systems, no personal freedoms, no justice system, no roads, no developed architecture, only crude arts (drawings of stickmen at cavewalls at best), no music, no 4chan and so on.

    By what standards is that superior? By standards of being a retard?
    Are you telling me you want to live like that?

    If so: Feel free to do so. Feel free to go back to that "superior" cultural state of yours. Noone is keeping you from doing so, noone will miss you and noone will be jelly.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:58:58 No.376898036
    No, because human cultures independently develop over time. Rome wasn't made in a day. Each distinct culture should be preserved, and the objective advances of humanity ought to be adopted thence by each of those diverse cultures. My logic has been persistently the same since the beginning. I am interested only in the preservation of objectively superior cultures, nothing with quotes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:59:22 No.376898105

    Sherlock Holmes arrived just in time, replying on several posts on /B/. you got me....
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)20:59:34 No.376898153
    who the fuck is dennis???
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:01:58 No.376898536

    flattered! you have a sexy mouth :3
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:02:47 No.376898701
    >objectively superior cultures

    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:04:18 No.376898979
    *cough* well thanx, i guess. so you are an oscar wilde fanboy?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:06:43 No.376899456
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    getting silent in here... think i can hear this thread dying
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:09:10 No.376899938
    post cock please
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:09:24 No.376899980
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    soon german candy-ass, soon
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:10:01 No.376900073
    you're on the first page... the thread is by no means dying
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:10:50 No.376900238
    Indeed. I would choose to live in a world with Samnites, Swabians, 100 native American tribes, Provencal cultures, and all that, rather than a New World Order of one "gray race" with an incredibly inferior culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:12:34 No.376900604
    finally its typical /b/ like i guess.but seriously dude i rather prefer not to show off in public boards... pretty sure that you understand, dont you?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:14:05 No.376900946
    no i dont understand and i wont accept this. you may not not show cock. you had a nice thread and we all entertained your bullshit and now i want reciprocation.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:16:09 No.376901411

    i do, i enjoy his use of language but i especially enjoy his words translated into german and sung to the music of Richard Strauss

    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:17:54 No.376901829
    well i hoped the entertaining part was same on both sides. and i am sure you know much better than me how to find some cocks on the internet and i assume even better than me.... plus you may be dissapointed
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:19:20 No.376902098

    Cultures only develop when they are influenced by others, when there is trade, when there is discussion, when there is influence, when those cultures get closer to each other, when they meld.
    Even one immigrant from another country brings new elements into a culture, making it partially meld with another one, by mixing new ideas into the own culture.
    The "greek" culture from before the great age of philosophers and trade is not the same as the greek culture afterwards. It is something totally new, though it has the same brand, as it still is in the same region. Still: social rules, philosophy, music and arts have changed. It is a different culture and as it was made up by partially melding elements of other cultures into the original one, it is mixed and by your standards inferior.

    Look at those tribes in south america and africa, which were isolated for centuries. Look how "developed" and "superior" they are. This is an example for an "unmixed" "pure" culture. They are in no way superior. As i stated before: If you want to live in the woods, just go on and do so.

    There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon, that isolated cultures cannot develop.
    At first you have two people making up social rules: Thesis and Antithesis. They make a Synthesis, the first culture. There is consensus, no need for discussion anymore. No need for new solutions as the problems were solved.
    To make this culture develop, a new idea has to be brought into it. A new Antithesis, which creates a new Synthesis, a new consensus and by that creates a new culture. To "think out of the box" you have to get out of the box first. Unless you do that you are stuck. This process of finding a synthesis is called Dialectic.

    "Objectively superior". Still you have not stated one standard by which to determine whether a culture is superior or inferior. Just your very illogical "unmixed is always superior"-theory.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:20:55 No.376902463
    no ill be happy just to see yours.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:21:03 No.376902486
    operas are very special... without a textbook even a native german speaker is often not able to follow all of those lyrics. but i am astonished how much high-culture appeared in this thread.
    >> sage 01/26/12(Thu)21:23:47 No.376903078
    op is candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:24:04 No.376903132

    you're such a pompous twit, i get the impression you're a leftist who gets a hardon over multi-kulti and globalisation.

    fyi there was no homogeneous "greek" culture, and there still isn't to this day. the cretans were different from the athenians, much like the dorians were different from the ionians who were different from the aeolians who were different from the achaeans.

    jesus christ you people make me sick
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:25:11 No.376903384
    agree btw. even those tribes had times where they travelled, met other tribes etc. so even those isolated cultures are not "pure" also in an anthropologically way.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:25:52 No.376903532

    YES! you're absolutely right, i have trouble following english operas by, for example, Britten.

    well /b/ is a very special place, you shouldn't be too surprised :P

    above all you need a sense of humour and you seem to be in possession of one, unlike that other german knocking around here
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:27:12 No.376903846
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    South America and Africa weren't populated by Indo-Europeans. As a liberal, it is your prerogative to explain why they haven't been capable of building a civilization as great as ours.
    >that isolated cultures cannot develop.
    Strawman. Pure and simple. I never once in any shape or form advocated having isolated cultures, and in fact I am decidedly opposed to such an idea. I am however completely opposed also to the idea of consuming two superior cultures to produce an inferior one. In 100% of the instances, if you mix one culture with another to produce another culture, that culture will be inferior. If you mix Mozart's Austria with Nigeria of today to produce "Austreria," that culture will be inferior. If you mix Mozart's Austria with Elizabethan England to produce "Austrand," that culture will be inferior.

    The superior cultures do not consume themselves to produce something that is a half-baked mix of two fully realized cultures, but they exist as their own sovereignties, INDEED IN CONTACT WITH OTHER CULTURES, yet they preserve their unique identity and do not destroy themselves to produce a "gray race of one half-baked culture."

    Rome conquered most of the Indo-European cultures. Almost all of those cultures were destroyed and absorbed with Rome to produce new half-baked cultures. If Rome didn't conquer all of those cultures and do this, if the world was full of thousands of diverse cultures that weren't ISOLATED yet which MUTUALLY DEVELOPED, the world would be 1000 times richer and full of so many more superior and glorious cultures.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:28:22 No.376904102
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    hey Nazi, do you know who Bata Zivojinovic is?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:28:46 No.376904196
    well has not much to do with being a leftist. its just a fact that cultures mixed up. total isolation is just not possible.... it was not in the past world and that it is even more obvious now how impossible it is may make you cry but its just a fact. YOU are not alone on this planet. face it
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:30:39 No.376904643

    It honours me, that you get so mad because of my post. A post, that could only be brought to you, because in an very inferior culture the internet was developed :)

    BTW: If you think there is no greek culture, there is no athenian either. People from south athena are different than people from north athena... if you want to split it up that way, every person is different from every person, still not every person has the quality of being a culture of him or herself.
    By that you can very clearly see that "culture" is a very inprecise word and you cannot clearly define the borders of "a culture", which makes it impossible to discriminate cultures.
    The differences between frenchies and english people for example are not greater than those between people from south and north of france or between scottish and people from london or the difference between you and me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:31:54 No.376904960

    my point is (although i didn't state it) that although the greeks had interactions with other cultures eg persian/jewish/illyrian/roman etc they still recognised their indigenous culture as superior to all of those.

    however, in a multi-cultural society no one culture is deemed superior and so inferior cultures, for example islamic ones or african ones, are given equal weight with the western culture.

    i would rather live in a dominant western culture than have to endure the degradation of a backward, chauvinistic islamic or african culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:33:42 No.376905363

    put your hardon away, i didn't get mad at you or your post, i merely expressed my disgust with the left and with your supercilious attitude, not the same as being mad.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:34:37 No.376905589

    considering I am "that other german knocking around", what does make you think of me not being a humerous person?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:36:02 No.376905898
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    yo /b/rother was sagstn du zu dem acta?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:36:17 No.376905953
    sorry my cineastig friend i hope you didnt mean me when you called out for a nazi?! anyway your post led me use le google and i hav eto confess that i never heard of him before although i thought i know quite a lot about movies... even vintage and foreign ones... quite interesting that hes also so populour in china.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:37:10 No.376906153
    What do you think of this?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:39:05 No.376906557

    "Mutual development" results in mixing. Thats a logical consequence out of the process, dumbass. If you bring elements of your own culture into another and the other way around, those cultures absord parts of each other, by that making them a mix. If you keep that process up long enough you wont be able to distinguish anymore.

    If you use a french word in the german language it still is a french word. If you use a french idea in german philosophy it is still a french idea. By that making the result german and french at the same time. A mix. The only way to prevent that is ignoring other cultures.

    Nothing else than mutual development whole europe is doing right now. We are "growing together" and by that getting much more similiar.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:41:19 No.376907043
    It is a fact universally acknowledged although globally condemned that all of the stalwart, noble, magnanimous men of Europe, but especially Germany, died in WWs I & II and so now we are reaping the inferior crop from the degenerate seeds that had been left to germinate and grow.

    The menfolk of Europe are now callous, loathsome, selfish, lazy, malignant narcissists and so the overall effect will be the ultimate dissolution of Western civilization.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:41:55 No.376907167
    a still life nevertheless so full of expression ... and suppression... anal's not my thing - looks mostly more like pain then fun to me.. haste kacke an der spitze wars wohl die falsche ritze
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:44:08 No.376907665
    >there are only very very few serious right winged racist assholes in this country but the officials watch those bastards really closely.
    the "verfassungs"schutz is financing "them"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:44:29 No.376907749

    The principals of mathmatics were developed in "backward" muslimic countries. By bringing it into europe a whole new era of technological development could begin. Without the "backward" muslimic countries we would be just as "inferior" as they are. By mixing elements and achievements of their culture into our own, we created a superior one.
    By bringing elements of european political development into the muslimic world, the chauvinism began to stumble. Revolutions with good intentions (like ending that chauvinism) were started in egypt lybia and so on. A culture superior to the one before will develop by mixing elements of western culture into it.

    Your thesis of "Everything was better before mixing with other cultures" is invalid.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:45:07 No.376907904
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    by the way before i forget its an honour that a discussion on such a high level accures in this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:45:16 No.376907934
    Yes, but you aren't COMBINING France and Germany to make Francia. You are mutually developing while preserving your distinct nations. When you combine France and Germany to produce Francia then you have just created an inferior culture.

    Britain began as a superior culture. Then it was conquered and made a bland multicultural place by Rome. Then it became its own thing again and slowly disintegrated into new superior cultures.

    The most superior culture is that of the smallest division of a unique, diverse people. SHARING THE GOOD ELEMENTS OF TWO CULTURES != COMBING THE TWO CULTURES AS ONE.

    In America, there is active resistance to my ability to celebrate being who I am. If I speak aloud "I want to be with a woman of my own ethnicity," given the fact that I am a German, what does that make me? You know that you are thinking I am a racist aren't you? Yet why is that? It's because you wish for my culture to be destroyed.

    I would rather die than see my people and our culture be extinguished.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:45:40 No.376908024

    so from which genuine praised land you come from dear fella?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:48:13 No.376908616
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    still a fascinating and sarcastic and terrible thought that everyone is just a "v-mann" ^^
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:50:38 No.376909164
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    Could you be any more wrong? German Philosophy (say, 19th century) couldn't be any more different from French philosophy. Even now they're completely disparate, unique.

    The only effect multi-culturalism has had is to show us just how inferior other, foreign cultures are. We in the West have the sanctity of life and equal rights for all, a kind of secular set of Judaeo-Christian values (which is the basis of Human Rights), which is completely absent from Africa, from the Middle East, from much of Asia.

    Pic related; I love reading about traitors to their own culture meeting grisly ends at the hands of the noble savages they so glorified.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:52:38 No.376909596

    the principles of mathematics came from assyrian and hindu cultures that had been conquered by backward muslim marauders you prick! god i fucking hate liberal scum
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:53:06 No.376909707
    at least the nazis had a realistic solution to overpopulation
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:53:39 No.376909815
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    some fellows wanna join us? at least 2 academics here who discuss about the definition of culture amd one op from germany who still answers random qustions if you like but who will most likely go to bed soon cuz his eyes feel like.... pic related
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:56:17 No.376910375
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    My kingdom for anyone...ANYONE...that can produce that video!
    I have looked all over internets for it. Does it still exist anywhere?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)21:57:18 No.376910605
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    some other guys had also similar ideas how to prevent the world from overpopulation... not sure if their phiosophy really worked out....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:58:03 No.376910771
    Meinst Du nicht, wie Blei?

    although i wonder then what the etymology of bleiben is
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:00:56 No.376911393

    Of course they develop a common culture. Thats the only way the European Union works. A common political culture for example, thats why the Germans dont have to conquer France all the time anymore, because they have developed a common basis on which to communicate. Of course there are still differences between Germany and France but they will perish, as for example the cultural difference between saxony and other german tribes are almost nonexistent anymore if you compare them to what they were before. If we wait long enough, you will not notice the difference anymore and still there will be "saxony" and "bavaria" left, but those will be only names that dont mean anything anymore.

    You obviously dont consider yourself "saxon" or "bavarian" but "German". In about a century the difference between Germany and France will be much smaller and in a few centuries more, there will be no "France" and no "Germany" anymore, but "Europe". That what "Taking the good ideas from other cultures" leads to in the end. They become indistinguishable mixed, as just as much people in germany will live the french way as people in france will live the german way and even more will make up their own mix. Thats no bad thing, nothing to be afraid of. Its just a natural learning process.
    And our great great great great great great great great ... great great grandchildren will have the benefits. They wont have to make the same mistakes as we did, like sticking to a "race" or taking our "culture" so serious, that they are unwilling to learn or share. They will be strong individuals, as they will not be Germans or Europeans, but humans. Which is actually the only important thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:04:16 No.376912129
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    No, I consider myself to be a Satu Mare Swabian residing in America, a particular division of the Swabians who went to Hungary and who still preserve their Swabian identity to this day. All of those independent Germanic tribes are the superior cultures, and their losing that diversity produces a monolithic inferior culture. The day when there are no differences between Germany and France is when two superior cultures have been destroyed and a new bland one has been created.

    My children and theirs will be strong, proud individuals who won't succumb to the gray race that you are advocating. I am an enemy of the global monoculturalism that you are advocating. While you can try your hardest to destroy my people, you will never, ever win.

    Pic related. It's a woman of my ethnicity. She's exclusively the type of person I am interested in being with.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:04:40 No.376912221
    No, you imbecile, the only thing that will happen is a strong, confident culture will take over the weak, unsure culture.

    This is already happening in Europe; indigenous cultures are suppressed and so people are turning to Islam and Islamic culture as a replacement because it's largely condoned by the State.

    That is why individual European cultures should be preserved at all costs. There will never be a homogeneous Euro culture for our "grandchildren" to inherit but inhuman Sharia Law.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:05:18 No.376912356
    this add is sponsored by da grimm bros.:
    BLEIBEN , manere, remanere, relinqui, franz. rester, demeurer. goth. erscheint weder leiban laif, noch bileiban bilaif, nur das transitive bilaibjan relinquere. häufig aber ahd. pilîpan pileip (Graff 2, 47), mhd. belîben beleip (Ben. 1, 968) und einzelne nhd. schriftsteller des 16 jh., z. b. Murner setzen noch das volle beleiben, wofür bald verengtes bleiben einreiszt; ags. belîfan belâf, engl. erloschen; mnl. bliven blêf, nnl. blijven bleef. nicht altn.; Schweden und Dänen haben ihr blifva blef (gekürzt bli ble), blive blev von uns entnommen. Vor augen liegt die unmittelbare verwandtschaft zwischen leiban, lîpan und gr. λείπειν und sie stimmt bis in den ablaut λέλοιπα = laif (früher einmal lailaif), zwar hat λείπειν den transitiven sinn relinquere, doch das pass. und medium den von relinqui, bleiben, verbleiben oder auch schwinden, deficere. den wichtigen zusammenhang mit leib und leben verleugnet Benecke, und bringt diese 1, 954. 1002 an andere stelle. wie bauen ein wohnen und sein ausdrückt und zu beo, bin gehört, ist auch der leib die stätte und wohnung, der bau, das bleiben der seele und leben ist ein habitare, manere, wohnen, bleiben ein sein, wesen, esse, superesse, remanere. das setzen die folgenden bedeutungen noch heller ins licht.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:07:48 No.376912907

    lol unfortunately for me i don't speak german. i do understand a bit if it's spoken because of my love of german opera tho :P

    i'm actually thinking of moving to austria, of all places.
    >> u mad? chris 01/26/12(Thu)22:08:26 No.376913032
    are u mad?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:08:29 No.376913050
    hey op your shirt says ponies right?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:10:47 No.376913567
    What part of Germany?? I just left Stuttgart after being there for 15 years.

    American roody-poo here :D
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:11:04 No.376913628
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    hope you are a troll... even if thats the case.... not funny
    btw. still wonder how rasistic people can manage using a computer... this thing need to become less user-freindly again
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:11:53 No.376913830
    I'm not at all a troll. The very fact that you would call me a troll for fighting against the destruction of my people illustrates how horrifyingly perverse the world has become.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:12:43 No.376914028

    1. The idea of human rights was developed by many philosophers from many countries like: John Lock and Immanuel Kant and is basis of the German Grundgesetz as of the french constitution. You yourself gave an example for disproving your point. By sharing a common philosophical idea, europe created a "superior" common culture, they mixed.
    2. Same for division of powers, an idea by montesquieu (french), which is also in the Grundgesetz and basis of political science in germany.
    3. I am an atheist and I am fine with human rights. Also there a muslims who fight for those rights in this very moment.
    4. You are talking about a superior western culture, but this culture developed by the mixing of different cultures which were exactly as chauvinistic and backward as you say the muslimic countries are right now.
    5. South America has not heard much about Human Rights either. Though they are catholic, speak spanish (or portuguese) and most of the people there descended from europeans. So maybe inferiority and superiority hasnt to do so much with "culture" and "religion" afterall...
    6. Political systems and philosophy which is the basis of Human Rights and Demoncracy were not "christian" ideas. Infact they were developed to overcome christian tyranny and continued the philsophical culture of greek and roman philosophers, which were no christians...
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:14:37 No.376914450
    its was just an excerpt from an important ethymologic dictionary written by the brothers grimm (better known by theit fairy tales) which desribes how the word "bleiben" developed.... by the way it has nothing to do with the mtal "Blei"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:16:19 No.376914812

    They cannot be individuals, if they are busy with being swabian. They cannot be, what they want to be, if they first have to be, what you want them to be.
    They will leave you and they will hate you for forcing them into something they are not.

    Btw: You will never reproduce. I am grateful for that fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:17:20 No.376915046
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    Cry harder.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:17:25 No.376915066
    hey dude, im from northern germany. but a good friend of mine lives now near stuttgart (in esslingen - about 320 km away from me). been there the first time some weeks ago.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:19:49 No.376915588
    well ok then happy preservimg for swabian whatever culture i never heard of. have fun on incest island whatever....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:20:14 No.376915689

    Wrong again you cunt, Human Rights are a secularization of Judaeo-Christian values.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:20:44 No.376915799
    btw speaking english and reading english literature, living in an "english environment" has allready made you more american than you think.
    Its the small things, like being on /b/, trolling. Not very swabian of you. A real swabian would not even have a flatrate and go to /b/. Instead he would be very concerned about unncessarily spending money by discussing with me.
    Everyone knows real swabians are very ... "housewifely" about money.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:21:10 No.376915904
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    Fascinating, look at to what extents liberals will go to maintain their culture-destroying agenda! Now if I want to preserve my ethnicity it is "incest!"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:23:35 No.376916435
    I am completely Americanized, but the person i am is a Swabian. These are objective facts which I cannot alter. I can never get rid of the fact that I am a Satu Mare Swabian, and it will always be a part of my life that I have been Americanized the past 21 years.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:24:13 No.376916579

    what have cultural influences and mixing to do with "one gray monoculture". people do exist for about 2 million years, many cultures have developed and disappeared again. The mixing doesnt mean that they melt altogether but just develop in certain ways and don´t freeze at some point, there will always be deversity in cultures no matter which survive and which not
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:24:34 No.376916669
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    are you psychic?... exactly what i had in mind! thanks man... and now back to new random qustions :P
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:25:44 No.376916921

    Then you are - by reasons of culture - an American not a What The Fuck Swabian,
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:27:02 No.376917209
    No, actually, there will not. Most of the time it is cultures that are already extremely near to each other to meld together and produce inferior cultures, but now we are experiencing unprecedented immigration from everywhere, threatening the existence of all of our individual peoples. You are directly advocating a "one gray monoculture," actively opposing the preservation of distinct, diverse, superior independent cultures.

    And I am opposed to what is happening in America right now. I am very proud of the fact that I am a Satu Mare Swabian. If I could learn my language, I would.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:27:04 No.376917219
    homo sapiens is about 200000 years old idiot
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:30:59 No.376918051

    learn to read you fucking idiot, I never said something about homo sapiens. The first "homo" which does mean "human" is 2-4 million years old you uneducated neandertaler candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:36:36 No.376919369

    Please prove to me that it would be bad if all people on this planet would have a common basis of communication and what would be "grey" about being able to choose between a great variety of cultural elements as all cultures of this world would be your heritage.

    There are 2 logical possibilities: Melding is bad, then we have to "unmeld" and do our own business everyone, leading to war and crime.
    Melding is good, then we have to meld farther, establishing an era of peace and mutual understanding and great cultural variety.

    I prefer peace.

    Also: Your "Grey" argument is invalid. If we dont meld, we can only choose from a limited pool of cultural elements. If there is only one very distinct culture in one country, everyone will be looking the same, grey.
    If everyone is free to choose between all cultural elements of all world, as there is a great cultures that unites all former ones, I can see an unlimited colourful variety, every person would look differently, which will be very colourful.

    Anyway: You cannot stop the process of melding, you can only make the way a bit longer or a bit harsher for the righteous. But we will prevail.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:39:04 No.376919965
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    grey race coming in, 'sup dudes?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:40:00 No.376920214

    all it would take is one strong, supremacist culture to walk all over the "grey" cultures, forever eradicating them and replacing them with itself.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:41:57 No.376920640
    is this sato mare swabian still here? i would find it interesting how he would define his culture exactly. what IS it what has to be preserved? certain traditions or anything else???
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:42:24 No.376920750
    It would be bad because you are sacrificing and destroying every single unique culture and creating your precious New World Order that is a bland distillation of every single culture, leading to a single bastard language spoken by the now gray race of mankind. The humankind that I love and fight for is diverse, many people of a wide variety of different cultures, ethnicities, skin tones, and places of residence, all with their own longlasting traditions, languages, and histories.

    I will do every single thing possible to fight against your gray race. I will do every single thing possible to provide my children with a world in which they are not forced by you to sacrifice their beautiful pale skin for negroid flavor. At least I can ensure that in my own lifetime, for my own life, there are Germanic women still living and alive that I can be with and you know what? There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You can never, ever force me to reproduce with a black woman, no matter how hard you try: you will simply fail. And my children will be raised properly, just as I was, so they too won't betray their people and sacrifice their beautiful pale skin and blue eyes.

    The only people who advocate race mixing are those with inferior cultures. They are jealous and butthurt over the fact that they don't have anything to be proud of. Well you're horrifyingly selfish. Why don't you produce something grand yourself instead of ruining it for everyone else?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:44:18 No.376921185
         File1327635858.jpg-(69 KB, 454x298, Flucht in Untertassen.jpg)
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    heard that this grey race has some nice technical gimmicks. better leave them alone!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:47:17 No.376921925
    Upon coming to America, my Satu Mare Swabian ancestors were forced to change the pronunciation of our last name, we had ceased speaking Swabian German in Hungary, and we even lost the ability to speak Hungarian. I am a faceless person in a crowd due to the ignorance of my family so far, and I wish to say no, no I will not let my roots go away. I have since learned German, French, Latin, and ancient Greek, and if I COULD learn Swabian I would, but it simply isn't an option for me at the moment. Maybe someday I could go to Baden-Württemberg and learn that language too.

    Insofar as the other culture elements of Danube Swabians, they have developed a particular coat of arms, they practice the same religion which they always have, etc. If my family stayed there they probably would have been expelled and I would be living in Germany right now. If I did live in Germany I would probably be like you, brainwashed to loathe my ancestors and history and in love with the concept of having black babies.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:48:01 No.376922156
    i love it when people have such a bice paranoia. where did oyu learn that stuff? your parents? which books did you read? jus wondering what the sauces of your theories are....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:49:31 No.376922545
    Look at what you people are advocating right here! You yourself have told me that reproducing with a German woman is "incest." How are you not directly promoting miscegenation to me right now?

    If I openly say "I want to reproduce with a German woman," you IMMEDIATELY label me as a racist and go on about how "WE'RE ALL GOING TO REPRODUCE WITH NEGROES SOMEDAY, MIGHT AS WELL ACCEPT IT NOW."
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:55:09 No.376924010
    i know some swabians pretty well who live in baden-würtemberg and just let me say here the truth: they would be ashamed that you call yourself a swabian. people down there in south germany are open minded and would never think the way you do. btw speaking "swabian" is not an own language nowadays... its more like a strong accent. like people from the southern states in america use to speak different comppared to some northern... and you still havent expalined what is so special about you culture that you could name it directly??? what is it that would make you children strong??? i dont get it

    and for all those who wonder baden-würtemberg is one of our federal states in germany
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)22:55:57 No.376924226

    you want to reproduce with a german woman just to keep your culture "superior", implying other cultures being inferior.
    so why wouldn't that be racism?
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)22:59:21 No.376925081
    your lack of irony is refreshing dude... didnt want to hurt you with that incest thing... was just dark humour. now cheer up and face it: destroying a culture like the nazis or some other dictators tried by invading or killing millions people cuz of their roots or religion is a crime and a threat.... but there is no materplan that there are forces who want to destroy certain cultures
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)23:00:58 No.376925445
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)23:02:34 No.376925807
         File1327636954.jpg-(12 KB, 220x194, Maultaschensuppe.jpg)
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    btw... really tasty swabian food reporting in due this pic "maultaschen"... can be compared with ravioli
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)23:02:35 No.376925809
    NO. NO OTHER CULTURE IS INFERIOR. I STRONGLY advocate ALL cultures are superior, and that combining them produces inferior cultures. Do NOT extract supremacist elements that aren't there in my speech. I want to reproduce with a Germanic (English, French, German, Danish, etc) woman, because I am a Germanic male, and I do not want to see a world where my people become destroyed, as I am continually reminded every day, such as in this thread, is going to happen.

    I am a philosopher, I am interested in the objective truths of our reality, and therefore my mind could not be more open. I'm under the impression that Germany is currently brainwashing its citizens with "White Guilt" to despise themselves and love the concepts of multiculturalism and immigration. If that is the case, then even while those Swabian people are my kin, I am incredibly disappointed in them, yet that doesn't change the objective fact that it's what I am.

    I know that Swabian German is just a dialect of it, yes.

    The very thing that is special about my culture is that it is mine, just as everyone's culture is special because it's theirs. We should all be proud of our individual cultures and not seek to destroy them all in miscegenation and multiculturalism.
    >> dildo 01/26/12(Thu)23:02:46 No.376925856
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    do you know of the illuminati and the new world order? ... because us americans duh
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)23:04:14 No.376926191
    Listen OP: I am not at all a "White Supremacists." The Nazis were working off of false 19th century scientific information in that way, and I accept that it was wrong. What I do not accept is wrong is that the Nazis wished to protect the German people and see them flourish as a collective. I in no way want anyone to be killed, in fact I want everyone to prosper, preserving their diverse cultural practices, religions, and beliefs, by opposing miscegenation and multiculturalism.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)23:06:32 No.376926769
    >The very thing that is special about my culture is that it is mine, just as everyone's culture is special because it's theirs.

    define mine... mine implies that you have something... attitudes, skills... maybe dances, poems, a certain moral, a philsophy.... its just blah blah till now... i just hear conspiracy theories but no real FACTS. plus where did you learn that stuff???
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)23:08:27 No.376927227
    i'm a culture queen and that's all there is to it.

    I'M OUT
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)23:09:37 No.376927519
    How am I supposed to know? It's hard enough tracing my ancestry back 150 years to Hungary, to learn about the Satu Mare Swabians I am going to need to go there myself and research it all to truly embrace my roots. At the moment I'm just a poor young person and can't do all of this, but I will someday. I know that the Swabians have their own dialect, fashion sense, foods, etc.
    >> OP 01/26/12(Thu)23:10:22 No.376927678
         File1327637422.jpg-(591 KB, 800x600, ANTI_NEW_WORLD_ORDER_by_BrianC(...).jpg)
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    23, dude, 23....

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